1 general.ppt

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  • 8/9/2019 1 general.ppt


    Marine Auxiliary

    MachineryChapter 9 Lesson 1

    Deck MachineryGeneral

    By Professor Zhao Zai Li


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    Deck machinery (1)

    The range of eck machinery is extensi!e an!arie" it can #e i!ie #roaly into$

    Anchor hanling (%inlasses an capstans)& Mooring (%inches an capstans)& Cargo hanling (%inches an cranes)&

    The #asic re'uirement of all the a#o!e is to control

    loas associate %ith chain ca#le or %ire rope an%hilst each type of e'uipment has its o%noperational re'uirements" certain aspects of esignan operation are common&

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    Deck machinery ()

    Most eck machinery is ile uring much of its life an ue to

    this intermittent uty re'uirement" gears an ri!es are

    normally esigne to a limite rating of one half to one hour& Despite long perios of ileness" often in se!ere %eather

    conitions" the machinery must operate immeiately" %hen


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    Deck machinery ()

    *t is essential that eck machinery shoul re'uire minimummaintenance&

    Totally enclose e'uipment %ith oil #ath lu#rication for gearsan #earings is no% stanar #ut maintenance cannot #ecompletely eliminate an routine checking an greasingshoul #e carrie out on a planne #asis&

    +rime mo!ers may #e use to perform more than one #asic


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    Deck machinery (,)

    -or example" mooring %inches are often com#ine %ith

    %inlass units so that one prime mo!er ri!es #oth&

    The port mooring %inch motor can thus #e use to ri!e thestar#oar %inlass an !ice !ersa&

    This applies also to the po%er supply %here generators or

    hyraulic pumps are also cross.connecte&

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    Deck machinery (/)

    There are many instances %here remote or centralise

    control is of great a!antage" for example" the facility for

    letting go anchor from the #rige uner emergencyconitions" the use of shipsie controllers %ith mooring

    %inches or the central control position re'uire for the

    multi%inch sle%ing errick system&

    The three most common forms of main ri!e use on eckauxiliaries are steam" electric an hyraulic&

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    Deck machinery(0)

    hen fitte" steam auxiliaries are fre'uently of the totally

    enclose type using force or splash lu#rication or a

    com#ination of #oth& A typical arrangement has an oil pump ri!en from the

    crankshaft supplying pressure oil to the crankshaft an

    connecting ro #earings %hilst crossheas" eccentrics an

    gearing are splash lu#ricate from the sump or rip trays&

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    Deck machinery (2)

    The steam cyliners an !al!es are not normally lu#ricate as"

    ue to the lo% %orking pressure an conensation" steam

    temperatures encountere on eck rarely excee 1345 C& A superheate steam supply creates pro#lems %ith cyliner

    lu#rication an in any e!ent has little effect on non.expansi!e


    *nlet steam temperatures are limite for use %ith cast ironcyliners #y Classification 6ociety rules&

    -ull loa crankshaft spees are normally #et%een 94.104

    re!7min increasing to t%ice this figure for light line uties

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    Deck machinery (3)

    An alternati!e form of steam ri!e is the re!ersing steam tur#ine

    %hich is illustrate in -igure 1&1&

    This machine re'uires less maintenance an it is a#le to accepthigher steam pressures an temperatures" (up to , #ar"945 C)

    irectly through a reucing !al!e from the main #oilers" thus

    increasing tur#ine efficiency an minimising its si8e an %eight&

    n large e'uipment" e!en though the tur#ine has to #e geare

    o%n from a normal full loa spee of 444./44 re!7min there

    is a sa!ing in total %eight %hen compare %ith engine ri!en


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    Deck machinery (9)

    As illustrate in -igure 1&1" the tur#ine shaft an rotor are

    supporte in anti.friction #earings: the coupling en #earing

    is grease lu#ricate an the go!ernor mechanism anlocation #earing are splash oil lu#ricate&

    Although the #earings %arm up rapily ue to conuction of

    heat along the shaft from the exhaust casing" normal

    lu#ricating oils an greases ha!e pro!e satisfactory

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    Deck machinery(14)

    ;oth reciprocators an tur#ines" as use on supertankers

    ri!e the 1argest eck machinery in ser!ice&

    This e'uipment is normally locally controlle at themachinery position" ho%e!er" it is of great a!antage to

    ha!e shipsie control for #oth %inlass an mooring %inch

    operation an this can #e simply achie!e #y the use of push

    pull hyraulic mechanisms %hich are effecti!e up toapproximately ,/m

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    -igure 9&1

    6ectionalarrangementof re!ersingsteam tur#ine

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    The ma?ority of &c& %inch motors e!elop full output at

    spees of the orer of /44 re!7min an %here!er necessary

    are arrange to run up to t%o to four times this spee forlight line uties&

    inlass motors on the other han o not normally operate

    %ith a run up in excess of $1 an usually ha!e a full loa

    %orking spee of the orer of 1444 re!7min

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    con!erters %hich con!ert a&c& supply into a !aria#le & c&

    !oltage of the re'uire magnitue an polarity for any

    re'uire armature spee&

    These con!erters must #e of a type capa#le of controlle

    rectification an in!ersion %ith #i.irectional current flo% if

    full control is to #e o#taine (-igure9&) &

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    -igure 9&

    Loa7spee characteristicof ar Leaoar thyristorcontrolle %inch&

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    control #ut" as %ith the resistance controlle &c& motor"

    ifficulty is experience in pro!iing effecti!e control of an

    o!erhauling loa e&g lo%ering a suspene loa&

    These isa!antages are often out%eighe #y lo%er cost"

    particularly of the cage inuction motor& in comparison %ith

    the more flexi#le &c&

    Typical performance cur!es are sho%n in -igure 9&&

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    -igure 9&

    +erformancecur!es of a tonne %inch&

    A C+ole.changingcage motor&

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