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GROUP – I (Short Answer)

Unit – I

S. No. Questions Blooms

Taxonomy Level



1 Explain the different types of bonding in solids with suitable

examples. Understanding a


Discuss the forces that come into play when the two atoms are

approaching each other and obtain an expression for equilibrium


Understanding a

3 Distinguish between ionic, covalent and metallic bonds. Apply a

4 Explain the formation of metallic bonds with suitable examples. Understanding a

5 What is cohesive energy and obtain an expression for cohesive

energy? Apply a

6 Explain the terms of unit cell, space lattice ,and basis. Remembering a

7 Discuss SCC structure and obtain an expression for its packing factor. Understanding a

8 Explain in detail the BCC structure with suitable diagram. Understanding a

9 Show that FCC structure is the most closely packed of the three cubic

structures. Apply a

10 Discuss the diamond structure and zns structure with suitable diagram. Understanding a

11 Discuss HCP structure and obtain an expression for its packing factor. Understanding a

12 What are miller indices how are they obtained? Remembering a

13 Derive the interplanar spacing in the case of cubic structure Apply a

14 Define the terms Atomic radius, coordination number and packing

factor. Remembering a

15 Describe the crystal structures of diamond Remembers the

structures a


Discuss about the forces when the two atoms are approaching each

other, obtain an expression for equilibrium separation.

Distinguish between ionic, covalent and metallic bonds.

