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My Personal Education PlanSecondary Click here for general guidance on completing this PEP or if the document is in protection mode and you cannot enter text into the fields Within 4 weeks of PEP meeting all sections to be complete and emailed to the child’s social worker

and for HCC CIC to

for IOW CIC to Virtual School via SharePoint or for schools not on the IOW to

Click here for guidance on completing this section

PEP Type: Choose an item. Meeting Date: Click here to enter a date.

School Name: Click here to enter text. DfE Number: Click here to enter text.Designated

Teacher Name: Click here to enter text. Designated Teacher email: Click here to enter text.

School age range: Choose an item. Date of

enrolment: Click here to enter a date.

IOW/HCC District: Choose an item. LEA (if not IOW or Hants): Click here to enter text.

Social Worker name: Click here to enter text. Social Worker

email: Click here to enter text.

Social Care District: Choose an item. Social Care

Team: Choose an item.

Section 1Personal information can be completed without the child/young person present (possibly in advance)

Click here for guidance on completing this


Essential Information about me from my social workerClick here for guidance

on completing this section

Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) to be initiated annually by social worker

Click here for guidance on completing this


Summary of my care plan. My social worker must add detail related to my history that will support the school and other agencies in fully understanding my past & meeting my needs

Click here for guidance on completing this


Contacts and Permissions - Maintained by social workerClick here for guidance

on completing this section

Professional Involvement to date Click here for guidance on completing this


Who will say I can go on school trips? Click here for guidance on completing this


Social Worker to detail the adults who should have copies of this PEP: Click here for guidance on completing this


CiC Virtual School, Hampshire County Council Page 1 of 27

Section 2 All of section 2 pages should be completed with the young person involved, and wherever possible in attendance at the meeting


on completing this section

Person Name Only (please do not enter email addresses unless a privacy notice or consent to share has been signed as per GDPR)


Section 2b Should be completed with young person in the meeting except when it is an Initial PEP or Annual Review

Click here for guidance on completing this

sectionThings that have changed in my life since my last Choose an item.Designated Teacher to have gained and input information from the social worker if he/she is not attending

Review of Previous PEP Targets:Click here for guidance

on completing this section

Section 2c The table below can be completed without the child/young person present (possibly in advance) but should be discussed/ shared with them in the PEP meetingIf the pupil is following KS3 curriculum complete Part 1. If following KS4 complete Part 2

Click here for guidance on completing this


My Education: Academic Attainment Information from my Designated Teacher

Section 2 c Part 1

My academic Progress KS3 English Literature English Language Maths

Section 2 c Part 2

Qualification Type Qualification Subject

*Current grade/number/level

Predicted grade/number/level

KS2 and KS3 Historic Attainment Data

Section 2d can be completed without the child/young person present (possibly in advance) and discussed/ shared with them in the PEP meeting

Click here for guidance on completing this section

Section 2 Comments from my education settings relating to: Click here for guidance on completing this section

Barriers to Learning (informed by PEP Needs Analysis & PEP Toolkit)

Section 3a: These are key points that I would like to share to inform the meeting and my action plan. They can be typed in for me after our discussion. Any drawings or photos can be added as an attachment.

Click here for guidance on completing this


If the pupil is following KS3 curriculum complete 3b Part 1. If following KS4 complete section 3b Part 2

Section 3b Part 1 Yr 8/9 Pupil Voice: For pupils in year 8/9 part of the pupil voice and PEP meeting focus should be on option choices and further qualifications.

Click here for guidance on completing this


Section 3b part 2 Destination Planning: How I am being, or will be supported, in arranging my participation post 16

Click here for guidance on completing this


Section 3c can be sent out in advance of the PEP to enable parent/carers to prepare for the PEP meeting

Click here for guidance on completing this


What my Carer/Parent/Guardian thinks:My parent/carer views were shared at my EHC planning meetings Choose an item.If yes, please insert/copy into back page of this PEPIf no add detail below. This page can be sent out in advance of the PEP to enable parent/carers to prepare for the PEP meeting

Section 3d Action Plan: My Targets (SMART) – Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic, Time related. They must link to young person’s comments, parent/carer actions, needs analysis & attainment and progress & should be written up by Designated Teacher as an outcome of discussion at the meeting

Click here for guidance on completing this


Section 4: My School’s summary of how funding has been used to meet my needs - with breakdown of costs and evaluation of impact

Click here for guidance on completing this


Please use this page to attach any relevant documents to do this from the Office Ribbon:“Insert”, “Text”, “Object”, “Object…”Or from the Keyboard: Alt, Alt + N, Alt + J, Alt + J and then from the dialog:

Create from File, Browse for file, tick “Display as icon

Guidance page 1 Return to the top of the document

How to complete this PEP data form: Many Virtual Schools have moved in recent years to a PEP data form (PEP). In Hampshire & the Isle of Wight we have developed our own PEP form rather than purchase this from a third party. As such there are differences completing a Hampshire PEP to other PEPs you may receive from other Local Authorities. This PEP has been developed for Hampshire & Isle of Wight children in care in Year R (in Key Stage 1 and 2) ( in Secondary)  (who are newly arrived into the UK)

Our PEP data form is a word document, it can be saved in word and attached and emailed like any other word document. It does not require you to access or upload it via a secure portal and you will not need a password to access the form. However, please remember that all PEPs are confidential documents and should only be accessed and emailed via school/work email. Within Hampshire internal email is kept confidential via the use of ‘mimecast’ and for the IOW share point. For all PEPs sent to schools outside of Hampshire and IOW please use ‘mimecast’ or other data secure email systems.

