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GCSE PE Revision 1.1.1-1.1.5

GCSE Physical Education - Revision 1.1.1 - 1.1.5

In this booklet you will revise the information from topics 1.1.1 - 1.1.5 and apply this to Andy Murray.

Tick each box off as you complete the booklet and understand the bullet points.



In the red boxes you will relate what you know to Andy Murray with SPORTING EXAMPLES

In the blue boxes you will answer real exam questions from past papers. These will show you the type of question you could be asked in the exam.

The yellow boxes will show you what you need to know. This information is from the exam board and they cannot ask you anything else.

GCSE PE Revision 1.1.1-1.1.5

What to Revise for GCSE PE

Unit 1.1.1 - Healthy, active lifestyles and how they could benefit you


Unit 1.1.1 - Healthy, active lifestyles and how they could benefit you.

What constitutes a healthy, active lifestyle. The social, physical and mental benefits of exercise. The six main benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle (contributes to good health etc). The factors that physical activity can stimulate (competition etc).

Unit 1.1.2 - Influences on your healthy, active lifestyle.

The key influences that have an impact on involvement in physical activity (CHRISP). The sports participation pyramid. The common purpose of initiatives. The agencies involves in the provision of opportunities for becoming

involved in physical activity.

Unit 1.1.3 - Exercise and fitness as part of your healthy, active lifestyle.

The terms health, fitness and exercise. The components of health related exercise and relate each one to physical activity

discussing its importance to different activities. The components of skill related exercise and relate each one to physical

activity discussing its importance to different activities.

Unit 1.1.4 - Physical activity as part of your healthy, active lifestyle.

The purpose of PAR Q forms. The fitness tests used to assess fitness levels for use in an exercise programme. The principles of training (progressive overload, rest and recovery etc.) The FITT principle. The principle of setting SMART targets. The methods of training (interval, circuit etc.) The purpose of each component of an exercise session (warm up, main activity, cool

down). The use of target zones and training thresholds.

Unit 1.1.5 - Your personal health and wellbeing.

The links between exercise, diet, work and rest, and their influence on personal health and wellbeing.

The requirements of a balanced diet. The importance of macro nutrients, micronutrients, water and fibre for personal health

and wellbeing. The need to consider the timing of dietary intake when performing due to the

redistribution of blood flow. The fitness tests used to assess fitness levels for use in an exercise programme.

GCSE PE Revision 1.1.1-1.1.5

1.1.1 Sub Category 1/4 - A healthy, active lifestyle

What is the definition of a healthy, active lifestyle?

1.1.1 Sub Category 2/4 - Classifying the benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle

What are the three categories of benefits of taking part in sport?

In the table below write three reasons for or benefits of taking part that you may have experienced then categorise them using the categories you have named above. Try to think of one for each category.

Reason for/benefit of taking part: Category of benefit:

Categorise the following benefits:


Students must be able to: Explain what constitutes a healthy, active lifestyle.

Students must be able to: Classify the benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle as social, physical or mental.

Other than physical and mental, name the third type of benefit that can be gained from participation in physical activity (1)

Give an example of this type of benefit (1)

GCSE PE Revision 1.1.1-1.1.5

Reason/Benefit Category Reason/Benefit CategoryIt improves health It makes you feel good

It relieves stress It improves fitness

It can give you a mental challenge by setting goals

It allows you to cooperate with others as a team

It gives better muscle definition

It can help you to lose weight

It allows you to meet/make friends

It provides a physical challenge

1.1.1 Sub Category 3/4 - Describing the benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle

Give a developed statement for how physical activity can bring about the following benefits:

Increase fitness

Help the individual feel good

Help relieve stress and prevent stress related illness

Increase self esteem


Andy Murray participates in training sessions in the lead up to an event, describe a physical benefit this training will allow him to achieve:

Andy’s doctor has told him that participating in tennis will help to prevent stress-related illnesses, what type of benefit is this?

Students must be able to: Describe how physical activity can benefit an individual’s health and wellbeing.

GCSE PE Revision 1.1.1-1.1.5

and confidence

Contribute to good health

Contribute to enjoyment of life


How might Andy Murray experience enjoyment during a match?

