This school of thought is opposite to the scientific approach Religion/spirituality is beyond...

Post on 23-Dec-2015

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Transcript of This school of thought is opposite to the scientific approach Religion/spirituality is beyond...

This school of thought is opposite to the scientific approach

Religion/spirituality is beyond science or human intellect.

Spirituality is private knowledge whereas scientific knowledge is in the public domain, can be replicated and verified.



Psychology of religion personality psychology share a common ground


Database of psychology research 1887 to present

Enneagram of Personality The term "enneagram"

comes from two Greek words, ennea (nine) and grammos (text or figure).

The enneagram figure consists of a nine-pointed diagram, usually depicted within a circle with connecting lines between the points.

philosophical/spiritual psychological? Enneagram was NOT originated and

developed by psychologists. It is intended to discover and develop higher

states of being, essence and enlightenment, which are highly abstract and even vague. They cannot be defined, measured, or verified in public discourse.

George Gurdjieff

A Greek-Armenian mystic and spiritual teacher.

Since young age he has been interested in occult, Astrology, mental telepathy spiritism and table turning, fortune telling, and demon possession.

These are neither psychology nor philosophy

George Gurdjieff traveled to Tibet to connect with

the "awakened" inner circle of humanity.

studied Mecca and Medina, the centers of Islam. He was influenced by Sufism.

In Paris and New York he taught Esoteric Christianity. It is accessible to only the enlightened inner circle.

George Gurdjieff Everyone has three personal

centers: the mental: located in the head, the emotional: located in the

heart, the physical: located in the belly.

One major reason that some people are not spiritual is the imbalance of these three centers within the person (Like the imbalance of Yin and Yan in Taoism).

George Gurdjieff

Sufi dances and other exercises were designed to restore balance among the three centers and promote the person to a higher spiritual state

Oscar Ichazo

A Bolivian-born philosopher Studied Oriental martial arts東方武術 , Zen 禪 , yoga 瑜伽 , shamanism 薩滿教 , hypnotism催眠術

experimented with Andes Indian psychedelic drugs 迷幻藥 .

Oscar Ichazo He claimed that he received

revelation from a supreme being named "Metatron, the prince of the archangels.

The personality theory of Enneagram is based on Gurdjieff‘s idea that everyone has moved away from the essence, the natural state, and chosen to be egocentric.

The human psyche must adhere to universal laws of reality.



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