Troopers WASTS I M Make K* !•>

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Transcript of Troopers WASTS I M Make K* !•>



4 »

' # *

trrnnAT, W I T i*, i«rr * Vneufc-

Troopers Make t Arrets tltni Mrator to north-

em Area at Malano in Open­ing Days of Month.


K * ! •><- *

Oppoaeo taping T*it Ground Proporty tfntil Poopl* Have





S p o r t y ValtH* at » r

460.40 Recovered and $3,384 in Fines Collected.


July 9-^tmk will tee soim* records smashed at Troops B .barracks If the first flva or t i l days work to a criterion. Hi two mail* received this week there weie reports of 56 arrests. As there are tfcrve matls eadh day Ulta rrtwo-b»r form* only * part of the total. First sergeant Hdmexfew tynd fir uree only for these two malls whlth were unusually large as to JtumHnern of wrests. There w*re mom in both the noon and night malls of each day. y

The DO arrests were not mostly for motor rehlcle* violation* as mijrM ibe thought, due to the holi­day period, but catered a wide range of mhdemeanors. two burg­laries and two cases of criminal assault.

June WAS a tmwy month for the troop. Milt's covered doling t month *were as fofkrws: 4,1 motmrted patrol*. 52,589 by auto, 10-338 ifcy motorcycle patrols. $20 by bus. 170 by train, 7,70,1 by foot, 1,- f 872 by *boa>t

Two stolen1 cans were recovered •and three dogs were Rifted, ifitty theaters Were Inspected. *

There were 278 investtgatlefis '«without arrjpst and lost ami stolen

property valued at $1,469.49 was re-covere<f. During June Troop B seen made 549 arrests of which 511 re­sulted in convictions, nine dis-clm##es niwl 29 ending.

Ftttes collect t*d totaled $3,284' Tl**r* were two conservation casee. One for taking a deer lu ckNied sujwwn wae diemlse^d a the other a short trout caae was net lied -ay civil comproinls« flor $22.69.

Mojoor vatocHl at |6,&85.a& artd property of $9,120 was confiscated Cars seised were seven. Ail of this waff turned over to the profiles un­der Chie*. bowel! Smith.

M o m b e r i Fool Sentiment Should Be flovnded Before

Taking Aattan.

fife elty taxpayers are t#ft*#ilv-en aa es/povtun-ity to say whether they want to take over the fair Krou*4 property or not, Mayor Westofodk declares in a statement lie gave o#r Thwrsdat. He Is bit­terly opposed to the city purchas­ing the profefty turtftt the natter cau be submitted to a referendum He says lie wilt veto any resolution of the eogfnell to divert from the genera! fond stiff tofeitt tftofcey for the purpose. He further declared, however, that a majority of the council members were wjth. Him on the question and that slieh action on his part Would not be necessary.

Supervisor Cleude L. prestos of the town of Oawegatcbte has de­posited with the etty treasurer $•> 164.79 as the city's share of the proceed* of sale of the property at public auction. This money has, been placed In the general fund. The committee of cltlsens which bM In the property at public sale paid $12,000 ami it is pfopoaed to have the city buy the property from the committee. The difference be­tween the $046479 and the $12,000

lred would He made up by an additional appropriation from the general fund.

The city council has full power to appropriate the amount needed

Jiuy the grounds but the mayor 4?some of the members feel that |re $12,000 is spent, for a piece

nd the taxpayers should ex s thefr sentiment in the mut­

ter. It Is likely that the council wMl call a referendum or designate another method by which public sentiment can be sdunded.

While the mayor is opposed to •aJHng over the property he will not oppose the proposition if the taxpayers say they want It. At the

tax election an appropriation Library park Was voted down.

Mayor Westbrook leels that the city ha* enough parka already. Furthermore he declares the fair ground hi too small for an aviation lleM.

Threat Made

Degree of Petit

a r

mm . Is Increased

mta $60 to $100 After Sept. 1, When Now Law

Ii Effective.

CLAW ON IS ON •): | Was Drummer


y.BUISMESS LOCALS IJWANTEU Competent and expert-ll eneed woman for general house-[f work at summer camp. Good pay.

Phone Mrs H W. tXibtske, Mor-rtetotfa, N. Y.

