1 Communicative English Skills (1)

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Transcript of 1 Communicative English Skills (1)

  • 8/2/2019 1 Communicative English Skills (1)


    Course Title: Communicative English Skills

    Course Code: EnLa 201

    Credit Hours: 3

    Unit One


    The theme of this unit is finding about other people. The unit focuses on

    reading, listening speaking and writing whereby the theme for all is

    understanding about other people.

    The unit consists ofsix major components. The first section contains speaking

    activity where students practice and master phrases and structures that can helpthem to introduce themselves and others. In the second section you read a

    passage and learn different skills in answering questions (understanding the text).

    The third section requires you to learn and identify different techniques of

    identifying meanings of words. In the fourth section, they will learn the effect of

    grammar in facilitating and understanding meaning. The fifth section focuses on

    descriptive writing. The last section of the unit is a listening skill, taking notes, etc.

    The brief summary of the unit is given below:


    By the end of the unit, students will be able to:

    Read and answer questions using different reading techniques

    Workout meaning of words from context so as to learn vocabulary for


    Analyse grammar in real texts in order to help them see how changing the

    grammar changes the meaning

    Listen actively and take notes in a particular occasion

    Speaking Reading Vocabular


    Grammar Writing Listening

    Introducingoneself andothers

    What isinvolved inunderstanding a text?

    Learning tolearnvocabulary

    Learning tousegrammarforfacilitatingmeaning


    Finding outabout otherpeople


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    Use different language structures to introduce themselves and others

    Write descriptive essay to describe themselves.

    Section 1: Speaking

    Introducing Oneself and Others

    Activity 1: Brainstorming

    1. Assume that you are sitting in a cafeteria alone. Somebody whom you

    frequently see but do not know comes and sits by you. You want to be

    his/her friend and need to introduce yourself to him/her. How could you do

    this in your first language? Write down all the possible expressions you

    could use in introducing yourself in your mother tongue.

    2. If you are assigned as a teacher in a high school, the first day you meet

    students, you have to introduce yourself to the class. How can you do this in


    3. While you are going to the lounge with one of your friends, you come across

    another friend of yours. But the two do not know each other, and hence, you

    want to introduce them. How can you introduce them in your first language?

    How about in English? Write down some of the expressions you may use inintroducing other people in English.

    I. Self Introduction

    Activity 2:Study the following dialogues carefully and then answer the

    questions that follow.

    Dialogue 1

    Grima: Hi! Im Girma an artist and live in Harar.

    Tesfaye: Nice to meet you. Im Tesfaye and live in Gondar.

    Girma : Nice to meet you, too. I think you are working some where.

    Tesfaye: Yes, Im a teacher at Fasil School.

    Girma: Ok, a nice meeting. See you later.

    Tesfaye: Bye-bye, see you again.

    Dialogue 2


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    Abera: May I introduce myself? Im Abera Tesfaye.

    Muse: How are you? My name is Musa Ahmed.

    Abera: Im fine, thank you. What time does the class start?

    Musa: I really dont know. Lets ask other students if they know about it.

    Abera: That is a good idea.

    Dialogue 3

    Lelise: Hi! Im Lelise studying English at Ambo University.

    Birke: Nice meeting you. Im Birke a cooperative student.

    Dialogue 4

    Teddy: Hi, this is Teddy.

    Kidus: Pleased to meet you. This is Kidus.


    Which one of the above self-introductions is:

    a. Formal

    b. What are your clues?_____________________

    c. Informal?

    d. What are your clues?________________________

    Now, come into pairs and try to make your own dialogues for each (one formal,

    and another informal).

    Activity3: Complete each of the following dialogue appropriately:

    1. A: Hello, my name is Derartu.


    A: Its nice to meet you.

    B :

    2. A: Good morning. Let me introduce myself. Im Kasech.

    B: Its a pleasure to meet you.

    A: Its a pleasure to meet you, too.

    From all the previous dialogues and activities, we can see that people can use

    either formal or informal expressions in introducing themselves to others.


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  • 8/2/2019 1 Communicative English Skills (1)


    I. Introducing Others

    Activity 1: study the following dialogues carefully and then, do the

    questions that follow

    1. A: Tolosa, I want you to meet Solomon, my old friend.

    B: Hi, glad to meet you, Sole.

