05 human impacts day surface processes 5

Post on 21-Jan-2015

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Transcript of 05 human impacts day surface processes 5

  • 1. PHYSICAL SCIENCE Human Impacts

2. Bell Ringer Think about the disaster cause by the lahar in Armero, Columbia.What led to such a spectacular failure? 3. Objectives ForToday: Todays essential questions: 1.)What types of hazards make up surface processes? 2.)How can we forecast their occurrences and reduce their negative impacts? 4. Agenda/Notifications Bell Ringer Determining mitigating processes Surface Hazards Quiz on Friday If you havent taken your test yet,YOU NEEDTO! People are waiting to get their tests back!Tests taken after Friday are an automatic 10% off. 5. Surface Hazards Remember: Surface Processes: Hazards that stem from actions above the earths surface 6. Surface Hazards: Landslides 7. Surface Hazards: Landslide Facts Why do you think Eastern Ky/West Virginia have high landslide hazards? Steep Slopes High weathering (Hot/Cold) Mining for coal High urbanization in the Eastern US 8. Surface Hazards: Landslides Similar to the Earthquake-Volcano connection, Landslides are sometimes connected toTsunamis. Subaerial Landslides can lead to massive local tsunamis. Subaerial landslides occur when a landslide falls into a body of water, creating a wave. EX. Lituya Bay, 1964. Landslide createdTsunami with 1000 ft. wave. Submarine landslides lead to smaller tsunamis.These occur under water. EX. Resurrection Bay, 1964. Landslide created 30ft tsunami that wrecked some oil tanks which then caught fire and spread into the bay.Then the earthquake generated tsunami hit, which took the form of a 40ft wavethat was ON FIRE.This completely destroyed the port town of Seward, AK. Glacial calving can also lead to local tsunamis. 9. Concept Mapping What is a concept map? Take 5 minutes to work on your own we will discuss as a group later. If you are struggling, raise your hand and explain where you are stuck. Terms to include: Surface processes Landslide Tsunami Subaerial landslide Submarine landslide Glacial calving 10. Surface Hazards:Tsunamis 11. Surface Hazards:Tsunami need-to-knows The Indian OceanTsunami of 2004 killed 230,000 people. Let that sink in. Pro tip: If you are on vacation, and water recedes quickly from the shoreline, RUN. Oftentimes before a tsunami strikes, water is pulled back hundreds of meters.This is called drawback The first wave of a tsunami is usually NOT the biggest. Bigger and Bigger waves continue to come in. About 80% of tsunamis occur in the Ring of fire Scientists can accurately estimate the time when a tsunami will arrive almost anywhere in the world 12. Hang OnWait a minute Wait!You said they can be accurately predicted!Why did 230,000 people die? High population in fast growing Asian areas NOTSUNAMIWARNING SYSTEM in the Indian Ocean We have aVERY precise warning system in the PacificOcean where 85% ofTsunamis occurbut lack of funding and disinterest slowed implementation elsewhere Almost ZERO public education and awareness. Indigenous people had almost zero knowledge of tsunamis.