Understanding a

17 Explain the formation of metallic bonds with suitable examples. Understanding a

18 Explain the terms of unit cell, space lattice ,and basis. Remembering a

19 Derives the inter planar spacing in the case of cubic structure. Applying a

20 Define the terms Atomic radius, coordination number and packing

factor. Remembering a

21 Describe the crystal structure of Nacl. Remembers the

structures a

Unit – II

S. No. Questions Blooms

Taxonomy Level



1 What are Matter waves?Explain their properties. Understanding d

2 Derive an expression for de-Broglie wave length Applying d

3 Calculate the velocity and kinetic energy of an electron having wave

length of 0.21nm. Applying d





4 Explain the concept of dual nature of the light Remembering d

5 Distinguish between Max well-Bose Einstein and Fermi –Dirac

statistical distributions qualitively . Understanding d

6 What is an electron gas Remembering d

7 State of explain Heisenberg’s Uncertainty principle. Remembering d

8 Obtain an expression for Fermi energy T>0K Applying d

9 Derive an expression for density of state of electrons Applying d

10 Show that the wavelength associated with an electron of mass ‘m’ and

kinetic energy = h / √mv2e Applying d


Calculate the energies that can be possessed by a particle of mass

8.50x10-31 kg. This is placed in an infinite potential box of width


Applying d

12 Explain the concept of effective mass of an electron. Remembering d

13 Explain the physical significance of wave function. Remembering d

14 Show that the energies of a particle in a potential box are quantized. Applying d

15 Show that the kronig penny model lead to energy band structure in

solids. Understanding e

16 What is Bloch theorem? Remembering e

17 What are Brilluion zones? Remembering e

18 What is E-K diagram? Remembering e

19 Derive an expression for effective mass of an electron? . Applying d

20 Distinguish between Max well-Bose Einstein and Fermi –Dirac

statistics Remembering d

Unit – III

S. No. Questions Blooms Taxonomy




1 Explain the terms:

i. Di-electric constant ii Electric polarizationRemembering g , e

2 Explain the terms:

iii Displacement vector iv Electric susceptibility Remembering g , e

3 Define the magnetization and show that B=µ(H+M) Remembering g , e

4 Define the types of polarizations in dielectrics. Remembering g , e

5 What is internal field in dielectric material? Remembering g , e

6 Derive an expression for internal field for a cubic dielectric crystal. Remembering g , e

7 Derive Claussis-Mossotti equation. Remembering g , e

8 Write notes on dielectric theory of feero-electricity. Remembering g , e

9 What is electronic polarization?Derive an expression for electronic

polarisability in terms of the radius of the atom. Remembering g , e

10 What is piezo electricity? Write the applications of piezo electricity? Remembering g , e

11 What is meant by polarization mechanism in dielectrics? Discuss the

different polarization mechanisms in dielectrics. Remembering g , e

12 Distinguish between ferroelectricity and piezo electricity. Understanding g , e

13 What is ionic polarization . Obtain an expression for it. Remembering g , e

14 Define the following i. Di-electric constant Remembering g , e





ii Electric polarization iii Displacement vector

15 What is Meissner effect? Explain in detail. Remembering g , e

16 Distinguish a super-conductor and a normal metal, both maintained at

same temperature. Understanding g , e

17 Explain the terms:

i. Magnetic induction ii. Magnetic susceptibilityRemembering g , e

18 What are hard and soft magnetic materials? Give their characteristic

Properties and applications. Remembering g , e

19 Write notes on anti-feero and ferri-magnetic materials. Remembering g , e

20 Define magnetic moment. What is Bohr magneton? Explain. Remembering g , e

21 What are the characteristics of diamagnetic, paramagnetic and

ferromagnetic substances? Remembering g , e

22 Describe domain theory of ferromagnetism on the basis of Hysteresis

curve Remembering

g , e

g , e

Unit – IV

S. No. Questions Blooms Taxonomy




1 Explain the characteristics of LASER beam Understanding h

2 Derive the expression for Acceptance angle Remembering I

3 Describe the different types of fibers by giving the refractive index

profiles and propagation details. Remembering I

4 Discuss the propagation mechanism of light waves in optical fibers. Understanding I

5 Explain the principle behind the functioning of an optical fiber.. Remembering I

6 Write a brief note on Einstein coefficients. Remembering I

7 What are the differences between a laser diode and an LED. Remembering H

8 Explain the principle behind propagation of light signal through an

optical fiber. Remembering I

9 Write any three applications of optical fibers. Remembering I

10 Define the following terms: i) Numerical aperture ii) Acceptance

angle Remembering I

11 Explain The critical angle at the core-cladding interface Remembering I

12 What do you understand by population inversion? How it is achieved? Remembering h

13 Derive the relation between the probabilities of spontaneous emission

and stimulate emission in terms of Einstein’s coefficients. Understanding h

14 Explain the following terms:i. Spontaneous emission ii. Stimulated

emission Remembering h

15 Explain the following termsiii. Pumping mechanism iv.Population

inversion Remembering h

16 Mention the medical applications of lasers. Remembering h


Calculate the refractive indices of core &cladding of an optical fiber

with a NA of .33 and their fractional differences of refractive indices

being 0.02

Application I

18 Explain the following characteristics :

i. Coherence ii. Divergence and iii. MonochromocityRemembering I

19 Explain the basic principles for producing laser beam Remembering H

20 Write the industrial applications of lasers. Remembering H





21 Explain i) Life time of an energy level. ii) Optical pumping

processes Remembering H

22 Explain the advantages of optical fibers in communication. Understanding I

23 Write a brief note on step index optical fibers. Remembering I

24 Distinguish between light propagation in

i) Step index and ii) Graded index optical fibers.Remembering I

25 What is interference? What are the conditions to get interference? Remembering L

26 What is Diffraction? Distinguish between Fraunhofer & Fresnel’s

diffraction. Remembering L

27 Explain the importance of diffraction grating. Remembering L

28 Describe Fraunhofer diffractions due to double slit. Remembering L

29 Explain polarization of light wave. Remembering L

30 Explain double refraction in calsite crystal. Remembering L

Unit –V

S. No. Questions Blooms Taxonomy




1 Write a short note on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Remembering k

2 Write the important applications of Nanomaterials in medicine. Remembering k

3 What are Nanomaterials? Explain. Remembering k

4 Describe the various types of carbon Nanotubes. Remembering k

5 Explain the fabrication of carbon Nanotubes Remembering k

6 Write a detailed note on Nano science. Remembering k

7 Why Nanomaterials exhibit different properties? Explain. Remembering k

8 Describe any three processes by which Nanomaterials are fabricated. Remembering k

9 .Describe the important applications of nanotechnology. Remembering k

10 Describe the process of sol-gel and precipitation in the fabrication of

nanostructures. Remembering k

11 Write the applications of nanotechnology in the electronic industry Remembering k

12 Describe the top-down methods by which Nanomaterials are

fabricated. Uderstanding k

13 Explain how x-ray diffraction can be used to characterize

nanoparticles. Remembering k

14 Describe any three processes by which Nanomaterials are fabricated. Remembering k

15 Describe the important applications of nanotechnology. Remembering k

16 Write about (i) origin of nanotechnology (ii) nanoscale. Remembering k

17 Discuss quantum confinement effect on nanoparticles. Remembering k

18 Explain how TEM can be used to characterize nanoparticles. Remembering k

19 Give three methods of fabrication of Nanomaterials. Remembering k

20 .Describe the top-down methods of fabrication of Nanomaterials. Remembering k

21 How the physical and chemical properties of Nanomaterials vary with

their size? Remembering k

22 Define the term Reverberation. What is Reverberation time? Remembering j





GROUP – II (Long Answer)