    C: Hi, glad to meet you, too.

    2. A: Ato Getachew, Id like to introduce you to Ato Chala.

    He is the chairman of the Board of Directors.

    B: How do you do, Ato Chala?

    C: How do you do, Ato Getachew?

    B: Its a pleasure to meet you. Ive heard a lot about you.

    C: Its a pleasure to meet you, too.

    3. A: Betty, this is Misrak, my roommate.

    B: Hi, Misrak, how are you doing?

    C: Fine, Betty.

    B: Well have to get together some time.

    C: Good, meeting you, then.

    B: Same here. So long.

    4. A: Father, may I introduce you to Ato worku? He is my English teacher.

    B: Im very glad to meet you, Ato worku . Ive heard so many nice things

    about you.

    C: Thank you. Im glad to meet you, too.

    5. A: Gidey, this is my friend, Mohamed. He is working for Air Sudan, here inAddis.


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    B: Hi, Mohammed. Hows it going?

    C: Fine, but very busy.

    B: Tea or coffee, Mohammed?

    C: No, thanks. Im in a hurry.

    Now students, try to answer the following questions first individually.

    Then, come into groups of four or five and compare your answers.

    1. Which of the above dialogues are:

    A. Formal

    B. Informal

    2. What are your clues to say:

    A. Formal

    B. Informal

    Activity 2: Complete the following short dialogues.

    Dialogue 1:

    Ali: Abebe, Id like you to meet Elsa, my classmate.




    Ato Taye: Ato Geleta, may I introduce you my boss, Ato Bulcha? He is the headof our department.

    Ato Geleta: , Ato Bulcha

    Ato Bulcha: Its nice to meet you, too.

    Activity 3: Using appropriate phrases, try to introduce the following

    people based on the status or conditions the introduced people are in.

    Study the situation in each case to help you choose appropriate phrases.

    1. Introduce Martha, a friend of yours from Harar, to Fikadu. Tell Martha

    something about Fikadu.

    2. Introduce your mother/father to one of your instructors.


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    3. Introduce one of your classmates to your father.

    The following are some of the useful phrases used formally in introducing


    Id like you to meet + (title) + name

    May I have the honour of introducing you to + (title) + name

    Id like to introduce you to + (title) + name

    May I/let me introduce you to +(title) + name

    The followings are some of the phrases used in introducing other peopleinformally

    Id like you to meet: a friend of mine.

    a classmate of mine.

    my friend, (name).

    Do you know (name) before?

    Have you met (name) before?

    Do you (two) know each other?

    Have you (two) met before?

    Section 2: Reading

    Pre- Reading Activity

    Before reading the next descriptive story, try to answer the following


    1. Look at the title. What do you think is the text about?

    2. Do you think that it is very important for someone to be born beautiful? How

    and /or why?

    3. What does beauty mean to you?

    4. If you were to marry someone, what would be your most important

    criterion? Report (tell) to your classmates.

    Now read the story


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    Born Beautiful: Confession of a Naturally Gorgeous Girl

    1. My blind date is trudging up the four flights to my New York apartment. Im waiting in

    suspense. Will he be a little like William Hurt? Have a touch of Tom Hanks? Winsomeness

    when theres one flight to go, I cant wait any longer. I poke my head out the door and over

    the banister to check him out, not bad except that he looks his best friend just died.

    2. Until he glances up and sees me in a second, his brow relaxes, his eyes brighten, a wave of

    visible relief sweeps across his face. He grins and bounds up the last few steps. Why is this

    man suddenly so cheerful? I already know the reason. Its because Im pretty, and does this

    scene make me feel great? Well, Yes. But Im used to it.

    3. Ive been pretty most of my life except for a few awkward phases. I know this because peopletell me both directly and in more subtle way (like the way my blind dates face did).

    Sometimes when I look in the mirror, I can see what they mean, other times as with every

    woman who has her good and bad days -I cant. But when I cant, theres no denying the

    effect of my good looks; it wraps around me like a cocoon, my magic charm. Being beautiful

    can keep pain at bay.