The PEP form itself has undergone a few minor changes from the August 2017 version. The main changes are that we have merged the two Hampshire KS3 and KS 4 PEP forms and the IOW PEP together to make one secondary PEP, with two different attainment and pupil voice section relevant to each key stage. For Hampshire schools already familiar with our PEP data form there are also some additional fields for example social care teams and districts; changes to the ‘What’s Changed?’, ’Pupil voice’ and ‘Parent/carer voice’ pages and the addition of a ‘Professional Involvements’page. Each of the cells within the different sections of the PEP have the option to a) pre-select existing drop down options b) enter free text c) select date options. N.B Unfortunately one restriction of the software is that we cannot offer a year selection on the date fields only a month selection, so to save time if you type in the date in the same format as the date box it will accept it and reduce the need to arrow back within the calendar itself. The PEP is a statutory requirement, is part of the child’s care plan, and has to be quality assured by Virtual School and an Independent Reviewing Officer (IROs). As such information is related to the child’s care experiences the immediate short-term education planning affected by these experiences, impact on attainment and use of pupil premium funding are required within a PEP. There are also statutory requirements on Local Authorities and Schools to have clear evidence and data on a wide range of measures for CIC. The design of this PEP will allow the Local Authority & schools to collect the statutory data it is required to hold within the parameters of GDPR.

To complete a PEP you will need to save the document; open it as an editable word document (this is an automatic option on newer versions of word via the yellow tool bar when the document opens); complete all relevant cells and save it as a word file (it is not essential but saving it with the pupils’ initials and date of PEP would help the social worker and virtual school when they receive a copy). If the young person already has a PEP (they are not new to care) any information still relevant from the last PEP can cut and pasted ‘as text’ into this new form where there are text fields. Once it is complete you send a copy to the young person’s social worker (as usual): and their social care team shared inbox (see page 1 of the PEP for the address). For IOW CIC the PEP is also sent to the IOW Virtual School through Share Point uploaded as a word document (not a scanned pdf as last year). For schools outside of the IOW without SharePoint the PEP must be sent via email to (if you click the IOW Virtual School hyperlink on the front page of the PEP this will automatically open an email with the correct address) For Hampshire CIC the PEP is sent by secure email to Hants. Virtual School as a word document to the PEP inbox at (if you click the Hants Virtual School hyperlink on the front page of the PEP this will automatically open an email with the correct address, or type into the email address. Once you have saved your first PEP data form for a young person, all subsequent reviews are created by updating and overwriting the relevant sections of the existing PEP. We would advise for all future PEP meetings you open the previous PEP word document, save a new version with a new date and file name, then on page 1 select a Termly or Annual PEP, change the meeting date and continue throughout the PEP to overwrite any existing data in any of the cells that needs to be updated. Usually pages 1, (1, 2, 3 & 4 by social worker) 6, 7 or 8, 15 &16. Pages 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 & 14 should only be update if there is change to report. Once completed, resave as the new PEP version and send to HCC as previously.CiC Virtual School, Hampshire County Council Page 4 of 27

Guidance page 2 Return to the top of the document

General guidance & expected PEP practice for Hampshire Children in Care What is a Personal Education Plan (PEP)?Since March 2010, as set down in the education publication ‘Promoting the Educational Achievement of Looked after Children – Statutory guidance for local authorities’ it has been a national requirement that all children in care must have a personal education plan. The statutory guidance can be downloaded from the Hampshire Virtual School website

It should be written following a PEP planning meeting where the young person, carer, school staff and social worker discuss the current and future educational needs and wishes of the young person. Decisions around required targets for the young person are made at this meeting based upon the information that has been gathered and provided. The targets must be sensitive to the diverse needs of each young person at that stage in their personal development; and as such no one PEP will be the same. Immediately following the meeting the agreed targets, interventions and/or strategies that will be implemented are recorded within the PEP itself (N.B Feedback from young people in care confirms the importance of a PEP process in which they are listened to, and involved in a positive and supportive way. The young person needs to feel that the PEP is relevant to their needs, and is linked to other aspects of their lives).

For IOW or Hants. CIC with an EHCP there is a different PEP form that can be downloaded from or A Personal Education Plan (PEP) is different to an EHCP in that the targets are short term (termly) and are written following a PEP planning meeting where the young person, carer, school staff and social worker discuss the child’s care plan and how their care experiences affect the current and future educational needs and wishes of the young person.

The PEP remains an active document for the Child in Care, as the education part of their Care Plan. As it captures the educational history and supports the aspirations of the child in care, in partnership with social workers, parents and carers. It should be updated routinely; and is robustly monitored by the Virtual School, social care and by Independent Reviewing Officers.

