€¦  · Web viewFirst driven by the spread of the Korean...

Post on 06-May-2019

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Transcript of€¦  · Web viewFirst driven by the spread of the Korean...

Table of ContentsTitle Score

1 Phrasal verbs

2 Reading between the lines: Contextual meanings

3 Ambiguous headlinese

4 Language Constraints

5 Influences on language

6 Fashion cliques

7 Commentary

8 Humor in Ads explained

9 Using language to describe something in exaggeration

10 Gender bias in language

11 Humans of Al Jabr

Nauval WG12 English Compilations

Nauval Drive in to enter a premise while sitting in one’s car

The places had a drive-in window for take away orders.

Drive out to expel/oust something The family was driven out of the neighborhood by

rising real estate prices.Drive by

to carry out something while driving

A Drive-by murder involves shooting someone from a moving car.

Nauval You do on earth, you’ll be in heaven.

All good deeds you do on earth, will be useful in the afterlife.

Aryo Nauval

Miners refuse to work after death

Miners don’t want to work after they die

After one of their coworkers die, they don’t want to work

Select from the given three settings given in the table prompt and develop the examples and constraints in using the language.

You may also indicate another setting not listed in the table.

You will have to provide three (3) constraints and three (3) examples to go with each of them.

Aryo Nauval Warudhana

Home and Family

When we arrived at home, we greet our parents by shaking their hands (Salim) and mostly we say “Assalamualaikum” When we depart from our home, mostly we shake their hands and we normally say softly and polite “stay careful on the road yaa, Assalamualaikum.” We must reply in a polite way.Sometimes, we had some family time together talking about the news, the president, upcoming events, watching a movie together, etc. Mostly our father tell us some ‘bad jokes’, playing around with kids. Example:Me: “If you want to depart first go ahead be careful on the road”

Mom: “Ok, you too yaa Assalamualaikum”

Informal Sometimes we do in formal wayNeed to maintain order and disciplineAffectionFamily-agreed code and ‘in’ jokes

Soft voicePolite to all the members of the familyBe caring to each other

Cooperative in any situation

Aryo Nauval

Religion Religion is a huge factors in human life. Religion also help our spiritual life, example we must trust our god and pray for the best. Further example, we use formal language to pray to our god. Example: “In the name of Allah, please give us ease in facing national exam” or “In the name of Allah, please give us health for our parents” We use different formal language to speak to our god.

Nauval Hallyu

Hallyu is a Koran wave literally mean the flow of Korea. Korean wave is the increase in global popularity of South Korean Culture since 1990s. First driven by the spread of the Korean drama and Korean Pop music from East, South and Southeast Asia. The Korean wave evolve from a regional development into a global phenomenon carried by the internet and the social media like K-Pop music video in Youtube.

What makes a good commentary?

While no two commentaries on a text should be the same and while each should reflect the student’s own interpretation and ‘take’ on the text, there are key skills that everyone should apply, as indicated by the success criteria on page 6.

Now read this task and the passage that follows it:

1 The passage below describes the writer’s experience in Burma when he was serving as a police officer at a time when the British ruled the country. He has been ordered to deal with a possible threat posed by an elephant. (a) Comment on the style and language of the passage.

See the pdf book on google drive for an example of commentary. PAGE 16 OF THE PDF BOOK.

You may comment on the form, the target audience, the discourse, semantics (meaning of words), morphology (the structure of words), lexicals (the choice of vocabulary),

Aryo Nauval

The style of the writer wants the audience interest in the writer report. The writer choose a vocabulary to describe the writer’s experiences. The point of view is taken from a first person point of view.


GENDER BIASNauval W Marksman or

MarkswomanMarksman is a ‘role’ for a man that is really good at shooting gun, arrow, and Markswoman is a woman that is good at shooting,and mostly people still said that markswoman is a marksman because there’s only a view markswoman in this world.

He is the best marksman in the hood.

She is the best markswoman in the hood.

Ball boys or Ball girls

Ball boys is for a boy and ball girls is for a girl. mostly youths, their job is to retrieve ball to the player in some sports event. But mostly people still said ball boy.

He is known as the most discipline ball boy at the event.

She is the sexiest ball girl at the event.

⦁ humans of al-jabr ⦁


"When I was a little boy I always thought that life will always be happy. I thought that I can play all the time, and everything is beautiful. But I grew up, and life is not like what I imagined. It's not like a straight road with rainbow and a beautiful view with many happy things around. The truth is life is not like that, sometimes you have to go downhill and went through the dark storm, but sometimes you go up again and went through the rainbow.

Sometimes life is not like we wanted, sometimes the truth is bitter,

sometimes I feel like I grew a flower that can't be bloomed in the dream that can't come true. But we have to accept it. We have to accept the bitter truth; we have to face it. We have to make our dream come true and make the flower bloom. We can't stay in the same place and going nowhere, because it will be pointless. That is life all about, an adventure. We can be happy, we can be sad, it's our choice, life is a choice,

you can just stay and do nothing or move forward, and reach your dream and make your mark. Love yourself, love your family, love your friends, love the one that you love, be grateful and cherish the moment. Like my best friend said, there will always be rainbow after the storm. Sometimes life is bitter, you just have to choose to put a sugar on it.”