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Transcript of 09-21-1973

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Career Center grows, offers new services

by Dave DeKok

One of the more difficult ques-tions a student is faced with dur-ing his four years at college is what he will do when he gradu-ates. Oftentimes students leave school with little idea about what job they want or how to go about getting one when they decide.

THE HOPE CAREER Counsel-ing and Placement Center, headed by Myra Zuverink, aids students in solving those two problems.

According to Zuverink, al-though the Center formerly ser-viced only prospective teachers, it now has expanded its services to include students with any major or intended career.

Volume 8 6 - 3 Hope College, Holland, Michigan 49423 September 21, 1973

Posthuma announces

Student Congress sets goals Student Congress opened an-

other year Sept. 13 with plans to look into the housing, recruiting and food services situations. The various committees of the con-gress plan to examine the possible extension of parietal hours, the admissions situation concerning literature and procedures for re-cruiting and revision of the con-gress constitution.

Suggestions for the construc-

tion of malls between College and Columbia on Tenth and Twelfth streets and for the endorsement of Cora Visscher in her bid for a seat on the Holland City Council will be made to the Holland city gov-ernment.

Planned analysis of the housing situation will center on three areas. First, the Student Congress is interested in why so many students prefer off-campus hous-


A weekend at Stratford page 3

P. Boddy on movies page 3

Summer theater a success page 3

ing; secondly,-in discovering the general attitude toward the bal-ance and living arrangements of the sexes; and finally, in whether or not accommodations could and should be improved.

In its first meeting the Student Congress tried to get a general feel for the existing interests of Hope students. Accurate interpretation of student desires could be said to be the Student Congress* over-all goal for the year. In President Ron Posthuma's words, "I hope Student Congress can represent student opinion effectively within the community government struc-ture."

The next meeting of the Stu-dent Congress is planned for Thursday, Sept. 27 at 9 p.m. in the student lounge of the DeWitt Cultural Center and is open to student attendance and opinion.


•WHEN STUDENTS come down to see us we ask them to register and make out a set of credentials," she said. "These in-clude three references from facul-ty members. It's easier for a stu-dent to get references now be-cause after several years it's often hard to get in touch with former teachers to have them write the recommendations."

Zuverink explained that the credentials, including the refer-ences, go on permanent file and may be referred to by a graduate for the rest of his life. Letters from firms the graduate is em-ployed by will also be included in the file.

THE CENTER "DOES not find jobs for students," she stated. Rather "we match job openings with the credentials of students who might qualify for a certain job opening and send them (the credentials) off to the company

'making the offer. They take it from there."

Another service offered by the Center is scheduling interviews with representatives of corpora-tions and school systems visiting the campus.

"LAST YEAR, FOR example, representatives from IBM, Parke-Davis, and General Electric visited Hope. The economy is picking up now so more recruiting is being done by corporations," added Zu-verink.

The picture is not so bright with school systems, though, she said. Last year only five school systems sent recruiters, compared to 60 five years ago.

ZUVERINK FEELS students are more career oriented now and said they often express a desire to know if their major will tie into a career. The center has an exten-sive career library now, she added, and also a booklet detailing what careers are connected with each major.

According to Zuverink, the Center's services were employed by many of last year's graduating class

"FORTY-EIGHT percent of the class of '72 were education students, and they were required to use our services. However, a good percentage of the other ma-jors used it also."

She pointed out that this some-what contradicted the statement in the Hope catalogue that almost half of all Hope graduates go on to graduate school, since few edu-cation students try immediately for a higher degree and if their number were added to the num-ber of other majors using the Center, the sum would come out to far more than 50 percent.

She allowed, though, that a faculty member had told her per-haps the catalogue statement ref-erred to the number of graduates which eventaully go to graduate school.

Coed interviewed

Western Seminary gives nod to women students by Annette Miller

"At first I was a little appre-hensive. I remember singing in chapel the first few times and not being able to hear my voice above all those men," said Joyce Borg-man, speaking of her decision last year to enroll in Western Teho-logical Seminary. "My voice is a little stronger now," she smiled.

LIKEWISE, the voices of many women in the Reformed Church seem to be growing a little stronger. Although women gradu-ates of Reformed Church Semi-naries are not yet allowed to be ordained, the seminary does offer an alternative to the Bachelor of Divinity Degree.

