03 the emerging church and the one project part 3

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Transcript of 03 the emerging church and the one project part 3









Leonard Sweet and Rick Warren


Tape  cassette  series  produced  in  1995,  four  years  after  Quantum  Spirituality,  joining  with  Warren.  

In  2008,  Sweet  issued  an  explanation  or  response  to  all  the  criticism  he  had  been  getting  about  his  theology  and  new  age/Emerging  Church  connections.  Sweet  claimed  he  had  no  connection  with  New  Age,  and  was  apposed  to  the  Emerging  church  ideas,  but  never  refuted  all  the  garbage  he  has  put  out  from  1991  through  2008.  See  slides  below.

The Tide of ChangeWarren Smith’s Response

¨ “Their recorded discussion is titled The Tides of Change and was packaged as part of an ongoing series called ‘Choice Voices for Church Leadership.’ … According to information on the tape set, this presentation was about ministry on the emerging ‘new frontier.’”

¨ “Challenging pastors to make changes in their ministry to meet the emerging postmodern culture and the changing times, Sweet and Rick Warren present themselves not only as pastors but also as modern-day change agents. In their conversation together, Sweet enthusiastically remarked to Warren: ‘I think this is part of this New Spirituality that we are seeing birthed around us.’”

Warren  Smith,  who  has  written  much  about  the  spiritualistic,  New  Age,  emerging  church  errors  that  have  been  coming  into  the  Evangelical  world  has  this  to  say  about  Sweet’s  doctrines:  


The Tide of ChangeWarren Smith’s Response

¨ “‘New Spirituality’ is the term that most New Age leaders are now using instead of ‘New Age Spirituality.’ … Emerging church figures like Sweet, Brian McLaren, and others are also employing the term ‘New Spirituality.’ They use it to describe the ‘new’ Christianity they are practicing as ‘New Christians’ and ‘New Light leaders.’”

¨ “What has become clear over the last decade is that the ‘New Spirituality’–with its bottom line belief that God is ‘in’ everything–is, in reality, the foundational New Age ‘hub’ for the coming New World Religion. This panentheistic New Age/New Spirituality teaching that God is ‘in’ everything will be the ‘common ground’ melting pot belief that the coming New World Religion will ultimately rest upon.”

¨ (Warren Smith Blog, http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/blog/?p=997



Omega?  Panentheism  (from  Greek  πᾶν  (pân)  "all";  ἐν  (en)  "in";  and  θεός  (theós)  "God";  "all-­‐in-­‐God")  is  a  belief  system  which  posits  that  the  divine  (be  it  a  monotheistic  God,  polytheistic  gods,  or  an  eternal  cosmic  animating  force),  interpenetrates  every  part  of  nature  and  timelessly  extends  beyond  it.  Panentheism  differentiates  itself  from  pantheism,  which  holds  that  the  divine  is  synonymous  with  the  universe.[1]  In  panentheism,  the  universe  in  the  first  formulation  is  practically  the  whole  itself.  In  the  second  formulation,  the  universe  and  the  divine  are  not  ontologically  equivalent.  In  panentheism,  God  is  viewed  as  the  eternal  animating  force  behind  the  universe.  Some  versions  suggest  that  the  universe  is  nothing  more  than  the  manifest  part  of  God.  In  some  forms  of  panentheism,  the  cosmos  exists  within  God,  who  in  turn  "pervades"  or  is  "in"  the  cosmos.  While  pantheism  asserts  that  'All  is  God',  panentheism  goes  further  to  claim  that  God  is  greater  than  the  universe.  In  addition,  some  forms  indicate  that  the  universe  is  contained  within  God.[1]  Much  Hindu  thought  is  highly  characterized  by  panentheism  and  pantheism.

Other Books by Leonard Sweet


Current  2012  web-­‐page  at  Christian  Book  Distributers  list  14  books  on  Emerging  Church  and  Leonard  Sweet,  and  lists  68  items  with  a  “Leonard  Sweet”  only  search.


The Language of the Emerging

A  is  for  Abduction,  released  Jan.  2003,    Brian  McLaren  is  a  prominent  Christian  pastor,  author,  activist  and  speaker  and  leading  figure  in  the  emerging  church  movement.  He  has  often  been  named  one  of  the  most  influential  Christian  leaders  in  America  and  was  recognized  by  Time  Magazine  as  one  of  the  25  Most  Influential  Evangelicals  in  America  in  2005.  McLaren  is  on  the  international  steering  team  and  board  of  directors  for  Emergent  Village.



