1. cant: sing

Post on 13-Jan-2016

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1. cant: sing. Can tor: religious official who sings or chants In cant ation: spell or verbal charm Re cant : sing back. _____________________________________________. 2. Carp: fruit. A carp ous: sterile; not bearing fruit Carp ophagous: feeding on fruit - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of 1. cant: sing

1. cant: sing

•Cantor: religious official who sings or chants

•Incantation: spell or verbal charm

•Recant: sing back


2. Carp: fruit

•Acarpous: sterile; not bearing fruit

•Carpophagous: feeding on fruit

•Sarcocarp: fleshy fruit like apricot or cherry


3. Caust: burn

•Caustic: corrosive; sarcastic

•Cauterize: to burn with a hot instrument

•Holocaust: total devastation by fire; a sacrificial offeringconsumed by fire


4. Cephal: head

•Bicephalous: full of two heads

•Cephalopod: a marine mollusk that has a distinct headwith tentacles around the mouth and well-developed eyes,like the octopus and the squid

•Electroencephalograph: an instrument to record electriccurrents in the brain


5. Chiro: hand

•Chirography: handwriting, penmanship

•Chiropractor: one who uses his/her hands to healBacks

•Chiromancy: palm reading


6. De (div): god

•Deity: a god

•Deify: to make a god

•Divine: pertaining to god


7. Em (emp): buy, take

•Example: from the latin exemire, to take out

•Peremptory: take thoroughly; ending all debate

•Caveat emptor: “Let the buyer beware!”


8. Fil: line, thread

•File: a receptacle that keeps loose objects in line

•Filament: a thinly spun thread, fiber, or wire

•Filigree: delicate, intricate, ornamental work made from gold, silver, or other fine wire


9. Gyro: circle, turn

•Gyration: act of turning

•Gyrocopter: a rotary-wing aircraft that is driven forward by a conventional propeller

•Gyrocompass: a navigational device containing a gyroscopewith a rotating axis parallel to the earth’s axis and thus pointing to true north instead of magnetic north


10. Hibern: winter

•Hibernate: the act of holing up for the winter

•Hibernal: pertaining to winter

•Hibernaculum: a case, covering, or structure in which anOrganism remains dormant during the winter


11. Journ: daily

•Journal: related to daily

•Journey: a day’s travel

•Journeyman: one who has completed his apprenticeship, ora day’s work


12. Lumin: light

•Luminous: full of light

•Illuminate: to put light into

•Luminescence: beginning to be light


13. My (myo): muscle

•Cardiomyopathy: disease of the heart muscle

•Myasthenia: abnormal muscle fatigue or weakness

•Myogenic: forming muscle tissue


14. Pend (pens): hang, weigh

•Pending: characteristic of hanging

•Pensive: characteristic of weighing something in one’smind

•Depend: to hang down


15. Phor: bear, yield, carry

•Euphoria: state of yielding something good

•Dysphoria: state of yielding bad things

•Carpophore: bearing fruit


16. Put: think

•Compute: to think together

•Dispute: to think apart

•Reputation: what people think about someone


17. Radic (radix): root

•Radical: characteristic of root

•Radish: root vegetable

•Eradicate: to get rid of completely; root out


18. Rat (ratio): reason, think, determine

•Rational: characteristic of reason

•Ratify: to confirm or make settled

•Ratiocinate: to think methodically and logically


19. Rid (ris): laugh, mock

•Ridiculous: laughable

•Deride: laugh down

•Ridicule: mock


20. Scend: climb

•Ascend: climb to or toward

•Descend: climb down

•Transcend: climb across


21. Spor: sow

•Endospore: spore formed within the cell membrane ofa parent cell

•Sporocide: an agent of killing spores

•Sporogenesis: formation of or reproduction by spores


22. Stat (stasis): stand, stop, stable

•Static: inactive, not moving

•Thermostat: maintains a stable present temperature

•Hemostasis: stoppage of blood flow by natural or surgicalmeans


23. the: put

•Photosynthesis: process of putting light together

•Epithet: put over or upon; a term, frequently abusive,Used to characterize a person or thing

•Antithesis: direct contrast; put against


24. Trop: turn

•Tropic: circle at which the sun turns

•Trophy: a monument to victory when the enemy turns

•Heliotrope: turn toward the sun


25. Ver: true

•Verify: make sure something is true

•Verdict: speak the truth

•Verisimilitude: state of being truly similar