S. No. Questions Blooms Taxonomy




1 Describe the formation of various types of primary bonds in solids

with suitable examples. Understanding a

2 Describe the formation of various types of secondary bonds in solids

with suitable examples. Understanding a

3 Explain the forces between the two interacting atoms when they are

brought nearer to form a molecule. Understanding a

4 Derive an expression for the cohesive energy of a crystal. Applying a


The Madelung constant of KCl is 1.75. Its neighbor separation is

0.314nm. Find cohesive energy per atom (Given the repulsive

exponent value = 5.77, Ionization energy of potassium = 4.1eV,

Electron affinity of chlorine = 3.6eV)

Applying a

6 Explain the terms:i. Space lattice. ii. Unit cell and iii. Lattice


Remembering and

Understanding a

7 Describe the 3-dimensional Bravais lattices in combination with

crystal systems Understanding a

8 Explain the terms: i. Nearest neighborhood distance

ii.Coordination number and iii. Packing fraction in crystals. Understanding a

9 Show that FCC is the most closely packed out of the three cubic

structures by calculating the packing factors. Applying a

10 Explain the structure of Diamond with a neat diagram. Understanding a


(a) Describe NaCl structure. (b) Find the energy required to form K+

and Cl-ion pair from a pair of K and Cl atoms. (Given that the

Ionization energy of K = 4.1 eV and Electron affinity of Cl = 3.6 eV).

Applying a

12 What do you understand by Miller indices of a crystal plane? How are

they obtained. Understanding a


Show that in a cubic crystal the spacing (d) between consecutive

parallel planes of Miller indices (h k l) is given by d = a (h2+ k2+ l2)-




(a) Derive Bragg's law of X-ray diffraction. (b) A beam of X-rays is

incident on an ionic crystal with lattice spacing 0.313 nm. Calculate

wavelength of X-rays if the first order Bragg reflection takes place at a

glancing angle of 7o48’.

Applying b

15 Describe with a neat diagram, Laue's method for the determination of

crystal structure Understanding b

16 Describe, in detail, Debye-Scherrer method for the determination of

crystal parameter. Understanding b

17 1. Write notes on point defects in crystals. Understanding c


(a) Derive an expression for concentration of Frenkel defect in an

ionic crystal. (b) If the average energy required to create a Frenkel defect in an ionic

crystal is 1.35 eV, calculate the ratio of Frenkel defects at 250C and


Applying c


(a)Derive an expression for density of Schottky defects in an ionic


(b) Two metals have the formation energies as 0.73 eV and 0.96 eV.

What will be the ratio of their vacancy fractions?

Applying c

20 (a) Write notes on line defects of crystals. Understanding c

21 (b) What is Burger's vector? In what direction do the Burger’s vectors

lie with respect to i. An edge dislocation, ii. Screw dislocation.Understanding c

Unit – II





S. No. Questions Blooms Taxonomy




1 Explain the concept of dual nature of the light. Understanding d

2 Explain the properties of matter waves. Understanding d

3 Write short notes on: i. de Broglie wavelength and ii. Heisenberg's

uncertainty principle. Understanding d


Show that the wavelength (λ) of an electron having mass (m) and K.E

(E) is given by λ=mE



Applying d

5 Find the wavelength associated with an electron rose to a potential

1600 V. Applying d

6 Describe the experimental verification of matter waves using

Davisson-Germer experiment. Remembering d


Calculate the wavelength of matter wave associated with a neutron

whose K.E is 1.5 times the rest mass of electron.(Given Mass of

neutron = 1.676 x 10-27

kg, Mass of electron = 9.1 x 1031

kg, Planck's

constant = 6.62 x 10-34J-sec, Velocity of light = 3 x 108m/s).