Jerry  Haselmayer  (B.A.,  University  of  Southern  Indiana)  is  president  and  founder  of  Leadership  Pathways,  a  consulting  firm  that  partners  with  clients  to  deliver  experiential  learning,  tailored  personal  coaching,  and  organizational  change.  An  ordained  minister,  he  lives  in  Cincinnati  with  his  wife  and  three  children.  http://www.amazon.com/Jerry-­‐Haselmayer/e/B003Y376Q6    

The Language of the Emerging ChurchBook Description

¨ “This witty, yet substantive primer explores the basic concepts and vernacular of postmodern ministry. This ‘postmodern ministry-for-dummies’ will help ‘immigrants’ learn to speak PSL (postmodern as a second language), so they can better live, minister, and make a difference in the emerging postmodern context.”

¨ (http://www.christianbook.com/html/static/leonard_sweet.html)


The Language of the Emerging ChurchBook Review

¨ “I cannot find a single redeeming feature to this tragicomical book. The authors are earnest, but they are completely clueless about the philosophical concepts they are trying to summarize and employ.” (By Timothy McGrew "Philosopher" (Kalamazoo, MI)

¨ (http://www.amazon.com/A-Is-Abductive-Leonard-Sweet/product-reviews/0310243564/ref=cm_cr_dp_qt_hist_one?ie=UTF8&filterBy=addOneStar&showViewpoints=0)

Amazon.com  Review  of  the  book  A  is  for  Abduction.  Of  course  you  can  find  many  good  things  said  about  the  book  by  many  supporters  as  well.  


Jesus Drives me Crazy!


Jesus  Drives  Me  Crazy!  Released  June  2003

Let’s  look  at  the  official  book  description  on  Amazon,  most  likely  taken  from  the  back  cover  or  forward  inside  the  book.  

Jesus Drives me Crazy!Book Description

¨ “The gospel presents a life-changing NUTS wisdom that conflicts with normal ways of making sense of the world. There is the World According to Normal. There is the World According to NUTS . . . where NUTS is an acronym for Never Underestimate the Spirit. The wisdom of Jesus is a NUTS wisdom. ---From the book All people are different, but some are more different than others. Christians are meant to be the most different of all. Yet we often 'normalize' God. We judge what is a successful Christian and a successful church by the world according to Normal, not the world according to NUTS, the wisdom of Jesus.”

¨ (http://www.amazon.com/Jesus-Drives-Crazy-Leonard-Sweet/dp/0310232244/ ref=tmm_pap_title_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1347782062&sr=1-20)


Jesus Drives me Crazy!Book Review

One  of  the  book  review  on  Amazon.com  ¨ “I think: This book is a complete waist [sic] of time and

money. The price of $.95 is a statement of it's value. Every page is work to read and understand. The content is all over the place like ADHD had a hand in this. … If you are trying to understand more about Christianity and our relationship with God - THIS IS NOT THE PLACE TO FIND IT! We read this book as a Sunday school project and chose to abandon it as a bad idea. I don't normally go off on things like this. (Bad ideas get thrown in the trash) But this is so extreme I just had to.” (By E. McManus (Chattanooga, TN)

¨ (http://www.amazon.com/Jesus-Drives-Crazy-Leonard-Sweet/product-reviews/0310232244/ref=cm_cr_dp_qt_hist_one?ie=UTF8&filterBy=addOneStar&showViewpoints=0)


The Church in Emerging Culture


The  Church  in  Emerging  Culture:  Five  Perspectives.  Released  Oct.  2003    Leonard  Sweet  is  general  editor  who  holds  a  “conversation”  with  five  other  church  leaders.  Thus  he  can  direct  the  emphasis  of  the  book!    *  Andy  Crouch  is  young  writer  and  editor *  Michael  S.  Horton  is  a  reformed  theologian*  Frederica  Mathewes-­‐Green  is  an  Orthodox  Christian  and  commentator *  Brian  McLaren  is  a  pastor  and  senior  fellow  of  Emergent  Village.

