09 19-11english8

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Transcript of 09 19-11english8

English 8September 19, 2011

Do Now

In your journal or on a separate piece of paper, respond to the following question in 3-5 complete sentences.

Knowing what you know about Melba’s experience so far, would you make the decision to attend Central High? Describe why or why not.

(5 minutes)

Packets and Teams

Each team has an A, B, C packet

Appoint a scribe to take notes

Appoint a reporter to report your ideas to the class . . .

You will be turning in your work for a grade.

Your team is going to . . .

Identify three things you learned about segregation from the evidence.

Next, as a group, write two sentences:

The first sentence should define segregation based on the evidence.

The second sentence should describe its impact on American life.

Back in your seats

Each team is responsible for . . . .

Sharing their two sentences.

Vocabulary Window

Take out your vocabulary window.

Make sure your name, my name and the class period is clearly marked on it.

Pass your vocabulary window forward. I will grade it and then give it back to you.

You have your first vocabulary quiz on Wednesday.