1 3rd Meeting of the Science Advisory Board of the NOAA Climate Test Bed (28-29 August 2007, Silver...

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Transcript of 1 3rd Meeting of the Science Advisory Board of the NOAA Climate Test Bed (28-29 August 2007, Silver...


Climate Test Bed

Climate Climate Test BedTest Bed

Climate Community

Climate Community

Research &Development

Research &Development

NOAA Climate


NOAA Climate


Mission:Mission: to accelerate the transition of research and development into improved NOAA operational climate forecasts, products, and applications.

3rd Meeting of the Science Advisory Board of the NOAA Climate Test Bed

(28-29 August 2007, Silver Spring, MD



Review CTB Reply to SAB and IncorporateReview CTB Reply to SAB and IncorporateObjectives and Expected OutcomeObjectives and Expected Outcome

• Objectives

to review progress on CTB science priorities and previous SAB recommendations;

to obtain advice on short-term (FY08-FY09) and long-term (next 5 years and beyond) science priorities.

• Expected Outcome

SAB Written Report with advice and recommendations

- address specific issues raised here & in the Interim Meeting report


3rd CTB Science Advisory Board MeetingSilver Spring, MD August 28-29, 2007

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

8:00 a.m. SAB Executive Session / Continental Breakfast

SESSION 1: CTB OVERVIEW (Chairperson: Wayne Higgins)9:00 a.m. Welcome, Objectives and Issues for SAB – Wayne Higgins9:15 a.m. CFS as a National Model – Louis Uccellini9:45 a.m. CTB computer resources / CFSRR Project – Hualu Pan10:00 a.m. ARC Contributions to the CTB – Jim Kinter10:15 a.m. Break

SESSION 2: MULTI MODEL ENSEMBLES (Chairperson: Suranjana Saha)10:30 a.m. An overview of CTB MME activities at NCEP – Suru Saha 10:50 a.m.  MME with DEM3 and GFDL – Huug van den Dool 11:10 a.m.      Assessment of consolidation strategies for SST monthly

forecasts for MME - Malaquias Peña 11:30 a.m. Consolidation of Official forecasts at CPC – David Unger 11:50 a.m. NASA Plans for MME – Michele Rienecker 12:10 a.m.  MME Discussion12:30 p.m. Lunch


3nd CTB Science Advisory Board MeetingSilver Spring, MD August 28-29, 2007

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

SESSION 3: CFS TESTING AND EVALUATION (Chairpersons: J. Schemm and S. Moorthi)1:30 p.m. Synthesis of FY07 Experiments and Role of TPT during FY08 in CFS

Reanalysis and Reforecasting – Jae Schemm and Shrinivas Moorthi1:50 p.m. Neural Network Emulations of Model Physics – Michael Fox Rabinovitz 2:10 p.m. Using Initial Tendency Errors to Reduce Systematic Errors – Tim DelSole2:30 p.m. CFS Discussion2:45 p.m. Break

SESSION 4: CLIMATE FORECAST PRODUCTS AND SERVICES (Chairperson: Ed O’Lenic)3:00 p.m. An Evolving List of Climate Forecast Products – Ed O’lenic 3:20 p.m. Drought Monitoring and Prediction – Kingtse Mo3:40 p.m. Recent Tropical Pacific ENSO Cycles: Argo Analysis, GODAS and CFS

Prediction – Michael McPhaden and Dongxiao Zhang4:00 p.m. CTB-CPC-CSD Collaboration – Robert Livezey4:20 p.m. Climate Forecast Products Discussion

5:00 p.m. SAB Executive Session (closed)5:30 p.m. Break6:00 p.m. SAB Executive Session (closed) – Working dinner (provided) to draft

responses to CTB questions


3nd CTB Science Advisory Board MeetingSilver Spring, MD August 28-29, 2007

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

8:00 a.m. SAB Executive Session / Continental Breakfast

SESSION 5: CTB ADMINISTRATION (Chairperson: Wayne Higgins)9:00 a.m. CTB Grants Program / O2R Concept – Ken Mooney 9:15 a.m. CTB Budget and Tracking CTB Tasks – Mel Gelman 9:30 a.m. Future of CTB Teams –Siegfried Schubert and Hualu Pan

SESSION 6: SAB DISCUSSIONS AND ADVICE (Chairperson: Tony Busalacchi)9:45 a.m. Discussion with TPT Chairs (Saha, Moorthi, Schemm, O’lenic) and CST Chair (Schubert) without CTB Management (closed) – Tony Busalacchi10:15 a.m. Discussion with Oversight Board (Koblinsky, Uccellini, Kumar, et al.) –

Tony Busalacchi 11:00 a.m. Exit Interview with CTB Management and Oversight Board –

Tony Busalacchi 12:00 p.m. End of Meeting

Speakers: Please use 2/3rd of your allotted time (or less) for presentations, and 1/3rd of your allotted time (or more) for questions and exchange


• Climate Forecast System: first dynamic operational climate forecast model (implemented Aug 2004)

• Climate Test Bed: established in 2005, focused on accelerating improvements in the Climate Forecast System and related seasonal forecast products

• Unprecedented increases in the skill of CPC official seasonal outlooks (20% or more; O’lenic et al. 2007) due in part to CFS and to CTB milestones (e.g. consolidation tool).

