| REV. A. WALLACE, D. D„ Editor. ft OCEAN GROVE, N. J ... · •• •• '• '- • V •: '...

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Transcript of | REV. A. WALLACE, D. D„ Editor. ft OCEAN GROVE, N. J ... · •• •• '• '- • V •: '...

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REV. A. WALLACE, D. D„ Editor. ft_ _


v -.v " - f t y > " ft •i<-:f t ““;- if t: ftift': ?VOL. *

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. A Voico in tho N ig h t.

I tinvc. ircitilp, nnd tlio world fihnll iic.siiiikeii;'■. Lil;i; n Vot'd-lit Hie l.iuch tit niy toil. .

: f j f f i "Witt:Fl’oiii llio ll|w (if my iiroiilicltf «nil «i(?W, ''

Do fi-mnpluil, -tilt« pciirl lioforo in inc.mill my t'liltlo;

from labor.Hu ineotl;.. .1)0 ontCHbtrt to'l»rif(K ' iilyobr feet In ihoir new) ;

li clniuovH of tuiitiji'r jircw lon<lc*r, Anc\ the'' multitiiucft x^fiycd lo bo foil.-.

Vo litivo nnHwwoil with prf^inn'or puw<1oia •• Thu orlen of your biothow for brc-uil. • ¡ /I turn’ frmu your altinfi nuU'nvehcs \

•Ancl tlio nuiiiklni} of Btcople iind.tkmics, ’ Tq join in the Ion« weary liiarolu-H

Of »he ohos yé have robbe»! of their hoinuH.I «hlíro In tho fiorrowH. ami crOK.sed

Of tho naked-, tho hnnqry, nnd eohl,And dearer to mo; live ihelf Ioshoh. •'

Thiin yaitr í»uíuh lirid your idolrf of «old.I will wither'(lib mighf'iif tho t»jM>iler;

i will luuuh ut youi* dnni»eouH niid IocUh; ' Tho tyrant «hall yield tci the toiler.

Ana'your jild«e» »*;it KriwH.HUrytho ox :For tlio prnyerrt ot Die puca: luive a^eended

To bo wirtten’liko liuhtniiiijs on hiyli.And tile wails of.your euptiyes have iiletided

With the boltn flint jiIijóI Jeiiji from tho sky.The throne« óf your kiiiy;s ftlinlI bo Hhnttóred/• : And Ih.cv priHonern'iid serf shall'go free, ‘I will haryeat; from seed iliat I Bcatten'd: ; ', On'the .borders of bluo (4nlilee J O r \Por. i. come hot «lone «nd a- stn;ngor j : Lo, niy reiiperfl will ¿ing hróugh.flié njglit, Till;the Htnr flint atood over tho innn^Cr. i ,;V

Sliiill.cover tho world with is IlffliK* ft. James G. Olark in tho. Arena.

Mon Ocian Grovj Oratory. .Wc'printed hist week.the.largest p«rt of a

: very eiitcrtaiuin«futióle fro.in the eóluinn« •of 7«jou*» .Ileruld, ii-.eoiitributihii from Dr. H. Whoiitly relating to the oratoiieiil ability oonbciitlilted at. Ocean Grove during’the past Kumineiv Thó followinR sketch in from tho «iniío article and describes one of the mo^ft notable epenkcM of the season, Gen­eral J. li. Gordon, U. S. Senator from Georg hi, mid chief of Gcti. Robert JS, Lee’d. stall' diirinj; the War of the rebellion. Dr. WbejjtJy a:iyfli . / ; • v- .* .

An entranced nudienco of eliiht thdusami• soul* hum»'for two and a half hours on tlie

orntóv’ri. llp?, and thnt iione the less eagerly.' be cause ho is feald: to bo a Motl’iodist of the

Church South. Tall, «lately,- «racefúl, w.itli; voice muHieal 'ail'd clear lit. tho close as at .tiio boaihning of .his orat ion. aiul xvitirtiiet worthy of the greatest, soldier of,any een- tnryj ho spoke of Goltysbufg, Ápíjomattos and Grcciidboróúgh. The reluctance to un- yell tho horrid face of actual \var, so.com- inoa to nil tvuo soldiers, doubtless prompted tho uso of* current pleasantries in stating

• Confedorato reasons for tho invasion of .Pennsylvania, nnd in describing the military conflicts which, followed. The rebele were hungry, no doubt,’ but .tiioir- social, recip­rocity in . the^uninvited visit to the Quaker Stale andi.tho voracity of their appetites weio not nny^morc.welcome beciiuso of tho necd; which theniBeivea had created. Tliey aro greeted in .most friendly stylo now, whimover they choose to go to Pennsylvania, anil all the more because, ns General Gordon fiays, reunion is. sincere, thorough and [ier- uianent. The parties to tho deadly struggle. nt Gettysburg did not forget, that they were Americans mid ; Christians—in ñamé, at

.least. The chivalrous courtesy nnd un­flinching devotion to principle pxemplilied

sbybot It’s ides wero delineated with.touching prtthoí. Lifelong friendships bot.ween war­ring opponents were formed in Held and honpitiil, American brotherhood, valor and consistency were emphnticnlly .eulogized. His descriptions of tho poverty, want and wretchedness of r tho Confederates when Cirnnrsurrounded them, nt Appomattox were uxoeedingly,graphic and. touching. So was wlint ho-snid of the appearance, hmguage and manner of tlio, two great commanders. Grant, .conquered, not simply by; numbers and resources, but by his skill, resolution aiid kindness. Ho not only enforced sur-

•rondci;, but UOn the.hearts.of hid compieied . countrymen. AH, . cnhfpierors and con- . ipiercd, liro - now loyal American citizens,

whoso stars and stripes represent past sullcr- ing and pjoseut ijspiratlon. .. All now cull cnY tho wluilo earth tb’ strlkp for universal.'re-, publlean liberly. /

•Thunders of . applause gveetnl Gordon's slngidurly eloijuent peroration. Thousiinds grasped him by the hand ero- l(o left the bnilillngi No doubt, in view of tho scene, eiiúld óxl«t that Americans can dllfor, light, a*(ree, and lovci. •• ;

' Tho lecture of General Gordon was quite nrf remarkable for what it excluded as for what it included. IIo had no words for Jotfcrson Davis, nono for General .Thomas,

. few for .Longstreet, and nono of praise for any ’distinguished Union Gonoial except Grant, unless ho wero a Democrat. While

. ideally republican and patriotic in speech, hi> omitted all’ reference,to tho political.sit­uation in the South, and to the pructjcal dls- francbisomont of Negroes.and white Repub­licana .in Mississippi, South Carolina nnd other States. Ilia lecluro wns good»—very good—so far as it went. Rut it did not go fur enough to suit many of his hearers. They bellovb. In"equality boforo tho law for »11 luon. This ia tho American doctrino for which tlio fathers died, in defence of which liuridrerla ofjhousnnda of their descendants poured out their; li\'es,iind for tho ultimiito

: national, exemplilleatiqn.of widcirm 111 ions of trud.Aiiierican citizens now pledge their lives, their fortunes, and their suered honor.

\vitiiout questioning Generai Ooriloi^s >yjs- d on) we ni a y reiiili y rn; JI nit. 11 i ia is just ■ win it America tv patriotism requires.• How: is lt,' Gonerai G6rdon, .ihiit you lire,

so favoralily received by.•spleiulid'audlcnces iii :• t iio: Nor Ui t whijo Clin plain. McCai jo’ and myself may not-dull tor our lectures iii tho SouthV’ qtierlcd Di' A. J. Palmer. ’ * ;

‘Thero’s a ditToroncb between .skinning nnd being skimie«lr” su'igcsled the querfct.

‘That’ii just it !!’ was tho gratified reply.

I, - ' R f o i h r e i i J : i f >a ii>;-v'.bf: }ypw,;’’‘lo err. from I (10 i rut h j and.ono convert, li im',.;ìet himkiiòw t hat; ho wl i i.cli -eonvert el I lithe sin-.

' ' frcnii. the ;t;rro> of his -wny. sha'll. save a

Twenty-tv/o B :autiful Yoirs.UY >ias. r.xNNii: h. oaiiu»

On Wednesday< Angoli 21, iviiijst on his vacation at Avalon, N. J ., there pii^ed froni tli:.-» world of uncertainty, disappoint­ment and trial.- into the pure and blés.-ed regions of ti full, complete and satisfactory life/Gllbert. S.' Moore, Jr.. n'Recent grad­uato óf tjie University of Pennsylvania. In tiie.-e days, eminent for tho interest uumi- fo-iled in the yoiing, and espóchilly in'young nie», when .tho possibilities of developing manhood furnish a proliHc tlieiiio for the poet, e.-.-ayist iind divine, it is.refreshing to' turn from, tho abstract discussion tó tlio. concreto expression as furnished in the Jife of the subject of this testimonial. •. V

Tlio .quest ion miiy arise, whui lessons can an existence- so soon ended, givo to those who have life’s battles aliU'to light?., if dim. man lives am lo bo gauged not by years but by ’deeds, not by the-number of recurring birtbdays, but by puro and noble aspira­tions, crystallizing. into, heroic and inanly' deeds, then was our you tig* friend’« life a grand success.

[’rom early childhood he .was-noted not only for lovo.of »tudy, liut also for,inietta­li ilg the .Scriptural lnjuhctio.h.^v*That whiil- aoavav things mo ipveJy, what*oeye» things Jiro just, wimtsover thingf> nre of g(»od re­port, think oil these1 things.’* lie rapidly and easily assimilated, his various studies, so that after graduating with special honor froin thfj Central Iligh School,' he \vas ad-: inittcd into tho University of Pennsylvania. Prom'tlio day. of ont ranco into this titiic- ho.nored school nf learning, lie ' made a marked and mi.*l favorablo imprcssloii upon pto fesso is nnd 'fellow, studonta. Whilst noted', for protlcie.nuy'.in his studies, he .was keehly alive to.'tjie'deyeitjpnieii't' of.the: physi- éal ïnau, aiultool{ : 'aiid i utense lind .intell i­gent: interest in'Vtho yuViouH outdoor, gaine* for which tho’ college* life of our dai* is so eminent.. ; His personal and eoe ialq uni it ics wero hucli na . mado biin easily tlio unani­mous choice for class president, a position which he 'filled with 'apocini acceptance. Nor whllfl .rendering duo regard to the’de­velopment, of .the mental and physical man. were tho higher claims of tho soul-neglected. In iv day when so many young moii with but a smattering of tiie soiencea, aeoin to think Ita manly thing to avow themselves agnod- tics, Gilbert s . Moore confessed faith in a crucilied but nqw.riscn Redeemer. . In short he w a s 'a ‘graphic-illustration . of what is meant . by ' an ail-around. Christian miin. Whilst, there 'was in film no*, the slightest vestigo of the “ goody goody. V lio was an emphatic object lesson of a real livo manly nmnl i -It has ' bccoino t ho njbreat conììnon- place, thatvinbn' and women arò inost" acciir ratbly guogbd iti -, their lipnib li fo.;. Abcept- itig this as true, then our- young friend stood thottest/.grandly.. :Nb.:pen-so fàcile,' no. imagination so chasle, no friendship so olose, aa to warrant» the drawing aside of tho veil of many Of tho inost sacred expo- riencea of homo life. .SulUee it to say that in tho tender and auggoativp relationship of child to parent, of brother to sinter, he was a constant embodiment qf filial and ‘brother-- iy devotion. That- a life,so rich in the ele- iiients of rear greatness should havo so .early tiiid abrupt a close is a problem -that from u .movcly lui.mcui standpoint dbtles solution. It is only ’froin tho pbitit of view Uiat tlie. present is Init the vestibule of existence thiit tho brain so fòrti lei the heart so Icving, tho soul so aspiring, lias Veen transplanted into n world where every faculty will Hud com­pleto li ml sât isfactory developmenf..- .

W inning Souls.• l i e Is a wise iimn who wins souls; lie causo soul-winning is the aecuriiigV to;‘ fh‘e bçst uses, tho, li’lghbst. aiiil. best of beings ns to t lieiV liai u ro .Vl tid t he i v possi bio desi i.t>y. ; i t. takes Ji'w iyotn an to .w i n aoüla.-ftSOlpuion says;; ( Prqy.;-.-! 8 ;: Ì 9 | V‘‘ ‘.A :brqtÎ?êr otfeitded ia hiirdcr-.to bo won tluin 'a stlong city, ”, Strong cities huvo been ttiken. Olfendcd persons luné been won but it requircn wis- doin, A wise tuan who seta, hlmsolf about this work-, will win sotils. A. wiso inan in­tent .on this end, wins souls. Wisdom seeks to reclaim tho wandering, and to set right tho. erring. Ho .who ia tilled ‘.with the wis­dom which is from nl)Qve, wiil apply that wisdom In .winning’ souja from tho wrong way to the right way, from sin to holiness, ami from paths of alh to puths of righteoua- nesà. Ho ;ia ii,; living, trecca treó , of - j i^ Ilo. beura fruit;- iind that fruit includes the winning of souls. ' • •: . , ■ • ,

Tlio wo rd w i n is. used by Pa u 1. Ì n t hcv sense 9 f gii i n big ? tin d ; ; p ossess i tog,: wiion. lip ! say s V * ‘ I cou n t .iìl I; fhibga but 1 òsa; ; ilia 1 1 iqny w in Chriat, ’ ’ : Peter : also giyea tlio .word that signinciuice'whenlib'ajiya'thut.ihp.'huabands òf belipving_ ivi vea ‘ 1 tnaÿ bb.won by - tho • con­versât ion. (behavior-) of tlio .wive.a..’? Jatnea ten chea tho .Binilo': t h itig, though fie ; does not

Tills tvinniiw of «P»l« 1»S «Kut. work- ■' It y ields .vilat r^u ll^ ..f t-T o - '^ iv o |l Wòùf fto in ( te ltli n ini lo h i 'l o n lm illlliK ln o f k1iih. ” -!s iiii iiu liii'i'C 'inoiitivoitliylluv 'itipK iin-M b ito f li of thp highest atql noblest of men.-. Ho wlio tichievea tliip, vyina a'straying; nnd lost sheep of Christ’s flpek imck io the flock and-fold: Over this achievement, God’s' angqrls -in heaven rejoice tind are gliid. Reftcr'than wo do. they' know how ¿»inch it means."to win a soul from death. V This work of aotil- wimiing is not. for tho mbusier ninne. Every, diaci pip of Christ .may be a sou I-win­ner. The minlfcter has. nò corner on this raro privilege and high duty. Laymen have useful gifts,* wbicli they can use in winning solila, for'Christ.—Western Christian Advò-cate- :

It Is to sweel to’ liv e ;.M y little life to-dayTliiit l would never leayc.it, if '

.1 might forev(>r stay!• raoinctimes say, . ;; Vv'lV.yvI am ao weary. Lord,

'-ft I would lie down for aye, 'Could i but hear thee-sneak the word,' ; “ Tliy sins arc.Avashed away !”

I soijietin c'i say.The better mood .that lies i . ’•

These moods "between, inidwoy, Comes softly, nnd I lift-my eyes,. ."Lord,'as thou w ilt!’’ I pray;.

And woaJd alway. .

How to Set Saved.‘There are three views taken of the human

factor in salvation:- 1. Salvation 'of and hy oui selves. ,.Mnn

feela coinputctit,, from his view o f . mutters, to. accomplish his own salyntiiiri.. The phrase, "self-ma.de man“ ia the glory of the natural man. He . takes prido in the fact that he has. by‘his unaided ell’orfs,. achieved worldly success, and therefore ‘ hia , pi'ide leads, hijii to think ho can .just as well be tho author of his ^alyat ioii. Tor this reason aiipufntitUnviy ;; religion anVpYig';-.tho;: btl^rind/wen|tliyy.‘-.bett‘ ‘ kuôwlèdgG pütleth upj.’.-.iind:iiçSèà becoine ti god, aiihbugh;both of. fhenViirc*;not;sinfii 1“ in themselVes. - Tho : proud . lui¡nan- heart: hates.;,fo .ackn.tHv’iédge JtH' lepbiK tlie.lowly^Naztireqe-forit s^alviitiou'. ;V Hence t lie:Vnorali’ t- ; ii>h ik<*a.û Vrbi i _éj i q_iv ;6 f ■•:!>! s . r ootl- wpikai.thbv Ühi|àrÎan;!dr.hiàcu;U uctiiionv-and-tho; - p it»« <1 v; liiïeksî i cl €lp ii * v I i ii r el t mah::hopes tb get rid o f ain' Ijy dt^eiopiU evoiut.ion, g pr .iuiy[ qthor: wny. èxcby ■ fa ith ; in the . îi.looil üf Jeâita. /:A popular icljcii ; iiï iliQ eiiUrph iiw 'isii iiuyin^ becn generated ’by faith, 'you niay go :on by tv dpi; cerit'churcli-nfonncl gpotiworkajuidyputOio finishing touches upon salvation , yourself Instead of being complete by-faith in Jesus« The faith method of cntiio eradication froin all sin is just lia «biioxioua to backslidden ccclesiastieism iia. the . faith method.of re- geueration ia to the.tnoral inan.