*  Erwin  Raphael  McManus  is  a  cultural  revolutionary  and  pastor  of  the  innovative  and  interethnic  L.A.  based  community  Mosaic.  The  idea  of  the  book  is  have  a  “conversation”  with  several  people  who  have  different  views  of  Emerging  culture  and  what  the  churches  response  should  be.  It  seems  clear  from  many  of  the  reviews  that  the  liberal,  progressive  thoughts  are  held  up  prominently  as  the  correct  answer.  

The Church in Emerging CultureBook Description

Official  book  description  from  Amazon.com,  taken  from  the  back  cover.  Asked  what  seems  to  be  a  rhetorical  questions  in  their  estimation.  The  Emerging  Church  is  pitted  against  Reformed,  Orthodox  ideas  in  “conversation,”  with  the  editor  of  course  supporting  the  Emerging  church  ideas.    

¨ “What should the church look like today? What should be the focus of its message? How should I present that message? We live in as pivotal and defining an age as the Great Depression or the Sixties--a period whose definition, say some cultural observers, includes a waning of the church's influence. The result? A society measurably less religious but decidedly more spiritual. Less influenced by authority than by experience. More attuned to images than to words. How does the church adapt to such a culture? Or should it, in fact, eschew adapting for maintaining a course it has followed these last two millennia?”

¨ (http://www.amazon.com/Church-Emerging-Culture-Five-Perspectives/dp/0310254876/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1348032449&sr=1-1&keywords=the+church+in+emerging+culture)


The Church in Emerging CultureBook Review

¨ “Brian McLaren … talks way too much. The man had to put his two cents on everything, and recap everyone. It didn't seem like a even handed presentation of 5 views with McLaren giving the last word in every chapter.”

¨ “Useful to see contrasts. Too much of McLaren. Would like to seen more ‘orthodox’ participants in line of Horton. “

¨ (http://www.amazon.com/The-Church-Emerging-Culture-Perspectives/product-reviews/0310254876/ref=cm_cr_pr_hist_3?ie=UTF8&filterBy=addThreeStar&showViewpoints=0)


Summoned to Lead


Summoned  to  Lead.  Released  2004,  one  of  his  earlier  books  on  leadership.  We  will  return  to  the  issue  of  Leadership  a  little  later  with  the  book  I  Am  a  Follower  in  Presentation  4.

“God sent a Person not a Proposition” A Conversation with Len Sweet


Fall  of  2005,  George  Fox  University  published  an  interview  with  Leonard  Sweet  on  the  Emerging  Church.  

“God sent a Person not a Proposition” A Conversation with Len Sweet

Notice  the  drawing  away  from  any  form  of  organization  and  leadership.  ¨ “George Fox Journal: What is the emergent church?

Len Sweet: It probably would mean something different to everyone you would ask, but from my perspective, the ‘emergent church’ is an ongoing conversation about how new times call for new churches, and that the mortar-happy church of the last half of the 20th century is ill-poised to face the promises and perils of the future. In fact, attempting to define the ‘emergent church’ betrays the essence of the movement because the emergent consciousness questions the notion that there is such a thing. Rather, there are only individual emerging churches that are missional in orientation that grow out of the indigenous soils in which they are planted. In other words, no two emerging churches are alike.”


“God sent a Person not a Proposition” A Conversation with Len Sweet

Remember  the  idea  of  tables  and  chairs,  we  will  see  this  again.  “Key  words  for  emerging  churches  are  incarnational,  missional,  and  relational.”  These  are  all  terms  being  used  in  the  SDA  church  by  those  pushing  this  movement.  

¨ “George Fox Journal: Are there some common practices in emerging churches?Len Sweet: Pews are now antiques. Since the focus of emerging churches is on community, their worship space is flexible. Some have tables and chairs. Others have a more living room look and feel. But emerging churches are proving to be very surprising. For example, hymns are now back. And the church’s liturgy and Eucharist are being rediscovered in creative and compelling ways. A lot of emerging churches are very ‘smells and bells’ in their worship. Whatever the diversity of spiritual practices, the key words for emerging churches are incarnational, missional, and relational.”

