1., - Springer978-1-4899-3668-4/1.pdfChiang, A.-S., 357 Chisholm, J.M., ... DeGrandi-Hoffman, G.,...

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Transcript of 1., - Springer978-1-4899-3668-4/1.pdfChiang, A.-S., 357 Chisholm, J.M., ... DeGrandi-Hoffman, G.,...


Abbott, A.G., 13, 386 Adams, M.E., 275 Adams, T.S., 277 Agui, N., 380 Akam, M., 370 Alexopoulou, M.G., 388 Ammerman, K.S., 279 Ancsin, J.B., 275 Andersons, D., 320 Ando, T., 339 Arpagaus, M., 276 Atkins, G., 366 Atkinson, A., 324 Atkinson, J.K., 276 Azuma, M., 384 Bakke, K.K., 277 Banks, G.K., 277 Barnard, E.A., 67 Bartfeld, N.S., 125, 278 Barth, J.L., 13, 386 Baustian, M., 346 Beadle, D., 324, 369 Bean, D., 363 Beaty, B.J., 377, 378 Beaudoin, E.L., 278, 341 Beckage, N.E., 279 Beeman, R.W., 21 Beenakkers, Ad M.Th., 374 Bender, M., 325 Bennich, H., 372 Berenbaum, M.R., 257 Berge, J.-B., 302 Beyenbach, K., 346 Bhaskaran, G., 279 Bindokas, V.P., 275 Bishop, D.H.L., 113 Blackburn, M., 332 Blomquist, G.J., 231, 280, 290, 305,

330, 341, 352, 378 Boekhoff, 1., 283 Bollenbacher, W.E., 338, 380 Bonet, R.G., 280 Bonning, B., 49, 310, 388 Booker, R., 340 Borgeson, C.E., 280 Borovsky, D., 281, 282 Borst, D.W., 281 Bradfield, J.Y., 282 Braun, R.P., 283

Breer, H., 31, 283, 284 Briggs, M., 293 Brill, J.H., 287 Brown, M.R., 181, 284, 294 Brown, S.J., 21 Brown, T.M., 285, 312, 356 Bryson, P.K., 285, 312 Buckingham, S.D., 359 Bukownik, R., 340 Burke, P., 285 Burrows, 347 Bushman, D.W., 285 Byrne, D.N., 286 Callaghan, A., 286 Calvo, J., 351 Capurro, M. De L., 287, 297, 387 Carlson, D.A., 281, 282 Carino, F.A., 263 Carlson, J.O., 337, 338 Carney, R.L., 199 Carrel, J.E., 287 Carson, D.D., 288 Carter, M.S., 313 Chaithong, U., 288 Chao, Y.C., 289 Charlton, C.A., 289 Chase, J., 290 Chelliah, J., 321 Chiang, A.-S., 357 Chisholm, J.M., 310 Cho, W.-L., 147, 290 Chow, E., 304 Chung, J.S., 291 Chyli, L.L., 291 Clark, W., 306 Clemens, D.L., 337 Cochrane, B.J., 291, 292 Cockburn, A.F., 292, 320 Cohen, A.C., 293, 308 Cohen, M.B., 257 Cole, K.D., 364 Collis, J.E., 336 Cook, P., 371 Coons, L.B., 318, 353 Corsaro, B., 306 Cox-Foster, D.L., 293 Crampton, J., 1, 280, 285, 294, 324,

332, 378, 379, 389 Crim, J.W., 284, 294



Cullen, S., 293 Daggett, AS., 263 Dahlman, D.L., 295 Dahm, K.H., 279 Dai, S.-M., 295 Davis, M.-T. B., 296 Davis, N.T., 296 De Belligny, P.C., 291 De Bianchi, A.G., 287, 297, 387 De Buron, 1., 279 De Loof, A., 173, 316 DeBolt, J.W., 297 DeGrandi-Hoffman, G., 314 DeGrugillier, M.E., 387 DeGrugillier, S.S., 312, 373 Delobel, B., 348 Denburg, J.L., 298 Denell, R.E., 21 Denlinger, D.L., 321 Denoroy, L., 313 Dhadialla, T.S., 147, 298, 327, 349 Dickens, J.C., 368 Dillard, C., 301 Dimarcq, J.-L., 299 Dittrich, F., 322 Doane, W.W., 342, 371 Dolle, F., 323 Dolphin, A.C., 275 Dompenciel-Rivera, R.E., 299 Dougherty, E.M., 305 Downe, A.E.R., 382 Dunkov, B.C., 350 Dunn, P.E., 308, 339, 354 Earley, F., 324 Eckart, K., 385 Eggleston, P., 1, 300, 389 Eguchi, M., 384 Eishen, F.A., 336 Eldefrawi, A., 340 Eldefrawi, M., 340 Eppard, R., 330 Essenberg, R.C., 356 Fabrias, G., 300 Farkas, R., 321 Faulkner, P., 301 Faye, 1., 367 ffrench-Constant, R.H., 41, 391 Ferenz, H.-J., 131, 393 Perkovich, S.M., 301, 306 Feyereisen, R., 263 Fischer, B., 155 Fischer-Lougheed, J., 302 Fleming, J.-A.G.W., 99, 394 Flexner, J.L., 297 Ford, M., 311 Fournier, D., 302 Frolich, D.R., 303 Fukuta, M., 83 Giide, G., 303, 383 Gadot, M., 357 Gale, K., 294, 378