An Effective and high-quality PEP should: be a comprehensive and enduring record of the child’s experience, progress, and achievement (academic and otherwise); be linked to “but not duplicate or conflict with” information in other education plans, including an EHCP and IEPs; identify developmental and educational needs (short and long term) in relation to skills, knowledge, subject areas, and experiences; set short term targets, including progress monitoring, against each of the areas identified against development and educational needs; The PEP should reflect the importance of a personalised approach to learning it should set long term plans and educational targets and

aspirations (e.g. in relation to public examinations, further and higher education, work experience and career plans and aspirations Identify actions for specific individuals intended to support the achievement of agreed targets.

See DfE Guidance for further detail


Guidance page 3 Return to the top of the document

Opening the document as an editable word documentThe PEP has been created within Windows 16 and is compatible with all versions of word. However, if your school does operate on an older version of word the document does not always open as an editable document which you will need to set up as outlined below.

Step 1: Download the document from the Virtual School Website the document and rename it for your school and pupil. Suggested file name which helps central file matching within children’s servicesSurname, First Name-School Name term and yeare.g. Smith, Lisa – Littlemore Primary Aut 18

Step 2: Open your saved document the word document it may open with a yellow toolbar below the usual grey word toolbar. If this is visible you need to click on the ‘enable editing document’ for you to be able to write into the document, as it is currently in Protected View Once you do this all the fields become live.

Please Note: You can tab up and down using your keyboard arrow keys to quickly move between cells. Doing this automatically takes you to the next cell.If you do not get the yellow toolbar and the text fields within the PEP do not allow you to enter text you will need to manually change the documents view into edit mode which you can do by1. Click on the File tab in the upper left corner > Select Options.>Select Trust Centre in the left pane.>Click Trust Centre Settings.>Select Protected View >Uncheck all three options under Protected View and Click Ok.If the documents have the Read-only attribute set, you can go to File>Options>General and uncheck the box for "Open e-mail attachments and other uneditable files in reading view".

If you are cutting and pasting text into the PEP from a previous PEP or other documents, it helps with the formatting if you cut and when you paste> select paste special>Select the last icon ‘keep text only’

Please note: PEPs should be finalised within 4 weeks of the PEP meeting by all parties. The deadline for any PEP to be sent to the Virtual School is by the 2nd week of the following term e.g. Autumn Term PEPs should be with the Virtual School by the 2nd week of January and so on for data returns and auditing.

Guidance page 4 Return to the top of the document

Creating a PEP - the PEP process timeline

Each PEP document contains pages for the young person’s views an

Page 1

Return to Section 1

Due to distance the care placement means a change of school place; or for Unaccompanied Asylum Seeker (UAS) a school place to be sought. Social worker also liaises with Virtual School Education Officer and Best Provision Protocol (BPP) applied

The ‘Initial PEP’ meeting date is arranged in line with statutory requirements by social worker within 10 working days (or 10 days of school placement). Hants. & the IOW have different versions of the PEP specific to Early Years, Reception and primary, secondary, UASC or pupils with EHCP. The PEP form most appropriate to the child should be accessed by the social worker from or (and supported by designated teacher) ensures completion of each section by the relevant person - ensuring that the young person is supported by whoever he/she chooses to be supported by. An UASC may need an interpreter. Sections 1& 2 of the PEP could be populated in advance of the PEP meeting. The social worker (with possible support from the designated teacher) gathers all sections together and provides a copy for all attendees at the meeting.

Whilst the child remains on same school roll. He / she will have an annual PEP meeting, and a termly review. After the initial PEP the annual PEP and reviews are the responsibility of the designated teacher.If the child changes school in the future either due to school transition or a change in care placement

At the CLA Care Review, (which is carried out within 28 days) the Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO) will review the PEP as part of the overall care plan, checking the current education situation and care provision in place, and ensuring that targets set are realistic and achievable whilst setting high expectations for all young people in care including UASC.

The care placement allows the young person remains on current school roll.

A Young person comes into Local Authority Care: The Social Worker notifies the school (if they have one) of the change to the young person’s care status on the day it happens.

‘ Initial’ and subsequent PEP Meetings (i.e Annual PEP + 2 Termly Reviews) Where a young person is a) new to school roll, the social worker should lead the Initial PEP meeting otherwise the chairing of the initial PEP meeting will be agreed by negotiation between social worker and designated teacher. Attendees at PEP meeting discuss the education needs of the young person using the information on the PEP document, the EHCP where relevant and any other additional needs identified through assessments such as Hampshire’s PEP Toolkit analysis and SDQ (for further guidance see)The Designated Teacher leads the setting of educational SMART targets with appropriate strategy and interventions identified, and a review date is set. A minimum of one review is statutory and the Department for Education Guidance advocates a termly PEP. Please Note: PEP reviews are the responsibility of the designated teacher. At the end of the meeting the PEP is retained in school to be shared with key staff to secure the outcomes agreed. A copy of the PEP is posted by the social worker onto ICS; and either DT or social worker email a ‘word’ copy to the relevant Virtual School. For IOW CIC this is via SharePoint for schools on the IOW; and for schools or education providers outside of the IOW via the shared inbox For Hants. CIC it is sent via the shared inbox A copy is sent by the designated teacher to the carer; and in the case of an UASC a copy should also be sent to Hampshire’s EMTAS service.