Give a sporting example of when Andy Murray might experience an increase in self esteem and confidence:

In PE theory lessons, Miss Smith explains the reasons for taking part in physical activity. Complete the table below by identifying a:

(i) Social benefit of exercise(ii) Physical benefit of exercise(iii) Mental benefit of exercise

Identify these benefits for someone still at school and someone who is at work.Give a different example of each type of benefit for each person. (6)

Type of benefit Benefit for someone at school Benefit for someone at work




GCSE PE Revision 1.1.1-1.1.5

1.1.1 Sub Category 4/4 - Understanding how factors can be stimulated by participation in physical activity

Explain what the following terms mean, giving an example of how they benefit you:



Physical challenge

Aesthetic appreciation

Development of friendships and social mixing


Students must be able to: Explain how participation in physical activity can stimulate cooperation, competition, physical challenge, aesthetic appreciation and the development of friendships and social mixing.

When Andy played doubles at the 2012 Olympics which factor would have been stimulated that wouldn’t normally be in singles?

Give a sporting example of when a spectator may experience aesthetic appreciation when watching Andy Murray:

Regular participation in physical activity is thought to be beneficial to the individual.Explain how participation in physical activity can stimulate:

a. Cooperation -

b. Competition -

c. Physical Challenge -


GCSE PE Revision 1.1.1-1.1.5

Unit 1.1.2 - Influences on your healthy, active lifestyle

1.1.2 Sub Category 1/4 - The influences that impact upon an individual’s involvement in physical activity

In the boxes below write the 6 main influences on people’s participation in sport:

Place the words in the purple box next to the correct influence category in the table below.

Influence Category Factors








Students must be able to: Identify the key influences that have an impact on them, and others, achieving sustained involvement in physical activity.

Family Media Gender Cost Illness Availability Location

Peers Race Health Problems Disability Access to Facilities

Time Status Fashion Role Models Age

GCSE PE Revision 1.1.1-1.1.5

For each category choose one of the factors to explain with a sporting example, for example for people you may choose to describe how a person’s family may influence their participation in sport or physical activity.

Influence Category

Factor Chosen Explanation of how this can effect participation








Andy Murray has a bipartite patella (knee problem) which has caused him to pull out of competitions in the past, which influence is this?

Andy Murray has a contract with Under Armour to wear their clothing, which influence is this?

Which one of the following correctly identifies one example from each key influence? (1)

a. Family, fashion, peers, age, illness, cost b. Role models, access, time, illness, status, racec. Peers, media, gender, time, cost, status d. Family, fashion, race, access, illness, cost

Theo’s family regularly participate in physical activity and introduced Theo to a variety of sports. A hockey club is only five minutes’ walk from home so Theo has decided to play hockey.

Which two different categories of key influences have impacted on Theo’s involvement in physical activity? (2)

GCSE PE Revision 1.1.1-1.1.5

1.1.2 Sub Category 2/4 - Roles allowing you to become or remain involved in sport

Other than as a participant name three roles which allow you to be involved in sport, list two qualities required for this role:

Role: Qualities required:


Andy Murray’s mum, Judy Murray, used to play tennis herself, she now works as a tennis coach. Describe her new role within the sport:

Students must be able to: Explain the opportunities to become, or remain, involved in physical activity in a range of roles.

Two GCSE PE students were determined to help their parents, Janet and John, become involved in sport so that Janet and John could benefit from a healthy, active lifestyle.

Other than participation, identify three different roles available to Janet and John for becoming involved in physical activity. (3)

GCSE PE Revision 1.1.1-1.1.5

1.1.2 Sub Category 3/4 - The agencies and initiatives involved in providing opportunities for participation in physical activity

Name the agencies involved in creating opportunities for people to become or remain involved in sport:

These agencies and the government are responsible for creating initiatives. What are the three common purposes of these initiatives?




Who might the government choose to target with their initiatives?


Students must be able to: Identify the agencies involved in the provision of opportunities for becoming, or remaining, involved in physical activity. Describe the common purpose of initiatives developed to provide opportunities for becoming, or remaining, involved in physical activity.

National governing bodies are involved in developing and implementing sport-related initiatives.

Name a national governing body: (1)

Sport England and Youth Sports Trust are agencies that use initiatives to impact on sport and physical activity in the UK.

Describe two common purposes of a sport related initiative: (4)



GCSE PE Revision 1.1.1-1.1.5

1.1.2 Sub Category 4/4 - The sports participation pyramid

The sports participation pyramid illustrates the development from mass participation at the base of the pyramid to excellence at the top.

The greater the number of people who become involved in sport through participating and volunteering, the broader the base.

The broader the base, the more likely it is that some will achieve excellence.

Write the name of each tier in the pyramid then explain it in the box.


