01323 St

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Transcript of 01323 St

8/13/2019 01323 St

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This section incl!es "#oce!#$l #e%i#e&ents 'o# "#e"$#$tion(s)&itt$l( $n! &onito#in o' Cont#$cto#+s net,o#- $n$l.sissche!les sin c#itic$l "$th &etho!/ This section is$""#o"#i$te 'o# co&"le sinle cont#$ct ,o#-( $n! ,ill #e%i#eetensie e!itin 'o# &lti"le cont#$ct ,o#-/

Utilie this section in lie o' CONSTRUCTION RO4RESS SCHEDULES$#ticle in Section 01330 5 SU67ITTAL ROCEDURES ,hen "#o8ect#e%i#es &o#e !et$ile! !esc#i"tion o' this s)8ect/

This section is )$se! on "#e&ise o' sin O,ne#5Cont#$cto#A#ee&ent( 4ene#$l Con!itions( $n! $ssoci$te! !oc&ents")lishe! ). AIA o# E9CDC !eline$tin cont#$ct$l #e%i#e&ents'o# the Wo#-/ This section s""le&ents those #e%i#e&ents/When othe# !oc&ents $#e se! 'o# #o8ect 7$n$l( e!it this tet$cco#!inl./***************************************************************




E!it the 'ollo,in listin !e"en!in on ,hethe# #ele$nt$#ticles $#e cont$ine! ,ithin 'in$l e!ite! section o# not/***************************************************************

A/ Re'e#ences/

6/ :$lit. $ss#$nce/

C/ ;o#&$t/

D/ Sche!les/

E/ S)&itt$ls/

;/ Reie, $n! e$l$tion/

4/ U"!$tin sche!les/

** SECTE<T= >>( Co".#iht 1>>> **** The Const#ction Sciences Rese$#ch ;on!$tion **

Reise! 9$n/ 1>>>Isse! 9$n/ 1>>> 01323 5 1 Net,o#- An$l.sis Sche!les

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H/ Dist#i)tion/


I/ The Use o' C7 in Const#ction 5 A 7$n$l 'o# 4ene#$lCont#$cto#s $n! the Const#ction In!st#.( W$shinton(D/C/( The Associ$te! 4ene#$l Cont#$cto#s o' A&e#ic$?A4C@/

****** ORB ******

9/ C7 in Const#ction 7$n$e&ent 5 #o8ect 7$n$e&ent,ith C7( O+6#ien( 7c4#$,5Hill 6oo- Co&"$n.( Ne, Yo#-/


K/ Sche!le# Cont#$cto#+s "e#sonnelB O,ne#+sConslt$ntB S"eci$list Conslt$ntB s"eci$liin inC7 sche!lin ,ith t,oB B .e$#s &ini&&e"e#ience in sche!lin const#ction ,o#- o'co&"leit. co&"$#$)le to this #o8ect( $n! h$in seo' co&"te# '$cilities c$"$)le o' !elie#in !et$ile!#$"hic "#intot ,ithin FB B ho#s o' #e%est/

L/ Cont#$cto#+s A!&inist#$tie e#sonnel B .e$#s&ini&& e"e#ience in sin $n! &onito#in C7sche!les on co&"$#$)le "#o8ects/

1/ ;OR7AT

7/ Listins Re$!in '#o& le't to #iht( in $scen!ino#!e# 'o# e$ch $ctiit./ I!enti'. e$ch $ctiit. ,ith$""lic$)le s"eci'ic$tion section n&)e#/

N/ Di$#$& Sheet Sie 2B 30B B inches ?G00B0B B &&@ hih 3GB B inches ?>00BB &&@ ,i!e/B ,i!th #e%i#e!/B

O/ Sc$le $n! S"$cin To $llo, 'o# not$tions $n!