'AJ> A MEDIUM slsed refrigerator for

H«le. :Call at 522 State street.


MATTRESS RENOVATING Mitttresses, box-springs, pillows

t% and cushions renovated, sterilized * land re-covered. Feathers renovat-^ ed and made Into mattresses and

pllkrws. Furniture Upholaterlng and Chan caning. 0. D. ClfckOer, 80S Park St., phone W7J.

FOR SALE Pedigreed Boston bull tefrier puppies. Fathers are eH>

champions. Pnpert with every pulp. Drive over and see them. Barnes Boston Bull Kennels, Malone, N. Y.

FOR SALE—Beautiful tone planned suitable for cottages or summer

home. $10.00. Leo A. Valley, 6g-denaburg.

OAVE WOHBY by shopplag at lle> Oruer's. Btate Street Drf Goods

Store. A new and large l laer of Rugs, Watt Paper end Drf Ooodi at Low Prices. sjaplf

A NEW Ann large stoc* of Rags, Wall Paper and Dry floods at

Bargain Prices. McUruer's, Stat* Street Iffy Ooods Store. sepSI

. A J. LCAMV Lleeoeed auctioneer, snoeeeshil

farm and lifestock sales condueted for so£n of the leading and most progressive farmers of the state. "There Is a reason/' Let Ui prove It at your next sale. Ogdensburg\ N. Y. 'Phone 17-F.12.


To Sell CopL.. „ *i Plant For Taxes Wpervisor Preston After the

Monoy Owed thej Town Amounting to About $1,000, He Olaimi.

Supervisor Ctaude 4* ?*&$$& 1s on the war ipath over tbe failure of 'the Ooplan steel (plant to pay it* town taxes amount lung to about $1,000. dupervlaor Pre»ton Ivas neade It known that unless the tax Is peiid be win sell the property for taxee. (He Is now engaged in got-tlng a deaersptkMk of th#/property Willi a View to advertising it.

The Oes>eaA P**nt ha« lewt i& fi­nancial trouble for a long, time, al­though It (had been expected that seane arrangement woold be ar-rPeed at and the plant made to hum aginln. Various litigation a ate In the atmosphere, one being to muke some who neve refused to pay fpr bonds they have subscribed for ipay «or them. It fe expected, that • o n e tway win be reached to pay the town taxee and avoid the pub-ILLjSaJe of .the property, * which is ebbsideped one of the finest steel ptanta in the United States.

ffammszx&et jiimg* jSLLjiras


We hare oongidorahU—ay to loan cm real eatato mort­gage*. Write or oall

_ o — St. Lawrence Cotmty

Savings Bank

••eo**>*##*e>ae*«eeeeeeeoa Establietihad tOSt X

: • a a a a o o o a a •

A E. Smith & Son INSURANCE

ttr IVKRY oiacmrri9N

333 Ford S t

To Lay Corner | Stone of Neil

- Polish Church 1HW# Oonroy, Head of This

biocese, to Officiate at Core* monies at Honsevillo, Lewis

, County, This Afternoon. t - • • "

Bishop Conroy, head of the Cflth-otte diocese of Ogdeneburg end BI»hor Piagees of Detroit, will of-flishte at the laying of the corner sroSfte of the new PoMsh church at Houaevlllet Louis county, at 3 this etfetfnoon. Very l^ev. O. L. Mu/ray of Lowvllie and a number of priests will assist at the ceremon-tes, II is eapeoted that hrrge delr-gattom? of Polieb people will be present from Utlca, Watertown and other places having a Polish. pQattlefioii.

The new church will take the place of St. Martln'B, the present POlfsw ennre f of Lewis county at Marttnebwrs. 1%e new building is

tttfder cohstrtJtftlon.