"There are many women who don't think of seminary as a real possibility. Their first reaction is it's not for me.' But more and

more of them are beginning to see the viable possibilities in teaching, either at the college or graduate level or in fields of clinical-pastoral psychology," said Borg-man, who is Head Resident at Brumler House.

SHE SAID on the whole her male counterparts at the seminary have been interested and very supportive of her.

According to Curry Pikkaart, student body president at Western Seminary, the reception of Borg-man and the other women en-

Suicide Prevention Service, the emphasis is an listening

"Suicidal feelings are certainly involved in several of the calls we receive each month, although the majority of callers face other per-sonal crises such as unwanted pregnancies or parent-child hos-tilities," explained Cathy Pfeiffer, a 1973 Hope graduate and direc-tor of the Suicide Prevention Ser-vice in Holland.

Essentially an emergency an-swering service, the program be-gan nearly five years ago under the Community Mental Health Services for which Pfeiffer serves as volunteer co-ordinator.

Off-campus student volunteers are now being sought by the Ministry of Christ's People to work a weekly six to 12 hour shift answering calls for the prevention hotline. Off-campus students are

preferred, Pfeiffer explained, be-cause they need not be reached through the campus switchboard. She added that this is the first year Hope students will become directly involved with the pro-gram.

Two training sessions have been tentatively set for early No-vember and will be conducted by Pfeiffer and Dr. Leslie Beach, pro-fessor of psychology, and experi-enced volunteers. Pfeiffer de-scribed this orientation as "em-pathy training in small groups."

In explaining the program's philosophy, Pfeiffer pointed out that the emphasis is on listening to the caller's problems and "try-ing to help him through the im-mediate crisis." "We attempt to let him do everything he can for himself," she added.

rolled in the seminary this year has been very good. He pointed out the need for women in semi-nary. "The church is crying out for workers in the field of Chris-tian education and this is one ripe area for women," Pikkaart said.

HE CONTINUED, "The adjust-ments of enrolling women in the seminary has caused some problems. Some seminarians are opposed to having women in any capacity. One man even came up to me and said, 'you're in the wrong business.' "

Borgman added, "So many men are conditioned to listen to a women but they don't really hear what she says. Things I say that 1 really feel are important are some-times not picked up with an equal amount of urgency as those of a man."

SHE SAID that a real test of her abilities came after she monu-mentally became the first women in her classis of the Reformed Church to be granted a license to preach. "At the first churches where I preached, women would come up to me and say, we enjoyed your sermon, but it's just not like hearing a man's voice," she recounted.

Another memorable experience came when the seminary held a week-end retreat and she discov-ered that she was the only woman present. "I wanted to go but I had qualms about the talk it might conjure up. But the Dean gave his approval and in the end it turned out to be a good experience," stated Borgman.

ALTHOUGH the General Synod of the Reformed Church does not yet allow the ordination of women, it does grant women a license to preach. The Synod has engaged in a spirited debate on

the subject stemming from the use of the words "he" and "his" in the Book of Church Order. The Synod decided to grant Joyce Stedge, a 47-year-old mother of six and graduate of Union Semi-nary, permission to preach before Reformed Church congregations.

However, according to the Church Herald, "This does not mean that the door has been opened for women to become ministers of the Word within the Reformed Church."

THOSE WHO oppose ordina-tion base their views scripturally on a passage in which Paul advo-cates the silence of women in the Corinthian Church.

Borgman said, "There is also a passage which includes the words 'in Christ there is no male or female.' But I believe this provides a sound basis which asserts that women are suitable and also quali-fied for the ministry."

t4THOSE WHO INTERPRET the passage in Paul literally and op-pose women ministers are some of the same people who hire women Sunday School teachers, choir di-rectors, etc." Borgman added.

She stressed that women who contemplate entering seminary should do so because of their desire for service and their per-sonal relationship with God, rath-er than their desire to merely join the ranks. Now, at the peak of women's lib she said that, "it could be a thing to flaunt and abuse."

