Transport or transportation is the movement of people and goods from one location to another.

Post on 30-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Transport or transportation is the movement of people and goods from one location to another.


Group Members:

-Ehsan Tahmaseb-Ali Parsi-Siavash Zangeneh Kamali-Amir Ghafari Zadeh

Transport or transportation is the movement of people and goods from one location to another.

What Is Transportation?

Automobiles Bicycles Buses Ships Helicopters/ Airplanes Trains Even people themselves!

Modes of Transportation

Animals Sleds Wheels Rowing boats Sailing boats

Early Modes of Transportation


The steam engine

The Industrial Revolution

The combustion engine


The Automobile


Space travel

Jet engines

Air Travel

Impacts of Transportation


Specialization Expansion Trade Economic Growth


Impact on Land Energy


Field of Study

Transport Economics

The basis of announcing

regular policies by authorities

Transport Engineering

In charge of consideringTrip generationTrip distributionMode choiceRoute assignment

Suggestions to Decrease Pollution

Replace air and road transport with rail and human-powered transport

Increase electrical transportation

Impacts of Transport on Land

Alternative Methods of Transportation Solar Cars Public Transport Ship Transit Electrical Train

Transports influences Exports and Imports