1 Chapter 2 UNIX for Users 2 Contents l Basic things in Unix - login, logout, password, online...

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Transcript of 1 Chapter 2 UNIX for Users 2 Contents l Basic things in Unix - login, logout, password, online...


Chapter 2 UNIX for Users



Basic things in Unix

- login, logout, password, online manual

- X-window

- file system

- commands for files and directories

- file attributes

- editor


Login and Logout

Login account you already have one account in cs.sookmyung.ac.kr

Login telnet X-window

Logout Ctrl-D logout



Systems you can use cs.sookmyung.ac.kr cslinux1.sookmyung.ac.kr cslinux2.sookmyung.ac.kr

Telnet telnet cs.sookmyung.ac.kr

Modem Hyperterminal, 새롬데이터맨 : 710-9251 전화접속 네트워킹 : 3789-5656

telnet, ftp, netscape, …



X-window developed at MIT

window system based on client/server model

standard window system for UNIX and Linux

X-window 의 종류 X11 by MIT

OpenWin on Sun Solaris, HP/UX, IBM AIX, ...

XFree86 on Linux


Login to X-window

On Unix or Linux Console login and startx on Linux openwin on Solaris

On Window PC Xmanager on PC http://www.netsarang.co.kr


X-window 의 윈도우 매니저

윈도우 매니저의 역할

스크린에 나타나는 윈도우를 조정하고 관리한다 .

윈도우 확대 , 축소 , 이동 , 아이콘으로 변환 등

윈도우 매니저 종류 CDE on Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, HP/UX, ...

KDE on Linux http://www.kde.org

GNOME on Linux http://www.gnome.org

Twm, Mwm, Fvwm, Window Maker … on Linux



윈도우 매니저 GNOME

Panel panel applet 과 menu 들을 포함한다 .

Panel applets 은 판넬 내의 작은 프로그램

예 : the clock applet

Main Menu Button Window 98 의 시작 버튼과 같은 역할

Desktop 프로그램




윈도우 매니저 GNOME

파일 관리자 (File Manager)

이동 , 실행

복사 , 이름 변경 , 삭제 등

- 마우스 오른쪽 버튼을 이용

참조 http://www.gnome.org/users-guide/index.html


X-window 의 동작 과정

X server

X client

X client

X client


Mouse Keyboard



X-window 의 동작 과정


consists of a terminal screen, a keyboard, and a mouse

X server

handles all the input and output of data at the display

one X server to each display

보통 X-window 는 X server 를 의미함 .


X-window 의 동작 과정

.X client

디스플레이의 사용자와 대화하는 X 응용 프로그램

X client 의 예

- xterm, xclock, netscape, ….

출력을 X server 에 요청

X server 로부터 입력을 받음

- 마우스 클릭 , 윈도우 이동 , 키보드 누름 , …


X-window 의 특징

Client/Server 기반 윈도우 시스템

X server 와 X client

네트워크 기반 윈도우 시스템

X server 와 X client 가 같은 호스트 혹은

다른 호스트에 위치할 수 있다 .


Running Commands

Shell a command line interpreter on UNIX Bourne shell, Korn shell, C shell

date [yymmddhhmm [.ss] display or set current date and time

Online manual man [chapter] word man -k keyword

$man -k mode

$man chmod

$man 2 chmod


Special Characters

Special characters

$ stty all

erase kill werase rprnt flush lnext susp

intr quit stop eof

Terminating a process

- Control-C

- standard way to interrupt the foreground job

Pausing output

- Control-S/Control-Q


Special Characters

End-of-input- Control-D

passwd- to set or change your password

- at least six letters, should not a word from a dictionary


File System

Directory hierarchy- tree structure

- root directory

bin usr dev home



File System

Home directory– shell starts in your home directory when you login– assigned by the system administrator

Current working directory- a directory where your shell is currently working

- home directory, when you login

- How to change cwd ?

Moving to a directory- cd [directoryName]



Absolute path name– specify a file or directory by a pathname from the root directory /– /home/chang

Relative path name

- specify a file or directory by a pathname relative to the cwd

. : current directory

.. : parent directory


Commands for files

Listing the contents of a directory

ls -adglsFR {fileName}* {directoryName}*

-a : hidden files starting with .