'2. A second view of ealvation ia held by those-who put all tho responsibility upon God.. They’think','"!, will 'Wait,the Loi‘d-a good timo. : If I am to be saved hc'jwiil. gave. ‘inc. ’’ ;Apd ■ after they jiuve/bebivbup- t ized iind profess to bo Christiitiisj in order to excuse their sins wliich f liey coiniiiit they declare -thiit they are iii Christ,’ ami there­fore t/io 'Lord overlooks, their sins and im­putes, tii P rightcousiH’Ss i>f .Cluihtv. whleli, as

robe, covers up fhèlr sins nnd sinfuinéss. S*» that while their state.-is a sinful one, .yet their standing is- till, right, because-"Sidvti- tioti is of Gmt alone.” ’

li. A third view , ia thp co-operation, «»f faith. It looks to God iilonu for sulviitlon, yet realizes that it is impossible to bo saved except by co-operat iug wit h <î i vitie power, it ia a cp-operution with divine power jutt «à In all >lhe other depnrtmenta of divine working. Tho farmer tuisca no crop with­out harmonizing with and tripling, the divine inethods. iii-« etiofla would be fruit-., lets but for the powers God Inis set at work, und- these, powers would be fruitless ONeept he fultllled hia part, y^Mnii’s part of Salva­tion ia like tlio drowning man iitying hold of the tope, the pian leaping from tiio burn­ing building Inio the arms of;his.rescuers,, who savp ’ him ’because ho-fiiltlia the condi­tions ThitVis tho* work of;faith, or, as Jesus expressed it, “ This is tho work' of GpU Ihnt yo believp on* liitn whom God.liath sent.” Then faith dobs/its pi(rt, and like the wo­man hi tlio crowd, reaches forth ita linger atid touches the power and the.work.is d'tte iu pno instant, that years of human striving ha>p failed .to accp!U|>llsh. •' . '.

A ileal deliverance.,Howv thrilling the truth that salvation

ineana moral transformation, or a new man. Pardon, ia hardly inorò;than-tho removal of tho.barriers—tlio legal obstacles—to tho real Avork of aulvalion, which ia a “ new crca- tion./’- Moreover, tin’s ia a reconstruction of. ciiaractcr, as well as of life. It changea not only acts and words, but also tempers.. It renowB tho real .tinnii tho hidden man of tho heart.. . ’ Ñ ; . .. .. .. 'Conversion Is a mighty, inwqrd. change. It should never be referred to as comprimili}, inerbly forgiveness. It la a turniug of thewholo bo itig God ward; Regnerjition is life

...... .. ...... ______ 0 _________ from fho dctid. It ia pcrhnps the.moat rad-uso, the saine - word, when, ho says (¡Tames I leal work wrought; upon a human soul by

— rrr:'ft'-'.vV

QmUipf^teiit g race . Anil. .yet" it is:’o n ly the beg ip iii n g : of- toerc jea-^the. ! blosai iig ft f hat s ta r ts iia npDti thp new life . ■■.‘ j. \ < ' V; / ; ■.

Salvution;: in its fidnesa. involve^ tlie ciire cif inborn ovil—the dcHtruction of the iuidy O f sill. .T in , r<: ¡-nptwn-, not. «ill.unlt-r l>iil; ivllli lire,.mid iillli Hie Holy Ghost.- Baptiam ia not birth, and.does iiot nccompany birth, but follow« it. What triio * 'lil ,’of God does' not need—if .he hna not

experienced it—atid consciously iiecd just this deep,- inward puvglng,from all.unriglit- ebuVenetiS? This restores, him to original puvity (not . Adamic perfect ion)-and . eo/n- ph-tes tho salvation of hia soul.

It ia thia- for which David piviycd /,Ps. 51.: o^T, :10); which the disciplea at Peiltc- co.-l, and Cornelius under Petcr’a ministry received, (Acts .lo,:5).); which Paul .taught Ynom,.0;IJ); nnd whicli.Jobn declared that every - true- believer obtains ( t John ii). It i s ; this!. Sptitless’ purity that Jesiis died to procurd.j for, his- people' rEph. ¡Ti -ja,-i>7y. andtwhlcirIlls ‘.‘precious blood•’ unfailingly I tp j larja to' a 11 who* t H ke it • for t hei r per fee f burcf . “ NViiat ii Womlerful Siivlour is-Je.sua my Lo)d^’—Christian Witness.

The Day of Post:c:stTlie tiny of. the: crucifixion wilnessed a

linndful pf disheartened disciples gazing on their expiring -Lon),:then shrinking'heart- brokcn tiVvay from the gir/eUind.taunla of tho jeering -multitude, lint when ,t ho Day of I'eutecost waa fully Come, a .far dilfcretit sceno wna being enacted. It was the begln- tiingof the great festival of harvest, a con- ven lent . sbnspu fórj; 11 io;, dcsigria'' pf 'PrOVi- '«eiicp.;iv; Jprusineip ftVfis i iirpngptij « nd. ; the inul|itiide;.\viia ijlIyò. \yitli■’!11o t i t , -ft• JBut pcr?-. hap? the greatest;contribuìing circumstance to the greatness, of thia day to t|ie church was the .fact ‘ that the' disciples of Jesus '“ wero air of one accord in .one pince.*1 There was a unity of spirit, which from tlint dtiy to this bus always nieant a grctit •deni in church.work. ; - •

Ot. that occasion there was no wondering why certain ones were not at cluirch,- as it- is sometimes tho cai-e now, for.every.mein-, ber, vviis present. Thorp is One way. to have ii successful atid ijitercst ipg church;’ that' is for '.every member to be •• present at every' serViciNft v- /.'.v/,'* /A.,', Doubtless some people had woiideied wlia wouhi become of the (r’hiireh when Judna turned traitor.- He hail.'occupied a protni- nuut position,, but the. other eleven found a man, Matthias,-to .tak’c .hia place.■ ; People often wonder in this day what would become of the Church if old'Mr. Moneybags should withdraw, and . sometimes both clergy jiiid jalty ciiter to the eccentricities of soine one wlio perhaps is iporo of ,a h hid rance tini n ii help to the' Chuicln But when such people clo withdraw .God’s great eaiiso of salvation often bounds forward ‘ mpVo, rapidly than wlipii it was retarded by the presence in the Church of .'some otto who had more,“ lilthy hierpV’ than the grace of God.

About the hour for early inorning prayers there- came upon the disciples ti mighty blast froin heaven, sweeping through the whole house from top to bottom. . Tho phe­nomena of wind and storm have cvèr'been the natural- symbolism of Divine,presence and power .to I lui human . intelligence. The sense of hearing ia the peculiarly believing senso; all through the grades of lariguilgo faitl\.“ coiiieth by ; hearing. V Now it is the soft .voico - o f ‘love, and now that of power wiiich siieaks;. in the zephyr or in the boreal, blast.ft ; • .

Tlién there wore, inany tongues of tire, òlio resting on jhe head of each .disciplp ; it was.the visible numifesftifipii bf'tlm pow­er • of God and immediately broive /orth in wondrous action; Then Peter begins tliiit wonderful seriiion. It-.was. personal .and. pòi tiled, the » once, recreant rliscijde lias be* collie; tv bright and shining light ;.hc;whò denied ■hW,Muster u ' short j iinb. befnie• now stands-.up iind boldly charges theJewa with ilio erucitlxtou of Christj- Rut. his seriiion i> not inude up • of abuse-by any mentis',- fie iv tiwukcniug the inullitude.- then unfoiding thP.phiu ofvalvntion. He closes his rcinark- iibie . disepuVso with • the èxbortiltloti and promise, " Repent and be baptized every one) of you in the iinmo of Jesus Christ-for the remission of atiis, and yb shall receive the gift of tlio -lIoly.Ghpst. For,the prom-, iso is unto you liiul your cliildicu. atid to uH that arc afar otf, even tia tiiatiy as I ho-.Lord our Goil ahull call;• This- day '.wasthe begiunit.g o f great things, three thousand were .converted ami

'baptized;, i t ’was indeed a most heart gla’d- doning harvest, n imilfiplicntion o f . twenty- live for cvtr> one, Rut glorious iia tbitt harvest1 day, it falls

verj; far. short of thp glory that is to be re- veidcil.nt tl'n iast day when thp angels . shall ’comp forth tu*Bttthor'tho saved of earth into God’s eternal garner. : . ::. Nevertheless tlio spiritual harvest and in­

gathering into.the ohureh visible and mili­tant of that day of Pentecost, was glorious and heart-reviving. The thought of it is só still. It ia still unique for oiie.thue, ónò pinco nnd one ptenehhig.' Yet tlieeo are but tho clothing of circumstances, and perhaps many ti: day since,tho eye tlmt’surveys all, and sees everywhere at one und tho same time, may huvo witnessed equal proofs of the converting power of the Word -timi Spirit, tlio .pno spoken by tlie tip of miui, tho other teaching that.lip to* si>eaki— Con- foretico Herald.

Sir. Yatman's Fourth-Latter.

' lVm- ¡•¡■¡i-i.A--Hniv I fuul.l tniiii*-lioii; you Ó .On,l

lkiiuliiiil tliiin- (,'allfumili. ; A- »¡Rlit-of Ilio i-olti.iiK bim -in. WililOn. Gaio Iinrbor is on. iriinoinii, unii, io «lumi oli Ilio cllir mitl look ».¿ut over tiio b ro a d .b lu e sqa, w iiteh tiie co m - i« g a n d g o ln g vessels,. Ipòk a t a n d lis tè n to th o th an y ficaia th p t tirowd u p o n th è rock a a n d sw im p lnyfu lly ab o tit, m alc in g a s t r a n g o b a rk , jhb’ri d iv jn g foy t h c l r d i liner,: fò r t i i e y u ro g rc a t ilsh ónters. ; I t a ll la ;very aw eet a n d fu il o f o n jo y m e n t. " •

I »mi-, now' In -tlic midst o f «he battio for aoula in Centrttl.ìf,;^JG.'.Chttrcli. Vcsb-rday thè aitar waa fUll. iind.God was there to .»ave tliem al). »Toy. there inay.be in ot ber tbings bultio joy like tluit. of a new-borrt>oul, Its farfreàchirig, ìhe nngcis sing,. hell-hbwla and thiit part of •u wildernesa. wòvld ia mudo to blOsSom Hko thè rose.. Oh.,'Lord'! scnd.con-:. veri ing power t<i Zion. Tliat- is-whal.sfte neétla ino t. Soiiiò. iof-'ber ìnjtiUtcrs cptilil >tund it; itinny - of thè - laytiien, atid ,'lay- woinen, tób, nL-ed.' it, utid ' ilio: wrclehcd, earele-s', sinfnl crowd.; that prtSA vvith biisy haste. to iniqiiity niUst hnve it or l>e loat.

Oh, how my heart throbs over tho inulti- tudea us I Sco thein rùehing inadly on to rulli lièto iiiid hofeafter. N opcn caii teli tho tajò ;.of: ,iliia western -n iètrp polis.<s slnules ..of ftgood timl bad arP sinrpjy tintipp*; diil. . The: ot hor n iglif, -wii h li e v.;,Dr. l'yilbett. » nil-: a : Hor ci i> n t : p f . pò I i ¿ò :ì ; v I U.9 • Prisca ? ftGnp.;night'] like tlini 'nnd; ypù; re-; splyp t 11nt nil of iiplbis^poi.'in.' anothbtvWófÌd.i Nt itliér do v i 90<10ùóIV tnsòI.yp .rtó;-->>;òrle.,S n tho pit o f pbrd it i011.. /v >['/ - ;, ft..i.think ituniat ha voi beoti a knuwledgeof

tbt> eònditiotia of muti th'ut niade Je»us thè Man of Horrows; '..Opium dens and dauco lutili catch thè

drogs. . It waa. hot thero I waa inost deeply. siìrred. ’ Pity pourctl itself ont to t!iosy,‘. but in- ollìer. .gilded playbs I could sec how tho viee-like grip of .sin- iield’hard on nud. won in tho. Ughi, und 'all for^gold. 'l’hat ìà thè. bòttotii of it «tiU.' '• ft :' ' •, \;. ft "

Voti sco if I atti not.right,'that Volile day God wi!l spòiik by fttb.; ; ; -.-

iiié Tiimiei' -iiii's;. fofis’oiión i'iiqr.pr hb'ft ìinsiy ; avHIi ino; 'ollio. ivi..; ho «oUldiiof iiormit ino lo suiror lilièllils ’.“ AVoniil "yoii liot-iinsivor : ■ -KUiy tòo;,tlw Mii'iiiiliii!- khifo .is.Uio àiiftst /««•ì-ilili! (iviilenVo ìlilit ,tiii>. fornii r liim càro-. fnlly1 cbnsitiorcil .your lot, riii<l ÌH'liìost' tcn- ■loily Holioilou.- fin-: ygiit;«róKt!i:,inil iiroa- " w rity.”' So; if' olii- lioublu còme» lo uh .in. Ilio 'W„y pr; dnìnti òli,- .liily .U iH llio sout of -, oliWliooif- io. Góil. Ami .how .liiroicnt «H I. all ap pon i-; to .’.u h . w hón. w o '(oók bnek>bn it fro m rr . 'iif tlp ; d isliirice . . Ib - w ilt h è a s i t M • w hen ; avo lo o k .• Jm ek ‘ o n a c lò tld w hielv a n * h o u r a g o èn v elo p ed uà iti g lo p m y fo lds, b u i I tav ing passed .by iag lo r if le d by th è smVlight.

" Looking back tipòti llfc’s trodden. wiiy, •..’Glean.ifl nn<rgreeim'èsa.ling<-r on tho truck ;

Dlstaiicp incita and tnellows nll to-day..• ' . .' Look ing back. . . . . .“ itose'.and ptirplc nnd 11 allVt:vy gniy.

I.-i .thiit.thè. eloud we ealle'd so bkiekV• Kvètilng htirniotiize.a’all f.o.-day,’. . ; ;

V : ■ -, 'L o p k tn g ;:b aek .'' ■*, .. \ . >. ‘

? jts* j 1 prciiic -{i iót ’-Ìinlt-voi> i-jwKboliàh- heit rt; ¿jp- rtst i ve; ón tho ; fu

7 / . ft?r pc t . ^, 1 ^ ; . ; I hail to leave niy writing atrtl gti tó the

evètilng service, ‘àtid once more I ctipie nway yvitli a luiIlel'ujah pti ttiy111pa iind a divipe joy iti tny soni. Tho' iiltnr full again tind all of them -blessed! ; One. tnan-gloriiiu^y ¡iVcj ; tltùl. then ‘unti; tliere called to prêacli.

Sonie day. I’ll hear hia voice, I lippe, in tlie pulpit. .Ono of :the* greatest joys I have is to Ii tid. sonic ôf in y converts.- noyv ministers of the gospel.: Out ,of niy tlrst work here two yeara ngo therc tlie young meii nlrcndy preaching nttd.othera in preparation.'

This coast ia seti in¿ up a rival ehi ini to tny serv.icça;and they want me to.move; tny fnmily out and spend the bttltuice.of tiiy lifo. hcre. The heed of the. Held; [ confers; makes mb thoughtful.

Wlint iMud surprises one meets .who trusts in God. I was wbniipriiig how I’d get along in my long voynge . t hat beg ins. ii i tie dnys from nejw. when lo! und behold,.lust night up came a man. u strnngor to me, anil said. “ Pknow you, I met you hist summer when you said you would go to. Africa if you lituitp'-áWiuV.M '':v; A*; ''. "‘S ' v.-‘

Then I knew ho was »In Ocean Groyer. and. sure enough ■ it was- Mr. E. Ê. Ewing, of Piiilndelpihn, a man of prom i tie lice and power, and who / prom isca to itit niihtce. mo to those .who- will inake tny long jòùrney liko u 'song. Thus it ever is. -Salvation ia like-atittahhic.; Ohi’ render;' I hope you. luive plenty of it, atid of the rluht kitul. . )■'

'I iiiust close, 'tìood-byo idi ’till'my tio.\t,; Voyr friettd forever, ( ’...il. VATM.VN.

