1 Linear Stability of Detonations with Reversible Chemical Reactions Shannon Browne Graduate...

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Transcript of 1 Linear Stability of Detonations with Reversible Chemical Reactions Shannon Browne Graduate...


Linear Stability of Detonations with Reversible Chemical Reactions

Linear Stability of Detonations with Reversible Chemical Reactions

Shannon BrowneGraduate Aeronautical Laboratories

California Institute of TechnologySupported by: NSF, ASCAdvisor: J. E. Shepherd

March 12, 2008


What is a Detonation?What is a Detonation?

• A Strong Shock Wave Sustained by Chemical Reaction Energy

• A Three-Dimensional Phenomenon

Chapman-Jouguet Model• Purely Thermodynamic• Predicts Natural Detonation Front Velocity

ZND Model • One-Dimensional• Steady• Predicts Length Scales


Motivation – ExperimentalMotivation – Experimental

“Weakly Unstable”

“Highly Unstable”

Austin, Pintgen, Shepherd (’97)



2 H2–O2–12 Ar

P1=20 kPa

θeff = 5.2

h/RT1= 24.2

C2H4–3O2–10.5 N2

P1=20 kPa

θeff = 12.1

h/RT1= 56.9

Austin, Pintgen, Shepherd (’97)

Short, Stewart (’98)α = Growth Rate

k = Wave Number

= 1.2

f = 1.2

Ea/RT1 = 50

h/RT1= 0.4

= 1.2

f = 1.2

Ea/RT1 = 50

h/RT1= 50


In Two Dimensions

Governing EquationsGoverning Equations

Reactive Euler Equations (2+d+N Equations)

Ideal Gas Equation of State

Net Rate of Production of Species k


Coordinate Transformation and Base Flow

Coordinate Transformation and Base Flow

Lab Frame Flat Shock Fixed Frame

Shock Velocity Perturbation

Base Flow = Steady Flow(ZND Model Detonation)


2D Linear Perturbation Equations2D Linear Perturbation Equations

Base Flow [ZND Model] (o)

Perturbations (1)

• A & B = Convective Derivatives

• C = Source Matrix


Single Reversible ReactionSingle Reversible Reaction

• In realistic chemical systems, reactions are reversible• Previous stability studies – all irreversible

Δs = soB – so




Constant TCJ Family of SolutionsConstant TCJ Family of Solutions

Vary Δh/RT & Δs/R

Maintain TCJ & t1/2 = half reaction time


Boundary Condition – x = 0Boundary Condition – x = 0

Linearly Perturbed Shock Jump Conditions

• U is a Free Parameter

• Frozen Shock – No Change in Composition


Boundary Condition – x = ∞Radiation Condition

Boundary Condition – x = ∞Radiation Condition

• Require that all waves travel out of the domain

1. Perturbation Equation = Algebraic Eigenvalue Problem

2. Find characteristic speeds (eigenvalues)

3. Projection of solution along incoming eigenvector must be zero


Boundary Condition – x = ∞Radiation Condition

Boundary Condition – x = ∞Radiation Condition

• Introduce near equilibrium relaxation time scale ()

• Single Irreversible Reaction – One-way coupling (Analytic Condition)

• Single Reversible Reaction – No One-way Coupling (Numerical Condition)


Mode 1

Effect of Reversibility on Downstream State Complex Wave Speeds

Effect of Reversibility on Downstream State Complex Wave Speeds

Mode 3

Mode 2



• Shooting Method– Specify ky, Guess – Integrate through domain– Root Solver (Muller’s Method) New Guess for

• Cantera Library (Goodwin)– Idealized & Detailed Mechanisms (thermodynamics + kinetics)– All derivatives computed analytically

• CVODE (Cohen & Hindmarsh) – stiff integrator

• ZGEEV (LAPACK) – complex numerical eigenvalue/eigenvector routine


Flow ProfilesFlow Profiles

s/R = 0 s/R = -8


Mode 2

Overdrive SeriesOverdrive Series

Mode 1

Mode 3


• Mode 1: Reversibility is Stabilizing

• Higher Modes: Reversibility is Destabilizing

Irreversible Reaction (Lee & Stewart ’90)