    4. Its like this: Ive made a stupid mistake at work and am feeling embarrassed and worthless or

    my ego has been bruised by a particularly bad fight with my boy friend. So, I put on some

    thing I think I look great in and head for the door. Out side, what happens usually cheers me

    up: men turn and react appreciatively as I walk by. I dont mean they catcall or harass me

    (although no woman on earth can successfully escape that kind of attention). And Im not

    talking about the chorus of whistles you get from construction workers or truck drivers. I

    mean that nice- looking men, well dressed, carrying briefcases; men I might want to go out

    with check me out in a way I think is flattering. Women also look at me, but in a different,

    more investigative way. They eye me, taking in everything as if theyre gathering details,may be shopping for a new look for themselves.

    5. Sure, Id probably feel even better if my boss told me how smart I was or if my boyfriend

    showed upon my doorstep apologetic and holding roses. But who can count on that

    happening? what I can count on are the turned heads, the appreciative glances, the hey

    beautiful! And that goes along way toward making me feel good.


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    6. Shallow, you say is? Dating success shouldnt depend on how pretty someone is; a setback at

    work shouldnt be soothed by skin deep complements. May be not, but its also undeniable

    looks can. If you were hoping to be that being beautiful isnt all its cracked up to be, Im

    going to disappoint. It is what its cracked up to be and move.

    7. By now youre probably wondering what I look like. Most of what I know about my looks

    comes form other people, who tell me Im the earthy natural type. But I do know my features

    are small and even, my brown eyes and hair are a good match, Im tall and fit, and I can look

    sexy and sophisticated when I want. I wasnt the type of child adults cooed over; my parents

    let me know they were proud of my looks, partly because all parents do, but mainly to instil

    confidence. For the most part, though beauty was not a big deal in my family, there was

    some sibling rivalry between my younger sister and me that we now know stemmed from

    the disparity in our looks. She kept her baby fat well in to her teens and it didnt. ...

    8. I suppose she was right to be jealous of my looks, because in school, beauty was definitely a

    big deal. Being cute has a lot to do with the number of friends I had. My popularity certainly

    wasnt due to my outgoing personality (I was and am very shy) or my academic record

    (unremarkable). Girls, I could tell, admired my looks, but it was the boys who first let me

    know they thought I was good-looking, usually by threatening to pummel my little brother

    after school if he didnt dish the latest dirt on me. (Unfortunately he always complied, which

    accounts for how the entire fifth grade knew I got my first bra). As I got older, the boys got

    braver and started to say things, not compliments exactly, but as close to them as adolescents

    ever get. Sometimes it was flattering, and I liked it. But other times, it was unseating.

    9. Im at the beach. Im thirteen and an older man (actually a boy of about eighteen) is talking

    to me while I wait in line for ice cream. He asks me how old I am. When I tell him, he stops

    cold, steps back and stares at my skimpy bikini, and says one word: Wow! The way he

    utters that word, slowly and solemnly is a revelation, both frightening and enlightening. I

    realize then that beauty bestows powers.

    10.I was just starting to get wise to what my looks could mean to me when I headed to high

    school. Thats where I get an advanced degree in pretty politics. Once, in the rest room, I

    overheard someone say about me, Shes pretty and she knows it. Translated that meant I

    was vain, conceited, stuck-up. Nice girls, you see werent supposed to know they were

    pretty. I got the message. I learned to deny what was as obvious as the nose, and every other

    feature, on my face. The way to be liked and being liked is paramount to a teenager was to


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    be pretty and not know it. So, I tried hard to get voted Best Personality; I always won Best

    Looking instead.

    11. In high school, there were no secrets. Our reputations as freshman followed us to senior year.

    When I went to college, though, to a university, the size of a small city, I faded in to the crowd.

    I no longer stood out because of the way I looked. In fact, there were many girls in my dorm,

    not to mention on the whole campus, who were more than my equals in the looks department.

    Instead of feeling inferior, I was less self conscious about my appearance. The pressure was

    off, and that let me relax enough to start enjoying my looks. When someone told me I was

    attractive, I felt as though Id earned the compliment. Pretty was no longer just a label that

    showed my high school status.