Recent Climate Prediction Advancements at NCEP


• Due in part to early CTB successes, NCEP is poised to make significant

advancements with the next upgrade of CFS and work this within an

MME framework.

• Consequently, the CTB has adopted the following priorities: Accelerate improvements in the CFS through the O2R and R2O

paradigm Be a partner within the multi model ensemble enterprise Enhance NCEP’s role in the transition process Accelerate development of user-demanded climate forecast


• What are some of the issues where SAB advice is needed?What are some of the issues where SAB advice is needed?

CTB Science Priorities


CFS Next: Issues for the SABCFS Next: Issues for the SAB

1. How should the CTB use its computing resources to help NCEP meet its goal for the next implementation of CFS?

2. What is the appropriate balance between AO-driven external projects and internal activities (such as CFSRR)? Should this balance be determined by whether a project contributes to CFS next as opposed to CFS next + 1?

3. What procedures should the CTB use to ensure that its computing facility is equitably shared between external (competitive) and internal projects?


MME: Issues for the SABMME: Issues for the SAB

1. Has the CTB developed an effective MME implementation strategy?

2. Should CTB proceed with both International MME and National MME, and in what balance?

3. How can CTB influence development of a National Strategy for MME, and climate model development?

4. What happens if none of the MME models add additional skill to the CFS?

5. Does the CTB have the appropriate balance between MME and CFS activities?


Products and Services: Products and Services: Issues for the SAB Issues for the SAB

1. Are CTB efforts to link CPC with the user community developing appropriately?

2. What criteria should the CTB use in developing priorities for user-demanded climate products to be transitioned to operations?

3. How should the CTB work with CPC forecast operations to enhance the development and delivery of climate forecast products and services?

4. What should the CTB do to influence the research agenda of the research applications community in the longer term?

5. How should CTB measure success (e.g. number of new and improved products, economic impact, social utility, etc.)?


Collaborative Transition Projects Collaborative Transition Projects (CTB Competitive Grants Program)(CTB Competitive Grants Program)

FY06 : Climate Forecast SystemFY06 : Climate Forecast System

• Using initial tendency errors to reduce systematic errors (PI: Delsole, COLA; Co-PI: Pan, EMC)

• Neural network emulations of model physics (PI: Rabinovitz, U. MD; Co-PI: Krasnapolsky, Saha EMC)

• Ocean component of the NCEP ENSO CFS (PI: McPhaden, PMEL; Co-PI: Xue, EMC)

FY07 : Climate Forecast ProductsFY07 : Climate Forecast Products

• System-wide advancement of user-centric climate forecast products (PI: Hartmann (UAZ); Co-PI: Ed O’Lenic (CPC))


Climate Test Bed (CTB)Climate Test Bed (CTB)

In FY 2008, NOAA is soliciting proposals to initiate CTB projects under the Climate Dynamics and Experimental Prediction (CDEP) program. Due to limited available funding, the priority areas for FY 2008 are focused on enhancing multi-model ensemble based forecasts, anchored by the NCEP Climate Forecast System, and on improving monthly-to-seasonal climate forecast products and applications, especially for drought. Priority areas include (note this is not a prioritized list):

1) Climate Forecast System Improvements;1) Climate Forecast System Improvements;

2) Evaluation of Multi-Model Ensemble Forecasts;2) Evaluation of Multi-Model Ensemble Forecasts;

3) Improving Drought Prediction;3) Improving Drought Prediction;

4) Enhancing Operational Drought Forecast Products and Applications, including those in 4) Enhancing Operational Drought Forecast Products and Applications, including those in NIDIS Pilot Regions and States.NIDIS Pilot Regions and States.

An information sheet containing further details on FY 2008 CTB priorities can be found at http://... For further information, investigators should contact Chet Ropelewski (Chet.Ropelewski@noaa.gov), 301-427-2381, fax: 301-427-2073).

CTB FY08 Federal Funding OpportunityCTB FY08 Federal Funding Opportunity

Update: The CTB received 40 LOI’s and Update: The CTB received 40 LOI’s and encouraged 23 projects for full proposals encouraged 23 projects for full proposals