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THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017



Physical Education and Sport Section

The Science and Art of Movement

Volume X issue 2

ISSN - 1844-9131


THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017



THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


1. CREȘTEREA CAPACITĂȚII MOTRICE LA ELEVII DE CLASA A III-A ȘI A IV-A PRIN JOCURI PREGĂTITOARE SPECIFICE JOCULUI DE HANDBAL…………………………….…...7 Ghervan Petru Tanase Elena 2. STUDIU PRIVIND CONTRIBUȚIA PARCURSURILOR APLICATIVE LA PERFECȚIONAREA CAPACITĂȚII MOTRICE A ELEVILOR DIN CICLUL GIMNAZIAL ÎN LECȚIA DE EDUCAȚIE FIZICĂ…………………………………………………………….………17 Cristian Cârlig Florin Leuciuc 3. INOVAŢII CU PRIVIRE LA DEZVOLTAREA CALITĂŢILOR MOTRICE LA CICLUL PRIMAR.................................................................................................................................................28 Corbu Vasile Grosu Bogdan 4. MODEL DE UTILIZARE A MIJLOACELOR DE HANBAL ÎN LECȚIA DE EDUCAȚIE FIZICĂ ȘI SPORT……………………………………………………………………………………………...39 Bejenar Elena – Mariana Ghervan Petru 5. STUDIU CONSTATATIV PRIVIND CORELAŢIA DINTRE PRINCIPALII INDICATORI MORFO-FUNCŢIONALI ŞI MANIFESTAREA CAPACITĂŢILOR MOTRICE A ŞCOLARILOR DIN CLASA I-a......................................................................................................................................49 Grosu Bogdan-Marius



THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017




PhD Ghervan Petru “Ştefan cel Mare” University, Suceava

Teacher Tanase Elena „Ieremia Irimescu” Elementary School from Brusturi

Key words: dynamic games, initiatory games, motor skills, motor abilities and capabilities Summary: Being integrated in the complex content of the physical activity, the dynamic and initiatory games are considered to be educational and training caractheristics. Due to these, the game represents one of the main methods used in the physical education class, supplying considerable contributions to accomplishing the objectives if this subject.

They are the basic elements of the physical education because: these are activities particular to the student's age group, contributes to the emprovement of the general motor skills, developing and perfecting a wide range of motor skills and abilities, and also adding to the growth of the initiative, imagination and sense of perception indexes; from this early age it develops the competitiveness perception creating relationships based on co-operative and mutual aid, respect for the fellow member of the team or for the opponent, having regard for the rules which they accept and abide by. INTRODUCTION

We cannot live in the absence of games, which are not specific only to the child, but it accompanies the man throughout his entire existence, even though it has the main role in the childhood. Playing is, thus, an activity specific to the human species.

Modern Psychology stipulates that through playing the child develops all his main qualities: sensorial, motor, self-receptive, eloquent and intellectual. All of these contribute in the end to the development and shaping of the child's personality. Having a lot of positive influence over the child, motion games have become an important part of the physical

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


education class and have been introduced in the curriculum for all education cycles (primary, secondary and upper-secondary).

As every game has a specific set of rules, the child learns to rate correctly certain situations created while playing the game, to make decisions, on his own or in correlation with other competitors, challenging him at an intellectual level. That is why the chosen games need to be pleasant, to stimulate competitiveness, enthusiasm, but also to develop knowledge, abilities and basic motor skills which help the child prepare for life, for work and at the same time become aware of his own possibilities.

Motion games, together with the other methods and means used in the physical education class, in general, make an extremely important contribution to the accomplishment of the instructional and educational objectives. THEORETICAL AND METHODICAL SUBSTANTIATION According to 'The terminology of Physical Education and Sport' the motor skill is "the total amount of the natural and acquired motor capabilities through which one can make different types of efforts, either in structure or strength." Summarizing the ideas of several specialists, PhD Gheorghe Cârstea defines the motor skill as being "the dynamic human potential (either progressive or regressive in ontogenesis) given by the dialectic sum of qualities and motor capabilities". By summarizing the specialists' views, a conclusion has been drawn according to which the motor skills consist of: - basic motor capabilities - utilitarian-applied motor abilities - motor abilities specific to a certain type of sport - motor qualities.

It is obvious that the motor skill, while carrying out the task, is influenced by the physical process, biochemical process or by the level of the morphological and functional index.

There are two types of motor skills: - general - particular.

The general motor skill consists of the basic motor qualities (speed, handiness, endurance and strength) and basic and utilitarian-applied motor abilities (walking, running, jumping, throwing-catching, carrying weights,

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


climbing, crawling, climbing up-down, keeping one's balance, hauling and thrusting). RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The goal of the research – the thesis is highlighting the importance of using initiatory games to develop/increase the motor skills particular for handball. The conjecture – the thesis started from the premise that using rationally and consciously initiatory games in physical education classes there will be positive results regarding the growth of the motor skills for the 3rd and 4th grade students. The tasks of the research: - consulting the reference list in order to understand the situation in which the theme is compared to others and at the same time its real level (research); - choosing the target group (number of students, age, characteristics) - conducting a quiz for the specialists regarding some aspects of the theme researched - preparing the physical trials, the machines and the measurement instruments; - establishing the research methods; - analysing and interpreting the data of the experiment; - formulating the conclusions and the proposals. - writing the bibliography for the thesis. The Target Group The classes involved in the experiment consisted of students from "Ieremia Irimescu" Elementary School from Brusturi, Neamț County: - 3rd grade – 16 students – 11 boys and 5 girls; - 4th grade – 20 students – 12 boys and 8 girls; The witness classes consisted of students from "Grigore Sturzu" Elementay School from Târzia, Neamț County, a subordinate structure of "Ieremia Irimescu" Elementary School from Brusturi, Neamț County: - 3rd grade – 16 students – 8 boys and 8 girls; - 4th grade – 20 students – 9 boys and 11 girls.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


Research methods a) Analysing the bibliographical references and the planning and

attendance documents method b) Observation method c) Quiz-based method d) Experimental method e) Statistical and mathematical method.

Physical trials - Sprint running for 25 metres - high start; - covering the lay-out with two balls; - throwing to a standing target; - alternate jumping using a skipping rope, with movement; - doing crunches from lying down/supine position; - stationary long-jump; - endurance running; - covering the motor lay-out particular for handball. Methods and resources used during the lessons - using particular games to acquaint the students to walking and running - practicing particular games to develop the abilities for throwing and catching - implementing games to acquire the jumping skills - using games which help internalize the utilitarian-applicable skills - practicing particular games for the increase of speed - using games for the enhancement of the handiness - executing games to build up endurance - using particular games to increase strength - practicing games to learn some technical steps/movements in handball.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


Interpreting data

1. Sprint running for 25 metres - high start






3RD GRADE -The witness



experimental group

4TH GRADE –The witness



2. Covering the lay-out with two balls





3RD GRADE -The witness



experimental group

4TH GRADE –The witness


Initial testingFinal testing

3. Throwing to a standing target





3RD GRADE - The experimental group3RD GRADE - The witness group4TH GRADE – The experimental group4TH GRADE – The witness group

Initial testingFinal testing

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


4.Alternate jumping using a skipping rope, with movement





3RD GRADE -The witness



experimental group

4TH GRADE –The witness


Initial testing

Final testing

5. Doing crunches from lying down/supine position





3RD GRADE -The witness



experimental group

4TH GRADE –The witness


Initial testing

Final testing

6. Stationary long-jump




3RD GRADE -The witness



experimental group

4TH GRADE –The witness


Initial testingFinal testing

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


7. Covering the motor lay-out particular for handball




3RD GRADE -The witness



experimental group


witness group

Initial testing

Final testing

8. Endurance running




3RD GRADE -The witness



experimental group

4TH GRADE –The witness


Initial testing

Final testing

Final conclusions and proposals

The theme that was chosen and presented in this thesis which targets the increase of the motor skills in 3rd and 4th grade students through initiatory games particular for handball, allowed and determined me to make inquiries both on a theoretical level, in the first part of the thesis, and also on a practical level, in the second part of the thesis.

Correlating my own data with those from the scientific literature, I can say that my work conjecture was fully justified, thus it is true that by using rationally and consciously initiatory games in the Physical Education class the levels of the motor skills increase.

At the end of my study I drew the following conclusions related to the use of games:

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


- stimulates and influences a series of personality traits among which there are: initiative, creativity, responsibility, orientation skills, the wish to excel, the students' organisational skill, self-confidence and confidence in other, making decisions quickly, dynamism, being organised, correctness, honesty, competitive spirit, courage, determination, self-possession, perseverance, attentive, critical thinking, independence, team spirit, cooperation and mutual support, respect towards the others etc., which are useful in everyday life; - contributes to the improvement of the general movement, training and perfecting a wide range of motor abilities and skills; - together with the contribution of the morphological and functional index, influences positively the development of the motor qualities and the improvement of the motor skills and abilities, that is why it is necessary to be given the proper attention (using the right methods and resources) throughout every activity - the indices of both the motor qualities and the motor skills and abilities have noted a real progress, set based on the results of the students in the final trials, topic discussed in the previous chapter.

As a follow up of the research and the results we have obtained, there can be made a series of proposals which will be taken into consideration by the teachers of Physical Education for a better unfolding of the class: - selecting the most efficient resources and methods in the training period; - increasing the activity and motivation of the students by using the resources creatively: - adapting the practice methods according to the tasks they are carrying out, the place the class is held and the available resources, the age and morphological, the student's functional and psychological traits, his level of physical development and medical condition. Bibliography: [1] Alexe, N. Modern Physical Training, CCPS Publishing House, Bucharest, 1993 [2] Alexe, N. Physical Education and Sports Terminology, Stadion Publishing house, Bucharest, 1974 [3] Barabaș, L., Barabaș, N. Initiatory movement games particular to handball, FEFS, Cluj Napoca, 1995

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


[4] Cătună, G.C., Alupoaie, M. Handball/Course in IFR technology, România de mâine Publishing House, Bucharest, 2012 [5] Cârstea, Gh. The theory and methodology of physical education and sports, AN-DA Publishong House, Craiova, 2000 [6] Cucoș, C. Psycho-pedagogy for the permanent teacher certification and teacher degrees exams, Polirom Publishing House, Iași, 2008 [7] Demeter, A. The physiological basis of Physical Education, Stadion Publishing House, București, 1974 [8] Ghervan, P. Initiatory games for handball, "Ștefan cel Mare" University - FEFS, Suceava, 2006 [9] Lupu, B.J., Cojocaru, N., Gheorghe, A. Teaching methods for Physical Education at the primary level, "Gheorghe Alexandru" Publishing House, Craiova, 2008 [10] Kunst Ghermănescu, I., Hant, V. Handball I, second edition Fundația de mâine Publishing House, București, 2000 [11] Scarlat, E., Scarlat, M.B. Physical education thesis Didactical and Pedagogical Publishing House, Bucharest, 2011



Prof. univ. dr. Ghervan Petru

Universitatea “Ştefan cel Mare” Suceava Prof. Tanase Elena

Școala gimnazială„Ieremia Irimescu” Brusturi Cuvinte cheie: jocuri dinamice, jocuri pregătitoare, motricitate, priceperi și deprinderi motrice Rezumat: integrate în conținutul complex al activității corporale, jocurile dinamice și pregătitoare sunt considerate drept valențe formativ-educative. Datorită acestor valențe, jocul reprezintă unul din principalele mijloace ale educației fizice, aducând contribuții semnificative la realizarea obiectivelor acestei discipline. Sunt mijloace de bază ale educației fizice, deoarece: sunt activități specifice vârstei; contribuie la îmbunătățirea motricității generale, formând și

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


perfecționând un larg sistem de priceperi și deprinderi motrice, contribuind în același timp și la creșterea indicilor de dezvoltare a inițiativei, imaginației, spiritului de observație; încă de la această vârstă, dezvoltă spiritul de competivitate, de întrecere, asigurând relații de colaborare și întrajutorare, respect față de coechipier sau față de partenerul de întrecere, în spiritul regulilor pe care le acceptă și pe care le respectă.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017




Cristian Cârlig1, Florin Leuciuc2 1Technological High-School “Mihai Eminescu” Dumbrăveni

2 Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava

Keywords: motor capacity, physical education, track and field applicative activities.

Abstract: For middle school students, track and field applicative

activities energize activity, capture their interest and offer the possibility to improve and use what they learned in various conditions. The research had the hypothesis that using relay races and track and field applicative activities during PE classes throughout the school year will result in an improvement of students’ motor capacity, the harmonious physical development and the acquisition of motor skills and habits useful in daily life and for performance in sport. The research was done by following rigorously the tasks put forward at High-school “Mihai Eminescu” Dumbraveni, Suceava, for 6th and 7th grades with mixed collectives. The classes were held in the school’s gym or on the sport court. The results of all four tests show a progress of the trial group, confirming the fact that the use of track and field applicative activities throughout the school year leads to an increase in students’ performance, to the development of their general motor capacity. Following the experiment, the results of the trial group confirm the hypothesis of this study, the motor capacity can be improved by use of track and field applicative activities during the PE class and put forward that these should be employed more frequently therein.

Introduction Track and field applicative activities are an efficient means to

developing and strengthening of motor qualities and habits and represent global activities that aim to capitalize, in new practice conditions, on knowledge, skills and habits obtained in prior activities, by repeating the exercises in an attractive, enjoyable and challenging way. Track and field

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


applicative activities, relay races and motion games are not an end in of themselves, but a means to one. They usually include track and field applicative habits combined with running and jumping and involving the presence of various apparatuses and didactic means that require special attention with regard to their stability, surface quality, hygiene and dimensions. The efficiency of track and field applicative activities is contingent on the number and structure of the habits required by their length, dynamicity, the number of repetitions and the effort spent by each participant [1].

The introduction of track and field applicative activities in the PE (Physical Education) class had as targets the removal of boredom, the development of students’ body and competitive spirit, as well as the lessons’ objectives. The responsible use of track and field applicative activities during PE classes will lead to significant results with regard to the development of students’ motor capacity.

Using track and field applicative activities during the PE class must follow these objectives:

- influencing in a beneficial manner the general development of the organism and the improvement of its vital functions;

- forming and developing a self-improving mind set, of moral-volitional characteristics, of a sense for aesthetics, of a real capacity for assessment and self-assessment;

- developing sociability, collaboration, a sense of order and action according to a set of rules;

- developing the habit of independent physical exercise; - developing the interest for dynamicity (because track and field

applicative activities are engaging); - forming and improving motor skills with applicative traits; - improving the students’ general motor capacity required for sport

related activities; - forming and developing intellectual activities (thought, imagination,

reason, attention), affective processes (emotions, feelings, interests, motivations, sympathies, joy, respect, justice, responsibility) and sociability (collaboration).

Rață G., Rață Ghe. (2008) show that track and field applicative activities can be introduced in all stages of a PE class and that anticipating a place for each exercise in these stages is not recommended due to the fact

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


that, in some situations, the same exercise can appear in different stages of the lesson.

For middle school students, track and field applicative activities energize activity, capture their interest and offer the possibility to improve and use what they learned in various conditions. Track and field applicative activities represent a string of installations, apparatuses, objects on a track, in an order determined by the aims of the activities. To achieve the educational objective of track and field applicative activities one must take into account the choice of activities, their organization and evolution, all the while respecting various methodical conditions.

Cârstea G. (2000) states that track and field applicative activities include track and field applicative habits combined with running and jumping and involving the presence of various apparatuses and didactic means that require special attention with regard to their stability, surface quality, hygiene and dimensions. The efficiency of track and field applicative activities is contingent on the number and structure of the habits required by their length, dynamicity, the number of repetitions and the effort spent by each participant.

The methodical conditions for efficient track and field applicative activities during the PE class are:

- ensuring the safety of the participants by checking the status of the apparatuses;

- the correct execution of applicative habits which is dependent on the participant’s comprehension of the habit’s basic mechanism, the basic motor skills being developed satisfactorily with an emphasis on strength and dexterity;

- adequately organizing of the group of students in formations for locomotion or exercise, formations chosen according to working conditions, such as the dimensions of the work space or the size of the group;

- choosing accessible activities based on the students’ level of physical training and knowledge and organizing them logically.

In the work „Terminologia educației fizice și sportului”, motor capacity is described as the totality of natural and acquired motor possibilities that permit executing efforts varying in structure or ammount. „ Motor capacity is a dynamic human potential (either progressive or regressive in ontogenesis) given by the dialectical unity of motor qualities and habits or motor skills” [5]. The short lap can be used to develop the

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


motor quality of speed or strength or a combination of the two; the standard easy or standard difficult lap helps develop speed endurance or strength endurance; the long lap is used especially to inprove various forms of endurance [6].

The choice of this topic was determinde by the fact that the contribution of track and field applicative activities and exercises with various objects and apparatuses to the improvement of students’ motor capacity was evident after employing them during the PE class. Furthermore, this study is a means to improve students’ motor capacity and physical qualities by employing track and field applicative activities during PE classes.

Developing the students’ motor capacity through the use of track and field applicative activities helps their acquisition of technical processes particular to various sports.

It was observed that employing track and field applicative activities during the PE class has led to a reduction in boredom and an increase in the students’ interest for competition, self-improvement and the class’s efficiency. Improving the motor capacity during the PE class for middle school students through the use of track and field applicative activities is a priority concern and a tier 1 objective.

Tudor O. Bompa (2001) it is stated that the use of biometric qualities during the PE class is of great importance, due to the fact that they contribute to the improvement of motor capacity when applied in real life, to the development of students’ motivation concerning the physical education activities and to their responsibility towards their own physical development.

Octavian Bănățan (1983) describes in detail how to employ track and field applicative activities during PE classes and presents multiple exercises using objects and apparatuses, as well.

In conclusion, it can be said that the pubertal stage is the best time to acquire most motor habits particular to various sport branches, as well as for developing the qualities of speed, endurance and dexterity. Besides improving basic motor habits previously described, the introduction of new branches and sport tasks is a significant objective of this stage and it must be followed by an increase in the capacity for application of motor habits and skills in various conditions and in the students’ free time [4].

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


Material-method The research had the hypothesis that using relay races and track and

field applicative activities during PE classes throughout the school year will result in an improvement of students’ motor capacity, the harmonious physical development and the acquisition of motor skills and habits useful in daily life and for performance in sport.

Starting from observations made during PE classes where track and field applicative activities, exercises and apparatuses it can be said that this study aims to prove the role of track and field applicative activities in the development of the motor capacity and skills and their influence on the general development of the body, the improvement of vital functions. With this in mind, I intended to introduce in PE classes, regardless of their type, relay races and track and field applicative activities as means to develop the students’ motor capacity.

The research was done by following rigorously the tasks put forward at Technological High-school “Mihai Eminescu” Dumbraveni, Suceava, for 6th and 7th grades with mixed collectives. The classes were held in the school’s gym or on the sport court. The targets for research, namely choosing the subjects and executing their individual analysis, were determined using research techniques and methods (bibliographic study, observation, measurement of results in sport tests). After learning the structure of the school year, I wrote the annual plans and in October I tested both the control and trial classes, then, in May, the final test was administered with the same parameters and in the same conditions as the initial test.

After analyzing and comparing the gathered data on the two tests and using statistical and mathematical interpretation, an objective and accurate analysis report was created.

The study took place during the 2016-2017 school year, starting on October 1st and ending on June 16th.

I used the method of the experiment using two trial classes with mixed collectives – 6th D and 7thA – and two control classes, again, with mixed collectives – 6th E and 7th B. at the beginning of the 2016-2017 school year, in October, I tested by means of sport tests both groups and afterwards introduced track and field applicative activities in the PE classes for the trial group only.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


Results and discussions The results of the final test show an increase of motor qualities by

testing speed running on a 50 m track, standing long jump and throwing the oina ball. After the initial and final tests, the results for both groups were organized in tables for each test, as well as the arithmetic mean and the signification of the differences between the means (table 1, figure 1).

Table 1. Speed running results

No. Class Subjects Initial

Test Final Test


1. 6thD (trial group) 24 9”03 8”5 0,53 2. 6th E (control group) 24 9”08 8”6 0,48 3. 7th A (trial group) 26 8”5 8”2 3 4. 7th B (control group) 26 8”7 8”6 2

Figure 1. Results obtained at speed running

In the final tests, both the trial and the control groups obtained

superior results compared to the initial tests, 6th D trial class achieving a 8”5 mean, 6th E control class a 8”6 mean, 7th A trial class a 8”2 mean and 7th B control class a 8”6 mean, proving that the methods used during the experiment were effective. Furthermore, it can be noted that both trial classes where track and field applicative activities where employed throughout the year showed a slight increase in performance when compared to their respective control classes. To sum it up, the use of track and field applicative activities during PE classes can bring a slight increase in

6th D 6th E 7th A 7th B trial control trial control group group group group

Initial Test

Final Test

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


performance, as can be inferred from the difference between the results of the two groups after the speed running test.

Table 2. Endurance running results

No. Class Subjects Initial Test

Final Test


1. 6th D (trial group) 24 3,29 3,15 0,14 2. 6th E (control group) 24 3,27 3,17 0,10 3. 7th A (trial group) 26 4,43 4,36 0,7 4. 7th B (control group) 26 4,48 4,42 0,6

Figure 2. Results obtained at endurance running

The data in the above table shows that the results for the endurance

running test were as follows: 6th D trial class – 3,15; 6th E control class – 3,17; 7th A trial class – 4,36 and 7th B control class – 4,42. An increase in performance from the initial to the final test can be observed, confirming that the methods used for the control classes and the track and field applicative activities used for the trial classes were effective. The results for the final test of the trial group were higher than those of the control group, proving that the use of track and field applicative activities during PE classes leads to an increase in the students’ performance.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


Table 3. Throwing the oina ball results

No. Class Subjects Initial Test

Final Test


1. 6th D (trial group)

24 21,05 m 24,31 m 3,26

2. 6th E (control group)

24 20,26 m 23,20 m 2,94

3. 7th A (trial group)

26 24,74 m 25,30 m 0,56

4. 7th B (control group)

26 23,54 m 23,91 m 0,43

Figure 3. Results obtained at throwing the oina ball

At the final test in June, the throwing of the oina ball test, the results

were higher than those of the initial, as shown in the above table. For the 6th grade, the mean results were, for the trial class, 24, 31 and, for the control class, 23,20. To be noted is the fact that the results of the trial class improved from the initial test to the final test by 3,26 m, while that of the control class by 2,94 m, showing that using track and field applicative activities during the PE class brought an increase in the students’ performance. For the 7th grade, the mean result of the trial class was 25,30 and that of the control class 23,91. Again, an increase from the initial to the final test can be observed. Furthermore, the results obtained by the trial class show that track and field applicative activities were effective during the experiment.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


Table 4. Standing long jump results

Figure 4. Results obtained at standing long jump

For the final test, the results improved for both the trial and the

control groups, the means being, for the 6th D trial class 1,57, for the 6th E control class 1,54, for the 7th A trial class 1,62 and for the 7th B control class 1,59. Again, these results show that the methods used during the experiment were effective.

Finally, the results of all four tests show a progress of the trial group, confirming the fact that the use of track and field applicative activities throughout the school year leads to an increase in students’ performance, to the development of their general motor capacity, to the development of personality traits, that they raise the interest for dynamicity through their attractiveness for students, develop and stimulate intellectual activities such

No. Class Subjects Initial Test

Final Test


1. 6th D (trial group)

24 1,46 m 1,57 m 0,11

2. 6th E (control group)

24 1,48 m 1,54 m 0,06

3. 7th A (trial group)

26 1,61 m 1,65 m 4

4. 7th B (control group)

26 1,59 m 1,62 m 3

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


as thought, imagination, reason, attention and memory and influence beneficially the students’ health.

Conclusion The experiments took place during the 2016-2017 school year, when,

during the PE classes 2-3 topics regarding the development of motor qualities, the forming and improvement of motor habits particular to curriculums for 6th and 7th grades. As it can be inferred from the hypothesis of this study, the use of track and field applicative activities during all PE classes leads to an improvement in motor capacity, ensure harmonious physical development and the acquisition of motor skills and habits for the 6th D and 7th A trial classes. Using track and field applicative activities during PE classes helps to attract students and to ensure that they participate with greater interest and motor disposition.

