0.5 stipend Associate Vicar - South Quantock Benefice · 2018-04-13 · 0.5 stipend Associate Vicar...

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Transcript of 0.5 stipend Associate Vicar - South Quantock Benefice · 2018-04-13 · 0.5 stipend Associate Vicar...

0.5 stipend Associate Vicar - South Quantock Benefice

From Mary, the Rector:

We are looking for someone who can actively work with us across all four of our parishes within your half time role, bringing your particular gifts and passions to our rapidly changing Benefice, as we seek to nurture the deeply rooted rural village communities as well as embrace the new. Someone to be creative in leading old and young in prayer, worship, discipleship and mission. Thank you for looking at our profile and for praying whether God is calling you to our 0.5 stipend Associate Vicar post. I was appointed as Rector of the Benefice 18 months ago and given the brief by its people to minister to the long established worshipping communities focused in four mediaeval rural village buildings, as well as to pioneer into the large swathes of new housing that continue to grow within our parish boundaries. (We expect to appoint a Deanery Pioneer to the new housing areas in our benefice before Easter 2018.) I came here having served in the traditional city centre Anglican Chaplaincy, and also planted a fresh expression within the expat community, in Rome. I love encouraging people to gather around God’s word to study and share ideas, as well as working in the tension of holding inherited and fresh expressions of church together. Listening to people and to God, we have developed some new initiatives beside maintaining traditional worship. It has been exciting to encourage and grow small groups across the Benefice focused on pastoral care and on Bible study. I would like to see us expand the healing ministry that is established here, as well as our ministry to schools and young families. I am looking forward to praying and working with a new colleague who will join me in building up our faithful worshippers (the majority of whom see the urgent need to move “from maintenance to mission”) as well as reaching out to the wider community. As Rector, I have the responsibility and the joy of holding all of this together and look forward to discerning with you how God might use your gifts in our Benefice. I recognise that for a 0.5 ministry it is particularly important to keep good boundaries on your time. This is an exciting opportunity for someone who has a passion for the inherited church and beyond, in this beautiful part of Somerset.

Our hopes and prayers for our new 0.5 stipend Associate Vicar

Are you:

..deeply rooted in your Christian faith, prayerful, kind and joyful in the love of God?

..a flexible team player bringing your own particular gifts, to join us as we embrace the wonderful opportunities emerging in our growing and changing Benefice?

..a hospitable person of fun, who enjoys relating to people in rural and semi-urban settings, inside and outside the church?

..someone with a pastoral heart and listening ear to work with the Rector and pastoral care teams in caring for people in times of difficulty and change?

..someone seeking a challenge, who will share our vision and desire to see God’s Kingdom grow here?

..someone who could be part of the worshipping and ministerial life of the Benefice as a whole, and sensitively lead a variety of Sunday worship and pastoral services?

..able to encourage lay people of all ages to grow in faith, develop and use their gifts to live and tell the story of Jesus in their daily lives? ..able to drive and have your own transport? We pray you will come and talk to us, and see what we have to offer our new Associate Vicar. We can offer:

a friendly and supportive team including a full-time Rector, Lay Worship and Pastoral Assistants, active lay people, PCCs and churchwardens, all looking forward to welcoming and working with the new Associate Vicar.

A number of local supportive retired Priests and a local school Chaplain. Deanery Pioneer (subject to appointment). Pioneer Ordinand.

a Benefice office with an amazing Administrator (20 hours a week).

great schools and good relations with local head teachers.

a vicarage.

finances in all 4 Parishes in good order.

We are expecting applicants will come with a variety of skills and gifts. There is a degree of flexibility in this role for our new associate vicar to use their particular interests and gifts and we would love to hear about these as part of your personal statement. For an informal chat prior to application, please contact the Rector, Mary Styles 01823 410089; e-mail revmarye@gmail.com or Archdeacon Simon Hill 01823 413315 e-mail Archdeacon.Taunton@bathwells.anglican.org

0.5 stipend Associate Vicar – South Quantock Benefice

The South Quantock Benefice - a Summary West Monkton, Kingston St Mary, Broomfield and Cheddon Fitzpaine

Our Mission: “To know, share and spread the love of God.”

We are looking for an associate vicar who can be active across all 4 villages and be part of some (not all!) of the ministry happening here:

The Benefice: Covers a large area from the edge of Taunton onto the Quantock Hills (AONB.)

Lively rural/village communities, which are a source of strength, mutual support and regular celebration.

Formed in 2010, uniting the existing Kingston St Mary, Broomfield and Cheddon Fitzpaine grouping, with West Monkton. The “South Quantock” name adopted 2017.

