Гейм Линч с участием Spil Games, FDG Entertainment, Vlambeer, Zeptolab и...

Post on 09-May-2015

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Гейм-линч -- это специальный формат мероприятия, в котором эксперты в области разработки игр будут говорить о недостатках и достоинствах представленных игр. Будут обсуждаться ошибки в геймдизайне, графике, юзабилити и т.д. Эксперты: Алекс Ничипорчик (Spil Games) Филипп Дёшль (FDG Entertainment) Рами Измаил (Vlambeer) Евгений Яйленко (Zeptolab) Антон Карлов (Ant.Karlov) Линчуемые игры: Shetani TurnOn Braveland Lumika Mushroom Jump

Transcript of Гейм Линч с участием Spil Games, FDG Entertainment, Vlambeer, Zeptolab и...

  • 1.Game Lynch

2. About Game Lynch 5 games 5 experts Blood and alcohol Vote for your favorite game 3. Todays Lynchers Alex Nichiporchik - Shetani Eugene Yailenko - Braveland Anton Karlov Mushroom Jump Philipp Doschl TurnOn Rami Ismail - Lumika 4. Shetani The Game That Broke My MacBook PRO 5. Lights, yay. Now what? 6. Enemies are dumb, just run after you 7. Light is not tied into gameplay in any way 8. No tactical gameplay, no pace breaker 9. - Tie in gameplay with light - Add pace breakers - Create interesting AI behavior - More blood splatter - TEST THE GAME ON LOW END SPECS! 10. Game by Tortuga Team www.tortugateam.com Lynch by Senior Game Designer, ZeptoLab www.yailenko.com 11. 1. 12. 2. 13. 3. 14. 1. , 2. 3. 15. 1. , 2. 3. : , 16. . , . 17. 18. Mushroom Jump Game Lynch 19. ? . - . 20. : , . : . -: , . . 21. Pause? Level Completed Pause, Pause Level Failed - . 22. . !? Pause, Level Completed Level Failed . 23. . ? Menu Pause . 24. , . . . . . ?! :) 25. TurnOn 26. Game Lynch Moscow 2014: TurnOn 27. Game Lynch Moscow 2014: TurnOn Titlescreen: Looks nice. But, errrr.... what are these funky buttons doing...? 28. Game Lynch Moscow 2014: TurnOn The map: Looks nice as well. BUT! - it gives no satisfying feel of progression - unclear where i am, where I have to go - no info about results of cleared levels - how can I access the locked levels? 29. Game Lynch Moscow 2014: TurnOn The tutorial: Starts with restoring health...? Or should I swipe? Swipe on my Mac Book without touch display? Ah, riiiight... 30. Game Lynch Moscow 2014: TurnOn The tutorial: Ok, Ill swipe down then... 31. Game Lynch Moscow 2014: TurnOn The tutorial: Restore health again? Oh yeah, I already lost HP. But how? 32. Game Lynch Moscow 2014: TurnOn The tutorial: JUMP! Go ahead JUMP! (btw., why not tap instead of swipe?) 33. Game Lynch Moscow 2014: TurnOn The tutorial: Ok, Ill go back... 34. Game Lynch Moscow 2014: TurnOn The tutorial: And why should I turn them on? 35. Game Lynch Moscow 2014: TurnOn The tutorial: Last thing: red charges are bad. Then you let the player run into death 36. Game Lynch Moscow 2014: TurnOn The tutorial: The game is probably made for touchscreen, not web. But then adapt the tutorials if you ALREADY support keyboard. Especially if you already have the info... 37. Game Lynch Moscow 2014: TurnOn The gameplay: Nice idea, but gets booooooring after a few minutes, there's no challenge: - endless amount of retries - no penalty in any way (except red charges that bring you back to the checkpoint) 38. Game Lynch Moscow 2014: TurnOn The gameplay: It's all about the charges! Tell the player how many there are, how good he's doing! Again, the feel of progression is missing 39. Game Lynch Moscow 2014: TurnOn The issues: - Major bugs (Character disappears, controls not working anymore, etc...) - Bad performance on some devices, such as a Mac Pro!!! - Game totally misses a story, outline, objective, aim, etc... 40. Game Lynch Moscow 2014: TurnOn The issues: Inconsistent level art: some lines look as if you can ride on them 41. Game Lynch Moscow 2014: TurnOn The issues: Inconsistent language: sometimes english, sometimes russian... 42. Game Lynch Moscow 2014: TurnOn There are nice things as well: Besides the standard gameplay mechanic, there are also other funny elements, like this one where you have to pull the lever. but are there other ones as well...? 43. Game Lynch Moscow 2014: TurnOn There are nice things as well: Nice variation in levels, game synced to music is a nice idea, but more could happen here) But I want to have more control over the character when jumping, especially downwards And the music is really cool and cheering in this level. 44. Game Lynch Moscow 2014: TurnOn The end: 1 star (or bulb)... 45. Game Lynch Moscow 2014: TurnOn The end: 2 stars (or bulbs)........ errr... 46. Game Lynch Moscow 2014: TurnOn The end: 3 stars......! Come on! Celebrate the player more when getting 3 bulbs / 3stars, who's that grumpy guy? And give the player more info about how he did in the level 47. Game Lynch Moscow 2014: TurnOn How to improve the game: - Give the player an outline / story, create an emotional bond between player & the game - Kill the bugs! - Continue with mixing different mechanics to ease up the game - Give the player clear aims and challenges -> replay value! - Rethink progress on the map - Cheer and motivate the player - Make a whole game out of this prototype! 48. Lumika