Following the experiment, the results of the trial group confirm the hypothesis of this study, the motor capacity can be improved by use of track and field applicative activities during the PE class and put forward that these should be employed more frequently therein.


1. BANGĂ J.L., ,,Metodica predării educației fizice în ciclul primar”, Editura Gheorghe Alexandru,Craiova, 2008.

2. Bompa, T., O., ,,Dezvoltarea calităților biomotrice”, Editura C.N.F.P.A., București, 2001.

3. Cârstea, Ghe., ,,Teoria și metodica educației fizice și sportului”, Editura AN-DA, București, 2000.

4. Dragnea, A., Bota, A., ,,Teoria activităților motrice”, Editura Didactică și Pedagogică, București R.A., 1999.

5. Epuran M., ,, Terminologia educației fizice și sportului”, editura Stadion 1973 București.

6. Florescu, C., Dumitrescu, V., Predescu, A., ,,Metodica dezvoltării calităților fizice”, Editura Consiliului Național pentru Educație Fizică și Sport.

7. Octavian Bănățan ,, Exerciții, ștafete și parcursuri aplicative” editura Sport Turism 1983 București.

8. Rață, G., Rață, Ghe., Educația fizică și metodica predării ei, Editura Pim, Iași, 2008.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017



FIZICĂ Cristian Cârlig1, Florin Leuciuc2

1Liceul tehnologic “Mihai Eminescu” Dumbrăveni 2 Universitatea Ştefan cel Mare din Suceava

Cuvinte cheie: capacitate motrică, educaţie fizică, parcursuri


Rezumat: Parcursurile aplicative, la ciclul gimnazial, dinamizează activitatea, captează interesul elevilor, oferând posibilitatea de-a consolida și aplica în condiții variate a celor învățate. În cercetare am plecat de la ipoteza, că folosind ștafetele și parcursurile aplicative în cadrul lecțiilor de educație fizică, pe întregul an școlar, se va obține o îmbunătățire în dezvoltarea capacității motrice ale elevilor, asigurarea dezvoltării fizici armonioase și însușirea priceperilor și deprinderilor motrice utile în activitatea de zi cu zi și cele necesare performanțelor sportive. Cercetarea a fost realizată pornind de la respectarea întocmai a sarcinilor propuse la școala Liceul Tehnologic ,,Mihai Eminescu” Dumbrăveni, județul Suceava, la nivelul claselor a VI și a VII-a mixte. Orele de educație fizică s-au desfășurat atât în sala de sport cât și pe terenul de sport din incinta școlii. la toate cele patru probe de control se poate observa un progres a grupei experiment, ceea ce confirmă faptul că folosirea parcursurile aplicative pe parcursul anului școlar duce la o creștere a performanței în rândul elevilor. În urma experimentului, rezultatele grupelor experiment demonstrează că ipoteza acestei lucrări a fost confirmată, capacitatea motrică poate fi perfecționată prin folosirea parcursurilor aplicative în lecția de educație fizică, și propun folosirea parcursurilor aplicative mai des în cadrul orelor de educație fizică.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017



Corbu Vasile Miron Costin Secondary School of Suceava

Grosu Bogdan-Marius Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava

Keywords: motric qualities, primary cicle, development, games Abstract:

Modern human training implies its multilateral development from a physical, intellectual, ethical, aesthetic point of view, in relation to the exigencies of contemporary and future society, according to real skills, on the basis of which the human person's coordinates are outlined. People tend to his physical, intellectual and moral perfection, in order to transform it from individuality into a personality useful to society.

I chose to study this topic because at the level of primary education the most important acquisitions are happening from a motric point of view, the aim of the discipline of physical education and sport being to develop a physically, motorically and mentally harmonious body. Introduction:

It is well known that physical education at both primary and secondary level, high school or university level plays a special role in the child's personal development and development process. Pedagogical specialists recognize the biological, motor, psychological and social formative valences of this discipline.

The child must be prepared for a dynamically developing, the society demands a certain physical, intellectual, moral, civic configuration: a healthy individual harmoniously developed physically, a man with a creative way of thinking with capacity to select, systematize and reorganize information, choose the best solutions and quickly decide on their application in practice.

Starting from the physical development of children, the main form of exercises must remain the game in its different forms. Balancing exercises, crawling, small weight transport, climbing, jumping are recommended as racing games.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


Material-method: method of literature study, observation method, experiment, test method, statistical methods of data processing.

Through this research paper there were followed the next assumptions: whether the methods and means used in physical education lessons in a series of exercises, games and pathways to primary classes determine to a great extent the development of the motricity of small school children.

Purpose of the paper: using the most effective methods and means in a series of exercises and games in primary classes, within the physical education lessons, for the development of motric qualities.

We conducted this experiment with second grade A from the Miron Costin Secondary School, Suceava, consisting of 20 pupils (10 boys and 10 girls), these students being the experimental group. The control group is represented by the second grade E belonging to Miron Costin Secondary School, Suceava.

The training took place for a period of 1 year (October 2015 - May 2016), where the venue was the gymnasium outdoor playgrounds, but also in the gym and as appropriate materials we had: mattresses, balls, medical balls, jaloons, jumping ropes.

Recording and interpreting the results:

Table 1. Results recorded by boys in the experimental group

Name Height (cm) Weight (kg)

Speed running 25m


Long running (min)

Long jump (cm)

Motric test (s)

T.I. T.F. T.I. T.F T.I. T.F. T.I. T.F. T.I. T.F. T.I. T.F

Average 131,1 136,8 31,2 32,6 6,148 5,92 2,16 2,46 118,4 131,8 24 22,2

Standard deviation 3,93 2,49 5,39 4,06 0,07 0,08 0,08 0,06 3,72 2,74 2,31 2,15

Variability coefficient 3,00 1,82 17,2

8 12,46 1,21 1,27 3,82 2,28 3,14 2,08 9,62 9,68

Table 2. Results recorded by boys in the control group

Name Height (cm) Weight (kg)

Speed running 25m


Long running (min)

Long jump (cm)

Motric test (s)

T.I. T.F. T.I. T.F T.I. T.F. T.I. T.F. T.I. T.F. T.I. T.F.

Average 130,9 136,5 32,4 33 6,14 6,11 2,17 2,27 118,2 120,5 23,9 23,2 Standard deviation 4,07 2,80 4,72 4,50 0,08 0,10 0,06 0,03 2,82 4,95 1,60 1,55

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Variability coefficient 3,11 2,05 14,56 13,63 1,29 1,60 2,77 1,54 2,39 4,11 6,67 6,68

Table 3. The results recorded by the girls in the experimental group

Name Height (cm) Weight (kg)

Speed running 25m


Long running (min)

Long jump (cm) Motric test (s)

T.I. T.F. T.I. T.F T.I. T.F. T.I. T.F. T.I. T.F. T.I. T.F.

Average 128,4 132,2 28,5 29,8 6,29 6,03 1,60 2,15 115,1 127,5 26,60 24,78 Standard deviation 3,06 3,29 1,90 3,01 0,07 0,08 0,22 0,05 3,87 4,12 1,50 0,80

Variability coefficient 2,38 2,49 6,67 10,10 1,06 1,39 13,5

1 2,45 3,36 3,23 5,65 3,21

Table 4. Results recorded by the girls in the witness group

Name Height (cm) Weight (kg) Speed

running 25m (s)

Long running (min)

Long jump (cm) Motric test (s)

T.I. T.F. T.I. T.F T.I. T.F. T.I. T.F. T.I. T.F. T.I. T.F.

Average 129,7 133,7 29,3 30,8 6,30 6,25 1,62 1,95 115,2 120,7 26,28 25,48 Standard deviation 2,45 2,45 2,11 1,99 0,08 0,06 0,27 0,32 6,14 5,83 0,97 1,07

Variability coefficient 1,89 1,83 7,20 6,46 1,31 0,95 16,71 16,20 5,33 4,83 3,68 4,19

We further graphicaly interpreted the obtained results by the subjects

in the experimental group and the control group for the somatic parameter "height".






Grup experimental Grup martor

Talia - Băieţi

Testarea initiala

Testarea finala

Chart no. 1. Graphical representation of the average values for the

height parameter for boys in the experimental and control groups.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


From chart no. 1. it can be observed that both the initial and the final testing subjects in both groups (experimental and control) obtained very close values, which shows that they had a similar somatic development rate.











Grup experimental Grup martor

Masa corporală - Băieţi

Testarea initiala

Testarea finala

Chart no. 2. Graphical representation of average values for the "body mass" parameter for boys in the experimental and control groups.

From chart no.2. It can be observed that the subjects of the two groups, both in initial testing and in final testing, have obtained close values. Thus, in the initial testing, the experimental group obtained an average of 31.2 kg, and the control group obtained an average of 32.4 kg. At final testing, the experimental group recorded an average of 32.6kg and the control group averaged 33kg.






Grup experimental Grup martor

Talia - Fete

Testarea initiala

Testarea finala

Chart no. 3. Graphical representation of the average values for the

height parameter on girls from the experimental and control groups.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


From chart no.3. it can be noticed that both the initial testing and the final testing subjects in both groups (experimental and control) have obtained very close values, which shows that they had a similar somatic development rate.











Grup experimental Grup martor

Masa corporală - Fete

Testarea initiala

Testarea finala

Chart no. 4. Graphical representation of average values for the "body mass" parameter for girls in the experimental and control group.

From chart no. 4. it can be seen that the subjects of the two groups,

both in initial testing and in final testing, have obtained close values. Thus, in the initial testing, the experimental group obtained an average of 28.5 kg, and the control group averaged 29.3 kg. At final testing, the experimental group recorded an average of 29.8kg and the control group averaged 30.8kg.



6,143 6,112









Grup experimental Grup martor

Alergare de viteză 25m - Băieţi

Testarea initiala

Testarea finala

Chart no. 5. Graphical representation of average values for the "25m speed run" test for boys in the experimental and control groups.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


At final testing, the experimental group obtained an average of 5.92 seconds and the control group averaged 6.11 seconds.

The difference between the environments of the groups recorded in the final test is about 0.20 seconds in favor of the experimental group.









Grup experimental Grup martor

Alergare de viteză - Fete

Testarea initiala

Testarea finala

Chart no. 6. Graphical representation of average values for the "25m speed run" test for girls in the experimental and control groups.

Chart no. 6 represents the average values for the "25m speed run" applied test to the girls in the experimental and control groups.

At final testing, the experimental group achieved an average of 6.03 seconds, and the control group averaged 6.25 seconds.

The difference between the environments of the groups recorded in the final test is approximately 0.22 seconds in favor of the experimental group.










Grup experimental Grup martor

Alergare de durată - Băieţi

Testarea initiala

Testarea finala

Chart no. 7. Graphical representation of average values for the "long run" test for boys in the experimental and control groups.

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Chart no. 7 represents the average values for the "long run" test applied to boys in the experimental and control groups.

It can be noticed that in the final test, the experimental group obtained an average of 2.46 minutes and the control group averaged 2.27 minutes.

The difference between group averages recorded in the final test is about 20 seconds in favor of the experimental group.










Grup experimental Grup martor

Alergare de durată - Fete

Testarea initiala

Testarea finala

Chart no. 8. Graphical representation of average values for the "long-running" test for girls in the experimental and control groups.

Chart no. 8 represents the average values for the "long run" test applied to the girls in the experimental and control groups.

At final testing, the experimental group obtained an average of 2.15 minutes, and the control group averaged 1.95 minutes.

The difference between the recorded groups average values in the final test is approximately 0.20 minutes in favor of the experimental group.

Chart no. 9. Graphical representation of the average values for the "standing long jump" test for boys in the experimental and control groups.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


Chart no. 9 represents average values for the "standing long jump" test applied to boys in the experimental and control groups.

At final testing, the experimental group obtained an average of 131.8 centimeters, and the control group an average of 120.5 centimeters. The difference between the average test results of the groups in the final test is about 11.3 centimeters in favor of the experimental group.

Chart no 10. Graphical representation of average values of „standing long jump”test for girls from the experimental and control groups

Chart no.10 represents the average values of the standing long jump test applied for the girls from the experimental and control groups.

On the final test the average value of the experimental was 127.5 centimeters, and the control group recorded a average value of 120,7 centimeters.












Grup experimental Grup martor

Traseu aplicativ - Băieţi

Testarea initiala

Testarea finala

Chart no. 11. Graphical representation of average values for the motric test for boys from the experimental and control groups.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


Chart no. 11 represents the average values for the motric test applied for the boys from the experimental and control group.

At the final testing the experimental group recorded an average value of 22,2 seconds and the control group recorded an average value of 23,2 seconds.













Grup experimental Grup martor

Traseu aplicativ - Fete

Testarea initiala

Testarea finala

Chart no. 12. Graphical representation of average values for motric test for girls from experimental and control groups.

Chart no 12. represents the average values for the motric test for girls from the experimental and control group.

At the final testing the experimental group recorded an average value of 24,78 seconds and the control group recorded an average value of 25.48 seconds.


1. In the case of somatic parameters, both the subjects of the experimental group and the subjects of the control group, girls and boys, had a similar evolution, the differences being not significant, which leads us to conclude that the means proposed to the experimental groups did not significantly influence the somatic development.

2. There were no significant differences between the motric applied tests for both experimental and control groups, boys and girls on the initial testing. In the conducted study I tried to select subjects with similar motric performances to reveal the importance of the selected methods applied for the experimental group.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


3. The proposed methods for the experimental groups have significantly influenced their performance in final testing.

4. Based on the conducted study we can state that the hypothesis from which we started was confirmed by the results of the tested subjects.

References: 1. Brata, M., Metodica educaţiei fizice şcolare, vol. I. - Editura Universităţii, Oradea, 1996. 2. Cârstea, Gheorghe, Teoria şi metodica educaţiei fizice, Editura Universul, Bucureşti, 1993. 3. Coman, Stela, Educaţia fizică şi metodica predării ei la clasele I-IV, Editura Tehnică, Chişinău, Editura Spiru Haret, Iaşi, 1995. 4. Dragnea, Adrian, Bota, Aura, Teoria activităţilor motrice, Ed. Didactică şi pedagogică R.A., Bucureşti, 1999 5. Lupu, Elena, Metodica predării Educaţiei Fizice şi Sportului, Institutul European, Iaşi, 2006



Şcoala Gimnazială Miron Costin Suceava Grosu Bogdan

Universitatea “Stefan cel Mare” Suceava Cuvinte cheie: calităţi motrice, ciclul primar, dezvoltare, jocuri de mişcare Rezumat:

Formarea omului modern presupune dezvoltarea lui multilaterală din punct de vedere fizic, intelectual, etic, estetic etc., în raport cu exigenţele societăţii contemporane şi viitoare, potrivit aptitudinilor reale, pe fondul cărora se conturează coordonatele personalităţii umane. Omul tinde spre perfecţionarea sa fizică, intelectuală şi morală, în scopul transformării sale din individualitate în personalitate utilă societăţii.

Am ales să studiez această temă deoarece la nivelul învăţământului primar au loc cele mai importante achiziţii din punct de vedere motric

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


(formarea deprinderilor şi dezvoltarea calităţilor motrice), scopul disciplinei educaţie fizică şi sport fiind acela de a dezvolta un corp armonios din punct de vedere fizic, motric, dar şi psihic.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017



Bejenar Elena – Mariana

School: Bucșoaia Educational structure: Frasin

PhD Ghervan Petru “Ştefan cel Mare” University, Suceava

Key words: education, handball, method, test, progress, resultat Abstract:

In this article I wanted to highlight the importance of sports activities in the training and development of the personality of our children, with a view to their integration into society and to good human interaction for a healthy and harmonious life. I have described the role that handball plays in the school curriculum. I then presented and described the specificities of the development of pre-teenagers, which is important for the smooth running of the educational process. I also presented the methodology, the tasks, working methods and means used in the pedagogical research and the technical-tactical means necessary for the physical training. Finally, I presented the research and investigation methods as well as the scientific/experimental approach which allowed me to draw the final conclusions.


For the adults that have not practised a sport in childhood and adolescence it may be difficult to show interest in the physical activity which is required to maintain health, wellbeing and a good mental being. The handball game forms the respect for discipline, for the physical education teacher or the coach, referee, as well as for teammates, even for those from the opposing team. Furthermore, the handball develops the team spirit, courage and perseverance, resilience, as well as the physical and mental combativity. In the experiment which constitutes the basis of my research, I started from the following assumptions:

— the selection and use of appropriate means specific to the handball training that is part of the curriculum of the physical education for the Vth

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


and VIth grade of the secondary education contribute to the harmonious education of these pupils, leading to good results in their competitions at this level;

— the selection of the means of training of the handball teams of the secondary schools must take into account the patterns of playful training specific to students of 11-12 years old;

— the regular assessment of secondary school pupils helps to determine their level in handball as well as their progress during the 2016-2017 school year;

— the selection and application of the most effective ways and means specific to handball contribute to influence their motivation, by raising the technical-tactical level of the students willing to practise this sport;

— the application of means and methods, in line with the time allocated by the school curriculum and the pupil’s skills, may lead to a development of resistance and perseverance of the children when practising this sport. My goal is to make the children love this sport, and particularly to be aware of its importance, as well as of the physical education's importance, in general; I would also want the children to understand that handball is a very effective means to preserve the health and social life balance. Material-method:

In my work I used the following: the specialist literature method, the method of observation, measurements and testing, the experimental method, the registering method, the mathematic-statistical data processing method, the graphic representation method and the survey method (quizz). Regarding the materials, I have used: the sports hall (dimensions identical to those of a normal classroom) equipped with chest gym, mattresses, etc.; 1 hanbdall field; 1 football field; balls for handball, cones, milestones, ropes, walking sticks etc.

The research was carried out in the school year 2016-2017, 15.09.1016-15.06.2017, Bucșoaia —Secondary School Frasin — Suceava County, where I acted as a teacher of physical education and sport.

For the experimental approach I have chosen the fifth grade (experiment group) and the sixth grade (control group) from Bucșoaia, whom I have have been training since the primary school.The classes selected for research are ordinary classes, with children from different social

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


backgrounds, an element which contributed to these classes' originality. The Vth grade has 15 pupils and the VIth grade has 19 pupils, one pupil being exempted from sports activities.The pupils in these classes had two sports classes per week during the school year 2016-2017 and these classes took place according to the methodology and the school curriculum. I should point out that these students participate in handball competitions: the National olympics handball competition, as well as the area competition. After the testing of the two classes (the experiment group and the control group), at the beginning of the school year (the initial test) and at the end of the test (the final test), I grouped these results obtained by the students and centralised them in the tables corresponding to each test. To assess the level of preparedness, I carried out the following tests, using the specific units of measurement, as follows: rounders- metres (m), 50 m running-speed (s); long jump (both types) - metres (m); the cone drills 5x10 m -seconds (s), - the resistance running-minutes (min.).

Procedure: In order to process and interpret in the most efficient manner the results obtained by the pupils in the results, I made an analysis using the following indicators: the arithmetical mean (X), standard deviation (S), the coefficient of variation (C) and the t-test. In order to see if this value is significant or not, one shall consult Fischer's table of variables for a degree of discretion f = n-1, (the number of subjects being 15 and 18), which, for the present research, has the value of 1.76, corresponding to a confidence margin of 0.05 % (95 %). If the value that I have obtained is greater than the value in the table, then one can say with a 95 % probability margin that the results are significant, i.e. pupils have progressed significantly, thereby confirming the assumptions of the research. In what follows, I will present these findings and conclusions obtained by using the statistico-mathematical indicators presented above, as follows:

Rounders [Aruncarea mingii de oină de pe loc (m)]

Statistical indicators

T.I. – Cl. V. T.F. – Cl. V. T.I. – Cl.VI. T.F. – Cl.VI.

17.80 19.93 21.67 24.89 S 3.14 2.87 5.97 5.21

(%) 17.66 14.37 27.56 20.94 t test 1.75 1.72

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When analysing this table one can see that the difference between the arithmetic averages of the two tests is lower for the experiment group, which means that the pupils of this group have progressed less in this test as compared to the pupils from the control group. Both groups have moderate standard deviations (the sharing of the best results grouped around the arithmetic mean) and the results obtained at the final testing were homogeneous. As far as the t test is concerned, one can note that for both groups I have obtained a value of t which is very close to the corresponding reference value for this research (i.e. 1.76): one can therefore say that the students of both groups have made progress.



clasa V

clasa VI

Diagram 1

Running- speed [Alergarea de viteză (50 m)]

Statistical indicators

T.I. – Cl. V. T.F. – Cl. V.

T.I. – Cl.VI. T.F. – Cl.VI.

8.81 8.51 8.69 8.43 S 0.44 0.41 0.46 0.46

(%) 5.05 4.86 5.24 5.46 t test 1.72 1.75

When analysing this table one can note that the difference between the

arithmetic averages of the two tests is higher for the experiment group of students, therefore this group has progressed more in this test as compared to the pupils from the control group. Both groups have moderate standard deviations (sharing best results grouped around the arithmetic mean) and the results obtained in the final testing were homogeneous. Regarding the t test, one can note that for both groups, I obtained a value of t that was very close to the corresponding reference this research (i.e.1.76), whoch makes one safely say that the students of both groups have made progress.

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0,26 clasa V

clasa VI

Diagram 2

Long jump, type I [Săritura în lugime cu elan (m)]

Statistical indicators

T.I. – Cl. V. T.F. – Cl. V. T.I. – Cl.VI. T.F. – Cl.VI.

2.53 2.64 2.63 2.69 S 0.07 0.08 0.11 0.10

(%) 2.76 3.22 4.14 3.76 t test 3.76 1.78

When analysing this table one can note that the difference between

the arithmetic averages of the two tests is higher for the experiment group of students, meaning that this group has progressed further in this test compared to the pupils from the control group. Both groups have obtained moderate standard deviations (sharing best results grouped around the arithmetic mean) and the results obtained at the final testing were homogeneous. Regarding the t test, one can note that, for both of the groups, I obtained a value that was higher than the t reference corresponding to this research (1.76); one can therefore say, with a confidence margin of 95 % (to a threshold of 0,05), that the two groups have progressed significantly.

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0,06 clasa V

clasa VI

Diagram 3

Cone drills [Naveta 5x10m]

Statistical indicators

T.I. – Cl. V. T.F. – Cl. V. T.I. – Cl.VI. T.F. – Cl.VI.

21.33 21.05 20.68 20.01 S 0.40 0.43 1.13 1.24

(%) 1.90 2.02 5.46 6.21 t test 1.85 1.7

When analysing this table one can note that the difference between

the arithmetic averages is lower for the experiment group, meaning that the pupils of this group have progressed less in this test as compared to the pupils from the control group. Both groups have obtained moderate standard deviations (sharing best results grouped around the arithmetic mean) and the results in the final testing were homogenous. As far as the t test is concerned, the experiment group obtained higher values as comparend to the reference value (1.76); one can therefore say with a margin of confidence of 95 % (with a threshold of 0,05) that this group has progressed significantly. The control group of students has obtained a value of t that was very close to the reference value, which means that they made progress.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017




clasa V

clasa VI

Diagram 4

Long jump, type II [Săritura în lungime de pe loc (m)]

Statistical indicators

T.I. – Cl. V. T.F. – Cl. V. T.I. – Cl.VI. T.F. – Cl.VI.

1.56 1.63 1.71 1.81 S 0.09 0.10 0.18 0.18

(%) 5.98 6.00 10.66 10.13 t test 1.91 1.71

When analysing this table one can note that the difference between

the arithmetic averages of the two tests is higher for the experiment group of students, meaning that this group has progressed more in this test as compared to the pupils from the control group. Both groups have obtained moderate standard deviations (sharing best results grouped around the arithmetic mean) and the results in the final testing were homogeneous. Regarding the t test, the experiment group obtained a higher value than the t reference value corresponding to this research (1.76), which makes one say with a confidence margin of 95 % ( threshold of 0,05) that this group has progressed significantly. The cntrol group obtained a value of t that was very close to the reference value, meaning that they made progress.