Central ecclesial tradition. New Rector licensed August 2016.

A number of people testing vocations for licensed ministry.

Groups: “Home group” focusing on Bible study meeting year round. A “Good news to the new

housing” prayer group. Additional Lent and Advent initiatives. Morning prayer group.

Groups across the Benefice provide care and mutual support for older members of the community. Monthly Communion in one nursing/residential home with a service/sing-along Christmas, Easter and Harvest.

Good network of relationships binding our community including; parish councils, village halls, schools, other groups and individuals contributing to our life together.

Close links with ecumenical friends.

Rural and semi-rural: We value this heritage and see it as a way of reaching out to the local community.

Farming festivals celebrated and well attended. New Housing:

The Benefice already contains new estates. Latest development (1000 homes) in Bathpool/Monkton Heathfield nearly complete. New VC primary school and adjoining community hall opened late 2016. Next phase of building started; envisages 3500 more homes within our boundaries.

Expecting to appoint a specialist Deanery Pioneer working in the new housing in Bathpool. Recently placed Pioneer Ordinand.

An amazing opportunity to share the Gospel.

Schools and beyond: Three church primary schools (all rated “Good” by Ofsted) have good relationships

with the Benefice and welcome our input (collective worship, festivals, experience days etc.). Hoping to grow this ministry.

Work with parents of West Monkton School focused on building community.

The Taunton International School in Kingston St Mary has good church links.

Benefice Mission Action Plan (MAP) 2017/8 focus on: Children aged 7-11 and their families.

Working together as a Benefice, to better live and tell the story of Jesus.

The Environment: Beautiful place to live with excellent facilities.

Close to M5 and Taunton mainline railway station.

Many good schools and colleges.

County Cricket Ground on our doorstep and a steam railway close-by.

Taunton recently granted “Garden Town” status.

0.5 stipend Associate Vicar – South Quantock Benefice

West Monkton, St Augustine’s Church

There is a newly built primary school and excellent secondary school, thriving village hall, new community centre, a range of local shops and pubs and a garden centre within our Parish. Many clubs and organisations are based at the village and community halls including active Scout and Guide groups. The bulk of the newest housing lies within our boundary and we are working hard to welcome our new neighbours.

We have a small but loyal choir and regular organist. The church benefits both from a hearing loop and modern sound system. The active Mothers’ Union meets monthly. We experiment from time to time with more creative worship, which is well received. Our building (open daily) dates from the 13th century with later additions and has a fine Somerset tower. It has some notable brass. There are eight bells and an active band of bell-ringers.

Various repairs have been carried out with the help of generous donations and grant aid: repairs to the south aisle roof, extended car park and new toilet. We are working to set up a sensory garden in the churchyard with the help of local schools. We are taking the lead on the new Heritage Trail encompassing each church and other sites of interest in the Benefice.

Kingston St Mary, St Mary the Virgin Church The village of Kingston St Mary sits on the edge of the Quantocks four miles north of Taunton. We have an excellent pastoral care group serving the whole Parish. Parents and toddlers meet weekly in the church. Our bell-ringers bring the best out of our famous bells. We have an active choir and excellent organists.

Our parish was the focus for a significant healing ministry some years ago and continues to host the quarterly Benefice healing services. We continue to pray for God’s leading in this area. We are planning to re-order the church for the best provision for worship, fellowship and community usage. A new servery helps with our hospitality. There are two schools in the village: a C of E primary school and Taunton International School (whose Chaplain leads our family services).

Our church (open daily) dates from the 13th century and dominates the village. The tower is perhaps the best of all the Somerset towers, and the church is renowned for its marvellous carved oak bench ends. The village has a popular pub, small garage, thriving village hall, social club, and a playing field with pavilion and playground. The many village organisations include the parish council, WI, gardening club, keep fit, badminton, amateur dramatics and local history group. There is an annual flower show and art exhibition. Link-up magazine keeps everyone up-to-date, as does the village website (www.kingston-st-mary.org.uk).

0.5 stipend Associate Vicar – South Quantock Benefice

Broomfield, St Mary & All Saints Church

The most widely spread and highest village in the Quantocks with large open spaces and spectacular views, it is the most rural parish of the Benefice, with the smallest population. Fyne Court, just down the road from our church, (HQ for Somerset National Trust), attracting families to pop into our building (open daily.)

Our community includes a social mix of farming, local businesses, the retired and commuters into Taunton, Bridgwater, Bristol and London.

Our thriving village hall is regularly used for clubs, activities, church away-days and as a cinema club for the local community. There is a busy annual plant sale.