Paiiejtce,- po'dr.Vour, the.StivjourV foot u«.ro wovn'i ‘ ' ;'■** ;*.■-'

1 lie. Saviour s heart and Tujnd wute heavy,. ‘- •: II is gurmentS;. stained’ itnd li'aevl-wb.iii and

. (lid, ■' • ' ' *■ . V• His vision blended-with si pitying dew. Love tbou the path of Sorrow that he tiod; •Toil on» lind wuit in patiiMice for thy tort! O. city of our God we soon slut 11 ^ee , "V.-‘

Thy glorious walls, home.of the loved: and' ' bleat./ ,•' ■:.,-ft •••.'• y '•

■..’ *: • Xsck.ng Back.: ' f t ,- V--All beiiut iful things hi iuitum áre; hojieful

and courageous. ,1 not iced the otlicr day tliiit. it florist i t i -MayeucLV Frutice,, hits otlered a prize of UtJ.UUO franca to any one who cat» proiliico ti pliint oii which blue roses.will bloom, but Iah/ti I 'bottSt ot j Ished If he is not-■ perfectly-eafo iu lils oiler. It is lo.be greatly.regretted that it is. not_equally iia hntd to'iitid bjue Çhriâtititis, for sutêlÿ it is trito tliiit tliitt. variety.hits 110 fitigrance with which to attract thcir neighbors to the Master. >*‘Ah,’' sOmp reader says, "It is easy enough to. say that, .when you arc woil and strong, and when everything is prosper­ous, but when tho pain is;upon you so that tit night you wish it.wero morning, and in tho liioruing you wish it wero night again; when disaster falls liko a pall of darkness upon all the conditions of .your life tind your fondest hopes arc withered, how about il then!“ " . ; ■ •

Truo Christ inn conHdunco ' says then just as in prosperity " wo know that till things work , together for good to them that lovo ’God.” How foolish. it . would bo forthc orchard. Ireo. shrinking under the pruning knife of the gardener to cry out : “ Surely

.VM torday'^.we'HÎ-è'ïglied;' :initvn’bt";to-di!ÿ*v'.,'■■: r . L o o k i t i g . b a c k . ;. ..-V • : . '•rLouia/Albert: ‘

ti Yk-, D.D , „1 Contnd

Drying Our Tears.- .. troil ’ Iia.- proniirtoil-iliat ii porioil .'lull! hi., put to. tho reign of sorrpvv*7-“ G.<’ul simll Avipp;, away tears froth, ail eyes.” Can wo not wipe, away; our. own tears?. Never.. If any. : man dry hia own tears ho'slmil wcop again;\ but if God dry our' tears, our eyes shall tiever losethP.light. ; it all conies, therefore, to It consideration of this Solcmh'que.-tloit: What slinll.put titt etid tb this sorrow.♦ ■Shall we by filvi/llty drown otir sorrows? Shall' we. batiisli our grief by ptb-engagitig our mettiory .with the -’tilings that diedn tlicir - using? Or. shall wo say. Thou living God of'til I joy, thou rinly cuiiftt put'an end to h’u . ailin'' wo*'; make my heart glad, atid then : niy. -fiiooftw.ilI sbino; take tlio guilt ' away- from . niy-. conscience und' thy. nature, aiid then my tca'ra will cease-to Ilow! Thia i?j interior work; rhis i a spiiiltialmiracle; this belongs to tlio reign of God nnd-the niijii.str.v of-grace.- Wp resign ourselves, not " passively and rnurmurinlgy. but' actively' aitd thankfully.- to Gpd, that he,may iiitike ps g.Iati- whb hia .own; joy. . The Lord awaita bur'••'cppsuht\fo.\t'lfe;ydryhig of *ouf tears.,-~ Christian Coinmbnwertltli.

'Frtaii vintages of sorrbw Arc deepest joys dist illed ; •

And the cup Put?trotelied for healing là;oft at Mhrnh IJUed. ‘ft-.v .*-.::

t'îod.Icatls.to joy through;-wcepitig;!" ; To-qiiietness throiigh Strife,

Through yielding Into conquest,. T h ro u g h detith to en d le ss -life . :•;-Tfg still ; he hath enrolled tbco :

For.the kingdom und the crown! 15t*. silent let him mold thee

U’hO .cailefIt rhee his own. -sucli silence Is communion ;. S\tch stillness Is à shrine.;The fellowship of sniTering, , :

An ordinance divine.; ' - . *.'And the secrets of abiding . ;

Most fully are 'lecitired To those who, with.the Master,' ••- G'.-thî-fiiuiiie have shared. - Then trust him to uphold tfiee.

’.Mid the shadows and the gloom. * f>e still; imd lie shall.mold thee . .For hls prbsenco mid for home!.

Our Scotch-Irithmtn in AmericaIlerp ia;a very curious fraguietit of.historyhlch wo" hoj*o Dr. Ruckle.v or souie publi­

cist hiiyihg leisiiteaitd menus'muy tukcup . for ve ri tieni ioti. Wb- litui Ittloaf iiigiiround iii- thè liùvvspaper» .

I in ni igniti is ’ frdiu t lie i/nprt li /bf:. rrelittid-• : liaye' exerted a powerful ’ inlluettco . on tho foitunès of the.. Htiglish race in America. • ■The.'contròinug .l'Ittnetif iii the population bt the., notili of Ireland wiis froúi tito low .. Jíimls of ScoUapd; lindi hose lowinnd Scot pli iti turn 'vyiM'iî.’pf that mightyyAnglian stock’ Àvh iclt earl y dòmi tinted England and to-day cptprols tlie destiny’ bf'tl 1 é -Ai ig I ó - Sa x on ' c fv ili;;at ion of tlie world, 'l’he inóítiilain re- • gibn wliVclí exit'iids through Peiibsylvnniu. . Virginia, Npitti niid South Carolina, Ken­tucky, mal ftTomiesseo: wus...so'ttled by them.. Their children were tlie backwoodsmen of the lîevoîtif ioti, pioti of .stolli boari and. high - purpose, wlio pushed luiek, the Indinns atid Freiieh. won Hie West for the Republic,, and gtive to.the tuliion sottrc of i*a most remark­able, uionV-such as Jackson, Cidluntn nnd Littcpln. The Baltimore HeriiUl gives ebbio Curious facts iu regard io otic pf tliesu . miiimtabi families. WUIIaut Sinipsòn cunte from the liortb of Ireland ubbtit .1750, und áolt7e<l hi:Ruckà.çounly, Pcntiaylvanin/ Ho; died in bxtrpino ago in tSlt». ,William Simpson had two sona and two daughters. Hia' daughter Anne murrlèd John Dii vis. John Dn’via htuVii 'soii Siiuiuei, who waa colonel of a Georgia regiment in tho Revo- , lution,’ and ¡after tho Revplutioti settled In Todd- county, Kyi Soòn’Vafter (lie-birth of his so 11 , J e tiersp n'-Da y is, wliobecnnio presi­de nt of . the Southern ’Confederacy, ho re­moved to Mississippi'. .William Simpson had • n son John, whoso daughter Hiinnuh uiurried - Jesso.Root. Grant and be cm no tho: mother of Gen..Ulysses Simpson Grant. Tho feud in tho Simpson family thus be­came that of tlio country, nnd tho evil eoursft of Davis was brought to a closo by Grunt at ft Appomuitox. .'

— ~ — i— mm ■■ • ^ •

Fuiluro after long petsèvernneo is much grnttder than never to huvo it striving good enough.to bo culled a failure...-., . '■/

O a . E 3A . I S r à - S / O V E E Ò E C O R D , O C T O B E R 1 9 , 1 8 S 5 .

t a n t w r n i c f ic c o v t îVt’ftMSIIKÚ WKKKt.Y llV

HÉV. 'a .]} W XW íACa .0 ./' I).,.:at. -' ' • V


ItKV.E. n.StOKlìS, 1)’ l>..à*tTe«pomllim nati or

• ; TERMS, POSTAGE PU Kl* AI D..Olio copy olio year, Invariably tu nilvAiico, S l.art

.. m o n th s .; .; . . . . . . . . . . . . '..00' Advertisements tiisert ed at t ho rato of ten emits nor Uno. one Ihne.. Pordno. twoor throo ptoiiths, or hy thtiyeiir, a llbeml reduction will*«*) rondo.


• The Sunday niicriioon‘c\porieneo meeting has beòti moved .uj> stairs to ‘Associai ton, Urtili nnd ilio Talvrimolo liimlly eibsetl fot

. tho winler. . ^• If we only lutti the (line we would acrid

out 'several liupdrcd bills this week. Save it** iho trouble," friends, by; spcoily- roinlt- taneo. You know how 1 he account’stands. .P reach in g ut .St. l ’aura C.iiiirolt uoxtSi.ib- bath, Oct. .-JO, at 10.5)0 A..M. uiul ' 7i HO I*. M.-, by the ‘pnstór, Kev. M. Helyca.' SaUbah school at li I*. M. Epworili League

. meeting tit • tto. Strangers. made welcome.• Seats free.; V. ; • . :

-Muiiy readers of the Hobprd who personal-, ly know Mrs. M. L. Lahue they niiitdbn. ritiine was 'Thomasi,.of South Amboy, will bo very sorry, us we atei tosco her obituary

’ in tii is. pnpéi\ It.is a proper tribute to tie*. ;.partbd. worth; . . . . , ' v . ; ■" Cards, uve o u t ’for the wedding; to lake .place on. Wednesday of n^'xt. week. Dr.-

11. Scudrler will then lie ?

“ Oc.an Grove Song Servies."■'••• About this-.time last year,’ oty perhaps-tvvu. oi three weeks eat lie*, an“ Ocean G rovo Song Service- was aniiounCod to.bb hold lit Bethany ;'Chuveh,. Philadelphia,; linder tho If'itsp.ices■' of-i IU r. • i).- L. Andersbtï «itUl Prof.

IJ :■-ifr; Sw o ijb ÿ r t heii and . et i IK' ti to V popplar ■ b lip ris to r , o f i t Íip . w itîoiy .retiOu'iied l îe ih a n y;;SÍiridiiy-sehqóI; (he*.; 1 1 :vî t.ihn; \V*ii>ntilUkcr :stiii6riiitOndónt/.¡ Thb 'oocúsión.' wiis.u ,|çreri\ novelty* arid although sprung on Ihe'eon-- *15 ro 'ti i jijóii'ñ)ñ«1ÍVlbi ;\ l í l l l tiOt0(1".;,to :i I ip : ip ii i^ ;r i r i t | '/ s u p lí :!ltlí;

' (?tY col v p r oduoé'tí.-1 Vi ú t í pybrybpd y preso ti t , ;rci * ta ln e d a live ly une] n io st cíijpyittole ivoü llco - I ion o f th e w onderfu l success o f th e p ro g ra m .

Hy consent , and desire of this hugeutitl IritUientiid... church it ‘ was. determined to re­peat the. service- this. year, providedStokes..could make it possible.to be present

• and ; pa r t icipiitb;, i t i . t lie servieo., Coiisult ing liis./.ctiiivonience,' ;Júst| S.nli']bñt hv «¿roii v¿’«j8 the ,ihiio dosigmitocl/juíd iiUhíHtglv.ilio'dfty lintVbceii stormy and ilio cvcning lhreaIçiiV 1 tig♦ tho ppiiciouè • aiici Ijoifutifu 1 chuyçli‘ wtfl again crowded to the doors.

{■;. ’.Tho chürchj chi>1 r*rtppbiirótT lo lio .in ox lent jiutic, reiidot'lhg tho.Oc<?àn,tîit»vo ioatlor. inoñt viduabíe atísisttinec. \ The “ (î iris’ ,01U »ir* a lid : < BbysV.íB r ignclçj :■ j a 1st » • 11 ü>k; lirt ini i notit, part, iií yoca 1 .oxercisçs ; .bul,; juel I i Ice Ocean.G rovo, i he grandeur óf tho whole fcrvieè‘ was cliícny ■ (lue : to - tlierasíojíibled congrega!loti. who .needed iio W\>nd invi­tation or urging lo “ sing liko Methodists. ”• Mr. AYtinnmnkér as presiding odlecr.was thoroughly at home ill “ tho oliair,” and nfter usual introductory devotional services, iti Avliicii" the editor of. the Record was 'on 1 loci on to assist, uml.u vory. interesting and up- projiriat.o address oiilog stic.«»f Ocean Grove and, Dr. Stobes,' the latter was introduced witli. a grc'tt waving of programs. White

• It wtis ’fin’ impressive funqrâl. Tho; ad tlrossoH .•Wcro unusually iiitorest ing, àppro- jirialó liyiniifi were;sung' by tho.St.. PUuL’h cïioi r.' anti t lio interinen t followed i ti Mou tit - Í!rospcét:Cernotoi'yv ': ’ :

Editorial Montioa. .;; The/ Sill vat ioii Artny all .ovor 'tlie. eouti- nont; guidOd bjv.onO iinpul.se,. is- practicing ¿elf-ileniiil tho jircsetit weelr, bii iiiirposu ta roplpnisli tho gorioral ‘' war. clientV fov In­creased' olTtats to spread the gospel among (lie. lieatheii niltioua of tho globe: “ The world ftir CickI” , is tin* Anny’H.watchword, and it will bo. ii surpriso to all well-to-do (Jhrislajtis to learn the result in hard cash which shall.bb roalizctl from tlio very meagre personal resources of oilicors and soldiers, and tliiough thpir'sojioitatioii from friotids oiiisido«;j /C iip t 0 o\Vbii' Ii'iid ‘Alvis ■ ’corlis,; in Asbui\v I’ark :tire busy; : Theyiliiiyp sot’ tlieiV. iniirk ; a t ; , § ) n d wo t.liitili tliey will ex- eeett. ; t h is;. titn n ; i V 11 toy w oitry not ,i ii prayer and pioniling 'for‘.Iho oinl in' iqw.-y^Yc'tiro- ghid ■ t iuit. ■ in i uistej-s; i n ;G rcVva ti nd Pa rk; arb boginiliiig /-to ‘ in;vito* thbni round’ Id thoir ;o.hurchoH to-stir .thp’pooplo.ui) '.'b>v•soitg-.and' bxhbrtation.; v t, ,V v •:;.*

It is luipod tlihi Uli tho M. E | Cli’urelies, ofof

mi i r n • 1 ^J1 t'i’t j^bo’v.-oji;;tliq-.:iliiBt xl«y of Octobor^ttf itilcoiiii

S i; '- ! ! ;" S ’“ E : WP.:K pr^ .tor n gchcrnl

Mrs. Maiy L. Lahuo./Tho Methodist Kpificopal Cluireii of StuUh

Amboy; has sustained a For toils loss in the death of Mrs. Miiry L. Ltilnio,: which took place oil Monday,Oct.. 7. M;s. Lnhuo vyas aii eariu'st, dcyotod, . intelligent, phristian worker. - She . wtifl richly, ondowed by n’ti- turo.yuncT- .lior; j>) fia; 11»»tt;1 jqon.:Oc'vieVoiiod; ;:edneaUi'in, '^1%;' ginduat oil' froin: both. tlio. .State- ^oriniil liiid 'Modoj Sclibbls of Tron- tpn-,- .iuid’. hci.dV'.for; yoai;s :'a. life certificato,

iwliicii -wpiild • allovV . of :hov touchiug; in any jiubljc sbiiooliu^lie Stuto.:: .She wits for foiir years 'vice-principal . iIm Karitan piibjic.¿ciiool 'j'pf.V -Siiutli.A Vn'b'oy.«:« n.tlij. >yii«; t? uh ii i'-J- iiibusiy apjiointod pfinojpii 1. on (lie .resigiia-

't o f I ' r o f ^ .Tanics Cprkcry,’ Avhlolrjipsitibn;¿:

rlliiiofe !«iid; Gomify Treasurer ; also, of .that; tM-gaiiixation,.; 'She wiió iilsb assistitili'¿iiper- i n tondent; of.- t he Mot hod ist lípjscopal Sab-; ;batli-sciiooï,‘ iiiul.. for • jiiqny:. yoiirs liiid hold the position ofteiicHertp «ri /idült Bibio class that!; was/tniulo^ '.intonsoly. interest ing.by..ber 'kiiuwibdgo tind' kill.;; v;;V:• '"Ï : The cuuse of .temporaneo1 was very dcar.to ;herV..; Xo Wicriijee or.toil ilioxMiiifo.;cìematid- ptl .frbni her but wiis- ehéerfully given. - . in' t lib'doyoîoinriënt t»f the young, intolléç- .tually,: : inoviUly1 ,t,\tìtV.. voi ig kivi sly she ; wiw. deeply , .i ntoroaiod, and her. oil oris t o t Ii is eiid wore full ’ of zea!.' fa it h and pl ayer. ;, She,

iind t|iòrpiigh ' revi vai. '/ Some oliCtrclios'-ii \ay prbfer toVWiirJi-’in groups of.fbur pi* fivoltp- géthor :'mid others singly j but. as ovbry .0110 of tiiciii; is tiòw’rbceiviùg mercy drops, and .fooling tlio’revival itnpulse; paBors and peo- ])ló w ill soo t he great.nbces&iiy Of Htrikiiig: while the- iron. is.hot. If the proncUoiB orily keep on tho lino pursued at the Artiibry, whore as yot every sermon hilri been, simple tinti direct in its appeal to siimeis, tlio in­gathering nitty bo glorious.

The lire which, broke, out .last Flrday oyon- iug in the store-room or iiitio of tho house

hai! a v'voiidorfiil inllupnt»ty; wlth tho yciuìiii;,-:i*Ic<T'by;.iiVa;^r!<1 hnt|i,_.fii.inily.\òw.IA frury;\vilicii’ 'wìih‘Viiwjij-*v Vviòiciod ì*

,v, ................. . ............................... In róvi vai se rv i ccs,;-ùtitl lit-lliò p rà j‘qi;-inopi-. * tw o ;p r .tlircb h u n d iò d tlo lla rs, witsior t.Ì ( ho c h a irn ia r i colripìisscd 1 iitgs tnid o tìie i sc rv ices o f th è sa iic tu tiry she | <iuiìc 'di Min Irò us to 'th o te n a n ts ili tho ‘ c o n d i- riiio ciroct a s abbvo in d ica to ti. • j was tìio PHSttJr*« holfior. A jj'p rcsidon t o f ilio I Ùori th e i r housohold ftirn itu ro was loft by ;s : in b is im p ro m p tu ro th a rk s j u n io r Epxvorth L o aguò siio waS of. g ro at \ <l»e to rre n ts o f w a te r pou ro d u p o n .tho b u ild -

. . - •. I t i ,. 41;_ l i . »

ICofttor niid ‘Ml¡ ■ i -juiiiocl il) 'Holy Uüillook iiiHl.iliii. iiitpbiiiii! j liotkel; l|ituiikoivlik'(.H m-vo'thls pUrpiisó alCL-ronióiiy Avili liikt- plucv in .Kiwi M-.E- { Ocojiii Cìrove; but...Ilio rciuly póri.j.>pUoii ninidnilc-li;■' AflH.ry i'nrk.-- T im i (UIO 1 *. ;M, ¡ Konliil l.uinor ' “ - ' ........ -

rioni ilio forco ol Imliit. f»r over liVQiily ! ««^|iw».v jiiwyenrt vvo Unik for tho .iiHcmMiw- V/; V^-i:tl,ucUcïr ’Vvic‘iL.li‘¿ViViis ¡ sorivé;. liitlir onc-V, nii.Ho Ilio cliüruli. ¡ inu- 1' I« Bwposbdtlio Ilrootiglnntca from•noiiibqrs"f-llie.Ocoiin-Qam|>-uipelitu* (>f 0c,clln Gr0Vl.. -£;illli I Al , fe Wjiw'e c.f (lie.slck, or 111 the p r o -in :ilup,-nnrt-ni fovcirl .lnys umiiuldcrln«AssocliUioii ilbout tl.ij timo in I I my i Ii of - ^ 6¡(;im„v’ fllV(iroi1 ,j,¿. p|rt(n,-„n,1.¡éil«c nf Ilio,cïyinff, she ,}¡il «l.lçctûnl in t a n i <»?>*? » '•«>!» «"'• T te pi;u|.orlj-ls nvi'nclOetobur; but »c iiiu>l no», iuill llll > o v‘»»r > (îu.,v ,VCf.'plé uf m i doiioiiiliiiitloii «oro j.wurk. As li pulblümioiikor Hlié.'mi* pteiiilliis by.Mnt. Rov, J. II. Thurnloy «ml «ni« fully

y '!’■ '^'..livHy^lvôloOiiiolon fi,ure1 . . 1l . i ;p r iv il^ ; ,in ,l i ' " ' “i: —j.Ij.n11crod;froc 1 y tp tdl. Thc itifluouco pf itâ ‘ iibovo

’Tho Blo5Ecdr,cs5 of N ot K now ing.

