09 2013 Develop a consistent approach to process improvement

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September 2013 Newsletter from Process Strategy Group

Transcript of 09 2013 Develop a consistent approach to process improvement

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In This Issue: Issue #37

Develop a Consistent Approach to Process


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This month

Process Perspectives Newsletter September 2013 -Develop a Consistent Approach to Process Improvement

Welcome to this month's issue of the Process Perspectives Newsletter! Our goal is to provide you with specific insights so you can help your organization:

Be more successful with your process improvement projects Make progress on the road to Process Based Management (PBM)

In the main article, we discuss what should be included in a consistent approach to process improvement. We support that discussion with the Process Improvement (PI) Quick Assessment question this month: "Our Process Improvement Methodology:". The responses show that most organizations do not have a consistent process improvement methodology. It is critical to ensure you get the benefits out of your process improvement efforts that you develop and follow a consistent approach. If you were to complete a Process Improvement Quick Assessment, how would your organization answer this question? In the last section, we provide an overview of a NEW Enhanced Feedback report from the Process Improvement Quick Assessment, which will provide you additional insight on your process improvement efforts. Let us know if there is a specific topic you would like to see covered. Keep up the good work on process; your customers see the difference. Pat Dowdle Jerry Stevens Process Strategy Group

Develop a Consistent Approach to Process Improvement

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Our Process Improvement Methodology.

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Organizations that are successful at realizing the benefits of process improvement projects have developed a consistent methodology and approach which is followed by all process improvement teams. There are some key items that a process improvement approach should include:

Launch the Project Correctly - In our July 2013 newsletter, we reviewed 7 key items to set your process improvement projects up for success. These steps included goals, sponsor, training, resources, and measures. It is key that everyone involved understand the objective of the project, and how the output of the project will be used, and what will happen next.

Utilize a Consistent Toolset - There are some key items that need to be included in a toolset that a process team will use:

Utilize a standard session structure. We use a facilitated workshop approach; others use interviews, followed up by group sessions. Whatever you decide on, be consistent. Follow the same steps to complete an improvement project. All approaches include steps to understand the current process, analyze the process, and improve the process. Identify the steps you will follow and build them into your approach. Identify a time frame to complete projects. The PSG facilitated workshop approach can be completed in 4-5 days (add a few days for preparation time and follow up). We recommend teams begin implementing changes right away; our experience is that most changes can be implemented in 60-90 days. Use a consistent process mapping tool supported by a standard approach. For example, our process maps use a swimlane approach (each role in the process has a swimlane).

Achieve Results Quickly- To stay the course, the organization needs to see results from your efforts. By making sure the project is scoped correctly upfront, clear objectives are established, and the team follows the standard approach, the team will be completing the review and implementing changes within 3 months. Document and communicate the impact and results achieved so you can show the value of process improvement, and keep the momentum going.

A consistent approach allows the organization to get better at process improvement and achieve results that move the organization forward.

September Process Improvement Quick Assessment Results This month we discuss the results from the Process Improvement (PI) Quick Assessment. We tabulated the responses to the PI Quick Assessment question:

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The responses indicate that most organizations do not have a standard process improvement methodology:

33% indicate that they do not have a consistent methodology. 34% indicate that it is different based on the project or team leader; this shows that it is not consistent. It would be difficult to move someone from one project to another if the approaches are different. The other 33% indicate that that they have a standard methodology that is followed (17%), or they have a standard methodology but it is not always followed.

Organizations that are successful at process improvement develop a consistent methodology (and standard toolset). They train their people on thatmethodology, and they improve the approach over time to get better and more effective at improving their processes. If you do not have this consistent approach, you will get inconsistent results and encounter frustration and failure in your process improvement projects. Since these responses are from various organizations, they do not provide the level of insight that would come from many people in the same organization taking the PI Quick assessment. What would the PI Quick Assessment show for your organization? Even more insightful, what would the different roles in your organization think about your process improvement efforts? To find out, our Targeted PI Quick Assessment would be an ideal starting point!

NEW! - Enhanced Feedback Report Now Available

We have expanded what you can get for FREE from our PI Quick

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Assessment! We now include the option to receive our all New Enhanced Feedback report with the following new features:

How you scored compared to the overall average for each Category

Your response to the questions along with feedback and suggested action steps

The option for a FREE 30 minute GoToMeeting to discuss your scores and possible next steps to achieve success with your Process Improvement efforts.

These significant enhancements to the report you receive make it an evenmore valuable tool for assessing how Process Improvement is working in your organization. Take the FREE PI Quick Assessment to see how your organization is progressing and check out the new enhanced reporting.

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