Gallo, L.G., 306 Gautreau, D., 388 Georgieva, T.G., 350 Gill, S.S., 295, 304 Gilliam, M., 319 Golden, K., 293 Goldsmith, M.R., 388 Goltzene, F., 299 Gomez, S.P., 344 Goodman, C.S., 304 Goodnow, R., 340 Granados, R.R., 306 Gray, R.S., 338 Greany, P., 306 Green, B., 315 Greenstone, M.H., 367 Gross, 0., 307 Grossman, G.L., 307 Guarino, L.A., 288 Guillaud, J., 348 Gunne, H., 320 Guo, L., 305 Guzo, D., 305 Hagedorn, H.H., 351 Hagler, J.R., 308 Hall, L.M.C., 57 Hallberg, C.A., 308 Hammock, B., 49, 309, 310, 388 Handler, A.M., 344 Handley, M.A., 276, 330 Hanneman, E.H., 308 Hanzlik, T., 49, 309, 310, 388 Happ, G.M., 360, 380 Harris, M.P.G., 113 Harshman, L., 49, 309, 310, 388 Harwood, S.H., 279 Hashimoto, Y., 306 Haunerland, N.H., 310 Hayashi, S., 361 Hayes, T.K., 291, 303, 311, 346 Hays, A.R., 147, 311 Heckel, D.G., 13, 312, 386 Heilmann, L.J., 312, 373 Hekimi, S., 189, 390 Hellers, M., 320 Hetru, C., 323 Hietter, H., 313 Hildebrand, J.G., 308 Hirst, M., 113 Hiruma, K., 313 Hodsden, S., 371 Hoelzer, G.A., 314 Hoffmann, J.A., 299, 313, 323, 329 Hoffmann, G.D., 314 Hoggard, N., 314 Hogness, D.S., 325 Holman, G., 346 Holtsberg, F., 291 Hooper, I.E., 361 Horodyski, F.M., 223, 315 Howells, A.J., 315

Hui, C., 83 Hultmark, D., 316 Hunnicutt, D., 281 Huybrechts, R., 316 Ikawa, Y., 325 lmberski, R.B., 360 Imperial, J.S., 275 lndrasith, L.S., 317 Inoue, H., 325 Inoue, T., 339 Ishikawa, H., 317 Izumi, S., 340, 354, 362 James, A.A., 307, 333 Jan, J., 318 Jang, C.Y., 289 Jaques, R., 301 Jaworski, D.C., 318 Jefferies, L.S., 319 Jenkins, A.C., 294 Jensen, T.L., 336 Jiminez, D.R., 319 Johansson, H., 320 Johnson, D.W., 320 Jones, D., 321 Jones, G., 321 Joplin, K.H., 321 Joshi, S., 365 Jurenka, R.A., 322 Kaatz, H., 322 Kaaya, G.P., 323 Kallimopoulos, T., 340 Kanost, M.R., 139, 308 Kappler, C., 323 Katahira, E.J., 338 Kataoka, H., 199, 339 Katoh, 1., 325 Kawooya, J., 358, 373, 381 Keeley, L.L., 282, 311 Kellermeyer, T.S., 280 Kelly, T.J, 360 Kidwell, M., 314 Kikuchi, Y., 333 Killilea, S.K., 375 Kimbrell, D., 316 Kindle, H., 317 King, L., 324 Kitamura, A., 339 Klimenko, V.V., 361 Knapp, T., 293, 324 Knipper, M., 284 Knipple, D.C., 346, 368 Kobayashi, J., 325, 362 Koelle, M., 325 Koener, J.F., 263 Koeppe, J.K., 351 Kogan, P.H., 326 Koller, C.N., 147, 327 Komarov, S.A., 327 Konno, K., 340 Kramer, S.J., 199 Krieger, J., 284

Krishnan, M., 328 Kullyev, P.K., 377 Kumaran, A.K., 312, 373 Kunkel, J.G., 299 Kurtti, T.J., 280 Kuzio, J., 301 Kylsten, P., 316 Ladonni, H., 328 Lagueux, M., 329 Lambert, J., 299 Lanot, R., 329 Lanzrein, B., 317 Latli, B., 330 Law, J.H., 125, 278, 306, 334, 358,