POSITS OPtRA Oadena*Mre> N. V,


I I I I > II «llH .11 t lMl l > « •

EAILibAt) *SAD ! -T?ij

TO i f l A K AT W t t l | | | th 0HAM1F.R BAN^tTliT

f' ^plrge: Vilas, of the Chicago and • lloMweatern fairway <wpi be a

•tjost of the ChemO/er of Oommefce at tt# dinner Monday niglrt in hon­or of t a* TieJting con«re«an«n. Mr. Vilas l» spending the enmrneT at m Iwsne at Da l M a t \ Re will isjlafe of the ralationshivl . of (the raJIr^ad i o a cwiatnnjrfty Mr. VHas

OBfMps njra; man jatio has

their well and1 Mardf evening un . Mary's OuMd furnish tbe,


After -n 1 h,r l s t th*etea H W g l

cT any mmcunt of money or goods to the value of $100 or under will be petit laroeny iustefid of grand tarceny accordrna; t» the kuw whloh becomes eiirctlve on and After that dtite. The law at the present time nwkee fifty do»ar# t$e Wmft for' children w pot It larceny and all amounts above that sum hi grand torceny. The law was amended In order to aid the first offenders and to -minimise the degree t>i larceny up to the, bun­dled doHar figure, ft is expected that the change will work for the be« t Interests of the juvenile crlm-lr#rf and he w4H not be* stigmatized with the charge of grand larceny when committing a petty ctime.

A few years ago, It was grand larceny to pilfer any amount aibove $25.00.

given There Friday Night r?r Promoters Ingram and 0%—Promisee to Be Great ftdcoesa.

of Old

Ingram an 1 Orr w

M Father Martin's ?i".-.v-.

Boys' Band ft^ Alexandria Bay


^4A«MA1N1>RI1A BAY, July 9 father Mai tin and his 'boy's band of Winter Park, Ogdensburg .were at Alexandria Bay Friday. They came on the Riverside and every-nn° rfinark«d how splendidly this band of young school beys played. At >uacheon they played several numbers on the extended porch of tlu» Thousand Island hou»e. There were about ©0 "boys in. the band, splendid examples of young Amer­ica. William H. Warburton took the entire band to the Peacock Chocolate shop for refreshments.

Members of the band range In ?ge from eight yeara to sixteen

and ihe tireless work of Father Maitin, an.ardent boy fan, has de-vH»cpe<l a real organisation.

own Cinderella ball* s at Clayton Friday

r the ausplroe* of St, The DansotHana will

music. Ftfty CHytbn take part in tho On>

derella «pectiacl« In the town ball n.«xt Fild-ay[evening. It i« »ome-thing out of the ordinary and Clay­ton people wall tarn oat to witness their new eoclal Innovation In great mim/bers. Miss Jute ValLance of this city will -afford entertain­ment also to>the Clayteniteo with a nu'mbei of Classical and novelty fewtuie dance«..

The Cinderella Ball and Mardi Gias' promfsf'S to be a great suc­cess In Claylon.

To Islands Friday Leaves City Dock At 9 This

Morning—Returning At 7 This Evening.

The steamor Riverside will make its second Sjunday excursion trip

76, Visited the City For Half Oen-

A ettnonds, T_ old-ttme travelfng men left, died Saturday morning, June 25 at hla home In Bartmgton Vt. according to word received here by h. VL Lewis. o»e of Htp many cttstotners Ha was 76 years of age.

Mr. eiraoml's last visH to Og-donetourg was in the mmmetoi 1926 He had been in poor health for several roowtha past, *p**dm* tbe winter in Florida in hope of bat­tering his physical condition* He disliked the Idea of gtving up the road which be bad followed for so many yeara And kept active as long as hie condition would permit.

*te traveled for Brown-Durrell and cotnpiany, a Boston dry goods house. We had been traveling man for nearly 50 years and started his1 vi*4t» to Ogdensiburg soon after taking up the grip. He had been nelllng to Mr. Lewis ever sin*e he started in business in 1898. He al­ways traveled fyy train, his ter­ritory including a iarge section oi Northern iMew for*.

Mr. Simond* had many friends in 0^<tKn8*urg, who will regret to hear of his paaslng. Ke is survived by his wife and one son.

KcliAetn vrOOd , D i e d F r i ^

AtHospitM sis^^apBW^^^jk «s)ieasyee» ^*^**

Lisbon 0«ooambe to Tnher-cuiar Joints Disease. Kenneth W*od, 13, a *rit*t

yonng lad of the town of Lisbon, died at S Friday night in the Hep-<bjm hospital. Be w*s horn to the town of Dekalb, tbe son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Oergld Wood. For somo time the boy toad bee* a tubercular sufferer of the Joints. An €Ppof«Moa wae performed toot the led was beyond human aid. Funeral arrangements had not been' oosapketed yesterday after­noon.

assets W. H. A U D I * * ) *

•ptemetrtet and . Optieien

lyeslgfrt teat id m Eyeolaeeee «3srf aptctscles m

Fitted and hold S FORD ST., OOOCNSnUrtQ, rT. V.