/ #e"$#e net,o#- $n$l.sis !i$#$&s $n! s""o#tin

** SECTE<T= >>( Co".#iht 1>>> **** The Const#ction Sciences Rese$#ch ;on!$tion **

Reise! 9$n/ 1>>>Isse! 9$n/ 1>>> 01323 5 2 Net,o#- An$l.sis Sche!les

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&$the&$tic$l $n$l.ses sin C#itic$l $th 7etho!(n!e# conce"ts $n! &etho!s otline! in A4C+s JThe Useo' C7 in Const#ction 5 A 7$n$l 'o# 4ene#$lCont#$cto#s $n! the Const#ction In!st#.J/

:/ Illst#$te o#!e# $n! inte#!e"en!ence o' $ctiities $n!se%ence o' ,o#- ho, st$#t o' ien $ctiit. !e"en!son co&"letion o' "#ece!in $ctiities( $n! ho,co&"letion o' $ctiit. &$. #est#$in st$#t o's)se%ent $ctiities/

R/ Illst#$te co&"lete se%ence o' const#ction ).$ctiit.( i!enti'.in ,o#- o' se"$#$te st$es/B'loo#s/B /B In!ic$te !$tes 'o# s)&itt$lsincl!in !$tes 'o# O,ne# '#nishe! ite&sB $n! #et#no' s)&itt$ls !$tes 'o# "#oc#e&ent $n! !elie#. o'c#itic$lB "#o!cts $n! !$tes 'o# inst$ll$tion $n!

"#oision 'o# testin/ Incl!e leen! 'o# s.&)ols $n!$))#ei$tions se!/

S/ 7$the&$tic$l An$l.sis T$)l$te e$ch $ctiit. o'!et$ile! net,o#- !i$#$&s( sin c$len!$# !$tes( $n!i!enti'. 'o# e$ch $ctiit.1/ #ece!in $n! 'ollo,in eent n&)e#s/2/ Actiit. !esc#i"tion/3/ Esti&$te! !#$tion o' $ctiit.( in &$i&& 1B

B !$. inte#$ls// E$#liest st$#t !$te/

/ E$#liest 'inish !$te/G/ Act$l st$#t !$te// Act$l 'inish !$te/F/ L$test st$#t !$te/>/ L$test 'inish !$te/10/ Tot$l $n! '#ee 'lo$t $cc#e 'lo$t ti&e to O,ne#

$n! to O,ne#+s )ene'it/11/ 7onet$#. $le o' $ctiit.( -e.e! to Sche!le o'

$les/12/ e#cent$e o' $ctiit. co&"lete!/13/ Res"onsi)ilit./

T/ An$l.sis #o#$& C$"$)le o' co&"ilin &onet$#.$le o' co&"lete! $n! "$#ti$ll. co&"lete!$ctiities(B o' $cce"tin #eise! co&"letion !$tes($n! #eco&"t$tion o' sche!le! !$tes $n! 'lo$t/

** SECTE<T= >>( Co".#iht 1>>> **** The Const#ction Sciences Rese$#ch ;on!$tion **

Reise! 9$n/ 1>>>Isse! 9$n/ 1>>> 01323 5 3 Net,o#- An$l.sis Sche!les

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U/ Re%i#e! So#ts List $ctiities in so#ts o# #o"s1/ 6. "#ece!in ,o#- ite& o# eent n&)e# '#o&

lo,est to hihest/1/ 6. lonest 'lo$t( then in o#!e# o' e$#l. st$#t/1G/ 6. #es"onsi)ilit. in o#!e# o' e$#liest "ossi)le

st$#t !$te/1/ In o#!e# o' l$test $llo,$)le st$#t !$tes/1F/ In o#!e# o' l$test $llo,$)le 'inish !$tes/1>/ Cont#$cto#+s "e#io!ic "$.&ent #e%est so#te! ).

Sche!le o' $les listinsB s"eci'ic$tionssectionsB/

20/ Listin o' )$sic in"t !$t$ ene#$tin #e"o#t/21/ Listin o' $ctiities on c#itic$l "$th/

/ #e"$#e s)5sche!les 'o# e$ch st$e o' Wo#-i!enti'ie! in Section 01100/

W/ Coo#!in$te contents ,ith sche!le o' $les in Section01330/


</ Within 10B B !$.s $'te# !$te o' O,ne#5Cont#$cto# A#ee&ent(B est$)lishe! in Notice to#ocee!(B s)&it "#o"ose! "#eli&in$#. net,o#- !i$#$&!e'inin "l$nne! o"e#$tions 'o# 'i#st G0B B !$.so' Wo#-( ,ith ene#$l otline 'o# #e&$in!e# o' Wo#-/

Y/ $#tici"$te in #eie, o' "#eli&in$#. $n! co&"letenet,o#- !i$#$&s 8ointl. ,ith A#chitectMEninee#/