373,375,385 Lawrie, A., 324 Lea,A.O., 181,284,294,349 Leach, E., 301 Leclerc, R.F., 335, 336 Lehman, H.K., 296, 308 Leonard, D.E., 299 Leopold, R.A., 365, 375 Lerro, K.A., 331 Li, J.P., 199 Li, Y., 331 Lilleberg, S.L., 375 Lindstrom, 1., 367 Liu, X., 278 Lummis, S.C.R., 359 Lunt, G.G., 348 Luu, B., 313, 323 Lwoff, L., 329 Lycett, G., 1, 332 Ma, M., 332 Macintosh, S.C., 366 Macintyre, R.J., 41, 351 Maeda, S., 49, 309 Maekawa, H., 333, 362 Malcom, C.A., 57 Malone, C.C., 362, 363 Manczak, M., 321 Mann, S., 324 Marinotti, 0., 333 Marlyev, K.A., 377 Marrone, P.G., 366 Marsella-Herrick, P., 346 Marshall, J., 67 Martel, R.R., 334 Martens, J.W.M., 377, 392 Martinez, T., 300 Martinez-Arias, A., 370 Mathavan, S., 328, 376 Matsumoto, S., 339 Matsuno, K., 83 Matsuzaki, K., 334 Mayer, M.S., 368 McCormick, J.P., 287 McCready, S., 371 McPheron, B.A., 335 McSwain, J.L., 356 Meister, M., 329



Merryweather, A.T., 113 Mikhailov, V.S., 377 Miller, L.K., 390 Miller, S.G., 335, 336 Miller, W.B., 286 Milne Jr., C.P., 336 Miyajima, N., 333 Mohamed, M.A., 337 Monroe, T.J., 337, 338 Moore, D., 321 Mori, S., 340 Morris, A., 1, 389 Morrissey, J.J., 292 Morton, D.B., 223 Morton, R., 291 Muehleisen, D.P., 338 Mulnix, A.B., 339 Mulshaw, S., 324 Munderloh, U.G., 280 Murphy, C., 363 Mustiga, M. del D., 287 Nachman, R., 346 Nagasawa, H., 339 Nagata, M., 3620 Nagata, T., 83, 362 Nagy, L.M., 340 Nakanishi, K., 340 Nakato, H., 340 Narang, S., 374 Nardon, C., 348 Neary, T.J., 295 Needham, G.R., 318 Nelson, D.R., 341 Nelson, J.O., 285 Nesbit, D.J., 279 Ninaki, 0., 333 Norbeck, B.A., 298 Nordin, J.H., 278, 341 Norman, R.A., 342 Noyes, B.E., 357 O'Brien, M.A., 213, 343 O'Brochta, D.A., 344 O'Hara, 1., 334 O'Reilly, D.R., 107, 390 O'Shea, M., 189, 302, 390 Oberlander, H., 301, 343 Obosi, L., 324 Ohta, K., 333 Okano, K., 333 Olivera, B.M., 275 Osir, E.O., 344 Paesen, G., 360 Palli, S.R., 77, 344 Pan, M.L., 345 Pannabecker, T., 346 Pardini, R.S., 347 Pastore, J., 347 Patterson, B.R., 355 Patterson, R.S., 374 Payne, L., 346 Petkov, P.M., 350

PflUger, H.-J., 347 Pitifer, L., 346 Philpott, M., 49, 388 Philips, J., 292 Pocock, J.M., 275 Possee, R.D., 49, 113, 310, 388 Prestwich, G.D., 276, 281, 330, 331,

337, 368, 369 Pritsos, C.A., 347 Pursey, J., 291 Pytel, M.M., 279 Qazi, S., 348 Qurehis, A.E., 356 Rahbe, A.Y., 348 Raikhel, A.S., 147,290,298,311,327,

349 Raina, A., 332 Ralchev, T.K.H., 350 Raming, K., 283 Rani, U .A., 350 Rankin, M.A., 369 Rankin, S.M., 282, 369 Rayces, P., 358 Rayne, R.C., 351 Rees, H.H., 314 Reichhart, J.-M., 299 Reiss, R.A., 351 Reitz, R.C., 352 Riddiford, L.M., 77, 223, 313, 314,

340, 344 Roberts, P.E., 319, 331 Roehrdanz, R.L., 352 Roelofs, W.L., 322, 368, 383 Roelvink, P.W., 377, 392 Romans, P., 353 Rosell, R., 318, 353 Rousch, R.T., 41, 391 Russell, V.W., 354 Sakurai, H., 340, 354 Samakovlis, C., 316 Sanders, S.J., 355 Sass, M., 355 Sattelle, D.B., 67, 359 Satyanarayana, K., 279 Saucier, K.C., 356 Sauer, J.R., 356 Schaffer, M.H., 357 Schal, C., 231, 290, 357 Scheller, K., 155 Schenkel, H., 155 Schleifer, K.W., 279 Schmidt, J.O., 358 Schneider, L.E., 213, 343, 358 Schoofs, L., 173 Schooley, D.A., 199 Schooneve1d, H., 359 Schouten, A., 377, 392 Schroeder, M.E., 359 Schuette, J.L., 380 Schuler, M.A., 257 Schulz, M.-F., 189, 390

