1 A Lesson in Cyber Terrorism. 2 Cyber Terrorism Look up definitions to the listed terms using the...

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Transcript of 1 A Lesson in Cyber Terrorism. 2 Cyber Terrorism Look up definitions to the listed terms using the...


A Lesson in Cyber Terrorism


Cyber TerrorismLook up definitions to the listed terms using the website below


1.Virus 2.Hacker3.Phishing4.Logic Bomb5.Worm6.Trap Doors7.Spyware8.Dumpster Diving9.Salami Shaving10.Data Diddling11.Firewall


A Quick Look at Hacks, Worms, and Cyberterror

1964AT&T began a crackdown on “phreakers”12.What is a “phreaker”?13.How did AT&T respond to the situation?14.Who was John Draper?15.Why did he have the nickname Captain Crunch?


A Quick Look at Hacks, Worms, and Cyberterror

1978Engineers at Xerox PARC design a computer worm.16.What was the original purpose of the worm?17.How does this compare to your definition from above?


A Quick Look at Hacks, Worms, and Cyberterror

1983The 414s break-in to 60 computer systems.18.Where did the 414s get their name?19.What defense were the 414s going to use?20.What was one concern with this defense?


A Quick Look at Hacks, Worms, and Cyberterror

1983The movie War Games was released‣Hacking Fears make News‣An interview with Captain Crunch


A Quick Look at Hacks, Worms, and Cyberterror

199430 Year Old Russian Vladimir Levin and other hackers broke into Citibank and stole millions.21.How does this situation relate to something that happened in the movie War Games?22.What happened to Levin?


A Quick Look at Hacks, Worms, and Cyberterror

1998The Solar Sunrise attacks Sun’s operating system.23.What does this attack have in common with the 414s and War Games?


A Quick Look at Hacks, Worms, and Cyberterror

2006Jeanson James Ancheta plead guilty of seizing control of over 400,000 internet connected computers.24.What was unique about Ancheta’s attack?25.In this article on hackers, what do the individuals have in common and what is going to waste?


A Quick Look at Hacks, Worms, and Cyberterror


26.This is a modern day version of what crime?