J:.’It i s pno of the morciesof out lifo tiiat .wo 'do tiol know whiit sliall'coiub to us.- In,tlio' iinppbned ycars.t hoiu-inay be: waiting; for us ; trials, disn'pppiniments: tilid ■ losses.'/.None' of us knows wiiat clinptors,pf spribiy will'yot bo ; wi'i11on ' orc onr 1 i fo, story- i s (Íliisliod. Would it.be ii blessing if tho evil were lifted to-day, filiowing us all, ito\Vn to t ho close, whiitwili be puiuful or pa.di1 , .

.There arc. old people now well through life's jtiurticy.- They have hudmany cares (tnd trials. l^rioiids have failed them. Children hiivi bccu takbn away. They...luivo had, strugdles lin'd hardslilps. rj!hby hiVvo bndurcd sickness, iind loss. ;;.Thoy liijye iiot- found ' wliat : tlioy had -htipod toVfind .iti life.-

, SuppòsQ. tiioy had knbwinill this when they htid. so( out fròlli,stililo brlght;ppot‘ (u auiiny! ybliih, .woiild il biiyo been "tt .:blcHsing to tlieiri?.’ SVpiilcl it :‘npi. linVp-.iñadb iheir I.ifo happier u rioliori libllov óuq? ,; N6|. it would ;havo cast -a-.litigo of sadnosfl :oyer It. It yk‘ou.lct.havo.ÍiiUcii?.oi»t of it. niucii of,t.hti.t 7 0 st

• and; ■ itiiprcst;. \yliich laivo".boèri: such..iiri.iti-; spiratioti^ to. tiiciii through all tlibjr years;

,1 f :ii--;tn;Vri’ had klipwn, • ¡Cbr;ipxfittiplc, .1 liiit#' after all his Ipil, strugglO/lànd solf-dpiilal,

’ii ;corlaiii • great undcrtakiiig vyotiid 'fiiil^lio woqld not' 'have ' begun - it. • ■ Vet, .perhaps,, (lmt.. yovylab»« ; of ycarsj tlibugh it; próved i ti va i ti. at. I tisi ,-_hiis been; t lib r ichcst blessi ng ol his life. It drew out bin soiirs energies. It ' developed; I'is sfrongt Ii. •. It : iauglit. InniieSscnai; tif . diiigencb, patióiico,:coin-ago/and hope. It biiili up.in lililí a spltriditi*»uni-, booti. ’■ Tlio i i loro oiii 11 il y l'csiil is ófotir. work iti ; this; world tii;o iiut; a nip|uis to n highpiy nobler end, .mid are of.small importance in eonipnrlson with wliat our work does in us. But- if a man had'known.in advance that. nothing pcrniaiiont would come out of nil hià toil, ccotipmy, and seif-donial, ho Avtiuld .probably have s a i d , I miiy us well have tin easy time. What is tho lise of work­ing Jlko a slave for forty or lifty years, and Ibón bave only weariness and emptiness of hand at last ? ’ Not ivii.o w i ngj ; bo wo voiy~ 111 at his .oirorts,. wpiild fail in the end,• .hoping_ that they’ would -'succeed,'.ilo lived oi-vnestly,• hiboriouslyV; '- ytáá ipg ..bis whole; soul ' ‘into! what i: ho.;:did. II is ¡ work fa ilòti, ‘ but lie did

ilii¿»rC'HsflV«>Jv.vî jiê; • wiiS giited .Mi ^ iriiÿbr _np Jn«urti»icq v not. fuiIv. ' L’Uçrc’S«.*no innicvirt 1 .result tp VjH.. . . .. . . . . . .. v..wv..-...%wVi ^.o-irinny.;i Itr lier daily business of life?.«« n is damaged goods. The Ocean Grove j men of any achiovomont. but t herb tiro im-

AcomiiHin.icaliot^datetl at Vancouver; iintl-j Poni,‘f)t pcrmons, inid.tntiltiform a'ctlvitics.on j slib aimed lo bxiijt her: Itodecilicr, ^uicl to j. «U’ptirl nient managed the tiro theinsclyos perishable results in .tlio man.himself,-in scribing, two' or three nir»nlhs\ tutvolj churehes; itichuledin .a very liirgc area of draw all she could.untp Iliiii. ' To'day inniiy j without caUi.ng on. Asbury l ’ark ftir help,' i®?1'*?- i .Î f„ î11»;!”-!Yl{’n .m ' ' » ! ; « - ‘trtint.ry,- lie;'>vtis;•.luippy-in‘ boiioving;; rise up.Ji.iid'‘will her blessed. .' v . ' . Tlm .doiojior n'itnbor of the l ’bnriirigton

dcscribin, amongcUuiKit id e n tify the \Vritov-by* th e» In itia ls .

g ive.tity the writer oy inc.iuinais ; holpeO tlietn in tbejr givat work of. leaven- • Cancerous developments attacked her viu- spmjn'ttry Uevibw; a tnagiiziiio 'of forty

s.imp.U’ given. - NMiy not give the.Uanio ui. jJ)S ihis world with gospel salvation.* •< • brbus'coris * •full? It is a very readable letter, lmt this, *.Dr/ stokes, wiis followed by Jtev. Dr. ¡ her lif.f si inattention to nilc htys it ou the shelf, ¡ Dickip. pilstor . of Bethany, .who referred to ; In her nineteen years of teaching in the

^constitution;; and-for the iirst time iii tobo pub1ishcrÍ..tho liist Wool; 'in Gcto-ilf*? sl‘Q' then' ioarneii.’wbnt 111 ness was; ‘.her,, will: .bp. 'eitI|èd ;the ‘‘ piv K: II.' S t o f e

The workmen fettling piles along I lie surf • the former sotig .service tis a blcsslng to the • public schot) né on 'thé beach, fofthOproposedjettles, ; church, and felt that * .it-' was rip ordinary.» sick tiess. G ut into a stuto of niiiid t lie-other day. by.j privjlbgo’ tb; have.- present nót merely .the j progressed, i

lijié gots ig n s p f a b u n d a n t th e ftiree pum p.

. m etis, and- Ciipt.*'s u p e r iv s io u ' o f tho the s tu tt fijr uiicroscorpT c ex iitiiu in tio n ,

,c1km)V she riovor kno!w n.single,day.ho i N n tuber, ’! as. Dr.', Stokes lias boon a trustee'! blissed all this good. ^i^fyv^éririingtóii : Soiiiintiry for ' t:WOiity;vs}.s''. - * ; * i- -T.

life;' iti chariieteiyin m'atilib'od-r-resiiItS;far- holjlbr ' t hu ri. t h.b 'iioblost ,wórk ¿coultl^hityb > fichióvbtl Ìli- moro' ;niateritdTdrms.í;, íj¿was-. better; lie. did not know .t hat- ali .would fui!,-: for,. If ho had known it, ho would have

aii:.««.-!»' ■■.jA.i.i • Hii»ri._ jX'ij,

About Wor v - d Vro : y.

enlatg 'tis his uoeliiig

Griülualfy, blit siiroly, .tlib.dispasb^j^ji^^ jliis .niitnbpr.of the iloyloW vviil coii-;;in-spite».-tif-h!), that tho:lliost nibd- : iniii.-¿í portr'aIt of pr;- Stokes atid Vvery eliib- i, ¿ \ } rttlc . ..t „ , , .« = , - A . ;, . . . i .i .1 . iv .uu.. I.C.» ur • - . . . . . . . . . . . . i . I he. ro^olutipus of ainnchincvdo ntit do-.{

i h t i t r . t t i t i s j

ifealnipst;taxation.- :

llilithl pnii.ipf, ; li.y l-'iHlior kl,o«-cll,.bfif. When the UrlHe-i ä ö l i ^ ’t e T Ä o u I im'.MIæ i u "?Z V.Vf.i

am o u n t ... , •< ,.................. ,t i . , ......................... ........ ................. ... ca st' m ay lie in .l lie tn a il , tillin' to hiiv'o u s 'g o . Thorp. w vrP ..lifteeu o r Iw euty p loccs Sc-1 w ith u lig h t niio ti h e r . c o u u to n au co t h a t ; r0(|nesleil tp

to th e vai Ib u 's /ib u iis titid p iiies^v jio rP th ey t looted, frtm i.j* S o n g s, o f l*raisb Nci. ' o ti'j R-onicd to those ab()iit lipr to lie a reU c c tio ii! | , 0s?«iblcu liv e ,a n d ca ll-a t th e ir h o u se s . ' T h is we ih n si th e p r o g ra t i i .b u t a l l c o u ld riot be used fo r t f r o in ih e b e a u tifu l c ity in to .which iior, happy do if »hoy fo rg e t u.r iijucli longer. ’ .want tif t iiiio.; J ’rof. Stycnoy wjis in b is • gph ii h a d d<)ubtlpss l.r iu tn p h a n tl5' o n to it;d.j D r. ju i:l .Mrs. s io k < s -ii tu rn e d l o ; i l u ii- • ‘'lo m cu t, o f course . T h ey 'n eed ed h im g rca t^ i '. T h e . fu n era l se rv ices .w ereIiclti in th e M cth-

1 liorili* in O cean G n iy e las t M ouda.v.by 1‘liil- ■“ !» a t ' A rn io ry H u ll , a t th e M e th o d is t rc-^ o d is t E p isco p a l C h u rch on T h u rsd ay a ftc r- a d e i^ li ia '' t r a in , t irriv itig at;. I ’. M. • v *v,,i m o v ein en t, bu t generously , loan ed h im nbori. l ’ho , p u b lic sch o o ls wore cloged .but

' T liey roccivod».pvcnliig a t ’H eiliany ,.^ .... - ................. T . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . .

b v terln ri churcVu s in .th o o \iy , w ith l io n , o x tu i c o rn e ts helped m a tc rlid ly to sw ell tlio to h e r m em o ry th e i r last t r ib u te o f respect.•John Wuiuinmker -jiresiding. It; wjig ,ui 'choruses . vvhieh sonictiiiios thrilled, atid o c -■ Several of ; hoi; old pastors participated.in Ocean Grove sotig service, conducted by •Prof. ,1. 1». Swcney and;prijbyod immeiisel.bv our 'Presbyterian friends;. - . .... • . . .. . . ... - ... .» . • s .- • . . ,H beautiful closing address complimented . n ; report of proceedings nej|t wpek.

• . . - i j ’ .’. -I That vyas . a. tremendous crowd 'hist Tucs-:A m anaa Smith S N ew I io a . • [day afternoon which gathered.in (lie l ’ark'j _____

fo u rth , b u t . he n iad e i t llfih . W e h a d .none ■ ‘ '

a grand pvatitiri tni Smithiy • 'b !Jothany. for the occiisiim.' .¡o f respòct' to her inomory. A large coii-iitn.v, one ¿Í the largest- I’res-1. Tlio. splendid ehnreh oigtin witli. n: fbw | course of people of all creeds carile tt» pay

j,v : citsionally tendored the heart that liiany wore ■ the* servicp, after whibii the rctiinins. wcio ; " e . shbiild like to bo among them for two lv aliiiostuticonsciously led ip their liWakeiicd ¡ laid tiway to await if lie com Ing of her Lord.j breotlayS and liaye our strengt h. renewed.’ oitiotions to’fjhed tears. Mr. Watuimakor in ; ; . ,S. L. ' : ^ o may have soinething in the.fOrm of a.

It is-ju^i possible that wo may hiLH U,^ C(| | | lt> choir 'and- nliislplaus, the cOtibuuiinate : one of .Mr. 1 mhn 8 letter, J-|„it print,. n„u ,,b i||| of- , ,ruf. * vency; ,„ k1 thc !on first page this week-we have numbered . .. . : , . :• . . .• • v

1 , • . p ..... -»v v v , . • speakers .who iu their remarks maintained.-.1« 1 'M'''- »eh iu ln on e ... ; „ . „ . ........ .............._ . . . . . .

. . . , , , . » health wiis unusually good.' but H- from any.eiiil in II,elr oilier -'"'n iw■ „ 1Uf,. ^ m,. hl. I k,,-: "If I emi

'. ;. .7 • l oiily got tiut' and get' htiid of the handles of TheNiit ionaiCbn veiitionof ihcAyoineri’s-! the plow. I slitti I .'spptibe' all right again.” .'

Christian.Teiiiporahco :IJnion, 'mooting this- Vpu. can. hardly put work enough upon i i , week in the city of Bali Iniorc, will alt rad ! man to barin him.. Tho ctirrosion of sclflsh ’ with the; ;usuiil dcicgitiitjiis^^frbmVvoiyjiii.rt.I caro. the wear atid {ear of worldly aiixiptios of‘t ho land it cvbry largo, )iiiitii)or of \ visitors,^j !ióri>:o f. nyaviéo’ tir .u ii boi f e à I »o : iii» d !

hot iiip AVork'j UÌll6;thO:tiuissès:of : inaril>iiid.{i' Tho ÌHiitiàrolis.of old. \vbre long. Hyc l. Their ]' pini p io, ;.q u i o t, past o ni l e us t pin s ’ were qui t o j faybrable tolotigevity. ^lliey.iiyptÌ bi* priiy 'f: oranti tho word of God.' '.‘Casting till your » care upoti li.itnj- for ho carelli to^yoti.’’—;] The Vanguard. ;

--------------------------- ' ; ' • • • ' -1

To W oik io to Live.

inteixsted. in, tlio. grand \voi;k tlioso-noble, wompu:’/.Ua’ye •cous.Pcrated ;thoir liyes ib ao- eótnplislipiri:-^alI:tlio;linesof jri'óí«i.--refóririj.;

for hist week's ¡sstie/and jnost ’ he sails for Australia we shall ha’v fcveral weeks . for. an . aceoutltvoyage an itnpiessioiis pf Uiat str«...«v m..u. . . . ^ ,. V .. 1 i i v » i i i . . . . . . I .,4 » of the Unptlst Church.is tpilto .probnbio. wb .shall have at leaiit ,one more letter froni-San Kiiiriei.-eo. . ft- ,

Tho pasfefr tif' Cental I ;M. E; Church, Sail ‘Ifraiiciscti, wlit-rc llt v.' C, H. Y.iitiuttu was.’

' Jabnving at last; aocounVs,. publV-lu s in . i t : -¡Mw. lociilpaper, tlio'Ptilpltvaiitl.' 1 ‘ew,’’. (Ills i]) ,0.

Home at .L a st.

Grove. This brought us a prompt reply from Miss Cassie L. Smith, ciiclosirig u rb- ccnt loiter which, she hail recoivcd'frtiui tlio person .wo ‘were inijuiring about’, and .from said • letter wo coplod the address.desired..

‘ V • -'*•* , 1 from the moment that they are tP rize JlghtlDg^Unpopular. I|,|„ i,lm||y. Those who work I

.. , and. if any tiam will not work, neither shall INoll,.,,,: more eneooniulntf in „ml ^ ^ |||e „j,. a a ^ , . tlmt wl,„ -

lïev.-S. Jmjiiett, to whuib csiWno , , , ,leferrcil hist week,- eopilnuul i i i . f , )" better. wnle .lo.vn for the lien-

inpst effective, his proaching Sv'eins to have : a jtcw miction ;aud power; Let every m em -. her of tho eilurch sldet rack everything pjse

i âiid attend aU MrV Vatinan's incetitigs.” .

Tlib. "fu n era l jp i ik p lacé ; E . C h u rch o n W cdticsdiiy

kon away; blosscd,: I suppose ti is lonoly imw ut thc Giovo, . l ‘vc volLt'- ^ »'eumue .naKeb pri*e-nR.n - . . . , ; • ,0 . . . ■» ' ! yet | wouldliketpbe therc a s 1 Imd plannfd.. ing a folony, and imposcs, a punlshmonl,;, \ , 1 , •."• iirSt. i'aui s M. ì *1lcar, ?> egtnp-ineetirig Vviis extra gbtitl, upon thè principals fot each infraction of ’ l.L,n n 0 ,e Kí'onL'1,, t( • m,‘ "* caupL. 111 sa», j uui e rti.. and;^also tho inctting at 4Mountain Lake „ . . f . « ¡ . . i n ** .« i thom to pray and weep and labor for tho nfternoo:. ni..2- l-art. Il mura lo ^ to mo „òt to hnvo l,v. nJ ‘l,c ‘V’}" ?l,u I*n ^ '''“^ « . I r t l o . . of tho ni.s.vm l.-Ilolliicis Er„.