Schwartz, M.B., 360 Scott, J.G., 381 Scott, M.P., 361 Scott, R.H., 275 Sellam, M.O., 329 Seo, S.-J., 335 Shaaya, E., 363 Shchegelskaya, E.A., 361 Shemshedini, L., 362 Shi, L., 304 Shimada, T., 362 Shirk, P.D., 362, 363 Silhacek, D.L., 343, 363 Sims, S.R., 366 Smid, H.M .. 359 Smith, A.F., 364 Soderlund, D.M., 346 Spangler, H.G., 364 Sparks, R.B., 375 Spivak, M., 314 Stay, B., 365 Steiner, H., 320 Stiles, B., 365 Stone, T.B., 366 Stout, J., 366 Strey, A., 311 Strotmann, J., 283 Stuart, J.J., 21 Summers, M.D., 99, 288, 379 Sun, D., 346 Sun, S.-C., 367 Sun, W.-C., 368 Suzuki, A., 339 Suzuki, T., 83 Suzuki, Y., 83 Swevers, L., 173 Szekacs, A., 388 Tagert, P.H., 213, 343, 358 Takada, N., 333 Takeda, S., 384 Takiya, S., 83, 333 Tal, J., 307 Talbot, W., 325 Tang, J.D., 368 Tareilus, E., 284 Tasayco, M.L., 369 Taub, T.E., 369 Taylor, A., 369 Taylor, T., 321 Teal, P.E.A., 243, 370 Tear, G., 370 Telfer, W.H., 345, 383 Theunis, W., 316 Thiebold, J., 329 Thoenes, S.C., 358 Thompson, D.B., 371 Tijssen, P., 307 Tischler, M.E., 371 Tittiger, C., 382 Tomino, S., 340, 354 Toniolo, S., 374

Toong, Y.C., 281 Toschi, A., 199 Toutant, J.-P., 276 Towell, S.C., 276 Townson, H., 280, 285, 288, 328 Trenczek, T., 372 Trewitt, P.M., 312, 373 Trotschler, R., 199 Truman, J.W., 223, 315 Tsuchida, K., 355, 373 Tucker, J.S., 356 Tumlinson, J.H., 243, 370 Ueno, K., 83 Ujary, 1., 281 Unni, B.G., 279 Usherwood, P., 340 Van Antwerpen, R., 374 Vanden Broeck, J., 173 VanDer Horst, D.J., 374 Van Dorsselaer, A., 313 Van Heusden, M.C., 375 VanderMeer, R.K., 374 Vaske, D., 375 Vaz, A.H., 352 Veenstra, J.A., 376 Velpandi, A., 376 Venema, V.J., 275 Vlak, J.M., 377, 392 Volkman, L.E., 289 Voronova, S.N., 377 Vundla, M., 378 Walikonis, R., 366 Walker, V.K., 382 Wang, X.-Y., 382 Warren, A., 1, 378,379 Webb, B.A., 379 Weinberg, D., 307 Wells, M.A., 303, 355, 364, 373, 382 Westbrook, A.L., 380 Weyda, F., 380 Weyer, U., 107 Wheeler, D., 381 Wheelock, G.D., 381 Whyard, S., 382 Wicker, C., 299 Willis, J.H., 91 Willott, E., 382 Wilson, T.G., 362 Winslow, G.M., 361 Wolf, W.A., 383 Wong, F., 346 Wood, H.A., 289 Woodhead, A.P., 365 Woodring, J., 383 Woodruff, R.I., 383 Wozniak, M., 321 Wroblewski, V., 49, 310, 388 Wu, M., 371 Wyatt, G.R., 163, 275, 283, 384 Wynne, H.J., 374 Yamamoto, H., 384



Yamauchi, H., 333, Yoshinaka, Y., 325 Yu, C.-Q., 332 Zhang, D., 295 Zhang, J.-Z., 384

Ziegler, R., 385 Zimowska, G., 363 Zraket, C.A., 13, 386 Zuidema, D., 392


Accessory sex glands, 360 Acetylcholine

cholinergenic synapses, 31 release, 34

Acetylcholinesterase, 276, 285 cholinergenic synapses, 31,32 deduced protein sequence, 62 protein conftnnation, 276

Acetylcholinesterase gene, 57ff Acetylcholinesterase mutant, 302 Acheta domestica

adipokinetic hormone, 383 juvenile hormone, 366 phonotactic response, 366

Acid phosphatase, 355 Actias luna

protein clearing from hemolymph, 345 Actin microftlaments

nuclear polyhedrosis virus, 289 Aeyrthosiphon psium

characterization of, 317 symbionin, 317

Adipokinetic hormone, 189ff, 302, 357, 383, 385

biosynthetic pathway, 193 nucleotide sequence, 194 physiology, 191 site of synthesis, 190

