04.egovFrame Runtime Environment Workshop

Post on 19-May-2015

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eGovFrame - Framework for e-government Run-time Environment

Transcript of 04.egovFrame Runtime Environment Workshop


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eGovFrame Lab Workbook Runtime Environment

eGovFrame Center



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Runtime Environment

1. Development Environment Setup

2. Development Environment Practice

3. Runtime Environment Practice

[LAB2-0] easyPortal Implementation Overview

[LAB2-1] IoC Container (Based on XML)

[LAB2-2] IoC Container (Based on Annotation)

[LAB2-3] AOP

[LAB2-4] Data Access

[LAB2-5] Spring MVC


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Implementing EasyPortal system

EasyPortal Implementation Overview Runtime Environment


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Project directory structure and description

Directory Description

lab201 • easyPortal Project Directory

- src/main/java • Locating Java source files. Compiled to Target/classes

- src/main/resource • Resources for deployment. XML, properties, etc are

Copied to target/classes

- src./test/java • Locating test case Java source. Complied to target/test-


- src/test/resource • Resources for only test cases. Copied to target/test-


- DATABASE • HSQL DB for the Practice Lab

- src/main/webapp • Locating web application related files (WEB-

INF/web.xml, webapp/index.jsp, css etc)

- target • Locating compiled outputs

- pom.xml • Project description file(describes project meta data

such as project information, dependencies, etc)

Directory Structure

Runtime Environment EasyPortal Implementation Overview


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eGovFrame Architecture

Presentation Layer

Business Layer

Data Access Layer

View (JSP)


Service Interface






Development Class Configuration



Spring Config (transaction)

Spring Config (datasource)

Data Value Object Value Object

Dispatcher Servlet

Spring Config.


Framework Class

Runtime Environment EasyPortal Implementation Overview


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Architecture for the Information Notification Service

Presentation Layer

Business Layer

Data Access Layer

Development Configuration

Data(Value Object) CommonVO

View(JSP) - notificationList.jsp - notificationRegist.jsp - notificationUpdt.jsp - notificationDetail.jsp









Spring Config(MVC) (common-servlet.xml)

Spring Config ( context-datasource.xml, context-transaction.xml, context-aspect.xml, …)


Dispatcher Servlet Spring Config.


Spring Module

Runtime Environment EasyPortal Implementation Overview


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[Lab 2-1] IoC Container (Based on XML) (1/3)

Practice XML based IoC Contanier

Step 1-1. Define Interface and Method (egovframework.gettingstart.guide.service.NotificationService)

public Map<String, Object> selectNotificationList(NotificationVO searchVO) throws Exception;

public void insertNotification(NotificationVO notification) throws Exception;

public NotificationVO selectNotification(NotificationVO searchVO) throws Exception;

public void updateNotification(NotificationVO notification) throws Exception;

public void deleteNotification(NotificationVO notification) throws Exception;

- Implement a NotificationService which is a service interface, and check the implementation of interface methods(defined in Step 1-1)

- Extends AbstractServiceImpl which is provided by eGovFrame (It’s compulsory)

Ex: public class NotificationServiceImpl extends AbstractServiceImpl implements NotificationService {

- Check current DAO handling style (Providing necessary data in the form of ArrayList)

※ Do not need to add extra code or modify

Runtime Environment

Step 1-2. Define a Service implementation class (egovframework.gettingstart.guide.service.impl.NotificationServiceImpl)

Step 1-3. Check a DAO implementation class (egovframework.gettingstart.guide.service.impl.NotificationDAO)


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Step 1-4. Configure a XML and define services (src/test/resources/egovframework/spring/context-service.xml)

- Configure a Service bean


<bean id="notificationService" class="egovframework.gettingstart.guide.service.impl.NotificationServiceImpl“ />

- Configure DAO dependency injection(DI)


<bean id="notificationService" class="egovframework.gettingstart.guide.service.impl.NotificationServiceImpl">

<property name="dao" ref="notificationDao" />


- Create an ApplicationContext instance


ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(

new String[] {"/egovframework/spring/context-service.xml"}


- Call a service


NotificationService service = (NotificationService)context.getBean("notificationService");

Runtime Environment

Practice XML based IoC Contanier

Step 1-5. Define a test class (src/test/java/egovframework.gettingstart.guide.XMLServiceTest)

[Lab 2-1] IoC Container (Based on XML) (2/3)


