01. organisation presentation

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Transcript of 01. organisation presentation

November 20, 2013

SHEOWS – Vishram Vridh Ashram

"Serving the Leaving Temple of God"


About Us

Guru Visharam Vridh Ashram (old age home) is managed by the SHEOWS. Sheows is registered under Society Registration Act 1860. Since then it is working for the welfare of helpless old and other down trodden people of our society. Vridh Seva Abhiyan of Sheows is going to establish / run numbers of old age home in delhi as well as through out India. Presentaly we are running two old age homes and very soon we are going to open more old age homes across the country.


Our Mission

The mission of Vishram Old Age Home is to 'Serve the  living temple of God' by attending their needs, wounds and  agony at the dusk-time of their life given by their own  children.


We believe

Elderly people have the right to basic age care facilities like health care, social security, safety & security and other basic amenities.  We believe that serving the helpless old people is the best way to attain peace and prosperity in life turns out to be a ray of hope these helpless old people suffering from various diseases and disorders like Alzheimer, Bed ridden and mentally.



In India count of destitute old age people is increasing day by day. Factors playing major role in increasing this number are Globalization, decreasing moral values, nuclear families and other socio economic factors. There are many old age homes functioning in India that are either paid homes or they admit only those old persons who can care him/herselves, and are mentally and physically fit. We have taken this initiative to serve bed ridden and mentally upset aged persons suffering from disorders like Alzheimer.


Why we need funds/donation


We are currently running two Vishram Vridh Ashrams under the National Programme of Vridh Seva Abhiyan of SHEOWS, since 29 Nov. 2003. About 154 helpless, mentally and physically sick, destitute olds are being admitted to our Ashrams by Delhi Police from different Police Stations of Delhi as well as from the Govt. Hospitals and by Social Workers

We are serving

Any person is 60 years and above, Destitute, Helpless, Mentally and Phsysically Sick can be admitted on priority basis.



Vridh Seva Abhiyan of SHEOWS is a kind of social programme where all the vridh ashrams will be supported by the kind hearted people of the society and will run independently, only through donations.

Please contribute to help serve destitute and helpless old people of our country.

All Donations are exempted under section 80 G (5) (VI) of Income Tax.


Your contribution will provide

Our Free Care Services include:-

•Adequate bedding and meals.

•Medical aid round the clock.

•Recreation arrangements: Spiritual healing, yoga, meditation and music therapy, Kalyan Reiki, Bhajan Mantra, dance and carrom etc.


Your contribution will provide

• Dying Care Unit: This unit brings the Serious accident victims lying on road side to our treatment facility where they are taken care off.• Well trained staff to care the ailing people & give them soulful healing touch.• Finally Cremation of the deceased who stayed at the ashram according to their religion.