1 Joint Assistance to Support Projects In European Regions (JASPERS) Axel Hörhager Head of Vienna...

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Transcript of 1 Joint Assistance to Support Projects In European Regions (JASPERS) Axel Hörhager Head of Vienna...


Joint Assistance to Support ProjectsJoint Assistance to Support ProjectsIn European Regions (JASPERS)In European Regions (JASPERS)

Axel HörhagerAxel HörhagerHead of Vienna Regional OfficeHead of Vienna Regional Office

Ministry for Regional DevelopmentCzech Republic

JASPERS Seminar Prague, 28 November 2007



• The Challenge – Support for Major Projects

• JASPERS - what it is and how it works

• JASPERS forms of intervention

• JASPERS project examples


The ChallengeThe Challenge

• Defining and planning major infrastructure projects

• Managing a massive investment programme • Implementing all of this in the period 2007-2013

• Allocating 68 billion EUR for this in 4 countries(Czeck Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Slovenia), of which 28 billion in CZ alone !



• A Partnership between DG REGIO, EIB and EBRD

• Technical Assistance for the preparation of major projects

• Objective: help the beneficiary countries to make the best use of EU funding

• Benefit of past experience and expertise of EIB and EBRD


JASPERS PrioritiesJASPERS Priorities

• Focus on priority countries: the 12 new Member States• Concentrate on major projects :

Transport and other sectors €50 M > capital cost Environment €25 M > capital cost

• JASPERS priorities are : large projects eligible for Cohesion Fund and ERDF; other Cohesion Fund and ERDF projects

• Horizontal Issues covering more than one country/sector


What JASPERS can offerWhat JASPERS can offer

• Assistance in project development from early stages of project, e.g. scoping, conceptual analysis, study of alternatives, feasibility studies through to project implementation e.g. procurement planning

• Assistance in preparing EU grant project application meeting the required standard, e.g. in areas such as cost benefit analysis, environmental issues/EU legislation eligible cost definition, risk analysis


How JASPERS worksHow JASPERS works

• Direct contacts with project promoters, regular meetings and feed-back on recommended courses of action

• Review of documentation, mission summaries and notes made available case-by-case

• EU is informed of JASPERS involvement and recommendations on an eventual project application


JASPERS free and voluntaryJASPERS free and voluntary

• JASPERS assistance provided free of charge• No obligation on the Member States to use JASPERS• No obligation on a Member State which benefits from

JASPERS to borrow from EIB or EBRD• Member States continue to own the project, standard

applications are submitted under their responsibility• JASPERS involvement does not guarantee grant

approval by the European Commission


JASPERS structureJASPERS structure

32 advisors + 10 support 16 advisors 5-8 advisors



JASPERS56 professional STAFF


Action PlansAction Plans

• Priorities of JASPERS set out each year in « Action Plan » agreed between JASPERS and Czech Republic• Horizontal issues also included in the Action Plan• Managing Authority (MRD) is the central co-ordinator for JASPERS in the Czech Republic• Requests for assistance for projects sent to MRD with support of line Ministry, MRD forwards to JASPERS• Coordination of JASPERS operations with DG REGIO• Development of 2008 Action Plans began October 2007 aim to sign by March 2008, interim review in summer 2008


JASPERS Project Portfolio November 2007JASPERS Project Portfolio November 2007Type of ProjectType of Project No. of projectsNo. of projects Type of projectType of project No. of projectsNo. of projects

Water/WastewaterWater/Wastewater 6262 RailRail 3535

Solid wasteSolid waste 2424 RoadRoad 3636

EnergyEnergy 1818 Urban TransportUrban Transport 1313

Brownfield RehabBrownfield Rehab 77 Ports/AirportsPorts/Airports 1818

OtherOther 1414

Additional 36 Horizontal tasks (multisector / multicountry)Additional 36 Horizontal tasks (multisector / multicountry)

The total no. of projects and horizontal tasks : 261The total no. of projects and horizontal tasks : 261


JASPERS in the Czech RepublicJASPERS in the Czech Republic

• 11 projects and 1 horizontal task ongoing

• Mainly in transport sector - 6 rail, 4 road

• 2 further projects under development

• Limited involvement in the Czech environment and energy sectors – focus of seminar today


Example Actions in EnvironmentExample Actions in Environment

POLAND – Flood Protection

ROMANIA – Regionalisation of Water Companies, Several Water Schemes

HUNGARY – 8 Water Schemes, incl. 2 in Budapest, Solid Waste Scheme

SLOVAKIA – Water Supply and Treatment, Flood Protection


Example of Actions in TransportExample of Actions in Transport

CZECH REPUBLIC – Rail Corridors IV and III, D-8 Motorway, Prague Ring Road, Europoint Brno POLAND – Warsaw Ring Road, Public Transport in Krakow and Lublin, Broadband

ROMANIA – Rail Rolling Stock, River Navigation, Multi-modal Terminals, Regional Airports

HUNGARY – Provincial Urban Transport

SLOVAKIA – Motorways, Railway Infrastructure


ContactsContactsMr. Mark Pevsner – Country Relationship Manager, Northern Region, JASPERS

(+352) 4379 7666 m.pevsner@eib.orgMr. Ladislav Kylar - Head of CF Managing Authority, Ministry for Regional Development

(+420) 224 86 1306 ladislav.kylar@mmr.cz

Mr. Axel Hörhager – Head of JASPERS Regional Office for Central Europe, Vienna (+431)505 36 76 31 horhager@eib.org