Applying d


(a) Derive Schrodinger's wave equation for the motion of an electron.

(b) Calculate the velocity and kinetic energy of an electron having

wavelength of 0.21 nm.

Applying d

9 Show that the energies of a particle in a potential box are quantized. Understanding and

applying d


(a) Explain the physical significance of wave function.

(b) Find the lowest energy of an electron confined in a box of side

0.1nm each.

Understanding and applying



Explain the terms:

i. Phase spaceii. Micro Canonical ensemble

iii. Grand Canonical ensemble

iv. Canonical ensemble

Remembering d

12 Compare Maxwell-Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac

statistics. Understanding d

13 (a) What is the concept of electron gas?

(b) Explain Fermi-Dirac distribution function. Illustrate the effect of

temperature on the distribution.

Understanding d

14 Derive an expression for density of energy states. Applying d

15 What is Bloch theorem? Explain. Remembering e

16 Show that the Kronig-Penney model leads to energy band structure in

solids. Understanding e

17 What are Brillouin zones? Explain using E-K diagram. Understanding e

18 What is effective mass of an electron? Derive an expression for the

effective mass of an electron.

Remembering and

Applying d

19 On the basis of Band theory, how the crystalline solids are classified

into metals, semiconductors and insulators. Understanding e

20 Explain, in detail, the origin of energy gap using energy band theory

of solids. Understanding e

Unit – III

S. No. Questions Blooms Taxonomy





Explain the following:

i. Electric Polarization ii. Polarization vector iii. Electric displacement

and iv. Polarizability.

Understanding g


What is meant by polarization mechanism in dielectrics? Discuss

different polarization mechanisms in dielectrics.

Remembering and

Understanding g





3 Find the electric susceptibility of a dielectric gas having dielectric

constant of 1.000041. Applying g

4 What is electronic polarization? Derive an expression for electronic

polarizability in terms of the radius of the atom. Applying g

5 What is ionic polarization? Derive an expression for ionic


Remembering and

Understanding g

6 What is local field in a dielectric material? Derive an expression for it

by Lorentz method

Remembering and

Understanding g

7 Derive Clausius-Mosotti equation. Applying g

8 Write short notes on Ferro-electricity and piezo-electricity. Remembering g


Explain the terms: i. Magnetic induction,

ii. Magnetic susceptibility, iii. Permeability of a medium

iv. Intensity of Magnetization.

Remembering g

10 The magnetic susceptibility of aluminum is 2.3 x 10-5. Find its

permeability& relative permeability. Applying g

11 Explain the origin of magnetic moment. Find the magnetic dipole

moments due to orbital and spin motions of an electron.

Remembering and

Applying g


What are the characteristics of diamagnetic, paramagnetic and

ferromagnetic substances? Explain their behavior with the help of


Understanding g

13 Explain the Hysteresis curve exhibited by Ferromagnetic material on

the basis of domain theory. Understanding g

14 What are hard and soft magnetic materials? Give their characteristic

properties and applications. Remembering g

15 Explain the salient features of anti-Ferro and ferrimagnetic materials. Understanding g

16 Write about Ferrites and their applications. Understanding g

17 What is superconductivity? Explain the effect of temp and strength of

magnetic field on a superconducting material. Understanding g

18 Write a note on Meissner effect relating to superconductivity. Applying g

19 What are Type-I and Type-II super conductors. Applying g

20 Discuss applications of superconductivity. Understanding g


The transition temp for lead is 8.7 K. The maximum critical field of the material is 6 × 105 A/m. If lead is to be used as a superconductor at

3 ×106 A/m, find the corresponding temperature. Applying


Unit – IV

S. No.Questions Blooms Taxonomy




1 Describe and explain the phenomenon of interference of light. Understanding l

2 Discuss in detail interference of reflected light in thin films. Understanding l

3 Explain why different colors are exhibited by thin films in white light. Understanding l

4 Explain how Newton’s rings are formed and describe the method for

determination of wavelength of light with their use. Understanding l

5 What is diffraction. Discuss the Fraunhofer diffraction at a single slit. Understanding l

6 What is plane transmission grating? Give the theory of a plane

diffraction grating.


rstanding l

7 What is polarization? Explain the phenomenon of double refraction. Remembering

Understanding l

8 Describe the construction and working of Nicol’s prism. Understanding l

9 Explain the terms:

i. Spontaneous emission, ii. Stimulated emission, iii.

