... Session Objectives • Demonstration of our cohesive platform • Uses beyond monthly financials...

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Transcript of ... Session Objectives • Demonstration of our cohesive platform • Uses beyond monthly financials...




Story Continuous Improvement


August 21, 2019


Steven JirscheleFortistar – Director AT


August 21, 2019


Greg HansenPresident Coast Technology


Session Objectives

• Demonstration of our cohesive platform• Uses beyond monthly financials• CPM and BI coexist • Data Warehouse can be for multiple non financial sources• Put the data in end users hands – multiple launch platforms


Fortistar – Who are we

• An opportunity-oriented, private investment and energy firm.

• focused on the transition to a zero-carbon economy.

• Owns and operates lower carbon energy generating companies in the United States and Canada that support the transition to a low carbon economy. Headquarters

White Plains, NY



Business IssueConstruction - “Our goal is to reduce constructiondelays and improve schedule forecasting, withincreased accuracy, visibility, and managementcontrol.”

Finance - “ We need greater control, transparency, andaccess to the real-time data so that we can moreaccurately model cash flow, minimizing early delivery ofhigh cost equipment, and account for expected delays -which take longer than current forecasts allow.”

Jeff Lucero, VP Construction

John Snell, CIO


Action Items

Timeline Update to the final construction timeline at the project kick-of meeting to provide the most accurate schedule forecast based on:

personnel, subcontractor, and equipment resources

Design Review Phases added, with each an additional 3 weeks, including: 30% Design Review 80% Design Review.

Contract Modification with language to include time limitations on the design review milestones in order to keep the design process moving.


“The adjustments to our timeline, construction phases, and contracts are key factors in reducing construction delays…The new displays and reporting help manage tasks and optimize resources.”

Jeff Lucero, VP Construction


Action Items

Add More Milestones to account for 30% and 80% design revisions to capture the causes for delays and insights to save time.

Tailored Dashboards for each of the functional managers to give them the needed data to prioritize tasks and align resources for prioritization.

Construction Cash Flow Modeling review and revision to match typical construction timelines for better planning and design.

BI and CPM implementation to monitor and analyze past projects to validate cash flow forecasts and adjust as necessary.


“The project dashboards, analytics, and data for modeling all provide visibility to the current state, and insights to adjust for the future state … avoiding surprises, helping with cash flow, and improving planning.”

John Snell, CIO


Next – See it in Action (demo)The Power and Value of the Integrated System

Data Capture & Management

Data Warehouse & Analytics

Data Reporting & Decision Making


Take away – What we are discoveringBetter Labor Utilization

More Accurate Project Forecasting

Tighter Cash Flow or Requirements

Improved Procurement Processing

Enhanced Communication and Understanding with Customers

Shorter Reporting Cycles

Alignment between Operations and Finance

Less Data Entry, More Data Analysis


Your feedback is valuable:



Steven JirscheleFortistar – Director AT

Greg HansenPresident – Coast Technology

