1 Lackey's Garage Esso...

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Transcript of 1 Lackey's Garage Esso...

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, i ^ , , ' < ; < T ^ . . - . , " . NORTH CREEK HEWS, NORTH CREEK, NTX, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1937 ^


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s JOHNSBURG/ N. *\ f tMar. 9 -^Ralpli I s l ing ton had one-of-his

;feet injured recently while employ--•e& by ' Maxam and Armstrong lumbering. < *

Mr, and Mrs, Robert Coulter and children of Glens Falfe-spenj; Sun.-

• / • ! \

\ if '•



' Prayer Services Prayer Services -yvill be held. Wed­

nesday evening a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hitchcock/

JEntertain w S S t s ! , Mrs. Frank Hewitt will entertain the W.H.M.S. Friday afternoon.

' Aid Society Meets „ The Methodist Ladies Aid So­

ciety met Tuesday afternoon"Btrt£e parsonage.— - -

> — " • Variety Shower

A variety shower will be given Friday evening for Mr. and Mrs, Cassius Hitchcock at Sodom.

/ m

In the Cradle A daughter, Elizabeth Loretta,

was born Monday to' Mr. and Mrs*| Grant Fuller.


day with Mr. and Mrs.-L^R6y=ATnr-strong.

Rev. -Edgar N. Beers, went to" Boston, Mass., Monday. He will re­turn Wednesday accompanied by Mrs. Beers, who has- been spending two weeks with her parents1, Mr. and Mrs.'David Simpson.

George Montgomery and son, Krencis, of Wevertown, were local callers Monday. >

Rev. and Mrs. J..C;Maddis0n and family of Kingston were Sunday gues1& of their daughter, Mrs. Lie-Roy Armstrong.

Jame Harrington,of Oregon visp ited town on business Monday. , Food Sale

ftobert RusaelL_Sr., of Warrens-» A sale of cake and ice cream was burg was a local business caller. held Saturday evening at Pasco's Tuesday. I store to benefit School District No .

The daughter, born recently to! 3 ~Mir-aiid~Mrs—Urban-Hitchcoek- of Garnet Road has been named Fanny Mae. \

Lawrence Loveland returned Enesday from Ticonderoga hqs-jp|i»t' where he has been a patient lii© past two weeks.

Mfc ahd ^Sv;0'tiS'BurAble ap.d . liss,-. Beatrice Pasco of Warrens-* fctifg spent Friday Evening in town*

Mr., and Mrs. ilHwyrnMansbttrg of Warrenspurg visited' Mr. and Iters, Burke Flansburg Wednesday.

Ur. and Mrsv Joseph McCarthy «C Hudon Falls spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Cassius Hewitt. . RegpLnaldt Morehouse am$ Miss;

"" Jifejy" boulter v|siteci Chestertown xccently, .

Fred Lacey, who spent the win-

Card Party, The Johnsburg Home Bureau1

Unit held a card party a t the" home of Mrs. Joseph, Asselinr Sr.r Friday evening, Pedro Was played with»the prizes awarded,to$:melfetot prize: Harold^orle^v .01 Plattsburgi 2nd prizes,Otis tumble, Warrensbusg.1

i,adies^firgt; prize, MyS. Otis Ruin-' hie; 2nd" prize^ Mrg; "William Stone* of Wnrrensburg.' Another card party -Will be held on Mareb 19th at the same place, The public; is in*

GARNET GARNET, N , T., Mar. 8 - * > .

and^Mrs. Charles Kenyon and Miss Eda Labrum spent Sunday in Glens Falls with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Lyford. -

Mr, and Mrs, Elwyri- Plansburg of Warrensburg were guests' of Mr. and Mrs. Burke Flanshurg Wednes­day: —

MEr and Mrs. Jesse-Stanley have returned from Saratoga, , where they spent several weeks.

Mrs, Bert Bates spent a few clays last week h i Warrensbutg with re­latives. t;, _

-Dr. A. B: Fitzgerald of North Creek was1 called last week to at-TendTiJrs. Clarence Bross, who i» ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Matfanx were an North- Creek Thursday evening. Elliot Putnam shopped in Johns­burg Monday. .

been Jesse J. .Armstrong has granted^ the mail route for <iBxry-\>^*-™lvu7?li~iUt~ .***? "? \™ mM i^t«7PP„ Xnhnvhnrtr aflfli<3harles Prouty one day last week


—MrsI Anna Davis, wfoo is a patient in Glens Falls hospital, is expected home in a few days.

Josephine; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Prouty. is visiting

If <V

her .grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Leste* Ross, in Garnet.