Optical pumping and iv. Population inversion.

Understanding and

applying l





10 What are Einstein's coefficients of radiation? Derive relation between


Understanding and

applying l

11 Explain the principle, construction and working of a Ruby laser with

the help of a suitable diagram. Understanding l

12 Describe the construction of He-Ne laser and discuss with relevant

ELD, working of He-Ne laser. Understanding l

13 Explain the characteristics of a laser beam. Remembering i

Write the applications of lasers. Applying i

14 Explain the principle and construction of an optical fiber. Remembering i


A step index fiber has a numerical aperture of 0.16, and core refractive

index of 1.45.

Calculate the acceptance angle of the fiber and refractive index of the


Applying i

16 What is Acceptance angle of an optical fiber? Derive an expression for


Remembering and

Understanding i

17 Define Numerical aperture. Derive an expression for numerical

aperture of an optical fiber.

Remembering and

Applying i

18 Describe different types of optical fibers by giving the refractive index

and propagation details Understanding i

19 Discuss attenuation in optical fibers. Understanding i


Draw the block diagram of fiber optic communication system and

explain the functions of each block in the system. Remembering i

Unit – V

S. No. Questions Blooms Taxonomy




1 Distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors. Understanding e’f

2 Derive an expression for the carrier concentration of an intrinsic

semiconductor. Applying e’f


Derive an expression for carrier concentration of p-type

semiconductors. Explain the variation of Fermi level with temperature

in the case of p-type semiconductors.

Understanding e’f

4 Derive an expression for carrier concentration of n-.type

semiconductors. Explain the variation of Fermi level with temperature

in the case of n-type semiconductors

Understanding e’f

5 Write notes on direct band gap and indirect band gap semiconductors. Understanding e’f

6 Explain Hall effect and its importance. Remembering

Understanding e’f


Explain how a PN junction is formed

Draw I-V characteristic curve of PN junction diode and explain.






Draw and explain the energy band diagram for a p-n junction diode in

an unbiased condition. (b) If the effective mass of holes in a

semiconductor is 5 times that of electrons, at what temperature would

the Fermi level be shifted by 15% from the middle of the forbidden

energy gap? [Given that the energy gap for the semiconductor is 1.20


Understanding and

applying e’f

9 Write notes on solar cell. Understanding e’f

10 Explain the construction and working of LED. Understanding and

applying e’f

11 Explain the construction and working of photo diode. Understanding e’f

12 Define the terms:

i. Reverberation ii. Reverberation time and iii. Absorption coefficientRemembering j





of a material.

13 Describe an experimental method to determine the sound absorption

coefficient of a material. Remembering j

14 Discuss the factors which are affecting the architectural acoustics and

suggest your remedy. Applying j


(a) Explain Sabine’s formula.(b) A hall has a volume of 1500 m3. Its total absorption is equivalent

to 100 m2of open window. What will be the effect on the reverberation

time, if the absorption is increased by 100 m2 of pen window, by

filling the hall with audience?





16 Write notes on: Origin of nanotechnology andNano-scale Remembering k


(a) Explain the principle of Nanomaterials.

(b) How the physical and chemical properties of nanomaterials vary

with their size.

Remembering and

Understanding k

18 Explain top-down fabrication method using chemical vapor deposition

technique. Remembering k


Explain Bottom-up fabrication method using sol gel technique.

Explain Transmission Electron Microscopy characterization technique

of nanomaterials.


i k

20 Give the list of applications of nano materials Applying j

GROUP – III (Problem Solving)

S. No. Questions Blooms Taxonomy





In sodium crystal the equilibrium distance between ion is r0=2.81 A°

and A=1.748. Taking n=9, calculate the potential energy per ion pair.

Understanding, Application



Calculate the binding energy of NaCl of which the nearest neighbor

distance is 0.324nm. Express the energy in eV and also in KJ/K mol.

Modeling constant for NaCl=1.748 and n=9.5.