BORGMAN DEMURRED as to whether she will test the statutes of the Reformed Church and seek ordination. "My general desire is to communicate the word of God," she stated. According to Borgman, this communication can take the form of a career in

clinical-pastoral psychology or teaching. She said, "people need to be healed, both physically, mentally and spiritually." Borg-man is the only woman enrolled in the Bachelor of Divinity Pro-gram at Western but there are five other women enrolled in the Christian Education program.

Earlier this year. Western was charged by the civil rights division of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare with dis-crimination against women. Ac-cording to the seminary's adminis-trative dean. Reverend Elton M. Eenigenberg, the seminary has maintained an open admission policy including women for sev-eral years.

HE STATED, "Although no active recruiting has been done for women, approximately 20 women have been enrolled at the semi-nary during the past few years."

The Reformed Church admits women into their seminaries but does not allow them to use their training to become ministers.

EENIGENBERG said, "Before any woman comes here she is informed of the limitations." He added, "I t could be an implicit form of discrimination."

"I see nothing biblically op-posed to the ordination of wom-en, although LWrotc some articles against it in the 1950's. I've changed my mind and 1 believe that the New Testament favors neither sex," Eenigenberg said.

Will ordination of women in the Reformed Church be forthcom-ing? Eenigenberg responded, "I think ordination will eventually be established, especially in the eastern states where there it re-ceives more positive response. It will take much longer in the West but it will come."


Two Hope College inchor September 21 ,1973

Innocents abroad The foreign language requirement has

drawn much criticism among Hope stu-dents in recent years. Among the varied reasons that students cite, are that foreign language study is often a tedious endeavor v^iich has little practical application.

The aflc/?or*. believes such complaints stem from a dangerously ethnocentric atti-tude which sees-no need to attempt to understand an alien culture.

Criticism of foreign language teaching methods as boring and unimaginative is often justified. But it makes little sense to ignore the value of foreign language study by eliminating the requirement because it lacks popular appeal. We believe a better approach would be to offer an alternative.

This editorial will attempt to defend the principle of learning a foreign language as essential to understanding what human beings are-which is the aim of a liberal arts education. We also offer an alternative to the present method of classroom learning of a foreign language, and instead recom-mend that every Hope student study for a minimum of one semester abroad.

As citizens of the United States we can no longer afford to cling to the view that we can survive without the rest of the world. The world is becoming too small for us to maintain such an attitude. Inter-national cooperation, detentes and eco-nomic agreements symbolize the kind of world we are living in today. With the monumental problems of survival facing all of mankind there is a greater need for world unity in solving global crises.

Of course, just because a student learns a foreign language does not mean that we will instantly find solutions to world prob-lems. But by learning to speak a language, we will begin to grasp the values and needs of foreign cultures. By showing that as Americans we care enough about another country tomake attempts at speaking their language, we will do much to overcome "the ugly American" image.

Such an image is often held by people of different countries, and for understand-able reasons. They know that our President constantly reminds us that we are "number one." Many American tourists are shocked upon discovery that everyone in France or Tanzania does not speak English. Though English may be the language of diplomacy, we need to communicate with the common people, if we want to develop any sort of sympatique with a foreign culture. Unti-mately, the problem comes down to ques-tion of respect. As Americans, are we going to be presumptuous enough to believe that everyone should speak English?

Some Hope students say they do not need to learn a foreign language for the simple reason that they will never go abroad. As communication with foreign peoples becomes increasingly essential to the business and political world, and with travel abroad increasingly popular, such an attitude seems, at best, naive.

A disinterest in learning the language of

another people also contradicts the goals of a liberal arts education. If a liberal arts education involves trying to understand vy iat it means to be human, it would seem necessary that we learn how another cul-ture speaks and thinks.

As the need to understand foreign cul-tures is necessary from both a humanistic and pragmatic point of view, the anchor recommends that Hope require every stu-dent to study for at least one semester abroad. Such an experience would give a Hopeite first-hand knowledge of a different culture. The program could stimulate new thought and understanding of foreign peo-ples. Perhaps a student could begin to look at world issues from a different point of view than his ingrained American way of thinking.

Most of us at Hope are sheltered to varying degrees. From the classic example of the Iowa farmboy to the person from the "enlightened" East, most students have little understanding of what it means to be a Frenchman or a German. Most of our opinions are based on a totally American perspective. As human beings in a culture that has a different world view, we can also begin to better understand what it is to be an American.