Mrs. May Bruno of Glens Falls visited' her parents, Mfr# and Mrs. M. L. Dunkley, Sunday."

Roy Dunkley of- Sodom injured his foot Monday. '

Fred Stewart of Bolton- was in town1 Saturday.* _

Mr. and Mrs.-RalpTi Dunkley and son, Carl, -of Ticonderoga, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Dunkley, Sunday.

Mrs. Susie "Prouty of North ,Creek-caUed-oii—Mr— and Mrs.

Margaret Klst

ing mail between .Johnsburg „and Garnet. *

There* wasva par ty a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivon Bennett Fri­day evening. Games were played and refreshments were served.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Prouty of Bakers Mills spent* the week-end with'relatives here.

A surprise party in honor of the birthday anniversary of Miss Helen JEtoss_wasv_held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ross Satur­day evening. Refreshments were served, games were played' and dancing was «njoyedi


Ern33t Hitchcock was taken to Glens Falls hospital Tuesday morn­ing for 'an operation for appendici­tis. Charles Davis, Mrs. Anna Hitchcock- Iva~ Hitchcock accom­panied* him.

Mrs. Clifford Denton, who"" un­derwent an operation in Glens Falls hospital recently for appendi­citis, has returned home.

Party Has Ski Hike

A party of fifteen including school teachers and pupils, and others,, of Ifinerva. went on,a sMJ hiker Saturday. They ate their dinner.at Stony Pond. .

BEER NOTICES Your beer and liquor licenses

publisbel two weeks as required^y law for $1.00—Home Town News

Chester A. Stevensoo REAL ESTATE BROKER


• " " t

Sales and Service

EXPERT MECHANICS on all makes of cars.

Lackey's Garage W B , Lackey, Prop. NORTH GREEK, N.' Y.


_ , , .„ ^ ,„_ , Margaret Rist, 39,'daughter of t e r near Tupper Lake, has re tu rn -Mr , and Mrs*' Bert Rist> died Sun* -edVto the home, of Everett Jones, day in Harcy sanatoriurn a t tltica,

£fc,'ttnd i3xS..Mark Stewart of Funeral services, wer -conducted 3Sfo*th dreek, visited Mr. and Mrs. Eejnon" Morehouse Saturday even­ing, ..• ;.' ',..- • > ' ; ' • • ' '

Rolbert Hillington of Riparius visited tdwn on business Tuesday.

!•••'• Mrs: Gliffdrd Denton has return-* ^ from/Glens Falls hospital.

Ralph Randall) manager of the IHyerside Gas ?ind Oil company, tisited; town on business teently,

1 • • ! • • • I»- Jl

Injures Foot Joseph Asgelin, Sr., is confined

to "his home with painful bruises, received when one of his feet was «aiignt between a log and a tree jMfonctay while he was a t work Witii at t§axtt on a nearby wood Idt. -

here Tuesday.

Protectors Will Aid - Hunters A13BANY, Mar. 9—Announce-

ment^thstr-game protectors will be at their offices or homes on Mon­days and i Thursdays of each'week between March 15 and April 5 to tag-beaver pelts and that forest rangers will probably b § a t tbeif homes each week-end during tha t period »for—the same* purpose wad niade by .Conservation Comrnission-er I i thgow Osborne Monday* An open season on this animal > from March' 15 t o 31 * inclusivej has been { declared b y the commissioner.

j ~

A & B OIL CO., Inc. Wholesale

Esso Products Gasoline — Kerosene

Essolube Motor Oils

. Phone 30


Tele. 9F-21 Newcomb, N. R


Office "Hours: 9: to.12: ^l:to5:

Closed at noon SaturclayB Phone 81

jsm- msTAtjt1 COB&* WEBASB ••*

DICATOlEl in food * compartment •• ^MOMATIO ICE TRAY;

Motors.Andmwijrother tdvanotgc* th»t ONL\ IRIGIDAIRE tm~:ti&'y#d:

wwr vraHTCf mmyinwWff

cittATm i«^«arnr 2 . CEEATERSTORACE ABILITY t j j ,--_•.- '- - -, ' , . - ; - --- -





cost lo HIAB^IMI^


tnuaing-wrth an mc&uti electric meter test.*


Funeral Directors

Rugs, Carpets, etc. JPh«>nl7i3


Phone 56-F-4.