¨ (http://www.georgefox.edu/journalonline/fall05/emerging.html)


The Gospel According to Starbucks


The  Gospel  According  to  Starbucks:  Living  with  a  Grande  Passion,    Jan.  2007  Alex  Bryan  quotes  several  times  from  this  book  in  his  doctoral  thesis  which  was  under  the  mentorship  of  Leonard  Sweet  at  George  Fox  University.  

The Gospel According to StarbucksBook Description

¨ “You can learn to pay attention like never before, to identify where God is already in business right in your neighborhood. The doors are open and the coffee is brewing. God is serving the refreshing antidote to the unsatisfying, arms-length spiritual life---and he won't even make you stand in line. Let Leonard Sweet shows you how the passion that Starbucks has for creating an irresistible experience can connect you with God's stirring introduction to the experience of faith.”

¨ (http://www.christianbook.com/html/static/leonard_sweet.html)


The Gospel According to StarbucksBook Review

¨ “Most books have both good and bad points in them. But every so often, I run across a book that has practically no redeeming value. This was one of those books. Bluntly, it was one of the worst books I've read in a while. … It is ridiculous and offensive (not to mention just plain wrong) to imagine God saying, ‘Wow, Starbucks has a great thing going there. Let's try that.’ (By the way, the Epilogue is entitled ‘Jehovah Java.’)” (By Nathan Markley (Lawrence, KS)

¨ (http://www.amazon.com/The-Gospel-According-Starbucks-Passion/product-reviews/1578566495/ref=cm_cr_dp_qt_hist_one?ie=UTF8&filterBy=addOneStar&showViewpoints=0)


Jesus Manifesto



Jesus  Manifesto,  June  2010.      “Frank  Viola  has  been  pioneering  in  organic  missional  church  life  since  1988.  He  brings  over  20  years  of  experience  to  the  table  in  what  is  now  a  growing  phenomenon.  Beyond  planting  organic  missional  churches,  he  is  a  bestselling  author  and  sought-­‐after  conference  speaker.  Frank's  public  speaking  covers  a  wide  range  of  topics  including  the  centrality,  supremacy,  and  all-­‐sufficiency  of  Jesus  Christ,  the  deepening  of  the  spiritual  life,  Christian  community,  church  planting,  God's  eternal  purpose,  mission,  and  church  renewal.  He  has  written  numerous  books  on  the  deeper  Christian  life  and  radical  church  reform,  including  the  bestsellers  From  Eternity  to  Here,  Jesus  Manifesto  (coauthored  with  Leonard  Sweet),  and  Pagan  Christianity?  (co-­‐authored  with  George  Barna).  …”    (from  his  own  website:  http://frankviola.org/biography/)      

He  has  written  several  books:  Reimagining  Church:  Pursuing  the  Dream  of  Organic  Christianity;    Finding  Organic  Church  :  A  Comprehensive  Guide  to  Starting  and  Sustaining  Authentic  Christian  Communities;  Beyond  Evangelism;  Epic  Jesus:  The  Christ  you  Never  Knew.  Book  sets  sold  under  caption:  “Its  Time  to  ReChurch.”  see  also:  (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_church)  

This  book  uses  language  that  we  will  find  in  the  One  Project.  This  book  is  being  promoted  by  Alex  Bryan  and  The  One  Project.  

Jesus ManifestoBook Description

Verbatim  quote  from  CBD  Christian  Book  Distributors  web  site.    

¨ “Should believers follow Christianity ... or Christ? Should we point others to core values ... or the cross? Charging that today’s church has mistakenly framed conversion as a change of direction rather than a change in connection, Sweet and Viola offer a corrective ‘manifesto’ featuring 10 crucial ways to restore the supremacy of Jesus himself.”

¨ (http://www.christianbook.com/jesus-manifesto-restoring-supremacy-sovereignty-christ/leonard-sweet/9780849946011/pd/946011?product_ redirect=1&Ntt=946011&item_code=&Ntk=keywords&event=ESRCP)


Jesus ManifestoOfficial Editorial Review

¨ “The Christian church is falling apart and in desperate need of a revival. According to Professor Sweet and bestselling author Viola, what is lacking is a groundbreaking revelation of Christ that boggles the mind and enraptures the heart. … [T]his insistent, impassioned essay condemns as pharisaic those preachers who forgo a Christ-centered theology in favor of a cute, singular slogan or mission. The authors urge churches to focus on the man who embodies the entire religion.” cont.


