072213 ministryimpactstory 14

Post on 22-Mar-2016

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2012-13 Ministry Impact Story

Transcript of 072213 ministryimpactstory 14

Pastor Brian Coffey

Years ago Steve Martin did a comedy bit (I think it was on Saturday Night Live) where he sang a goofy

song about how great it was to tell jokes for a living. If I remember right, the song went like this, “Some

people go to work every day to sell flair pens, but (and he would get a ridiculously happy look on his face

and he sang) I ...get paid … for doing this!”

I feel like Steve Martin a lot! After 27 years I still can’t believe I get to do what I do to make a living! Now,

there’s nothing wrong with selling flair pens! And there’s nothing somehow “holier” about my job than

any other job out there; God ordains and blesses all forms of work; but I do have the incredible privilege

of spending most of my life studying, presenting and watching the gospel at work in people’s lives and in

the life of this “gospel community” called FBCG.

This booklet is a celebration of what God is doing in and through FBCG. Almost every week I hear stories

from our different ministry departments that remind me of the power of the gospel and the impact the

church can and does have in the world. I hope you will read through this snapshot of FBCG with your

heart as well as your eyes; and that when you are finished, you will want to think, “I can’t believe I get to

be part of this!”

Reach. Connect. Equip. Serve.

423Number of Children Enrolled in 1st - 4th Grade VBS

233Children NOT from FBCG

35Churches Other thanFBCG Represented

218Workers Served Throughout theWeek.

36Bibles Given Away at the End of the Week.

56Children Gave theirLives to Christ!


FBCG exists to REACH the people and families of our local community with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

“…you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

- Acts 1:8



78Kids at

SI during the week

In 3 years my first child in my group welcomed God into his life for the first time.

My daughter was reading the Bible at home on her own.

My kids were so excited to go to VBS every day!

I wish it was two weeks!

One child went home every day and read the story in his Bible. He loved to share that with me every morning.

It’s amazing how young childrengrasp the gospel message!

Reach. Connect. Equip. Serve.

Amount the CIA Team provided in assistance for utilities, rent and medical needs for nearly 130 families.

Families servedmonthly.


People on the iPray Team.

6 / 55 / 19Master’s Hands

6 teams of 55 men served over 19 widows, widowers, and single parents with a variety of repair projects.

250Food Pantry

$80,000CoMPassion in aCtion


Support for those within FBCG that had housing, transportation, medical, and counseling needs.


Raised through our benevolent offering for the victims of super storm Sandy and the Moore, OK tornado.

120,000Food PaKs

Meals boxed or created for Children’s Hunger Fund and Feed My Starving Children.


reFUGee Partners

Refugees impacted by FBCG volunteers.

I write to you all today to thank you all

for being such powerful instruments

of His hand that have enabled me

to get to this place. Your unfailing

prayers, support, generosity, and

sacrifice have been such a large part

of His sufficiency these last two years.

It is absolutely unimaginable the reach

of His love poured out through you.

A single mom impacted by Compassion in Action this year

Food Pantry

Reach. Connect. Equip. Serve.


At our TEAM table in the past three years,

three marriages have been saved and two

men have accepted Christ as their Lord and

Savior. We have another man about ready

to do the same. It’s not just our table, it is

TEAM, which gives an avenue for the men

to share their concerns with other men who

truly love them, care about them and hold

them accountable. The credit is His, not our

table or TEAM! We are simply the vehicle

God has chosen.

Table Leader for TEAM


41TABLE LEADERSMom who began attending FBCG

as a result of Moms Together

460 188 394Moms Newcomers Kids


90 5 228Newcomers Programs Moms

I’m absolutely in love with First Baptist Church! I’ve been attending every Sunday

for two months now with my family and we all love the church. I am expressly

interested in following a path to baptism and full membership. I am interested

in taking a Bible study course for women to make me stronger in the Bible... I

know this is a big decision but I feel so good in the direction I am going with First


Reach. Connect. Equip. Serve.

I got saved in

May of 2012 at

a Christian rock

concert. This

was fitting, as for

most of my adult

life I’ve made my

living in music

and  as a rock

musician. After

checking out

several churches

in the area I

started regularly

attending FBCG.

I was drawn to the church because of the

preaching and teaching. As a recent convert

to Christianity I wanted to better understand

God’s word. The Bible studies I started going

to here, and the preaching, were very helpful

with that.