Application a


Calculate the interplanar spacing for (3 2 1) plane in a simple cubic

lattice whose lattice contacta = 4.2× m. The atomic radius ofcopper is 1.278 A0. It has atomic weight 63.54. Find the density of


Applying a

4 Calculate the ratio d100:d110:d111 for a simple cubic structure. Applying a

5 The Bragg’s angle in the 1st order for [2, 2, 0] reflection from Ni

(BCC) is 38.2o. When x-rays of wavelength λ=1.54 Ao are employed

in a diffraction experiment. Determine the lattice parameter of Ni.

Applying b


Monochromatic x-rays of λ=1.5Ao is incident on a crystal phase

having inter planar spacing of 1.6Ao. Find the highest order for which

Bragg’s reflection maximum can be seen.

Understanding and

Applying b


Calculate the glancing angle at (110) plane of a cubic crystal having

axial length a=0.2nm.corresponding to the 2nd order diffraction

maximum for the x-rays of wavelength 0.065nm.

Applying b


Find the angle at which the 3rd order reflection of x-rays of 0.79A0

wavelength can occur in a crystal of 3.04x10-8cm. Applying b

9 A beam of x-ray is incident on an ionic crystal with lattice spacing

0.313nm. Calculate the wavelength of x-rays, if the first order Bragg’s

reflection takes place at a glancing angle of 7048’.

Applying b

Unit – II

S. No. Questions Blooms Taxonomy









A body at 1500K emits maximum energy at a wavelength 20,000 A0.If

the sun emits maximum temperature of wave-length 5500 A0, what

would be the temperature of the Sun.

Application d


At what temperature we can expect a 10% probability that electrons in

silver have an energy which is 1% above the Fermi energy? (The

Fermi energy of silver is 5.5eV.)

Application d

3 Evaluate the Fermi function for an energy KT above the Fermi energy Applying d

4 Calculate the wavelength of an electron raised to a potential 1600V. Applying d

5 If the kinetic energy of the neutron is 0.025eV calculate its de-Broglie

wavelength (mass of neutron =1.674X10-27 Kg) Applying d

6 Calculate the energies that can be possessed by a particle of mass 8.50

x10-31kg which is placed in an infinite potential box of width 10-9cm. Applying e


Calculate the wavelength of matter wave associated with a neutron

whose kinetic energy is 1.5times the rest mass of electron.[Given that

mass of neutron=1.676×10-27kg,mass of electron 9.1×10-31Kg,Mass of

electron 9.1×10-31J-Sec,velocity of light is 3 108m/s]

Applying d

Unit – III

S. No. Questions Blooms Taxonomy





Find the electric Susceptibility of dielectric gas having dielectric

constant of 1.000041. Application g


The electronic polarizability of dielectric material having permanent

dipoles no ions is 1.5 10-40 F/m2. The density of material is 2.5 1028

atoms/m3. Calculate the di electric constant of the material.


Application g


A parallel capacitor has an area of 100cm2, a plate separation of 1 cm

& is charged to a potential of 100 Volts. Calculate the capacitance of

the capacitor & the change on the plates. Applying



The relative dielectric constant of Sulphur is 3.75 when measured at

27°C. Assuming the internal field constant υ= , calculate the

electronic polarisability of sulphur if the density at this temperature is

2050kg/m3. The atomic weight of Sulphur being 32.

Applying g

5 A parallel plate capacitor having area 6.45 10-4 m2 and plate

separation of 2x10-3

m which a potential of 12volts having dielectric

constant 5.0. Compute polarization.

Applying g


The relative dielectric constant of Sulphur is 3.75. Calculate electronic

polarizability of Sulphur if its density at this temperature is 2050

kg/m3. The atomic weight of Sulphur being 32.

Applying g


The magnetic susceptibility of silicon is -0.4x105. calculate the flux

density and magnetic moment permit volume when placed in magnetic

field intensity of 5x105a/m.

Applying g

8 Calculate magnetization and magnetic flux density if magnetic field

intensity 250amp/m and relative permeability is 15. Applying g

9 A circular 100p of copper having a diameter of 10cm carries a current

of 500mA. Calculate the magnetic moment. Applying g

10 Find relative permeability, if H=220amp/m and M=3300 amp/m. Applying g


If a magnetic field of strength 300 amp/meter produces a

magnetization of 4200 A/m in a ferromagnetic material, and the

relative permeability of the material.