Aedes aegypti Aedes head peptide-!, 183 alpha-glucosidase, 333 arachiconic acid metabolism, 378 attacin, 324 cathepsin d, 290 cecropin, 324 diptericin, 324 diuretic peptides, 184 extrachosomal DNA, 7 female-speciftc protein, 311 genome characterization, lff, 2, 3

copy number, 8 genome size, 2 repetitive DNA, 2,3

genome organization and complexity, 378

Aedes aegypti (continued) germ line transformation, 3, 6

micro injection of embryos, 3 transformation of cells, 6

homeo box genes, 300 immune protein, 324 immune responses of, 288 in the salivary glands, 307 juvenile hormone, 281 leucokinin-8, 346 oostatic hormone, 184, 282 P450,280 periodicity genes, 293 polyamine synthesis, 326 reverse transcriptase, 8 ribosomal DNA, 6 ribosomal genes, 294 ribosomal RNA, 349 secretion by malpighian tubules, 346 steroidogenic peptides, 184 transfection, 332 transformation, 338 transposable elements, 6, 379 vertebrate-like peptides, 284 vitellogenesis, 147ff vitellogenin

endocytosis, 327 precursor, 349 processing of, 298

Aedes albopictus restriction fragment length polymor­

phisms, 338 transformation, 337

Aedes head peptide, 183 Agelenopsis aptera

(1)-agatoxins, 275 Alaserpins

in hemolymph, 142 serine protease inhibitors, 139

Alkaline phosphatase isozymes, 384 Allatinhibin, 279 Allatostatin, 365 Allatotropin

neuropeptides, 205,209 Alpha-amylase, 371


Alpha-amylase (continued) gene,342

Alpha-glucosidase, 333 Amphipathic peptide, 303 Anastrepha suspensa

P element transposase, 344 Anopheles gambiae

transposable elements, 351 vitellogenin genes, 353

Anopheles quadrimaculatus transposable elements, 292

Anopheles quadrimaculatus complex DNA probes for indentification, 320

Anopheles stephensi acetylcholinesterase gene, 57ff pyrethroid resestance, 328

Antennal enzymes, 369 Antennapedia complex, 23 Anthonomus grandis, 312,352,369

mitochondrial DNA , 352 testis-specific protamine-like protein,

373 vitellogenin, 312, 369

Anti-venom gland antibodies, 379 Antibacterial peptides, 299 Apis mellifera

genetic variability, 314 hemolymph protein, 358 peroxisomes, 319 sperm-mediated DNA transfer, 336 vitellogenin, 381

synthesis, 322 wing vibrations, 364

Apoliphorin-III gene, 364 Arachiconic acid metabolism, 378 Argyrotaenia velutinana

PBAN, 322 Arylphorin, 155ff, 362, 382

biosynthesis of, 157 dot blot, 367 genes, 156 hormonal control of, 155 immunological crossreactivity, 362 roles as storage proteins, 159 synthesis, 159

Attacin, 324, 367 Autographa californica, 288, 289, 301, 324

aberrant transcription in, 305 ecdysteroid-specific glucosyl trans-

ferase, 108, 110 DNA sequence of, 108 effects on molting, 110 substrate specificity, 109,110

glucosyl transferase, 292

Bacillus sphaericus resistance, 295, 366

Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis mechanism of cell lysis, 304 resistance to toxin, 295


Baculovirus, 113ff, 52 ~-endotoxin, 118,120 field studies, 115ff genetic recombination between, 114 risk assessment, 114 structure, 113 vector system, 325 vectors, 377

Bemisia tabaci trehalulose in, 286

Blaberus discoidalis hypertrehalosemic hormone, 311

Blattella germanica cuticlar proteins, 365 juvenile hormone, 357 sex pheromone, 234ff, 290 vitellin processing, 278 yolk granules, 341

Bombyxmori alkaline phosphatase isozymes, 384 baculovirus vector system, 325 chorion mutation, 303 cuticular proteins, 340 DNA polymerase, 377 fibroin

and sericin promoters, 333 gene,84

juvenile hormone esterase, 309 PBAN sequence, 339 prourokinase, 316 sericin-2 gene, 84 silk gene, 85

cell-free transcription of, 84 expression of, 83 homeo box proteins and genes, 86

somatic myogenesis, 327 storage protein, 328 storage protein genes, 354 testicular sheath, 361 tRNA gene, 334 yolk proteins, 299

Brugia pahangi, 288 Busseola

diapause protein, 344

Calcium channels, 275 Calliphora vicina

arylphorin, 155ff Campoletis sonorensis

anti-venom gland antibodies, 379 polydnavirus, 99

integration of, 103 physical map, 102, 103

Cantharidin famesyl incorporation, 287

Caste differentiation, 337 Cathepsin d, 290 Chelonus, 321 Chiral specific antiserum, 281