It has been a real blessing to be involved with

Worship ministry at FBCG. As a congregant,

the Holy Spirit has always touched my heart in

a special way through music. So, it has been

an honor and a privilege, to use the talents the

Lord has given me, to add to the efforts of the

talented people on the Worship team, to lift up

His name.

Traditional service at ourEast Campus





Increase in average weekly attendance at FBCG since the West Campus opened in 2004.

Number of large evangelical churches that we know of (including FBCG) offering a traditional worship service in the Fox Valley in 2013.



Reach. Connect. Equip. Serve.

“Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another–and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

- Hebrews 10:25

FBCG exists to REACH the people and families of our local community and CONNECT them to Christ and his church. God did not intend for us to live the Christian life in isolation, but rather in community with other believers. We believe that connecting involves more that attending a service on weekends, therefore we offer a variety of ways for people to CONNECT.

1,732Average number of people in worship

services at FBCG during the weekend

4,092Emails sent every Wednesday for

MidWeek Connections

1,036Average attenders in

67 Bi-Weekly or Monthly Program Options

2,272Average attenders in

72 Weekly Program Options

3,308Average attenders in

139 FBCGProgram Options

Reach. Connect. Equip. Serve.

“For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.”

- Matthew 18:20


I’m so thankful that I didn’t let a busy schedule stop me from joining a weekly study because I need these ladies more than they realize!

We know that we are loved by one another and this love frees us to be honest with the group. We all have issues. We are not perfect and we don’t try to fool each other with pretenses.

I can’t tell you how refreshing it is to be part of group that models Christianity!

We have met year-round, and I love that we keep meeting together during the summer rather than shutting down until the fall. I really need the consistency.

This has been so instrumental in helping me to get into a routine of studying the Bible every day. I have made some wonderful friendships with the women in the study and feel that I could go to any one of them for anything.


I am so thankful for the group of women that God has assembled in my life!

I know that I am able to pour my heart out to these ladies and they will come alongside me with prayer and words of encouragement.

I can send out a prayer request at any time during the week, and these girls will start praying immediately.

I can call any of them at any time, and they are available.


I rejoined Women’s Bible Study on Wednesday nights at FBCG where I found restoration for my soul and faith.

When the Spring session ended I did not want to take a break for summer.

I wanted to keep the accountability and study going, so I decided to host a Bible Study in our home.

Jesus’ love shows through each woman at this study.

Our fellowship is filled with encouraging words and uplifting conversation.

It is evident that the Holy Spirit guides our study - the topics and scripture are always so very relevant and needed.



I am very blessed to have found this group of Godly women to dive deeper in the Lord’s word.

This group supports one another with prayer and Godly direction and also helps to hold one another accountable in life’s daily struggles.

I am so thankful that the Bible studies we have selected have both challenged me and helped me to grow stronger in my faith.


Reach. Connect. Equip. Serve.

Knit Together, one of Women’s Ministries Special Interest ministry groups, meets weekly to knit prayer shawls, small hats for new babies and “chemo hats” for individuals undergoing cancer treatments. A woman who was diagnosed with breast cancer, underwent surgery and followed up with chemotherapy treatments, was given a prayer shawl and chemo hat. She sent this thank you note after receiving the gifts from Knit Together:

“Knitters - I can’t put into words what a

sweet blessing the prayer shawl, cap, &

verses were to me on a journey I never

expected. But you all knew exactly how

often one would wear that lovely white

knit cap to keep a bald head warm!”

Knit Together

18 Prayer Shawls 8 Baby

Hats 5 Chemo Hats

Easter Eggstravaganza


Short Term Missions


Moms Together

Reach. Connect. Equip. Serve.

About 4 years ago my husband said he wanted us to sign up to be a part of a C-Group. I was somewhat surprised by this coming from him, but what I didn’t realize at the time was that God was working in his heart to become “connected”.

God has created us for relationships; it is His desire for us to become connected with Him as well as with others. This was a giant step of “connection” for us as a couple.

We were truly blessed to become members of what I feel is the best Core Group FBCG has to offer. I’m (half) kidding of course, but God did place us smack in the middle of a group of very strong believers who not only professed their faith but lived it. They have been wonderful examples to us of how God desires for us to live our lives in total dependence upon Him.