* * : •

w^^x^^^m^^ PHONE 56-F-3

*$• Company <&* GEORGE N. BAROUD1

Peonies* Outffitear in the line of


Choatertotm, rl. Ti


•;-: ' ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ t i ^ r ^ k W% _

Phone S&*F*H

,7«lVi«»-f*i"ri J*^J*»*' 'K ," , 4 '» ' , i ' '^*»***^w '* ,* , K '? '* 'W'

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tmrWS^M,..Np^#: ^RTO""-^i^E,. N.1V WMDHSSP^. HAKdEI, 1% 1$&% PAGE THREH

North Creek News

Asso. Editoi Sdjrrtie^A, Bky?yert

the Newi >ffxce Adflr^ss-—-~~~~~

Cir<*|Ee Avemie,;,. J?c«riSh Cr^eei^ N4 T£. at theiSorlih Greek Post-

second-ciass mattef

J A nE*an is not; jns*ifie4 by the i 3gajr|^^i7|iMas5M^sfe-'b^ the $gj$b\

a:?er.1Se»' 1 i fc t ¥n?appe<t.^„ ,^..,

In «itgle wrap3per»„ Canada *..,..» All Foreign Cbmtries;


lfc« » * * « • « « • • * * * !

of Jesus Oiaast" <3alatjaas 2-16

Par^; McKols of Gtlem a teeeait "visiter'- |o. "town.

Mrr aswj Mr C Ha^ry ^ a n ' '3C>«sen. and cMMren* Phyllis todMorriSi of [Bcotia "visited r e l a t e s in town re-


--SfeaoifcjjF ChrmTnfng^ p£ Warrjens-ontg m&& In to*n Wm&#$.

mmrn ^J&tmmJl J e^ ra i t npten Bequest.

There are few things so irritat­ing as narrow' nundedness.

• l&w anot iSfes, • Jesse. l*ri iner • vis^l itexj Jdbany s^cently.

S i t i n g 3 ^ , and J f e : &. K •Owens.

Miss""|oIegJiine and* Molly Brisbin Edward Baylor and party of friends of Saratoga Springs called on '-Mr,: and Mrs. dhajrtes-Brisbws, x

hrbkesa hip some time agio wlnle employed on "WPA, hag been dis­charged from Glens Brails liospitalj

Mv and Mrs, Olay? Bardwell have •aiove<3 to Indian £$&&

^foy#Kltoo%S of 'Warreinshnr'g ;Was a business visitor id tmm Fri­day, — - __^__

lfeT and Mrs. Louie Roblee andt ohildreny Jean and Kenneth of Alekan4*ia Bay returned to the i r lioale Monday after spending a'fevs^ dslys tsith Mrs. Roblee's --^notheri 'Mi% H a r y E . HQleomb, ^* i ^


Mr. an<i -Wm,, Stanley D ^ a r m o and MtSi Iglmer IJegarnio of ^ l ens Balls were dinner guests o f - l l r , and Mis* Charles Brisbin recently.

D, !P^ ©onohne, who r^celvect a

Many fans enjoyed t he siding here' w e r the. -tpe^feeaa. ^

Mrs* Hellie Mdridge has revert­ed word of the death of "Willis Pblllrps of foultney, Vt, ym< PHiUps Is the father of lifes, Bld-ridge's; dUughter-in-lavv'^ Mrs. Cbm Etdridge of Rouses Point. -

a#d Mrs. Jbhn_ J>sy spent^ "at~Bi^at"Iiafe":

Y * > ..)

* Mae Kathan has returne | d^a r rensburg> * -, --

-'»*i.i'..i..*-ii ^ . . ! , • . ; • ,—— • . , . — • . — * ^ — ^ „ . . , , — - . — — M — . . - . ^ - — . . i ,rn_M , , „ • . . ^ , .

Afrs. 4ane Hitchcock spent Fri?» d ^ "at her home in Sodom. .

• • i . , . ^ ; . — . . i i . . • • • • .—••• . . i . • m* • • m,<m

Mr* and Mrs. James J. O'Keeff^ |#ere-ont-of-tow11 visitors today. w

» - ^ - ,

'IJhere are few pieasures in busi-iiess that exceed that of having an employee who is cbeerfuVandr will­ing, and an uncomplaining worker.

gome men have been ruined be^ «ause of lack of credit, but more amen have been ruined because they Tiaci more credit than t h d r msov agement ability entitled them to.

JRife". abad Mrs; W- BL Jloxoa5 vis^ ited BfrT and Mrs, Frank ISbxon, in <^est»rtown» l^ecenl^y.

t h e Rev. an^i Mrs. W, Rogers and cMdqren, BUty iand ±Jetty J ian , bave retnrned from rfej^borougl Pa. • - , - . .

Mr. and Mrs* Henry Carr of Saratoga. Springs visited relatives here recently.

kliiliilUllCliH m Hib i-RltNDS

Too many parents take the pos ation of daring their children to do •or not to do certain ^dngs. A child; -that wouldn't break over regularly; "under such restraint will never be •worth-his salt in the world.