, iL H. I*iafaer of pi la nee cotnpojfty, ported to poliee F»

•ale m the office of tfe* c # i i » e y atfd stole |St. flap se^s haa loen teehed the night p r ^ l o n a a y artts not dansag%d. An ik f «s Ugaiioa Is belu« made. . .

tomiR* to tat***^* atATt tmtffl

ATFOtidW Dr. S&hert M. 9ottere, who has

bee* connected with the ffsjdeoa Hirer State boepKml «t F»e«gb> keepefe for the pint «Jx yeans wiH Mre. jknnWs upon leavtog tta* bos* pltal"wUl go to Sbdiron, Oonn., where fbey wffl reside. . » i ' n « • i ii — P I — * iii ii i m<*-**mm*mmiim£mtm*mimmmA~mi

2«0 TEARS haarkm oil has b e d ** iwfW^

UHHMMST o8eog'oe>fa«

^ M^J^J.

Don't Fail To See Yourself And Ifiends) in thelxical Pictures to be

wn Tuesday, Wednesday «nd Thursday -AT-



r 'S


to the Bay snfd through the islands. leaving the City dock at 9 thU morning and! teturnlng at 7:10 this evening.! This is one of the most delightfbl and charming trips on the majestic stream as the etoaimer passes -throirgh beautiful and rcmantld scenery. The River-! lekfa to Carlton side is one of the - neeedlea crafts ! By the

Passing of A »r 'if^% •i:

an W. B.ftuart Laid to Rest in

Carlton Place, Ont., Tues­day.

The tmmtfkl of Walion B. Stuart who died last Sunday waa held Tuesday morning end the body was

Place, Ont, for pawning of Mr.

ik£&~ '.:.i»

,f'/: NEW YORK

|f Excursion •rturday, July 16,


on the 61 ever the of her is forgotten, C mes is in

awrenc? and a trip' Stuart, the city loses a splendid of the river aboard ! citizen and his associates a loyal j Lv. Cape Vlnoent that will- never be f**end. While his death was expect- j Lv. Watertown .

Wallace W. Hoi-! eA i0T eerrral days, the tahock was land and he is a t a severe one to those who had been

. .$7.95

. . 7.70

. . 7.50

. . 7.35

. .'

. . 7.45

. . ISO

. . 6.95 . 6.50

7.00 6.50

Lv. Adams 6.20

Lv. Massena . . . Lv. Norwood . . Lv. Potsdam . . Lv. Canton . . . . Lv. Qouverneur Lv. Ogdeftsburg Lv. Redwood . . Lv. Clayton . . . Lv. Philadelphia

genial and pleasant gentleman. a. soclated years.

with him for several

« Where Values Outweigh Dollars


' » . • • ; (


5 — 10 25c S T O R E

'* **•'•*.¥£

find a wonderful

at prices yon ean afford to pay.


of h

Men's and Ladies' wool mixed Bathing Suits. Each


$1.00 Children's one piece all wool Bathing Suits

X-fr $1.19 JSi

m Pure Rubber Bathing Shoes

Lv. Mexieo . Lv. Pulaski . Lv. RJehtand Lv. Carthape Lv. Lowvllle Lv.< Boonvllle Lv. Utlca . .

6.15 6.00 6.00 6.25 5.95 6.45 4.75

6:15 p. m. 6r45 p. m. 7:02 p. m. 7:24 p.m. 8:06 p. m. 7:20 p. m. 0:20 p. m. 4:00 p.m. 9:10 p.m. 3:50 p.m. 10:00 p. en. 6:41 p. m. 6:54 p.m. 7:10 p.m. 7:56 p. m. 9:50prwi. 10:19 p.m. 11:02 p.m. 12:30 a.m.


i&%A**tj Al4k

doi/iff onr best to p ive at the right priee.

Your patronage will aasfekr

J. Franklin Sharp

^ 4:^ ;3P

Proportionata redtictlofts from intermediate stations

RETURNING 8UNOAY, JULY 17 Lsave New York 11:50 p. m.