We are very blessed to be able to call our Core Group members some of our dearest friends today. Our group has become a safe place and a loving place. We have walked through some difficult trials together, and we have celebrated some of the joys of life together. In both, we have kept our fellow members lifted up to the Lord in prayer. We have studied together and we have grown together. We have laughed together and we have cried together. We have worshiped together and we have served together.

The point here is TOGETHER... God didn’t intend for us to do life alone.

Julie & Scott ToellenCO

















Reach. Connect. Equip. Serve.

“And He gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.”

- Ephesians 4:11-13

FBCG exists to REACH the people and families of our local community; CONNECT them to Christ and his church; and EQUIP them through God’s word. We believe spiritual growth is essential to individual believers and to building up the body of Christ. We seek to EQUIP people with a deeper knowledge of God’s word so that they may know and serve Christ for his glory.






495PageviewsSince May








91CLUB 56








*Average Attendance per Meeting






825th-8th Sunday AM




Reach. Connect. Equip. Serve.

In the fall of 2011, I began participating in the first of many groups offered by Support and Recovery Ministries. I haven’t been the same since. It’s impossible to put into words just how much these groups, the leaders and, of course, Jesus Christ have impacted my life. But I will try.

The groups I participated in and the women who lead them have been the vessels God has used to pour out His tender and all-sufficient healing into me. I’ve found a freedom that I never even realized I needed. I had no idea how much I didn’t know about myself and, more importantly, how much I didn’t know about God.

I can honestly say I feel more of a deep, personal love from Him and for Him than I ever imagined possible. I now am able to trust that our Lord has been and always will be faithful to provide all I need – even in the tough times.

Our great God used this ministry and my healing to equip me to pay it forward – to come alongside other women who believe they are “just fine” and follow our Father’s lead in guiding them to what He has in store for them as well! I’m humbled beyond words by the faithfulness of our great God!”

179Individuals / Couples

enrolled in FPU since FBCG started hosting!

Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us on our time of need.

- Hebrews 4:16

10Groups &Classes

95Average Attendance for all Groups

ALLDeserving of Grace, Healing and Second Chances.

Reach. Connect. Equip. Serve.








1:1Ratio of servants to students in this ministry!

10Volunteers dedicate weekly or bi-monthly service to this ministry.

Ken and Sally Marino have 5 children, Matthew, Mitchell,

Daniel, Sarah, and Joey. Joey has cerebral palsy, is

wheelchair-bound and mostly non-verbal. Masterpiece

Ministry, which serves children with special needs, is

the reason the Marinos came to FBCG, but the love

and acceptance from the body of Christ at FBCG is the

reason they have stayed. Knowing that Joey is being

loved and taught the Word of God has given Ken and

Sally the freedom to serve during that Sunday School

hour by teaching 5th-8th grade Sunday School.

Masterpiece Ministry has so impacted the Marino family

that both Ken and Sally have attended ministry meetings and

Sally now co-facilitates Renaissance Support Group for parents

and caregivers of special needs children in an attempt to reach

out to other special needs families with the love of Christ. The

connection the Marino family made and FBCG’s commitment

to equipping families to serve others for Christ has become an

intrinsic part of who they are.

Several of the children that we have in our Masterpiece Ministries have arrived because they’ve actually been asked to leave their home churches because the church did not have the capacity to minister to these children. This has been a huge blessing to us because we have gained a lot of wonderful kids and great families.




Builtto Last





Reach. Connect. Equip. Serve.

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father

and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have

commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

- Matthew 28:19-20

59People took

the next step in their faith through


Reach. Connect. Equip. Serve.

FBCG exists to REACH the people and families of our local community; CONNECT them to Christ and his church; EQUIP them through God’s word so that, together, we may SERVE the world in the name of Christ. As the Lord Jesus came to serve, not to be served, so we are called to SERVE others in his name. Our service will take a variety of forms, and will take place in a variety of places, but will always seek to make the gospel visible to the world around us.

“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’”

- Matthew 25:37-40

$250,000Goal for Six

Local & GlobalPartners


over 2012

Global Missions Partner

Serve the World Partner 2013

Reach. Connect. Equip. Serve.

A fresh vision of extraordinary generosity and serving at FBCG

Goal: FBCG will grow to become a beacon of hope for our neighbors near and far

Strives to eliminate starvation in children throughout the world by helping to instill compassion in people to hear and respond to the cries of those in need.