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clasa V

clasa VI

Diagram 5

Resistance running [Alergare de rezistență (min)]

Statistical indicators

T.I. – Cl. V. T.F. – Cl. V. T.I. – Cl.VI. T.F. – Cl.VI.

3.21 3.13 3.19 3.11 S 0.12 0.11 0.12 0.12

(%) 3.86 3.47 3.79 3.83 t test 1.83 1.76

When analysing this table it appears that differences between the

arithmetic averages of the two tests are equal for both groups, therefore the two groups have progressed in the same way. Both groups have obtained moderate standard deviations (sharing best results grouped around the arithmetic mean) and the results obtained in the final testing were homogeneous. Regarding the t test, one can note that for both groups I have obtained a value of t that was equal to or greater than the corresponding reference value of this research (i.e. 1.76); one can therefore say with a confidence margin of 95 % ( threshold value of 0,05) that the two groups have progressed significantly.

0,080,08clasa V

clasa VI

Diagram 6

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Conclusions: Following the research undertaken on the topic announced at the beginning of my work, and as a follow up of the analysis of the results obtained, I would like to draw some important conclusions: — confirmation of assumptions; - the handball game, as it currently practised during the sports (PE) classes of the secondary education requires ongoing cooperation between the physical education teacher and the pupils, on the one hand, as well as between the sports (PE) teacher and the other teachers; — the specific means used for preparing the pupils in both classes for handball took into account the age of pupils, their level of preparation, as well as the sports competitions at which they wanted to participate; the aim was to achieve the best possible results; — the selection and usage of the most effective means and methods specific to handball proved that this may influence the tehnical and tactical level of the students willing to practise this sport; these means and methods were applied in line with the time allocated by the curriculum and the skills of the pupils; — the objective assessment of the students was achieved by conducting at least 2 tests — the initial and the final one, each one being conducted several months apart; the physical tests were appropriate to the age of the students and the level of preparation and the results that were obtained will be verified in the future. After processing and interpreting the data, I concluded that the tested students registered a progress; this progress showed an improvement of the results achieved at the final testing as compared to those obtained in the initial testing phase; it makes me conclude as well that efficient means and methods have been used and that this research work has achieved its objectives. References: [1] BOTA Ioan, Handbal – modele de joc și pregătire, Editura Sport – Turism, București, 1984; [2] GHERMĂNESCU Ioan Kunst, Handbal, Editura Sport – Turism, Oltenia, 1978; [3] GHERVAN, Lector univ.drd., Petru, Handbal – teorie, metodică și practică, Editura Universității „Ștefan cel Mare”, Suceava, 2006; [4] GHERVAN, Lector univ.drd., Petru, Jocuri pregătitoare pentru handbal, Editura Universității „Ștefan cel Mare”, Suceava, 2006;

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[5] LEUCIUC Florin-Valentin, Handbal – Îndrumar practico-metodic,Editura Universității „Ștefan cel Mare”, Suceava, 2008; [6] POPOVICI, Lector univ. drd., Ileana, Handbal – curs de bază, Editura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iași, 2006; [7]TUDOS Ștefan, Elemente de statistică aplicată,M.T.S.,București,1993, etc.


Profesor Bejenar Elena – Mariana

Școala Gimnazială Bucșoaia Ghervan Petru

Universitatea “Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava Key words: educație, handbal, metodă, probă, progres, rezultat Rezumat: Lucrarea de faţă evidențiază importanța activităților sportive în formarea și dezvoltarea copiilor noștri, a personalității acestora precum și a capacității de integrare în societate, în vederea unei bune interacțiuni umane și a trăirii unei vieți armonioase și sănătoase. Scopul învățământul românesc este atingerea unor obiective prin care să se poată realiza, la un nivel cât mai înalt, procesul instructiv-educativ, punându-se accent pe formarea unui tineret sănătos. Tema aleasă este una actuală, fapt ce reiese și din literatura de specialitate studiată. Am descris rolul pe care handbalul îl are în programa școlară precum și caracteristicile care stau la baza învățării lui. Apoi, am prezentat și descris particularitățile dezvoltării somato-funcționale, psihice și motrice ale elevilor preadolescenți, astpect important pentru buna desfășurare a procesului instructiv-educativ. De asemenea, am prezentat metodologia cercetării, sarcinile de lucru, metodele și mijloacele utilizate în cercetarea pedagogică precum și modelul de mijloace tehnico-tactice necesare pregătirii fizice. În final, am prezentat metodele de cercetare și de investigație precum și demersul științific experimental din care s-au extras concluziile finale.

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Grosu Bogdan-Marius Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava

Keywords: motor capacity, morpho-functional indicators, correlation Abstract: A normal, healthy development, enhances good mood, strength of work, attention; promotes the ability to assimilate knowledge, acquire driving skills; develops motoring qualities. All the exercises and games selected in this work aim, in addition to lightening the body and strengthening health; the harmonious development of all muscle groups, the prevention of the localization of vicious attitudes, the increase of intellectual capacity, the morpho-functional indices, the creation of good disposition. I proposed that, first and foremost, starting from the knowledge of children in all aspects, what will allow me to realize not only a mere adequacy of the instructive-educational activity at the level already achieved in their motor development but to be able intervene in the process of motor development, stimulating positive features and reorienting the negative ones, depending on the bio-psycho-motor potential of each child. Introduction: With a well-designed and executed physical education program, with a rigorous choice of methods and means, we can raise to the highest level the child's physical and mental capacity, avoiding the illnesses and crystallizing the qualities of a well-developed individual: suppleness, skill, spontaneity, skill, agerimity.Therefore, during this research I have proposed to emphasize the well-performing effects of physical exercises, dynamic games, application paths and selected ranks, in order to provide children with growth and development harmonious (the main tasks of the physical education lesson); allowing for a diverse and simultaneous manifestation of driving habits useful to life, motor skills, and psychic processes. Since the young school-age pupil is active, willing to move, ready to run, jump, climb, play with the rope at any time; teachers have to be the ones who guide them and satisfy them in the most pleasant way the need for movement.

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The judicially selected means, according to the psycho-individual age specifics, hope to be received by the children with pleasure, as they train all muscle groups in their execution, contribute to the development of the locomotor system, the respiratory apparatus and the circulatory system; favoring growth and a harmonious development. Material-method: I will further characterize the group of subjects subject to research, made up of 18 children, from the point of view of biological, psychological and social evolution during the period 01.10.2011 – 30.05.2012. The subjects belong to class I a, from Dolhasca Primary School, and are represented by 6 girls indicating 33.33% and 12 boys respectively 66.66%. Studying the medical records of the children of the investigated group and making together with the medical staff from the dispensary the functional investigations and the somatoscopic examination were as follows: A. In terms of health, all 18 children (100%) are clinically healthy, going through childhood-specific illnesses without having to stay with sequelae. B. After the somatoscopic examination in the dorsal and sagital plane, it was found:

b1) Dorsal: - 17 children representing 94.44% have normal backbone;

- One child representing 5.55% has a bent backward curved spine b2) Sagital: - 18 children respectively 100% have normal backbone. Because the main feature of the child's body is the ability to grow and develop harmoniously, I have judged judgments about exercises and games that correct the attitudes of children with deficient attitudes. In parallel, we considered that, through the driving activities, the muscular groups involved in keeping the right outfit should also develop accordingly. Depending on the soft tissues, the physical development of the subjects is the following:

- normosomi 15 children representing 83,33% - hipersomi 1 children representing 5,55% - hiposomi 2 children representing 11,11%

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Following the anthropometric measurements (tables recorded during the period 01.10.2016 – 30.05.2017 at height, body mass, thorax perimeter) the situation is so:

- 3 children representing 16,66% are tall; - 12 children representing 66,66% are mediums; - 3 children representing 16,66% are short.




GIRLS Inferior limit 117

GIRLS Inferior limit 121

Upper limit 130 Upper limit 135

BOYS Inferior limit 117

BOYS Inferior limit 121

Upper limit 131 Upper limit 136



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Girls Inferior limit 20

Girls Inferior limit 20

Upper limit 25 Upper limit 25

Boys Inferior limit 21

Boys Inferior limit 21

Upper limit 26 Upper limit 26



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Inferior limit 55


Inferior limit 59

Upper limit 61,5 Upper limit 63,5


Inferior limit 57


Inferior limit 59

Upper limit 60 Upper limit 63,5



Regarding the level of motorization in 15 children, representing

83.33%, the execution, control and coordination of the movement are at a

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good level. Precisely performs equilibrium movements (gymnastics, jumping, running, cycling - 4 children) and coordination, have manual dexterity. The other 3 children, respectively 16.66%, are left-handed in the activities of movement, coordination, skill. 14-15 students are aware of their qualities and engage with some degree of independence in competitive action (spontaneous leader) without being consciously acknowledged by others. They start to acquire the social significance of the competition (trying to defeat the opponent and avoid the risk of being defeated). So it is found that:

- 15 children representing 83.33% have a good and very good motorcycle;

- 3 children representing 16.66% have a low motorcycle. From an intellectual point of view, 2 children representing 11.11%

are receptive to inventive spirit; 13 children, respectively 72.22% are normal, and 3 children, representing 16.66%, are below the average. In the 15 children, mental processes are developed at an appropriate level; intensely interact with each other and with adults, sanction the mistakes of others, and obey sanctions.

The evaluation of the speed motor quality was achieved by the speed test on the 25m flat, the departure being made with the high start.

In the initial test, the speed test did not materialize because the students did not know the high start technique and the speeding. The girls did a Ma of 6 "83 and the boys got Ma of 6" 17. Ma of the class was 6 "39, above the average being 11 children, representing 61.11%, and below the average 7 children, respectively 38.88" of the subjects. W = 1.1. It can be noticed that the boys achieved better results than the girls, the difference being 0 "66.

In the final test, lower arithmetic meanings were obtained, resulting in better results, the amplitude being 0.70, Ma in the girls is 5 "90, and Ma in the boys 5" 75. Me on the class is 5 "81 above the average level being 11 children representing 61.11% and below the level Ma 7 children and 38.88% respectively. We notice a small difference between the girls 'and the boys' group, which obtained by 0.15 less than the girls. The following graph demonstrates the situation presented:

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The explosive force in the lower limbs I determined by jumping in the length of the place with the elbow of arms.

The initial Ma test was 1.40 cm above which Ma was 10 children, representing 55.55%, and under Ma, 8 children and 44.44 "respectively. The best jump measured 1, 47cm, and the weakest1.30cm, achieving an amplitude of 0.17 (cm).

In the final test, the results were raised, so that Ma is 1.59 cm, which represents a progress of 0.19 cm, over Ma being 13 children, representing 72.22%, and below Ma 5 children, respectively 27.77%. The best result was 1.65 cm, and the lowest was 1.43 cm, the amplitude being 0.22 (cm). All these results will be presented graphically as follows:

The action of the forces emanating from the contraction of the body muscles was determined by the sample based on the distance of throwing distance.

The rigid thrust, the incorrect position of the throwing arm, the excessive displacement of the body before were a few mistakes that led the



T.I T.F.


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children to achieve low initial test results, where a Ma of 6.48 m was recorded above.

There are 8 children, representing 44.44%, and under Ma being 10 children and 55.55%, respectively.

The best shot was 7.40 m, and the lowest was 5.60 m, the amplitude being 1.80 (m). The difference between boys and girls is small and 1,70 m respectively.

In final testing the results improved so that a Ma of 8.39 m was obtained, over Ma being 9 students, ie 50%, and under Ma being 9 pupils, respectively 50%.

A progress of 1.91 m was achieved. The best shot was 9.10 m and the lowest was 7.40 m. All of these results will be presented graphically as follows: For the assessment of cardiovascular resistance, we applied the test: long run, sample where the children ran as far as they could.

In the initial testing there were no spectacular results, Ma at girls

being 2'17 ", and 2'73" boys, the difference between the two sexes being 0'56 ".Me on the class was 2 ' 54 ", above which I was 9 children, ie 50%, and below the average of the other 9 students, representing 50%. The best result was 3'50 "and the worst 1'90", the amplitude being 1'60 ". The fact that the best result was 3'50" can also be explained by the non-observance of the respiratory rhythm demanded in the run, and this was caused by the excitement of small subjects in competition with the desire to take the lead. So they ran in high rhythm, although they were warned to decrease the frequency of their steps, but the emulation was too strong to realize that if they were overtaken by others on the racetrack, they could win by prolonging this way travel.

Through varied trekking (poiana, forest) with a step-by-step runner and other exercises, the students have learned the requirements of this type

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of running so that the final test has achieved much better results. The girls got a 4'34 "Ma, and the boys 4'86", the difference being 0'52 ".Me on the class was 4'69", above this average there were 10 children representing 55, 55%, and below Ma are 8 children, respectively 44.44%. The best time was 5'20 "and the minimum time was 3'65", the amplitude being 1'55". The graphs below reflect the results obtained in this sample:

Both girls and boys achieved good results in the final stage, making the following progress: the girls have a progress of 2'16 "and the boys 2'13", with a difference of 0'03 ", the girls making progress great.


Under the conditions of an intensive physical education program for the first grade schoolchildren, the daily alternation of the intellectual and the physical effort, there were favorable effects on the school results as well as the sprint results, while the children made considerable progress in the three somatic index (waist, body mass, thorax perimeter); as can be seen from the situation below:

- 7 children developed very well physically at all three somatic indexes, having results over Ma for the countryside and having a very good education attitude - 38.88% (3 of them, 16.66%, obtained at all disciplines rating FB.)

- 8 children have a good physical development at Ma country level for the rural environment, but also a learning situation with predominantly B and sometimes FB grades, representing 44.44%













THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


- 3 children do not have a harmonious physical development (a child with a backbone accentuated in the dorsal area) but no good teaching situation, predominantly S (one child remained repetitive); the three representing 16.66%

The conclusion is that most children (15) have a harmonious physical development appropriate to their age, but also good, even very good intellectual capacity; and those who develop less physically harmonious, are not capable of any brilliant intellectual activity, even insufficient for a child. In order to find out the relationship between the physical and the manifestation of the driving capacity of the first grade schoolchildren, parallel to the physical development indexes: height, body mass, thoracic perimeter, thoracic elasticity, four pilot samples and two applicative pathways were applied found the level of physical qualities or motor skills.

Following these tests, the following were found:

- 7 children with very good physical development achieved very good results and the motor samples were rated FB, representing 38.88%;

- 5 children with good physical development achieved very good results in driving tests; representing 27.77%;

-3 children with good physical development but with sufficient results in motor samples; representing 16.66%.

- 2 children with poor physical development have obtained insufficient results in motor samples; representing 11.11%.

In conclusion, children with a harmonious physical development, corresponding to the chronological age (some even exceeding the average age of the biological age) (12 children), have achieved very good results in the four driving tests and the two applicative pathways; and those with inadequate physical development were not satisfied with the applied driving tests. References:

1. DRAGOMIT ŞT., BARTA A. – „Educaţie fizică – manual pentru clasa a IX a, şcoli normale”, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, R.A., Bucureşti, 1998

2. DRAGOMIT ŞT., BARTA A. – „Educaţie fizică – manual pentru clasa a X a, şcoli normale”, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, R.A., Bucureşti, 1997

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3. DRAGOMIT ŞT., BARTA A. – „Educaţie fizică – manual pentru clasele a XI a, a XII a, a XIII a, şcoli normale”, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, R.A., Bucureşti, 1998

4. DRAGAN I. – „Cultura fizică şi sănătatea”, Editura Medicală, Bucureşti, 1978

5. DRĂGULIN I. – „Să facem sport”, Editura Sport - Turism, Bucureşti, 1987

6. DRĂGULIN I., SAITOC I. –„Exerciţiul fizic în dezvoltarea armonioasă a copiilor, Editura Sport -Turism , Bucureşti, 1990

7. EPURAN M. – „Psihologia educaţiei fizice”, Editura Sport - Turism, Bucureşti, 1976

8. IONESCU A., MAZILIU V. – „Creşterea normală şi dezvoltarea armonioasă a corpului”, Editura Sport - Turism, Bucureşti, 1980

9. MITRA GH., MOGOŞ A. – „Metodica educaţiei fizice şcolare”, Editura Sport - Turism, Bucureşti, 1980

10. SCARLAT E. – „Lecţia de educaţie fizică – metode şi mijloace”, Editura Sport - Turism, Bucureşti, 1981

11. STOICESCU A. – „ABC – ul învăţătorului pentru predarea exerciţiilor fizice”, Editura Sport - Turism, Bucureşti, 1981

12. ZAPLETAL M. – „Mică enciclopedie a jocurilor”, Editura Sport - Turism, Bucureşti, 1980

13. MINISTERUL EDUCAŢIEI NATIONAL PENTRU CURICULUM – Programa pentru Educaţie fizică clasele I –IV, Bucureşti, 1998.



Grosu Bogdan-Marius Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava

Keywords: capacitate motrică, indicatori morfo-funcționali, corelația Abstract: O dezvoltare normală, sănătoasă, sporeşte buna dispoziţie, puterea de muncă, atenţia; favorizează capacitatea de asimilare a cunoştinţelor, însuşirea deprinderilor motrice; dezvoltă calităţile motrice.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


Toate exerciţiile şi jocurile selecţionate în această lucrare au drept scop, pe lângă călirea organismului şi întărirea sănătăţii; dezvoltarea armonioasă a tuturor grupurilor musculare, prevenirea localizării unor atitudini vicioase, creşterea capacităţii intelectuale, a indicilor morfo-funcţionali, crearea bunei dispoziţii. Mi-am propus ca, înainte de toate să pornesc de la cunoaşterea copiilor sub toate aspectele, ceea ce-mi va permite să realizez nu doar o simplă adecvare a activităţii instructiv-educative la nivelul deja atins în dezvoltarea motrică a lor, ci să pot interveni în procesul dezvoltării motrice, stimulând trăsăturile pozitive şi reorientându-le pe cele negative, în funcţie de potenţialul bio-psiho-motric al fiecărui copil.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017




Onesim Florin Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, FEFS

Keywords: volleyball, anthropometric sizes, technical spike,

pedagogical research.

Summary: In this scientific paper we highlighted the numerical importance of anthropometric parameters in the efficiency of the technical spike process. A series of anthropometric parameters were tested, and then we split and tested the yield obtained from the technical attack process. After final testing there was a direct proportional increase in the results obtained, so statistically the research was a success, P <0.05, 0.01.

Introduction: Undoubtedly, performance in sports are constantly changing and

upgrading everyday, due to factors that interact with each other in order to maximize the team's potential, players, and last but not least, volleyball in general.

The muscular system and the osteo-articular system are the main mill stones that perform the body's activity, whether static or dynamic.

The specialist in the field [3, p. 40] points out that "Kinematic couples and chains, formed by movable articulated levers, have as muscular organs striated muscles, which for each degree of freedom of the couple form a functional muscular group (in the elbow joint, which has two degrees of freedom, there are two muscle groups: flexors and extensors); in the joints with more degrees of freedom we will have several functional groups: the flexors, the extensors, the abductors, the adductors, the medial rotors and the lateral rotators - the coxofemoral joint. "

In the view of the volleyball specialist [5, p.7], the spike is the technical element that learns and improves after a long period of time from the beginning of the training, it is related to the specific physical qualities and the peculiarities of the game. It is at the same time the most complex element in the education and training process. "

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


With a high degree of difficulty, this technical process requires a correct execution throughout it. For this reason, arm flexion and extension are two biomechanical essential movements for a correct execution to print the ball with a proper trajectory. The opinion of the specialist [6 p.65] "For the correct execution of this movement, it takes a nervous coordination, which will lead to physical and proper adjustment of all movements. In this movement the upper limbs act as fully extended levers, mobilizing not only in the scapular-humeral joints."

The anthropometric dimensions give us clear facts about athletes, the primary selection, largely based on these data.

In the author's view [5] in the functional and biomechanical anatomy of the locomotor apparatus, it states that "the detent" records the maximum development at 14-16 years and can be defined as "the expression of maximum power in minimum time"

This stage is a very important, one which needs to be given increased attention, representing a "period of fragility". [2 p. 15]

At this age, the athlete's physique undergoes a number of important changes noted and highlighted by the specialists in the field. [1, 4, 7]

Hypothesis We have assumed that anthropometric dimensions and spike efficiency

are in a direct proportionality and causality relationship, and that improved anthropometric indices result in an improvement in the effectiveness of the technical spike process.

Work tasks: Following this work we want: -Let us point out that between the anthropometric dimensions and the

technical process spike there are links of direct proportionality; -Let us find ways to maximize the results obtained in the final tests; -Theoretical and experimental argumentation of the effectiveness of the

proposed means; Material-method The research was carried out between August 2013 and June 2014 on

15 sportsmen from LPS Piatra-Neamţ who formed the witness group and 15 athletes from CSS “Nicu-Gane” Fălticeni, who formed the experiment group. Athletes of the control group trained according to a standard schedule, aiming to increase the team's performance and the group's athletes

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210 215 220 225 230 235 240 245

Initial testing 222,86 230,71 Final testing

232,86 240,37

1 2

adopted an individualized training based on video and biomechanical analysis.

The test scores were: 1. Height with arms extended upwards - the athlete stands with his

arms stretched up in front of the tallometer, measured at the level of the fingertips in centimeters.

2. Span is the distance between the fingertips of both hands, the arms are stretched to the side, parallel to the ground, the distance is measured with a metric band or a roulette.

3. Length of the palm - is done with metric tape, from the tip of the longest finger to the fist joint.

4. Length of the arm is the distance between the two epiphyses of the humerus. In order to get this index, the athlete is in orthostage, the length is measured with a roulette.

5. Spike in the direction of the impulse, from the ball thrown by the coach, the mistakes being recorded in a work sheet, the athlete executing the attack ten times.

The methods used in the research are: the study of the specialized literature, the experimental method, the video and biomechanical analysis method and the graphical and tabular method.

Research results: Following initial and final testing, we have obtained a number of

results that have been analyzed and statistically compared. (Fig. 1) Interpreting statistically the difference between the final tests of the two groups in the testing of the Index - Height with the extended arms, we note that the "t" calculated is 2.12, higher than the "t" table, P <0.05, proves that the differences between the two groups are significant, with the experiment group

1 – Witness Gr. 2 – Experiment Gr. Fig. 1 Dynamics of the mean values obtained in the -

Height with extended arms

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


1 – Witness Gr. 2 – Experiment Gr. Fig. 2 Dynamics of the mean values obtained in the -

Height with extended arms

1 – Witness Gr. 2 – Experiment Gr. Fig. 3 Dynamics of the mean values obtained in the -

Height with extended arms

getting better results. Working out the data provided by the “Span” test and statistically

analyzing the differences between the final tests of the two groups, we note that the calculated "t" is 2.05, higher than the "t" table, P <0.05, which proves that the differences between the two groups are significant, the experiment group having higher net results. (Fig. 2)

In the test of the index - The length of the palm, interpreting

statistically the differences between the final tests of the two groups, we can see that the "t" calculated is 2.10, larger than the "t" table, P <0.05, proves that the differences between the two groups are significant, with the experiment group getting better results. (Fig. 3)

If we analyze statistically and mathematically the results obtained in The humerus length test, the differences between the final tests of the two groups, we note that the "t"

176 178 180 182 184 186 188 190

Initial testing 181,25 182,4 Final testing 183,58 189,28

1 2







Initial testing 19,14 19,41 Final testing 19,6 20,42

1 2

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1 – Witness Gr. 2 – Experiment Gr.

Fig. 46 Dynamics of the mean values obtained in

the - Humerus length

calculated is 2.13, larger than the "t" table, P <0.05 , which proves that the differences between the two groups are

significant. (Fig. 4) Table 1 summarizes the results obtained by the two groups in the initial

and final tests, respectively the statistical analysis of them.

Table 1. Centralization of indices obtained by both groups at initial and final testing





Testare Iniţială 31,16 31,7

Testare Finală 32,73 35,16

1 2

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1 – Witness Gr. 2 – Experiment Gr. Fig. 5 Dynamics of the mean values obtained in the -

Spike in the direction of the impulse

Legend: E – Experimental group, M - Control group n= 15; Р - 0,05; 0,01; 0,001. r = 0,553 f = 28; t = 2,048 2,763 3,674 f = 14; t = 2,145 2,977 4,140 In the

volleyball game, The spike is defining in winning points.