/ Within 20B B !$.s $'te# 8oint #eie, o' "#o"ose!"#eli&in$#. net,o#- !i$#$&( s)&it !#$'t o' "#o"ose!co&"lete net,o#- !i$#$& 'o# #eie,/ Incl!e ,#ittence#ti'ic$tion th$t &$8o#B &ech$nic$l $n! elect#ic$lBS)cont#$cto#s h$e #eie,e! $n! $cce"te! "#o"ose!sche!le/

AA/ Within 10B B !$.s $'te# 8oint #eie,( s)&itco&"lete net,o#- $n$l.sis consistin o' net,o#-

!i$#$&s $n! &$the&$tic$l $n$l.sis/

66/ S)&it "!$te! net,o#- sche!les ,ith e$chA""lic$tion 'o# $.&ent/B ee#. 30B G0B 1B B!$.s/B

** SECTE<T= >>( Co".#iht 1>>> **** The Const#ction Sciences Rese$#ch ;on!$tion **

Reise! 9$n/ 1>>>Isse! 9$n/ 1>>> 01323 5 Net,o#- An$l.sis Sche!les

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***************************************************************Select one o' the 'ollo,in "$#$#$"hs/***************************************************************

CC/ S)&it n&)e# o' o"$%e #e"#o!ctions Cont#$cto##e%i#es( "ls t,oB B co"ies A#chitectMEninee#,ill #et$in/

****** ORB ******

DD/ S)&it one #e"#o!ci)le t#$ns"$#enc. $n! oneB Bo"$%e #e"#o!ction/

EE/ S)&it n!e# t#$ns&itt$l lette# 'o#& s"eci'ie! inSection 01330/


;;/ $#tici"$te in 8oint #eie, $n! e$l$tion o' net,o#-!i$#$&s $n! $n$l.sis ,ith A#chitectMEninee# $t e$chs)&itt$l/

44/ E$l$te "#o8ect st$ts to !ete#&ine ,o#- )ehin!sche!le $n! ,o#- $he$! o' sche!le/

HH/ A'te# #eie,( #eise net,o#- !i$#$&s $n! $n$l.sisinco#"o#$tin #eslts o' #eie,( $n! #es)&it ,ithin10B B !$.s/


II/ 7$int$in sche!les to #eco#! $ct$l st$#t $n! 'inish!$tes o' co&"lete! $ctiities/

99/ In!ic$te "#o#ess o' e$ch $ctiit. to !$te o'#eision( ,ith "#o8ecte! co&"letion !$te o' e$ch$ctiit./ Annot$teB U"!$teB !i$#$&s to #$"hic$ll.!e"ict c##ent st$ts o' Wo#-/

KK/ I!enti'. $ctiities &o!i'ie! since "#eios s)&itt$l(&$8o# ch$nes in Wo#-( $n! othe# i!enti'i$)le ch$nes/

LL/ In!ic$te ch$nes #e%i#e! to &$int$in D$te o'

** SECTE<T= >>( Co".#iht 1>>> **** The Const#ction Sciences Rese$#ch ;on!$tion **

Reise! 9$n/ 1>>>Isse! 9$n/ 1>>> 01323 5 Net,o#- An$l.sis Sche!les

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S)st$nti$lB Tot$lB Co&"letion/

77/ S)&it so#ts #e%i#e! to s""o#t #eco&&en!e! ch$nes/

NN/ #e"$#e n$##$tie #e"o#t to !e'ine "#o)le& $#e$s($ntici"$te! !el$.s( $n! i&"$ct on sche!le/ Re"o#tco##ectie $ction t$-en o# "#o"ose! $n! its e''ectincl!in e''ects o' ch$nes on sche!les o' se"$#$tecont#$cto#sB/


OO/ ;ollo,in 8oint #eie,( !ist#i)te co"ies o' "!$te!sche!les to Cont#$cto#+s "#o8ect site 'ile( toS)cont#$cto#s( s""lie#s( A#chitectMEninee#(O,ne#(B $n! othe# conce#ne! "$#ties/B

/ Inst#ct #eci"ients to "#o&"tl. #e"o#t( in ,#itin("#o)le&s $ntici"$te! ). "#o8ections sho,n in sche!les/


Not Use!/


Not Use!/


** SECTE<T= >>( Co".#iht 1>>> **** The Const#ction Sciences Rese$#ch ;on!$tion **

Reise! 9$n/ 1>>>Isse! 9$n/ 1>>> 01323 5 G Net,o#- An$l.sis Sche!les