1 Energy and the Environment HNRT 228-003 Spring 2015 Prof: Dr. Geller.

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Transcript of 1 Energy and the Environment HNRT 228-003 Spring 2015 Prof: Dr. Geller.


Energy and the Environment

HNRT 228-003Spring 2015Prof: Dr. Geller


HNRT 228 Section 003

Who Dr. Harold Geller

Web Page http://physics.gmu.edu/~hgeller/EnergyAndTh


Textbook Renewable Energy: A First Course by Robert


Laboratory Meetings [MANDATORY]


HNRT 228 Section 003

This course will study the scientific concepts associated with energy and the environment. We begin with an overview of the physical concept of energy and the scientific thoughts and processes associated with energy. We then continue to examine the primary sources of energy in use today, including such examples as fossil fuels, solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, nuclear energy, and other alternative energy sources. We conclude with a study of the conservation of energy, and how the use of energy on this planet has a synergism with the issue of pollution and it global effects. The labs for the course include computer simulations experiments to demonstrate essential features of (i) the physical concept of energy; (ii) the alternative sources of energy; (iii) the nature of nuclear energy; and (iv) global effects of air pollution and energy conservation. The laboratory portion will also include a term-long project, led by a GTA in the style known as problem-based learning.


Summary Grading

Homework assignments 20 %Comprehensive Final 15 %Laboratory Exercises 30 %Class Participation 20%

(iClickers plus in-class assignments)

Mid-Term Examination 15 %

==== 100%


iClicker Question

How much of your grade is the laboratory component? A 10% B 20% C 25% D 30% E 40%


iClicker Question

• How much of your grade is the class participation with in class written questions and the iClicker component?– A 10%– B 20%– C 25%– D 30%– E 40%


iClicker Question

• How much of your grade is the homework component?– A 10%– B 20%– C 25%– D 30%– E 40%


Energy Basics (Chapter 1+)

Units of length, mass and timeMetric PrefixesRelationship of Mass, Volume and DensityThe Scientific MethodSpeed, velocity, accelerationForceFalling objectsNewton’s Laws of MotionNewton’s Law of Universal Gravity


Main Concepts For Understanding Energy

WorkPotential EnergyKinetic EnergyConservation of EnergyTypes/Sources of Energy



What is acceleration?A The change in distance

per change in time.B The change in position

per unit of time.C The ratio of the change in

velocity per change in time.

D The change of time per unit of length.



Neglecting air resistance, what are the forces acting on a bullet after it has left the barrel of a rifle? A The force of air acting up and

gravity acting down. B Only the force of gravity acting

straight down. C There are no forces acting at this

point. D All of the above are true.



How does the force of gravity on a ball change as a ball is thrown straight up in the air?A The force of gravity increases.B The force of gravity decreases.C The force of gravity remains the same.D The force of gravity increases then decreases.E The force of gravity decreases then



Work = Force times distance

Definition of work “work is equal to the force that is

exerted times the distance over which it is exerted”

work in Joules =force in Newtons * distance in meters

W = f * d


Question for Thought

A spring clamp exerts a force on a stack of papers it is holding together. Is the spring clamp doing work on the papers? A Yes B No

If the spring clamp does not cause the paper to move, it is not acting through a distance and no work is done.


Power - Work per unit time

Power defined “power is the amount of work done

divided by the time it takes to do that work”

power in Watts = work in Joules / time in seconds

P = W / t


Question for Thought

A lamp bulb is rated 100 Watts. Is there a time factor included in the rating? A Yes B No

Because a time factor is in the rating. A watt is a unit of power, and power is work per unit time. A 100 W light bulb uses energy at a rate of 100 J per s.


Question for Thought

A kWhr is A a unit of work B a unit of energy C a unit of power D More than one of the above is true.

A kWhr is a unit of work, and since energy is the ability to do work, it is also a unit of energy. In terms of units, a watt is a joule per second, and an hour, as a second, is a unit of time. The time units cancel, leaving a unit of a joule, which can be used to measure either work or energy.


Kinetic Energy

Definition “Kinetic energy equals the mass of the

moving object times the square of that object’s speed, times the constant 1/2.”

kinetic energy in Joules = 0.5 * mass in kilograms * speed in meters per second * speed in meters per second

K.E. = 0.5 * m * v2


Question for Thought

Is work related to energy? A Yes B No

Energy is the ability to do work, and doing work on something gives it energy.


Question for ThoughtDoes a person standing motionless

in the aisle of a moving bus have kinetic energy? A Yes B No

Relative to the bus, the person has no kinetic energy because the person is at rest relative to the bus. Relative to the ground, however, the person does have kinetic energy because the person is moving with the same speed as the bus.