Consult Agents

New York Central a ' i i " • ' ' • ! • » .

1MAL NOTIOBS ,mm Utt.Ti.


'*&Wm§mto an order of^**it; l5^lon O. Chaney, Surrogate of the County of St. I^ewrence, and aecoitilnfT to the statute in such cases made and pro­vided, notice 1B hereby given to all per­sons navlnjff claftttn aqgatnst the estate of Elijah Turner, late of Ogdensbwrg, In said county, deceased, that they are inquired to exhibit the same, with the voachers thereof, to the flufbufriber. at the law office of James F. Akin, in the City of Ogdensburg, in said county, on or before the 30th day of June next.

Dated. December 2Wh, 1926. FRANK FftHGUSON. JR.,

Rxeeutor. J A MRS F. AfCIN,

Attorney, OrderoOMirfA !»V Y.


ty < the


Krnon* te of

lant to on order of Hon. Cey­lon <3TJt!haney, Survoirate of the Cottn-

of St. Urwrence, and according to statute m such ca*es made and

provided. Notice is hereby cfven to all having claims acamst the es-

J.oanna Dunn, late of Ogdens­burg, in said county, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the stm-scriber, at his office at 80S Ford street, in the City of Oardemmarg, in said county, on or before Hie 28th day

1 of October next. : Dated. April Idth, 1927. JAMBS F. AKIN,

Executor, JAME» F. AKIN,

Attorney, Ogdensburg', N. T. ,:•


s ! SAVINGS BANK ?-**'£"

^i^#. K*'-:"^.


, * £ n • * « * •

f;t ftrtth^-tepSrt^^lie firat a i m r f t y Jhoney out of these funds is next. A savings account is profitable not only of itself bat because of the business it is a direct result of this contact. Money accumulated by a large community should be lent whenever possible in the same community. When a banker lends money on real estate security, it is aiding the development of the com­munity. That is what we do.

JAMisr,mxso«,9MM Jaj^&amAyrtw DR. S. 0. MAOXLL, THOS. SPfeATT, ViceFtwt'i.




h„ *#BIMI*nt to an order <tf lSaSL 4>t-%<94 Q. Chaney, Surrogate of the Coua-Tbr Of Ht. Lamrsn^e, and according to the sftotute in such cases made and prpvided, notice is nereby given to all persons having claims against the estate of Robert Gillespie, kite of Og­densburg, hi said county, deceared, that they are required to exhlibt the same, wjth the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, at 828 Hamilton street in the City of Ogdensbarg, hi said county, on or before the 16th day of October next.

Dated, April 8th. 1927. ! NKLUE OILLKSPIK, ^ mt_m , rf Sxecutria. EDWARD P. LTNCIC

Attorney, Ogdensburg; N. Y.

NOTICE^;^'^~I :J <bm>n wPnnmnt to an order

O. Chawsy, Surrogate of the County o" S& I^aWrence, add according to the statute in such cases made and provid ed, notlee is bereby given to ail per setis having dafran aiafnat the estate of Christina Denio, late of Ogdensburg, la saM county, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with the vmicher* thereof, to the subscriber at the law office of Edward P. Lynch, in the City, of Ogdensburg, in said county. oft or before the 22nd day of July next

Dated, January «th\ 1927. -JOSEPH DRNIO,

., Executor. EDWARD P. LTNCH,

Attorney, Oftdeesfeurg, N. W.


to an order O. CnAney, Surrogate of the County of S t Lawrence, and according to the statute in such cases made and provid­ed, notice is hereby given to all persona having claims agmtitet the estate of Nellie MeGowa*. late of Ogdevtsborg* IQ satd comity, deceased, that they are required to exhsblt the same, with the* vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, at the law office of Edward P. Lynch, !•• Ford street, in «ie Cfty of Ogdens-burg. In said county, on or before the fist day of A



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D&0& f&i W' &£.*

k^a.r**- mmmmmmm



J l e e ^ ^ ' E D FO! !>uy. We give yott 30 day guarantee on every car bought from us. You drive the car one week. If dissatisfied will give you purchase price toward new eai\

£\* ••tf^lftTNlh*

• * ,