After analyzing this procedure together with the expert group, I came to the conclusion that most execution errors are encountered in the "contact with the ball" phase, some athletes hitting the ball with their forearms or fingertips and "the work of the other segments and the completion of the procedure / accuracy ", the attack being either in the tab or out. Analyzing statistically the differences between the final tests of the two groups, we note that the calculated "t" is 2.12, higher than the table "t", P <0.05, which proves that the experiment group gets better values, decreasing the number of mistakes. (Fig. 5)

Conclusions: The dynamics of the values obtained by the two groups varies between

initial and final testing, although the values obtained are close.







Testare Iniţială 41,75 42,27

Testare Finală 39,68 30,18

1 2

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Fig. 6 Centralizer of final testing of the two groups

In all five tests, the values obtained by the experimental group are better, the significance threshold being reached mainly by the experiment group.

The direct proportionality between anthropometric tests and the technical spike procedure exists, which shows that there is a relationship of subordination and causality between the two.

The premise from which it has turned out to be true, so we recommend that in the training, coaches also focus on improving anthropometric values. (Fig. 6)

References: 1. Avramoff E. Fiziologia educaţiei fizice. Bucureşti: Sport Turism,

1979. p.348 2. Cleraget S. Criza adolescenţei. Căi de a o depăşi cu succes.

Bucureşti: Trei, 2008 p. 15, 32 3. Iliescu A. Bimecanica exerciţiilor fizice şi sportului. Bucureşti:

Sport Turism, 1975. p. 7, p.40 4. Jung C. G. Tipuri psihologice. Bucureşti: Trei, 2004. p.150-165 5. Păcuraru A. Volei. Teorie şi Metodică. Galaţi: Fundaţiei

Universitare „Dunărea de Jos”, 1999. p.73, p.151-152 6. Preda C., Păcuraru A. Bazele teortice şi metodice – volei, Galaţi:

Galaţi university press, 2012. 141 p. 7. Raţă G. Psihopedagogia sportului de performanţă. Note de curs.

Universitatea din Bacău, Facultate de ştiinţă a mişcării, sportului şi sănătăţii. Bacău, 2005-2006, p. 80-90

0 5

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Initial testing 23,07 18,358 19,6 32,73 39,68 Final testing 24,03 18,928 20,42 35,16 30,18

1 2 3 4 5

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017




Onesim Florin Universitatea Ştefan cel Mare din Suceava, FEFS

Cuvinte cheie: volei, mărimi antropometrice, procedeul tehnic

atac, cercetare pedagogică;

Rezumat: În această lucrare ştiinţifică am evidenţiat importanţa numerică a parametrilor antropometrici în eficientizarea procedeului tehnic atac. Au fost testaţi o serie de parametrii antropometrici, apoi am defalcat şi testat randamentul obţinut la procedeul tehnic atac. În urma testării finale s-a observat o creştere direct proporţională a rezultatelor obţinute, astfel, din punct de vedere statistic cercetarea a fost o reuşită, P <0,05,0.01.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017



As. univ. drd. Andreea – Gabriela Lazăr1

1„Ștefan cel Mare” University of Suceava Keywords: coordination skills, speed, improvement, badminton, children, attractiveness Abstract

The aim of the research was to track the effects of badminton play, on the coordination capabilities and on some forms of manifestation of speed motor quality. The experiment took place in the gymnasium of the "Ştefan cel Mare" General School in Putna, on a group of 17 students from the 4th grade. They formed the experimental group. The control group consisted of 14 pupils of the fourth grade at Gura Putnei General School. The independent variable consisted in applying badminton-specific means to the experimental group.

After applying the badminton means, there was a faster progression of the coordination and velocity indexes in the experimental group compared to the control group qualities. Badminton game, a new, beautiful and dynamic game for students, has influenced the level of coordination and speed, but has also made impact on the more active and enjoyable involvement of children in Physical Education and Sports lessons. Teaching badminton at any age complements children's motorcycle baggage in a surprising way. Introduction

Physical education and sport has the task of developing the biological potential of man in line with current social requirements. As in any educational field, in physical education, a particularly important role belongs to the ways, means, methods and forms by which the established tasks are attempted.

If we observe the lessons of physical education in our country, it is obvious that badminton has become an option that is not chosen by physical education teachers. Many of the teachers know nothing about this game. However, badminton play is an effective and safe means to meet the goals of

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


physical education. Teaching badminton at any age complements the child's motorcycle baggage in a surprising way, which implicitly increases the level of coordination capabilities, speed, resistance, physical condition in the eneral, and leads to the acquisition of as much skill as possible and skills.

The pleasure of badminton children blends perfectly with the attainment of physical education goals. When pleasure merges with work, with the proposed tasks, goals will be met with greater ease and efficiency. Thus, we are constantly trying to find as many possibilities as possible for the development of man through physical education, by establishing the most diverse hypotheses that will be confirmed before, enriching this field of activity.

It is known that at the young school age the greatest emphasis is put on the development of speed and skill, which, according to some specialists, have the highest heritability indices. Within the school curriculum of the 3rd and 4th grades there are a series of contents that aim to educate these motor skills. In school, badminton is rarely an option of the physical education teacher, who are choosing the most influential games in our class and presented and explained in the school curriculum - volleyball, handball, football and basketball.

Because badminton does not have a great popularity, students are not accustomed to their specific skills, so exercises aimed at educating skill will not be very difficult.

The student is primarily trained to learn and consolidate basic technical skills as well as to develop the skills to apply them in the game. In badminton, exercises to develop skill and speed will primarily aim at reacting as quickly as possible to visual stimuli, shifting in all directions in as short a time as possible, and transmitting the rocket flyer over the net. Material and method

The research hypothesis: we consider that badminton-specific means will lead to a much faster and more visible increase in the indices of the manifestations of the motoring qualities: coordination and speed. Moreover, badminton means can successfully contribute to the development of students' overall ability, harmonious physical development, and to the formation of moral and character traits during competitive play, which leads to the achievement of the main objectives of Education Physics and Sports.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


Research goal: what we have been aiming for in this research was to develop the general motricity of students with a focus on their coordinating capacities. The main goal is to find the best means of action in badminton play, in order to confirm the hypothesis.

Research subjects: In research we had two groups of students. From the experimental group were 17 pupils of the fourth grade from the "Ştefan cel Mare" General School in Putna. The control group was attended by a total of 14 pupils of the fourth grade, from Gura Putnei General School. For the experimental group, the independent variable was applied: badminton game and means for the development of coordination capabilities.

Tests used in research: 1 Square Test: in this test, the student must jump on both legs in the

square with the number "0" to the "10" square, passing through the correct numbers. (Niculescu, I.,I.,2009, pp.93-94).

2 Agility Test 20 meters: the subject must run back and forth within 20 meters. (Niculescu, I., I., 2009, p.79).

3 Throwing the ball: the subject must throw the tennis ball in a basket of 2.5 m; the correct executions of the 10 attempts are recorded. (Niculescu, I.I., 2009, p.96).

4 Touch the boards: is part of the Eurofit test battery, where the subject has two plates; the time for the 25 cycles (right-left) is timed. (Neagu, N., coord., 2014, p.90).

5 "T" Drill Test: the subject must run on a "T" path by forward and side travel; the route has a total distance of 40 meters. (Neagu,N., coord., 2014,p. 86)

6 Flamingo Test; maintaining balance on a stick; the subject is on the right foot. (Simion, Gh., Et al., 2009, p.280) The research methods: the methods used in this researh were: the

sutdy of the specialized literature, the test method, the statistic method, the mathematic method, the graphic method, the tabular method.

The means used in research: - means specific to badminton game for the development of speed

manifestations (reaction speed, execution speed, speed of repetition, speed in coordination mode);

- means specific to badminton game for the development of general skill;

- means for the development of badminton specific skills;

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


- bilateral badminton game etc.


After testing out the theory, the results for the initial and final tests are as follows:


12,4 13,01



Experiment group Control group

Square test



9,76 9,49








Experiment group Control group

Agility test 20 meters


Figure 1 Square Test Figure 2 Agility test

As we can see from graphs 1 and 2, the differences between the two groups in the two tests (initial and final) are significant. Regarding the square coordinate test, the experimental group had a progress of 1.44 seconds, and the control group of 0.61 seconds in the control group. In the second test - the agility test at a distance of 20 meters, the experimental

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


group showed a progress of 1.75 seconds and the control group had an insignificant progress of only 0.27 seconds.



5,9 6,3






Experiment group Control group

Throwing the balloon with right hand




14,22 13,78





Experiment group Control group

Touch the boards

I.T F.T Figure 3 Throwing the balloon with right hand Figure 4 Touch the boards

In graphical representations 3 and 4, the results were as follows: in the throwing the balloon with right hand test, the result of the experimental group improved on average by 2.5 throws, and the control group with only 0.4 throws on average. On the next test - the touch test, that is part of the EUROFIT test battery, there was a 3.9 seconds average progress on the group that practiced badminton game, and in the control group also there was a progress, but insignificant, of 0.44 seconds.


28,4131,06 29,66






Experiment group Control group

„T” Drill Test












Experiment group Control group

Flamingo test

I.T F.T Figure 5 „T” Drill Test Figure 6 Flamingo Test

In the last two tests, the influence of the badminton game was again

observed. If on the "T" Drill test (where the subjects had to run forward and sideways on a route in the letter T - total 40 m), the experimental group obtained a result of 35.54 seconds on average at the first test at the final test,

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


the result improved, the subjects gaining 28.41 seconds. In the case of the control group, the mean difference between the two tests was only 1.4 seconds (31.06 seconds on average on the first test and 29.66 seconds on average on the final test).

In the Flamingo balance test, which is part of the EUROFIT test battery, it was found that the experimental group's students also improved their static balance through badminton play, but also through other means of general skill. Conclusions

By the obtained results, it can be said that the use of badminton game provided an increased efficiency of the lessons, thus confirming the hypothesis formulated initially in the experiment. The means chosen to improve the qualities of speed and skill have contributed with success, with progress being visible.

Badminton has made all students a superior motivation and pleasure, and has led them to participate in physical education lessons. Regarding the coordination capabilities and speed capability, an ascending curve is observed for all manifestations.

The experiment confirms the statements of all field specialists, namely that the low school age is a good time for the development of psychophysical skills the speed and coordination because they are in progressive dynamics, which confirms that these indicators are perfectionable. These physical qualities have continuous progress for all subjects, but sensitive periods differ in age. The periods with the highest increases were established as the third and fourth grades, which included the subjects chosen for this research.

As a result of badminton play in the physical education and sports lessons, all the investigated indicators recorded increases compared to the results of the pupils in the witness group, where the teaching of the lessons was carried out by traditional means and according to the curricula. Bibliography

1. Bota, A., 2013, Kinesiologie, Note de curs, Editura U.N.E.F.S, București

2. Ghervan, P., 2014, Teoria Educației fizice și sportului, Editura Universității „Ștefan cel Mare” din Suceava, Suceava

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3. Matveev, P., L., Novikov, D., A., coord., 1980, Teoria și metodica educației fizice, Traducere, Editura Sport – Turism, București

4. Morrow, J.,R., Jackson, A.,W., Disch, J.,G., Mood, D.,P., 2005, Measurement and evaluation in human performance, third edition, Publisher Human Kinetics, Champaign

5. Neagu, N., coord., Făgăraș, S., 2014, Protocoale și tehnici de evaluare în Fizioterapie, Educație Fizică și Sport, îndrumar de lucrări practice, Editura University Press, Târgu – Mureș

6. Niculescu, I.,I., 2009, Evaluare în educația motrică, Editura Universitaria, Craiova

7. Rață, G., 2008, Didactica Educației Fizice și Sportului, (Ediția a II –a, revăzută și adăugită), Editura PIM, Iași

8. Rață, G., Rață, Gh., 2008, Educația fizică și metodica predării ei, Ediția a II –a revăzută și modificată, Editura PIM, Iași

9. Simion, Gh., Amzăr, L., 2009, Știința cercetării mișcării umane, Editura Universității din Pitești

10. Simion,Gh., Mihăilă,I., Stănculescu, G., 2011, Antrenament sportiv, concept sistemic, Editura University Press, Constanța

11. Șiclovan, I., 1979, Teoria educației fizice și sportului, Ediția a III-a revăzută și completă, Editura Sport – Turism, București

12. Tudor V., 2005, Măsurare și evaluare în cultură fizică și sport, Editura Alpha MDN, București



As. univ. drd. Andreea – Gabriela Lazăr1 1Universitatea „Ștefan cel Mare” din Suceava

Cuvinte cheie: capacități coordonative, viteză, îmbunătățire, badminton, elevi, atractivitate Rezumat

Cercetarea de față a avut drept scop urmărirea efectelor produse de practicarea jocului de badminton, asupra capacităților coordonative și asupra unelor forme de manifestare ale calității motrice viteza. Experimentul s-a desfășurat în cadrul sălii de sport a Școlii Gimnaziale „Ștefan cel Mare”

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


Putna, pe un eșantion de 17 elevi din clasa a IV –a, aceștia constituind grupa experimentală. Grupa martor a fost compusă din 14 elevi ai Școlii Gimnaziale Gura Putnei, de asemenea din clasa a IV –a. Variabila independentă a constat în aplicarea mijloacelor specifice jocului de badminton în cazul grupei supuse experimentului. După aplicarea mijloacelor specifice, s-a constatat un progres mai rapid a indicilor capacităților coordonative și a vitezei la grupa experimentală, comparativ cu indicii calităților la grupa de control. Jocul de badminton, joc nou, frumos și dinamic în cazul elevilor, a influențat atât nivelul indicilor coordonării și vitezei, dar a aviut impact și în implicarea mult mai activă și mai cu plăcere a copiilor în cadul lecțiilor de Educație Fizică și Sport. Predarea jocului de badminton la orice vârstă completează bagajul motric al copiilor în mod surprinzător.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017



As. univ. drd. Andreea – Gabriela Lazăr1 1„Ștefan cel Mare” University of Suceava

Keywords: university teachers, future teachers of physical education, education, personality, competencies

Abstract The dynamic development of society leads to an increase in the

requirements of education and the teaching profession. University as an institution that generates specialists in various fields is of major importance in the development of society. Academic staff, as trainers of future specialists - in our case, specialists in physical education and sports, must ensure quality education. It is necessary to re-evaluate the university professors, the working method and the programs they propose, to watch if they do not lose sight of what is really important in the students' development process – students becoming teachers in the near future.

The person who will lead and organize the physical education and sport lesson in the future must be able to convey the value system, the beliefs, to counsel, motivate, cultivate moral values, independence and responsibility in practicing physical exercise, persuade and more than that, to become an agent of change in a dimension of contemporary man. So, the qualities of the academic staff can represent the prospective personality model to which students are heading, being in the position of future educators of the younger generation. The purpose of the research The purpose of this paper is to emphasize the importance of the role of physical education and sports teacher trainers and to highlight some aspects in improving the "quality" of graduates of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, a quality that depends primarily on the quality of the training staff. Highlights in training physical education teachers

The university has a social value in the community. It must help society and development and must guarantee the authenticity of knowledge and training for it. (Cucoș, C-tin.,1995,p.123). Through university education, it is attempted to make changes on three levels: changes in the structure and

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content of knowledge - of the cognitive, changes in the area of appreciation - of values and changes in the individual's own action. (Vințanu, N., 2001, p.35). Over time, the functions of the university have multiplied and diversified to meet the needs of human society, but one of these functions remains dominant: learning (Jinga, I., 2005, p. 163).

The university as an institution who prepares specialists in various fields, it has a great importance in the development of humanity. Academic staff, as trainers of future specialists - in our case, specialists in physical education and sports, must provide quality education so that they can help the harmonious development of society in general and the personality of individuals in particular.

Perhaps in this constant change, the introduction of new and new disciplines that students have to learn, we have forgotten aspects of the general education of future teachers and how it should be done. It is necessary to re-evaluate the university professors, the working method and the programs they propose, to watch if they do not lose sight of what is really important in the students' development process. (Rus, P.,M., 2014, p.319).

There must be a constant concern from teachers to improve their teaching techniques and to keep up-to-date with the latest specialist information, to look at recent papers and, last but not least, to be concerned about personal development as a model to follow for future graduates.

For this purpose, any reform in education sets itself as a goal, improving the quality of "products" (graduates) of schools of different levels and profiles. (Jinga, I., 2005, p.87). Also, Berger, G., (1973), quoted by Dimitriu, E., (2005, p.123) said that „the fundamental value and the supreme criterion for assessing the effectiveness of education, is human quality.”

Figure 1 Analysis of improving the quality of graduates (Jinga, I.,2005,


THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


After Jinga, I., (2005, p.87), the quality of the graduates of different educational institutions depends mainly on the following factors:

- the quality of learners (preschool, school, student etc.); - the quality of the training staff (educators, teachers, assistants,

lecturers, lecturers, teachers); - the quality of teaching logistics (educational spaces, furniture,

teaching materials, technical means etc.); - the quality of management (at the level of the department,

school, faculty and university/academy). The most important factor of those presented, is the teaching staff, as

the author asserts, on the premise that "man sanctifies the place", which i agree with. The teacher is the one who can influence the educational process even if the working conditions are not of the highest quality. The didactic methodology applied, the selection of the means and the establishment of the working strategies belong to the teacher's competence. The quality of the educational process depends on the teacher's ability to do all things good.

But, Cucoș, C-tin., (2002, p.109) said that to define quality in terms of identifiable traits is not conclusive, because man is also defined as potentiality, projectivity. The student can activate his/her value after completing the studies, although the framework will not be an educational one. He himself will now become an educator of education.

If one can argue that a properly applied methodology can bring results into teaching-learning, it is a false belief. The teacher has the role of leading to the discovery of the path, the way to something. Those who have the necessary skills to learn and who know how to capture an audience are very few.

We have to deal with a majority of students who want to become physical education teachers, disinterested in the learning process and who often have no models. An american teacher (Emdin, C., 2014) said that in vain we focus on content and others on theory, because content and theory in the absence of the talent to teach, is nothing.

So, Jinga, I., (1981,p.170) said that being a university professor implies having a suite of qualities and skills including:

− good specialized and cultural training; − aptitude for research; − the passion for the new; − the vocation of the educator;

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


− the ability to have a permanent dialogue with the students; − the ability to stimulate students' interest in study and research; − creativity and self-indulgence; − the desire for self-refinement; − the ability to train active students in their own professional and

general training. All these qualities of the university professor can represent the

prospective personality model to which students join, and they as future educators of the younger generation. So, through a cyclical process of transmission of values, the development of society can be achieved.

In the process of training the future teachers, it is necessary to insist on the same level on the personal side (character, model) as well as on their professional side (curriculum methodology, the methodology of learning different content etc.) After Cucoș, C-tin., (2013, pp.17-20) being a competent professor means:

- the existence of a varied cut (multidirectional general culture); - sociability and empirical capacity; - academic disciplinary competence; - psycho-pedagogical didactic competence; - psychological and relational competence; - self-reflexive competence, critical of its own educational activity.

Education policies and strategies in Europe are very different both in terms of teacher education and of students or students. Cucoș, C-tin., (2013, p.267) said that it is necessary to structure a unitary training device, as is the legal or economic framework at European level. If we are talking about convergence, recognition and equivalence of diplomas, free movement of workers, structuring a single market for services, etc., we should also be tempted by a unitary teacher training system.

In Romania, the reform aimed mainly at higher education, compared to the standards with which it operates in the countries of the European Union, and as Jinga, I., (2005, p.56) said „the new national curriculum creates the premises necessary for the complex development of the human personality, in accordance with an educational ideal centered on creativity, on the individual's ability to design and lead their own evolution, in their professional career and in life (...) teachers are to fulfill new roles.”

Indeed, teachers have many roles in fulfilling this ideal of personality improvement, and not just being a transmitter of knowledge and commands

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


(specific to the lesson of physical education). To be able to claim that physical education is an aspect of education who contributes to the formation of students' personality, the teacher must be able to convey the system of values, beliefs, habits, counseling, motivating, cultivating independence and responsibility in practicing physical exercise, persuading, and becoming a agent of change in a dimension of contemporary. (Jinga, I.,2005, p.57).

Regardless of his specialization, "the teacher must devote himself to the transmission and cultivation of moral values, the development of positive feelings towards himself and others, the behavioral cooperative skills, free, creative manifestation.” (Cucoș, C-tin., 2009, p.654). The teacher has to fulfill the functions of educator, partner and organizer of education, mentor and counselor. Conclusions

The modern vision of the role of physical education and sport in the formation of human personality must also be directed towards teachers, educators who are mediators in education, where they themselves become models and transmitters of information, customs and cultural values. We can not talk about an evolution and innovation of the educational process, unless we look at the role of teachers. In the formation of the harmonious personality encountered as an educational ideal, not only the physical education, as a form of integral education to this goal, but also the teachers.

People are the ones who create an institution, in our case the school or the university - as the main factor of education, so they have the moral and professional duty to help students, prepare them for the future, cultivate their skills and guide them in obtaining personal and professional performance.

The teacher has to give up the delivery of content and combine training with training and learning and focus more on the needs of education, motivation, counseling and guidance of young people (Teodorescu, L., L.,2009, p.227), because as Vințanu, N., (2001, p.26) said „the lack of consideration for the art of living, for joy, for the free being performing activities without a strict utility, the misunderstanding of man as a part of the constantly becoming nature transforms knowledge into a barren activity limited to the human being.”

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Bibliografie 1. Cucoş, C- tin., 2002, Pedagogie, Ediţia a II a revăzută şi adăugită,

Editura Polirom, Iaşi 2. Cucoș, C-tin., coord., 2009, Psihopedagogie pentru examenele de

definitivat și grade didactice, Ediția a III –a revăzută și adăugită, Editura Polirom, Iași

3. Cucoș, C-tin., 2013, Educația – Experiențe, reflecții și soluții, Editura Polirom, Iași

4. Dimitriu, E., 2005,Dimensiunile educației contemporane, Editura Institutul European, Iași

5. Emdin, C., 2014, Teach teachers how to create magic. Accesat la data de 30.05.2017 pe: https://www.ted.com

6. Jinga, I., 1981, Educația ca investiție în om, Editura Științifică și enciclopedică, București

7. Jinga, I., 2005, Educația și viața cotidiana, Editura Didactică și pedagogică, R.A., Iași

8. Matthews, G., Deary, I.,J., Whiteman, M., C., 2012, Psihologia personalității. Trăsături, cauze, consecințe, Ediția a II –a revăzută și adăugită, Editura Polirom, Iași

9. Rus, C., M., 2014, Repere în pregătirea metodică a studenților facultății de educație fizică și sport, Revista de Educaţie Fizică, Sport şi Ştiinte Conexe, Vol. 14, Special Issue

10. Teodorescu, L. L., 2009, Învățământ centrat pe student – reper principal al procesului Bologna, Buletinul AGIR nr. 1-2/2009

11. Văideanu, G., 1988, Educația la frontiera dintre milenii, Editura Politică, București

12. Vințanu, N., 2001, Educația universitară, Educația XXI, Editura Aramis print, Bucureși

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017



As. univ. drd. Andreea – Gabriela Lazăr1

1Universitatea „Ștefan cel Mare” din Suceava Cuvinte cheie: cadre didactice universitare, absolvenți - profesori de educație fizică, pregătire, educație, personalitate

Rezumat Dinamica dezvoltării societății duce la creșterea exigențelor față de

educație și implicit față de profesia didactică. Universitatea ca instituție generatoare de specialiști in diverse domenii are o mare însemnătate în dezvoltarea societății. Cadrele didactice din învățământul universitar, ca formatori ai viitorilor specialiști - în cazul nostru specialiști în educație fizică și sport, trebuie să asigure o educație de calitate. Necesitatea de reexaminare a formatorilor, a manierei de lucru și a programelor pe care le propun, trebuie să urmărească dacă nu cumva acestea scapă din vedere ceea ce este cu adevărat important în dezvoltarea studenților - viitori profesori.