Our program, specifically, would require every junior to study for a minimum of one semester in a foreign country. We believe the junior year to be the ideal year, as a student has hopefully gained some idea of what a liberal arts education is, and could incorporate them into his overseas study. Upon his return to the campus he will have much to offer to the Hope community.

The cost of studying abroad, as present programs indicate, is comparable to study-ing at Hope. The reduced number of students on the campus would enable professors to take a semester off and continue research. Some professors would be involved in the foreign study program, as coordinators and advisors would be needed to administer the program.

A semester foreign study program could spur new interest among students in their respective field of study. The prospective political scientist could examine first-hand the party systems in France* while the biology student could work with leading European biologists. Likewise, the philoso-phy student could attain a better apprecia-tion of Eastern thought by studying in India.

In an era where President Gordon Van Wylen has called for "innovative and crea-tive" thinking, alternatives to traditional methods of academic endeavor should be examined. The basic premise of the foreign language requirement is a valid one, but like other academic requirements, the method of accomplishing said goals may be inadequate to the Hope student today. In striving to improve the educational atmo-sphere at Hope, we should attempt to enrich the academic program while still adhering to the sound academic philosophy of the college.

The opportunity to study abroad could integrate classroom study with immediate experience.


Christ's people

Bridging the gap by Bob Van Voorst






The tinal aim of both Hebraism and Hellenism, is no doubt the same: man's perfection or salvation. The very language which both of them use in schooling us to reach this aim is often identical. Even when their language indicates by variation the different courses of thought which are uppermost in each discipline, even then the unity of the final end and aim is still apparent. To employ the actual words of that discipline with which we ourselves are most familiar . . . that final end and aim is 'that we might be partakers of the divine nature.' These are the words of a Hebrew Apostle; but, of Hellen-ism and Hebraism alike, this is, 1 say, the aim.

-Mat thew Arnold in Culture and Anarchy

In last week's column, we discussed the spiritual disciplines of Hebraism and Hel-lenism, calling attention to the ways in which they differ. The purpose of this column will be to reexamine these disci-plines in order to indicate how their similarities may be appreciated, and to point to the necessity of reconciling Hebra-ism and Hellenism to the greatest extent possible.

THE TASK OF co-ordinating these forces is of paramount importance to our college community. We who struggle with the roles of faith and reason in learning and probe the relationship of human values to intellectual values are grappling with the forces of Hebraism and Hellenism, whether we recognize these forces or not. In coming to grips with how Hebraism and Hellenism inform each other, Hope can examine the soil from which many of its challenges have grown.

The Hope community was reminded of its task to reconcile Hebraism and Hellen-ism by Dr. I. John Hesselink, President of Western Seminary, in his address to the fall convocation.

IN ANSWERING the question, "What has Athens to do with Jerusalem?", he traced some of the conflicts which have surrounded this question, and concluded with a thesis this column seeks to mirror: Athens, or our Hellenic heritage of ration-ality, science, and philosophy, has every-thing to do with Jerusalem and our Hebraic

heritage of faith, moral valor and committ-ment.

A first step to balancing these outlooks is to break free of all our simplistic notions of them. All too often our study and discussion of this topic are superficial, restricted to a few passing observations on a Paul or Plato.

IT IS MY BELIEF that this simplistic view is a result of our "stacking the cards" in understanding the scope of both Hebra-ism and Hellenism. Should the splendor of ancient Greece be limited to the thought of Aristotle and Plato? Is the richness of Hebraism totally captured by a Paul?

Common sense and intellectual thor-oughness both answer no; yet it is surpris-ing to note how often seemingly thorough efforts to understand the legacy of Hebra-ism and Hellenism are restricted to only a few major figures of Jerusalem and Athens.

IF ONE WERE to take a complete look at the total spectrum of thought in ancient Greece, I believe that one would find it more similar to Hebraism than one had first supposed. Friedrich Nietzsche once observed that the spirit of Greek tragedies did not arise out of a vacuum; rather, they found roots in a sense of religious awe in the^ face of the suffering and evil of life, a sense which is commonly supposed to be an exclusively Hebrew trait.