Document Type: Select whether you are completing an Initial PEP ((statutory 10 days after starting for a young person who has just been taken into care or who is already in care but new to your school); an Annual PEP or a Termly PEP (HCC & IOW advises 1 annual & 2 termly PEPS per year). Date of enrolment PEP: Select the date when the young person started at your school.If you have already saved a previous PEP then you should open the previous word document, save a new version with new date and file name. Then re-select a Termly or Annual PEP. Overwrite any existing data in any of the boxes that need to be updated and resave as the new PEP version and send to social worker, social care team shared inbox and your virtual school and. On the IOW this will be though usual SharePoint (or for out of county schools) and for Hampshire via the shared inbox

Guidance page 5 Return to the top of the document

School Name: Type into the text field your schools name, DFE number, (as we do have some schools with the same name) Select IOW or HCC District or type in your county if you are outside of these two counties. Select your schools age range. Type in the name of the social worker, designated teacher and their email addresses information which we are able to collect under GDPR as part of public duties. The social worker should complete which social care district and team they are from (for the IOW please select IOW from the drop down) their care team shared inbox email and add the pupils Swift/Social Care ID

Swift ID or Social Care ICS: Is a child social care identification number. Please ask the social worker for this detail if you do not have this information

My Other education settings: If the young person attends college, alternative provision, a pupil referral unit or education centre please type in the name of the provision and the dates they started to attend here

Guidance page 6Return to Section 1


This section is for the social worker to complete and allows for insight into the young person’s needs in relation to school, learning and holistic development. They can provide background and historic information on the young person. It is vital that it is understood by the school why the young person came into care and the nature of their life experience prior to that point. The social worker provides insight into the young person through observation of attitude, relationships and response within the care environment. Again, reviews provide the opportunity to note both change and new insight. The Social Worker is responsible for ensuring the young person has a robust PEP and that this is reviewed and updated regularly as their needs change.The social worker should provide this information at the Initial PEP and update this section in advance of any termly PEP & Annual Review meetings

There is an expectation that all Hampshire CIC and their carers will undertake an annual Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). Schools should use the SDQ score in their planning for the needs of the pupil. Abnormal scores at SDQ are a clear identification of any unmet social, emotional, and mental health needs; and as such all PEP actions plans for a young person with a high or abnormal score should have actions around securing long term SEMH. Where the young person does not yet present with difficulties in these areas then actions should focus on longer term low impact preventative strategies rather than high impact interventions.

For more advice on strategies to support mental health visit:

Return to Section 1Guidance page 7

Return to Section 1

Initial PEP If the pupil is new to care they may be on an

emergency or temporary care order pending a court date. This means the final care plan is not in place; however, the information to date is still very significant to planning education support.

If the pupil is new to your school but not new to care, the care plan should be available for the DT to see and will address these bullet points.

The social worker should comment on each of these bullet points specifically to support the school planning for education support and interventions and to enable adults in the school to understand the care context and the very specific needs of the pupil.

Annual PEP and reviews The social worker should provide any

updates and changes. The school can then make decisions around the kind of support the pupil will needs

The SW should comment on each of these elements according to

what is contained in the care plan. This context will support the

school in planning to meet the pupils needs and proactively plan


The care plan contains current and historical information that will help the school know what the

young person has experienced to date so they can plan to best meet

the needs of the pupil. The SW may send you a copy. If not the DT should request to see it. In

addition the social worker should share any other relevant

information about my needs not recorded in the care plan

Statutory guidance states a SW should attend two PEP meetings annually. Good practice in Hampshire and the IOW is for a termly PEP. As the young persons key worker we would value social worker providing and updates on their view of the child from their home visits, even if they cannot attend a meeting. If there is no change to report on the care plan or the child this comment in itself is an update that indicates the SW has seen and commented on the PEP Once A PEP is completed it is the social worker’s responsibility to ensure the PEP is on ICS. Either the social worker or designated teacher should ensure a copy is also sent to their Virtual School

Guidance page 8Return to Section 1

For children that have been taken into care there are often protective factors in place around contact and permissions Page 4. The social worker for the child/young person holds parental responsibility even when the child/young person is living at home with parents or is in a foster care.The school need to ensure that only the correct people are contacted, and information shared with them in relation to the child/young person. As such the DT must share contact and permission arrangements with key staff, including office staff.As such the child/young persons’ social workers must ensure the information on pages 4 & 5 are correct and updated regularly in line with any court proceeding around the care orders. So the school can carry out its safeguarding duties effectively. Pease note in particular: In relation to any request for any leave of absence the form to schools must be signed by the district manager for children and families. It is not enough the form is completed by a parent or carer (as they do not have full parental responsibility). CiC may have restrictions on where they can travel, and schools must seek permission from the social worker before taking them on any school trips.