Cel care în viitor va media și manageria lecția de educație fizică și sport trebuie să fie capabil să transmită sistemul de valori, de credințe, să consilieze, să motiveze, să cultive valori morale, independență și responsabilitate în practicarea exercițiilor fizice, să convingă și să devină agent al schimbării într-o dimensiune a omului contemporan. Astfel că, calități cadrului didactic universitar pot reprezenta modelul prospectiv de personalitate spre care să adere studenții, și ei în ipostaza de viitori educatori ai tinerei generații.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017




Tcaci Maria1, Breha Alexandru Mihai1,2

1 „Ștefan cel Mare” University of Suceava Faculty of Physical Education and Sports

2. University of Pitești, Doctoral School in Sports Science and Physical education (PhD student)

Keywords: metatarsal bone, rehabilitation, Jones fracture, pain, functional status Abstract A Jones fracture represents transverse break at the base of the fifth metatarsal bone, 1.5 to 3 cm distal to the proximal tuberosity at the metadiaphyseal junction. It usually happens when the toes are in flexion and the foot is bent inwards (inversion), like while dancing, playing tennis or basketball. This results in pain, swelling on the outside of the foot and at the base of the little toe, difficulty walking and bruising. As any injury to the foot and ankle determine pathologies in the knee, hip and vertebral column, treating any ankle or foot dysfunction in a timely manner becomes crucial for conserving and improving the quality of life, also preventing future afflictions. This study focuses on 35 subjects that, during an 8-week period, underwent a series of physiotherapy, electrotherapy and massage techniques, so that they would regain their full ankle and foot functionality and reduce the risks of future relapse. At the end of the 8-week period, the patients regained their muscular strength and range of motion, got rid of the pain, the functional status of their ankles and feet getting back to normal. The risk of relapse dropped as well, and the results the patients achieved are to be kept in the same manner for a long time, as for the daily physical exercises.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


Introduction The foot and the ankle are an anatomo-functional complex that sustain the body weight and make locomotion possible. The foot has a both static and dynamic role, being the terminal mechanism of human motion, allowing us to walk, run, dance, fight or swim. The foot's skeleton consists of 26 bones, that are divided in three groups: the tarsal bones, the metatarsal bones and the phalanges. Apart from these main bones, there are several sesamoid bones that help improve function and are often found as variants of the accessory bones.

The 5th metatarsal bone is a long bone extending along the outside of the foot, that connects to the small toe. The base of the 5th metatarsal bone articulates with the cuboid, while the head area of the bone articulates with the fifth proximal phalanx, the first bone in the fifth toe. The bones, along with the soft tissue including muscles, tendons and ligaments, offer the foot its specific ability and stability.

Metatarsal fractures can occur from direct trauma to the foot or as a consequence to stress. Direct trauma is common in industrial workers who have heavy objects fall on their feet. Stress fractures of the metatarsal bone may occur from activities such as long distance running, ballet, gymnastics and high-impact aerobic activities. The symptoms may include pain on the outside of the mid foot, tenderness to pressure of when walking on the outside of the mid foot, bruising and difficulty in bearing weight or walking on the foot.

Material-method This study was carried for 8 weeks, in the “Stefan cel Mare”

University of Suceava's Swimming and Physiotherapy Complex. The participants of the study have been selected on the clinical and laboratory indicators, as well as based on the anamnesis. There have been several tests that they were included in. Initially, they have been tested so that we could elaborate a personalized physiotherapy program. At the end of the study, the patients were again tested, so that the results would be compared to the initial tests. To monitor the patients' progress, we also run a series of tests once a week since the beginning of the study to its end.

We selected a number of 35 patients, aged 23 to 45. From the total of 35, 18 are females and the rest of 17 are males. The subjects

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


were either casual joggers, athletes or practiced dancing, activities that bring a significant level of stress to the metatarsal area of the foot. All the patients chose a conservative way of rehabilitation, meaning that neither of them chose undergoing surgery. Patients that couldn't undergo electrotherapy sessions because of health risks have been excluded from the study.

Table 1. Age and sex distribution of the patients

Once the patients got the diagnosis from the M.D., they were asked

to complete the Foot and Ankle Outcomes Questionnaire [1], in order to establish the level of their foot functionality. The Foot and Ankle Outcomes Questionnaire consists of 25 questions which evaluate the pain and functional status of the patients' feet. There are 5 subscales: pain, function, stiffness and swelling, giving way and shoe comfort. Scores range from 0 to 100, with a lower score indicating worse foot health. The patients' range of motion for dorsiflexion, plantar flexion, inversion and eversion was established using the goniometric method. In order to establish the muscular strength for plantar flexion and dorsiflexion, we used the manual muscle testing technique. The active range of motion (AROM) test results in the initial testing can be found in the table below:

Table 2. Average values of the AROM – initial testing





FEMALES 18 23 - 30 ANI 31 – 38 ANI 39 – 45 ANI MALES 17 17 10 8


THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


The AROM test results are severely limited by the pain and stiffness in the ankle, given the fact that each move could be continued in a passive manner. Speaking of strength, the value recorded for dorsiflexion and plantar flexion was F3, result that indicates the ability to move the ankle without a resistance being applied to the patients' feet. The functional self-assessment tool that we used (The Foot and Ankle Outcomes Questionnaire) recorded an average value of 39 points, value that indicates severe ankle and foot dysfunction.

Graphic 1. Values resulted from the initial evaluation The rehabilitation program was carried out over a 40-day period of

time and it contained the same procedures for all of the patients. The program had little variations with each patient, depending on the physiological limits and sensibility of each one of them. The physical exercises carried out inside the complex were completed by a series of exercises that were practiced by each patient at home. The scope of the physiotherapy program was regaining the muscular strength, the range of motion and the complete functionality of the ankle and the foot.

At the beginning of the study, patients were advised to rest and apply ice on the affected area and keep the leg elevated above the hearth as much as possible to control swelling and inflammation. They were prescribed antalgic and muscle relaxant medication by their M.D. Patients were advised be walking with crutches, so that they wouldn’t overload the metatarsal area until the most swelling has resolved.

In the second week of rehabilitation, patients begun training their gait, first by using their crutches, then by slowly loading the affected foot.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


Patients also received transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation treatment (TENS), its primary scope being relieving pain, and also ultrasound therapy which helps reducing pain, improving blood flow and relaxing the muscle area.

During the massage sessions, we used the effleurage technique, with an important role in improving the blood and lymphatic flow, petrissage – for improving tissue activity and muscle elasticity, friction – for increasing pain tolerance and reducing hypertonia – and vibrations, that aimed the periarticular elements.

We used the static kinetic techniques, namely isometric contraction and relaxation, but also antalgic postures, that would help the patients relax, forget about the pain for a while and also prepare for the training program. One of the dynamic techniques that we used was active motion, to be more exact – the concentric and eccentric contractions. At the beginning of the 8 weeks, we chose not to load the articulation, so the movements were completed with no resistance. We made loading the articulation a gradual process, so that by the end of the rehabilitation program, the patient would fully support their body weight and have the strength that they used to have. The therapeutic physical exercises helped patients improve their strength and general tonus. For improving the active range of motion, we chose using proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation techniques, namely rhythmic initiation and the hold-relax technique.

Results and discussions At the end of the 8 weeks, the participants of the study were asked to

complete the Foot and Ankle Outcomes Questionnaire once again. The results showed an important increase of the functional parameter, as well as complete pain relieve. The average value that resulted from the questionnaire was 97 points, meaning that the ex-pathologic foot has regained full functionality. Moreover, the active range of motion increased considerably, as per the below table:

Table 3. AROM – final values




THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017




The muscular strength has visibly increased over the course of the 8-

week program, becoming F5 (maximum strength) for both plantar flexion and dorsiflexion. This excellent result proves that the rehabilitation program has been executed a maximum efficiency.

The rehabilitation program has been adapted to each patient’s daily lifestyle, its primary scope being improving the quality of life by increasing the functional ability of the patients, decreasing the swelling and stiffness, improving the range of motion and the muscular strength of the feet. The ultimate scope of the rehabilitation program was re-introducing the patients into their normal, daily life and social activities.

All the data gathered by testing the patients have been represented and interpreted using the graphical method, by comparing each of the measured parameters, such as the range of motion, muscular strength and functional status. The graphics were made by comparing and highlighting the statistical significance using the following functions: average, standard deviation and the Student’s t-test.

The bellow graphic represents the initial and final values of the ankle range of motion testing. The graphic clearly shows how the range of motion increased by the end of the study, meaning that the rehabilitation program was efficient in regaining the normal range of motion of the ankle and foot.

Graphic 2. Range of motion values – compared

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


The graphic #3 shows the increased values for muscular strength, which went from F3 to F5, for both dorsiflexion and plantar flexion. Moreover, the graphic displays improvements of the results obtained in the final questionnaire, results that show a massive pain relieve and also regaining the full functionality of the ankle and foot.

Graphic 3. Muscle strength, FAOQ

The fourth graphic displays the values that we obtained by calculating the standard error by using the Student’s t-test, the data included representing the average values and the standard deviation for the measured

parameters. The values obtained are less than 0.05, showing that there’s little to no possibility of errors in measuring the range of motion and the muscular


Graphic 4. Student’s t-test values

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum X issue 2/ 2017


Conclusions According to the above-mentioned graphics, we can conclude that,

by the end of the study, there were significant improvements in matter of articular mobility for dorsiflexion, plantar flexion, inversion an eversion, as well as for the muscular strength for plantar and dorsiflexion. Therefore, we can conclude that regaining the functionality of the ankle can be achieved by an efficient choice of the physio-therapeutical rehabilitation techniques.

Moreover, the risk of relapse in metatarsal fractures is low, as the patients have been trained about how to prevent the disease. We can complete by saying that choosing the appropriate techniques and exercises for a rehabilitation program drop the risk of relapse in fractures of the 5th metatarsal bone.

This study highlights the major importance of the rehabilitation program in regaining the full functionality of the foot for the patients that had fractured their 5th metatarsal bone. The rehabilitation program shows the efficiency of physiotherapy in relieving the pain and regaining the functional ability of the foot and ankle, parameters that led to improving the quality of the patients’ lives. REFFERENCES 1. Julia Bowes and Richard Buckley, Fifth metatarsal fractures and current

treatment, 2016 2. Chi Nok Cheung and Tun Hing Lui, Proximal fifth metatarsal fractures:

Anatomy, classification, treatment and complications 3. Andrew Murphy and A. Prof. Frank Gaillard, Fractures of the proximal

fifth metatarsal 4. Jody L. Riskowski, Thomas J. Hangedorn, Measures of foot function,

foot health and foot pain 5. J. Robinson, J. Cook, C. Purdam, P. Visentini, J. Ross, N. Maffulli, J.

Tauton, K. Khan, The VISA-A questionnaire: a valid and reliable index of the clinical severity of Achilles tendinopathy, 2001

6. Botez P., 2008, - Ortopedie, Ed. Casa de Editură Venus, IAȘI. 7. Papilian V., Anatomia omului, vol. I, Aparatul locomotor, Ediția a VI-a,

Ed. Didactică și pedagogică, București, 1982.

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8. Rădulescu A., Burtan M., Electroterapie, ediția a II-a, Ed. Medicală, București, 2005.

9. Hoffman J., Norms for Fitness, Performance, and Health, 2006 10. Sbenghe T., Recuperarea medicală a sechelelor posttraumatice ale membrelor,

Editura Medicală, București, 221, 1981.

Recuperarea fizioterapeutică a pacienţilor care au suferit o fractură la nivelul celui de-al 5-lea metatars

(fractura Jones)

Tcaci Maria1, Breha Alexandru Mihai1,2

1 Universitatea „Ștefan cel Mare” din Suceava 2. Universitatea din Pitești

Cuvinte cheie: metatars, recuperare, fractura Jones, durere,

status funcţional Abstract: Fractura Jones reprezină o ruptură transversă la baza celui de-al

cincilea metatars, la 1.5 – 3 cm distal faţă de tuberozitatea proximala la nivelul joncţiunii meta-diafizară. De obicei apare atunci când degetele sunt în flexie şi piciorul în inversie, ca în timpul dansului, tenisului sau basketball-ului. Consecinţa acestei mişcari este reprezentată de durere, inflamarea părţii laterale a piciorului şi a bazei degetului mic, dificultate în mers şi echimoza.

Deoarece orice leziune la nivelul piciorului şi al gleznei determina afecţiuni ale genunchiului, şoldului şi ale coloanei vertebrale, tratarea disfuncţiilor piciorului şi ale gleznei într-un timp cât mai scurt devine un aspect crucial în conservarea şi îmbunătăţirea calităţii vieţii, prevenind şi viitoare disfunctii.

Studiul de faţă se axeaza pe 35 de subiecţi care, timp de 8 săptămâni, au fost supuşi unei serii the tehnici kinetoterapeutice, electroterapeutice si masoterapeutice, astfel încat să îţi recâştige capacitatea funcţională a piciorului şi gleznei şi să reducă riscul de recidiva. La sfarsitul celor 8 săptămâni, pacienţii şi-au recâştigat forţa musculară şi amplitudinea de mişcare, au scăpat de durere, statusul funcţional al gleznei şi piciorului revenind la normal. Riscul de recidivă a scăzut de asemenea, iar rezulatele obţinute vor fi păstrate pentru mult timp, datorită exerciţiului fizic zilnic.




Rîșca Mihaela Andreea1, Breha Alexandru Mihai1,2

1. „Ștefan cel Mare” University of Suceava Faculty of Physical Education and Sports

2. University of Pitești, Doctoral School in Sports Science and Physical education(PhD student)

Keywords: acromioclavicular, physiotherapy, patients, quality of life. Abstract

The acromioclavicular joint can be damaged by various traumas, thus greatly diminishing the functional capacity of the entire superior member. Post-traumatic sequelae of the acromioclavicular joint greatly diminish the quality of patients' lives.

This study aims at optimizing the choice of both physical therapy techniques and physiotherapy procedures in order to alleviate pain, increase joint mobility and muscle strength, and to reintegrate patients into early socio-professional activity.

All of the 23 patients included in the study were given massage, physiotherapy and electrotherapy. Therapeutic recovery programs and their goals have been tailored to the individual lifestyle of each patient. At the end of the study it was concluded that by identifying the most effective physiokinetoterapeutical techniques we achieved long-term positive results, the risk of relapse of diseases decreasing drastically.

Introduction The acromioclavicular joint is a flat synovial joint between the

acromial extremity of the clavicle and the medial edge of the acromion of the scapula. On this joint, the articular capsule is strengthened by the acromioclavicular ligament, which is located on the top of the capsule, attaching the acromion to the clavicle.

The possible moves at this level are: - The anterior projection (abduction of the scapula) - the sternum

extremity of the clavicle moves back and the acromial forward; - Rear projection (scapula adduction) - the acromial extremity of

the clavicle moves back, and the anterior one forward;

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


- Lifting - the sternum of the clavicle descends and the acromial one rises;

- Lowering - the acromial extremity of the clavicle descends, and the sternum rises;

- Rotation - occurs within the extension shoulder movements over 30°, flexion over 100°, abduction over 70°.

The functions of the entire superior member are drastically reduced or even abolished in some cases by traumas injuring the acromioclavicular joint, which leads to a significant decrease in the quality of life of the patients. Treatment should be applied as early as possible to achieve maximum efficiency, focusing not only on calming pain, increasing joint mobility and muscle strength, but also on functional re-education of the affected limb.

Material and methods The study included 23 patients, of which 13 were male and 10

female, all of whom were elected on the basis of both clinical and paraclinical manifestations. Subjects are ages 18 to 52, coming from various professional backgrounds. Of these, 5 patients are between 18 and 25 years, 8 patients between 26 and 35 years, 7 between 36 and 45 and 3 between 46 and 52 years.

Table 1. Distribution of patients by gender. Distribution of patients by age category.

The study was spread over a period of 8 weeks (40 working days)

within the Complex of Swimming and Physical Therapy at Ştefan cel Mare University in Suceava. Patients were initially and ultimately tested for their progress, all data being quantified, and a baseline physiochemistry recovery program was built.

Distribution of

patients by gender Distribution of patients by age category

Female 10 18 – 25


26 – 35


36 – 45


46 – 52


Male 13 5 8 7 3

Total number of patients 23

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


To evaluate the pain parameter, we used the VAS scale to evaluate muscle strength, we used the manual method (palpation), and for the assessment of the joint amplitude we used the goniometric method, more precisely on flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, internal rotation and external rotation.

The results of the initial evaluations revealed increased values of the pain parameter index (VAS), averaging the VAS 8, a factor indicating a major algal limitation of the functional capacity of the shoulder. In the case of articular amplitude, there were values indicating that the movements were very limited; more precisely, we recorded on average the following values:

- shoulder flexion: 149 ° - shoulder extension: 45 ° - shoulder abduction: 136 ° - shoulder adhesion: 136 ° - internal shoulder rotation: 73 ° - external shoulder rotation: 67 °. The values presented above were measured actively. By measuring muscle strength, we obtained F3 value for flexion

movement, F4 for extension, F4 for abduction, F3 for adduction, as well as for internal and external rotation.

Prior to the electro-physiotherapeutic recovery program, patients were advised to rest and both myorelaxant and antithalgic medication was prescribed by the physician.

Initially, to combat local pain, we chose to use local thermo therapy using warm packs and paraffin.

As massage techniques, we used some of the main procedures, namely: smoothing, for the purpose of improving blood circulation, friction to reduce pain sensitivity and lowering the hypertonus (in needed cases) and kneaded to increase muscle elasticity and stimulate biological tissue activity. The main goals of the massage were to improve the joint amplitude, reduce contraction, relieve pain, reduce edema and reduce joint pressure. From the electrotherapeutic point of view, patients were given medium frequency currents, namely interferential currents, with analgesic, decontracturant and vasculotrophic effect on the striated muscles, as well as low-frequency currents: TENS, Trabert, with hypereremant and analgesic effect. The intensity of the procedures varied according to the physiological limits, possibilities and sensitivity of each individual patient.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


Physiotherapeutic, it was aimed at regaining muscle strength, joint amplitude, and facilitating the reintegration of subjects into socio-professional backgrounds. The recovery program lasted for 40 days, with patients having a home plan and exercise plan.

As a therapeutic program, we chose to intervene initially by isometric contraction and muscle relaxation techniques. Then we applied dynamic kinetic techniques, namely the voluntary (initially) non-resilient active movement, the resistance being applied progressively. To increase joint mobility, we chose to use neuroproprioceptive facilitation techniques, rhythmic stabilization and rhythmic initiation, and hold-relax technique. In the case of increased muscle strength, we applied therapeutic exercise.

Results and discussions The goals initially set were tailored to the individual lifestyle of

each patient. The aim was to improve the quality of life, combat pain, increase joint mobility and muscle strength, but also to reintegrate subjects into socio-professional activity as early as possible.

The final evaluations revealed the efficacy of the electro-physiotherapeutic program through low values of the pain parameter, more accurately reaching the VAS 2 and increased values of the joint amplitude, obtaining:

- shoulder flexion: 179 ° - shoulder extension: 48 ° - shoulder abduction: 180 ° - shoulder adduction: 180 ° - internal shoulder rotation: 94 ° - external shoulder rotation: 94 °.

Figure 1. Joint Amplitude Values



Flexion Extension Abduction Adduction Internalrotation




136 136

73 67



180 180

94 94

Initially Final

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


In the case of muscle strength, a significant improvement was observed, thus demonstrating the effectiveness of therapeutic physical exercise, values reaching F5 for all movements (flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, internal rotation and external rotation).

Figure 2. Muscle force values

After the applied electro-physiotherapy program, the subjects were

evaluated, and for the interpretation of the obtained results, we used as a way of exposure and explanation, the graphic method. The values compared are those outlined in the initial and final evaluations, thus comparing the average of each recorded parameter.

Conclusions The effectiveness of the applied electro-physiotherapeutic program

is demonstrated by the results obtained and represented graphically; so a considerable improvement in joint amplitude and muscle strength has been observed.

The applied electro-physiotherapeutic techniques have been aimed at combating pain, increasing muscle strength, muscle tone and joint amplitude of each patient, helping to regain the ability to put into practice the activities of everyday life.

The therapeutic program applied had a positive impact on the quality of life of the patients, which improved considerably by decreasing the functional rest, which proved to be effective in fighting pain, the latter being the main factor in limiting functional capacity.

At the end of the study, there were radical improvements in the evaluated parameters, and we can conclude that the kinetic therapy


4 4

3 3 3

5 5 5 5 5 5








Flexion Extension Abduction Adduction Internal rotation

External rotation

Initially Final

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elements used in conjunction with the physiotherapy considerably reduce the risk of recurrence in the pain experienced by the trauma of the shoulder joint.

References 1. Clarke HD, McCann PD: Acromioclavicular injuries. Orthop

Clin North Am 2000; 31:177-187 2. Antonescu D. M., Patologia aparatului locomotor, vol. II, Ed.

Medicală, București, 2010. 3. Rădulescu A., Burtan M., Electroterapie, ediția a II-a, Ed.

Medicală, București, 2005. 4. Sbenghe T., Recuperarea medicală a sechelelor posttraumatice

ale membrelor, Editura Medicală, București, 221, 1981. 5. Botez P., 2008, - Ortopedie, Ed. Casa de Editură Venus, IAȘI. 6. Rusu L., Roșulescu E., Kinetoterapia în recuperarea afecțiunilor

ortopedico-traumatice, Ed. Universitaria, Craiova, 2007. 7. Papilian V., Anatomia omului, aparatul locomotor, ediția a VI-

a, Editura Didactiaca si pedagogica, București, 1982.

Influența procedeelor de fiziokinetoterapie în afecțiuni de tip posttraumatic ale articulației acromioclaviculare

Rîșca Mihaela Andreea1, Breha Alexandru Mihai1,2

1 Universitatea „Ștefan cel Mare” din Suceava 2. Universitatea din Pitești

Cuvinte cheie: acromioclaviculară, kinetoterapie, pacienți, calitatea



Articulația acromioclaviculară poate fi lezată de diverse traumatisme, astfel diminuându-se mult capacitatea funcțională a întregului membru superior. Sechelele posttraumatice ale articulației acromioclaviculare scad mult calitatea vieții pacienților.

Studiul de față urmărește alegerea optimă a atât unor tehnici de kinetoterapie cât și a procedurilor de fizioterapie, în scopul calmării

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durerii, creșterii mobilității articulare și a forței musculare, dar și reintegrarea pacienților în activitatea socio-profesională cât mai precoce.