Applying g


The electronic polarizability of a dielectric material having no ions

and Permanent dipoles is 1.5x10-40farad-m2 .The density of the

material is 2.5x1028 atoms per m3.calculate the dielectric constant of

the material.

Applying g





Unit – IV

S. No. Questions Blooms Taxonomy





A parallel beam of light of 6000A is incident on thin glass plate of

refractive index 1.5 such that the angle of refraction into the plate is

50 . Find the least thickness of the glass plate which will appear dark

by reflection.

Application l


In a Newton’s rings experiment, the diameter of the 5th ring is 0.30 cm

and the diameter of the 15th ring is 0.62 cm. Find the diameter of the

25th ring.

Application l


A convex lens on plane glass plate is exposed to a monochromatic

light. The diameter of the 10th dark ring is 0.433 cm. Find the wavelength of the light use if the radius of curvature of the lens is 70


Applying l

4 Soap bubble with refractive index of 1.33 and thickness of 500 is

exposed to white light what wavelengths in the visible region are


Remembering l


What is the thickness of the thinnest film of 1.33 refractive index in

which destructive interference of the yellow light (6000A ) of a

normally incident beam in air can take place by reflection?

Given data:Refractive index of the film, =1.33 Wavelength of yellow

light =6000A =6000×10-8cm

Applying l


In Newton’s rings experiment, the diameter of the ring was 0.35

cm and the diameter of the ring was 0.65 cm. If the wavelength

of the light used is 6000 then find the radius of curvature of the

Plano- convex lens.

Applying l


In a Newton’s rings experiment, the diameter of the ring changes

from 1.45 cm to 1.25 cm. when a liquid is introduced between the lens

and the glass plate. Find the refractive index of the liquid.

Applying l


A plane transmission grating having 4250 lines per cm is illuminated

with sodium light normally. In the second – order spectrum, the

spectral lines are deviated by . What is the wavelength of the spectral line?

Applying l

9 A source of light having a wavelength of 600 nm is incident on a slit

with a width of 1 m. Find the angular separation between the first –

order minima and maxima of either side.

Applying l


A plane grating having 1052 lines per cm is illuminated with light

having a wavelength of 5× cm at normal incidence. How many

orders are visible in the grating spectra?

Applying l

11 A grating has 6000lines/cm. find the angular separation between two

wavelengths of 500nm and 510nm in the order. Applying l

12 Find the highest order that can be seen with a grating having 15000

lines/inches. The wavelength of the light used is 600 nm. Applying l


A step index fiber has a numerical aperture of .16 and core refractive

index of 1.45. Calculate the acceptance angle of the fiber and the

refractive index of the cladding.

Applying i


The refractive indices of core and cladding materials of a step index

fiber are 1.48 and 1.45 respectively. Calculate i) Numerical aperture

ii) Acceptance

Applying i


An optical fiber has a numerical aperture of .02 and a cladding

refractive index of 1.59. Find the acceptance angle for the fiber in

water which has a refractive index of 1.33.

Applying i





Unit – V

S. No. Questions Blooms Taxonomy





For semiconductor, the Hall efficient is-68×10-5

m3/Coul& electrical

conductivity is 250m-1Ω-1.Calculate the density &mobility of charge


Application e,f


For intrinsic semiconductor of band gap of 0.78eV, find carrier

concentrations at 370C. [Given that the effective mass of

electron=effective mass of hole=rest mass of electron.]

Application e,f


If effective mass of holes is 5 times that of elements at what

temperature would the EF be shifted by 15% from middle of forbidden

gap( Eg). Given Eg=1.2ev.

Applying e,f

4 Calculate interstices carrier concentration for Ge at 270C. [for Ge

atomic weight =72.6,Density=5400kg/m3 Band gap Eg=0.7eV] Applying e,f

5 The current in P-N junction at 270c is 0.18µA when a reverse bias

voltage is applied. Calculate the current when FB of 0.98 V is applied. Applying e,f


A hall of volume 85000 m3 is found to have a reverberation time of

2.2 sec. If the area of the sound absorbing surface is 7500 m2,

calculate average sound absorption coefficient. Applying j


A hall has a volume of 1500 m3. Its total absorption is equivalent to

100 m2 of open window. Determine the effect on the Reverberation

time if the absorption is increased by 100 m2 of open window by

filling the hall with audience.

Applying j



