The substance in eggs that can clog a person’s heart arteries is cholesterol.

Post on 02-Jan-2016

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Transcript of The substance in eggs that can clog a person’s heart arteries is cholesterol.

The Incredible, Edible Egg

The Incredible, Edible Egg1The substance in eggs that can clog a persons heart arteries is cholesterol.2Eggs belong in the protein food group of the Food Pyramid.You should eat two daily servings from this group.3Cooking eggs at high temperatures result in tough & rubbery eggs.4Old eggs will separate yolks from whites easier and will beat up better than any other eggs.If you are making meringue for a pie, you only need the egg whites. If the egg whites refuse to beat up correctly, there may be some yolk that got into the whites when you separated them.5You will want to avoid eating raw eggs or using eggs with cracked shells because they contain salmonella.6Eggs beaten to the stiff peak stage will have peaks that stand straight up.If you have beaten some egg whites to the stiff peak stage and now have to mix other ingredients, you will want to use the folding technique so that you dont lose all the air in the egg foam.7Eggs may be soft-cooked or hard-cooked when cooked in the shell. Harmful bacteria may be found in raw eggs.Eggs must be cooked carefully because they contain delicate proteins.

8When an egg coagulates, it becomes firm.The USDA grade shield means that eggs are wholesome.There are three grades of eggs:AAABThe USDA sets standards for sizes and grades of eggs.The size of the egg is determined by the minimum weight in ounces.Cheesey Egg Bake4 slices day-old white bread4 oz grated cheese4 eggs2 c. milk1 tsp. mustard1/8 tsp. salt lb. bacon OR lb. sausage11Grease 9x9 pan (or a 9x13 pan for double size).Cube the bread and spread it evenly over the bottom of the pan. Sprinkle the cheese over the bread.Brown the meat, crumble it, and set it aside to cool.Beat together the eggs, milk, mustard, and salt. Pour it over the bread and cheese.Spread the crumbled meat over the top.Cover the pan and refrigerate over night.Bake at 325 F. for 1 hour. Cut in squares to serve.Yield: 9 servings (small) or 18 servings (doubled).12131415161718192021222324