1 Media Software Design DIG 3134 Fall 2012 Lecture 15: Graphics J. Michael Moshell University of...

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Transcript of 1 Media Software Design DIG 3134 Fall 2012 Lecture 15: Graphics J. Michael Moshell University of...


Media Software Design

DIG 3134

Fall 2012

Lecture 15: Graphics

J. Michael Moshell

University of Central Florida

Original image* by Moshell et al .

-2 -Excerpt from DA Text

PHP Graphics

The Coordinate System (for our example)

x 800



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PHP GraphicsMotivation: the RSL Pickup Graph

-4 -Excerpt from DA Text

PHP Graphics

The Coordinate System (for our example)

x 0 800

y 0 600

600 0 yup = 600-y (so y=600 – yup)

-5 -Excerpt from DA Text

PHP Graphics: The GD Library


Basic example:$Imagewidth=800;$Imageheight=600;

$image=imagecreate($Imagewidth, $Imageheight);

$colorWhite=imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);

$colorGreen=imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 200, 0);

// x1 y1 x2 y2

imageline($image, 300, 200, 300,550, $coloGreen);



print '<img src="graphout.png?lastmod=1">';

-6 -Excerpt from DA Text

PHP Graphics: The GD Library


Basic example:$Imagewidth=800;$Imageheight=600;

$image=imagecreate($Imagewidth, $Imageheight);

$colorWhite=imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);

$colorGreen=imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 200, 0);

// x1 y1 x2 y2

imageline($image, 300, 200, 300,550, $coloGreen);



print '<img src="graphout.png?lastmod=1">';

Do this to force

the browser not to cache

the png file.

If it is cached, you

won't see changes ... frustrating.

-7 -Excerpt from DA Text

PHP Graphics: The GD Library


Basic example:$Imagewidth=800;$Imageheight=600;

$image=imagecreate($Imagewidth, $Imageheight);

$colorWhite=imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);

$colorGreen=imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 200, 0);

// x1 y1 x2 y2

imageline($image, 300, 200, 300,550, $coloGreen);



print '<img src="graphout.png?lastmod=1">';

Do this to force

the browser not to cache

the png file.

If it is cached, you

won't see changes ... frustrating.

NOTE: This sometimes

sorta works

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Project 4: Cowpies

Examine the cowpie1




Examine the Requirements for Project 4

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Project 4: Cowpies

Requirements BEGIN with a database task:

** remember previous moves and replay them.

So we will BEGIN (next week) with a tutorial database example

called "address book" to build up your database skills, and

also give you some code to steal / merge with cowpie1.php.

Let's look at one more graphical issue.

Can we write our .png DIRECTLY to browser?

-10 -Excerpt from DA Text

PHP Graphics: The GD LibraryCan we write the

image DIRECTLY to

the browser, instead of

into a file? Docs say

we can, so we try it.

-11 -Excerpt from DA Text

PHP Graphics: The GD Library


Basic example:$Imagewidth=800;$Imageheight=600;

$image=imagecreate($Imagewidth, $Imageheight);

$colorWhite=imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);

$colorGreen=imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 200, 0);

// x1 y1 x2 y2

imageline($image, 300, 200, 300,550, $coloGreen);



print '<img src="graphout.png?lastmod=1">';

Can we write the

image DIRECTLY to

the browser, instead of

into a file? Docs say

we can, so we try it.

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GD direct to screen: ??

What's this?

Any ideas?

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GD direct to screen: ??

What's this?

Any ideas?

View Source

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GD direct to screen: ??

Once you've announced to the browser that HTML is

coming, it expects HTML.

So what if we tried a different header?

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So what if we tried a different header?

PHP has a header function. We modify cowpie1.php:

function htmlheader()


print "<html><body><form method='post'>";


//main program

$angle=$_POST['angle']; $velocity=$_POST['velocity'];

if (!$angle)

htmlheader(); //need HTML first time for form


header('Content-type: image/png');

-16 -

Result: yes, it "works" ... but now it's not an HTML form

any more, so there are no inputs (controls). It's not


So ... we're better off embedding png in html.

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The usual shoot-out model:

GET your Group's BEST GAME ready to play!

If you need help with Project 3, come SEE ME.