Official  Book  Review  Book  seller  posts  on  amazon.com.

Sounds  good  at  first  glance.  

Jesus ManifestoOfficial Editorial Review

¨ “To do so, readers must learn the subtle distinction between following Christ and realizing Christ already lives within them. Some may find this message controversial, even pantheistic. Yet the biblical passages show the message is rooted in Scripture. The authors provide a lot to digest, but quotations from poets and philosophers break up the text and help readers grasp abstract concepts. Though most applicable to pastors and seminarians, all Christian readers will discover a new perspective and deeper purpose.”

¨ (http://www.amazon.com/Jesus-Manifesto-Restoring-Supremacy-Sovereignty/dp/0849946018/ref=tmm_hrd_title_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1347790411&sr=8-1)


Continuing  Amazon  official  Review.

Jesus ManifestoAuthor’s own words

¨ “In the incarnation, the beating heart of the universe became a human heart.13 …

¨ “‘Breath on Me, Breath of God’ is more than a metaphor and a hymn. It’s a testimony of the risen Christ who breathes in you and me. Christ dwells in us. Why don’t we also let Him breathe through us by our lives as an offering to Him? Singer/song-writer Maria McKee has a song called ‘Breathe’ in which she does exactly that: she presents an offering of herself to Christ:

I will let you breathe through me I will let you be with me… My heart beats your blood; your breath fills my lungs. 15” (Jesus Manifesto, p. 64)


This  is  a  couple  of  statements  taken  from  one  page  of  Sweet’s  book.  Concepts  here  are  pantheistic  in  nature,  and  a  view  which  Sweet  has  clearly  expressed  in  other  books  before  this.  


“[footnote  13]  For  another  way  of  putting  it,  ‘the  beating  heart  of  the  universe  now  beneath  a  human  heart,’  see  English  literary  critic  Muriel  C.  Bradbrook  as  quoted  by  Michael  Mayne  in,  “The  Enduring  Melody”  (2006),  p.  179.”        “Muriel  Clara  Bradbrook  (1909  –  11  June  1993)  was  a  British  literary  scholar  and  authority  on  Shakespeare.  She  was  Professor  of  English  at  the  University  of  Cambridge,  and  Mistress[1]  of  Girton  College,  Cambridge.”    “Michael  Clement  Otway  Mayne  KCVO  (10  September  1929  –  22  October  2006)  was  an  English  priest  of  the  Church  of  England  who  served  as  the  Dean  of  Westminster.”  (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Mayne)  

Martin  Buber  (1878-­‐1965)  however,  is  the  person  who  coined  the  statement  “The  beating  heart  of  the  universe  is  holy  joy.”  Martin  Buber  was  an  Austrian-­‐born  Israeli  philosopher  best  known  for  his  philosophy  of  dialogue,  a  form  of  existentialism  centered  on  the  distinction  between  the  I-­‐Thou  relationship  and  the  I-­‐It  relationship.”  (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Buber)    This  statement  of  his  is  quoted  on  numerous  web  sites  with  other  pantheistic/New  Age  sentiments.    

Sweet’s  “Christ  dwells  in  us”  is  stated  as  a  fact  for  all  men.  This  is  a  Hindu  idea  and  at  the  heart  of  pantheism,  but  only  true  of  the  Christian  and  not  in  a  metaphysical  way.    

“[footnote  15]  Maria  Mckee  on  Nightmusic  ‘Breathe,’  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v+RvRxYty2ie0.”    Sweet’s  reference  is  taken  from  a  YouTube  video  of  a  night  club  setting  where  McKee  sings  this  song.  There  is  not  the  slightest  intimation  that  this  is  Christian  song  being  song  to  Christ.  For  more  on  McKee  see  next  slides.  

Jesus ManifestoMaria McKee: “Breathe”?