    12.Once during the summer between my sophomore and junior years, I ran in to a guy I know

    from high school. He was surprised to hear I was studying biology at a prestigious university.

    You never seemed like the type, he said. May be I should have been offended, but instead I just

    laughed: I was the type, and always has been. But college had freed me from my looks.

    While- Reading Activity

    A. Scanning: Answer each of the following questions briefly and

    quickly according to the information in the reading passage.

    1. How old is the man that asks the age of the girl at the beach?

    2. How many of the girls boy friends are referred to in the story?

    3. Which paragraph tells you about the personality of the girl in the story?

    B. Skimming: Answer the following questions first individually and

    then discuss with your group members.

    1. According to the information in paragraph 9, what is the feeling of the man

    the girl is talking to at the beach? _________________ Why?

    2. How did the girl describe herself?


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    3. In high school, there were no secrets (paragrap11). What does this mean?

    4. I can look sexy and sophisticated (paragraph 7).What do you think the

    writer wants to say by this?

    5. What is the central idea of the following paragraphs?

    A) Paragraph 3:_____________________________________________________

    B) Paragraph 6:______________________________________________________

    C) Paragraph 12:____________________________________________________

    C. Reference Questions

    The following pronouns or phrases are taken from the story you have

    read above. Using the paragraph numbers given for each, give correct

    answer to what each refers to.

    1. ----and does this little scene.....? paragraph 2. This little scene refers to


    2. I suppose she was right (paragraph 8) she refers


    3. I know this because this (paragraph 3) this refers to


    4. You never seemed like the type (paragraph 12) like the type refers to


    5. I dont mean they catcall ----)-(paragraph 4) they refers to


    6. ---and that let me relax----( paragraph 11) that refers to


    D .Post-Reading Activity

    Answer each of the following questions first individually and then

    discuss with your group members

    1. In the last paragraph, why should have the writer been offended? Explain


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    2. What is the feeling of the writer about being beauty?

    3. From the story you read, describe the writers physical appearance and

    personality in

    one paragraph.

    4. Do you agree with the writers view about beauty? Explain?

    5. Have you ever come across a situation where beauty has affected anybodys

    life? If

    your answer is yes, when and how?

    E. Vocabulary

    I. The following phrases or words are synonyms or have related meanings

    with words or

    phrases that are used in the same passage. Write the words or

    phrases by referring to

    the paragraph numbers indicated for each one.

    1. be more important than anything else( parag.


    2. inconvenient ( parag. 3)-------------------------------------

    3. be ashamed of ; feel shy ( parag. 4)------------------------------------------------

    4. too much proud of ones appearance ( parag. 10)----------------------------------

    5. to hit ,especially with fist (parag. 8)--------------------------------------

    6. past ( previous) experiences (parag. 11)---------------------------------

    7. calmed ; cooled down ( parag. 6)-----------------------------------------

    8. fashionable ; attractive ( parag. 7)------------------------------------------

    9. extrovert ( parag. 8) ------------------------------------------------------

    10.making somebody restless ; intolerable ( parag 8)------------------------


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    II. The following words or phrases are taken from the reading passage of

    unit one. Go

    back to the paragraph number indicated for each word and write their


    meanings in the spaces provided

    1. trudging ( parag. 1)--------------------------------------------

    2. grins ( parg. 2)--------------------------------------------------

    3. undeniable (parag. 6)-------------------------------------

    4. rivalry ( parag. 7)--------------------------------------------

    5. cute ( parag. 8)-------------------------------------------------

    6. flattering ( parag. 8)-----------------------------------------------

    7. solemnly ( parag. 9)-----------------------------------------------

    8. cheerful ( parag. 2)---------------------------------------------------------

    9. outgoing ( pararg. 8)----------------------------------------------------

    10. bestows ( parag. 9)-------------------------------------------

    Section 3: Vocabulary: Learning to Learn Vocabulary

    There are many ways of learning vocabulary. A student who is deficient in his/her

    vocabulary learning abilities will find it difficult to learn and use the language. So

    now that you are a student at university, you must find a variety of ways of learningand improving your vocabulary, both during English lessons, and in your other


    Activity 1: What do we mean when we say, I know that word? Which aspects of a

    word do you pay most attention to? Think about this by yourself, and then try to

    explain to each other, in pairs or triads, which aspects of a word you pay attention

    to. Knowing:


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    Its dictionary definition.