As a professional athlete, what stage of the pyramid is Andy Murray at now?

At what stage of the pyramid was Andy Murray at when he played for fun at his local club?

Students must be able to: Explain the sports participation pyramid with regard to the four stages.

GCSE PE Revision 1.1.1-1.1.5

Unit 1.1.3 - Exercise and fitness as part of your healthy, active lifestyle

1.1.3 Sub Category 1/3 - Health, exercise and fitness

Match the following terms to their definition below.

1.1.3 Sub Category 2/3 - The components of health-related fitness

In the table below name the five components of health related fitness, give their definition/an explanation and a sporting example of a sports person who would need the component.

Component: Definition/Explanation: Sporting Example:


Students must be able to: Explain the terms health, exercise and fitness.



FitnessA positive state of complete mental, physical and

social wellbeing; not merely the absence of disease and infirmity.

The ability to meet the demands of the environment.

A form of physical activity which maintains or improves health and/or physical fitness.

Students must be able to: Explain the five components of health related fitness and relate each to a physical activity, identifying the relative importance of each to different physical activities.

GCSE PE Revision 1.1.1-1.1.5

Component: Definition/Explanation: Sporting Example:


GCSE PE Revision 1.1.1-1.1.5

Below there are five photos of five sports people, write below each sports person which component of health related fitness you think they would need the most, you can only use each one once, so think of the most suitable fit for all as they athletes will need more than one.

1.1.3 Sub Category 3/3 - The components of skill-related fitness


In tennis Andy Murray requires all of the components to a different degree. Which component of health related fitness do you think is most important to Murray and

Health related exercise demands can vary within sporting activities.For a named activity of your choice, identify a different situation or technique when the stated components, listed below would be used in this activity. (3)

Name of activity:

a. Muscular strength:

b. Muscular endurance:

c. Flexibility:

Select a component of health related exercise to complete the following statements: (3)

a. The legs of a long distance runner need high levels of _________________ to ensure that they can last the length of the race.

b. This is required by a gymnast to support his body weight _______________.

c. ________________ is the percentage of body weight which is fat, muscle and bone.

Students must be able to: Explain the six components of skill related fitness and relate each to a physical activity, identifying the relative importance of each to different physical activities.

GCSE PE Revision 1.1.1-1.1.5

Component: Definition/Explanation: Sporting Example:


GCSE PE Revision 1.1.1-1.1.5

Look at the photos below, which main component does each athlete need in the action and why? (Give a sporting example)

Goalkeeper save

Sprint start


Long jump

Cricket shot



Give sporting examples of when in a match Andy Murray would need the following components of skill related fitness?


Reaction Time:


GCSE PE Revision 1.1.1-1.1.5

Unit 1.1.4 - Physical activity as part of your healthy, active lifestyle

1.1.4 Sub Category 1/6 - Fitness testing

What is a PAR Q?

Why is a PAR Q important?

In the table below, write the correct fitness test next to the appropriate component of fitness.

Cardiovascular Endurance


Muscular Endurance


Muscular Strength


Body Composition


Flexibility Speed

Reaction Time


Give sporting examples of when in a match Andy Murray would need the following components of skill related fitness?


Reaction Time:


Students must be able to: Assess personal readiness and fitness levels for use in an exercise programme.

Name a health related fitness test that you would expect Andy Murray to be good at and explain why.

Name a skill related fitness test that you would expect Andy Murray to be good at and explain why.

GCSE PE Revision 1.1.1-1.1.5

1.1.4 Sub Category 2/6 - The principles of training

Individual differences/needs Planning how often to train

SpecificityThe period of time allotted to recovery and the time

required for the repair of damage to the body caused by training or competition

Progressive overloadThe methods of training chosen to achieve a person’s

particular goals

Rest and RecoveryMatching training to the requirements of an activity

FrequencyAny adaptation that takes place as a consequence of

training will be reversed when you stop training

IntensityTo gradually increase the amount of overload so that

fitness gains occur, but without potential for injury

TimeMatching training to the requirements of an individual

TypeHow hard someone trains

ReversibilityHow long each training session lasts

Match the following principles to their definition.

Below apply the principles of training to a sport of your choice. Explain the principle, how your athlete would use it and how it would benefit their sporting performance.

Sporting Activity:Individual Needs:


Students must be able to: Describe, explain and apply the principles of training.

GCSE PE Revision 1.1.1-1.1.5


Progressive Overload:

Rest and Recovery:


The principles of training are used to improve health, fitness and performance.

