1-2_Year 1 and 2_Rubrik Makmal_Long Report_06032013

Post on 01-Jan-2016

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rubrik makmal

Transcript of 1-2_Year 1 and 2_Rubrik Makmal_Long Report_06032013

Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektronik & Kejuruteraan KomputerUniversiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka.


Name/Matrix No. :


Subject/Code : ___________________________________________________________________________________


Title of Experiment : ___________________________________________________________________________________


Course/Section : _________________________ Date: ____________________________

No Description Very Weak (1)

Weak(2) Modest


Good(4) Excellent


ht ScorePO



Title / Learning Outcome / Equipment

No documentation at all.

Poorly documented.

Not all documented; or missing some information.

Moderately documented.

Carefully documented.



PO82.Theory & Background

No background information provided.

Very little background information provided or information is incorrect.

Provide some background information, but still missing some major points.

Background information is nearly complete; missing some minor points.

Background information is complete and well-written; provides all necessary background principles for the experiment.



3. Methods / Procedures

No experimental details at all or copied directly from lab sheet.

Missing several important experimental details.

Missing some important experimental details.

Important experimental details are covered; some minor details are missing.

All experimental details are covered and well-written.



4. Results @ Depend on marking scheme (capping up to 25 marks) 5/25


5. Discussion

Unable to elaborate, interpret and evaluate result.

Poor elaboration, interpretation and evaluation of result.

Able to elaborate, interpret and evaluate result analytically; but missing some important points.

Able to elaborate, interpret and evaluate result analytically; but minor improvements are needed.

Able to elaborate, interpret and evaluate result analytically. 4


6. Conclusion

Concluding paragraph is not apparent.

Attempt to summarize; but draws a weak elaboration.

Not all important points are summarized; sufficient elaboration.

All important points are summarized; missing some minor points, sufficient elaboration.

Summarizes all important points; appropriately addressed the objective, result and discussion.




Report format, organization and appearance

Report is unorganized and not according to the complied format.Unacceptable appearance.

Report is organized but not according to the complied format.Poor appearance.

Report is organized but not according to the complied format.Moderate appearance.

Report is organized and according to the complied format.Acceptable appearance.

Report is organized and according to the complied format.Very good appearance.




Long Report Assessment Rubric: Degree 1st and 2nd Year

Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektronik & Kejuruteraan KomputerUniversiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka.

Total Marks =100


Long Report Assessment Rubric: Degree 1st and 2nd Year