07 04-10 morning meeting sunday

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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Transcript of 07 04-10 morning meeting sunday

Morning Meeting

Good Morning!

“Each of us is gifted with a Unique Potential that defines a destiny.” --Joe Gauld

Please take a seat with your discovery group.

America: a rebellious nationWe hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Joe Gauld: a rebellious educatorCrisis of “Conscience” in 1960s

Founded Hyde School where a person’s effort is valued more than their achievement

Each of us is gifted with a Unique Potential that defines a destiny.

Character First philosophy of education

Word & Principle of the Day

INTEGRITY—I am gifted with a Unique Potential and conscience is my guide to

discovering it.

DESTINY—Each of us is gifted with a Unique Potential.

Themes for Summer Challenge

Be the Best Possible YouIn life, too much time is spent comparing

“Seize the Day”We live in a culture of procrastinationEach day you will have the chance to do

something great – will you take the chance?

Need to eliminate the culture of conformity

Don’t LieDon’t Quit

Honesty is #1 most important thing at Hyde School

Society’s reaction to mistakes

This community will be built upon EARNED trust

Finish what you start

Hyde School Character Philosophy5 Words 5 Principles










Brother’s Keeper

Only @ HydeAn introduction to “Do’s and “Don’ts”

At Hyde School

Community buildingEvery school, community, business, store has

its own idiosyncrasies…Hyde is no different

Let’s take a look at a few examples from the business world…

Case studyApple GooglePart of corporate culture

is that employees will not hold the door for the person behind them.

Part of the corporate culture is that working past 5 P.M. is frowned upon.

Hyde GreetingEye contact, firm handshake, clear, articulate introduction, beautiful smile, helpful and happy

Leave it Cleaner than you Found ItWe make sure we clean up after ourselves; if we show up somewhere and it’s dirty, we pick up after others; if we see trash, we pick it up

We are CourteousWe hold doors open, we say please and thank you, we know everyone’s name, we treat everyone with respect. We don’t wear our headphones walking around campus.

LanguageWe use respectful language anywhere and everywhere; we avoid using foul language, cursing, and disrespect.

GUMWe are a gum-free campus – chew at your own risk!!!

SidewalksWe walk on sidewalks and other pathways and we try to avoid cutting across the lawn – we take pride in our campus

Crossing the StreetWe stop, we waive, we smile, we cross quickly

Schedule Notes9:00 Discovery

Group Challenges12:00 Lunch

Crew: student leaders

1:30 Orientation (Theater) Jobs Performing Arts Residential Life Dean of Students

3:30 Field Day (Gym Field)

6:00 Dinner5:45 Crew: student


7:30 Wing Bonding(Annhurst Lounge)