Tuturor celor 23 de pacienți incluși în studiu li s-a aplicat masaj, kinetoterapie și electroterapie. Programele terapeutice de recuperare și obiectivele acestora au fost personalizate în funcție de stilul de viață zilnic al fiecărui pacient în parte. La finalul studiului s-a ajuns la concluzia că identificând cele mai eficiente tehnici fiziokinetoterapeutice am obținut rezultate pozitive pe termen lung, riscul de recidivă al afecțiunilor scăzând considerabil.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017



Mihai Constantinescu

Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava Key words: kinesiotherapy, spinal physical functional abnormalities, prepuberty Abstract: This article is based on a study carried out in a more ample research aimed at updating the information available to education, healthcare specialists and parents regarding the occurrence, evolution and management of the spinal physical functional abnormalities in prepubertal children and kinesiotherapy as a means of prevention or recovery. Introduction: Growth is a process of quantitative build-up by which the body weight, mass and dimensions grow. Development is a qualitative process of cell differentiation manifest in by functional changes and qualitative optimisations that mark the refinement, the specialisation and adaptation of the apparatuses and body systems, their complex evolution and coordinated integration as a whole; it is a graduation process that leads to the occurrence of new relationship among segments and parts [3]. Prepuberty is characterised by an accelerated growth in height and weight, being more intense in girls than in boys. As far as height is concerned, acceleration beings at the age of 11 and lasts approximately up to the age of 13, as for weight, it lasts until about the age of 14. This period is unique in humans’ growth and development process, and the most important somatic values are higher in girls than in boys [5,6]. The growth and development dynamics in the prepubertal period brings about a set of specific changes, which are not always controlled and hence the occurrence of various posture as well as functional conflicts. The vital organs and functions constantly ripen, the bone system improves its structure. We must note that the thoracic skeleton and the spinal bones do not strengthen in the same rhythm, which leads to the occurrence of growth disorders (lowered shoulder posture, sunken chest, rounded back, lordosis, scoliosis etc.) We can note that these disorders in the development of the bone system not only lead to the

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occurrence of posture abnormalities but can also affect the cardiorespiratory function or the nervous system [1,4]. Cordun M. 1999, calls the functional abnormalities deviations, inappropriate postures or attitudes representing disorders of the support and movement function of the body always implying muscle imbalances that will hinder movement. If the said abnormalities are not noticed on time they will turn into structural abnormalities that will lead to degenerative damages, which are fixed functional as well as organically turning into abnormalities. [3] Discovering physical abnormalities in children on time ensures efficient intervention given the plasticity and dynamics of the body at this age [2]. Material and method: In the enterprise carried out concerning the sociological study we intended to collect information from three categories of people involved in the children’s growth and development process in prepuberty, namely the parents, the sports teachers and the healthcare specialists (consultant, nurses, kinesiotherapists and other categories). We have drafted two questionnaires featuring two difficulty degrees including questions regarding the abnormalities children face, namely spinal problems, investigation and evaluation methods, known methods on the prevention and maintenance of the morphological and functional status for harmonious growth and development. The main objectives have been to determine the parents’, PE teachers’ and healthcare staff’s knowledge level regarding the spinal physical functional abnormalities in prepubertal children, the aetiology, their evolution and consequences on their health. Hence we have delivered Questionnaire no.1 to the parents in order to discover their existing knowledge regarding spinal physical functional abnormality, which is a timely problem in prepubertal children. The questionnaire has been drafted according to the methodology with multiple choices, featuring an average degree of difficulty and a set of 14 questions. The distribution area has been large enough; we have reached parents in 5-7 counties: Suceava, Bucharest, Bacău, Iași and Brașov. Moreover, age and occupation have been none of the variables and we suppose that we have managed to reach parents of all social categories. In order to get the statistical data, we have uploaded 118 questionnaires in the database.

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Fig.1. The graphical representation of question 1 in Questionnaire no. 1

According to the results gotten to question 1 of Questionnaire no. 1 delivered to the parents, we can notice that only 65.24% know the meaning of the word kinesiotherapy and as a close option 21.18% associate massage to its meaning. Concerning their knowledge regarding the main spinal abnormalities, in the graph in fig. 1 the respondents to question 2 reach 60.16%, which is an unsatisfactory result.

Fig.2. The graphical representation of question 2 in Questionnaire no. 1

In order to support the argument for the suggested programme, we have also interviewed PE and healthcare specialists. We have tried to draft an easily readable multiple-choice questionnaire. We have taken into account that the very same questionnaire has been delivered to specialists in different fields of activity: PE teachers, instructors and coaches, theoreticians in the field of physical culture, kinesiotherapists, nurses and even consultants.

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Fig.3. The graphical representation of question 2 in Questionnaire no. 2

As one can notice from the graphical representation of question 2 in questionnaire no. 2, 74.28% of the respondents, i.e. the above-named specialists’ answers associate the spinal physical functional abnormalities with: kyphosis, lordosis and scoliosis, which is a positive result given that their identification shall allow an optimal management aimed at prevention and recovery.

Fig.4 The graphical representation of question 5 in Questionnaire no. 2

Concerning the prophylaxis of the spinal physical functional abnormalities in prepubertal children, gymnastics and swimming are recommended by 70.47%, which is a satisfactory result given that 25.71% of the specialists choose other variants.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


Fig.5 The graphical representation of question 6 in Questionnaire no. 2

Kinesiotherapy is identified by 74.28% of the respondents as therapy by movement, 14.28% give other definitions and 10.47 % as recovery by massage. Results and discussions: The results of the questionnaires delivered to parents show the strong need for the implementation of information and training programmes as well as special programmes aimed at managing the spinal physical functional abnormalities. The specialists in the above-listed fields prove to have a high degree of knowledge regarding the spinal physical functional abnormalities, namely 74.28 % as compared to only 65.24% of the respondent parents. By comparing the parents’ and the specialists’ answers to the question on kinesiotherapy one can note that the latter have knowledge slightly above the average of the parents, i.e. 74.28% as compared to 65.24% of the parents. Conclusions:

- Kinesiotherapy is known and associated with the „therapy by movement” both by the parents and the specialists, which creates a prerequisite for an optimal context for the implementation of preventive programmes on the management of posture abnormalities in prepubertal children;

- the spinal physical functional abnormalities are identified as follows by: kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis;

- given that a high number of parents, i.e. 40%, have not identified the spinal abnormalities correctly, information programmes need to be implemented in this respect.

Bibliography. 1. Badiu C., Ciorbă C., Badiu G. Educație fizică a copiilor și

școlarilor (metode și mijloace). Chișinău: Garuda- Art, 1999, p. 8-10;

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2. Constantinescu M. The significance of the imaging examination in the recovery process of scoliosis. In: The Annals of the „Ștefan cel Mare” University, Suceava, 2014, p. 23;

3. Cordun M. Postura corporală normală și patologică. București: ANEFS, 1999;

4. Demeter A., Drăgan I. Sport și Sănătate. București: Sport-Turism, 1990, p. 53-57;

5. Firițeanu V.N. Aspecte ale creșterii și maturizării biologice cu influențe asupra activităților fizice și antrenamentelor sportive la băieți și fete. În: Tendințe ecologice în domeniul educației fizice și sportului: Sesiune Științifică Internațională. București: Ed. Bren, 2010, p. 89-92;

6. Moțet D. Kinetoterapia în beneficiul copilului (Corectarea deficiențelor fizice la copii). București: Ed. Semne, 2011.



Mihai Constantinescu Universitatea Stefan cel Mare din Suceava

Cuvinte cheie: kinetoterapie, deficiențe fizice funcționale ale coloanei vertebrale, prepubertate Abstract: Acest articol are la bază un studiu efectuat în cadrul unei cercetări mai ample în vederea actualizării datelor cu privire la cunoștințele specialiștilor din domeniul educației, sănătății și părinților cu privire la apariția, evoluția și gestionarea deficiențelor fizice funcționale ale coloanei vertebrale la copiii de vârstă prepubertară și a kinetoterapiei ca formă profilactică sau de recuperare.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017



Mihai Constantinescu Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava

Key words: prepuberty, posture abnormalities, scoliosis, orthosing. Abstract: This article refers to some general aspects regarding the approach of scoliosis recovery programmes aimed at prepubertal children aged between 10-14, by the uses of brace-type orthoses. Introduction: Prepuberty starts in both genders at around 10-11 and lasts for about two years in girls, up to the age of 12-13 and in boys up to 14-15 Moțet D. (2011). The rhythm of growth during prepuberty is characterised by a rapid growth in height without an adequate weight gain, and we shall see what problems this leads to in the global growth and development economy. According to some authors (Littre, Gilbert, Hutniel, Lesne, q.ted by Ionescu A. 1962), adolescence identifies with puberty and lasts from the occurrence of the first puberty signs until the establishment of the individual somatic, organic and psychological traits. Ionescu A.N. (1994) considers that adolescence is an age stage and puberty a set of biological phenomena by which the body transforms developing to a higher stage (adulthood). According to this approach some specialists have divided adolescence into three stages: prepuberty, puberty and post-puberty. The bone system is developing, the bones are long and thin, muscularity is insufficient, articulations feature high ligament looseness, it favours the lack of stability and implicitly the occurrence of physical functional abnormalities, poor posture, which evolve and are hard to stabilise and correct once they have occurred. Specialist literature mentions the following abnormal postural attitudes: predominantly kyphotic, lordotic, kypho-lordotic, flat back, scoliotic (asymmetric) and combinations thereof. The studies and research carried out so far have highlighted that the frequency of physical abnormalities in school children is very high. Some of the objective causes triggering and favouring the occurrence of physical abnormalities and implicitly the deviation from the normal physiological morphofunctional status can the as follows: most are caused by early childhood rickets; the decrease in the acuity of certain analysers; organic

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


diseases, osteoarticular diseases or diseases generally affecting the neuro-mio-arthrokinetic system As opposed to deviations on the sagittal plane, which are more difficult to point out, the spine curvature disorders on the frontal plane can easily be observed even if slighter as the normal spine does not feature curvatures on the plane. Frontally there are spinal abnormalities described with one, two or several curvatures, structural and non-structural curvatures with or without vertebral rotations, with or without thoracic proximity twists. Scolioses and kyphoscolioses are part of this category of spinal curvatures.[4,5] Material and method: From the point of view of the treatment, we must take into account the angle of the scoliosis as it precisely determines the treatment scheme. Stagnara suggests a protocol accepted by most therapists and specialists in the field:

- from 00 to 300- kinesiotherapy (exercising ); - from 300 to 500 - kinesiotherapy and orthosing (brace ); - above 500 surgery.

Scoliosis treatment can often become a major problem since in most cases even if it is diagnosed on time, the lack of knowledge about the pathology and the incorrect treatment can lead to complications. We shall specify some aspects encountered in current practice: approaching scoliosis treatment without the proper cooperation among the orthopaedic surgeon, kinesiotherapist, parents, teachers and raising the patient’s awareness cannot lead to a successful result. [2] Jianu M., quotes the famous French orthopaedic surgeons, Carlioz and Seringe in Scolioza Pediatrică 2010 who textually say “There is no kinesiotherapeutic treatment in evolutive scoliosis. No treatment proved to be effective as no study showed any positive results in scoliosis that proved to be evolutive. In this case Kinesiotherapy is not only useless but what is more, it is harmful as it explains the delay in accessing more effective treatments.” [3]. Thus, shall we say that movement treatment is useless? Not at all. Kinetic treatment and exercising are the main treatment means both for prophylaxis and recovery. All the techniques used in the treatment scheme must start off from a positive diagnosis accompanied by a clinical profile and objective investigations; one must determine the remaining functional capacity, the current condition and the presumptive forecast of the evolution of the condition, then determine the short-and long-term objectives. The recovery treatment is specific to each kind of condition, each patient, being determined based on certain

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


specific assessment (somatoscopy, anthropometry, joint movement examination, muscular examination, morphofunctional examination etc.) An increasingly frequent approach in the current practice is orthosing scoliosis irrespective of age, the angle of curvatures, how old the scoliosis is or its aetiology. The harms and damages brought about by this approach negatively influence both the children’s growth and their overall health. We do not generalise these aspects but because quite numerous cases have been identified we shall present some personal opinions regarding this issue, namely orthosing scoliosis by braces in prepubertal children. For the purpose of objectively illustrating this idea, we shall present two cases of bracing, one being positive and one negative. Fig. 1 illustrates a correctly tightened brace.

Fig. 1 brace, front view Fig. 2 brace, back view Fig. 3,4 present the relevant X-rays prior to orthosing by braces and after the bracing technique has been applied. As we can notice by comparing

the two X-rays, there is no obvious reduction of the curvature.

Fig.3 X-ray without brace Fig.4 X-ray with brace In order not to wrong the users of this type of brace, we have intentionally omitted the names and origin of the braces in question however we must note that they have been made by specialist centres.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


Figure 5 and 6 illustrate an incorrectly tightened brace model which does not ensure proper stability nor can it correct the scoliosis.

Fig. 5 brace, front view Fig. 6 brace, back view

Results and discussions: We can ascertain that orthosing by means of braces in cases of postural abnormalities and scoliosis does not induce and result in a significant correction of the back curvature. The main objective of kinesiotherapeutic recovery treatment by means of orthosing by braces is to preserve the function of the spine but not only. The use of braces without seeing an orthopaedic surgeon and a kinesiotherapist supervising the recovery programme may lead to progressive and irreversible damages in the neuro-mio-arthrokinetic system since the growth and development processes during prepuberty are accelerated. Conclusions: -The use of orthosing by braces in the recovery of scoliosis cannot be used as a technique on its own but rather together with a kinetic programme under the coordination of a multidisciplinary team; - Not all braces are correctly tightened, and in some cases in type “S” scoliosis they cannot lead to corrections especially in those cases in which the compensation curvature is at the level of the shoulder blades; - The degree of the curvature and the type of the scoliosis decisively contribute to the recommendations and application of orthosing by braces.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


Bibliography. 7. Adrian. N. Ionescu, Gimnastica Medicală, Ed.ALL, București

1994. 8. Baciu C. Kinetoterapia pre- și postoperatorie. București: Ed.

Sport-turism, 1981, p.138. 9. Mihai Jianu, Scolioza Pediatrică, Ed. Proeditură și Tipografie,

București 2010 p.53 10. Moțet D. Kinetoterapia în beneficiul copilului (Corectarea

deficiențelor fizice la copii). București: Ed. Semne, 2011, p 88. 11. Zaharia C. Elemente de patologie a aparatului locomotor.

București: Ed. PAIDEIA, 1994, p. 201


Constantinescu Mihai

Universitatea Stefan cel Mare din Suceava

Cuvinte cheie: perpuberatate, deficiențe de postură, scolioză, ortezare. Abstract: Prezentul articol, face referire la unele aspecte generale privind abordarea programelor de recuperare ale scoliozelor la copiii de vârstă prepubertară 10-14 ani, prin aplicarea ortezelor de tip corset.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017




Teacher Laurențiu Huțuleac Ilie

PhD Ghervan Petru “Ştefan cel Mare” University, Suceava

Keywords: Handball, speed, driving, training Abstract

This paper attempts to make a contribution by enriching the methodological material at its disposal (still insufficient) those who opted for the noble mission of initiation in the handball secrets. We have tried to be as close as possible to the practical needs by providing some means mainly focused on the operating structures, by providing to those who are interested in a methodical material that can be processed and adopted under the current conditions.

I tried to train the handball team of the "Forestry College of Bucovina" handball to participate in the ONSS competitions and to compete with Stefan cel Mare Military Highschool, the results of this game being not extraordinary, and I think, according to my own opinion, that the training is essential in this game.

The hypothesis of the work If we use these appropriate methods and means in preparing the

handball selection of the "Forestry College of Bucovina", we will achieve an increase in the value of the players.

Under the hypothesis we assumed that in the selection of the handball team of the "Forestry College Bucovina" we will develop the motoring qualities such as strength, strength, skill and the speed that is basic in a team because after the experiences we found an increased coefficient of quality Drive the speed by using the appropriate methods.

Drawing from these aspects, we can also formulate the following issues:

- if the morpho-functional and psychomotor peculiarities of the handball selected by the "Forestry College of Bucovina" can allow reaching and even exceeding the values corresponding to the final model.

- if appropriate methods and means are applied?

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


Paper’s objectives 1. Amplification of the indices of the fundamental motric

qualities, accentuating the specific manifestations during the handball game.

2. Improvement of the basic techniques and of the special procedures that are part of the technical content of the basic position occupied in the team.

3. The process of harsh specialization of the base position occupied within the team and the extension of the effective action area to other positions.

4. The mastery of the conception of the game. PAPER’S METHODOLOGY The purpose of the paper In the hypothesis we will develop the speed that is one of the

main driving qualities that underlie the handball team. Technical-tactical training must be done at the same time as the

development of motor skills, and the treatment of it separately can hamper performance improvement.

Working methods used - documentation, remark, test method, experiment method, the

statistical - mathematical method, graphic method

Samples and measurements used in the research The samples to which the athletes of the selected handball team

of the college were subjected were those regulated by the Romanian handball Federation for this age category, namely:

Speed running on 30 m To test the travel speed, five repetitions with top start, free

starting over 30 meters were performed. Each test was timed, with an arithmetic mean being recorded

Dribling among the balls - 30 m. To test the skill - coordination, two repetitions were performed

and the best one was noted Pentasalt In order to test the strength of the lower limbs, two attempts

were performed, without any prior impulse, and the best attempt was recorded

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


Hand throwing away the handball To test the strength of the arm, two throws with the handball ball

from the distance were made, using the skillful arm, with the best shot being recorded.

Technical proof To test the individual technique of the players, the technical

structure required by F.R.H was performed time being recorded for its execution

Own training model for the handball selection at the

Bucovina Forestry College For the category targeted in the current study of the Forestry

College of Bucovina, the speed training needs to be programmed over several seasons and the really important changes do not occur after a few exercises. Progressive progresses are step by step through adherence to planning and periodization principles.

We have opted for various combinations of alternation and change of legs, so the range of exercises can enrich it from one workout to another.

The operational models used in the training For the handball player, the following driving skills are specific

to be developed during training: 1. reaction rate; 2.direction and execution speed; 3.detenta. 4. the throwing force 5 skill Exercises to develop reaction speed, travel speed and execution

speed A. Exercise without ball - Beep sounds from different positions, 5 -10 repetitions over 5 -

15 meters; - Starting from the basic position with accelerated running 6-8 x

10-20 meters; - Moving with the steps added sideways, left and right, over 6

meters (the distance between the handball line and the 6 meter semicircle);

- running at an accelerated pace of 10-15 meters, followed by light runs and accelerated runs over 10-15 meters;

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


- sprints from 10-15 meters distances; - 10-meter sprints, 180 ° turns and back-running; - Sprinters with change of direction in the marked predefined

places; - Starts preceded by other activities (shifts in the basic position,

fandors, jumping); - At the beacon the players sprinted to the middle of the court,

turned and raced back to the opposite line, then backed back, forward to the center area and then face up to the starting line initial;

- Movement game: "Leap in two"; - "pairing": B. Ball Exercises - Running with the maximum speed across the field with the

grip and bird of the ball with the players placed close to the edge line. - Multiple dribble at high speed over distances of 15-20 meters - the defense movement in the fundamental position, to my

signal running speed to the ball and returning to very fast dribbling; - running on the counter and catching the ball near the

opponent's goal and throwing at the goal; - running on the counterattack and grip of the ball at the center

of the field, continuation of the counterattack using the multiple dribbling;

- Direct counterattack using two peaks. Both players leave at the same time, the goalkeeper pointing to one of them:

- two-point counterattack ending with a cross; - Counterattack with a tip and an intermediate; - two-point and intermediate counterattack - "run after the ball" - from the position sitting in line 4 with the back of the ball at 2

meters: at the moment of the signal, the first to reach the ball; - three players are placed in the shape of a triangle or line; two

of these have balls they place by the alternation of the ballless, the one who does not have the ball as soon as he catches and passes the one he has just received;

- fast blasting of balls by two teammates to the same player; - Strong throws in the reflection panel and safe grip of the

bouncing ball in the unexpected way; - Strong throws to the wall on which the number gate is drawn.

At the last minute the coach shouted the number in which he would have to throw the player;

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


- the passes on the next two positions, with the exchange of seats.

Obtaining results, statistical interpretation of data. In order to validate the research hypothesis, we organized the

present study in the handball selection "Forestry College of Bucovina", on a number of 16 athletes, in the practice of coaching.

The research took place between 1 September 2016 and 15 May 2017, including the following stages:

Stage I, 1st - 10th September 2016. Stage II, 10-20 September 2016. - Initial testing based on pre-established tests at the

beginning of the research Stage III, 20 September 2016 - 30 April 2017: - the implementation of the operational models in handball

handouts "Forestry College of Bucovina" Stage IV, May - May 15, 2017: - final testing Stage V, 15 - 30 May 2017: - final processing of the data obtained and drafting the paper. The weekly training course for the handball selection of the

"Forestry College of Bucovina" involves two training sessions per week, sometimes a maximum of 3 hours per training.

After processing and interpreting the results obtained at the four physical and technical samples, following the data obtained at the initial and final tests, we can state the following:

Run speed 5 x 30 meters - Each player ran five times 30 meters, each race being timed,

and the average of the five results was finally recorded; - On the basis of the data presented at this test, at initial testing,

the best result was 4 "1, and the worst result was 4" 6, and the arithmetic mean was 4 "37;

- In the final test - table no. 3, the best result was 4 "0, recorded by the same subject, and the worst result was 4" 3, the number of five subjects was recorded and the arithmetic mean was 4 "21;

- In this test, the progress registered was 0''16, in the final test compared to the initial test, it is not too big, but quite significant, considering that the speed is the most perceivable driving quality.

- Noteworthy is that the difference between the lowest and the best result in the final test, 0'5 vs. 0''3, has diminished.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


Dribling among the balls - 30 m - As a technical skill, speed skill, no spectacular progress was

made in this test, but they were nevertheless significant; - The best result in this test was obtained from the same subject,

both in the initial and the final test, respectively 6''3 and 6''0; - The difference between the best and the weakest results was

reduced to the final test against the initial one, namely from 0'7 to 0''5, making progress on the arithmetic mean of the sample, from 6 '60 to 6''33.

- These results show that both the speed of movement and the technique of execution were improved, and the exercises chosen and used in training were most appropriate.

Pentasalt on the spot - Two attempts were made, the best result recorded; - The progress of these subjects, from the average of 12.95

meters in the initial test, to the average of 13.45 meters in final testing, shows an increase of 0.50 meters, which is quite high, Combined motor quality - Force - Speed is extremely important for handball players,

The amplitude value in the final test against the initial test was reduced from 1.80 meters to 1.40 meters;

Throw away the handball ball at a distance - Two attempts were made, being recorded the best; - In the initial testing the best result was 45 meters obtained by

subjects number 7,8 and 13, and the lowest score of 38 meters, obtained by subject number 15;

- In the final test, the best score of 48 meters was obtained by subject number 7 and the lowest score of 42.00 meters by the subjects of positions 5, 9, 11, 15 and 16;

- Progress recorded between the average of the initial test of 41.68 meters and the final average of 44.25 meters being 2.57 meters is the most significant of the five samples.

- Reduce the amplitude value to the final test, only 6 meters to 7 meters at the initial test.

Technical proof - The progress made in the original 17''9 test against the final

test 17''3 confirmed that the improvement of the motor quality has positively influenced the level of execution of the technical-tactical procedures in the handball game.

Compared with the initial testing, the final one made a clear progress from 4.37 to 4.21. What is to be done in the future is that the

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


exercises performed are very well designed so that they can be favored at maximum speed (not to focus on details of execution but necessarily on achieving the maximum speed). At the same time do not use exercises that will not favor maximum speed. We will also apply repetitions starting from 5-6 seconds (such as those for upgrading starts).

At the trial of speeding, the exercises will be applied in a combined manner, with oscillations between an exercise or another simulated game sequences, rapid attacks, counterattacks, technical procedures structures, involving a lot of dynamism;

At pentasalt, the duration of exercises should be set so that the speed does not decrease towards the end of the exercises. Execution times will be determined depending on the shape of the speed we want to develop.

We also know that the pentasal belongs to the main means of developing handball strength, but the correct application of these exercises leads to the double development of both strength and speed.

When throwing a handball ball, all player-specific motor skills must be developed. We need first of all throwing speed, throwing power and skill.

In the case of the pivot due to advanced defenses, which create larger movement spaces, the pivots often go up to 9-10 meters to alternate with the combination of torque (interior or center), then return to the semi-circle in other areas. Also in many cases throws from 8-9 meters out of the envelope.

At the technical test we also recorded the improvement of the results from 17.9 to 17.3 seconds.

Formulation of conclusions and proposals - Training is one of the very important and essential factors of

handball training at this age; - The development of motric skills as an integral part of the

training, which is expressed in executions that are the components of handball training, occupy an important part at this age;

- Based on the results of the final test, compared to the initial testing, two aspects related to the development of the motoring qualities are outlined:

- Growth indices of all motric skills in all their manifestations; - a clear increase in the values of some evidence whose results

can be improved by exercises.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


Based on the results obtained after the current study, we concluded that the psycho-morpho-functional peculiarities of players aged 17-18 years allow high values to be achieved, allowing them to integrate into the future in the future , to compete with the main opponents at the regional level but also with the possibility to be included in the national youth teams.

We can conclude that the operational models that have been presented in this paper, and what have been experienced during the training process at the collec- tive handball selection, ensure the achievement of the highest performances, and can be indicative materials for teachers-coaches handles the training of handball players.

The material and planning could be used as a guide for other high school training.

Selective Bibliography

Balazsi, R. Methodology of sports performance research (course support), EFS Library, Cluj-Napoca, 2007

Ghervan P. Sports training of handball players based on a 9-12 year old content program, Doctoral Thesis, I.N.E.F.S. Chisinau, 2003.