    Its meaning in context.

    How it is similar or different in meaning from other words you know.

    The situation it can be used in.

    What other words it can be used with.

    How the word changes depending on the grammar.

    Its spelling.

    Its pronunciation.


    Activity 2: Do we need to know a word exactly?

    There are some words whose meanings we think we know exactly. There are some that we can

    recognize or that we know the rough meaning of, when we find them in print. There are others

    whose meanings we can guess from the situation or context we find them in.

    Read the following extract carefully. Pay attention to the words in bold and then, make a list of


    (a) whose meanings you believe you know well,

    (b) you understand but dont use

    (c) whose meanings you think you know roughly,

    (d) whose meanings you can guess from the context,&

    (e) whose meaning you do not know in any way.


    The decision to invest outside the home country is a major one that requires

    careful analysis. Investments overseas can be portfolio investments, where

    investors buy shares and debentures that can be liquidated at market value

    any time. These investments can be made without leaving the home country

    through an international investment broker or banking in situation. Foreign

    direct investments are quite different. They usually involve the establishment of

    plants or distribution networks abroad. Investors may acquire part of all of the

    equity of an existing foreign company with the objective of controlling

    production, research and development and sales. Foreign direct investments

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    Make these lists in your exercise book.

    Words I knowwell

    Words Iunderstand butdont use

    Words I canroughlyunderstand

    Words I canguess from thecontext

    Words whosemeaning I dontknow in any way

    Now, work with your partner. Compare which words you included in the above

    columns. What helped you to guess the meanings of the words you didnt know?

    Activity 3: Other ways of learning and remembering vocabulary

    Guessing is one way of learning new vocabulary, but there are others. Many

    students say, for instance, that they use the following ways.

    1. Which one of them do you use? Which ones do you find most helpful?

    2. Do you have any of your own additional ways of learning and

    remembering words that you find particularly useful?

    3. Work with your group members and compare what you have written with

    what your friends wrote. What ways of vocabulary learning do you have

    in common? In what ways are you different?

    4. Make a list at the back of your exercise book ways of learning and

    remembering vocabulary

    5. Write down four ways of learning vocabulary you are going to use within the future.

    Section 4: Grammar: Learning to Use Grammar for

    Facilitating Meaning.


    Associating the new word with something or some other words you know


    Grouping new words you learn in English in some meaningful way

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    Activity 1: What is Grammar?

    Answer each of the following questions first individually. Then discuss them with

    your group and your instructor.

    1. What is grammar for you?

    2. Study the following sentences carefully. Why do you think they are not

    acceptable? That is, what is the problem with each? How can you re -write

    them in an acceptable way?

    A. I born in Debre Tabor.

    B. My name are Bedassa .

    C. The teacher said me to bring my book.

    D. My father works a farmer.

    E. I learn a secondary school.

    3. Look at the following sentences, which are all acceptable to mother tongue

    (L1) speakers. Are they acceptable to you? Which grammar rules do they

    break? How can you rewrite them to make them acceptable to you as a

    second language (L2) speaker?

    A) Whos going to start, you or me?

    B) If they arrested him, they will arrest anyone.

    C) I wish we had less cars on the roads. Then there would be less accidents.

    D) Can I have two coffees, please?

    4. Look at again the following sentences. Which of them do you think are

    grammatical and which ones are ungrammatical? Why?

    A. The cat drinks the milk.

    B. The table eats the food.

    C. The dog reads the book

    D. The boy eats the bread

    Do you wish to make any change to your definition of Grammar?

    Activity 2:What can Grammar tell us?


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    We have seen that we often think the term grammar as rules to be learned. However, grammar rules

    are simply not hard and fast. So learning them can be misleading. But knowledge of grammar is

    thought by many to be the central area of the language system because it can tell us a lot of many

    things about how language is used for communication.