Question for Thought

A joule of work and a joule of energy are fundamentally the same? A Yes B No

A joule is one newton-meter. A joule of work is from a force acting through a distance while a joule of energy is the ability to perform one joule of work. The use of the same unit means that work and energy are fundamentally the same thing.


Potential Energy

Definition “gravitational potential energy of any

object equals its weight times its height above the ground”

gravitational potential energy in Joules = mass in kilograms * acceleration due to gravity * height in meters

P.E. = m * g * h


Question for Thought

What is the relationship between the work done while moving a book to a higher bookshelf and the potential energy that the book has on the higher shelf?

The work done is equal to the increase in gravitational potential energy.


Question for Thought

Compare the energy needed to raise a mass 10 meters on Earth to the energy needed to raise the same mass 10 meters on the Moon. Explain the difference, if any.

The energy required is less on the moon because the weight of the object (the downward force due to gravity) depends upon the force of gravity, which is less on the moon than on the earth. Less energy is needed to do the work of raising the mass on the moon, and the elevated object on the moon has less potential energy as a consequence of the work done.


Question for Thought

What happens to the kinetic energy of a falling book when the book hits the floor? A The kinetic energy is destroyed. B The kinetic energy is converted to

heat only. C The kinetic energy is converted to

heat and sound.


Mass as Energy

Definition “every object at rest contains potential

energy equivalent to the product of its mass times the speed of light squared”

energy in joules = mass in kilograms * speed of light in meters per second * speed of light in meters per second

E = m * c2


Energy Interchangeability

Potential Energy gravitational chemical elastic electromagnetic

Kinetic Energy moving objects heat sound and other waves

Mass E = m * c2

Energy is Conserved


Question for Thought

If energy cannot be destroyed, why do some people worry about the energy supplies?

Energy is eventually converted into unrecoverable radiant energy, so new sources of convertible energy must be found in order to continue performing useful work.


Question for Thought

Why are petroleum, natural gas, and coal called fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels contain energy from plants or animals that lived millions of years ago. These plants and animals are known from the fossils they left behind, and the energy in the fuels represents energy stored from these ancient organisms.


Question for Thought

From time to time people claim to have invented a machine that will run forever without energy input and develops more energy than it uses (perpetual motion). Why would you have reason to question such a machine?

The machine would not be in accord with the principle of conservation of energy.


In the diagram above, a box is on a frictionless horizontal surface with forces F1 and F2 acting as shown. If the magnitude of F2 is greater than the magnitude of F1, then the box is

A. moving at constant speed in the direction of F1

B. moving at constant speed in the direction of F2

C. accelerating in the direction of F1 D. accelerating in the direction of F2 E. not moving at all.

Box F1F2


The metric unit of a Joule (J) is a unit ofA. potential energy.B. work.C. kinetic energy.D. All of the above (A, B, and C) are

measured in Joules.E. None of the above (A, B, and C)

are measured in Joules.


Which statement is true about the concept of power?

A. Power is the distance over which work is done.

B. Power is the time at which energy is expended.

C. Power is the work done per unit time.D. All of the above (A, B, and C) can be

said about power.E. None of the above (A, B, and C) is

true about power.


The kilowatt-hour is a unit ofA. power.B. work.C. time.D. area.E. volume.


Which of the following best describes the law of conservation of energy?

A. Energy must not be used up faster than it is created or the supply will run out.

B. Energy can be neither created nor destroyed. C. Energy is conserved because it is easily

destroyed. D. Conservation is a law describing how to

destroy matter. E. Energy conservation is a law recently passed

by Congress.


Physics Education Research Findings

Students have an incoherent view of energy. Potential energy is often ignored.

“Just a number”“An invented quantity”Potential energy is not actual energy.It often is thought to have nowhere

to exist, so it cannot really exist.


Physics Education Research Findings

Students have an incoherent view of energy. Energy can be “produced.” Energy conservation only weakly constrains

student thinking. It does not force inferences.Energy is not useful to students in describing

and explaining natural phenomena. They often have to be prompted even to invoke it!


Physics Education Research Findings

Textbooks present a fragmented and sometimes misleading view of energy.

Energy is said to be “invented” and “abstract.”

Energy can be “converted” to different “forms.”


Physics Education Research Findings

• “National science standards present a problematic view of energy.”

From the opening sentence of the energy section in the AAAS/Project 2061 Standards:

“Energy is a mysterious concept….”


Physics Education Research Findings

•“Students do not find energy to be very useful, even for prototypical school science phenomena.”