Our building, dating from 1320, lies between the hall and the village green and has beautiful carved pew ends. An oak screen has recently been

installed and vestry refurbished. There is a peal of 6 bells and the ringers practice every Monday evening.

We celebrate the festivals in style at Broomfield: Christmas and candle-lit carols, Lammas on straw bales on the village green, Plough Sunday, Rogation and Harvest Festival bring us all together along with many visitors, all making for a packed house!

Cheddon Fitzpaine, Church of The Blessed Virgin Mary

We are constantly seeking ways to share the Good News and reach out into our wider community with Christ’s love. We keep our building open during the day for prayer and for visitors.

Cheddon Fitzpaine parish extends from Hestercombe Gardens, (attracting 100,000+ visitors in 2016) to the Taunton & Bridgwater Canal. Most of the land south of the church is being developed with new housing. We see this as a huge opportunity to welcome our new parishioners. We are soon expecting over 600 new homes, with shops and a new (2nd) primary school. Our population will more than double.

Our thriving CE Primary School has excellent links with the church, having workshops and regular services in our building.

The popular “Memorial Hall” also hosts the Parish Council, annual flower show, the “Cheddoners” amateur dramatics, etc. Volunteers from the Benefice, and the Hall committee, run the well attended film club. Good community relationships between Church, School, Parish Council and Hall, draw more people into our worshipping life.

Our newly commissioned Lay Pastoral Assistant heads up the Pastoral Care team. Our enthusiastic band of bell-ringers ring across the Benefice and join in the life of the churches. Our church and churchyard working parties are well supported by many from the fringes of church community.

0.5 stipend Associate Vicar – South Quantock Benefice

Some Figures

Parish Population Electoral Roll Regular worshipping community

West Monkton

4500 ** 64 35

Kingston St Mary

1200 119 37


250 36 21

Cheddon Fitzpaine

2100 ** 34 15

** Due to the new housing there is a large population increase taking place in West Monkton and Cheddon Parishes. These figures are set to rise significantly.

Current Sunday Worship Pattern (Alb and stole are worn in all parishes on Sunday mornings.)

1st Sunday

8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) Kingston

10.00am Holy Communion West Monkton

11.00am Family Service (term-time) Kingston

11.00am Family Service Broomfield

2nd Sunday

8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) West Monkton

10.00am Holy Communion Kingston

10.00am Family Service Cheddon

6.00pm Evening Prayer West Monkton

3rd Sunday

8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) Kingston

10.00am Holy Communion West Monkton

11.00am Holy Communion Broomfield

4th Sunday

8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) West Monkton

10.00am Holy Communion Cheddon

10.00am Holy Communion Kingston

10.00am Family Service West Monkton

6.00pm Evening Prayer Broomfield

5th Sunday

10.00am United Benefice Holy Communion Rotated around the parishes

6.00pm Healing or Prayer & Praise Kingston

Mid-week communion: - these are held in someone’s home 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 2.00pm and are well attended. Midweek Morning Prayer – Tuesday mornings 8.30am.

0.5 stipend Associate Vicar – South Quantock Benefice

Occasional Offices:

During 2017 West Monkton

Kingston St. Mary

Broomfield Cheddon Fitzpaine


9 5 3 4


3 2 1 1

Funerals in church or Crematorium Services

9 7 1 0

Interment of Ashes

There were 7 of these in the various churchyards

Church Primary Schools in the Benefice Children grow and live and learn in strong Christian communities within the three church primary schools in the Benefice: West Monkton, Cheddon Fitzpaine and Kingston St. Mary. The schools are supported by the churches in a wide variety of ways:

Weekly “Cuppa and a chat” building community among parents in the new West Monkton Primary School

Foundation Governors

Collective Worship

Regular educational visits to the churches

Festival and end of year services in the churches

Experience days Our Mission Action Plan (MAP) goal for this year is to develop our ministry to children and their parents - looking at new ways to build relationships and have opportunities to “live and tell the story of Jesus” in our communities. The new West Monkton Primary School building with adjacent community space provides new opportunities. The school’s vision is that it becomes a centre for the community and welcomes the church to be involved in this vision and indeed has the potential to become the location of a new worshipping community. Benefice Messy Church is part of our MAP and has begun to attract some of the church school families. Bridging the gap between school and church continues to challenge us. Messy Church is currently meeting about 4 times a year.

New Housing in the Benefice

The large amount of new housing is already having a major impact on our communities and, with much more planned, this will be our reality for some time. We see this as an enormous privilege and opportunity to engage with and minister to our new neighbours. We have already started a number of initiatives that have been well received. This is an area of ministerial interest for the Rector and, we hope, a new deanery Pioneer. It is not expected to be part of the Associate Vicar’s role.

