01 the discovery of cells

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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Transcript of 01 the discovery of cells

A View of the Cell

The Discovery of Cells

The History of the Cell Theory

Anton van Leeuwenhoek (1600s) Advanced the microscope and used it to study

microscopic organisms “The father of microbiology”

Robert Hooke (1600s) Discovered and named ‘cells’

Matthias Schleiden (1830s) All plants are made of cells

Theodor Schwann (1840s) All animals are made of cells

The Cell Theory

All organisms are composed of one or more cells

The cell is the basic unit of structure and organization of organisms

All cells come from preexisting cells

The Compound Light Microscope – Convex


The Compound Light Microscope

~1500x magnification

To calculate magnification…

Find the magnification of each lens (objective and eyepiece)

Multiply the magnification of each lens

The Electron Microscope

Uses a beam of electrons in a vacuum to magnify up to 500,000x

2 types

Scanning Electron Microscope

Transmission Electron Microscope

2 Basic Cell Types

All cells contain small specialized structures called organelles

Many, but not all, organelles are surrounded by membranes

Organisms with cells that contain membrane bound organelles are called eukaryotes

Organisms without cells that contain membrane bound organelles are called prokaryotes

The Nucleus

Contains the DNA

Responsible for cell division

Manages and controls cellular functions