Iteiu: ‘.‘Jiro. Yntmmi Inis sfoivn !i.f spliltünl,Vi¡V«iieuiiiiel(iüsKtiite until■'Snlibiilii'eveiiVnii,c’Ul;oí ollww;1ifli0 .iiiiiy..«Wi-|o obtulu li stnlnré itlnee hln ineiiióriible;,i'iiepiliiKf''.lilj vheil. liy tii6 « III of C>(¡il she fell «sleep, nuil! - !Míí t' ort ■ l "'k ,,VL’l¡,.,Ci <;lileii"0, Ul.Iliis. flly i. yeitr mui li’hiilf n«i.. ' -Almiys-'lu-,- 'ueiir.v »pirtt, ¡eleiifert from lis ém-tlily ¡ Tl!lli W í* 'vorl-!' “

prison, n.«ei;n,l(-(l to ti,o home « f ij.e b!c^o.I ! >>'!■ «<-• Llopr« lo.In hcnvbii.

Happy leleiiso! Glorious oxeliango Lord gave and lio hath tlikeii away ; blessed [•. I ^suplióse it is lonoly now at tho Gi'ovo,

' Rev. M. lielyiii, df ¡St.; I'liul^. ^ic^iii^he^tliL'.iinijiu of-lheXorO.^rovei and iho editor of tiio Keeord vyeie in.vitod .to spend .last; Ttiesdiiy ovening -w jth tlie‘Salvation Aimy in thei and com fori able place of mooting had the. honor land appreciated tiiig on the.platform', althou; 'the uniform or could do tnubh .......... - . . • • • l úivint/ t ñ k •hour I no. túlipvwlsb, iu pointed preaching eoasod. was ijuito intiinato and extended over | j ]md two invitations lo go to Etig- ¡c-u}:í ,?lruuu: . vt.r.UOr u ^ ° -1 ylitid earnest praving tliov did tiioir iiesl, and 11,0 pant half century. He. described hor- hind, and oiio from Australia ;.but the Lord. of «» honor for, the onorgctic and detor- wiinted tb'-cc a -mid converted inthe- oftho- ‘ youtliful.diiys.thclaigf arid intoliigent faui-: 1 believe, lute given mo another line of work- mined, course which he has ijursuod in this ilox way. Snre enuu«!,,. „Ice y¡,ün« wo,.,»,, Ml»“ '«1 «I.Ich ' P|, i «'„s/n nien.hc-r, her three j ^ l i "mder'wnv “'({-'¿TrfXrtm! 'i'"' "'C mc;n',0™,uf:the StnteXoK.•. canto outM for Christ, luiolt at tho • *petilr! h,?iter having tnnrned Mcihbdist ministers, ¡ IndiirstrialDrphims’ Ilouio for eolored chll- it?hituie deserve much credit for the prompt tent form.*4- believed iti .Tbsus, iveejyott ti-- • l,cr I(,n« u,,d varied experience as a Í dron in or near Chicago, This has been 0:1surtine.;.; pf .lilH.love, iin.reonfés.Mnl him .I,,-- ;:preiielier*s.\v ifi*; her helpful innucncc, ¡«^„lil | f nVe^on^i n J,,J rtc.'?,«nV‘

y .cnar- ¡ flúil tho ilbod-of- such an institution iii ifit.-

more significant of-the improved tone of public.morals . generally has ocoirretì in years than the prompt and almosl-unaul-»’lottfe action of tho Texas Logis,ature• Li • . ■ ■ . •-.. . ... ,punsi.« the -mit I - prlxe-lltí lit hill. The l c # 4 l>«?«i‘m'î ^ l l » l . .;lP>, ille«,eomp :irtinlnre «,.» c-.ultd „«ether l.y Governor ¡'"'"liu .^JOleln«, hr n«l„8 .!• « i^uveKw I , Gillbersbn for thU exprert pnri.oso, „„<1 oh J'H«.'-f ? ~ . •I* I1»« !« -»«

S slime . the plii.Miro II „m.r.le.l ns with | tho soeornl ,h,y of ll¿ session the bill wns ; i"1'1' ]bl:«ot <¡n Lo' u eoused Jesus Io' “ "L'hi' 1 r''luh'l;'. ^he writes, Sep’.. 18 : . j pussed by both houses with only „ fe«; hei»,r- . , i;0 ? 11 / ,1 ° °! U'' ,0' e ; ILUS;:.’ • ' 1 Ileo votes.- Tfie. .fictisure- makes ,,rizt!-llch.-. . . liro 4.nvr»il miti Uii>î xilino lovti m ili Ihi*

tiro si tv è'd : i eli tí. ptiibräv-ic J psus • ihoyliayo í tlio pbwbr tó l.çttd :tlip; lost toMesus if llíey .\< wi li ;'rise ò l i ; Ilo'; thät'gqetii f¿rth': weeiii rig¡ '

; for the -eoiisrésiifibii. A .voltila' "imi .wiis.-.if.n'i hopeful ilIspitfIlion, mid siiinlly eliiji^ j (|„lt (|lc. „cod of sneh ,,n Insijiution’in iiiis‘ StaioMs. Very great.* It is a big umlcrtak—;

"-I-tI i i m ' í ' I m , ! n u i« f ¡ n i l ' Y l . t i l : _; saved the previous evening and '.several -moro'

appeared to be ‘;arino.-t per suit dodi!’.. The Armory .'revival meetings in 3 Mil laclol- ; j\Uiu; tif which wo hitye.glvpu extended io-

: licier;In lvis.;renuirAS - further

much ’ rèa I goo d ■ t h isn iiiilster-i» vvife a cco m p lish ed b y vhbr caro j I lilid tin illillL ' Of thè.' fiiir-lin iii'd linv' u-l.n ¡ b lit

irther iho showed how i i»‘g? but ouv übtl Is a grout God—a hu&bniidI nil ». 1 »1.»” 11,1,1,rio,OI/.,, I ,u thb. widow-.and a father lo the orphan; b in u b e, All p ie en tio n s , ] |( ; lvJ|, h o l|, ,„ 0 |,u „ J , . . , . -t l i i r i l t a l i i i i l 1 ,«. 1 ■ , .- . . I . i u . . . - r . . . . i r i i

tn l.iie r i i ie re iis e d a rid lu le u 's ille .I th e s i i i r l t i d e v o tio n 10 f i.th e i-!m id m o llie r in t h e ir l„«t 0,1 n (>ood l ln n i ic l i i l b iis is , s o ' l t 'w i l l n o l'e o i-,¡1,,. s o ;il .s „ v in ;t h .h .„ A o f - h e ' w o r k , , , ; ^

Iliero was a.gencial txpetiotico meeting on j tionj jlio Dcotor pUld tin unqualified tributo,'; dellnitc prayer for this enterprise. 'Sabbath afternoon which strangers and poo-! k,tying that God kiiewaU ' abouV ihelr sucri- ” ' ' ------- ' “ '

. p)e of other denoiuibutions soobied greatly i Hces .and would reward tItetn for such filial•' toenjoy, followed by a scoro.of seeking sin- ,iucnlion. . • - . •*:.-:-'.tiers;most of whom were blessed. ' Tho con-i T, ; • .. , .- • ,

.v e r s io n s - :n t tl,e , i i Bht s e r v ie e u ls o ,- n f t e r „ I W y e n ab.o In ik e t c h . n s th e l i f e■ - p e rs u iis iv o s e r m o n b y D r. i i.v in d e l ls w ere ¡ » » f " ' » ¡» d eeensed m u .le r n o n -

1 . . , „ i . , t tion.of the extraordinary devotion.of .Sa lIP. n u m e ro u s , a n d a l l 11, r o u s t he p r e s e n t .« e.ek I ( ln j ■ M n i.y , h e r fa it h fu l c o u .im iiio n s d u r in g

th e m o v e m e n t In is p re s e n te d e v e ry u sp e e t of-, ^ .d o w n to the h o u r o f h e r; .u;reul old-fashionod Methodist rovivul. ‘ departure

support : they haye given to; the Gbyeriior. No loss eri obliritgi rig is :t hp,bxprbssud'tic(or-. nijriatiònpf 11 io ; u u 11 »or iti oa -of vu r i ou.s States and Territories ript 'to perriili the prize- ligbters to tmrisfer. tho scotto of'opcrutiohs Within their borders as they propose to do.

" v v ™ ¡¡...Mini Ihtht w»rtty $1.00 for myself, iind I propri.-e 1)0 Permitted anywhoro lit tho United .States..

-«• / " • • ••• it may go to Mexico or Centriti Aniorica asa ‘ l ì t . com pa n i on o f • t ho - Lou is i a na.Eott ¿ry . fo r the United Sliitos'- to bó rid of both those curses in .the brief space of it fow years is surely it prpmising tin.d wondoVful tt i- uinpli for the eaiiso of public morals.—Tho Christian Work.

.But for tiris i iniglit eotiio to spend n week j f two ; with ' you tit .tub G rove.1 It tilso in- tptfpros! with' iny trip to California.. Write' and : toi 1 mb the best t Ii i ng y ou k now about the Lord.-'.-. • ,*'/•. . ; 'o \o

Mrs.-'M.-; Wright, vvlio .■-'.riiay : probably Speriti the winter at Ocean ;G rove, lias recent­ly moved to tlio Met/.^Cottage,. iiortìicabt corirer Pilgrim Pathway and fleck avenue.

Our life is determined for u»; and it makes tho .mind very Ireo when we give up vyishitig,;and.only tÌi i rik of' boaring wliat. is

-Itii^upoh us o.ntj! ;doing ; wliat ir g l veil us to do.

It is,the,fruit of-good works, and not the mere .blossom of good fhoughts arid':goo.d feelinge, which God requires.

iy '.oxiierlbhcp ist igat ipns cotir

:Vinces bib that it. belief in f God—a- God >ybo is i)bh i nil; tiud; wit iii ti t hpclia os of .'van lulling points of . hitfiniti kriovvlodgp. iblds a Won-- dorftil stimulus• to; tlio, inan whp .iittenipts tp penelrato into the rogtoris of the uivktiowri.. Of inyself 1 may siiy tliat I nevoi;.iimko tho preparations , forV./ponetiiiting ^jriib.:- soine small,provliieo of nature hitherto undiscov­ered without breathing it prayer to the lie ing who 111 des.h Is-soc refs - f to m m o only to jtl- luro. nie : graciously pn to tho unfplding of

r'thcih.—:Agassb.. ,■

List of Patents granted to 4\ ’ew .Jersey in­ventors this week. ileporlod by CV A; Suow it Co., Solicitors of. American and Foreign: Patents, opp. U. S. Patent Olliee, Washing­ton, D. 0. ;

A. D. Uiirnbtt, Newark, wrench} A. W. Baxter.; Jersey .City,, caso for bookH. papers, ot c;.; S. • A. Kl o wer,' :Ne\\ a r k ■,v • t into Iii tip. ./or crimping 'ahimal and vogetablo libre^\ G. Hill, Now Brunswiok, valve controller; P. Macarthy-, Sayreyiile, kijn i - W.M. Minor, pliiiiilloldv telopolino switch; . II-. S.' Moores Atlantic pity* merry-go-roundT, P. Mor- ris'sey, Newark, button-inuk iiig niacliirio; ,0. II. It. Klenabor, ltidgotiold, bottle-sfoppbr; A ,' Schuinacher, Millington,, .trolley track;■ J.. M. Seymour,'Newark, dovice for lowering objects; 0; H. Taylor, South OranRb; parr coupling; H. B. Weaver,. Burlington, over- hoaid bicycle railway ; T. B. Wilcoxj.Nowark, b’.ank for table-knives. . . ' . :

Sunday in Eurcps.‘‘Siiudiiy in 'Aitiorica dilTors in proportion'

to tho foreign olonichtiti I ho pppttlat ion,., but thoro' is iiovert helcss- tin -Ainericaii- Situ-. .' day, fixed,; cleat; out; arid .iibiquo. In't he in-, torior of older States we liavo every wiiore.. this that is known, as \ lie.'Alnoricati,' Sti.iidayV Now, this .is’ not wliat Is popularly called a bluc-liiw Sunday, whore evovyorio. is com­pelled by law to stay indoors' and is deprived of a chance to got ariyihlng he may want to eat or drink or anything itt tlio way of rcc- roiition. 'That is tin absolute porvorsion of tlio Amovicun Suridny. Tho Atneripan .day, of rest: is onp on .ivhicli tho. whole populatlbii.; treats Sunday its a day of absiiluto rest anil a .day of worship. In* the first place, tho • .whole town tiikes-a biith ptt Sunday.if,its peb|)lo: do not.' wash thoinsolVes .on iuiy othor • day of tlib weolc.; livorybody puts on clean" underclothes- and' Ii non; and thobost outbr garmonts, thoy possess.. Why, oven ‘ tlio ' loafer-'tlntl tho bummer got a-clean sliitvo '

■aiiclI shirt iind. tiioir boots blacked nnd tiioir : best clothes ou—aud rosnoct for-their ap- •• iibaranco kcops’ thotn woll-bohaved during tho day. The next tiiorhing they iuay put •on., tlieir.. oI<l clothcs arid -get drunk to rc- lioyo tho strain. Eight-tenth's of the popu­lation goes to church twlco;a day, or in tho .evonjng .to some service o£ so'nct oi'. jhceting for religious society work. ' All tlio women of the town, young arid old, are engaged ¡in ■ ohttrch' work,’.and the -young men Iind it choir ploabiiro to moot thoir best gjrls nt tho porchos of tho churches and to walk homo with them* In'.tlio nftcrnoon,:in the Huni- ineri-thoy’ro .all . out doors,ibitt it is.tirst of all the family day. Tho .son: conics up from . the city,-tho boys and girls.cptne.hbtno from

.school, and the family.is united in tlio. home­stead; Tills-..-is; what gives -that.siicrodnoss to tho hot bestead which - is'.character isli'c iti New.' York and .Now, England. And bo matter how humblo I ho houso is or how big and Important' tlieman mtiy grow to ;bo, br whoro. ho-may live, his heart is in the old • home, and ho goes back there as often as lie ban,: ;

.“ Are there open saloons and bars in tlieso towns.-* Yes, there are; But tio young or < middlo-agctlorOld mat» can bo scon in them on Sunday and bo hunted as a.business limn or hopo for any cotilldonco in his ititcgritv as.a dork or cmnloye. So thc Fontiiiiont of the town keeps the saloon practlcallv elosed by depriving it of custom,mid the town, instead, of, being wrapped .in.-glbom, finds Sunday not only its m ost .restful but its m o st; joyous v .day, • bocauso,- bet weeii t lie' chinch and tlio homo abd the outdoor walks- iti the: Helds nii.d woods;the -.'whole neighbor-: hood, nieots in its best bib and tucker, and tlie.family is united under tho most'Imrnio- nious epriditionSi Now. that's aii Amevican Sutulny; Any: Sundays which. dilfor fiomthat in this country are the Suiidnys of-thepersons of. foreign, birth Who cbritinue in ’ the cities where -they live its-much as they can the: customs.aitd'jnaririors of tho couu- tries: and localities, from whMi'ihey have iiiuiiigratodi In the second . generation, however, it is . found . tb.bo almost the rule that these customs aie largely, abandoned;or . mtidilied.' Dopow. : . ; . , - • .

••/¿bput.-'Wfi.tches.'iA tvatchinakor vylib takes great deli«lit In

his wo»;k,-says' (hat line.- walehcs- fito like blooded horses, inthnt t.hey bontinuo to.tun until tlioy lire completely:done up. Omso- - quently, ho says, tho Hitiie. carP should bo bestowed on a watch that Is given lo a lino horse, to see. that its willin«ness to work does not permanently injure . it. A poor watch will slop as soon as there is anything tho matter with it, while tho expensive ono runs on and on until the.pivots are worii oil' and the jewel« distorted. This watchmaker also declares that the regulator of a lino watch .should never bo touched niter it is llrst.i set rigbt,until it is -again oyerhaulcd, • There iiiitstv bo n'spocillc cause for it .varia- tion in thp liine-picce. and Avhile'tho tegti-- lator m ay ovprcouio tho cause, it does not ■ reniove. it any riiore' tlinii tlio iiicrcase of -: stcam .in an engine will oil the. journals, al-' tJiougJi it IriPrclisea tlio speed. , '

' y ;:Steel-Fens; :

• H'iebtird Estorbrobky founder iihd president of .tho Ester brook Sled Pon Works Com­pany,, o f Camden, died .tit his residence, Second and Penn htreels. .Cainden, Friday afternoon, at tlio age of 83 years.

Esterbrook was an Orthodox Friend, I torn in Liskard, County Cornwall, England, in 143.1 • J. In 18ot) ho camo to Canada, but lived there* for a few. months 'only, Unnlly settling in Camden. Shortly after his ar­rival in Camden Mr. Esterbrpok ttartod, with hi« sou Richard and. Janies Burns- crbve, at the preseht location, at the foot of Cooper . street, the llrst steel ikmi factory in the bnilcd States. They employed ten hands, but the. works are now the most ex­tensive in the country, and their producttiOeS to every «juart.or of the globe. Mr,Estcrbroob was a minister in .the Soclotv of Friends. ' • • •

Who tloes not- luiow women, and vontig girls who are continually iii tears?