In consultation with schools it was fed back that it would be invaluable for social workers to inform schools which other professionals have been involved with the young person (even if their contact is historic), as it all adds to the holistic picture of the child’s needs.Virtual School, Independent Reviewing Officers and Social Workers have permission to receive a child’s PEP and any names of professional involved, as part of their public tasks under GDPR. No personal contact details (phone and email addresses) should be added without gaining the consent to share from individual professionals

Guidance Page 9 Return to Section 2

For a PEP to meet statutory requirements then the following people must attend the PEP meeting:

1. Young person for which the PEP is about. They do not need to attend all of the meeting (and many aspects of the PEP can be written in advance). They should be supported (relevant to their age) to share their views about their own education and contribute to the actions agreed over the next term which will help them with their education. If they refuse to attend the meeting then pupil voice should be gathered in advance to inform the meeting; and a subsequent meeting (post PEP) should be held with the young person to finalise the agreed PEP action plan

2. Carer/ Parent or Adopting Parent. They should attend the whole meeting and their views sought. Some carers/parents are not forthcoming with their views and again these can be sought in advance from a phone call or other meeting such as a pupil progress meeting

3. Social Worker (must attend a minimum of two of recommended three termly PEPs). The social worker will lead the initial PEP and after this the DT will chair future PEPs. However, the SW as the young person’s key adult is required to attend PEPs. If a social worker is unable to attend a PEP meeting then wherever possible the date should be rearranged. Where this is not possible they should contribute to the PEP via an update onto the PEP and possibly a phone call and email with the DT, and Carers; and in the next contact meeting with the young person.

4. Designated Teacher. The DT is a statutory school role, the DT has expertise and training to ensure PEP targets are tightly focussed on meeting individual pupils educational needs and are of a high standard. Although other school staff may join or chair PEP meetings the trained DT is responsible for the PEP and must be involved in the writing of the actions and quality assure all PEP plans

Other professionals and adults may attend PEP meetings in discussion with the young person and parent/carer so they can input in their role to the actions and

Return to Section 2Guidance page 10 Return to Section 2

Only on an initial PEP would this page be left blank. At all other PEP meetings this page is the place to record key changes in the young person’s life in and outside of school since the last PEP meeting and any the progress made against the previous terms targets.

Where appropriate annotate any changes in circumstances/context for the pupil.Review targets in terms of progress and include the pupil perspective.DTs should evaluate how effective the action plan has been to date and note any changes and evidence of impact. Effective and high-quality PEPs should set short term target, including progress monitoring against each of the areas identified against developmental and educational needs. This element of the PEP is critical to the PEP monitoring process, it is an opportunity to quality assure evidence of what has been happening and monitor actions against targets whilst capturing progress. It is vital to consider the previous action plan and how the pupil is currently engaging and performing. This is an opportunity for schools to have very specific progress measures using qualitative and quantitative data. For example quantitative data may evidence the pupils reading age or could draw upon the schools internal tracking/reporting system; qualitative data could draw upon pupil/carer voice or quantify

For a PEP to meet statutory requirements then the following people must attend the PEP meeting:

1. Young person for which the PEP is about. They do not need to attend all of the meeting (and many aspects of the PEP can be written in advance). They should be supported (relevant to their age) to share their views about their own education and contribute to the actions agreed over the next term which will help them with their education. If they refuse to attend the meeting then pupil voice should be gathered in advance to inform the meeting; and a subsequent meeting (post PEP) should be held with the young person to finalise the agreed PEP action plan

2. Carer/ Parent or Adopting Parent. They should attend the whole meeting and their views sought. Some carers/parents are not forthcoming with their views and again these can be sought in advance from a phone call or other meeting such as a pupil progress meeting

3. Social Worker (must attend a minimum of two of recommended three termly PEPs). The social worker will lead the initial PEP and after this the DT will chair future PEPs. However, the SW as the young person’s key adult is required to attend PEPs. If a social worker is unable to attend a PEP meeting then wherever possible the date should be rearranged. Where this is not possible they should contribute to the PEP via an update onto the PEP and possibly a phone call and email with the DT, and Carers; and in the next contact meeting with the young person.

4. Designated Teacher. The DT is a statutory school role, the DT has expertise and training to ensure PEP targets are tightly focussed on meeting individual pupils educational needs and are of a high standard. Although other school staff may join or chair PEP meetings the trained DT is responsible for the PEP and must be involved in the writing of the actions and quality assure all PEP plans

Other professionals and adults may attend PEP meetings in discussion with the young person and parent/carer so they can input in their role to the actions and

Guidance page 11 Return to Section 2

Attainment Data – For KS3 pupils complete s Section 2c Part 1 and the relevant historic data at the bottom of part 2. For Ks 4 pupils complete section 2c Part 2. Attainment information should be collated from across all relevant staff and should be then used to inform remaining pages of the PEP i.e. identification of strengths, barriers to learning and areas for development.

Where appropriate annotate any changes in circumstances/context for the pupil.Review targets in terms of progress and include the pupil perspective.DTs should evaluate how effective the action plan has been to date and note any changes and evidence of impact. Effective and high-quality PEPs should set short term target, including progress monitoring against each of the areas identified against developmental and educational needs. This element of the PEP is critical to the PEP monitoring process, it is an opportunity to quality assure evidence of what has been happening and monitor actions against targets whilst capturing progress. It is vital to consider the previous action plan and how the pupil is currently engaging and performing. This is an opportunity for schools to have very specific progress measures using qualitative and quantitative data. For example quantitative data may evidence the pupils reading age or could draw upon the schools internal tracking/reporting system; qualitative data could draw upon pupil/carer voice or quantify

All PEPs must be sent to the Virtual School as a word document. For IOW CiC this will be though usual SharePoint (or for out of county schools) and for Hampshire CiC via the shared inbox The new PEP data form allows the Virtual School to pull off the data it requires as corporate parent to complete national reporting requirements. PLEASE NOTE: If schools complete the current attainment sections fully (and where relevant complete historical data) then schools will not be asked to complete the additional current termly attainment data reporting requirements for DAIT (in Hampshire) or Welfare Call (IOW). This also applies to the use of pupil premium plus spending and again where relevant for KS 4 pupils any mock exam results & GCSE entry data.

