052712 christian vocation (media) - soo ewe jin

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Transcript of 052712 christian vocation (media) - soo ewe jin

Christian Vocation and Mission I The Mass Media

Soo Ewe Jin, EMCPJ May 27 2012

Burgers and buns…

We live in exciting times…

Bersih 3.0 - The real picture?

The rest of us…

Micah 6:8He has showed you, O man, what is good.

And what does the LORD require of you?

To act justly and to love mercyand to walk humbly with your God.

The Micah Mandate

To Act JustlyTo Love MercyTo walk humbly with our God

3-Point Mandate

Speak up against injustices Stand up against corruption Be society’s conscience Report accurately Tell the truth Help people make informed choices Highlight abuses in society Strive for accountability &


Point 1: Act Justly

Journalists want to act justly, but are hard pressed by the pressures of the world


Will speaking out get me into trouble??

Colossians 3:23-24Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Seek not the applause of men, but the applause of Heaven

Who is our real Boss?

God commanded Joshua to obey the Law, not to turn to the right or left

No Compromise!

Joshua 1: 6-9"Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful…"

Shift from grey to white NOT from grey to black

Black, White, Grey…

Be voices of conscience pushing for justice, accountability & transparency in the system

Justice alone is not sufficient We must love mercy & do what it

requires… Christians should be on the forefront of

social work

Point 2: Love Mercy

Love Mercy…

Give a voice to the marginalised, disadvantaged, unseen, unheard, underprivileged, powerless, aliens

Promote a kinder, gentler society to counter escalating violence and hostility

Tell stories that encourage and edify the human spirit (Sunday Starters?)


Many Christians hold prominent positions in media groups, corporations, government and various organisations

We need to see ourselves as servants of God and society, and put aside self or political gain

Point 3: walk humbly with our God

Christians can make an impact by living out our calling as Christians wherever we are

Walk closely with God In the process, show others the way If we act justly, love mercy, and walk

humbly with our God, the battle is won

Making an impact

Justice: Treat others fairly and equally, help the poor and needy

Mercy: Forgive others, show compassion Faith: Not what you believe — faith is what

you do with what you believe

“…carry the scent of Christ wherever we go”

In the workplace…

In the media or wherever…

Carry the scent of Christ wherever we go.

Conduct ourselves with integrity within the company (even when no one else is watching).

Discern and confront the temptations of our industry so that we can work proactively to safeguard ourselves from these temptations.


PR or Advertising, the reality of mass media work is to influence

But we influence rightly

Communicate but influence rightly…

“ We should not underestimate the significance of the small group of people who have a new vision of a just and gentle world. The quality of a culture may be changed when 2% of its people have a new vision.” - Robert Bellah

There are an estimated 9% Christians in this country, far above 2%

You and I must sit up, stand up, and move forward to impact this nation – beyond just casting our votes

Impact the nation

And so I urge you to pray: for our nation for God to raise good leaders for good citizens who will fulfil their role

with courage and integrity for people who will act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God


Impact the nation