'’Who always see the • d a r k side?’ Who have frequent fits of melancholy with­out . any apparent cause ? But there

, is.n cause. It is to be found by the in­

telligent physician in some derangement of the complicated and delicate feminine organs of generation. The woman who half understands herself, feels that she cannot always be complaining; she cau-

. not always have the doctor in the house. The young girl suffers, bodily arid men­tally, jti silence. Thc trouble usually comes so gradually it is attributed to some outside cause. There i s . undue weariness, unexpected pain» utircason-

, able tears and fits of temper. AU: these symptoms are simply protests o f the silent, long-sufFcring nerves. Thc trouble shows iu dark circles below the eyes, a downward curve of the mouth, a sallow j. brownish-yellowMieck. .

Unregarded, the trouble grows. A fe\vyearsof to rturcd‘in valid ism,: probably insanity, before merciful death comes. Dr. Pierce’s Pavoritc Prescription is the fruit o f years o f .study. It is thc product of an investigating liiiitd united with a generous nature. When an intelligent person .gives years ot study to a subject there must be some good result. Tlie “.Pavoritc Prescription *’ is a compound of extracU of herbs that makes a strengthening, soothing medicinc. It acts; directly- upou the: distinctly feminine organs.. I t . stops drains • from lin ing’ membranes by healing diseared parts, thereby curing -also the inflammation that is always present. . .

*! I was in n criticat cotwlUion. Oftiin .1 wn4 ia despair. I experienced a £reat improvement by taking ouc bottle of IJr. Pierce's Pavoritc Pre­scription. I hnvc taken six bottles.'and I am £ure that It will not only cure ulccrnliou but alt , diseases of females.'! Youri truly,

(Mrs.)Ncapolis, Virginia.


O C Æ LA _2sr Q - B O Y E E i i B G Ö E < I 3i . O O T O B B E , . 1 9 . Í S 9 5

Rev. John DeW itt, D.D.of the TitnOLOCtCAL SnMWAnv, New Brunswick, N. J .( writes: “ I am satisfied ihnt Dr.-Dcanc’a-

Dyspepsia Pills arc - nil ,.right. They, liavc mas­tered m y case/ * •.

* Clergymen; college pro-; . lessors, physicians, and ' lawyers, nniversa!ly find' them / na do. nil others;

. the one'great remedy for . dyspepsia,' D r..Deane’s Dyspepsia Pills nrc.srieti-

, tifieally prepared, hnd cure. 'Jhnt'9 v:hy they have »n large a sale. While wrapper if constipated* yellow • If bowels are loose. Send for a free sample.

DR. J . A /D E A N E CO , Kingston»-N.Y.


* Dyspepsia^ Pills.

| i ?roni u«r'Hp«u!(ttr ( ’«vrc^pohdont. ]

W ashington Letter.W a sh in g to n , Out? 1 0 , 181)5.

T lioro is n lesson fo r Uiobo who. m o d a ll p ro p o sitio n s fo r rc fo ru i IcglH lutlon w ith th e s te re o ty p e d rep ly , “ O h , y o u c a n ’t re fo rm pcoplo by pasairiR' lawH,” in .th o n n n u n l ro- p o r t o f H o n . J o h n L . . ThotnnR, -Afislfiliint A tto rn e y -G e n e ra l fo r th e P o s t Offlco D e p a r t­m en t. M r. T h o m n s tins c h a rg e o f t h c c t t - fo rc e m O n to f th e n n ti- lo t te ry law , o f /w h ic h ho eays in h is r e p o r t : “ I t m ay lm confiden t r ly a sse rted Uud th e dcuth-U noll o f th e avow ed lo tte rie s in th is c o u n try lias been Hounded.*’

• T h o . Jaw ho says “ hns b een m o st successfu l n n d hap v ir tu a lly c losed th e jn n lls to lo tte ry c o n c e rn ^ .’’. Uow . th is l a b i l e vory: c o n sp ic ­u o u s in s tn n e d o f a a r e a t re fo rm h a v in g b een acco m p lish e d by the e n n c lm o n t a n d e n fo rc e ­

m e n t o f a s t r in g e n t lnw . C ou ld C ongress hfivo n s tro n g e r a rg u m e n t in -fa v o r.o f e n a c t­in g o th e r ic fo rm law s? T h o ro .is a n o th e c p o in t in M r. T h o m a s ’ rep o rt- th a t isn ’t so p lea s in g ,* b u t w h ic h is p e rfe c tly t ru e a n d w h ich .deserves f ho c o n d e m n a tio n o f a ll w ho b o p o to Ece tho In o ra ls o f th e c o in in g g e n ­e ra t io n b e tte r th a n th o se o f o ilr ow n. • A fte r n o t in g tho . s ta m p in g o u t .o f. th e lo tte rie s p ro p e r , th o rep o r t s o y s : B u t b u s in ess m en th in k tl:c7 m u st, in o r d e r 16 su cceed , reso rt to sch em es Ih a t .nppeaV to tho g a m b lin g s p i r i t o f th e poople, a n d th e y /a c co rd in g ly

' su g a r-c o a t th o ir le g it im a te e n te rp ris e s w ith lo tte ry a d v e r t is e m e n t^ T h e se fu se in o tin g a n d a p p a re n tly in n o c e n t aeh em es-reach th e boys a n d g ir ls o f th e lan d an d te n f r lo tim ke

..them g a m b le rs .1’ •T h e .g o o d peop le o f th is c o u n try jiavo . a h . e lte c tiv e T eaicdy in th e ir ow n h a n d s a g a in s t , th ip o v il. ; T lioy' lmvo only, to refu se th e i r p a tro n a g e to thoso .w ho re so r t to lo tte ry m ot hods of. a t t r a c t in g b u s i­n e s s 'a n d th e ev il w ill be sh o rt-liv ed .

Nlrs. C. M. B row n, who has c h a rg e o f the H e lp in g U p M iss io n , ‘.of..-..Unit»more, a d ­d ressed tho \V. C. T . II. th is a fte rn o o n on “ Vulm iblo L essons in M issio n W ork on the L i n c s o f T o m p e ra n c e .*’ T h e te n th “ V '’ of tho W. 0 . T . U, was o rg an i/.e il in th e F ir s t C o n g re g a tio n a l C h u rch a few (lays ag o .• T h e W o m an ’s f o r e ig n M iss io n ary S ociety , o f tho B a ltim o ra •C onferenceA l. E . C h u rch , S o u th , sev en te e n th a n n u a l m ee tin g , was h e ld hero th is week. T h o rep o r ts su b m itte d

. in d ic a te d a c tiv e . in te r e s t in m is s io n s in a ll tho ' c h u rch es .‘rep re se n te d , a m i,' l ik e / th o s e fro m s im ila r so c ie tie s in a ll s e c tio n s o f the c o u n try , ' n o ted th e . OtVcct o f th e . “ hnvd t im e s ,“ now lm p p jly .p ass in g it way p e rm a ­n e n tly , it is hop ed , u p o n th e c o n tr ib u tio n s . :

T h e E .vejrc B o ard o f th e D is tr ic t o f C o lu m b ia has p ra c tic a lly d e c id e d to 'a s k C ongress to iiiorcnso th e b a r- ro o m license

- f ro m $ 4 0 0 to $ 3 0 0 a y e a r , .n n d th e o tlle ia ls w ould be very, g lad if . th e A n ti-S a lo o n L ongue a n d o th e r te m p e ra n c e o rg a n iz a tio n s w ould ad d th e i r e n d o rsm e m e n t to th e p ro ­posed c h a n g e . T h e tem p o ran e o o rg a n iz a ­tio n s a ro n o t lik e ly to do so , how ever... T h ey a re . lig h tin g to ab o lish tho sa lo o n s e n tire ly , an il, a lth o u g h m a n y in d iv id u a l ' tiiem bera boliovo In h ig h I lc o n so . a n d w ill.d o u b tle ss a id in t ry in g to 'g e t C o n g ress to m ak e th e

. eh an g o th o o rg a n iz a tio n s [a re .n o t l ik e ly to e n d o rse a n y su c h c o m p ro m ise a s d o u b lin g th e p r ic e fo r leg a lly p ro te c tin g th e ru m - KeHer's. S ev era l p ro m in e n t w orkers h ave expressed th e o p in io n th a t it w ould b e a

. m uch , b o lte r m ove, from th e s ta n d p o in t o f th o p ro h ib it io n iftts. to d o aw ay w ith a ll licen ses a n d a llo w ' ev e ry b o d y t o ‘sell ru in w h o w an ted to , becau se th a t w ould rchiilt in

. d isg u s t in g tho p u b lic to su ch a ti ex ten t th a t th o b u s in ess .w ould, soph bo leg a lly p rohib*

'.'I to d i insteai] o f le g a lli 'p ro te c te d .; T h e N a tio n a l G o sp e l; M is s io n ’ .U n ion ,

w h ich wae o rg a n iz e d last J a n u a r y , held its f ir s t a n n u a l •m e e tin g hero t h i s ’ week* a n d v ery in te re s t in g wore th o lr :se ss io n s , th e p ro ­g ra m b e in g m ad o u p o f goo d s in g in g b y the M oody c h o ir an d o ilie r v o lu n tee rs a n d sh o rt

’ ad d resses o n - 'g o sp e l m iss io n w ork b y th o se w ho knew fro m p ra c t ic a l e x p e rie n ce w hereof th e y spoke, A - s p e c ia l 'f e a tu r e c o n sis ts o f th o G ospel, W agons, ow n ed b y th e C en tra l

. U n io n M ission o f th is c ity ,' w h ich a tte n d every - m ee tin g of,, th o N a tio ria l U n io n , fo r th o nurposo- o f c a r ry in g su ch tn e m h e rs a s m a y . d csiro to g o to tlio m is s io n .m e e tin g s h e ld ’ som ew h ere in th e c ity a t .the uloso o f e ach session . In th e d ay th e re tiro o u td o o r m e e tin g s a n d a t n ig h t th ero is th o m id n ig h t

m is s io n m o o tin g . T h o N a tio n a l .U n io n ; In- a d d it io n to W a sh in g to n , has work u n d e r w ay in A lex an d ria , V n . ; P i t t s b u rg , Multi- iiip ro a n d P h ila d e lp h ia , u u d h o p .?s \in tho.

. n e a r. :f.ultii.e to ta k e .in o th e r c ities . T h e j sp e c ia l a im is to r e a c h tlioso th e ch u rch es c a n ’t ronclii; . •

T h e N av y D e p a r tm e n t rece iv ed a sh o rt, c a b le g ram yoaterduy w h ic h . re fu te s iii a p rae tic a l- m a n n e r tho . g ens;itionnl s to r ie s w h ich o ccas io n a lly find th e i r way i a to p i in t , . c o n c e rn in g th e a t t i tu d e b t th is G tiverum ent to w a rd s A m erican m isd o tm v les . T*he m es­sa g e : was fro m N aples,; an d s ta te d th a t th e

■ U. S . S., M arb lohead . h ad , in u b ed ien co lo• o rd e rs - .f ro m ’ W ash in g to n , ic f t th a t po rt fo r

M e fs ln a , S y rio , fo r th e p ro te c tio n u f A m er-- icon m is s io n a r ie s in th a t se c tio n . T h o ves-; sol was se n t u p o n th o re c o m m e n d a tio n o f

• M r. T e rre ll, U . S. M in is te r to T u rk e y , ho liav in g in fo rm e d th e S ta te D e p a r tm e n t tiia t

’ th e p resen co of tho vessel w ould hovo .an .oxcollont, d e te r re n t e tfec t u p o n th e n iitivo e le m e n t w hich is in c l in e d to deeds o f v io ­lence. • . .

. M r.. P o t te r fand P ro f.. M ille r , tho C h icag o e v an g elists , a ro c o n d u c tin g a very successful ro v iy a l here . - ' •’

T h o lam e n te d d e a th o f M r. P u g h has le ft tho Y. M . C. A. w ith o u t a s e cre ta ry . . H e ro ’6 a 'g o o d pluce fo r a g o o d m an .

' Pennington Seminary. .S h a ll we Betid o u r son . o r d a u g h te r itway

to sch o o l? T ills, is a very Borlous fjueption , b u t u lo re a n d m o re ' In th is c o u n try p a re n ts hro* a s k in g th is t juea lion . N o t b e c au se th e ' local Bchoola a i o ; pi)or, -but because o f th e g r e a t a d v a n ta g e '' t la i t -a g o o d b o a rd in g - BchqoL bostow a u p o n it child» In tho first

Rla c e . i t cu ltiv a te s so if-re lian ’co iii tho ch ild , 'lien th e ch ild re tr .a in s a t lidn io a u tb i t io n is a p t to Bleep. T h e ro ie a d o p o n d o n co 'u p o n

fa th e r a n d in o lh e r -.or o th e rs th a t g re a tly h in d e rs that, in d ep e n d e n c e o f.p u rp o se a n d c h a ra c te r w h ich is so necessa ry to m an h o o d a n d w o m an h o o d . In th is e a if ie s t w orld wo c a n n o t m ak e headw ay w ith o u t s a n d , Uud c r i t , a n d p u sh , a n d pu rp o se . N o t t i l l it fully d a w n s u p o n a c h ild th a t a f te r till it d e p e n d s , ch ie fly u p o n h im se lf o r . h e rse lf .w hether, th e y sh a ll b e c o m e .a n y th in g in th e w orld , w ill th ey b e lik e ly to ta k e th a t s e r ­ious a n d e a rn e s t v iew o f l if e th a t w ill m ak e l»nrd s tu d y , a d e lig h t and- rea l success« In I i f i a lm o s t ce rta in .. I t is a g re a t c h a n g e fo r tho ch ild to leave hom o a m i e n te r n b o a rd - ing-ficohol. T h o very im p a r t ia l d isc ip lin e o f su ch a schoo l is a g re a t benoflt to a c l t l ld . I t fo reshadow a to . tlio c h ild , u n d e r m o st fav o rab lo c irc u m s ta n c e s ,.t h a t im p a r tia li ty w h ich our; c h i ld r e n . : Kooner o r la te r ,- ; a re fiuro to ;e^ p e r ie h c o ;o u t iU (lie u n tr ie d world t h a t . lie£s b e fo re tlie ih*• I f they in ay , w h ile y e t u n d e r . th e te n d e r c a re o f g o o d C h r is t ia n tea c h e rfly le a rn so m e th in g ; o f th e im p a r tia l t re a tm e n t w hich a w a its th em out. in '.real l ife i t m u s t c e r ta in ly d o tn u ch to p rep a ro .th e in fo r tho s te rn d u ty .that- a w a i ts th em . T h e m ore m as te ry of: b ooks is th e sm a lle s t p a r t o f : a ' g o o d ed n eh tio n , T liis iin a y b e g o tte n in lo ca l sch o o ls , b u t fie) f-rel inneo Is n o t a n d c a n n o t bo fo ste red ; a t 'ho ine, aiid . w h a t is; im e d u c a tio n w orth w ith o u t se lf -re lia n c e arid B clf-T cslra jn t? . F ro m th e s tn r id p o jiit o f e d u ­c a tio n ..w h a t a c o n sp icu o u s jilaec P e n n in g ­to n S ohiinai-y has .o c c u p ie d in its c a re e r o f fifty-five . /y e a r s ! I ts n u m ero u s a lu m n i, ' n u m b e r in g o v o r to n th o u sa n d ’, a n d sc a tte re d a ll o \o r th is c o n tin t 'n t , a n d m a n y o f th em in d i s ta n t larids, is full p r o o f .o f thifi.

AddrcBs D r . T liom aft H a n lo n , P e n n in g to n , N. J .y fo r. p u r c a ta lo u g e . i I t , is fu ll o f the very in fo rm a t io n yo u a re no\v B ecking fo r y o u r so n o r d a u g h te r /a n d is so b e a u tifu l t h a t i t . w ould g ra c e y o u r p a r lo r tab le . I t w ill bo s e n t yo u free , o r -m a y b e hud a t O cean G rovo B ook S to re . D r. H a n lo n niay. b e seen a t h is r es id en ce 1 0 1 M t. T a b o r W ay.

S P E O X A I j n o t i c e s .

J0HAS. W .: KÄRSNER, M. I).• I* l I T N I t l lA N A N D N U B f lK O N C :

:’ v v. .'=. . G raduate o f both suhools.'dum m of otUco-rOpposlte Postoflice, Oceaii G rove

Pilgrim PAthway, coruor Mt. Hormon -Way. • . 1409 South 15tli S t re e t , . , PblladctJihla. Pa

Respectftilly refers to Rev;. E. ■ H. Stokes, D. p /, Rov. A. W allace, D.D., aud George W. Evans. Esq.,Ocean Grove.. : ' •v : ‘v


120 M a in A v e n u e , : O cean* G h o v k .DLseasesof women and ch ildren a specialty.

OFFICE HOURS—7 to 10a. in., 2 to 5. 7 to 10 p. m.


Homœopatliic Ph ysician and Surgeon, ‘ • m MILL STREET,

I’OUG 11K E EPS I E. X. Y. J)lscas**s o f W omen nnd Children, Exam ina­

tions an d I-ocat T reatm ent a specialty.Outsldo calls day-nr n ight a ttended.Hours, 7 iô 10 a. m., 1 to a.30 P. jt.i IJ.Sn to 9-e.M.