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Step 1-6. Run test

- Run test : Select XMLServiceTest class -> Run As -> Java Application

Runtime Environment

Practice XML based IoC Contanier

Test Result

- Display the number of notificationService list data (selectNotificationData)

[Lab 2-1] IoC Container (Based on XML) (3/3)


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[Lab 2-2] IoC Container (Based on Annotation) (1/3)

Practice Annotation based IoC Contanier

Step 2-1. Assign @Repository (egovframework.gettingstart.guide.service.impl.NotificationDAO)

Step 2-2. Assign @Service (egovframework.gettingstart.guide.service.impl.NotificationServiceImpl)

Step 2-3. Assign @Resource (to use an object with DI (Dependency Injection) mechanism)


- Assign a Spring bean in a DAO class as using @Repository annotation

- assign bean id with “NotificationDAO”

Ex: @Repository("NotificationDAO“)

- Make ServiceImpl class to a Spring bean as using @Service annotation

- assign bean id with “NotificationService”

Ex: @Service("NotificationService“)

- Call a notificationDao object(bean) as using @Resource annotation to notificationDao variable

- assign @Resource annotation name with bean(@Repository) id (“NotificationDAO”) which is matched to a target object that want to use

Ex: @Resource(name="NotificationDAO")

private NotificationDAO notificationDao;

Runtime Environment


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Step 2-4. Configure component-scan (src/test/resources/egovframework/spring/context-component.xml)

Step 2-5. Create TestCase (egovframework.gettingstart.guide. AnnotationServiceTest)

- Create annotation based beans(@Controller, @Service, @Repository) through component-scan configuration

- base-package describes the scan target package and classes which are below the base-package are scanned

Ex: <context:component-scan base-package="egovframework.gettingstart" />

- Assign @Resource annotation to notificationService variable to call a bean with DI

- make @Resource annotation name field with bean(@Service) id which is “NotificationService”


@Resource(name = "NotificationService")

NotificationService notificationService;

Runtime Environment

Practice Annotation based IoC Contanier

[Lab 2-2] IoC Container (Based on Annotation) (2/3)


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Step 2-6. Run TestCase

Test results

- Run AnnotationTest class’s testSelectList method (comparing the number of list)

- Run TestCase : Select AnnotationTest Class -> Run As -> JUnit Test

Runtime Environment

Practice Annotation based IoC Contanier

[Lab 2-2] IoC Container (Based on Annotation) (3/3)


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[Lab 2-3] AOP(Aspect Oriented Programming) (1/2)

Practice AOP

Step 3-1. Check Advice class (egovframework.gettingstart.aop.AdviceUsingXML)

Step 3-2. Configure Advice bean (src/test/resources/egovframework/spring/context-advice.xml)

Step 3-3. Check AOP configuration (src/test/resources/egovframework/spring/context-advice.xml)

- Advice is a class about processing crosscutting concerns which are scattered in several classes


<aop:pointcut id="targetMethod"

expression="execution(* egovframework..impl.*Impl.*(..))" />

<aop:aspect ref="adviceUsingXML">

<aop:before pointcut-ref="targetMethod" method="beforeTargetMethod" />

<aop:after-returning pointcut-ref="targetMethod"

method="afterReturningTargetMethod" returning="retVal" />

<aop:after-throwing pointcut-ref="targetMethod"

method="afterThrowingTargetMethod" throwing="exception" />

<aop:after pointcut-ref="targetMethod" method="afterTargetMethod" />

<aop:around pointcut-ref="targetMethod" method="aroundTargetMethod" />



- Configure Advice (Id = “adviceUsingXML” , class is “egovframework.gettingstart.aop.AdviceUsingXML”)

Ex : <bean id="adviceUsingXML" class="egovframework.gettingstart.aop.AdviceUsingXML" />

Runtime Environment


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Step 3-4. Modify TestCase (egovframework.gettingstart.guide.AnnotationServiceTest)

Step 3-5. Run TestCase

- Modify @ContextConfiguration’s location field. Add context-advice.xml like below (Because value is an array, separated by ",”)



@ContextConfiguration(locations = {




- Run test : select AnnotationTest class -> Run As -> JUnit Test

- Check the result on console window

Runtime Environment

Practice AOP

[Lab 2-3] AOP(Aspect Oriented Programming) (2/2)


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[Lab 2-4] Data Access (1/4)