Choline acelyltransferase cholinergenic synapses, 32

Cholinergenic synapses, 3lff, 284 role of cAMP, 33

Chorion mutation, 303 Chymomyza proncemis

P element transposase, 344 Cortesia congregata, 308 Cortical granules, 282 Culex pipiens

esterase electromorphs, 286 Culex quinquefasciatus, 295 Culex tarsa/is

malathion-degrading enzyme, 382 Cuticular proteins, 340, 365 Cuticular hydrocarbon, 305 Cyclodiene resistance

chromosomal localization, 44 Cytochrome P450, 381

biochemistry , 264 eDNA, 291 heme binding domain, 266 insect-host interactions, 268 substrate binding site, 267 and xanthotoxin metabolism, 258 xanthotoxin-induced P450, 259

n-terminal peptide sequence, 260

Densoviruses, 307 Dermacentor variabilis

vitellogenesis, 353 Diapause protein, 344 Diaphorases, 350 Diatraea grandosel/a

methyl-branched alcohols, 341 Digestive physiology, 308 Diploptera punctata, 365

allatostatin, 365 Diptericin, 299, 324 Diuresis, 184,203,208, 285, 291

neuropeptides, 184,208 Diuretic peptides, 184 DNA polymerase, 377 Dopa decarboxylase, 313 Drosophila melanogaster

acetylcholinesterase, 276 mutant, 302

alpha-amylase, 371 cell adhesion and cell recognition, 304 cholinergenic synapses, 31 ff cytochrome P450 eDNA, 291 ecdysone receptor, 325 ecdysteroid, 360 FMRFamide,343

gene, 213ff, 358 glutathione s-transferase, 292 immune response genes, 316 insecticide resistance , 41 ff juvenile hormone receptor, 362

Drosophila melanogaster (continued) mass-injection of embryos, 292 P element, 338

transposase, 344 pattern formation, 361 regulatory genes, 360 sexual differentiation, 360 voltage-sensitive sodium channel genes,

346 Drosophila miranda

alpha-amylase gene, 342 Drosophila virilis

diaphorases, 350

Ecdysone effects on synthesis of arylphorin, 159

Ecdysone receptor, 325 Ecdysteroid, 314, 360 Eclosion hormone, 181,203,207, 23ff, 315

CNS sensitivity, 227 effects on protein phosphorylation, 226 neuropeptides, 181 ,203,207 neurosecretory , 225

pathway, 225 sequence,223

Egg specific protein, 373 Embryogenesis, 306 Embryonic development, 370 Epithelial morphogenesis

immunological marker for, 298 Esterase electromorphs, 286 Extrachosomal DNA, 7 Eye color genes, 315

Female-specific protein, 311 Fibroin gene, 84 5-kDa peptides, 313 FMRFamide, 213ff, 343,358

gene evolution, 217 gene organization, 215 gene transcripts, 216 neuropeptides, 213ff precursor, 213 promoter of, 216

FMRFarnide-related peptides, 294

Galleria mel/onella cecropin-like activity, 318 densoviruses, 307 storage protein, 363

Gene expression Hz-1 baculovirus, 289

Gene organization acetylcholinesterase, 61

Gene regulation juvenile hormone esterase, 51 nuclear polyhedrosis virus, 288

Genetic engineering baculovirus, 114,118,119

Genetic linkage map, 14


Genome characterization, lff, 2, 3 copy number, 8 genome size, 2, 21

Genome organization and complexity, 378 Geocoris punctipes

digestive physiology, 308 Germ line transformation, 3, 6 Glossina morsitans

humoral immunity, 323 rickettsia-like microorganisms, 285

Glucose dehydrogenase, 293 Glucosyl transferase, 107,109 Glutathione s-transferase, 292 GroEL protein, 336

Heat shock proteins, 321 Heliocoverpa assulta

testicular virus, 297 Heliothis

antennal enzymes, 369 sex pheromone, 243ff, 370

Heliothis subflexa testicular virus, 297

Heliothis virescens acetylcholinesterase, 312 anti-venom gland antibodies, 379 diuresis , 291 genetic linkage map, 14 groEL protein, 336 juvenile hormone esterase, 49,295, 309,

310 permethrin resistance, 356 pheromone, 330 restriction fragment length polymor­

phisms, 13 testes, 335 testicular virus, 297

Heliothis zea arylphorin dot blot, 367 diuresis, 285 FMRFamide-related peptides, 294 pheromones, 368

Hemolymph proteins, 16Sff, 275, 358, 384 Romeo box genes, 300 Hyalophora cecropia

attacins, 367 immune competent hemocytes, 372 oocyte development, 383 protein clearing from hemolymph, 345

Hypertrehalosemic hormone, 311

Immune proteins, 324 Insect defensins

cytochrome P450, 299 Insecticide resistance , 41 ff Insulin related peptide, 329 Interneuron

locust, 347 Ixodid tick

90 kDa polypeptide, 318


Ixodid tick (continued) salivary gland, 356

Juvenile hormone,77ff, 281, 357,366 binding proteins, 331, 319 chiral specific antiserum, 281 effects on mRNA, 92,93 effects on sex pheromone biosynthesis,