-l : long listing including permission, owner,

modification time

-d : directory not files

-g : file's group

-s : size

-F : file type ( *, /)

-R : recursively


Commands for files

Listing a file

cat -n {fileName}*

more -f [+lineNumber] {fileName}*

page -f [+lineNumber] {fileName}*

head -n {fileName}*

tail -n {fileName}*


Commands for files

Renaming a file- mv -i oldFileName newFileName

- mv -i {fileName}* directoryName

- mv -i oldDirectoryName newDirectoryName

Making a directory- mkdir [-p] newDirectoryName

- creates a new directory


Commands for files

Copying a file

cp -ir {fileName}* directoryName

cp -i oldFileName newFileName

Deleting a file or directory

rmdir {directoryName}+

rm -fir {fileName}


Commands for files

Printing a file

lpr -m [-Pprinter] [-#copies] {fileName}*

Counting the words in a file

wc -lwc {fileName}*


File attributes

file name– the number of physical blocks

file modification time- the the time that the file was last modified

file owner/group- the owner of the file

– every process has an owner, which is the login user id

– whenever a process creates a file, the file's owner is set to the process's owner


File attributes

file type

character file type- regular filed directory fileb buffered special file like a disk

drivec unbuffered special file like a

terminall symbolic linkp pipes socket


File attributes

permission mode

user group others

rwx rwx rwx


Changing files

Changing a file's permissions

chmod -R permission {fileName}+

owner group othersrwx rwx rwx111 111 1117 7 7

$chmod 750 .

$chmod 644 filename


Changing files

Changing a file's owner

chown -R UserId {fileName}+

change the ownership of files

$chown chang filename

Changing groups

chgrp -R GrpId {fileName}+

change the group of files


Determining terminal's type

Terminal type

- vi or emacs need to know your terminal type !

- Set shell envirionment variable $TERM to your terminal type

(csh) %setenv TERM ansi


(sh) $set TERM=ansi


– Setting terminal type in shell's startup file

.cshrc (csh) .profile (sh)


Changing terminal's characteristics

• Changing metacharacter setting

– The default metacharacter settings may be overriden

– stty -a {option}* {metacharacterString <value>}*

erase, kill, lnext susp, intr, stop, eof

$ stty erase ^b


Editor vi

A standard editor in UNIX%vi filename

Two modes– command mode

initial mode, editing commands

– text entry mode

enter text you'd like to enter


Editor vi

How to enter text entry mode

– By typing i, a, o, O, or R in command mode

• i Text is inserted in front of the cursor

• a Text is added after the cursor

• o/O Text is added after/before the current


• R Text is replaced (overwritten)

– You can not move around the screen using the cursor keys

in text entry mode

– Back to command mode by typing Esc


Command mode

C u r s o r M o v e m e n t

- r i g h t , l e f t , u p , d o w n : )( ,)( ,)( ),( kjhl

- s t a r t o r e n d o f l i n e : ^ , $

- b a c k o r f o r w a r d o n e w o r d : b , w

- d o w n o r u p o n e s c r e e n

C o n t r o l - F , C o n t r o l - B

- d o w n o r u p h a l f s c r e e n

C o n t r o l - D , C o n t r o l - U

- T o l i n e n n

: n n < E n t e r >


Command mode

Deleting Text

Item to delete Key sequence

character x, nx

word dw, ndw

line dd, or ndd

to end of current line D

block of lines :<range>d<Enter>


Command mode

Replacing Text

Item toreplace

Key sequence

character r, and type a character

word cw, and type the replacement text followed by Esc

line cc, and type the replacement text followed by Esc


Command mode

Pasting Text

Action Key sequence

Copy(yank) n lines intopaste buffer

n Shift y


Insert(put) paste buffterafter current line

Shift p


Insert paste buffer afterline nn.



Command mode


Action Key sequence

Search forward /string < Enter>

Search backward ?string < Enter>

Repeat last search n


Command mode


Action Key sequence

Replace the first string1on each line with string2

:<range> s/string1/string2/<Enter>

Replace every string1with string2

:<range> s/string1/string2/g<Enter>


Command mode

Saving/Loading Files

Action Key sequence

Save file as <name> :w <name><Enter>

Save file with current name :w<Enter>

Edit file <name> instead ofcurrent file

:e <name><Enter>

Edt next file on initialcommand line



Command mode


Action Key sequence

Redraw screen Control-L

Execute command andreturn to vi


Quit if work is saved :q<Enter>

Quit vi and discardunsaved work



Electronic Mail

Elm– a popular mail system in UNIX

– sending mail

% elm chang@cs.sookmyung.ac.kr

(1) automatically vi is invoked and edit a mail

(2) quit by typing :wq and send by typing <Enter>

– reading mail

% elm

graphical user interface : move cursor and type return


Electronic Mail

mail – mail -H [-f fileName] {address}*

– sending mail

% mail chang@cs.sookmyung.ac.kr

% mail chang@cs.sookmyung.ac.kr < filename

– reading mail

% mail


Electronic Mail

Netscape mailer

– 윈도우에서 사용하는 netscape mailer 와 동일하게 사용 가능