(i) Explain how the principle of progressive overload could improve fitness.

(ii) Explain how the principle of specificity could lead to improved performance.

(iii) When would a performer experience the principle of reversibility?

GCSE PE Revision 1.1.1-1.1.5

1.1.4 Sub Category 3/6 - Goal setting and SMART targets

Give three reasons why athletes set goals:




When setting a goal it must be SMART. SMART goals are used widely in sport, work and leisure to help make people’s goals easier to achieve. Briefly describe each area of SMART below.

SMART Area Description


Students must be able to: Explain the value of goal setting. Describe, explain and apply the principles of setting SMART targets.

GCSE PE Revision 1.1.1-1.1.5

Read and study the information below. It is an example of a sprinter’s adaptation of the SMART goal setting.

Dan’s goal is to take one second off my 200m time in five weeks.

Here the goal is broken down into SMART areas, write which SMART area is being discussed; one has been done for you.

Me and my coach agreed that a second off my personal best is achievable.


I shall time myself after five weeks of training.

I want to take a second off my 200m time.

We agreed to do the training programme four times per week for the next five weeks.My coach and I devised the training programme around improving leg strength and power, and reactions for my start.


Andy Murray’s is about to begin the Wimbledon tournament, set a suitable SMART target he could set himself before the tournament.

When setting goals to plan involvement in physical activity it is important to apply the principles of SMART targets.

The statements below are all examples of Year 10 students’ SMART targets.

A I need to take 60 seconds off my 3000m time as soon as possible.B I want to improve by one lap in the Cooper’s run test within the next month.C I will complete a two mile run in under 10 minutes.

(a) Apart from ‘specific’ which principle of SMART target setting have all three Year 10 students applied? (1)

(b) Explain which of the Year 10 targets, above, would be considered to be the most effective target for a performer. (3)

GCSE PE Revision 1.1.1-1.1.5

1.1.4 Sub Category 4/6 - The methods of training

Complete the table below on the methods of training with descriptions and sporting example of who would use the method to benefit them in their sport.

Training Method Description Sporting Example


Students must be able to: Describe the methods of training and explain how they can improve health and fitness.

GCSE PE Revision 1.1.1-1.1.5

Which method of training would you expect to see the following athletes use? Write the training method underneath the picture.

Choose one of the

athletes above and explain further why you believe they would use that training method. Consider the components of fitness it develops and how it would affect their performance.



Janet is a long distance runner. She needs to select a relevant method of training to improve her cardiovascular fitness. Four different methods of training are shown below.

Interval Training Continuous Training Weight Training (Using heavy weights)

Circuit Training

(i) Identify the most relevant and least relevant method of training to help Janet improve her cardiovascular fitness from those listed above.

Most important: Least important:

(ii) Identify a sporting activity where the performers would use the training method you identified as least relevant to Janet.

GCSE PE Revision 1.1.1-1.1.5

1.1.4 Sub Category 5/6 - The components of an exercise session

What are the three sections of an exercise session?

Briefly explain what you would expect to happen at each stage of an exercise session:




1.1.4 Sub Category 6/6 - Heart rate zones

What is meant by the following terms?

Heart rate:

Resting heart rate:

Working heart rate:

Maximum heart rate:

Recovery rate:


Students must be able to: Understand the exercise session and the purpose of each component.

1. 2. 3.

Students must be able to: Understand the various heart rate zones, using graphs to demonstrate the use of target zones and training thresholds.

GCSE PE Revision 1.1.1-1.1.5

Place the following heart rates taken during exercise on the line graph.

Performer 1 50 158 120 156 133 100Performer 2 60 123 125 126 130 70

HR 1 HR 2 HR 3 HR 4 HR 5 HR 60









Answer the following questions in relation to the graph above:

What type of training session would you say performer 1 was taking part in? Explain your answer.

What type of training session would you say performer 2 was taking part in? Explain your answer.

Explain and give examples for aerobic and anaerobic fitness.

Aerobic Fitness: Sporting Examples:

Anaerobic Fitness: Sporting Examples:


GCSE PE Revision 1.1.1-1.1.5

Unit 1.1.5 - Your personal health and wellbeing

1.1.5 Sub Category 1/3 - The link between exercise, diet, work and rest

Describe below how the following four terms link together:


In a match, when would Andy Murray work anaerobically?

When would he work aerobically?