The drop-down option enables the school to enter both the national criteria for progress measures and for expected assessment criterion. This includes the options for P’levels for pupils working below NC levels. If schools have their own internal assessment data this can also be entered so that the document is meaningful to school staff, carers and pupils as it contains the assessment data they are used to receiving.Schools can also enter the pupils average point score and progress 8 measures if they have them. They can either enter the number or a text description related to NC assessment at that point such as ‘typical’ or ‘below’ etcIt is important the DT sense checks the data before PEP completion and reviews in light of historic data. If appropriate a scanned/attached document can be inserted on the second to last page of the PEP to show further data such as progress trajectory graphs etc from the current assessment or progress tracking system the school use

Continue to next page for detail on completing Attainment section Part 2 for KS4 PupilsGuidance page 12 Return to Section 2

All PEPs must be sent to the Virtual School as a word document. For IOW CiC this will be though usual SharePoint (or for out of county schools) and for Hampshire CiC via the shared inbox The new PEP data form allows the Virtual School to pull off the

Guidance page 13 Return to Section 2

All PEPs must be sent to the Virtual School as a word document. For IOW CiC this will be though usual SharePoint (or for out of county schools) and for Hampshire CiC via the shared inbox The new PEP data form allows the Virtual School to pull off the

Where a young person is entered for GCSE use the Choose Item drop down to enter the numberWhere a young person is entered for ‘Other’ schools use the text box instead of the Choose Item to entered the current grade/levels.

The drop down options (Choose an item) on the qualification column enable the school to enter GCSE, Other qualification types (or N/A (meaning no entries) as previous data collections have). Where a young person is entered for ‘Other’ schools must enter into the text box what level of qualification

Section 2c Part 2– should be completed for KS3 and KS4 pupils in the relevant sections.A PEP should contain all previous educational attainment. This data is key as instability and turbulence are still key determining barriers for our children in care in being able to secure the progress they are capable of. Schools should use this data to inform their teaching and planning for the young person, particularly if they have experienced recent (or frequent) change in school place. In addition, the data can show real evidence of impact that schools have had on the attainment and progress or the young person over time where there have been gaps or delay in learning.

Guidance page 14 Return to Section 2

Section 2d Data entered within this table provides the Designated Teacher with some very specific qualitative and quantitative progress measures that can be used to demonstrate the impact of previous PEP actions plans on some of the wider educational outcomes for the young person. For example qualitative data that quantifies reductions in exclusions, behaviours incidences or improvement in time spent in the classroom, fewer friendship issues reported etc. for further information on collecting baseline evidence and measuring impact please see ATAES action research booklet on our Attachment and Trauma Aware schools pages there are any concerns related to the levels of attendance or behaviour of a CIC the school should contact both the social worker and Virtual School to seek further advice and support.

Notes for intial PEPs:An intial PEP must focus on stabilsing the pupil, ensuring they feel safe and securly attached. Schools should consider adult relationships for any child new to care or/and new to the school to ensure there is a key adult (attachement figure) in place as a core strategy. If the pupil is new to your school and new to care; it will not be possible to complete the PEP Toolkit Needs Analysis (good practice would be to complete 3 months after the intial PEP once the school has got to know the pupil). If the child is new to care but not new to the school then it is advisable to complete the Needs Anlaysis on the basis of previous observations.

Notes for annual PEPs:The PEP Toolkit Needs Anlysis should be completed annually. Areas of need/diffculty will change. For example we find that relationships are the starting point at intial PEPs but as the pupil becomes stable in terms of attachement and sense of self, the learning needs can become more of a focus, which may be around motivaiton and locus of control. It is good practice to capture where the interventions and strategies you have used have impact and the progress can be shown on a repeat Needs Analysis completion.

Suggestions for Interventions and strategies can be found in

the relevant sections in the PEP toolkit. These may relate

to bespoke 1-1 support or wider classroom strategies for teachers to use. DTs will also be able to refer to local/school

provision and interventions available to the pupil.

Strengths and areas for development can be drawn from the pupil

voice as well as feedback from teachers and other

relevant members of staff.

Return to Section 3

Guidance Page 15

The young person gives his/her own thoughts, supported by whoever he/she feels best suited to do so. An interpreter may be needed by Unaccompanied Asylum Seeker Children/young people or by others whose first language is not English. The pages dedicated to the young person’s views are formatted in an age appropriate way but can be completed/supplemented in any way that the young person chooses; a supporter can act as scribe; diagrams and pictures can be created by the young person; even mind maps have been used by some. In PEP reviews young people can reflect on changes in the way they think, feel and perceive their needs. Reviews provide an opportunity to voice changes in their point of view or new thinking.

If the young person refuses to attend the PEP meeting their views can be sought in advance of the meeting on this page and shared at the meeting on their behalf.

It is the responsibility of the DT to ensure the child has voice in the PEP process and completion (as per the Statutory Guidance). This can be done in various ways and professional judgement will determine this. Some pupils are happy to complete this and share at the meeting, but others feel uncomfortable with this and require further adult support. One example of this could take the form of an adult annotating the pupil’s responses and sharing on their behalf at the meeting.