Is a training and retreat center which facilitates a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through nature and outdoor adventure.

Uses food as a catalyst to nourish the bodies and feed the souls of children and families in desperate need in the US and around the world.

Is a ministry of in-home-based care for children with disabilities in Ankara, Turkey.

Fox Valley Christian Action is a ministry which seeks to inspire Fox Valley Christians to action in the under-resourced neighborhoods around them.

Is a non-government organization established in 2004 by FBCG missionaries Art & Dorthy Helwig to address the devastating impact of HIV/AIDS in the remote rural villages in Nigeria.


W -







- G





rsAt the age of six, TseHay was displaced from her native Ethiopia to a Kakuma refugee camp in Nairobi Kenya. As a very young adult she was married and moved with her husband into Nairobi where they had their first child. TseHay ran a restaurant

and her husband took work in the oil fields. It was there that he was murdered just after their second child was born.

Her vulnerable status gave her some eligibility for the refugee r e s e t t l e m e n t

program and 2 years ago, she found herself in Aurora. She depended on her refugee neighbors for child care until they moved away, and she began to connect with our FBCG Refugee Partners ministry in her neighborhood. With her command of several languages, she became an invaluable participant and an interpreter for many in the women’s programs.

TseHay shared her story at an FBCG “Forget Me Not’s” event, and a Women’s Bible Study small group helped her young family at Christmas. Her children have been part of the FBCG Refugee neighborhood Bible Club programs, and all were at the 2012 Christmas event here at FBCG. For a short season, the FBCG Refugee Benevolence Fund helped supplement her rent.

A friend she met through Refugee Partner’s Tea Time helped her launch an Ethiopian catering business, and she is now serving groups and home parties with her delicious food and fresh roasted coffee ceremony.

TseHay has seen His faithfulness through many hardships and trials throughout her life. Even being with her a short time you will hear of her confident faith in God and His care and answers to prayer for her little family.

Reach. Connect. Equip. Serve.

A couple of years ago, life was getting a bit hectic, so I offered to serve part-time in Children’s Ministries as I didn’t feel I could commit to being there every week.  As a result, I was asked if I could help out part-time with Masterpiece Ministries – a new Sunday School program for children with special needs.

My response wasn’t as quick – and I have to admit that the words “Well I’ll do it” didn’t exactly spring forth from my lips, nor did they

even pop into my mind.  Instead, I found myself wondering “Can I do this?  I don’t know how to handle children with special needs.  I’m not sure I really want to do this, etc…”

Then God spoke – the voice we know that we shouldn’t ignore when we hear it, but often do.  This time the voice wasn’t all that little, and it was perfectly clear.  “One hour a week, and not even every week, Brad.  The parents and family members of these children of mine are on it 24/7/365 - for decades or even a lifetime. One hour every couple of  weeks Brad.  OK?”

So a new Sunday School chapter began – and I have been blessed immensely.  I have been blessed and enriched to work with children who God so dearly loves, and it so easy to see Him through each of these children. What an honor just to help, even as little as I do.  To see the other workers, who are so loving and dedicated – another blessing to know them and watch their love in action.  But the real heroes, whose love, patience, and kindness are so constantly on display, are the parents, brothers, sisters, other family

members and care-givers who look out for these precious angels day after day, year after year.  I don’t really spend much time with them, just a brief exchange before and after Sunday School – but for me, their love and selfless dedication is palpable and immensely rewarding to encounter. 

Not bad for one hour a week.  Thank you (again) Lord. 

Children’s Hunger FundLocal Serving

Royal Family KidsLocal Serving

Children’s MinistriesFBCG

Czech TeamShort Term Missions

Usher TeamFBCG

Reach. Connect. Equip. Serve.






Madison Harris

Through the worship songs at the community

center, I have seen that there’s more in store for

me and there are things that I can work on. I’m

learning that God’s love is endless.

I never realized how good serving the children

here felt. The smiles on their faces brought so

much joy to me.

Stephen Guevara

Playing with the kids and communicating in spite

of the language barrier has showed me God’s

power while it puts me out of my comfort zone.

Mike Kenney

When Emily was painting nails for the Mexican

girls it made me realize how little it takes to put

a smile on their faces. Also, this experience here

has made me realize how powerful prayer is.