Practice iBatis

Step 4-1. Check sqlMapClient configuration and configure configLocations (src/main/resources/spring/context-sqlMap.xml)

- Configure sqlMapClient for interoperation between iBatis(As a Query service, SQL is separated from Java code) and Spring

- iBatis is composed of SqlMapConfig.xml and SqlMap.xml (file name can be given arbitrarily), and assign ‘SqlMapConfig.xml’ to ‘configLocations’

property in sqlMapClient

-Assign ‘/sqlmap/config/*.xml’ to property, named configLocations (List type) in this practice


<property name="configLocations">





- SqlMapConfig.xml includes SqlMap.xml files which contains executable query as resource property

- Assign ‘sqlmap/sql/guide/Notification_SQL_Hsqldb.xml’ as a resource in this practice

Ex: <sqlMap resource="/sqlmap/sql/guide/Notification_SQL_Hsqldb.xml"/>

- In order to apply iBatis, a sqlMapClient should be called and ready to use through DI(Dependency Injection)

- But simply if DAO class inherits EgovAbstractDAO, it’s done.

Ex: public class NotificationDAO extends EgovAbstractDAO {

Runtime Environment

Step 4-2. Configure SqlMapConfig(src/main/resources/sqlmap/config/ sql-map-config-guide-notification.xml)

Step 4-3. Inherit ‘EgovAbstractDAO’ class (egovframework.gettingstart.guide.service.impl.NotificationDAO)


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Step 4-4. Check SqlMap file (src/main/resources/sqlmap/sql/guide/Notification_SQL_Hsqldb.xml)

Step 4-5. Write DAO (egovframework.gettingstart.guide.service.impl.NotificationDAO)

- Create query through <select ../>, <insert ../>, <update ../>, etc

- Define input(parameterClass) and output(resultClass or resultMap) for each statement

- It is possible to handle various conditions through dynamic query

- Statements are called by query id in DAO

Ex (DAO call):

public List<NotificationVO> selectNotificationList(NotificationVO vo) throws Exception {

return list("NotificationDAO.selectNotificationList", vo);


- Remove static part which randomly created data

- Process data access through superclass EgovAbstractDAO’s method (list, selectByPk, insert, update, delete) for each method

Ex :

return list("NotificationDAO.selectNotificationList", vo);


return (Integer)selectByPk("NotificationDAO.selectNotificationListCnt", vo);


return (String)insert("NotificationDAO.insertNotification", notification);


return (NotificationVO)selectByPk("NotificationDAO.selectNotification", searchVO);


update("NotificationDAO.updateNotification", notification);


delete("NotificationDAO.deleteNotification", notification);


return list("NotificationDAO.getNotificationData", vo);

Runtime Environment [Lab 2-4] Data Access (2/4)

Practice iBatis


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Step 4-6. Run HSQL DB (DATABASE/db)

- Select /DATABASE/db folder in the project

- Select context menu(click mouse right button)

- Select Path Tools -> Command Line Shell menu

- On command window run HSQL : runHsqlDB.cmd

Runtime Environment [Lab 2-4] Data Access (3/4)

Practice iBatis


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Step 4-7. Run TestCase

Test Result

- Run testSelectList method in DataAccessTest class (comparing the number of list)

-Run test: Select DataAccessTest class -> Run As -> JUnit Test

Runtime Environment [Lab 2-4] Data Access (4/4)

Practice iBatis


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[Lab 2-5] Spring MVC (1/7)

Practice Spring MVC

Step 5-1. Configure ContextLoaderListener (src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml)

Step 5-2. Define contextConfigLocation context-param (src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml)

- In order to apply Spring MVC, create ApplicationContext through ContextLoaderListener configuration

- ContextLoaderListener is set through Servlet’s <listener> tag

- <listener-class> is defined with org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener





- When configuring ContextLoaderLister, it is assigned through contextConfigLocation which is for ApplicationContext’s meta information xml

- ContextLoaderListener only defines Persistence and Business field configuration

- Presentation is defined in DispatchServlet which will be configured in Step 5-3 (Inherit ContextLoaderListener’s ApplicationContext and have

separate WebApplicationContext for each presentation area)

- Define "classpath*:spring/context-*.xml“ in this practice

Ex :







Runtime Environment


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Step 5-3. Configure DispatcherServlet (src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml)

Step 5-4. Define HandlerMapping (src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/config/springmvc/common-servlet.xml)