DR. I. N. BEEG LE,7H M a in v « « m ie ,.

OCKA.V «Jllovrc, N- j .OFFtcK llotirs—r to 9 a. >l.. U t o v aud ß to Si». M,

** Dosimetric.” : . ‘

DR, S. G. WALLACE,— D E N T I S T - —

Sum mer oQlce, opposlto I'ost Office, l'li^rlm I” way. Ocean Grove. Kstahllshed In 1881.

Regular oiUce, 423 PonG street. Camden, N. JHas a ll the m odem appliances for rap id work

am i aUovißttne pfttn. Gas or local nucsthevlcs used in ex traction .

Respeotfully rofora to Rev. E /I I . Stokes. D.D. Rov. A. W allace, D.D., Rev. R. J . Androws aud Dr. J . H. Alday, Oeeau Grove.


— D E N T I S T ----Dental Piirlors, Mattlson avenue and , Kmory

street, en irau ro on. Emory street. Anbury I'ark, N» J Gius adm inistered. Ofllee hours ‘J a. m. to 5 r . m< . .

For Sale or B en t. •COWELL HOUSE,

:10 Webb Avp., Ocean Cirovc.

. Cun bp snen any time.-


FLORIDA—BOARDING.• Persons th in k in g ó f spoudiiii; p a rt of tlu* on-

^n in« - w in ter in tin» sunny olMided o f F lorida.' wlnM'onil tho rigors o f w h iter a re nvuidpil, nnd feeble co n stitu tio n s built up. w ill h ea r <»f a rjuiet, respectable ami hom elike pinco in lnkallhv reKiou. nini very, rmisouublo charges for iKutrd, Will o b tain all needl'd inform ation as to travel, etc., by iuldriJssinK . .

MHS. KVA 51. WATSON.\yitids6r,.Fl(irida.


OCEAN GROVE,A corner. Jot, prtco ftlOO ; and lo t nd jo ln in«

w ith fu ra ishe il 0 -room plnstoreti co ttag e .upon* i t . price $l,yr^O, on en.-y term s. Address! . . . JU D G E J . N. DAVIS. •

' SJ} itaib-oad avenue. Jor.-èy City, N. J .

N. E. Corrfer Central and Bath Avenues,-'Océan- Grove,-N: «T.All roqalrement'} as to.location, rooins. table and atlon tlon i centro la th o :n n th Àvenuò llóuse.

I t needs b u t to be tested to please tho m ost fiistlálous-, atid not the loast of tin advantages, tho rates aro m ost reasoiiable. . MKS. M. F/M (‘PI1.EKS0N', Proprie tor,

GROVE HALL,. / .P i lg r in i .P a t i iw a y /o p p p s i tp T h o m p s o n Park',.OcÌR.an G ro v e ,

ConyeùÌent;to ail points o f in terest. V .1, Open May l . . . ., Soyenteeoth; season.?: * ' : ’ .• ' ••/• : ">.•.■-• '•:•■ ■•'•/•;• ' F o rto rm s add r ess ■ • J .

Rox.2153. t Mrs, E. A IR EbA N p, P ro p rie to r/ '

MISS M AOA CATllKlt. . . / | MISS ANNA l.KtntGIl

TH E EVERETT HOUSE,•,v>. Eutbury:avenue?';: ^ neitr,Central;n v e n u e j - O e c a n Grovo^N;J/ '

. I.ocatl >n ceiitral, and convenient to ’i‘ostofflce, New Auditorium and’the •ocean; A •comparaT tlvoly uow, liouse. snaelous, clean, well furnished and attractive In environment, best attention to guests/imd all sanitary conditions perfect." Rato1« the most reoHonablo. • ' . ■ ;

• MI.SHES CATHBR Jc I.EIDIGII, P roprietors. *

THE EL DORADO,Í3rón¡lwi(y, friinling''Fietclier Luke nnJ tho .Sen, OCEAN -ORO VE,- N . J.

N ineteenth Sn-».son. C h o ic e location. 6 plendJd Ocean view, rooms, broad.vcratida«i. Attention llrst-class in every particu lar, F< - ... Box «070.: . ;. :;-•= - ' . • >' - ; - • M

Flow ing Arlesian well, cheerful / o r lerrns/c tc .. address ; •.

•SIRS. A. i;uUAIISr Proprietor.

LAW RENCE H O USE,Corner M ain and Central,

• Two blocks from th e Occan Prom enade and Fish lug Pier, appliances,- E lectric lights! Homo comforts. Reasonable fates. -. V. OrBpx-2023. "■■■■ •

Ocean Grove, N . J .A rtc s la u . w ater. Perfect s a n ita r i

MISS M.:W HITE, Proprietor;

TH E LILLAGrAARD,.A l)b o ttn e a r Ocean A venue, ■Ocean ßrove, N . J.

, A coeomiuodatlous fo r 100 irtiests ; rooins'large, airy nnd well furnished-: an unobstruoted view of the Ocean ; only a fow steps from Lilhigora’a.new and eleg-mtl.vappolnteii hot sea w ater.ba th ing establishm ent, san ita tion perfect and full supply uf A rtesian w ater : e lectric lights, spuc lu l-rates- for-June and fteptpinbi'iyulso lo fam ilies fo r the season: . ‘ •

...p; O. Box 1*101. • ' . •••--'• . : • / . . ■ M R ?. Jf, Di HERITAGE, I’ro p 'r

THE ALBATROSS;32 and 3 4 Ocean P athw ay, South Side, Ocean G rovef N . J.... One of the finest locations In the G rovo ; beautifully shun ted on the Ocean boulevard near the

bench nnd Auditorium ; superior accom m ountjoas and every th in»:strictly flrst ein**.P. O. Box '¿0i5 MRS At. C. IKHVNS, l’rop'r.

THE MULFORD,2 ? .a n d 2 0 0 1 in S tre e t , O c e a n G ro v e i N’. J .

/T w o m inutes from ocean, re a r ' Wwdey f.ake. Voting People’s Tem ple, A tniitorlum . PoslnHiee Bathing Ground* and Klshlnc P |cr. All m odern im provements, A it?slau w ater, free bojts, piano an<l ori?an. • • I’.easounble-rrttes. Tuble llrsi.clats.

I.oek Box 2iWl. • WALTER J . M.UCFORD, Prop’r.Table tirsi.class.

r -

F h e jNT f i t i o n a , LM ain A vo . opposite A ssociation Office, Ocoan Grove, H. J.

• T his has been tho favorite h o ld ever since it wns ppelted tor man..* Ocean Grove v’sim rs. Ils central loralirtn. convenient appnintmeutSi nud every re«pilSite for health aud comfott. «Ive tho National deserved prominence. • Box îJiM. MRs. .I. A KEEN. Proprietor. •

0 A R E O F (11 IL D K I5 N .A couido in tuiddlo l ite , haviiiK a Vomfòrtahle

cottnUn liome in Ocean Giove, uud bi'iinc «lesir- ou.s «d'dolntfgood, could tak e f lu ir le of tw o or .mòre idiihlren who u n 1 w ithou t eonipotent eaUN nnd 'c e n i to r i boli- lienlth and schooling, ori very m ivonnbleterins;. . • . , i

AddresH MÚS. E. SEAIIAH, . «JO Heck Avellile, Ocetiti Grove,


Rich, Mellow, Delicious Name on Each \Vrappcr.

H o ld o n T t i i i l i - p n d i ; n n d S t o a m b o n t s ' g e re r a lij . .

REPORT OF T H E CONDITION\ >!’- V;..* ' 7 OP :

The First National Bank,' .;• AT AbBCRY J’ARE, - . . '- -. .Iii th e S ta te o f New Jersey , at the close o f bttsl

; ;. . nes>j. S e p t j^ i.RESOUltCES.

b o a n s a u d d i s c o u n t s . 7: Overdrafts, secured and u n secu red .... l.-)f»J yC. S. Bontls to secure c irc u la t io n ... ..-. xio.iXK) 00Prem ium s on U. S. Bonds... . . . . . . . . . . . . e..7»0J odstocks..securities, »tc ..... . . . . . — .. :j:i,uim onBunking house, fu rn itu re , aud fixture* -1.7 in Other.realestutoHttd m ortgages ow ned y,r*W 'iii One f io in N ational Banks (nut IUserve

A iie n ts ) '; ,. . . . ................. »•.......... ¡51.110.».Due from S tato Banks and b a n k e rs r*..‘As 1Due from approved reserve n u c t l t . s . : iia .s l? 7S CheekHiind o th eren sb item s.-. e . - u * « » ’* 15 NotcHof othty* National B a n k s . . / . . . • tf.iUj 0J FraetU>nal pap e r cnrrtrncy.tiickels, and

c e n ts . .. j . ............................................. *773 10LawOil Money Weserve in bank,-viz

S pecie.. .......... 1. .. $ S-.0.V» £0Legal ten d e r n o te s : ........I .. ^0.200;CO.

Redemption Fund with II. S. Tren*- .- Urer, (5 per cen t, u f cireulatloiii.

.. T o ta t.:/ .^■. LIABILITIES. •

Ciipit al s tock paid h i . . ' . . . . . . .1 .. ?100.00d 00Surplus F u n d .; ./ .,♦ - ,................. 70,000 iwUndivided pvolU s/less vxpenses and

tuxes p a id .. . . . . . . . . . . s .. . . . i ........ ' -1.112N ational Rank notes o u ts ta n d in g ,/ . .. ¡22,500.on Due to o th er N ational B a n k s . . . . . . . . . . 45,S.*0 15Dividends unpaid 170 00Individual d ep o s its ; su b jec t

t o o h e c k . . . / ; 4i7,0*.M KKDem and certlftcateso f deposit l.OJO SIS.Time certillcatt.s o f denoait. ;iUin t)i>Certified t ’heeks...........................1.07J 48Cashier’s checks outstanding. tivO 3s jfeG.910 77

T o t a l . . ;$7C9, j7y £ij Statk op Nkw .Ieih ev , ) • ‘; Cou.NTY o r Monmouth, i . •

1, A. C. Twining, Cashter o r tho abovo-nnmed bank, do solemnly aRlrm th a t the above sta te ­m ent Is tru e to tlio b es t of-m y know ledge and belief. - A. C. TWINING, C ashier.;

Subscribed and aillrm ed to before m e th is 5th day of O ef, p>!»V ,

- DAVID,O. CORNELL. N o tary Public fo r New Jersey:

Con ftKCT-rA't t e s t :SAM’L .lOHNSON, d a n i e l c . o o v u r t ,

• S U.OVIATT,..• D irectors. ••


A s b u r v P a r k 1 O c e a n C i m v e

' B A N K,ASI5UHY I»AKK,. NEW JKUSEV,' • At-tlie close of business Sept..vS, 1S1*3. ' . -

. - • IlFSOUllCt b Lonns and d i s c o u n t s . .. .Demand Iwoaus...; .,-. ..Ovenirufts (secured and unsecured).,.Stocks, bonds and mortgages , . . ..Duo from reserve a g e n ts . ., . .............Duo from N ational H anks. . . ; ...............Duo from Stato B anks........Furniture and F ix tu res ’. ......... .Hanklog Uouno. .................O jher Real E stu te ........Checks and o th er cash I te m s ... . . . . . . .i Fractional jmper currency, nickels, COnt

and specie ...Currency.

T o ta l, / . ’. . . ..; LI A 111 LI TIES.- -

C apital S tock paid i n . . . . . .S u rp lu s fun dUmllvided. p iollts lew expenses uud

. ta.v*s paid .......Individual Deposits su b jec t '

to cheek . . : — &*,>1,1)13 ¿5 Demand Certificates o f Do’- ' p o s i t . i . , . e.h'0 0J

Certified C h e e k s .. .. . . . . . . . . . C.h71 11Cashier’s cheeks outstanding V50 <11

Duo to N ational B a n k s . . . . . . .Duo to State B a n k s ..* ;; .-...........:D lvldonds..,

-TotalStatk op N kw J r.u^cv, I - ■

M onmouth County, ).■ •.Henry C. W lnsor, P resident, and Edrouud- E.

Dayton, Cashier, being duly and severally sworn upon th e ir o a ths say th a t tho foregoing state* m ent is truo to the best of tho ir kuowjedgo and belief. HENltY C. WINSOR, President.

EDMUND E. DAYTON,Cashier. Sworn and snbsorihed to before mo (his 6th

ddy of Oct., A. D.-1605. •-■*'/■• K. W. W INSOR/

Notary Public for Now Jersey^ Correct a tte s t: • , •

J o h n I I u u u a u d , ) - . . r ‘ • .T. FaAtfK aitlk uv ," ^D irectors,J acouA.W. Hetiuck 1

Dickin; on College.One hundred atol .lliirtciM ith „ve.tr. I'*pnr foil

fuur-vear c o u rse s— Cluh^lcal, liUtih-SciPntUJc« lireek-Scieutiiie nhd M odern l.tm guag». P a r­t ic u la r a tte n tio n to O ratory under tin*''L'nvnlent. ( ‘«enpletidy e<)uipped tiy m o a-im o w ith A th letic Field. Many prizes. .

A'LL j Vu i LDÌNGS HEATED ÍJY STEAM. . Ludir* a d m itte d ' on equal term<. Elegant new hall fo r lad ies .p rov ided 'w ith nil cotivon- iencef> and thoroughly furui>hed will be opene«l Septem ber,, t Sur». Exp.«n?es very rea.-otmble.

Dickinson School of Law ,.( ‘nurse three years, v G radual os receive the

degree of L. L. H .’ F o u r p ro fe ^ o rs and ten h e- tiiro rs,i'inb racing in 'tliA 'list soiiu* i.f the lending iu ris ts am i law yers in the coun try .: instrue.thm largely by «tally recitation ', accom panied by dis- cu-v-ions. Ln.-urpa.-sed C o u rt Privileges.

Terms lower than in anyothertlrtt-class School in the country. - V

F o r.ca ta lo g u es and fu rth e r in fo rm ation ad* dress •••* •.

. • . WM. T H lC K lvfT . L .L . D.,V- ; . Dean;- •

' V • - Carlisle, Pa.

DIckinsoh Preparatory School.Does only cidlego * p rep a ra to ry ' work. Only

experienced, ti'ticherb employed. Instru ctio n thorough, b u ild in g com m odious, woll cqulpped and heated by steam . College■ L ib raries, R ead­ing Rooui.G ym nnsium , A thletic F ield accessible to a ll u tudenU . Open to both sexes,

TERM S VERY REASONABLE.F o r cata logues of College m id p rep a ra to ry

School address. GEORGE EDWARD R E E D , L.L. I).,

- : . ?*: - P residen t, ■’ C» rli-de,-Pp

NOTICE.Tents and AwDicga


' ' ' ; DURING T H E W INTER." Apply im m ediately to : , •

S . H K M M E N W A Y ,• *:•', . , : ’• ,017 Cookm an AVemio,

• • ' ‘ './-. •. Aslmry P;»rk, N. .f.

THE WAVEHLYFinest location; Increas­

ing popularity every year. Elegant nppointments.yot homelike In Racial free-, dom. iiefreshlng ocean outlook. Luxurious bedSj arid the table unsurpassed. Open early in.tho season. Terms and necessary infor- million promptly-given by

*’*’ addressing '•M. S iE D E H / '

Ocean 0 rove,.N. J.

The Alaska,. OCEAN GROVE, N ;J .

. Dellghlfully situated, on PITMAN AVENUE, ono hom e from tho bcaeh. Capacity 150 guesta. Tho house has roeentlybeen fitted up w ith IJot A ir Furnaces, atid will hereafter bo kep topon all . th e year. .-11» tine-ocean view, large, cool verau- daa. spring beds, beat s'ntiltnry plumbing,etc., offer .special inducem ents to perm anent and transien t guests. Table, as In tho past/flrst-clasa. Stage a t th e depot to m eet all trains. . ’ Bring boggflgo checks to tho hoiiso.

Terms reasonable. N. JL KILMER,3 and & Pit m an Avemto, Ocean Grove.

Lock Box 2037. v '• ■ '.

Ocean Grove, N. J.Open all the

Charles J. Hunt.NORM AN HOUSE

. 28 to 3 4 B ath Avetsue, Ocean Grove, N . J.• EstaWlvhed lsrr, Op»jn M ftvtoOniob-r. ?h o rt block cast of New A adltorlum ; COO feet from Ocean ;

.oucand ah-dC t»ln«k>east o f lleek street brldue eonneeiloc Asnnry Park w ith Ocean r ,ro v e ; de- ughtful lo c a t ln ; ev«*iy a tten tio n given to >timrort o f guests, Terms. .lutie and Sept 60 to 83. Ju ly uijd August, $7 to $10.. Address Look B x 2117. MRS. C. R. PRIEST, Prop’r.

o s b o r n e: *.?: Cv*i;»H*r r»f C V n tra b u n d P i tm a n A v e n u e s , O c e a n G ro v e , X . J .

This p ap u lar nnd w«-jl Ximwn lam -e has been luased by MRS. o. H. CLEMENT, (form erly o f the Alpha) it is ooiirenlent t-> both Au litorium and beach : electric l ig h tin g ; perfect san ita ry a rran g e ­m ents ; rooms open on wide verandahs on both second aud th ird iloo;s. Accom m odations for 125 guests. Appointm ents tlrst-eUss lu every respect. • Lock Box 225L.

l i o W L A N D H O U S E ^OPEX JU N E 10, m r,. OCEAN GROVE, N .J .