    Below are two groups of words, which can not be combined to form completely grammatical

    sentences, but can be put into an order so that the reader can interpret meaning from them. Arrange

    each group of word in an order which gives an interpretable meaning as a statement. Then, expand

    each in to complete sentence.

    A, lay crocodile eggs B, call boy girl

    1. Look at the following pairs of sentences which are different in


    A. Mary likes John Vs John likes Mary.

    B. The cow is mad Vs The cows were mad.

    You can easily tell that the pairs of sentences in A and B are completely

    different in meaning. Which part of grammar guides (helps) you in the decisions

    you made for each pair?

    2. Study the information given by the underlined words or phrases in the

    following example sentences:

    A. When did she die?

    - It is a question.

    - It is concerned with time.

    - It is concerned with past time.

    B .If Mary invites you to tea, will you accept it?

    - It is a conditional sentence.

    - It is conditional sentence type-I

    - It is about an action concerning Mary.

    - It is a request for information.

    Now, study the following sentences and write briefly the information that the

    grammar in each tells you. Then, compare your answers with the students in yourgroup.


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    A) When you arrive, please call me.

    B) Bedru has written the letter.

    C) Dont write unless you are told to do so

    D) When did you buy this book?

    Activity 3: Changing the Grammar Changes the Meaning

    1. Study the following groups (pairs) of sentences. All of them are

    correct. But can you identify the differences in meaning?

    Where do you live?

    A. Where are you living?

    Where have you been living?

    Where did you live before you came here?

    Up to now, I have been living in Gondar.

    I used to live in Bishoftu.

    B. I lived in Jima for many years.

    I live in Addis now.

    I am living in Nazareth now.

    C. I expect to see him tomorrow

    I would expect to see him tomorrow.

    D. Do you want me to do it now?

    Did you want me to do it now?

    Activity 4: Grammar in Discourse

    Complete the following text by writing the correct forms of the

    verbs given in the brackets. It is possible to have two versions of

    this text. How do they differ in meaning?


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    (Feel) a bit fed up with life in Addis Ababa, I (decide) to take a drive in the

    direction of Nazareth one day. I (setoff on a beautiful January morning, (drive)

    slowly along the main Bishoftu road, (dodge) the heavy lorries and (breathe) in

    clouds of exhaust fumes. After a while, I (think) that may be (travel) a long minor

    road would be a more pleasant way of (see) the country. I (leave) the main road

    and my troubles really (start).

    A.Summary so far on Grammar

    1. We have seen that grammar can tell us many things about how language is

    being used. It can tell us about:

    The relationship between participants in a situation.

    The topic/focus of a message as a part of an ongoing discourse.

    When an action took/takes place.

    The attitude of the speaker /writer to wards his/her subject

    (evidence) to a person in the situation.

    2. So, a definition of grammar must include more than form. It must include:

    - Form

    - Meaning

    - Use in an on going discourse

    - Use in a situation

    3. We have also seen that we enjoy learning and learn best when the activities

    we have to do:

    - Make us use our power of reasoning to work out things for

    ourselves (cognitive skills)

    - Are interesting and involves us as learners (affective)

    - Make us interact with other (communicative)

    Section 5: Writing: Personal Description


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    Description is a vivid and detailed representation in words of the image of an

    object or subjective phenomenon such as a person, a scene, an object, place, etc.

    It generally employs words that appeal to the five senses.

    In the real world, it is common to tell what a person is like in order to enable

    others to recognize the person being described. It is also customary to describe a

    persons or ones own characteristics or internal qualities so that the listener or the

    reader can get a clear image of the individual being described.

    University students also need to equip themselves with the skill that enables them

    to clearly describe others and themselves to others. The activity included in this

    section will help the students to practice describing their physical appearances,

    internal qualities, interests, hobbies, etc.

    Activity 1: Brainstorming

    Go back to the reading passage in Section One. List down the words and /or

    phrases that the writer has used to describe herself. Then, categorize them under

    the following headings if there is /are any:

    1. Body build physical appearance:_______________

    2. Age :

    3. Personality (internal qualities):_______________________________

    4. Other qualities/facts:

    Activity 2: Below is a descriptive story of a teacher. Read the text

    carefully focussing on the descriptive words or phrases the writer has

    used to describe him/her. Then, categorize them under the headings

    given below the text.

