013 Socio Economic change

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of 013 Socio Economic change

Sustainable Socio-Economic ChangeThe process of how economic activity affects and is shaped by society. This is presented as key driving force for change in our cities. How we manage resources, or how to protect street life and community building!

Prof. Omkar ParishwadAsst. Professor, Town Planning

+91 9922952801ogp.civil@coep.ac.in

Elective II




Unit 4:Sustainable Urban Development

Shape and Structure

Urban Services..

Natural ResourcesLiveability, Urban livingPolicy & Governance

Urban Growth


Climate Change

Resource Shortage

Digitization & Geo


Global Drivers for change / Challenges


High Quality of Urban life, Sustainability & Resilience?

▪ Sustainability

▪ Improved equity & Govt. transparency

▪ Quality of Life

▪ Efficient infrastructure & Resource Use

▪ Increased levels of technological innovation and Urban Dynamics

*the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.

The Sustainability City

The Just City .

The Healthy City

The Smart City

The Creative City

Innovation in Planning..

New York Paris

Dubai, Helsinki Singapore

It is Constant Innovation that stands out as the key stimulus for longevity in Economic Competitiveness.

Urban Issues: Social or Technological

▪ Till 2050 over 20 billion people will live in informal settlements in developing countries.

▪ Capital Baised Technical Change: Urban Poor have less access to, and opportunity for technological progress.

▪ Right to the City & Infrastructure.

Informal Settlements..

We use more than there is available…

Ecological Footprint

The act of converting renewable resources into waste; faster than waste can be turned back into resources…is termed as Ecological overshoot.

Ecological Footprint & land-grab

Space Syntax

Concise defn of urban space.. Family of techniques for analysing cities as networks of space..

Set of techniques for correlating networks of space to socio-economic data..

…a set of theories abt how urban space networks relate to social…economic..& cognitive factors

Axial Integration Analysis…

What happens when the structure of street network changes?

Berlin 1960-80’s

What happens when the structure of street network changes?

Berlin 2000

Local centres of the City Local Integration Method: GIS

(Oslos City, Akkelies Van Nes)

Potential centres of the City Global Integration Analysis: GIS

(Oslos City, Akkelies Van Nes)

Street Networks of the City: GIS

(Oslos City, Akkelies Van Nes)

Importance of Street Networks

The Natural transformation process..

Challenge in City Planning…

▪ We have built a sufficient number of unsuccessful urban areas..

▪ Its time to learn from these areas through identification and analysis of the spatial as well as social parameters..

▪ …and to apply this knowledge in Urban Planning practice, design guidelines, urban regeneration and architecture.

Space Syntax for SMART cities

▪ Sense the city.

▪ Map the area.

▪ Analyse the map

▪ Reach to the map

▪ Test out the socio-economical implications.


Changing urban services and infrastructure

▪ Water and Energy infrastructures.. Social and Technical Patterns.

▪ Local autonomous networks and Grids..

▪ Public Health, safety and economic civilization: Regional Network building. Public Utilities.

Phases in Splintering..

Integration of Technology..

Transportation Infrastructure…

Shares of Cars, Public transport, Walking & Cycling…

▪ Mode Shift in Centers: Liveable

▪ Safer, Less CO2 Emissions, air & noise pollution.

▪ Reduce Air travel, cars.. Increase Public transport, walking cycling

Socio-Economic factors and Natural Resource Use..

Global Water Consumption patterns

Global Metabolic Rate and Income…

Relationships between Resources Use and Income…

Metabolic Rate, Development Status and Density

Decoupling Definitions…

▪ Resource Decoupling means reducing the rate of use of primary resources per unit of economic activity.

▪ Impact decoupling, by contrast requires increasing economic output while reducing negative environmental impacts.

Increase in wealth and Diminishing resource use& Environment Impact.

Urban Utility Provisions and Consumption patterns…

Bathing practices from public domain towards individual household level.

Our attitude towards sweat: Appreciation towards disgust

Urban Utility Provisions and Consumption patterns…

Norms of cleanliness: Social & Technical drivers

Thank you for listening…