What do you see in the photograph? What are positives and negatives associated with the theme of...

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What do you see in the photograph? What are positives and negatives

associated with the theme of the photograph?

Agrarian Revolution

In 1750, most people still lived in small villages and made their own clothing and tools.

In the century that followed, dramatic changes took place in the ways people lived and worked.

The movement away from rural life began with the Agrarian Revolution.

The Agrarian Revolution saw a change in how people farmed.


During the Agrarian Revolution there were many inventions that made the production of food faster and easier.

The Dutch led the way by building dikes to protect their farmland from the sea.

The Dutch also used fertilizer to improve the nutrients in the soil.

The British discovered ways in which to produce more food.

Jethro Tull invented the seed drill, which planted seeds in a row.

Enclosure Movement

Landowners found a new purpose for enclosure, or the taking over and fencing off land that had once been shared by peasant farmers.

The purpose of the enclosure movement was to replace the small farms with larger farms.

This practice made farming more efficient, improving agricultural output.

Effects of Agrarian Revolution

Population Explosion The Agrarian Revolution led to rapid population

growth. With a better diet, women had stronger healthier

babies In addition, better medical care and sanitation

helped people live longer. Farmers were able to grow surpluses of crops for the

increasing population due to the inventions of the Agrarian Revolution.

Better Food Production Methods Developed during the Agrarian Revolution causing a rise in population.

Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution was the period, beginning in 1750, in which the means of production of goods shifted from hand tools to complex machines and from human and animal power to steam power.

During this period, technology developed rapidly and the production of goods increased.

The Industrial Revolution brought about great changes into people’s lives, but we must explore why this turning point in history occurred.

Causes of the Industrial Revolution

Industrialization first occurred in Britain. Belgium, France, Germany, the United

States, and Japan would all industrialize by the end of the 1800’s.

The Industrial revolution spread throughout the world, however it originated in Britain for many reasons.

These reason can be broken down into four major categories; Geography, Population, Money, and Technology


Britain had plenty of the coal and iron ore needed for industrialization and power steam engines.

As an island, Britain had many natural harbors needed for trade.

Rivers served both as means of transportation and as a source of power for factories.

Coal and iron ore were needed to power many of the machines during the Industrial Revolution.

Population Growth and Change

Growth in population, resulting from the Agrarian Revolution, led to more available workers.

Because of the enclosure movement, fewer farm laborers were needed.

Many people moved to cities to find work in the factories.

The movement of people to rural communities to cities is known as urbanization.

Money and Technology

The British overseas empires had made the economy strong (wealthy nation).

As a result, the middle class had the capital to invest in mines, railroads, and factories.

Britain also had experienced an energy revolution.

Giant water wheels were used to power new machines.

Soon, coal was used to power steam engines, which would become an important power source for machines

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The Agrarian Revolution improved what area of life?

Name a few inventions during the Agrarian Revolution that made life easier for people.

The Industrial Revolution began in what country?

Why did the Industrial Revolution begin there?

Notable Inventions of the Industrial Revolutions

Factory System and Mass Production

The textile industry was the first to use the inventions of the Industrial Revolution

Before the Industrial Revolution, families spun their own cotton into thread and then wove it at home.

By the 1700’s, new machines were too large and expensive to be operated at home.

Spinners and weavers began to work in long sheds that were owned by manufacturers.

These sheds brought together workers and machines in one place, known as a factory.

Factory System and Mass Production

Many factories were located along rapidly moving streams, which provided water power.

Later, steam engines were used to power machines.

These steam engines were powered by coal, which Britain had plenty of.

The factory system promoted mass production, meaning that goods were produced in huge quantities at a lower cost.




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What major change occurred during the Industrial Revolution?

Was this change a positive or negative? Why?

What is urbanization?

How did the Industrial Revolution lead to urbanization?

Effects of the Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution brought about many economic and social changes.

Laissez-Faire Economics An economic theory which stated that

businesses should operate with little or no government interference.

Adam Smith wrote the Wealth of Nations, a book which promoted laissez-faire ideas.

Laissez-Faire became the basis of the economic system during the Industrial Revolution

Rise of Big Business

With the development of new technology, came the need for the investment of large amounts of money in business.

To acquire this money, business owners sold stocks, or portions of the company, to wealthy investors.

Each stockholder therefore owned a part of the company.

Stockholders allowed business to form corporations and expand into many areas

New Class Structure

In the Middle Ages, the two main social classes in Europe had been the nobles and the peasants.

During the 1600’s , a middle class had emerged, brought about by the Industrial Revolution.


Urbanization is the movement of people from rural villages to bigger towns and cities.

People moved to the cities because the factories were located there.

Conditions in the cities were terrible. Working class people who moved to the

cities lived in crowded buildings without bathrooms and sewage systems.

There was no sanitation system in place to remove garbage, which resulted in the spreading of diseases.

Working Conditions

Factory employees worked extremely long hours for little or no pay.

Men, women, and children would work 12-16 hour days.

Mass production methods would lead to work which was boring and monotonous.

Machines in the factories were very dangerous, often being the cause for many injuries and deaths within the workplace.



Socialism concentrated less on the interests and rights of individuals and more on the interests of society.

Capitalism and laissez-faire economics, according to the socialists, had created a widening gap between the rich and the poor.

Under socialism, farms and businesses would belong to all people, not to individuals.

Different types of socialism emerged

Different Types of Socialism

Utopian Early socialists called Utopians sought to

create self-sufficient communities, where all property and work would be shared.

Marxist German philosopher Karl Marx promoted a

more radical theory called “scientific socialism.”

In 1848, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels explained their ideas in the Communist Manifesto.

Communist Manifesto

History was a class struggle between wealthy capitalists and the working class (proletariat).

In order to make profits, the capitalists took advantage of the proletariat.

The proletariat would eventually rise up and overthrow the capitalist system, creating their own system.

The proletariat society would take control of the means of production and establish a classless, communist society, in which wealth and power would be evenly shared.