Similarly, of one were to probe the entire legacy of Hebraism, one would find not a few elements which link it more closely to Hellenism than is popularly thought. For example, it is commonly held that reason and wisdom are basically for-eign to Hebraism; yet a close examination of the hidden, interior logic of the Judeo-Christian faith would no doubt uncover many important links to Hellenism.

IN CONCLUSION, all this is not to say that we can effect some final treaty be-tween these two forces. The questions of reason and faith, science and ethical-religious values, and of the life of the mind and the life of committment are all so dynamic and difficult that in the end they can perhaps only be balanced but never fully integrated.

Yet this balance will enable the bright-est lights of Athens and Jerusalem to beam on our path, lighting the way to both spiritual faith and intellectual competency. May we ever strive for this light!

Readers speak out

Asks understanding


ancnor lOLLAND, MK

For many years, we at Saga have prided ourselves on being able to provide you with a quality food program that included Sat-urday steaks, unlimited seconds, wide en-tree varieties, special dinners and events, etc.

However, like the rest of the United States, we are now caught in the middle of world-wide food shortages and drastically

dear editor rising product costs that are predicted to continue for many months.

We wish to assure you that we will do everything possible to maintain a quality program for you, and that popular and nutritionally sound meals are available to the greatest extent possible within the limits of product availability and dollars that we have to work with.

For the immediate future, we will have to do things that we have never done before- the use of substitute meat items -menu alternate items on steak nights - limit seconds on some items - menu meatless entrees more frequently, etc. As supply meets demand and prices stabilize we hope to be able to return to our normal menus.

In the meantime we ask for your under-standing and cooperation. If you have any suggestions or wish to meet with me personally, please stop into my office any time.

Despite the bad news concerning the economy and how it affects us at Hope, we hope you enjoy the many improvements in the dining room. They should make dining the relaxing experience we want it to be for you.

Jess L. Newkirk Dave Van Dellen

Carl Bender


Published during the college year except vacation, holiday and examination periods by and for the students of Hope College, Holland, Michigan, under the authority of the Student Communications Media Committee. Subscription price: $7 per year. Printed by the Composing Room, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, United States Student Press Association. Office located on ground floor of Graves Hall. Telephone 392-5111, Extension 2301 and 2285. The opinions on this page are not necessarily those of the student body, faculty or administration of Hope College.

Editor Peter Brown

Associate Editor Dave DeKok

Associate Editor Paul Timmer

News Editor Tom O'Brien

Copy Editor and Layouts . Robert Eckert

Sports and copy editor Chris Liggett

Editorial Assistants Marcy Darin,

Gary Gray

Critiques Editor Bud Thompson

Photography Editor John Jensen

Business Manager Linda Geaslin

Subscription Manager . . . . Beverly Bache

Cartoonist Ruth Wolting

Advertising Manager Gary Gray

Columnists Dirk Bloemendaal, Paul Boddy,

Chad Busk, Bob Van Voorst

Reporters Janet Buelow,

Betsy Emdin, Lynn Gruenwald,

Bruce Martin, Annetta Miller, Kate Solms,

Kaye Stephens, Nancy Struck

Photographers Don Lee Davis,

John Beahm, Julie Storkey

September 21 ,1973 Hope College anchor Three

Stratf ord trip: 'Richer by day with Shakespeare9

Editor's note: This feature was written by anchor reporter Kate Solms who attended the Shake-spearian Festival held last week in Stratford, Ontario.

"The play's the thing," William Shakespeare wrote 400 years ago. It was the same thing that drew 114 Hope students and faculty to Stratford, Ontario's Shakespeare Festival last weekend. The trip had been planned since last semes-ter and pivoted around the view-ing of two plays, Othello and The Taming of the Shrew.

A CARAVAN of vehicles could be seen leaving Hope all day last Friday. Some luckier students drove their own cars, but most rode the college bus. The way to Stratford is mostly Canadian farmland and small country towns. Add to that the anticipa-tion of Saturday, and the journey could not be termed unpleasant.

Tammi states

Anyone who expected half-timbered Tudor houses and wom-en herding geese in the streets were sadly disappointed. Stratford is small and distinctly different from an American town of the same size. The streets have names like Downie and Albert, both of which wind around the homely Victorian town hall. Many of the stores were built in the last centu-ry and the center of town is a market square. Antique shops and art galleries are common sights, but there are no distinctly tourist-trap stores.