The pupils voice, where appropriate should be evident in targets and the interventions. For example, if the pupil expresses they would like more help with Maths, this should be recognised in the action plan.

This section is for additional pupil voice within the KS3 EPEP. We would ask DTs to spend time with pupils moving towards KS4 discussing subject options and providing additional support. Many CIC still have gaps in knoweldge and are on interventions that support cacth up in their learning. As such they need additional support and guidance aroudn their options (as they may not feel confident enough to choose foundation subjects where they feel they are behind, even if they support their hopes and aspirations for a future career).They may also have recently moved care placement and not yet have the relationship to seek the support or advice of their foster carers in relation to their options.Schools should ensure foster carers attend any options information events and if a new care placement happens that future forster carers are also provided with this information post event. If carers do not attend these events the schools should inform the young persons social worker, who will follow up with the carers social worker.

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This is section is additional pupil voice for pupils in KS4 or KS5 DTs should spend time within the PEP meetings for KS4/KS5 pupils discussing careers advice, post 16 or post 19 options and discussing additional support around this area. The outcomes for CIC at KS4 and KS5 are still significantly below that of other young people. They also often face instability of where they will live post 16 / post 19 and the resilience required during KS4/KS5 to cope with exams and coursework can be too much for some CiC whose social and emotional health is still vulnerable. Schools should use their own careers services and offer CIC more than one careers interview particularly if they have moved care placement or attainment and progress is less secure. Further support (access to a careers advisor and personalised support) is also available via the Virtual College in Hampshire and the IOW supported by Hampshire Futures.Work experience should be considered carefully and the work placement should be briefed by the designated teacher about key protective factors such as contacts and premissions, issues with travel and transport as well as additional needs that may affect the success of the work placemnet such as adult and peer realtionships, emotional skills etc.

The designated teacher, social worker and carers must discuss with the young person their rights to anonymity at 16 if they choose, and the implications that this would have for them at college or on an apprenticeship. They should ascertain whether the young person would like to continue to have PEP meetings post 16 and if so whether they would like to have a post 16 PEP in place alongside their broader destination plan.Where applicable to schools where pupils leave at 16 the role of the DT should continue in terms of oversight of the education of a Yr11 until the pupil has reached the post 16 destination in Sept. Thought should be given with the social worker, carer and parents (where applicable) as to what support is needed during the exam period and when exams have finished. For a number of CIC the gap of two months prior to a transition to another educational establishment can be duanting and as such anxiety can build. Please Note It is possible for the Virtual College to set up some work experience during the summer months once Yr 11 pupils leave at a cost of £50.00 admin.

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Section c: The carer has an important role in ensuring that the PEP is of the highest quality. Where a child is not new to their placement, they can provide important background and historic information. They can also provide details regarding responsibilities and permissions. They should see their role as one of partnership with the school, having the same shared, high expectations, supporting and encouraging the young person in every aspect of their learning and making the school aware of any barriers in and outside of school which may be affecting their engagement with education. The carer will want to consider their role in relation to supporting the young person to reach their targets, and future aspirations; and their may be actions for them within the final action plan. They may ask for guidance from the school to enable them to do this most effectively, for example and shared strategies to secure good attendance. Carers can advocate for their young person and will want to question and challenge any instances of low expectations or poor progress. The DT or social worker should consider how to best support carers in advance of a PEP planning meeting or review. For example, any reflections carers can make, record, and bring to the PEP meeting about their view of the young persons’ current progress or barriers, will be advantageous to the quality of the discussion within the PEP meeting. DTs should encourage carers to share in detail their thoughts on the pupil’s educational provision3

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Section 3d is the section where targets are set and to which all other sections are directed. It is completed by the designated teacher as a result of the discussion at the meeting and what analysis tools have used. The designated teacher, class teacher and other school staff should identify how the teaching, interventions and strategies should be developed or implemented to overcome barriers and meet individual needs in order that the young person progresses, attains, and flourishes. The quality of teaching and other strategies and interventions implemented will be evaluated in terms of impact at each PEP review meeting and so enlighten and inform future decision making.

Cont. next page….

As per statutory guidance, PEP targets should be SMART and pupil focused.(see appendix…)

List here all the adults who will support the pupil with this target; including if appropriate the carer or Social Worker.

DTs can list here the wider interventions being used to support the pupil with their targets. For example they may have access to a counsellor or a key adult – but it is not a pupil target to got to counselling or see the key adult.A wider intervention might be CPD for teachers in order to better understand and support the pupil.The pupil might have nurture group or 1-1 tuition support which will support a target – but attending this support is not the target itself.

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Initial PEPs: If the pupil has joined from another school; data and information provided by them can inform targets relating to attainment and progress. There may be information relating to behaviour that needs to be addressed and it may be the case this is either magnified at this time of transition or not acutely present; the intervention that will support this will be through informing staff initially to be proactive in planning for any possible emotional or behavioural episodes. Transitions magnify vulnerability and therefore the focus of the targets and the interventions in the plan should be centred around ensuring the child feels safe, valued, and is working towards becoming securely attached in school.