Maria  McKee  was  a  founding  member  of  the  cowpunk/country  rock  band,  Lone  Justice,  in  1982,  with  whom  she  released  two  albums.  Some  claim  she  had  a  “conversion”  experience  before  making  her  1989  album  “Maria  McKee”.    The  whole  album  and  song  “Breathe”  for  all  practical  purposes  are  secular  songs  having  nothing  to  do  with  God  or  Christianity,  (despite  some  claims  from  the  CCM  world),  but  has  new  age/mystical  sounding  lyrics  about  drinking,  prostitution,  bar  hopping,  love  affairs,  and  even  suicide.    Breath  lyrics:  “At  first  I  was  scared  when  I  opened  up  my  head  and  the  motor  that  was  running  was  the  mind  of  you,  I  was  scared  when  I  looked  at  my  reflection  and  the  shine  I  saw  were  the  eyes  of  you….  Whenever  I'm  alone  and  you're  lost  out  there  I  can  feel  you  breathe  cause  our  lungs  we  share,  When  I'm  alone  anytime,  anywhere,  I  can  feel  your  heart  beat,  'cause  our  blood  we  share.  I  was  scared  when  you  came  into  my  room,  The  walls  became  the  sea,  your  voice  was  the  moon  Oh,  when  you  rocked  me  in  your  arms,  Like  a  song,  a  wave  on  the  tide  of  you.”  The  music  video  gives  not  the  slightest  hint  that  this  is  a  religious  song  or  speaking  of  Christ  or  Christianity.  


“‘Show  me  Heaven’  is  another  song  recorded  by  McKee  for  the  soundtrack  to  the  movie  ‘Days  of  Thunder’  (which  was  released  in  June  1990).  McKee's  recording  was  a  massive  hit  in  the  United  Kingdom,  spending  four  weeks  at  number-­‐one  in  September  1990,  and  became  by  far  her  highest-­‐charting  single  ever.”  (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Show_Me_Heaven)  “She  refused  to  perform  this  song  in  public  up  until  recently,  when  she  sang  it  for  the  first  time  in  eighteen  years,  at  Dublin  Gay  Pride.”  (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_McKee)  

This  song  has  nothing  to  do  with  Christianity.  It  is  an  erotic,  sensual  song,  mixing  metaphorical  language  to  describe  a  sexual  encounter.  The  Music  Video  is  from  a  bedroom  scene.  “Hey  babe  I  need  your  hand  to  steady  me.”  Really?  Is  she  talking  about  Christ?  

1993  Album,  “You  gotta    sin  to  get  saved,”  has  a  very  similar  theme.  


(EGW)  “Pantheistic  theories  are  not  sustained  by  the  Word  of  God.  The  light  of  His  truth  shows  that  these  theories  are  soul-­‐destroying  agencies.  Darkness  is  their  element,  sensuality  their  sphere.  They  gratify  the  natural  heart,  and  give  license  to  inclination.  …  The  sophistries  regarding  God  and  nature  that  are  flooding  the  world  with  skepticism  are  the  inspiration  of  the  fallen  foe,  who  is  himself  a  Bible  student,  who  knows  the  truth  that  it  is  essential  for  the  people  to  receive,  and  whose  study  it  is  to  divert  minds  from  the  great  truths  given  to  prepare  them  for  what  is  coming  upon  the  world.      I  have  seen  the  results  of  these  fanciful  views  of  God,  in  apostasy,  spiritualism,  and  free-­‐lovism.  The  free-­‐love  tendency  of  these  teachings  was  so  concealed  that  at  first  it  was  difficult  to  make  plain  its  real  character.  Until  the  Lord  presented  it  to  me,  I  knew  not  what  to  call  it,  but  I  was  instructed  to  call  it  unholy  spiritual  love.”-­‐-­‐Testimonies,  vol.  8,  pp.  291,  292.  (1904)

Jesus ManifestoGiving ourselves to Christ?



¨ “At first I was scared when I opened up my head and the motor that was running was the mind of you, I was scared when I looked at my reflection and the shine I saw were the eyes of you….

¨ Whenever I'm alone and you're lost out there I can feel you breathe cause our lungs we share, When I'm alone anytime, anywhere, I can feel your heart beat, 'cause our blood we share.”

¨ “Breathe on me, breath of God, Fill me with life anew, That I may love what Thou dost love, And do what Thou wouldst do.

¨ Breathe on me, breath of God, Until my heart is pure, Until with Thee I will one will, to do and to endure.

¨ Breathe on me, breath of God, till I am wholly Thine, Until this earthly part of me glows with Thy fire divine.