IN FACT, the only constant reminder that Stratford is differ-ent from any other older town are the beautiful Shakespeare Festival posters in every store window, showing two hands holding up an actor's mask.

THE CURRENCY fluctuation caused some misunderstandings between store owners and visitors.

Observant students noticed that the American dollar was worth one Canadian douar Saturday morning, $.90 Saturday night, and $.94 on Sunday morning. It was a small, annoying reminder of the economics troubles in the United States.

AT 2 P.M., people began walk-ing toward the Festival Theatre for the afternoon performance of Othello. The theatre sits on a hill above the Avon River and inside one notices that its facilities are very modem and versatile.

The critics didn't like Othello when they reviewed the play ear-lier in the year. Their main criti-cism centered on Nachum Buch-man, who had the title role. He is an Israeli, and has a heavy accent, which the critics felt obscured some of his speeches. Many people who saw it that afternoon, however, thought that his accent lent credence to the play.

Summer theater successful The financial bookwork has

not yet been completed for the Hope Summer Theater. But like such institutions as libraries and art museums, the success of the summer theater cannot be summed up by red and black ink in a ledger. An interview with Assistant Professor of Theater John Tammi revealed the many successes of this past summer's work.

HOPE'S summer theater and the theater department itself are young (two and six years old respectively). "The summer thea-ter venture aids the theater de-partment by providing a means to search out and establish a charac-ter for the theater and explore various forms of production," Tammi said.

TAMMI said that the second year is probably the most difficult for establishing a theater. "The novelty of the idea has worn off but much work remains in finding a character and an audience," he continued.

Tammi believes the summer theater's audience, the Holland community, has already bene-fited. He said that because of the establishment of a quality summer stock theater, they can enjoy a previously unavailable, cultural event.

ACCORDING to Tammi, the college has benefited by drawing people to the campus in much the same way as Hope athletics pulls the community into college life.

For the students, summer thea-ter offers an opportunity for valu-

able education. Technical training and Workshop instruction are of-fered, and many are afforded a chance to test their acting prow-ess.

Tammi explained, "The pro-gram this summer tried to change the usual summer stock format of musical and light comedy enter-tainment." This year's perfor-mances of Bus Stop and Shake-speare's Taming Of The Shrew met enthusiastic audiences.

Proposals for next year's pro-gram are still being worked out, Tammi indicated.

THE MOORS of Shakespeare's time could not have possibly spo-ken the King's English, complete with British accent. Buchman was understandable and very forceful in his role. Martha Henry, who played Desdemona, was excellent and contrasted Othello's character well. The performance was made even more effective by the light-ing, which intensified with the emotional climax. After the per-formance, two of the actors came out and answered questions from, the audience, composed mainly of students.

Othello is a long play, and the audience surged out of the theatre at 5 p.m. That left three and a half hours for Hope people to change, find somewhere to eat and readjust their whole attitude for the evening performance.

THE TAMING of the Shrew got excellent reviews; the critics must have sat in the center section of the orchestra. Unfortunately, Hope students were confined to seats at the extreme left of the thrust stage. It was tiring looking at all the actors' backs and listen ing to the audience laugh at some-thing you couldn't see.

Very little was played to the sides of the theatre. But in spite of it the play was enjoyable and humorous. The director chose to do it as a farce; some parts of it seemed to make fun of the au-thor. The costumes were of a commedia del arte style, making use of masks and bright colors.

IT IMPRESSED many students for the first time what an enor-mous job an actor in a repertory theatre has. Two characters who had fair-sized parts in Othello had leading parts in The Taming of the Shrew. Alan Scar£p was Roderigo in Othello and Petruchio in The

Taming of the Shrew and Scot Dentcm portrayed Cassio and Lu-centio in the same respective plays. It was hard enough for some students to recover suffi-ciently from the afternoon's trage-dy to enjoy the evening's comedy; the actors had only three hours between those two exhausting performances.

Stratford is not much different from Holland on Sunday, the churches are open and nothing else is- The sidewalks, so crowded on Saturday, are completely de-serted. There seemed little else to do but check out and head for Hope. Six hours later, one bus, two vans and a few cars straggled into Holland : the occupants richer by one weekend with Shake-speare.

