·Suttons - Wake Forest University...·Suttons · Appointed · { LS$~

Post on 26-Mar-2020

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Transcript of ·Suttons - Wake Forest University...·Suttons · Appointed · { LS$~

·Suttons · Appointed· { LS$~<;Jnaries For: Service In Brazil . I


(Continued from page one) grees from Southern Seminary .

Mrs> Sutton,. the former Joan Riffey, ·was- born in Louisville, where her·· father, Dr. John l, . . Riffey, was attending . Southern l

ii Re~. and Mrs. J. Boyd . Sutton, of Hendersonbille, were appointed missionaries to North · Brazil last night by the Southern Baptist Foreign Mission Board. They were

.among 18 l)ew missionaries com-missioned at a special meeting of sthe· board. opening the week-long •Foreign Missions Conference . ·at Ridgecrest Baptist Assembly. !('·Sutton is minister of music at rirst Baptist Church, Henderson-ville, where he has served since ~T,une, 1956, '·and Mrs. "Sutton is assistant pianist · and prganist there. Both hold master's degrees from the School o! Church Music" of · Southern Baptist Theological <Seminary, · Louisville, .'Ky. · They hope to use their trainmg and ex-g:,erience in church .music when they reach the mission field.

1 Seminary. When she was five Before coming to the Rende years old her •par'ents were 11,p-·

sonville church, I Sutton was· pas- pointed Southern Baptist mission-tor of Pleasant,?ill (Tenn.) Bap- aries, and· she .we'nt with 'them to ' tist Mission, music teacher and Brazil. , choral director , at the · Masonic She lived '· in Belo Horizonte Home School, Louisville, religious ' and Rio · de Janeiro until she re~ education director at St. Matth- turned t'o .the United .States to ews Baptist .Church, ·Louisville, entei:' Baylor University, Waco, and associate pastor of First Bap- Tex., where 'she received th'e bach':.. tist Church,' Newport, Ky. He was elor of arts and' bachelor· of-music a summer worker in Kentucky for degrees. She has taught music, the Southern Home Mission Board English, and science at the Ma.--during his college vacations. sonic Home , School, · .

A native of Millboro, Va., · be · Sutton . said. that •,after .he be-lived in Staunton and . Roanoke, came a Christian, _;w.hile ·. a high Va., as a boy. He received the school student, he : Qegan to · feel associate of arts degree 'from Mars that God wantedJiim in vocational Hill College, the bachelor of arts Christian · work. He began consid-degree from ithe Univer!lity of ering foreign mission service -at Richmond (Va,), and the bachelor that time; Mrs. Sutton .decided 'to and master oil sacred music de- prepare for missionary work while

(Continued /on page four) , , she was a ·college student:. · The Suttons . have ·'two · children,

John . Edwin1 nearly !iv11, and Laura Lee, . two.

'!'.he June appointI;nents . bring ·the· total cumber of active South-· ern ,Baptisf foreign· missionaries , :to 1,343. · . . .

·.qther mi~sionaries from North ·Carolina appointed · at Ridgecrest' last . night include: . the Rev. and Mrs. Zebedee V. Mos!'!- of ·caro ... , leen, who will go to •Central Af-rica, and the Rev. Z. Dori Reece , of Canton, who will gc{to Ghana

. West Africa. ' \ ' - ·-----~

t', : .• '.J. BOYD_I SUTTON i

iiAPr1s·rs ·10 SA t · ~ · , ; FAREWELL TO THE.it· :~ J.· B0!1) ,s_UITONS ,. ,.Aj~ ... 1

, ... - . J · Boyd Sutton, Minister of

l,, Music. of the F~t ~ptist Church , of ~end~nvrllle, terminates ihis

.. servuce m .. this -C!!Pacity on July , t , l. Tht church will f'e<:ogruize his ·:1~or~ .and that of Mrs. Suttolll as

v,10J,Jlll,1?t _and assisitanit organist 1 and I>~amst at a farewell sennioe ' foMowing the mid-week prayer services this Wednesday ,everuin •

• ·a:t .7 ;4~ in ,fille · chapel. The recep! · ,µon will be in the Lower Aud~-tor-,mm of tJ!:te Eduootiona~ BuHddng ·

They sail!. ~e eairly part of Aug~ · ~ for ~raz11I where ,they wtllJI be in ~~1onary work under· "'fille' .Fol'ellgin ~on Boa.rd . of, ·th . ~outhern 'Baptist Convention:' e. --