Elizabeth Daanen






Student andChildren’s Ministries









• Communications• Finance• Operations

• Adult Discipleship• Women’s Ministries

• Maintenance• Mortgage• Utilities

FBCG 2012-13 GENERAL FUND BUDGET$3,375,000




Serve the World$221,038







Global Missions: funds given to support sponsored missionaries or ministries around the world

Local Outreach: funds given to support ministries in the Fox Valley

Short Term: funds used to cover any gaps in fundraising by participants or to support volunteer adults leading the trip

Serve the World: funds given to selected ministry partners as part of an initiative to create a richer and deeper culture of service at FBCG. The partners also receive hands-on support from members of the FBCG family

2012-2013Total: $490,460


What impact Will We have by 2024?


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Clara Kay Barnes, B.J. Bowen, Vera Michelle Brandonisio, Emmett John Ehlers,

Colby James Friedman, Isaac Paris Keenon, Samuel Brett St. Gean, Peter Igarashi, Eliana Hope Jeffrey,

Olivia Joy Vanderhamm, Madison Elizabeth Akers, Dawson Stephen Bean, Taylor Rae Glore,

Hannah Ruth Kruse, Ella Jane McPeak, Colton Walter Petersen, Bailey Lyn Schmit,

Ryan John Showalter, Charlie William Springstead, Alexa Sandra Wahlin, Collin Dean Westrom.

Annette Burns, James Chavez, Kenner Chennault, Alberta Crescenzo, Fred Morris, Bill Walker, Amy Walker, Laurie Ackerman, Vincent Arena, John Mikleson, Julie Sellers, Graham Bultema, Gianna Crescenzo, Brooke Dowd, Olivia Dowd, John Anderson, Tharyn Duncan, Evan Hinkle, John Gomoll, Jennifer Gomoll, Trevor Gomoll, Colton Gomoll, Cynthia Newland, Charisse Dougherty, Kallie Dougherty, David Korus, Andrew Korus, Emily Korus, Aubrey Wray, Matt Caterer, Eric Cress, Michael King, Jeff Nesslar, Larry Sleigher, Liam Burns, Rachel Davey, Cade Dougherty, Grace Ginsberg, Ashton Glod, Emily Hartsock, Julie Hartsock, Grace Higgins, Grace Hemming, Griffin Hughes, Huntley Ignoffo, Marin Leone, Abby Luchtenburg, Isabella Medinah, Jill McDowell, Emily Peruba, Emma Peters, Justin Poythress, Kate Rogers, Ana Samples, Jake Skala, Abbie Smith, Savannah Unterberg, Sydney Unterberg, Jae Vyskocil.

Annette Burns, Autumn Burns, Meghan Burns, Mark Cecchi, James Chavez, Rebecca Chennault,

Mike (Jon Michael) Chennault, Eric Cress, Donald Eageny, Doris Eageny, Barbara Frost, James Frost,

Jennifer Gomoll, John Gomoll, Douglas Kight, Kenneth Marino, Sally Marino, Fred Morris,

Cheryl Pacilio, Betty Prestler, Amanda Reckinger, Joan Rieck, Leroy Rieck , Tracy Smith, Amy Walker,

William Walker, Mark Wooten, Wendy Wooten




28New Members


2012-13 at FBCG...

Darrell WrightExecutive Council Chairman

To the FBCG Family—

I hope you have enjoyed reviewing our first-ever Ministry Impact Story. It is really God’s Story, and it is our

distinct privilege and pleasure to be a part of it.

The sample of stories captured on these pages provide just a glimpse of the broad and deep impact the

FBCG community is having, both right here in the Fox Valley among our nearby neighbors and around the

world among those needing to hear and see the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We strive to be a community that is in very tangible and sustainable ways the hands and feet of Jesus.

And it’s exciting for me and the rest of your Executive Council to be a part of God’s Story right here at

FBCG. We will keep making the stories known to you in visible ways.

Despite the many challenges we feel and face every day, these are exciting times in which we live.

The need to reach others with the Gospel—the very power of God--has never been greater. We have

opportunities to follow God’s leading to grow and to go—go with Him to touch lives in the midst of our

congregation, next door, or in Ecuador, Mexico, Turkey, Nigeria, or thousands of other places we serve.

This is our mission, and it is a joy to be a part of what God is doing in and through us!

Phone 630.232.7068

East Campus 2300 South Street, Geneva, IL 60134

West Campus 3435 Keslinger Road, Geneva, IL 60134
