1 cross-cultural communication-9 cultural influences on context

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Transcript of 1 cross-cultural communication-9 cultural influences on context

Cultural Influences on Context:The Educational

SettingReference:Communication Between Cultures

(Samovar, Porter, Mc Daniel)

CULTURE>is inseparably linked to education; people raised in diverse cultures are educated in accordance with the perceived needs of their cultures.


1. Gain valuable insight by studying its perceptions and approaches;

2. Discover how learning and knowledge differ among cultures;

3. To become aware of the informal knowledge of a culture;

4.Understand specific communication behaviors as they are manifested in multicultural classrooms

Every culture teaches with the same goals.*perpetuating the culture and passing its history and traditions from generation to generation.

Classroom Communication is Extremely Important.*it is the vehicle through which teachers and students interact and make judgments about each other.



*An educational setting with a diverse population of students has to change in order to adapt to their student’s needs.

*Education has become a cross-cultural encounter involving a multiplicity of ethnicities, worldviews, and life, and learning styles.



*Classrooms throughout the world differ in everything from what curriculum is taught to how that curriculum is taught.

*These differences define the form of education within cultures.

What and How Cultures Teach

*Cultures consciously or unconsciously tend to glorify their historical, scientific, economic and artistic accomplishments.

Paul Goodman: What is taught in a culture, therefore is crucial to the maintenance and perpetuation of that culture and usually is a major responsibility of the formal educational systems within a culture.

Abba Eban: A nation writes its history in the image of its ideal.

Being familiar with what a culture teaches can give you insight into that culture.


1. It provides you the knowledge about the nature of the culture

2. Helps you understand interpersonal relationships among students and between students and their teachers

3. Helps you understand the importance a culture emphasizes on education

More Concepts of Education in Cultures:

>what they teach>authority vested in the teacher>how they teach

Examples:>Chinese- Collectivist; teachers should not only teach knowledge but also cultivate a strong sense of moral righteousness>Japanese- Centralized Ministry; rote memorization, emphasis on mathematics, reading, writing, social decorum>Africans-Twofold; (1)social-character; (2)practical-skills

>Spanish- basic skills; do not compete for grades; student evaluations emphasizes on what needs improvement rather than what is achieved; cooperation over competition

>Mexican- group interaction is the primary learning mode; reflects on consideration of the feelings of others; slowly but surely attitude.Continuation By: Puno and Barrientos

Thank You. Elaine Antonette P. Gunsi

3 AB English A