Juverdeanu G Study on motor skills using the handball game at the 9th grade in Amprenta Timpului, no. 1/2015

Leuciuc, F.V. High school handball methodology: Practical-methodical guidance. Publishing House "Ştefan cel Mare", 2012

Monea, Gh. Selection and orientation in performance sports. Mido Print Publishing House, Bucharest, 2010

Rizescu, C. Handball. Technical training of beginners, Valinex Publishing House, Chisinau, 2008

Sandor, I. General Theory of Physical Education and Sports Theory, Course Support, Internal Use, Cluj-Napoca, 2008

Zamfir Gh., Florescu M

Handball - Initiation - Consolidation, Casa Cartii Publishing House, Cluj Napoca, 2000

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017




Laurențiu Huțuleac Ilie PhD Ghervan Petru

Universitatea “Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava

Cuvinte cheie: Handbal, viteză, calități motrice, antrenament Rezumat

Prezenta lucrarea încearcă să aducă o contribuţie prin îmbogăţirea materialului metodologic pe care îl are la dispoziţie (încă insuficient totuşi) cei ce optat pentru misiunea nobilă de iniţiere în tainele handbalului. Am încercat să fim pe cât posibil cât mai aproape de necesitățile practice asigurând câteva mijloace în principal axate pe structurile de acţionare, punând la dispoziţia celor ce manifestă interes un material metodic ce poate fi prelucrat şi adoptat actualelor condiţii.

Am încercat să antrenez cât mai bine echipa de handbal a “Colegiului Silvic Bucovina” pentru a participa la concursurile ONSS și pentru a concura cu liceul militar Ștefan cel Mare, actualmente rezultatele din acest joc nefiind extraordinare, iar după propria mea părere consider că antrenamentul este esențial în acest joc.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017




Prof. Crețan Ciprian Florentin „Ștefan cel Mare” Secondary School of Putna

Keywords: Olympiad, Olympic circle, students, secondary school Abstract

I chose this research topic "Study about the role of Olympic circles in the educational and sportive activity of the school", considering the children's desire for movement and dynamism, the necessity and importance of the movement in the formation of pupils' personality. The interest of children for movement in general, for exercises and games in particular, is very high at this age. Their desire is based on physiological causes, so any diminishing of the motor activity has repercussions on the functions of the body, on the growth and development of the child.

In an age of technology, computer, television, sedentary, pollution, stress, unhealthy food, effort limitation, the problem of using the physical education and sport as a means of preventing and compensating, relaxing and recreating, is more and more topical. In this paper I have proposed to exemplify the special role which the Olympic Circle has in forming the student's personality. I also proposed to demonstrate the effects that exercises, games and motion activities have on the development of human personality. Introduction

School sports in the rural area do not have enough sports clubs and organized sporting activities. There is a need for an institution to coordinate sport at school level. The Olympic Circle organizes sportive and educational activities. Here we talk about general sports culture concerts and artistic competitions: "Who knows Olympism, wins!" (General culture); "Olympic Games in Children's Imagination" (drawing contest); "A pen, called fair-play" (a contest for literature and sports journalism for children); The "Olympic Pentathlon for the Third Millennium" (besides the 30-meter running, long jump, basketball throwing, also contains an Olympic grid test and an art sample of literature, music, drawing, reciting or dance). All this competitions are promoted at national level.

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The Olympic Circle is a response to the small number of physical education classes in schools and a response to the high desire of children to participate in any type of competition. Olympism is a sporting and cultural fact, emerging from the need of man to satisfy his high levels, his aspirations on a moral, aesthetic, artistic and professional level.

The values offered by the Olympism as perseverance, tenacity, courage, indulgence and self-indulgence are also a reference point for the everyday life of athletes and people in general. Sport has generated the Olympism, which is the ethical and spiritual specific crystallization of cultural values that concern the field of sport activity as a whole.

Olympic Education is education in the spirit of fair play (a concept promoted by the International Olympic Academy 35 years ago) that should not only be applied in sports but also in everyday life. Olympic education offers the opportunity to choose a particular lifestyle based on the fundamental values of the Olympism. Omplimpism supports the training and formation of the young generation. Material and method Research hypotheses

- Olympism, a social movement among young people, has to be educated through specific and unspecific means since school age.

- Educational and sports activity at school level should involve teachers from different curricular areas (language and communication, man and society, physical education, arts) as well as pupils themselves.

- Student activity within the Olympic Circle in school can help create a framework for self-organizing and self-governing capabilities. The research methods: the methods used in this researh were: the

sutdy of the specialized literature, the method of observation, the method of the questioner, the experiment method, the test method, the statistic method, the mathematic method, the graphic method, the tabular method, the comparative analysis method, method of psycho-pedagogical testing

Tests used in research: − running speeds over a distance of 30 m; − throwing the basketball ball without moving; − long jump.

Research subjects: The subjects of the research were:

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


1 Experimental group that included pupils in the 7th grade and 8th grade at the at "Ştefan cel Mare" Secondary School. I gave them the indicative A (VIIA and VIIIA)

2 Control group that included pupils in the 7th grade and 8th grade at the Gura Putnei School. I gave them the B (VIIB and VIIIB).

The breakdown by class is as follows: - 7th grade A = 27 (18 boys and 9 girls) - 7th grade B = 26 (11 boys and 15 girls) - 8th grade A = 26 (13 boys and 13 girls) - 8th grade B = 23 (15 boys and 8 girls)

The organizing and conducting research For each parameter, the level of development was assessed from

one stage to the next during a school year. The analysis was based on the average of the results at each age, the dynamics of these averages, the value and significance of the statistical indicators of homogeneity and dispersion, the distribution of the individual values within the frequency polygons. In addition to studying the biomotorical potential, we applied to the students in the experimental group three sets of questionnaires with themes from Olympism. We wanted to see if there is a dynamics of biomotorical potential in line with knowing and putting into practice the fair-play spirit in school activity. The content of the questionnaires was:

Questionnaire number 1 1.What is Olympism? 2. What do you mean by fair play? 3. Do you think the fair-play spirit is only found in sports? Motivate the answer. 4. Give examples of sports celebrities who have received the diploma and fair-play board. 5.What penalties do you consider "worth" athletes who do not show fair play in the game?

Questionnaire numer 2 1. Do you think that in the physical education lessons can be applied the spirit of fair play? 2. Do you think that fair-play spirit can be applied in school sports activities? How do you see its application? 3. Do examples of school activity when you have to show fair-play to colleagues? 4. How can you show fair-play in family relationships? 5. Do you believe that physical education contributes to the strengthening of the spirit of discipline, courage, perseverance? If so, why? If not, why?

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


Questionnaire numer 3 1. Why do students have to attend physical education lessons with sports equipment? 2. Do students need to provide (help) the acrobatic elements? 3.What do you think should be the behavior of a team to win the match? 4. In school competitions, do you think it is necessary to fight for the victory of your class team at any price? 5.What do you think you should behave as a spectator at sports competitions in or out of school? Results Table 1 - Research results (girls)

Table 2 - Research results (boys)

The first test measures the explosive force of the arms. The

testing was done under the same conditions in both evaluations. Each

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


student made two attempts, and the best results were recorded in the charts. In the case of girls, the growth rate was performed within the same limits for all grades as compared to the first assessment. The standard deviation was kept between the same coordinates as in the case of average error and coefficient of variability, the homogeneity being good. The averages were influenced by some very good results, but the share within the frequency polygon was below average. Long jump exploits the explosive force of her legs. As it is a natural movement, the jump does not involve a special technique. Arithmetic meanings are superior to the experimental groups compared to the control groups (183.33 cm vs. 173 cm in the 7th grade) Average values are 191.87 cm (190 inches) from 190 cm in the eighth grade.

The homogeneity of the groups was very good. By using the Student "t" test, we have found that the averages obtained are certain. In terms of significance, the arithmetic means are again certified in all classes under evaluation. Amplitude reveals 35 cm in the 7th grade A and 8th grade A. The averages were influenced by the values with the percentage better than the average within the frequency polygons. Sociometric testing The sociometric testing included a total of 50 students (groups of experimental classes). Questionnaire number 1 had questions about the definition of the Olympics, the notion of fair play, the scope of fair play, the names of athletes who received various distinctions, namely the diploma and the name of sanctions imposed on athletes who do not apply the spirit of fair- play in the game. Questionnaire number 2 refers to the field of fair-play application in school activity. The questionnaire number 3 with problematic features puts students in the way of how to apply the right relationship between the competition partners, the spirit of assistance and the assurance, and the need for sports equipment.

Responses have shown that Olympism is a philosophy of life that combines the qualities of the body of mind and spirit. Students have defined varied, but with responsibility and imagination, the notion of fair play, among their responses, respecting the competition partner, complying with the regulation, right attitude towards the public, helpfulness. Final conclusions

The Olympic Circle exerted a major influence on the personality of the child, both in the sphere of motricity, intellect, influencing

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


temperament by self-mastery, emotional balance, character through the spirit of initiative, desire for self-determination, determination, aptitudes through observation, skill, creativity through developing new variants, finding solutions to solving various game situations.

The verification of the hypotheses confirmed that the activity of the Olympic Circle represents a set of actions that contribute to the development of the child's personality by enhancing the psychophysical qualities of the child and ensuring a balance between them. Our research is a model for all those involved in planning, organizing and conducting physical exercises and motion games. Bibliography

1 Ababei, R., Educaţie Olimpică, Ed. Alma Mater Bacău,2006). 2 Ababei, R., Implicaţii ale politicului în Jocurile Olimpice, în

Analele Universităţii Dunărea de Jos din Galaţi, 2009. 3 Armstrong, M., Personnel Management Practice, Prentice Hall,

2009 4 Bontaş, D., Bazele managementului firmelor, Editura Moldavia,

Bacău, 2000, 5 Bontaş, D., Managementul general al organizaţiei, Ed. Moldavia,

Bacău, 2003, 6 Burduş, E., Căprărescu, Gh., Fundamentele managementului

organizaţiei, Editura economică, Bucureşti, 1999, p. 18 7 De Coubertin, P.,, Perils sur les jeux olympiques, Ed, Laffayette,

Paris, 1920 8 Diem C,, La Flame Olympique, une necessite, Ed. Antwerpen,

Anvers, 1921 9 Ionescu Gh. Toma, Gh., Andrei Cultura organizaţională şi

managementul tranziţiei, Editura Economică, Bucureşti, 2001, p.167

10 Nica, P., şi colab., Managementul organizaţiei, Editura Condor, Chişinău, 1994.

11 Nicolescu, O., Verboncu, I., Management, Ed. Economică, Ediţia a III-a revizuită, Bucureşti, 1999, p. 417

12 Novak, M., Olympism and civilisationn, Prentice Hall New York, 1998

13 Morford, R., Olympism -Tottered remnant of a Victorian Fancy Ed Chaucer 1924

14 Panaitescu, P.,P., Dezvoltarea olimpismului în România, COR, 1994

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


15 Postolache N. Istoria sportului în date cronologice, Ed. Editis, Bucureşti, 1995

16 Şiperco, A., Informare privind mişcarea olimpică, COR,1982,


Prof. Crețan Ciprian Florentin

Școala Gimnazială “Ștefan cel Mare” Putna

Cuvinte cheie: olimpism, cercul olimpic, ciclul gimnazial, elevi Rezumat

Am ales ca temă a acestei lucrări “Studiu privind rolul cercurilor olimpice în activitatea educativă şi sportivă a şcolii”, având în vedere dorinţa de mişcare şi dinamismul copiilor, necesitatea şi importanţa mişcării în formarea personalităţii elevului de gimnaziu. Interesul copiilor pentru mişcare în general, pentru exerciţii şi jocuri în special este foarte mare la această vârstă. Dorinţa lor are la bază cauze de ordin fiziologic, motiv pentru care orice diminuare sau limitare a activităţii motrice are repercursiuni asupra funcţiilor organismului, asupra creşterii şi dezvoltării copilului. Într-o epocă a tehnologiei, calculatorului, televizorului, a sedentarismului, poluării, stresului, alimentaţiei considerabil îmbunătăţite şi abundente, a limitării efortului problema folosirii pe o scară tot mai largă a educaţiei fizice şi sportului ca mijloace de prevenţie şi compensatorii, de destindere şi agrement, este tot mai de actualitate. Mi-am propus ca în această lucrare să exemplific, rolul deosebit pe care Cercul Olimpic il are în formarea personalitaţii elevului, efectele pe care exerciţiile, jocurile şi activităţile de mişcare le au asupra personalităţii.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017



Asist. univ. drd Petrariu Ileana

Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava

Cuvinte cheie: kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis, therapeutic swimming, recovery

Abstract: This study aims primarily to determine the role that therapeutic swimming has in recovering the main physical impairment. The main functional impairments we have chosen are: kyphosis, lordosis and scoliosis. These deficiencies affect many people: children, young people, adults and even the elderly. The study includes 6 patients, 3 who were included in the experimental group and three included in the control group. Subjects within the experimental group were included in the water exercise recovery program and techniques specific to swimming therapy. They experienced markedly faster progress than those in the control group who followed only kinesiotherapy recovery therapy. Introduction

Posture deficiency is defined as deviation from the normal, physical and physical functions of the body that disturb the normal growth and harmonious development of the body, altering the external aspect, reducing the ability and power to adapt to physical effort, diminishing productive work ability. (Dominteanu, T., 2005, Fozza, c. A., 2002).

Functional physical deficiencies that are presented in this study are: kyphosis, lordosis and scoliosis. These are physical defects in the spine.

Kyphosis is a curvature of the spine in the anterior-posterior plane, with the convexity of the curvature facing the rear. These are the most frequent and typical deviations of the spine that can take different shapes and characters depending on the causes and mechanisms of production, the extent and location of the vertebral column, the evolution and the possibilities for correction. (Dominteanu, T., 2008).

The literature recognizes several types of kyphosis: functional kyphosis (kyphotic attitude, kyphosis habitual, professional, compensatory) and pathological kyphosis (kyphosis congenital rickets, paralytic, traumatic psychoneurotics, rheumatic tracks, etc.).

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


Lordosis is a deviation of the spine in the antero-posterior plane, the convexity of the curvature is directed previously. Evolution of lordosis is largely favorable, they do not reach too much deformation, compensate and balance quite quickly (Mureşan, E. şi colab. 2006).

Like the kyphosis, the lordosis can be functional (lordosis attitude, habitual lords, compensatory, professional) and pathological (congenital, paralytic, myopathy, etc.).

Professor Adrian Ionescu defined scoliosis as "a steady deviation of the spine in the frontal plane, which can be achieved in the form of a single lateral inclination, a partial or total bumping, or a system of two or more curves in the opposite direction". Scoliosis may be functional (scoliotics attitude, scholia through skills, static, professional) and pathological (rahitika, paralytic, pleuretic, rheumatic, traumatic, etc.) (Dominteanu, T., 2008).


The research methods included in this study were: study of specialized literature, discussions with specialists in the field, test method, experimental method, graphic representation method, etc.

Six male subjects were included in this study, 3 were included in the experimental group and 3 were in the control group. All six subjects followed a kinesiotherapy recovery program, each for its affection, but those in the experimental group also developed a therapeutic swimming program.




l gr


Name Age Disabilities N.G. 12 years Thoracic kyphosis D. B. 11 years Lumbar lordosis L. A. 13 years Scoliosis "C", left





B. R. 12 years Thoracic kyphosis L. D. 12 years Lumbar lordosis

M. M. 11 years Scoliosis in "C", right

Table 1. Subjects within experimental and control groups As far as the tests are concerned, all six patients were evaluated

and measured, the parameters retained for this study included: degree of spine mobility, pain, pathological curvature.

All 6 subjects achieved the treatment program for 5 weeks with 4 sessions each week, and each treatment session lasted for the

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


experimental group for 80 minutes and for the control group for 50 minutes.

Results and conclusion

The results obtained in the initial and final testing of the subjects were entered into a table and then plotted. Subjects within the experimental group had a greater evolution in measured parameters than those in the control group.

The table below represents the results of patients with cystosis in the proposed tests.

Tests / Subject N.G (experimental

group) B.R.(control group) Normal values I.T. F.T I.T F.T.

Distance C7 - lead wire (cm) 5 3 5,5 4 3

D. L1-fir (cm) 5,4 4 5,9 4,8 4 D. occiput - wall (cm) 4 0,5 4,5 1,3 0

OTT Sign (cm) 31,5 32,8 31,1 32 33 Pain level 3 0 3 1 0

Table 2. Results subjects with thoracic kyphosis

N.G. B.R. Valori normale0








a C




b [c


T.I. T.F.

Graphic 1. Representation of test values of distance between C7 and lead wire

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


N.G. B.R. Valori normale0









nul l

ui O

TT [c


T.I. T.F.

Graphic 2. Representation of OTT Signs

N.G. B.R. Valori normale0,0











T.I. T.F.

Graphic 3. Representation of pain values

Tests / Subject D.B.(experimental

group) L.D.(control

group) Normal values T.I. T.F. T.I. T.F.

Schober test(cm) 1,2 4,5 1 4 5 Stibor test (cm) 7 10 6,8 9,6 > 10

Finger-to-ground test (cm) 25 5 29 12 0

Pain 4 0 4 1 0 Table 3. Results of subjects with lumbar lordosis

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


D.B. L.D. Valori normale0











T.I. T.F.

Graphic 4. Representation of the Schober test values

D.B. L.D. Valori normale0








ul d



l [cm


T.I. T.F.

Graphic 5. Representation of the fingers-soil test values

D.B. L.D. Valori normale0,0











T.I. T.F.

Graphic 6. Representation of pain values

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


Tests / Subject L.A.(experimental

group) M.M.(control

group) Normal values T.I. T.F. T.I. T.F.

OTT test (cm) 26 32 24 30 33 Schober test (cm) 3,9 4,8 3,5 4,1 5 Stibor test (cm) 8 10,2 7,9 9,8 > 10

The distance between the

medus and the knee line

St. -15 -3 -3 0 0

Dr. 0 0 -20 -6 0

Pain 3 0 3 0 0 Table 4. The results of subjects with scoliosis "C"

L.A. M.M. Valori normale0







nul l

ui S




T.I. T.F.

Graphic 7. Representing the values of Stibor's sign

Graphic 8. Representing the values of the distance between the medus and the knee line

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


Graphic 9. Representation of pain values

The results show that those in the experimental group who had

included in the treatment program and therapeutic swimming as a means of recovery had a faster progression than the others, the values obtained by them being normal or very close to the normal due to the period short rehabilitation.

The use of swimming means in the complex therapy of physical therapy proves its effectiveness in correcting the physical deficiencies, both by the positive influences of the appropriate technical procedures and by increasing the objectivity of the correction sessions, to which the subjects participate with a higher interest. (Bălan, V., 2007). Bibliografie:

1. Bălan, V., (2007), Ghid metodologic pentru corectarea deficienţelor fizice prin înot, Editura Didactică şi pedagogică, Bucureşti;

2. Dominteanu, T., (2005), Deficienţe fizice şi înotul, ca sport adaptat – terapeutic, Editura Printech, Bucureşti;

3. Dominteanu, T., (2008), Îndrumar pentru lucrări practico-metodice – Înot terapeutic, Editura Printech, Bucureşti;

4. Fozza, C.A., (2002), Îndrumar pentru corectarea deficienţelor fizice, Editura fundaţiei România de mâine, Bucureşti

5. Mureşan E. şi colab., (2006), Corectarea deficienţelor fizice – mijloace utilizate în apă şi pe uscat, Editura Fundaţiei România de mâine, Bucureşti.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017



Asist. univ. drd. Ileana Petrariu

Universitatea Stefan cel Mare din Suceava Cuvinte cheie: cifoză, lordoză, scolioză, înot terapeutic, recuperare

Rezumat: Acest studiu are ca scop principal determinarea rolului pe care înotul terapeutic îl are în recuperarea principalelor deficienţe fizice funcţionare. Principalele deficienţe fizice funcţionale pe care le-am ales sunt: cifoza, lordoza şi scolioza. Aceste deficienţe afectează foarte multe persoane: copii, tineri, adulţi şi chiar bătrâni.

Studiul include 6 pacienţi, 3 care au fost incluşi în grupul experimental şi trei incluşi în grupul martor. Subiecţii din cadrul grupului experimental li s-au inclus în programul de recuperare exerciţii în apă şi tehnici specifice înotului terapeutic. Aceştia au înregistrat progrese vizibil mai rapide decât cei din cadrul grupului martor care au urmat ca si terapie de recuperare doar kinetoterapia.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017




Thaddeus Francisc Danelciuc

¹The Chronicle Neuropsychiatric Hospital Siret, Romania ¹"Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava, FEFS-section Physical

Therapy, Roumania

Keywords: physiotherapy, assessment, recovery, balance, physical therapy device.

Abstract Postural control disorders represent one of the biggest problems

in the recovery of CVA patients. Lately attention is given to posture maintaining analysis and mechanism of movement initiation. So postural control is another are where research and controversies are extremely numerous.

Introduction. The ability to control body position is a fundamental condition in

daily activities. Therefore, restoring the function of postural control after CVA is a crucial objective in the recovery process.

Coordination possibilities are manifested in different forms, one of them being capacity to balance, with a major role in static, walking, daily activities of post CVA patients. The conducted study aims to highlight the benefits that can be provided by a proper equipment and judiciously used in a post CVA recovery, both to assess balance using electronic barapodometry and training (recovery) using MBT physiotherapy devices. (Figure 1)

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


Figure. 1 - MBT physiotherapy device

An important difference between MBT and regular footwear is that the center of gravity is designed exactly on the balance zone in MBT (while in regular footwear the projection is in front). When walking, the foot touches the ground before the center of gravity screening, causing a faulty walk (higher steps). According to the 3rd principle of physics – each action has a reaction – the force that the earth reacts to the body will be eccentric, stressing the joints. In MBT, because of instability and rolling motion, the center of gravity moves at the same time with the body and we are bind to do smaller steps, because of the support limb instability, so we can rebalance.

In standing, MBT produces a substantial increase in range of motion of the center of pressure, leading to increased muscle activity to maintain the body’s postural balance. Prolonged use of MBT leads to gradual rise even to this area. In conclusion, MBT acts as a physiotherapy device (Calgary).

While walking, MBT significantly decreases the body’s forward tilting, subjects taking a more upright position.

In MBT there is significant increase in the maximum dorsal flexion angle and decrease in plantar flexion degree after the initial contact with the ground.

Material and method Bobath Concept - applied in post CVA postural balance

recovery; Stabilography - objective tool to evaluate quantitative and

qualitative balance disorders;

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


Positional biofeedback on the stabilographic platform – used in postural disorders post CVA rehabilitation, allows not only evaluation of the effectiveness of this method, but the clarification through it of possible development of postural stability mechanisms in patients with post CVA hemiparesis.

MBT physiotherapy device MBT physiotherapy device, according to studies has significant

potential to train the muscles needed in static and dynamic. This study aims MBT use as training therapeutic device in rehabilitation of patients with post CVA in postural instability cases, medium and long-term results being superior to conventional therapies.

The study had 40 patients, aged 45-60 years, which were included in the study (according to some criteria). Of them 27 were men and 13 women. From the group under study, 28 patients had ischemic CVA and 12 – hemorrhagic, at 22 patients the pathological outbreak was located in the right cerebral hemisphere, and 18 in the left.

In order to determine therapeutic exercise complex, for each period of recovery, was evaluated the balance dynamic restoration in dependency of the patients’ motor deficit. Motor deficit was evaluated by the scale of the Medical Research Council (MRC). Thus the examined patients were divided in 2 groups, as follows: 26 patients with moderate hemiparesis, which obtained F3; and 14 patients with mild hemiparesis which obtained F4

In order to accomplish the study, both groups of patients diagnosed with mild and moderate hemiparesis, were randomly divided into 2 equal groups: one of active treatment (with MBT) and the second, the control group (without MBT)

The group with active treatment followed for twice a day for 45 minutes, for a 4 week period, kinetic recovery sessions, in which MBTs were used for performing different exercises, positions. (Figure 2)

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


Figure. 2

To assess the evolution of orthostatic posture in terms of clinical and functional post CVA subject, before and after using the MBT device, we recall some of the clinical scales used:

• Assessment of motor shortage, after Medical Research Council (MRC) scale.

