1. Name four catholic countries pre 1520. 2. Give two reasons why King Henry II invaded Ireland in...

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Transcript of 1. Name four catholic countries pre 1520. 2. Give two reasons why King Henry II invaded Ireland in...

1. Name four catholic countries pre 1520

2. Give two reasons why King Henry II invaded Ireland in 1171

Q.3 This event is seen by Irish nationalists as the beginning of 800 years of English oppression. What is it?

Q4. Henry VIII converted from to

. Why?

Q.5 Why did Henry V111 decide to conquer Ireland?

Q6. When did Elizabeth 1st become queen. Was she a protestant or a catholic?

Q7.How did the Elizabethan Adventurers see the Irish?

Q8. What were the causes of the Elizabethan campaigns in Ireland.

Q9. Hugh O’ Neil allied with English early on in the nine years of war. Why did he change sides? With whom do he team up with to take on the English?

Q.10 What were two consequences for the Irish at the end of the Elizabethan wars?

Q.11 What were the fundamental differences between the earlier settlers (Elizabethan Adventurers) and the planters settled by James 1st?

Q12. Why was it so hard to attract English settlers to Ulster? Who saved the plantations?


Ireland By 1625:

• The English have gradually conquered the Gaelic Irish who were unable to unite against them.

• Irish lands were confiscated and James 1st bought in English and Scottish settlers to settle the land on what were called plantations.

• The protestant settlers were outnumbered by the Gaelic Irish