09 Our Strategy Part 2: Strategy, areas of action, · Spectrum Management Investment and Innovation...

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Transcript of 09 Our Strategy Part 2: Strategy, areas of action, · Spectrum Management Investment and Innovation...

09 Our Strategy

Part 2: Strategy,

areas of action,

practical info

Connect 2020 sets out the shared vision, goals and targets that ITU

Member States have committed to work to achieve by 2020 in

collaboration with all stakeholders across the ICT ecosystem

09 Our Strategy

Connect 2020

ITU at a glance

Agenda for global telecommunication/ICT development

“An information society, empowered by the interconnected world, where telecommunication/ICTs enable and accelerate social, economic and environmentally sustainable growth and development for everyone”

Connect 2020


Connect 2020 Goals


09 Our Strategy

Connect 2020

ITU at a glance

Goals & Targets


Enable and foster access to and increased use of


Bridge the digital divide and provide broadband for all

Manage challenges resulting from telecommunication/ICT


Lead, improve and adapt to the changing

telecommunication/ICT environment

55% of households should have access to the Internet

60% of individuals should be using the Internet

40% Telecommunications/ICTs should be 40% more


Effective partnerships of stakeholders in

telecommunication/ICT environment

Telecommunication/ICT environment conducive

to innovation

40% improvement in cybersecurity readiness

30% decrease in Green House Gas emissions per device

generated by the telecommunication/ICT sector

50% reduction in volume of redundant e-waste

50% of households with Internet access in developing, 15% in LDCs

50% of individuals using the Internet in developing, 20% in the LDCs

Affordability gap reduced by 40%

Broadband services cost max 5% of monthly income in developing world;

90% of rural population covered

Gender equality online

Accessible ICTs for persons with disabilities

09 Our Strategy

Connect 2020

ITU at a glance


Contributing to Sustainable Development Goals Framework

National & regional plans

& commitments

Private sector commitments

Other stakeholders


ITU strategic plan


Connect 2020 Goals & Targets

Regional & National level Collaboration

International Collaboration




Government agencies – Intergov. orgs – Private sector orgs – R&D/Academia

ITU Objectives & Outcomes

ITU Outputs

Our areas of action10

ICTs for



10 Our areas of action

ITU at a glance

Enabler for Sustainable development

• ICTs, to accelerate economic development and to move digital inclusion by overcoming critical obstacles

• Increasing connectivity to create tremendous opportunities for new and better jobs (especially by boosting entrepreneurship and SMEs)

• Foundation for a greener economy by innovating clean technologies and to protect the environment for future generation

10 Our areas of action

ITU at a glance

Post-2015 SDGs

2015, Transition from the era of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to one guided by the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

- Three pillars of sustainable development goals : Economic Growth, Social Inclusion, and Environmental Sustainability

10 Our areas of action

ITU at a glance

ICTs in Post-2015 SDG

The Addis Ababa Action Agenda for the Third International Conference on Financing for Development:

“Paragraph 114. The creation, development and diffusion of new innovations and technologies and associated know-how, including the transfer of technology on mutually agreed terms, are powerful drivers of economic growth and sustainable development. However, we note with concern the persistent ‘digital divide’ and the uneven innovative capacity, connectivity and access to technology, including information and communication technology (ICT), within and between countries. We will promote ICT infrastructure development and use, as well as capacity-building, particularly in LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS, including rapid universal and affordable access to the internet. We will promote access to technology and science for women, youth and children. We will further facilitate accessible technology for persons with disabilities.”

UN Summit on the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda in September, 2015 (expected):

“Paragraph 15. The spread of information and communications technology and global interconnectedness hasgreat potential to accelerate human progress, to bridge the digital divide and to develop knowledge societies, asdoes scientific and technological innovation across areas as diverse as medicine and energy.”

10 Our areas of action

ITU at a glance

Direct references to ICTS in SDG Framework

Goal Target04. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education

and promote life-long learning opportunities for all

4.b By 2020, substantially expand globally the number of scholarships available to

developing countries, in particular least developed countries, small island developing

States and African countries, for enrolment in higher education, including vocational

training and information and communications technology, technical, engineering and

scientific programmes, in developed countries and other developing countries

05. Achieve gender equality and empower all

women and girls

5.b Enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and

communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women

09. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive

and sustainable industrialization and foster


9.c Significantly increase access to information and communications technology and strive

to provide universal and affordable access to the Internet in least developed countries by


17. Strengthen the means of implementation and

revitalize the global partnership for sustainable


17.8 Fully operationalize the technology bank and science, technology and innovation

capacity building mechanism for least developed countries by 2017 and enhance the use

of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology

11 Our collaborations



11 Our collaborations

Set up by ITU and UNESCO to promote broadband as a key facilitator to achieving global development goals

Working groups on key issues such as Education, Gender and Sustainable Development

Monitors global advocacy targets to ensure full participation in Information Society

1 2 3

ITU at a glance

Future of ICTs

What to do next 12

12 Future of ICTs

ITU at a glance

Challenges and Opportunities

Bridging Digital Divide /



Effective Standards

Spectrum Management

Investment and Innovation













Economic Growth

Job Creation

Investment and Innovation

Social and Cultural Enrichment

Disaster-Risk Reduction

Greener EconomyOP






12 Future of ICTs

ITU at a glance

Key role of ICT SMEs and Entrepreneurship

• Small medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and entrepreneurs are critical to ensuring sustainable economic growth.

• ICT entrepreneurs and start-ups are particularly relevant because

- They are involved in the development of innovative ICT-enabled solutions

- They have unique potential to make a long-lasting impact in global, regional and national economies

- They are fundamental source of new jobs

- They can operate globally, from anywhere to everywhere

12 Future of ICTs

ITU at a glance

Promoting ICT entrepreneurship / SMEs



How to facilitate13

13 Practical information

ITU at a glance

Organizational matters: IT info

TIES account is a must have to access information and register to events / conferences:

Request can be made at membership@itu.int.

Loan computers during meetings: Bring your ID to Service Desk Limited number of computers

Service Desk: Varembé building (V29) Call 6666 from any fixed phone in ITU

ITU Wi-Fi: Password: itu@GVA1211

13 Practical information

ITU at a glance

Organizational matters: room reservation

Delegates are invited to contact:Room ManagementOffice V247 (2nd floor Varembé Building)Opening hours: 8:30-12:30 / 13:30-17:30Email: room.management@itu.intTel. +41 22 730 6250 / 5746

13 Practical information

ITU at a glance

Mission-related info on our website

13 Practical information

ITU at a glance

Our learning space

ICT Discovery


14 Our learning space


A visitor centre dedicated to the history of telecommunications which showcases the evolution and exciting future of ICTs – and the role of ITU in helping connect the world.

Located at ITU Geneva headquarters

ITU at a glance

Journey through our connected world




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