251 effects on synthesis of arylphorin, 159 esterase, 49, 295, 309, 310

baculovirus expression, 52 biological effects of , 49 eDNA sequence, SO mRNA levels, 51

receptors, 276,344,362 effects on chomatin, 95 effects on cuticular protein genes, 93 and larval cuticle genes, 79 and retinoic acid receptors, 79 sequence of, 276 and the vitellogenin gene, 169

regulation of, 78 status quo action, 91,92,93,94

Laccotrephes griseus effect of Bacillus sphaericus, 376

Larval fat body, 362 Leiophron uniformis, 297 Leptinotarsa decimlineata

monoclonal antibodies, 359 Leucokinin-8, 346 Leucophaea maderae

vitellogenin, 351 Linoleic acid, 280 Lipid

metabolism, 310 regulation, 355 transfer particle, 375

Lipophorin,287,373,374 hemolymph proteins, 166

Lipoprotein, 297 Locust, 347 Locusta migratoria

adipokinetic hormone, 189ff effects of ecdysone on meiotic reinitia-

tion,329 5-kDa peptides, 313 hemolymph protein, 165ff, 275, 384 insulin related peptide, 329 lipophorin,374 neuropeptides, 17 5 non-ecdysteroid steroids, 173ff 7 -dehydrocholesterol, 323 vitellogenesis, 131 ff, 163ff vitellogenin gene, 167

expression, 283 Lucilia cuprina

eye color genes, 315

Lygus lineolaris resistance to infection by Leiophron

unifonnis, 297 Lymantria dispar

vasopressin-like peptides, 296 Lymnea stagnalis

neuropeptides, 316 Lysosomes, 152, 339

malathion-degrading enzyme, 382

Mamestra brassicae, 324 acid phosphatase, 355

Manduca sexta adipokinetic hormone, 385 alaserpin, 139

in hemolymph, 142, 147 allatinhibin, 279 amphipathic peptide, 303 apoliphorin-Ill gene, 364 arylphorin, 382 dopa decarboxylase, 313 eclosion hormone, 23ff, 315 effects of Cotesia congretata, 279 effects of parasitism, 308 egg specific protein, 373 glucose dehydrogenase, 293 juvenile hormone

binding protein, 331 receptor, 276, 344

lipid regulation, 355 lipid transfer particle, 375 lipophorin,373 lysozyme, 339 methyl-branched alcohols, 341 midgut bactericidal factors, 354 molecular role of juvenile hormone, 77ff muscle protein metabolism, 371 neurohemal organ formation, 380 neurohormones, 199ff postembryonic neurogenesis, 296 protease inhibitor during neural develop-

ment, 308 prothoracicotropic hormone, 338 segmentation, 340 sex pheromone, 231ff transferrin, 125,278 vasopressin-like peptides, 296 yellow-colored protein, 334

Melanoplus bivittatus juvenile hormone binding proteins, 319 mRNA,331

Methyl-branched alcohols, 341 Micro injection of embryos, 3 Microplitis croceipes

embryogenesis, 306 juvenile hormone esterase, 295

Mitochondrial DNA , 352 Monoclonal antibodies, 322-359

adipokinetic hormone, 332

Mosquito oogenesis gene expression, 277

Musca domestica cytochrome P450, 381 lipophorin,287 lipoprotein, 297 ornithine decarboxylase, 375 pheromone, 330 sex pheromone, 352 vitellogenin, 277

Muscarinic receptors, 348 cholinergenic synapses, 36

Muscle protein, 371

Nauphoeta cinerea vitellogenin, 317

Neurohormones, 199ff bioassy, 201 isolation, 200

Neuropeptides, 175-181ff, 303, 316 Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, 67

amino acid sequence, 70 (chicken) expression in, 324 pharmacology, 71 topology, 70

Nicotinic receptors cholinergenic synapses, 36 90 kDa polypeptide, 318

Novobiocin, 95 Nuclear polyhedrosis virus, 107, 288, 289,

301 Nuclear receptors

juvenile hormone, 78

Olfactory signal transduction, 283 Oncopeltus fasciatus

juvenile hormone receptor effects of novobiocin on, 95

Oocyte development, 383 Oocyte receptor

vitellogenin, 133 properties of, 135 solubilization of, 134

Oostatic hormone, 184, 282 neuropeptides, 184

Omega agatoxins sequence, 275 effects on calcium channels, 275

Ornithine decarboxylase, 375 Ovarian development, 363

P element, 338 transposase, 344

P450,280 P450 reductase

cytochrome P450, 267 Papilio polyxenes

cytochrome P450, 257ff superoxide dismutase, 347


Parasitic wasps effect on host gene expression, 321

Pattern formation, 361 PBAN

monoclonal antibodies, 322 PBAN

sequence, 339 site of action, 245 supression of synthesis, 249 transmission to target, 247