Rob is a footballer and Imran is a long distance runner and within both their sports the boys could work aerobically and anaerobically. For each of the following statements, state whether the activity is aerobic or anaerobic.

(i) Imran kept a steady pace for the first mile and a half of the race.

(ii) At one point near the end of the race Imran had to sprint to prevent the runner behind overtaking him and going into the lead.

(iii) During the fifth minute of the game Rob had a chance to score a goal, he struck the ball hard and gave his team an early lead.

(iv) In the second half of the game Rob spent a lot of time slowly jogging back into position.

Students must be able to: Understand the link between exercise, diet, work and rest.

Work: Rest:Diet:Exercise:

GCSE PE Revision 1.1.1-1.1.5

1.1.5 Sub Category 2/3 - The requirements of a balanced diet

There are three macro-nutrients in the table below name the nutrient, describe the function and give a sporting example of a sports person who would need high amounts in their diet.

Macro Nutrient

Examples of foods


Sporting example


Andy Murray wants to improve the power in his serve, to do this he participates in weight training, which macro nutrient is it crucial he consumes to help with this aim and why?

Andy has reached the Wimbledon final against world number 1 Novak Djokovic. He thinks the game will last a while and go to 5 sets, which macro nutrient should he consume before and why?

Students must be able to: Explain the requirements of a balanced diet, explaining the importance of macro-nutrients, micro nutrient, water and fibre.

GCSE PE Revision 1.1.1-1.1.5

Although macronutrients are very important they are not the only things that we need for survival.

Our bodies also need water (6-8 glasses a day) and micronutrients.


Vitamins help the body grow and function properly.

Vitamin A Vitamin C Vitamin D



Function: Function: Function:

Sporting Example: Sporting Example: Sporting Example:


As part of a school’s focus on healthy living, Year 10 students were asked to keep a log of all the food they ate over a one-week period.

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks DrinksMonday None Burger and Chips Egg and Chips Chocolate bar x 2 1 litre water

1 litre cokeTuesday Cereal Tuna Sandwich from Home Chicken,

Potatoes, PeasCrisps 1 litre water

Which of the two days, Monday or Tuesday, provided a more balanced diet?

GCSE PE Revision 1.1.1-1.1.5


Minerals also help the body grow and function properly.

Iron Calcium Iodine

Example: Example: Example:

Function: Function: Function:

Sporting Example: Sporting Example: Sporting Example:




Sporting Example:


GCSE PE Revision 1.1.1-1.1.5

Fill in the gaps in these statements using the words from the purple box below:


Design a meal for Andy Murray and justify why you have chosen each component of the meal and how this will aid his performance.

The human body is ____________ water.

We lose ____________ of water a day through ____________, ____________ and breathing so this must be replaced.

When ____________ the body loses even more water increasing the risk of ____________.

Symptoms of dehydration include ____________, lack of concentration and headaches.

It is essential to keep taking a small amount of ____________ at regular intervals during exercises to enable the body to function properly.

Sweat 75% Tiredness Exercising Headaches 2-3 Litres Dehydration Urine Fluid

1. What is the role of protein and how does this help the performer? (2)


Advantage to performer

2. Explain the importance of micronutrients in maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle. (2)

GCSE PE Revision 1.1.1-1.1.5

1.1.5 Sub Category 3/3 - Special diets and the timing of meals

Blood Shunting:

When you exercise, blood supply is prioritised to the places that it is needed the most Blood is redistributed and sent from the organs (where it is not needed as much) to the

working muscles (where it is needed a lot) This is known as the ‘vascular shunt mechanism’ or blood shunting When you eat, blood is shunted to the stomach so food can be digested

Complete the table below on special diets:

Sporting Diet Function Sporting example of who might use this


High Protein Diet


Andy Murray has a match in 30 minutes but feels peckish, why would it be a bad idea to eat a large meal this close to a game? How would his performance be affected?

How long before a match should Andy eat his last meal?

What should he eat/drink following a match and why?

Students must be able to: Explain the need to consider the timing of dietary intake when performing due to the redistribution of blood flow during exercise.

Planning what and when you eat is an important part of leading a healthy, active lifestyle. Which of the following would be the most appropriate amount of time to leave before exercising after a large meal?

a. No need to wait as the food will provide energy

GCSE PE Revision 1.1.1-1.1.5

(e) (1)


Planning what and when you eat is an important part of leading a healthy, active lifestyle. Which of the following would be the most appropriate amount of time to leave before exercising after a large meal?

a. No need to wait as the food will provide energy