¨ Breathe on me, breath of God, so shall I constant be, And live with Thee the perfect life Of Thine eternity.”


Sweet  suggests  that  “Breathe  on  me  Breath  of  God”  and  “Breathe”  by  Maria  McKee  are  one  and  the  same?


Leonard  Sweet  seeks  to  give  the  Hymn  “Breathe  on  me….”  a  mystical  new  age  meaning,  and  puts  it  in  the  same  category  as  the  secular  mystical  song  “Breathe”.  But  this  is  ridiculous  based  on  the  facts.  A  simple  comparison  will  bring  this  out.    “…  the  mind  of  you”  and  “the  eyes  of  you”  phrases  are  pantheistic  and  New  Age  in  nature,  and  have  nothing  to  do  with  giving  ones  self  to  Christ  as  Leonard  Sweet  claims.  Yet  this  book  is  being  promoted,  as  we  will  see,  by  The  One  Project.  “Breath  on  me  Breath  of  God,”  was  written  by  Edwin  Hatch  in  1878  and  is  taken  from  the  thoughts  in  John  20:22—“He  breathed  [1720  Strong’s]  on  them,  and  saith  unto  them,  Receive  ye  the  Holy  Ghost.”    [Strong’s  1720:  “From  G1722  and  φυσάω  phusaō  (to  puff;  compare  G5453);  to  blow  at  or  on:  -­‐  breathe  on.  This  Greek  word  is  used  in  Jn  20:22  and  is  the  only  place  used  in  NT.]    

Joh  20:22  He  breathed  on  them  (enephusēsen).  First  aorist  active  indicative  of  emphusaō,  late  verb,  here  only  in  N.T.  though  eleven  times  in  the  lxx  and  in  the  papyri.  It  was  a  symbolic  act  with  the  same  word  used  in  the  lxx  when  God  breathed  the  breath  of  life  upon  Adam  (Gen  2:7).  It  occurs  also  in  Ezek  37:9.  See  Christ’s  promise  in  Joh_16:23.  Jesus  gives  the  disciples  a  foretaste  of  the  great  pentecost.  (Clarks  Commentary?)  

Joh  20:22      He  breathed  on  them  -­‐  It  was  customary  for  the  prophets  to  use  some  significant  act  to  represent  the  nature  of  their  message.  See  Jer.  13;  Jer.  18,  etc.  In  this  case  the  act  of  breathing  was  used  to  represent  the  nature  of  the  influence  that  would  come  upon  them,  and  the  source  of  that  influence.  When  man  was  created,  God  breathed  into  him  the  breath  of  life,  Gen_2:7.  The  word  rendered  “spirit”  in  the  Scriptures  denotes  wind,  air,  breath,  as  well  as  Spirit.  Hence,  the  operations  of  the  Holy  Spirit  are  compared  to  the  wind,  Joh_3:8;  Act_2:2.  Receive  ye  the  Holy  Ghost  -­‐  His  breathing  on  them  was  a  certain  sign  or  pledge  that  they  would  be  endowed  with  the  influences  of  the  Holy  Spirit.  Compare  Act_1:4;  John  2.  (Barnes  Commentary)  

Joh  20:22      he  breathed  on  them  —  a  symbolical  conveyance  to  them  of  the  Spirit.  (JFB  Commentary)

Jesus ManifestoUnsolicited Review

¨ “There are good reasons to be concerned about contemporary Christianity. But must the answer always be ‘a fresh alternative -- a third way’ (pg. xiii)? In the case of Jesus Manifesto, authors Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola construct a ‘third way’ that bears little resemblance to the ‘narrow road’ (Matt. 7:13-14) which Jesus Himself preached.”

¨ “[T]he authors begin with a series of sweeping, but predictable, generalizations about the grim state of affairs: ‘The world likes Jesus; they just don't like the church. But increasingly, the church likes the church, yet it doesn't like Jesus’ (pg. xvi), … This kind of ‘bash the church’ rhetoric is at the heart of the postmodern, post-evangelical movement, and propels much of what Sweet and Viola unpack. Apparently, for many "emergent" Christians, problems with the church are a license to reconfigure the gospel. And, ultimately, Jesus Manifesto seems determined to do just that.”