• Evaluation of pyramidal hypertonicity (central motor neuron damage) was used Modified Ashworth Scale – MAS, assessment scale of altered muscle tone (spasticity).

• Postural disorders were measured by applying Berg scale – to assess BBS balance (Berg Balance Scale);

• FIM, GIF, PASS rating scale (assessment scale in postural CVA disorder - Postural Assessment Scale for Stroke).

Results: Following the evaluation made through electronic barapodometry

(barapodometric platform) were obtained data on the static print (static state evaluation). The relationship between the plantar surface and the supporting surface.

Below we have illustrated values in MM inferior limb patients as initial testing (Table 1) and final testing (Table 2), at the same group in which case oscillation center of balance evaluation is presented on the right lower limb.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


Figure. 3 – Baric pressure and center of pressure oscillations MM – MID


-7,67 2,77 13,59 -9,24 -3,82 1,55 11,68 -5,77

-1,5 1,26 11,93 -17,72 Table 1 – without MBT




1 2 3




Figure. 4 dynamic of value oscillation evolution at MM group – right without MBT

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


Table 2 – with MBT.











MM - MID - T.F.

Series1 Series2 Series3

Figure. 5 dynamic of value oscillation evolution at MM group – right with


After analyzing the recorded oscillation data it can be seen that patients who used MBT physiotherapy device in rehabilitation of postural control, in individuals after CVA, the average percentage of oscillation exercised on the lower limbs ( in our case MID) experienced an improvement in final testing from the initial one.

In the case of the patients that completed the program without MBT device, the average percentage of inferior oscillation of the MBT by 3.8% compared to the experimental group patients.

Conclusions and Proposals From these data we can conclude that the balance recovery with the

MBT physiotherapy device is positive. Through these methods can be evaluated and performed analysis on the

parametric evolution dynamic or the regress of postural balance reeducation. Recovering balance is particularly important in post CVA recovery.

Classic recovery is a mean available to everyone, but the modern means as “tele-rehabilitation”, smart phones on which can be installed tracking apps,


-3,83 2,9 14,24 -12,95 -1,88 1,03 6,47 -4,56 -1,35 0,91 3,71 -3,18

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


cholesterol, hypertension, triglycerides, different factors that can lead to CVA, which can be monitored daily so it could tend to a CVA drop, because it’s easier to prevent than to treat.


1. Arsenie, C., Tratat de neurologie. Partea I si II, Bucuresti, Editura Medicala, 1980.

2. Baciu, Gh., Teodorescu, I., Exarcu, Fiziologia si fiziopatologia sistemului nervos. Bucuresti, Editura Medicala, 1978.

3. Cristea, E., Exercitii de gimnastica recuperatorie la hemiplegici. Bucuresti, Editura Medicala, 1984.

4. Cordun, M., Kinetologie medicala. Bucuresti, Editura AXA, 1999. 5. Kiss, I., Fiziokinetoterapie si recuperare medicala. Bucuresti,

Editura Medicala, 1999. 6. Kiss, I., Recuperarea neuro-motorie. Bucuresti, Editura

Medicala, 1989. 7. Pendefunda, L., Neurologie practica. Iasi, Editura Contact

International, 1993. 8. Robanescu, H., Reeducarea neuro-motorie. Bucuresti, Editura

Medicala, 1992. 9. Radu, H., Patologia unitatii motorii. Bucuresti, Editura

Medicala, 1978. 10. Sbenghe, T., Kinetologia profilactica, terapeutica si de

recuperare. Bucuresti, Editura Medicala, 1987.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017




Tadeus Francisc Danelciuc

¹Spitalul de Neuropsihiatrie din Siret, Romania ¹Universitatea"Stefan cel Mare" din Suceava

Cuvinte cheie: reeducare, evaluare, recuperare, control postural,

echilibru, dispozitiv de fizioterapie

Rezumat Tulburările controlului postural reprezintă una din problemele actuale în

recuperarea persoanelor cu AVC. În ultimul timp o atenţie sporită se acordă analizei menţinerii posturii şi mecanismelor de iniţiere a mişcărilor. Astfel, controlul postural constituie încă un domeniu în care căutările şi controversele sunt extrem de numeroase.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017




As.drd. Salup Mărioara University “Ştefan cel Mare” Suceava

Key words: dance, musical accompaniment, motricity, psychomotor skills, rhythm, movement Abstract: Musical accompaniment is a component part of the concept of musical education, and any departure from concordance of movement-music entails minimizing the effectiveness of performing the proposed motor content. Selection of operational models and their application in the conditions of musical accompaniment in the sense of rhythmic education and motoric musicality contribute to the efficiency of the instructive process and implicitly to the optimization of the dance lesson within the specialized circles. Introduction: Dance, like all physical activities, develops important psychomotor qualities. According to Dr. Ioan Dragan (2005), motor activity is conditioned by internal and external factors, which have a high intensity in childhood and adolescence. Among the specific psychomotor skills we need to improve through the means of dance are: mobility, speed, strength and detention. Mobility and flexibility are physical qualities that engage the mandatory involvement of joints through the chain of motor mechanisms that perform the movement of bone segments. The amplitude of the movement joints depends on the morpho-functional type of the joint, as well as on the age, sex and physical training of the performer. Mobility in specific physical training is an essential physical quality, which is required to be processed in all joints at maximum odds, especially in performance in certain sports such as sports dances. The methodology for developing mobility requires compliance with the following rules: • Gradually and maximally warming up the muscle or muscle chain in which the mobility exercise is performed to achieve the maximum functional capacity of the muscle in the joint or joints;

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


• After warming up with active exercises, apply the autopassive or passive exercises performed by the pair or by the respective teacher or coach; • After obtaining the target mobility parameters, it will be combined with the isometric, bodybuilding, power training methods. • relaxation of muscles, joints by relaxation movements and self-assembly in pairs;

Speed is the ability of the body to quickly execute movements under certain given conditions. Speed has several forms of expression, namely: reaction speed, execution speed, travel speed, repetition speed, all of which are the very important driving quality in dance. Strength is the body's ability, which, based on contraction, overcomes various external resistances, or even the weight and inertia of parts of the locomotor apparatus. The weight of force majeure is substantial, the heritability coefficient is estimated to be over 0.80% according to the author's opinion, and it is estimated that the force has genetic determinism superior to the speed. Materials and methods:

The research was carried out during the school year 2016-2017 at the Children's Palace in Suceava. As a teaching staff of this institution, I set out to capitalize on the experience gained by selecting the sample of research. Starting from the fact that dance is a less promoted medium in the instructive activity at high school age, we considered it necessary to check the applicative intervention at the sample level of 15 students aged 15-17 years old. The study was conducted during specific training choreographies that took place weekly or in daily training for students, accompanied by appropriate musical accompaniment. We selected and applied operational models with gymnastic content to optimize the instructional process in the conditions of rhythm education and motor musicality. For this purpose, we used the rhythmical themes and games in 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 measures in the framework of training the body for effort to fit the motor actions in the dimensions of the musical phrases, in the musical tempo and in order to achieve the concordance movement with the height of the sounds. We also used the means of general development exercises, concretized by free complexes and objects, under the conditions of an

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


appropriate accompaniment for the selective influence of the locomotor apparatus. All these structures were applied in each lesson during the research period, respecting the objectives and duration of the lesson links. The proposed models have been graduated from the point of view of complexity, starting from simple exercises to the wall bar and reaching more difficult structures and their connections: Heating Models: 1. Exercises for the preparation of the body; 2. Exercises on the wall bar; 3. Simple artistic jump and dance steps. a) Models for the fundamental part. Exercises for educating rhythmic and motor musicality: 1. Rhythmic themes operational models - Percussion rhythmical themes - accompanied by songs of 3/4 moderate tempo (moderatto); - Rhythmic themes by movement - accompanied by 3/4 melodies with moderate temp (moderatto); - Rhythmic themes by percussion and movement - accompanied by songs in the extent of 2/4, 3/4, and 4/4; 2. Operational models of musical games - Games for framing drive action in the dimension of musical measurement; - Game for framing motric actions in the size of musical phrases; - Game for the motion of the movement in the musical tempo; - Musical games for achieving the concordance of the movement with the sound of the sound; b) Models for Physical Training: 1. Bindings of artistic jump in conditions of strength and force; 2. Journals of artistic jump with final photos. Results: During the 5 months of the experiment, the data obtained from the initial and final tests were recorded, highlighting the dynamics of the registered parameters following the application of the tests that verified the effectiveness of the means in solving the training lesson tasks in the examined subjects.

On the basis of the data obtained and the calculated statistical indicators it was possible to analyze the obtained results:

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


Table 1. Centralization of results from rhythmic and motoricity tests Rhythmicity and Sample Test

motor musicality Co-ordination test Percussion Motion Initial testing

Final testing

Initial testing

Final testing

Initial testing

Final testing

Arithmetic mean 8 8,6 8,1 8,8 8,2 8,4

The difference 0,6 0,7 0,2

The Brada Index 7,22% 8,28% 2,40%

The verification of the degree of rhythm education at the level of the sample proposed by the research consisted in the representation of a musical phrase by percussion at the hearing. The average values recorded at the end of the experiment were improved by 0.6 points, which confirms the effectiveness of the means applied during the study materialized in the rhythmic themes and the games regarding the sensation of the rhythm expressed by the musical accompaniment. At the rate of percussion rhythm, the progress achieved was confirmed by the Brada (progression rate) index with a weight of 7.22%.







Proba de ritmicitate prin percuţie

Testare iniţială

Testare finală

Diagram No. 1 Dynamics of values in the percussion rhythm test A higher value increase is observed at the end of the research at the rimmatical test of movement, which consisted of moving a 16-time musical phrase. As a result of the evaluation of the components of the experimental group, there was an increase of 0.7 points in the final test, which attests the role of the rhythmic themes represented by the movement, as well as of the general physical development complexes that requested to make movements on the fourth, fourth or eighth values

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


of the notes noted. The Brada index with a weight of 8.28% confirms the value improvement at the end of the research.








Proba de ritmicitate prin mişcare

Testare iniţială

Testare finală

Diagram No. 2 Dynamics of the values of the movement of the

rhythmicity sample At the test for verifying the harmony between movement and music, the pupils performed a combination of general physical exercise exercises on a 16-hour musical phrase encompassing movements of the arms and legs. 30 seconds after the musical party was notified, the investigated subjects had the task of framing movements as correctly executed as possible in accordance with the song, but also as original as possible. Following the assessments made at the end of the research there was a sensible increase of 0.2 points, which justifies the difficulty of the sample and the limited time for the experiment. The 2.4% prognosis confirmed the evolution of the value and the role of diversified means.





Proba de coordonare a mişcării cu muzica

Testare iniţială

Testare finală

Diagram No. 3 Dynamics of values in the coordination between

movement and music

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


Conclusions: One of the factors that lead to the optimization of the didactic

process in the gymnastic themes is the use of music. This is not only recorded in the literature, but is also proven by the fact that music played a positive role on students in learning the proposed models, making these models more accessible. The musical accompaniment was part of the lesson, helping to keep the music and music together. With the presence of different musical genres during physical education classes, they also learned how to listen to music, how to differentiate musical genres, being educated at the same time in the spirit of musical culture. The proposed models have been graduated from the point of view of complexity, starting from simple exercises and reaching some more difficult and complex complexities. The framing of the proposed models on different songs was a factor that helped to facilitate the learning of the means provided in the curriculum.

The musical accompaniment is an acoustic-aesthetic component, associated with the specific motric behavior that plays a role in directing, adjusting, organizing and constructing movement structures, having a specific importance and interpretation with implications both on the level of rhythmic and psychomotor education.


1. Abadne H.H. „Gimnastica ritmică sportivă”, Ed.Sport Turism. Bucureşti 1983

2. Cârstea Gh. „Teoria şi metodica educaţiei fizice şi sportului”, Ed.Anda, Bucureşti 2000

3. Constantinescu E. „Gimnastica ritmică curs de bază”, FEFS, Universitatea din Bacău 2002

4. Dobrescu T., Constantinescu E., Dobre M., Mărginescu P. „Optimizarea predării gimnasticii în învăţământul preuniversitar”, Revista „Studii şi cercetări ştiinţifice” nr.1, Universitatea din Bacău 1997

5. Dobrescu T. „Optimizarea lecţiei de educaţie fizică cu colectivele de fete prin introducerea step-ului”, Revista „Studii şi cercetări ştiinţifice” nr.2, Universitatea din Bacău 1999

6. Greder F.„Musique: prophylaxie et therapie”,Rev. Macolin nr.6, 1995

7. Luca A. „Creşterea eficienţei lecţiei de educaţie fizică din învăţământul gimnazial prin folosirea muzicii”, Rev.Gymnasium, nr.1, 1994

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


8. Macovei S. „Caiet metodic Gimnastică ritmică sportivă, Vol I, Mijloace de bază”, ANEFS, Bucureşti, 1992



As.drd. Salup Mărioara Universitatea “Ştefan cel Mare” Suceava

Cuvinte cheie: dans, acompaniament muzical, motricitate, aptitudini psihomotrice, ritm, mişcare Rezumat: Acompaniamentul muzical reprezintă o parte componentă a conceptului de educaţie muzicală, iar orice îndepărtare de la concordanţa mişcare-muzică atrage după sine minimalizarea eficienţei executării conţinutului motric propus. Selecţionarea modelelor operaţionale şi aplicarea acestora în condiţiile acompaniamentului muzical în sensul educării ritmicităţii şi a muzicalităţii motrice contribuie la eficientizarea procesului instructiv şi implicit la optimizarea lecţiei de dans din cadrul cercurilor specializate.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017




PhD Assistant Professor Aida Petrea "Ștefan cel Mare" University of Suceava

Keywords: determinants, class attendance, informal education, dancesport; Summary:

The current study aims the Dancesport subject, within Children’s Palace in the Municipality Suceava. The curiosity was to find out how often do these young students attend to this type of informal physical activity, what are the reasons for choosing it, and what causes them to constantly attend this subject.

In this regard, we handed out for filling out, to a number of 50 parents, one sociological survey with a series of questions relating to the concerned activities. The questions from the survey were both with closed answer, and with options. To find out the reasons for which their children come to this class, we considered that as a result of the filling out of the survey by the parents, we will be able to determine the main factors which make them constantly attend this activity within informal education.


It is a generally known fact that the lack of exercise has an effect on the health status of the population, resulting in downright alarming increase in the rate of morbidity, sedentary lifestyle and obesity. With these, the diminishing of the motor ability of the population appears, meaning the ability to move. People suffering from overweight, move harder, they are unable to cope with everyday activities, they can no longer keep up with the activies from the workplace, etc.

Lately we are seeing increasingly less children and young people who play or walk in parks at the end of school hours, most of them preferring to be trapped in the virtual world. This virtual world has become indispensable to today’s man, regardless of age, whether it is at home, at work or visiting friends. The human being has come to perceive as indispensible both the computer and the mobile phone. Everywhere we see people talking on the phone, some even hours in a row. All these

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


activities are undertaken to the detriment of movement, physical exercises.

Excess weight and physical inactivity is steadily increasing among children and young people today, and in order to combat this, the most important task falls on the parents. Some of them, out of convenience or due to the lack of knowledge related to health benefits of sports, prefer to take medical exemption from the family doctor for any minor health problem and thus, physical education classes in school end up being neglected.

The parent plays a decisive role on the frequency with which the exercise is practised in their child’s life and cultivating their interst for acquiring a healthy lifestyle. The parent must be an example for the child in terms of acquiring a pleasing physical appearance, a healthy diet and a state of optimal health. Any parent should look for physical activities enjoyable for their child and to guide them towards practising them. As long as these physical activities are made for fun, they will only bring benefits for both child and parent.

Informal education makes available to children a wide range of activities such as: dancesport, modern dance, painting, robotics, popular music, textile art, etc. In this way, regardless of a child's inclinations, they certainly will find 2, 3 activities to further develop their skills. This type of informal education is accessible to every child, regardless of their background or financial situation of the parent, because the courses are free of charge. All the child has to offer is seriousness and much goodwill.

Thus, the child's free time will be fructified by learning new things (dance steps, driving a cart, shooting sports and many other activities designed to develop creativity and the knowledge level).

Material-method: The current study aims the Dancesport subject, within Children’s

Palace in the Municipality Suceava. The curiosity was to find out how often do these young students attend to this type of informal physical activity, what are the reasons for choosing it, and what causes them to constantly attend this subject.

Dance sport is a sport discipline practised in pairs and it consists of two sections: standard (Viennese waltz, slow waltz, tango, etc.) and Latin (Cha-cha, salsa, merengue, etc.).

It represents the manner of artistic expression of the human body, which gives young students the opportunity to spend their free time

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


constructively, being the necessary exercise, and especially the chance to learn an action that they will meet frequently throughout life.

In the practical study, under teacher guidance, the students discover the secrets of this non-verbal art, as well as the means by which its contents may be expressively transposed as movements. The didactic approach is tiered, beginning both by identifying and training the musical rhythm and orientation in space and time.

Once young people choose to attend this type of activity, they will have a multitude of benefits, the most important being: the formation of the body posture by developing bio-psycho-motor skills, forming the capacity of young students to exploit a potential acquired in races/competitions and the development of competitive spirit and personality traits favorable to integration to groups.

This activity can be carried out by all the children, from the age of 6 years and who have been declared fit to exercise, and both girls and boys can register to the class.

Hypothesis: We consider that as a result of the filling out of the survey by the

parents with a series of questions regarding the reasons for which their children come to the Dancesport class, we will be able to determine the main factors which make them constantly attend this activity within informal education.

It is quite true that the parents, especially of the little children, have to make certain sacrifices to be able to take them to these classes. Thus, their daily program will be influenced by the dance class, because they will have to make time to bring the child to the Palace and even to wait for them until class ends in order to be able to take them home.

To find out what are the reasons for which these children attend the Dancesport class, we handed out for filling to a number of 50 partens a social survey with 5 questions. The survey questions were both with closed answer, and with options.

In this survey they had to answer questions such as: Who was he/she who opted for dance classes? - a). The parent, b). The child; For how long are they attending the dance classes? - a). 1 semester, b). 1 year, c). 2 years, d). For longer than 2 years; Why does your child come to this class? – a). For fun, b). Because the parents want it, c). The courses are free of charge; What are your expectations as a result of your child attending this type of activity? – a). To acquire an aesthetic body posture, b). To learn to dance, c). To consume their energy, d). To occupy their spare time; If the operating mode of the informal education

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


would change and the courses would be paid, would you still bring your child to dance class? - a).yes, b). no, c). I don’t know.


After applying the sociological survey to the 50 parents, we summarized their answers, in order to make the interpretation of the obtained results. Data summarization was carried out by graphic method, to facilitate the understanding of these results.

The first question of the survey was "Who was he/she who opted for dance classes?", the answer being a). The child and b). The parent. To this question 65% answered that it was the child’s decision, and 35% the parent’s. Most likely, in the case of the 35% who claimed that the parent was the one who made the decision, the children are too small and don't know what the activity in question is about, or if they like dancing or not.

Chart1. Graphic representation of the answers received for the first

question The second question was " For how long he is attending the

dance classes?", and as answers the parents had to choose between a). 1 semester, b). 1 year, c). 2 years, d). For longer than 2 years. The answers received to this question were varied, 45% stating that they attend the Dancesport class for longer than 2 years, 30% attend for 2 years, 15% are dancing just for one semester, and 10% for 1 year. Taking into account that the subject divides children by age and level of knowledge in the field, i.e. beginners/advanced/performance, the answers were somewhat the expected ones, because in this survey we tried to obtain the opionion of the parents from different children groups. Responses to this question show that the present study seeks to obtain the opinion of parents whose children are in various stages of attendance at this type of physical activity.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


Chart 2. Graphic representation of the answers received for the

second question For the next question: "Why does your child come to this class?",

the answer were a). For fun, b). Because the parents want it, c). The courses are free of charge. The largest share at the present question was held by the a choice, 80% claiming that they come for fun. The rest of 20% was held by choice c, the parents who opted for this answer also circling choice a. None of them asserted that the wish to attend the dance classes belongs to them, and not their child.

Chart 3. Graphic representation of the answers received for the third question

The fourth question: " What are your expectations as a result of

your child attending this type of activity? ", had as answer a). To acquire an aesthetic body posture, b). To learn to dance, c). To consume their energy, d). To occupy their spare time. As a result of summarizing the answers given by the parents, we found that 55% opted for the first option, 35% for the second option , 8% have opted for option c and 2% for the last answer option. The parents who circled one of the last two options, chose as answer one of the options a or b as well. Analyzing the

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


share of the given answers, as well as the fact that some parents opted for two answer options, we can conclude that their expectations are related both to the development of a beautiful posture of their child and the attempt to consume the energy of a child in a constructive way, in this case by learning some dance steps.

Chart 4. Graphic representation of the answers received for the fourth question

For the last question of the survey " If the operating mode of the

informal education would change and the courses would be paid, would you still bring your child to dance class?" , the answer options were a). Yes, b). No, c). I don’t know. The purpose of this question was to find out if the high frequency rate to this class is influenced by the financial aspect. The answers to this question were the following: 75% stated that they would still bring their child to dance class, 20% responded that they do not know, and 5% stated that they would give up the classes. What can be concluded from these received answered, is that the parents would be willing to make any sacrifice, be it financial, in order to be able to offer their child a good education.

Chart 5. Graphic representation of the answered received for the last question

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017


Conclusions: After conducting this study we reached the following conclusions

on the main factors that lead young students to attend Dancesport within informal education:

For the most part, the decision to come to the dance classes belongs to the child, the parent taking into account their wishes and shape their daily schedule so as to be able to bring them to this leisure activity;

- The vast majority of those who frequently come to the dance classes during a school year do this activity for at least 2 years;

- Children come for fun to this leisure activity; - The main expectations of the parents regarding dance classes are

to offer the children a constructive way to consume their energy. It is also beneficial to their health and physical appearance, the dance classes being a mean of forming an aesthetic body posture and a chance to learn an action that they will frequently meet throughout life.

Bibliography: 1. Collectible magazine ARTA CIVILIZATIE SPORT CULTURA

CREATIE, "ABC-ul dansului – Modern, Contemporan, Societate", Fundatia Judeteană pentru Tineret Botosani (Botosani County Youth Foundation), Societatea Culturala "ARLECHIN" Botosani ("ARLECHIN" Cultural Society Botosani), Directia Judetena pentru Sport Botosani (Botosani County Department for Sport), Clubul Sportiv Fashion Dance Botosani (Fashion Dance Botosani Sports Club), Edition no. 5, 2009;

2. Maghiar-Gonda E., Matei Gelu, "Curs de dans clasic", Comitetul de Stat pentru Cultura si Artă, Casa Centrală a Creației Populare (State Commitee for Culture and Art, Central House of Popular Creation), 1965;

3. 4. Gineta Stoenescu, "Corectati-vă atitudinea corpului prin exercițiul fizic", Ed. Ceres, Bucuresti 1994;

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum XI issue 2/ 2017




Asist. Univ. dr. Petrea Aida Universitatea Stefan cela Mare din Suceava

Cuvinte cheie: factori determinanți, frecvență la ore,

învățământ nonformal, dans sportiv; Rezumat: Studiul de față vizează disciplina Dans Sportiv din cadrul

Palatului Copiilor din mun. Suceava. Curiozitatea a fost de a afla care este frecvența tinerilor elevi la acest tip de activitate fizică non-formală, care sunt motivele pentru care au ales-o și mai ales, ce-i determină să frecventeze constant această disciplină.

În acest sens, am dat spre completare unui număr de 50 de părinți câte un chestionar sociologic cu o serie de întrebări legate de activitatea în cauză. Întrebările din chestionar au fost atât cu răspuns închis, cât și cu răspuns la alegere. Pentru a afla motivele pentru care copiii lor vin la acest cerc, am considerat că în urma completării chestionarului de către părinți vom putea determina principalii factori care îi fac să frecventeze această activitate din învățământul nonformal.