1 Chapter 15 Religion. 2 3 4 Religion: a ‘unified system of beliefs and practices relative to...

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Transcript of 1 Chapter 15 Religion. 2 3 4 Religion: a ‘unified system of beliefs and practices relative to...


Chapter 15Chapter 15





• Religion: a ‘unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things’. It involves a set of beliefs and practices that are uniquely the property of religion, as opposed to other social institutions and ways of thinking.

• The sacred (神聖 ) encompasses elements beyond everyday life that inspire awe, respect, and even fear. The profane (凡俗 ) includes the ordinary and commonplace.


The role of religionThe role of religion• Since religion is a cultural universal, it is not

surprising that it plays a basic role in human societies. In sociological terms, these include both manifest and latent functions.

• Among its manifest (open and stated) functions, religion defines the spiritual world and gives meaning to the divine. Religion provides an explanation for events that seem difficult to understand, such as our relationship to what lies beyond the grave.


• The latent functions of religion are unintended, covert or hidden. Even though the manifest function of church services is to offer a forum for religious worship, they might at the same time fulfil a latent function as a meeting ground for unmarried members.


Religious behaviour Religious behaviour

• Religious belief, religious rituals, and religious experience all help to define what is sacred and to differentiate the sacred from the profane.

• Belief ( 信仰 ): religious belief are statements to which members of a particular religion adhere. These views can vary dramatically from religion to religion. (e.g., Adam and Eve account of creation found in Genesis, the first book of the Old Testament)


• Ritual ( 儀式 ): religion rituals are practices required or expected of members of a faith. (e.g., saying grace at a meal or observing a moment of silence to commemorate someone’s death).


• Experience: religious experience refers to the feeling or perception of being in direct contact with the ultimate reality, such as a divine being, or of being overcome with religious emotion. (e.g., the feeling of exaltation a person receives from hearing a choir sing Handel’s ‘Halelujah Chorus’)


Religious organisationReligious organisation

• Ecclesiae ( 教會 ): an ecclesia is a religious organisation that claims to include most or all of the members of a society and is recognised as the national or official religion.

• Denominations ( 教派 ): is a large, organised religion not officially linked with the state or government. (e.g., Roman Catholics, Lutherans, and Mormons)


• Sects ( 宗派 ): can be defined as a relatively small religious group that has broken away from some other religious organisation to renew what it considers the original vision of the faith.

• New Religious Movements or Cults ( 門派 ): e.g., Falun Gong ( 法輪功 )