This  unsolicited  review  on  Amazon.com  by  Michael  Duran  summarizes  what  many  others  have  also  said  about  the  book.  

Jesus ManifestoUnsolicited Review

¨ “Along the way, the authors teeter between sublimity and absurdity. On the one hand, Sweet and Viola do a terrific job pulling everything back to Christ, showing how Scripture and biblical history center around the Son of God and all our causes and convictions should be subordinate to Him. Their language is exultant, their praise effusive. But the closer we examine the Christ they acclaim, the less He seems like the biblical one.”

¨ “The ‘hard sayings’ of Christ about hell, damnation, and judgment are nowhere to be found in this book (unless intimated toward religious elites). As such, the Jesus of Jesus Manifesto is the friend of sinners NOT the ‘judge of the living and the dead’ (Acts 10:42). The Jesus of Jesus Manifesto comes to bring unity NOT ‘division’ (Lk. 12:49-57). The Jesus of Jesus Manifesto carries an olive branch NOT a ‘sword’ (Matt. 10:34). The Jesus of Jesus Manifesto ushers souls to heaven NOT ‘eternal punishment’ (Matthew 25:32,46).”


Often  it  is  not  what  a  person  says  that  is  so  wrong  as  what  a  person  fails  to  say  or  include  when  describing  the  plan  of  salvation.  Half  the  story  or  half  truth  is  worse  than  blatant  error  because  it  is  more  subtle.  

Jesus ManifestoUnsolicited Review

¨ “It is this ecumenical evasiveness that spoils Jesus Manifesto. The Bible teaches that the Good Shepherd will one day return with ‘the armies of heaven... to strike the nations’ (Rev. 19: 11-16), that the cross of Christ ‘offends’ people (Gal. 5:11) and its message is ‘foolishness to those who are perishing’ (I Cor. 1:18). Sadly, it is this ‘offense’ that Sweet and Viola jettison in favor of uncritical inclusion.”

¨ “One of the ways Jesus Manifesto attempts this is by downplaying ‘doctrine.’ The authors write, ‘The apostles' message throughout Acts is not the plan of salvation. It's not a theology or a set of doctrines either. It is a person – Christ’ (pg. 12), and ‘According to Scripture, Jesus Christ (and not a doctrine about Him) is the truth’ (pg. 80).”


Jesus ManifestoUnsolicited Review

¨ “Can theology get in the way of relationship with Christ? Absolutely! Is Jesus more than a doctrinal system? Of course! But the assumption that a doctrine or ‘theological system’ ALWAYS impedes a relationship with Christ is untenable. On the contrary, good theology fires a right relationship with Jesus. In fact, how does one even ‘grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ’ (II Pet. 3:18) without embracing a series of biblical prepositions about Him?”

¨ “Scripture is filled with exhortations about believing correctly. In fact, it was those same apostles (the ones who [supposedly] did not preach ‘a theology or a set of doctrines’) who cautioned against ‘false Christ’s (II Cor. 11:3,4; 13-15) and admonished about a time when men ‘will not endure sound doctrine’ (II Tim. 4:3). The apostle Peter warned about ‘false teachers’ who ‘secretly introduce destructive heresies’ (II Pet. 2:1).”

¨ (http://www.amazon.com/Jesus-Manifesto-Restoring-Supremacy-Sovereignty/ product-reviews/0849946018/ref=cm_cr_dp_qt_hist_two?ie=UTF8&filterBy=addTwo Star&showViewpoints=0)


Jesus ManifestoUnsolicited Review

¨ “Sweet’s and Viola’s manifesto starts with a purge. The authors go right to the heart of the matter of the supremacy of Jesus Christ by calling us to re-examine what is meant by Acts 2:42ʹ′s mention of ‘the apostles’ doctrine,’ noting all the debris that modern churches tend to teach has nothing to do with that doctrine, which is Christ Himself. We get sidetracked into eschatology, how to live by faith, spiritual warfare, evangelism, holiness, Bible memorization, and on and on. That list of diversions features a large number of sacred cows the authors eventually gore and then ask readers to purge. No Christian is left unchallenged.” (http://ceruleansanctum.com/2010/06/book-review-jesus-manifesto.html)


This  is  taken  from  an  overall  positive  review.  We  will  continue  with  Leonard  Sweet  in  the  next  presentation.