1 & 2 Chronicles Gathering Hope from the Past. 1 & 2 CHRONICLES: THE BOOK Covers same era as 2...

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Transcript of 1 & 2 Chronicles Gathering Hope from the Past. 1 & 2 CHRONICLES: THE BOOK Covers same era as 2...

1 & 2 Chronicles

Gathering Hope from the Past

1 & 2 CHRONICLES: THE BOOK•Covers same era as 2 Samuel – 2 Kings•Originally 1 book in Hebrew Bible (“Chronicles”)• In Hebrew canon, last book in OT, classified among

“The Writings”•Written after return from Babylonia Exile (2 Chron.


1 & 2 CHRONICLES: CHARACTERISTICS• Kings of Israel (N. Kingdom) mostly ignored; focus on Judah as “true

Israel”; no mention of Elijah & Elisha• David & Solomon portrayed as founders of Temple worship more than as

warriors & rulers• David & Solomon’s sins are mostly omitted• More emphasis on good kings of Judah (Asa, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, &

Josiah) & less on bad kings

• WHY? To provide encouragement & hope to returned exiles by emphasizing their history at its best

1 & 2 CHRONICLES: PLOT• God blesses the reigns of David & Solomon, & Israel enjoys the

greatest period of her history under their leadership• Even after the kingdom divides, Judah still has the leadership

of great kings (as well as some not-so-great ones)• Even some evil kings (e.g., Manasseh) turn to God before they

die• Israel’s strength lies in worship centered in the Temple, led by

the priests & Levites

1 & 2 CHRONICLES: MAJOR CHARACTERS• David & Solomon – The 2 great kings who led Israel

to glory & power•Hezekiah & Josiah – Two more kings who were

righteous & serve as examples to the people• The Priests & Levites – Those who had a central role

in leading worship in the Temple, suggesting their importance for the future after the Exile•Cyrus – Persian king who allows Israel to return to

Jerusalem & re-build the Temple

1 & 2 CHRONICLES: MAJOR THEMES• Israel has had a great history & can have a great future,

if they are faithful to God•God’s covenant with David will yet be fulfilled, since the

promises are for an heir to rule “forever”•Being a great nation depends on worshiping God in the

Temple under the leadership of the priests & Levites


• “Thus says Cyrus king of Persia, ‘The Lord, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth, and he has charged me to build him a house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Whoever is among you of all his people, may the Lord his God be with him. Let him go up.’”

(2 Chronicles 36:23)

1 & 2 CHRONICLES: LESSONS FOR TODAY• No matter how bad our past has been, there are always

______________ aspects that serve as a guide for the future.• God’s true ______________ are those who remain faithful to His

covenant.• All compromises in faith are __________________.• There is no true relationship with God without faithful

______________.• No matter what happens, God is always in ______________.