Annual PEPs: It is important to remain aware of potential triggers and ensure interventions are in place for being proactive; the information in the care plan will give the DT context and help understand the chronology of coming into care, the reasons and any significant events/dates. Any changes and updates will be provided by the SW.Class teachers should provide an up to date summary of attainment, progress and engagement in learning to enable the action plan to be effective. Subject teachers should identify within the curriculum the specific aspect that needs focus to improve. It is not good practice to have a target that reads ‘to improve attainment in maths’ - this might be the end goal and the data has helped to identify this area, but the targets and interventions need to focus on the gaps in skills, knowledge, understanding and curriculum map. Class teachers are best placed to input and support here.

Guidance continued on next page

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PEPs for KS4/KS 5 Pupils Where appropriate to the young person’s SEND, Yr10 should be considering work experience. However, a target that reads ‘to research and decide on

work experience placement’ is a target for the whole year group. It is important to consider whether there is any further support needed based on the individual needs of the pupil in care. It might be the skills needed to complete a form, use public transport or confidence with meeting new people.

Some Key stage 4 pupils with EHCP will undertake formal exams and need to be able to revise. Schools should provide revision clinics – but it is not a target ‘to attend a revision clinic’ as the whole year group will be doing this, nor is it a target ‘to revise for Geography’. If the needs analysis identifies difficulties with study skills and revision, the targets need to focus on the skills need to help the pupil. For example, if a pupil is struggling to organise their time to revise and attend clinics, the target should relate to developing executive function skills. It may be that the target is to develop study skills and the intervention will be support with revision techniques specifically, the impact will be the application of these skills to revision in a subject area.

It is important to remember that working memory is often not functioning at its best for a CIC due to delayed development and previous trauma. All teachers need to be aware that just because a pupil appears to be able to apply their thinking on one day, they may not have the working memory to apply it another day of metacognitively transfer their thinking/skill to another subject area. This is a common area of need/difficulty for CIC in KS4.

The final year at school for a CIC is another transition where vulnerability is magnified; it is full of uncertainty about post 16 education/employment options and for some a change in care arrangements. It is an ending, and this can trigger previous emotions. It also a year full of big events like the school prom, the final year photograph and goodbyes to key adults that have been attachment figures. PEP interventions should capture the proactive support that will be available to CIC pupils to support their emotional wellbeing.

PEPs for pupils securely attached and stable; Consider the area of motivation and locus of control in the PEP toolkit; often pupils may present compliant but have a fixed mind set in terms of what they can achieve; they feel that they have not been able to control elements in their lives and therefore feel they have little control in learning.

PEPs for pupils making good progress and attaining; Reflect on developing the cultural capital of the pupil and enabling experiences that they may not have had due to their pre-care context. Ensure you have measured progress against a baseline at the point they came into care. Proactively plan for times when there might be memory triggers - the information in the care plan and social worker can support you with this


PEPs for pupils showing signs of stress relating to trauma and attachment; Ensure every member of staff reflects on how the pupil will be feeling ‘am I safe?’ ‘Do I matter? And consider helping all members of staff to adopt

approaches in class that will enable a positive response to these quests. Ensure the availability of the key adult is maximised It may be appropriate that members of staff have CPD to enable them to understand and respond in an appropriate way. Work to have a consistent approach with the carers.

Use of Pupil Premium Plus (PP+) Funding

All PEPs must be sent to the Virtual School. On the IOW this will be though usual SharePoint but now as a word document and for Hampshire via the shared inbox The new PEP data form allows the Virtual School to pull off the data it requires as corporate parent.

PLEASE NOTE: If schools complete the current spending table fully with detail and impact measures then schools will not be asked to complete the additional current termly reporting requirements on the use and impact of Pupil Premium Plus.All schools and county councils have a statutory duty to report on the use of pupil premium funds. This report should include clear evidence of impact measures that spending has on improving educational outcomes particularly on academic progress and attainment. This section of the PEP should link to table 2b of the PEP on changesThere are clear conditions of grant in relation to the use of pupil premium spending and more guidance can be found both at Hampshire’s & IOW’s Virtual School website and the DfE website

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In both the Isle of Wight and Hampshire, the pupil premium plus funding is passported to schools termly where they have IOW or Hants. CIC on roll. It is the Virtual School Headteacher’s expectation that this funding is used by schools on individual CIC and not pooled to fund wider school initiatives. Funding should be used to 1) increase attainment 2) Improve rates of academic progress 3) Support a pupil’s social, emotional and mental health needs where they are currently presenting as a barrier to their active engagement in their education.

Inserting documents into the PEP

On the second to last page of each PEP is a space that schools can insert tables, charts, scanned documents etc. The instructions are included on the page to use your keyboard press ALT and N of ALT and J (depending on your PC and software). When you press these keys together you need to look for the changes the function makes to your word toolbar/ribbon at the top of the page which will now have capital letter in square that have appeared.

Depending on what item you want to insert and your PCs software you either:

1. Click on the Object icon and it will give you the option to insert an object (which is suitable for file types such as photos or scanned images)

Or2. Click on text from file which will either go straight to your document

files enabling you to select the document whose text/information you want to import (such as a school report or a professional’s assessment report); or it will open a grey dialogue box and you will need to select from file.

You then browse your documents to locate the file object or text you wish to insert and click ok. The document will then appear within this page.