Penaeus vannamei cortical granules, 282

Periodicity genes, 293 Periplaneta americana

linoleic acid, 280 neuropeptide, 303 peptide hormone half life, 376 pheromone detecting sensillae, 350

Peroxisomes, 319 Pheromones, 330, 368 P hilanthus triangulum, 340

toxin(PhTx-433), 340 Phonotactic response, 366 Phormia terranovae

anitbacterial peptides, 299 Physical map, chromosomal, 102,103 Plodia interpunctella

larval fat body, 362 ovarian development, 363 wing disc development, 343

Polyamine synthesis, 326 Polydnavirus, 99, 102, 103

DNA, 100 episomal, 100 integration of, 103 physical map, 102,103

Protein kinase C juvenile hormone, 96

Proteinases reduviid, 293

Prothoraxless mutant, 24 Prourokinase, 316 Pyrethroid resistance, 328

Receptor modulators cholinergenic synapses, 36

Receptor subtypes nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, 72

Regulatory genes, 360 Restriction fragment length polymorphisms,

13,338 Reticulitermes jlavipes

caste differentiation, 337 Retinoic acid, 79 Reverse transcriptase, 8 Rhynchophorus palmarum

tyrosine-rich storage proteins, 348 Ribosomal DNA, 6


Ribosomal genes, 294 Ribosomal RNA, 349

and insect phylogenetics, 335 Rickettsia-like microorganisms, 285

Salivary gland, 356 Sarcophaga crassipalpis

heat shock proteins, 321 Schistocerca gregaria

adipokinetic hormone, 302 embryonic development, 370 lipid metabolism, 310 muscarinic receptors, 348 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, 67

Schistocerca nitans adipokinetic hormone, 357

Segmentation, 340 Sericin-2 gene, 84 Serine protease inhibitors

in hemolymph, 142,143 7 -dehydrocholesterol, 323 Sex pheromone, 23lff, 234ff, 243ff, 290,

352,368,370 biosynthesis, 234,237, 290, 251, 300 composition, 232,234 hormonal control, 232,235,244 role of juvenile hormone, 290 site of action, 245

Sexual differentiation, 360 Sitophi/us oryzae

tyrosine-rich storage proteins, 348 Solenopsis invicta

biochemical characterization of popula­tions, 374

Solenopsis richteri biochemical characterization of popula-

tions, 374 Somatic myogenesis, 327 Spermatophore, 380 Spodoptera eridania

cuticular hydrocarbon, 305 superoxide dismutase, 347

Spodoptera frugiperda extracellular viral synthesis in, 324 nuclear polyhedrosis virus, 107, 288,

289 Spodoptera littoralis

ecdysteroid, 314 sex pheromone biosynthesis, 300

Steroidogenic neuropeptides, 184 peptides, 184

Storage protein, 328, 363 hemolymph proteins, 166

Storage protein genes, 354 Superoxide dismutase, 347 Supression factor

PBAN, 249,252

Tenebrio molitor accessory sex glands, 360 juvenile hormone receptor

effects of novobiocin on, 95 spermatophore, 380

Testes, 335 Testicular sheath, 361 Testicular virus, 297 Testis-specific protamine-like protein, 373 Toxin(PhTx-433), 340 Trans-acting factors, 85 Transfection of, 332 Transferrin, 125, 278

deduced amino acid sequence, 129 n-tenninal sequence, 127 site of synthesis, 128

Transformation, 337, 338 Transformation of cells, 6, 292, 351, 379 Tribolium castaneum

abdominal mutant, 25 antennapedia complex, 23 engrailed mutant, 22 genome size, 21 interspersion pattern, 21 mutageneisscreen,24 prothoraxless mutant, 24

Trichoplusia ni !1-11 desaturase, 383 immune response, 320 metamorphosis-associated protein, 321 methyl-branched alcohols, 341 nuclear polyhedrosis virus, 301 peritrophic membrane, 306 sex pheromone, 368 superoxide dismutase, 347 vesicle promoting factor, 301

tRNA gene, 334

Tyrosine-rich storage proteins, 348

Vasopressin-like peptides, 296 Vesamicol, 359 Vesicle promoting factor, 301 Viral insecticides, 113ff

field studies, 115ff risk assessment, 114

Vitellin processing, 278 Vitellogenesis, 131ff, 147ff, 353, 163ff Vitellogenin, 277,298,312,317,351,369,

381 endocytosis, 327 gene, 167,168,169,353 gene expression, 283 hemolymph proteins, 166 hormonal control, 277 post-translatinal modifications of, 148 precursorto, 147,349 proliferation of ribosomes, 150 role of lysosomes, 152 synthesis, 322 effects on calcium channels, 275

sequence, 275 synthesis in fat body, 150 uptake by oocyte, 132,152 processing of, 298

Xanthotoxin metabolism cytochrome P450, 258

Xanthotoxin-induced P450, 259 n-terminal peptide sequence, 260

Yellow-colored protein, 334 Yolk granules, 341 Yolk proteins, 299