- Assign a separate Front Controller to process user request through Spring IoC container

- <servlet-class> is defined with ‘org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet’

- DispatcherServlet defines ApplicationContext’s meta data through separate contextConfigLocation configuration

- Assign “/WEB-INF/config/springmvc/common-*.xml” in this practice







- Spring MVC’s HanlderMapping finds a controller that carry out user request’s business logic

- Basic HandlerMaapping is ‘DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping’ and map the user request(which is URL) to the URL which defined Controller’s

@RequestMapping annotation

- HandlerMapping is defiend through <bean> tag (org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping)

Ex :

<bean id="annotationMapper"


<property name="interceptors">


<ref bean="localeChangeInterceptor" />




Runtime Environment

Practice Spring MVC

[Lab 2-5] Spring MVC (2/7)


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Step 5-5. Assign a Controller (egovframework.gettingstart.guide.service.web.NotificationController)

- Controller is assigned as configuring @Controller annotation to the class



public class NotificationController {

- Assign HandlerMapping as configuring @RequestMapping annotation to a Conroller’s specific method

-Assign URL ‘/guide/selectNotificationList.do’ to the method ‘selectNotificationList’



public String selectNotificationList(HttpSession session, Locale locale,

- In order to pass model data from a Controller to a View, use ModelMap, etc that is defined as a parameter in the method


model.addAttribute("result", vo);

- Change 7 parts(methods) in a Controller. Each method should call a Service’s implemented method

Runtime Environment

Practice Spring MVC

Step 5-6. Configure @RequestMapping (egovframework.gettingstart.guide.service.web.NotificationController)

Step 5-7. pass and process model data (egovframework.gettingstart.guide.service.web.NotificationController)

Step 5-8. Call a service method (egovframework.gettingstart.guide.service.web.NotificationController)

[Lab 2-5] Spring MVC (3/7)


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Step 5-9. Select and process View (egovframework.gettingstart.guide.service.web.NotificationController)

Step 5-10. Configure ViewResolver (src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/config/springmvc/common-servlet.xml)

Step 5-11. Use JSP model (src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/jsp/guide/notificationDetail.jsp)

- Call a view as providing View information from a Controller, using methods such as return, etc

- A real view is called through ViewResolver configuration that converts a provided view name(logical view) to real view(physical view)

- Return “guide/notificationList” view name in the end of method ‘selectNotificationList’


return "guide/notificationList";

- Call a real view(ex: JSP, etc) as providing view in a controller through ViewResolver configuration

- In case of using JSP as a view, register ‘UrlBasedViewResolver’ as a <bean>

- At this moment, assign the actual called jsp through using prefix and suffix configuration in the front and back of the logical view name


<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.UrlBasedViewResolver" p:order="1"


p:prefix="/WEB-INF/jsp/" p:suffix=".jsp"/>

- Display model data in a JSP, as using EL(Expression Language)

- Additionally, utilize JSTL’s core tag libraries

- Display notificationSubject attribute of ‘result’ model data that is added in Step 5-7 through <c:out ../> tag in this practice


<c:out value=“${result.notificationSubject}" />

Runtime Environment

Practice Spring MVC

[Lab 2-5] Spring MVC (4/7)


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Step 5-12. Select Servers View

Step 5-13. Configure Tomcat

- Select ‘Window -> Show View’ menu and select ‘Servers’

- Click right mouse button -> New -> Server

Select gettingstart

Start a server

Runtime Environment

Practice Spring MVC

[Lab 2-5] Spring MVC (5/7)


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Step 5-14. Start Tomcat

Step 5-15. Call a web browser

- Select “Tomcat v6.0 Server at localhost” and then choose “▶” at the top-right corner

- http://localhost:8080/lab201


Practice Spring MVC

[Lab 2-5] Spring MVC (6/7) Runtime Environment


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Step 5-16. UI Customizing

Step 5-17. Run the application

- Copy UI applied files(jsp, css) : copy lab201/UI/design/main/webapp directory to lab201/src/main/webapp directory

( or when run ‘copy-design’ task in lab201/build.xml(Ant Script), UI applied files are copied to the target directory.)

- Right button click on the project lab201 -> Run As -> Run on Server and check the URL(http://localhost:8080/lab201) on a web browser

Practice Spring MVC

[Lab 2-5] Spring MVC (7/7) Runtime Environment