0.5 stipend Associate Vicar – South Quantock Benefice

The Benefice

Team Rector 0.5 stipend Associate Vicar (to be appointed) 1 School Chaplain, supportive local retired clergy 5 Lay Worship Assistants (and 3 people testing their vocations for licensed ministry.) Pioneer Ordinand 1 Lay Pastoral Assistant 5 Wardens Administrator (20 hrs a week) Deanery Pioneer – subject to appointment

Other lay involvement PCC officers and members Chalice assistants Sacristan/Server (Kingston) Intercessors and lesson readers Sidespersons / Welcomers Church flowers and cleaning Bellringers Monthly / bimonthly magazines Lay Pastoral Assistant and Pastoral Visiting Groups Organists at all 4 churches Choirs at West Monkton and Kingston St Mary Active Mothers Union in West Monkton “Good news to the new housing” group

Study and Prayer Groups Prayer groups – Kingston St. Mary and West Monkton Benefice-wide Advent and Lent groups Year- round Bible study group

Areas of particular ministry: 3 Church Primary Schools. Traditional active rural areas. New Heritage Trail. Good local ecumenical working and praying together. Large areas of new housing with new outreach projects started.

Benefice website: http://southquantockbenefice.org.uk/ a work in progress Benefice Facebook page: South Quantock Benefice

The Deanery of Taunton

The Deanery of Taunton is made up of 21 parishes grouped into 4 Local Ministry Groups. Our supportive and friendly Chapter meets 8 times a year and is attended by parish clergy, school and hospital chaplains. Synod meets three times a year and we have worked hard to make these exciting and enjoyable meetings. The Deanery’s current Mission Action Plan (MAP) is under review. Out of the last MAP, the Deanery has applied to receive funding for a full-time Pioneer to work in Bathpool and across the Deanery.

0.5 stipend Associate Vicar – South Quantock Benefice

The Diocese of Bath and Wells (see website: www.bathandwells.org.uk)

The Diocese of Bath and Wells is centred on the beautiful medieval city of Wells. The Diocesan Office occupies the former Deanery, where an extensive programme of continuing ministerial education is available for Clergy and Readers. Under a former Diocesan Bishop a policy of “no-one alone” has been fostered and modelled at the highest level. Since rural ministry can sometimes feel isolated, the idea of Clergy working more closely together across parish and benefice boundaries has been encouraged. There are also opportunities for training, development and mentoring for those new to incumbency and new also to rural ministry, through the Diocesan Ministry for Mission. Opportunities for study leave and sabbaticals are also provided along with an excellent network of pastoral care for Clergy and their families. In response to God’s immense love for us we seek to be God’s people living and telling

the story of Jesus (Our Diocesan vision)

Housing The Diocese is seeking to buy a new vicarage within the Benefice for the appointed 0.5 stipend associate vicar.

0.5 stipend Associate Vicar – South Quantock Benefice

From the Church Wardens Cheddon Vision: We are constantly seeking ways to share the Good News and to reach out to our wider community with Christ’s love.

Joys and challenges: We get lots of support from the village to keep the churchyard tidy, as well as for special events. We love our beautiful building but it is in need of re-ordering for facilities and hospitality.

Kingston Vision: We are currently applying for a faculty to reorder our beautiful church by removing some pews and creating a side chapel. This will open up more worship space and provide an excellent welcoming facility for the wider community.

Joys and Challenges: As with other parishes in our benefice, our church is gloriously full for all the major festivals, but our numbers at other services are on the decline. We hope the planned reordering will cause this trend to be reversed.

Broomfield Vision: As the most rural of all the benefice churches we seek to reach out to, and serve, our widely dispersed community. We hope to be helped in this by our benefice joint PCC day in March 2018 led by Rob Walrond, Diocesan adviser on rural ministry.

Joys and challenges: Our church is full to bursting for the main festivals, which is uplifting and inspiring but our small regular congregation is gradually dwindling. Our challenge is how to encourage and include those who attend less often.

West Monkton Vision: to see our lovely building used more for community events and to reach out to both existing residents and those new to the area.

Joys and challenges: Our challenge is how to get to know the new people and encourage them to at least visit the church. To look at ways to take "the church" down to Monkton Heathfield and Bathpool and develop a service in the school, perhaps.

Some of Cheddon PCC

Benefice Administrator, Michele Kingston Church Wardens

West Monkton, foodbank Sunday

West Monkton Wardens past and present

Broomfield Lammas, Lay leader, Diana