Miss Monica iMiu-ray of Warrens-burgf was in town recently.

Mar, and Mrs. John Day took! Mr. and i&s . Albert SteVens to their home in Warrensburg Thurs­day morning.

My neighbor told me the other «Iay that tEoiigh he had slipped off i b e water wagon a number of times i n his life, he has never been drunk *enougb to like limburger cheese <>r t ry to sing Sweet Adeline.

The depression has been referr-j «d to as a leveling out process. A .reader of this paper, who has had more than his share of reverses* says tha t be has not only been leveled out b u t feels as though he ball"had^ the"^eafl;"roller run over Jhim to complete the job.

IHe Toung People's supper *was a saccess.

I — . I II i ; . . i — . I I ill •.— wi H i m l Tin I I _i _ f ••HI H M — - O

M&s. Gertrude Johnson of Sodom visnted her mother, Mrs, Mary Ht>l-| comb, one day last week,. \ -mmtm— J.»»»MIIIMIMIMMII ••II.M.I.II IIWI.IIIIIIII.M. III.IHW. II . in mil- i in I I I I . M — • — » y »

Mrs. Mae Kathan of Warrens­burg Was called recently by the ill­ness of her mother, Mrs. . Mary E. Holcomb.

Mr. and Mrs . Roy W. Randall and two sons, Stafford and Stanley, of- Warrensburg, spent Sunday witla Mr. and Mrs . Ralph B. Ran-dalL. Mr, Randall and son have

[been enjoying the skiing on Gore Moontain for a few days.


1 presume there is a good many instances in which the government can justly be charged with extra­vagance, but after checking back over several administrations! that I have lived through, I do riot'be­lieve that t h e ' charge , could • be tmade tha t any of them were guilty •of exfravagance in the matter of t h e purchase of postoffice pens.

One. of the criticisms of our pre-

f' scheme of living-is tha t i t re-fe¥ sd'much M e to make a liv-tihat WB do nbtf havfe any time ivK We oimctnraii all

Solon Beach of Wevertown was in town Saturday.

Mafcctnf Prouty of Johnsburg was in town on business Monday,

Mrs. Susie Prouty spent the week-end a t Bakers Mills with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Prouty*

Mrs. "W. F . Ciarey of Pottersvilie called on Mrs; Susie Prouty "Thurs-

Mrs. Fenton West of Minerva our was in town laafc ^ Wednesday.

I??a1klng-it^txa^ttr1ni& ^ty t o relax i s almost a forgotten «rt.

Mr. and Mrs . John Dalaba of Saiers—Mnis^ chopped tit townli Thursday.

F-ooryyears- t h e coi^* books ^rtold T i r t M t ^ e ^ i ^ s u f e , and safe ^way>toget« along-.was by barja "worki About t he time, everyone got! t h e lesson learJ*ed-«3«^'os^ii*ettt-^ ' nwch ines^ to do all 1&e Mrdi *work, afiS-evtr- aii^'iffiaH has been •working harder* tfeau-he^ever did "before' 1& get together money enough)*tQ* my oftfe tif&Tuem of . the


As^w^cbnteMp^lfce?!be^te^d of -nneMpld^ed i n v ^ k country I t i s

v~welf t o resaeanber that when tames w e r e t h e best jfchere" ?*rere several ^nillion unemployed. Many of these

-- -w^r«4io«b^cause of lack of desire %$} "W6rk3,_ otfefirs were so because dtoe

" rWtibeir icomplete lack of ejBeiency; mo one eared to - employ Ibem, St; % a s in?«1ii.:ga*tufe--ef? a

Mr. and M r s . €harles Prouty and joHghter. Josenhine. of Bakers

Mais "visited^tndr mother* Susie Protn^, Saturday.

Mrs. Harriet Morrise of jVaUeyv^Who is^viaatingcher son, 0 . Ife Ifaeriae^'••$&™Tttm*s^ent Satur* d a y a t ielrhtane.- . .'"^

Zb&'&ttib'lR&d&e c€ Beteret is

1 i a v e ^ l b ? ^ & i w ^

of as prbpheeyl


Mlereitmgf' •%;-send^at:^ry6iii? news notes and items regularUy

A Mn^Bfet a atQr %sflL teej^ Urn #

•S8S &*$ 'per "«wiefc '*&. ^tm '|Wir;'

• lr*I«. 'fmj^ Ut^ti Cr«e4t'";

t •

m^Mmm^^% Wholesale &

Grain, General