    My name is Endalkachew. I was born in 1952 E.C in Addis. My father is a business

    man; he owns a supermarket. My mother is a housewife. I have two brothers and a

    sister. I am the third child for my parents. I am from a medium family; we are

    totally seven.

    By now, I am a school teacher in my late fifties. I am quite tall, very fat with big

    stomach and rather over weight because I dont do enough physical exercise. My

    hair was once dark but now it is turning to grey. I have brown eyes. Since I am


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    short sighted, I usually wear glasses. My sister says that they make me look

    intelligent. My face is long and thin.

    I dont have any expensive clothes, but when I go out, I always try to be smartly

    dressed, especially when I am teaching. At home, I usually wear a pair of jeans and

    a T-shirt.

    I am a fairly quiet person so I dont like talking to other people very much. Like all

    other teachers, I am very hard- working. In my spare time, I usually read

    magazines, fictions, and watch movies.

    Words or phrase the writer has used to describe him/herself:

    A. Body build:_____________________

    B. Age:

    C. Face:

    D. Eyes:

    E. Hair:

    F. Clothes:

    G. Personal character /behaviour:_____________________

    H. Hobby/spare time activities :________________________

    I. Other facts

    Activity 3: Study the words or phrases in the lists below that can be used to

    describe people (oneself or others).First, identify and list down the words or

    phrases that you think can help you to describe yourself. Then, using these words

    or phrases that you have selected, write a descriptive text of yourself (describe

    yourself) and read it to the class.

    1. Physical Appearance

    Height Body Face Eyes

    tall, short frail, stocky round, oval big, round

    medium height slim, thin square, smiling blue, large

    dwarf, very tall plump, fat long, thin small, bright

    very short, average skinny, bonny with scars brown

    height, etc broad shoulder wrinkles small ears


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    muscular big jaw

    Hair Clothes

    bald, straight, curly casual, scruffy

    spiky, wavy, kinky shabby, smart

    Plaited hair, long to the shoulder/waist, tidy, etc.

    2. Behaviours/characteristics

    careful, hard working, kind, shy, quiet, aggressive, tough, generous, self-confident, loyal

    cruel, wild, trustworthy, cheerful, friendly

    3. Age.

    toddler, teenager, youngster, middle- aged, old man (woman), young, elderly, in late/early/ mid

    twenties, thirties, etc

    4. Other facts

    artist, single, married/coupled, family head, housewife, a widow, widower, owns business, spinster,

    bachelor, etc

    Section 6: Listening: Finding Out about Other People

    Yidnekachew Tesema

    I. Pre- Listening Activity

    Before listening to the text on the topic Yidnekachew Tesema, try to

    answer the following

    questions first individually, and then in groups of three or four.

    1. Think of a famous person you like most and admire. Think of the reasons why

    you like and admire him/her, and then tell to your group. Describe this person

    to your group.

    2. With your group, discuss what you know about Yidnedachew Tesema, and

    report to the class

    II. While- Listening Activity:


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    Now, you are going to listen to a story about Yidnekachew Tesema. You will listen

    to it two times. During the first listening, try to take notes that will help you

    complete the outline given below. During the second listening, try to take notes

    that youve missed during the first listening session that can help you to complete

    the out line appropriately. First, copy the outline and study it.

    Yidnekachew Tesema

    1. His first and only club:------------------------------------------------

    2. His age when he joined the club -------------------------

    3. His physical appearance:--------------------

    4. His personality:------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    5. His contribution to Ethiopian


    6. His favourite soccer:--------------------------------------------------------------

    7. Number of times he played for the national team:----------------------------

    8. Number of goals he scored for the national team: ---------------------------

    9. The year he died in: --------------------------

    10.The cause for his death:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    11.The cup that his team won:----------------

    12.The year his team won the cup:-----------------

    13.Number(length) years he stayed in the club:----------------------------

    III. Post- Listening Activity: Now come into groups of three or four and compare your

    answers. Using the information (note) you have completed in the above outline,

    write a brief summary about Yidnekachew Tesema and read it to the class.


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