Hope profs art published in three U.S. newspapers

Bruce McCombs, assistant pro-fessor of art at Hope, recently had examples of his work reproduced in the Chicago Tribune, the Atlan-ta Journal and the Cleveland Plain Dealer.

He will also be represented in the annual fall exhibition of the Boston Center for the Arts.

In addition, he had prints and drawings included in exhibitions at the Sheldon Memorial Gallery, the University of Nebraska, Wes-leyan College, Macon, Ga. and the University of South Carolina.

McCombs' work was also se-lected for inclusion in an exhibi-tion of work by Artists of the Western Reserve organized by the Cleveland Museum of Art and held at the governor's mansion in Columbus, Ohio.

Noted French professor to visit Hope Monday

Ship of fools by Paul Boddy

Dr. Pierre Gerbet, professor of international relations at the Insti-tute of Political Studies in Paris, France, will visit Hope Monday and Tuesday to speak on various aspects of the political situation in Europe.

Gerbet, whose U.S. tour is being sponsored by the Institute for European Studies of which Hope is an affiliate, will speak at a public forum at 4 p.m. Monday in Wichers Auditorium on the topic

"The Present Situation of the European Community."

Gerbet will also speak on the topic "France Today : Political As-pects" at 7 p.m. in Graves 206. He will be available for informal dis-cussion with students and faculty in the Kletz area on Tuesday from 9:30 a.m. till noon.

Students wishing to converse with Gerbet in French are invited to dine at the French table at 5:30 p.m. on Monday in the Phelps Conference Room.

Coral Gables Of SftU^ATUO^-







Those Who Know Go to the Crow. . . /


Summaries of upcoming SAC films: Ship of Fools: A jolly geology cruise on the

Hope yacht turns into a nautical nightmare when scientists bring up 18 tons of bottom samples and the boat begins to sink. Captain Cotter Tharin tries to save his crew from the Macatawa muck.

CA TCH-22: The Holland Narcotics squad returns to campus and arrests the entire offensive and defensive units of the football team. A grand jury finds the team innocent but angry townspeople insist they change their name to the Running Dutchmen and use artificial turf instead of grass.

Play it again, Sam: Chad Busk and the Hope Young Republicans betray their master and steal his tapes from the White House. Busk hands the tapes over to Senator Ervin and makes a request.

GONE WITH The Wind: The Admissions Depart-ment is baffled by the strange disappearance of new students and begins an intensive search for them.

French Connection: (sequel to Gone With the Wind) Admissions agent Tom Labaugh uses seeming-ly insignificant evidence to link the absence of new students to the foreign language department.

And films that are not upcoming: THEY SHOOT Horses, Don't They?: The meat

shortage has Saga Jess in the depths of despair. He prepares to kill himself by eating a grilled peanut butter and smelt sandwich when suddenly he comes up with an idea to save his food empire.

Planet of the Apes: Astronomy professor Dr. Brockmeier amazes the scientific community when he discovers a new celestial body inhabited by

suck f V ^ ) ^ 0 £ < >

strange creatures. Brockmeier does not realize that some one monkied with the Hope telescope and that he'd been looking through a window in the Frater House the whole time.

Super Fly: A strange hybrid insect escapes from the genetics lab to terrorize the Phelps Dining Hall.

"ALL WE SELL IS FUN 10—SPEED BIKES GILO . . . Reg. $170.00 and TRACK, NOW $125.00 OTHERS, Reg. $135, Now $89.

Come See our stock of over 600 Ski Jackets SEE THE NEW

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Four Hope College anchor September 21 ,1973


Hope gridders lose season opener, 7-0, to Manchester

Hope gridders dropped their first game of the 1973 season to Manchester College by a score of 7-0.

A fumble of the second-half kick-off resulted in the winning Spartan touchdown.

Statistically, Hope dominated the game. Ed Sanders led the offense by rushing for a total of 165 yards. Fullback Chuck Brooks ran for 54 yards, while quarterback Bob Carlson carried the ball for 38. Offensively, Hope picked up 289 yards while yield-ing only 158 yards to Manchester.

Defensively, Hope gave up only 77 yards on the ground. A strong rush which sacked Manchester's

quarterback six times was led by Dave Yeiter and Craig Van Tui-nen.

