Safety is very important in Healthcare – not only to the patient but to the care giver (You),...

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Transcript of Safety is very important in Healthcare – not only to the patient but to the care giver (You),...

Safety is very important in Healthcare – not only to the patient but to the care giver (You), coworkers and visitors!

General health/safety standards in Healthcare are established and enforced by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

Promotion of Safety in Healthcare

In order to prevent injury to yourself and others its important to observe good Body Mechanics.

Body Mechanics - refers to the way in which the body moves and maintains balance while making the most efficient use of all parts.

Body Mechanics

Muscles work best when used correctly

Correct use of muscles makes lifting, pulling and pushing easier

Correct application of body mechanics prevents unnecessary fatigue,

strain and saves energy

Correct application of body mechanics prevents injury to self and


Reasons for Using Good Body Mechanics

1. Maintain a broad base of support – feet 8-10 inches apart, one foot slightly ahead of the other, balance, keep toes pointed in direction of movement

2. Bend from the hips and knees & keep back straight3. Use the strongest muscles to do the job – legs, hips, shoulders and

arms – back muscles are weak!4. Use the weight of your body to push or pull an object. When ever

possible push, pull or slide rather than lift.5. Carry heavy objects close to the body. Stand close to the object or

person being moved.

8 Basic Rules of Good Body Mechanics

6. Avoid twisting your body – turn your feet and entire body

7. Avoid bending for long periods of time.

8. If patient or object is to heavy for you to lift alone always get help.Use another person, mechanical lifts, transfer belts, chairs, etc.

Body Mechanics continued

Belts and Lifts

OSHA establishes and enforces two main safety standards in the workplace. The occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals Standard

MSDS Sheet – Material Safety Data Sheet

Blood Borne Pathogen Standard – protect against exposure to body fluids, ie: blood, urine, stool, saliva, etc.

Preventing Accidents and Injuries

Requires employers to inform employees of all chemicals and hazards in the workplace. Product Identification Protection and Precautions Instructions for safe use Procedure for handling spills Emergency First Aid procedures



Ergonomics – is applied science to promote safety and well being of a person by adapting the environment and using techniques to prevent injuries. Correct Placement of Furniture Training in required muscle movements Efforts to avoid repetitive movements Awareness of the environment to prevent injuries


Do not use or operate equipment until you are trained to do so Read and follow operating instructions Report any damaged or malfunctioning equipment immediately Do not use frayed or damaged electrical cords Read MSDS reports before using hazardous chemicals Never use solutions/bottles that are not labeled Do not mix any solutions unless instructed to do so

Equipment Safety

Do not provide any procedure on a patient unless you have been trained and instructed to do so

Provide privacy for the patient Knock on doors before entering Identify yourself Always Identify your patient Always explain the procedure so patient knows what you are going to


Patient Safety

It is your responsibility to protect yourself and others Wear required uniform Walk do not run Report any personal injuries or accidents If you see an unsafe situation report it promptly Keep all areas clean and neat Wash your hands frequently (before and after any procedure and any

time they become contaminated during a procedure) Dry hands thoroughly before handling any equipment especially

electrical equipment

Personal Safety

Wear safety glasses when instructed to do so or situation may result in possible eye injury

While working with a partner observe all safety precautions and review role each will do doing a procedure

If any solutions come in contact with skin or eyes flush immediately If something gets in your eye, report it immediately – do not attempt

to remove it yourself or rub your eye

Personal Safety

Fires need three things in order to start. Fire Triangle

Fire Safety

Causes of Fires: Major cause is carelessness with matches or smoking Misuse of electricity – overload a circuit, frayed wires Defects in heating systems Spontaneous combustion Improper rubbish disposal Arson

Fire Safety

Fire Extinguishers are classified according to the kind of fire they extinguish Class A: Pressurized water – used on fires involving paper, cloth wood Class B: Carbon Dioxide (CO2) – used on gas, oil, paint, liquids Class C: Dry Chemical Type (potassium chloride) used for electrical Class ABC: Combination uses graphite type chemical, can be used on

all fires. Can irritate skin and eyes

Fire Extinguishers

Steps of fire safety: RACE

Rescue anyone in immediate danger

Activate the alarm

Confine the fire

Extinguish the fire

Fire Safety

Proper use of a fire extinguisher: Pass

Pull the pin

Aim at the base of the fire

Squeeze the handle

Sweep from side to side

Fire Safety