Turnovers and a weak passing game robbed Hope of several scor-ing opportunities. Four fumbles and one pass interception were grabbed by Manchester. Quarter-backs Tim Van Heest and Carlson succeeded in only three of 13 pass attempts. Wingback Gary Con-stant was responsible for all three receptions.

Saturday the Flying Dutchmen will go after their first win against Concordia College. This is the first home game of the year and will be played at Riverview Park.

Golfers show improvement, mn match against Aquinas

Hope's stick-women displayed great defensive prowess in their match with a strong Central Michigan ( iB" team last Wednesday. The battle ended in a 0-0 tie.

Outlook optimistic

Booters in enviable position Under the direction of new

coach Glenn Van Wieren, Hope's soccer team is in the enviable position of being the only fall sports team attempting to repeat as conference champions.

Last Saturday, the soccer team lost 3-1 to Spring Arbor. But even in defeat Van Wieren was optimis-tic about the prospects for the season. Unable to move the ball during the first half, a new stra-tegy enabled Hope's booters to dominate play during the second half.

The Flying Dutchmen were

able to put 26 shots on goal to Spring Arbor's ten. The single Hope goal was scored early in the second half by freshman John Gough, with an assist by Mark VanVoorst. Van Wieren was pleased with the team's perfor-mance and believes they will im-prove with each game.

Eight veterans have returned from last year's championship team. Led by co-captains Kurt Avery and Glenn Swier, the team will be depending greatly on the scoring ability of Van Voorst, who along with being voted All-

Theater department sets year's production schedule

MIAA, booted 13 goals last sea-son.

Francis Kaminski, an honor-able-mention All-MIAA pick last year and goalie Bob Luidens will help anchor the defense. Veteran Abdul al Mawlawi might be lost for the season after incurring a broken nose in last weeks game.

Today at 4 p.m., the Dutch-men take on Oakland at Van Raalte Field. There, a soccer en-thusiast will see a unique idea in effect - ball girls. Hope is the only school in the nation that has them. They will be strategically positioned around the field so play is not hindered when the ball is kicked out of bounds.

A much improved Hope golf team showed promise of things to come by beating Aquinas College 347-349 in a match last Wednes-day. A cold, windy day hindered Coach Ric Scott's golfers, yet even under these conditions, the teams scores showed a great im-provement over last year.

This year's squad is led by senior captain Mark Dargene. Dar-gene finished fourth in last year's MIAA tourney. Rick Switzer is also back after finishing tenth last

year as a freshman. Other players on the team are

Jim Goldman, Jeff Riemersma, Mike Schmidt and Kurt Pugh. Jim Wocjicki is playing golf this season after a broken foot forced him to drop football.

Scott indicated that this years team is rated about even with the rest of the teams in the confer-ence. The MIAA tournament will be hosted this year by Hope at their home course, Clearbrook Country Club.

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The theater department has an-nounced its schedule for the 1973-74 school year.

The first show is the Italian farce The Servent of Two Masters by Carl Goldoni. This show has begun rehearsal and will be per-formed Oct. 18 through 20 and 24 through 27. The next produc-tion will be Anton Chekov's com-edy-drama Uncle Vanya. This play will be run Nov. 29 through 30 and Dec. 1 and Dec. 5 through 8.

The first show of the second semester will be John Van Dru-ton's Cabaret. The production will be a joint effort of the theatre and music departments and will run Feb. 28 through Mar. 2 and Mar. 6 through 9.

The final production of the school year will be Michael de Ghelderode's drama of a miser slowly losing control of his wife and ultimately his life. This play will run Apr. 25 through 27 and May 1 through 4.

Security tightened at Peale Science Center

Students trying to enter Peale Science Center after 5 p.m. have been confronted with a phenome-non previously unknown to Hope; a security guard who won't allow them to enter unless previously authorized.

According to Glenn Bareman, director of public safety, the rea-son for such cautions is to "assure better security and lessen the dan-ger of vandalism and theft ."

In the past, the college has had problems with elementary school children entering buildings. Lia-bility for these children as well as building control is a factor, ac-cording to Bareman. Also, Hope-ites are not allowed entrance un-less specifically authorized.

Worth nearly $4 million, the Peale Science Center contains ex-tensive laboratory and animal re-search equipment as well as a science library.

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