Alr.y rooms opening on bro:«d verim 4as on r,r*t, seeoinl and third fliorS:; Special iittes.for fam ilies. I.oéli Box7J3 RKV. S B. ASAY, Proprietor.

H25 A tla n tic A vo ., Ocean Grove, N . J .

DulUhlfully n,-ar Ui«'0"'(r«ll. Wo-iey Dike, Anilltorlum nnd Youni- Pconlo's Terapici,largii, .thoroughly furnished, well ventilated ' room s. All m odohi tm jl'oveuienis. Aecommoda* Ions for fifty gtiesrs. Rates until J u ’y l.i and a fte r Sept. I. S? per week : from .Inly 15 to Sept. 1, 810. single, §l t io S2d fo r couples per week.' Box 2075. . ■ . • ; • F. P/ROSECRANS. . :

r F l i e / A j r c l m ò r e ^. . . Ocean P ath w ay , ; ■ Near, th e Sea- ■ • *.

. . ThN new lv e rected and com pletely furnished hotel is pro*etiilnent fo r choice location, tmigùlfl* cent outlook, luxurlous roonis and llrst-class neeom ntodatlous. Every niodern convenience.

. P .O . B O X . . Address MRS. M, M. RUSSKI.L. P roprietor. .

THE CARROLLTON,28 Ocean P athw ay, South Sido, Ocean Grove, N . J,

: a F i n s T - e L A S s h o u s e .DRAWER L.______________________________________ __JHO. WILSON.

O c e a n : H o u s e ,

MAIN AVKXUI-:, Xtuir Association IiulUllng, OCEAN (¡HOVE', N . J . Accom modations for l)i)gnons. w ith llrst-class tab le aud overy. needed com fort. W ithin otie

m inutes’ walk o f tho g rea t A uditorium , and th ree m inutes lo th e o-i*nu.Box 317. . . . THUS. PRENTI3, Proprietor.

OCEAN V IEW HOUSE,Corner B roadw ay and Central Avonuo,

Sixtccuth Season. Accommodation* hom e like, and term s reasonable approved. . Location healthful, cheerful aiul accessible.

Box 2*0,2. . M Ri. AVM. A. WHITE, Proprietor.

Ocean Grove, N . J.Sanitary arrángem eaU

COWELTj HOUSE,No. 30 W ebb Avenuo,

Fltie location tiea r.th i l.nke, ho t >ea writer brttlis.iiiid ocean, superior T«l»le. Chniges moderale.

box ax-:¡. • . • - . - .

Ocean Grove, N. J.All b o a ie com forts, good beds,


E P IL E P X JL O C U K K .One. «if the g reatcat renn‘«Ues ever produced.;

i'hidorsed by physleian.-, an d cerin in in ctirative resiibs. A tritd .w ill-prove its ellieac.v. Dose umII und haiinle.ss to the m osi d e licate Person.T h U reuiedy m ay b e seeured bn «pplicatU m tv>

the e d ito r o f th ls paper, who will gtve informu- tiou a s tii how to o b tain it. .

Metz Cottage,X . E . C or. P i lg r im P a th 'v n y a n d U e c k A v e .

; - Very conv«ntot»t lorntlou liear Post Odlce. Audi­torium »ml nll poliits-of Interest All aorne com- forts. Table board. Rea»onabIe terms.

Box 11*. MISS R. WOOl), Prop’r.

, .5017.WO 45WHY SUFFER PAIN,when you can bo relieved In n very short space of time V ’

D l iN H A M ’S

E L E C T R IC P A I N D E S T R O Y E Rwill help you. Try it. It Is .voucbed for hy soniH of the best people, iu this nnd other States. It is always roady for use/ Clean and convenient to curry in satchel or pocket. Send* for circulars.

T. M. DUNIIAM,Box 220. Ocean Grove, N ..J.

M ansion House,N e / c OR. E.MliUBY AND NEW YORE AVES.

Central and qu iet location. O n ly a fe w mlu- tiles’ walk from Post Office. Auditorium o r the ocean . Pleasant room s and good lable*. Rates the most reasonable. • •Box îül. . MISS A. UONSALL,•Prop’r,

Neat Country Place For Sale.S itu a te 1 u iili^ wv>t of Ocoan Grove, mi high:

ground ju st n o rth o f th e H am ilton road . New hoiife.H roonip d o w n n m l!} rooms u p s ta irs .u ttie . ce lla r, verandah, sum uier k itc h e n ; good w a te r; n«*w ham . w ith :t s ta lls , wood shed, poultry h o u -o an d y a rd ; n e a rly h x acres o f good level lam l im liab le fo r nm rket .gav«lening; applo o rT c h a rd ,• s traw berries, raspberrios am i tdack-

ill b e a rin g ; gotid iva.-ous f«*r telling .E. Gaiiu-iu ua nO. .

W hen you go to New York, stop at

H O R T O N ’ S, 14« aiiil N trw l. .Central, quiet, home-ilke.. R ight in the h e a r: '

of the shopptnc and am usem Hii d istr ic t; conve­n ien t to everywhere. Sl.W perddy. A m ericanplau.

Pern Cottage jS. E. Cor. Sit. Hermon and New York Ave.

OCEAN tSRON F, X JQuiet and homellko nccom m odatloiis; p leas­

an t room s. good tab le and every-requisite uf health and comfort. . - • • • '

MRS. ANNA GALL. • Box 2IM. ' Proprietor. •

C all ou the p ret ut ses

TO R E N TFc*r tlie Full nnd W in ter m ouths, a fccom l lloor o r tla t, fully furn ished , with.everv.convenience;-' hot aud eold w ater in room, a n d h a th room on lloor; h n ir m a ttre s s ; house h eato ilw ith ,fu rnace, uud us com fortab le us any c ity hmile.

. . M. If. VAIL, .f»0. Embury, nve-., Ocean Grove.

CEM ETEltY LOTSr o u s a l e . . .

‘ Two choice lots, Noa. 894 and 395, Sec­tion A, in Mt. Prospect Cemetery, on uc- coininodnting terms. Apply to

Editor Ocenu Grure RucoitD, or ownor, Jilts. Mahv Lawhe.nOK,

. . ./ 74^ N . 24th St., l'liilndelpbla.

Camp View Cottage,G8 M t. Carmel, Ocean Grove, N . J.

p / o B o x i i s . • ;, MRS. M..M; CROSS, P io p tie te r:

The Cainp View, w ill ho found u nder present m nuugcnieut a liotne like and very comfortable stopping place, for peruuiiieut or transient guests. Term s alw ays (he. most vea^ututble. •Open during tho W inter inontiis. W arm room s..

ST. ELMO,Cor. New Y orli and Main Avenues,

Ocean Grove, N . J. ; ;Superior Boarding Accommodations. Central ..

Location. One Square from PostoiUce. Near Au- ditorlum . Convenient to th e beach.Box 2052/ MRS. M. M, COMPTON, p r0p.

F Ü K N ISH E D KOOMSP le asa n t furuishod rooms on second floor, for.

house-kookiug. vory reasouablo torma. Apply to MRS. M. A. SEARAIt, 00 Heck Avonuo, ■ ; ‘

• Ocean Grovoi N. J .

OOIElAJSr G - B O Y E B E O O K D , O C T O B E R 1 9 . 1 8 9 5

’ î t t t î t i t i ’ ■ % .

k m m m ÿ l t û ^ j ^ ï ^ ® # # n t t m t :

■ > í / t í r / . 3 $ * * /,'. " '//,'« '> /,■ / y s / s s / s y A > .✓ /✓ /y . / / / f r / s / / / f / s i J f i j v / / y / s ; / "f f / / / ’/ / / o •.S e * ¿

/ / t r / / tM ¿ > . t r f l r s . . <?///■ ¿ / / s ’/ / / /■ , / /,•■/<?/<^ / - O

j â j ë s s


; /

K*- •• j f í^j.líV;*Si/fc»v©*-®#*'.

A r c ^ 'e * er, f r u i v o A m e r i c a n Gúisfne.*:.? SiÎVnol far both »,

:• V. s e z ï j , ■ : : •; »>CBMtt ' - . ..,4>in *-?»rnrM ' l o o i o 1■ « ¿ o ‘Xp ¿ v i t ' n i N a . ;

917 - 910 -. c :•! ¿ aV O L?. CTP. CETPH ILA ne* jS rf 'A .

THOMAS MAY PK lRÇt:, A. M „. 1»h. I)• • l^oun-lór nml Prlnrlpul.*

tru ie , wli'chi/.iK.ni. » wjtUi ;v lyttctn*

A Cointsitrcî.;L couples'.i gnoil !‘ii atfc busiiic*« training.O I S T Y E A R -* — < 4 « ,^ I u n d e r t i i u e n ia o P r i u c i j m l .

. A complete all*àr mul rtpüpmcnt for lm»iticss Aie, Including the English benches, will» Hook.

, keeping, Sharthnmî, Lorrcipaiulcnct, Mercantile CuMomsaml Forms, Connntrcial |.a\v ami Geog­raphy, Banking, Finance, Fconomics at:«I Civics.

-Entrante examination* M il «laity throughout > the year. -Knrollmem hUuto ort application. • .

Day S e s s i o n s h c ^ n Mommy,Sepjembcr • a, >805. -Night aCHsions. hcpteniher i 6, ifgs. , s

ScfiooF literature, .Jnchidlnc addresses ¿{ Ex- Speaker. Reed rind Max O'Kell oil last Graduation

' U i :t free.- ';... . •*.G rad u ates a re ¿Hifceisfiilly

» ► .►A ss is te d 'to P ositions.


•i iior.-ts. . '• ■': y ■A rlington. fronting on Arlington AjimVo. .

•«•thunic, l'ltinaii nud B tach a v e s , nearocenn: Ardmore'. Ocean Pathw ay near the son.AVbatro.«?, Ocean P athw ay c a n o f ic n i r a l avenue.

• Alaska, P.traan avenue near Ocean,Alpha, Oceftn P athw ay «ear th e surf. *Amherst. Pitm an av en u e east o f Beach;Aldlne, Main .nvetiue e ast o f C entraL Aurora, Surf aud A tlnM ieea»i of Hunch. * •

‘ Arcile. ^ u t f near Ocean front.• Argyle, :U Abbott avenue.

Bryn Mawr Hpuci \ co rner Hock nud Central.' roadway Hont-e. corner peach avenue. . Bench Avcnuu Hom e. Roach and Webb av en u es

Buena Vista. corner llcck and Beach av en u es Balinornl. Surf avenuu c a sto r Ceuliai. •Bath Avenue House, co iner of Central,Bower Cottage, com er o lin and Central.Ballard Villa, ft) Main A venue. p n r ro lh o n , Ocean 1‘Hthway nehr'JJeaeh. . v-/eiuenult\l, Main near post otllce.Chalfomei Ocean-front aud Bath.

' Chautauqua, Broadway near cen tra l.Camp View, CS Ml. Carmel, uenr Auditorium.

■Cowell florae, Webb near Beaeb.Central House, Malu aud Beach avenues.T^emnrr.q, Ocean front an d Bath avertue. .V elaw a*n Villa, Central and Pitm an aves Davidsdn House, £3 Abbott avenud.T?lDorado, Broadway nenM hc sea. . •*-/ vertou, i’llgrim 1'athway and Abbott;TTalfilrglon.AVcbb avenue east o f Control.

. x cm CQUrtue, New York a re . and Mi. llcrm oti./throve Hall, Pilgrim P athw ay and Thom.Kon.Pari. v* cm C<ittage, corner Surf and Beach avouucs. Griflllh Cottage, CO Mt. Heimon.tJow Jam l House, opposlto Tabcriuiele. .

. ^ o t e l Grand, Oecau front..Highland House. A tlan tic eaat of Central. . Hollaud House, Sea View and Beach avenhes.Tvy Hou«e, Main aveune near Beach, •J-ntcilaeken; A tlantic near lbeK»a.Irvington, Beauh wnd Embury,T /'cnnedy House, Webb avenue near Beach.' a > ey>tone, Heck avenue near po>t- olllce.T lllagaard, Abbott avenue near Ocean. ^ eC h e v a lle r , Webb aud Central.Lawrence House, Main and Central;Lakeside, 1U0 Wesley L aky .T errace/ .

. TVfaln Avouuu llnusv. cnsi of IWaett aveuue, : -L’-1arlne Villa. Broaihvay nml Ocean avenue. M anchester, ueeau Pail»way near Beach.Mau*lon House, corner New York and Embury.

• Mulford Cottages, Olln streei near Beach.. Metz Cottags, S. lv Cor; lleck uud l’Uprlm P’way

■>jorraa>i House, Both avenue cn*t o f cen tral.•V* ew Philadelphia, (icean i'a th w u y near the sea.

; National Hotel. Main »veulJo opn. iwtf.rticc.. New Enghuid, Broadway and New York'aveuue.

Ocean House. Main avenue n ea r post ofllce. ceati View House. Broadway and Centtal. . Ocean Front, corner Malt« aveuue.

Olive.llouse. Heck and Beach avenues.;...Osboru House, Pitm un and Centra^avenues, .p ro sp e c t Villa. Main and Oceuii avenues. .'

Oheldon.H ouse. C entpil. Surf and A tlantic. ^um m erllch l. U« ekli i’dthway jiea r tlie sea. Seaside-Houie, Oeeun front.Spray View House, O ctan lroiit.Selover, Broadway near OCcan avt'uu,!.Stratfdril, Main avenu« rirar Oeerin.,

’ Surf Avenuo Hou«o, Surf m a r central, i SelveJt. Broadway op|j(jsho l letcher Lake. '

St. E!mo, Main and Ne»v \ ork uveuutn. yrTroy.PlfiCo, A tlantic ticar Bead» aveime. ,

ower House, Webb avi tiue near Beach..■Quitcd States Hole!, co rn er Main and Beach.

■\XTnverly. Ocean Paiiiwuy near the beach. .■■■■' • * v tim ttiglon House, Heck aud Central.

W ellington, Pilgrim Pathway, co r.ijm lm ry av e Welcome, opposite Ocean Groye Post oillco.


I T ha S ta n d a rd R a ilro a d ol A m e ric a . I+ — --------------------------*— — — - — : +

On am) a fte r Oct! in , 11105. . . .T ra lu a L eav e A s b u ry P a r k —WoeK DayB.

F or Ne.w York and Newark, it.-IS,'8.*40; 0 .1 0 a.m ., 1. 10.iij/JT p.m. •

1 F ur JCli/nbeih, »1.18,’S.MO, f>.lO a.tii., l.JO, 5 .» “• -.'piin. -• •/•v •*Kur H aliuay , (MS*, tl.ln a.m ., 1.10. p.m.l uv M utawno, d. i s ; i*;io a.nv,. 1.10, f>.vi7 p:nv. Fin- L.uur Bratirli, «. i s .v .y o , 0 .1 0 ,1 1 .1 5 n,nt„

1 . 10 . a.tiO, 5 .1 !, R,C7. 7,1-1 p.m.Vor Heil Hank, U.18, S.aO,0 .10 a.m.» 1.10, 5,27• p.in. • ' . ■ ' • .F ur Ph jhu lelph ia , v ia Broad Si. and rren toh ,

7',f>o n.ni.. -ly.yo. -i. 1:1 p.m. ‘F o r Cam den, via TtvuUai hud Hv'tdentown, 12.20

an d -1. 1 p.m. „ • .F or O iuuleu and IMitladelphiii, via Toms Hiver,

2.1M p.m.F iir Toni!» RH*er. Is la n d Ile ighl^ a n d - in ten m di-

a te .s la tio n s , 2.111 p.m.F o r Point P leasan t and in lorm ediate sta tio n s ,

I .IS , tl.O S u .m ..Q .ia , 5 .15, 7 .U p.i.i).F n r NoW Hrnnsw'ick, via-M ouuioiilli J iiu c tam ,

? .5 u n .m .;:i2 .2 0 .'i .J ii p.»».T ra in s L eav e New Y o rk fo r A s b u ry P a r t

(v ia De*lu-osvci and C urt In ml t St i*. ferries.\At 0 . lo .it.tn., 12.1 0 . a. 10, fl.lo , 11.50 p.m. Sum ' ilaj>;.'0,-l5 n.in.. 5 .J5 p.ni. '.On Snnilnyn trains*-tap nt Itdcrlnkennnd'A vnn

in place of N o rth Anbury I 'a rk and 'Anbury P ark tn ii.*t olf piin.-engi’r-1. .T ra in s L eav e P H U adelph la fo r A s b u ry P a rkHroiiil S treet S tn tion-i- a t >*.20, 11*. 1-1 a.m ., 1.00

P.m. M arket S t. W hnrf, via l.'nimlen nud 'T ren to n . 7 .10. jo .n o a.m ., 3.!»0 p.m. Leave M arket S t.' Wiiiirf, 7.10 a.m ., 1.00 p.m.

' W aa liin g to n a n d th o S o u th .LKAVF. mto.u» NT. rHII.AOA,

F o r . Baltimore and 'W anhlugton. U.50. 7.20, 8.31. 9.10, lO.vO. tl.lfl. ll.ttea.m U'2.81 l.liulted Dlnine Car). 1.12. 51.10. 4 11 li.10 • onure^slonul Llm-.

. Ued. PiuitiK Car). 0.17, (IJilting Car). 7 40 p tn. (HtutM; Car), and 12-0 nlglti week day* S undays;330. IMS, 11 3S a m ...I 12, 1.41. (»55. (lUniiig Car;, ? 40 p m. (Dining Car), aud 12 05 night.

Ttiije-lubles nf nil Other tra ins of' the KyMcro




ANI» '

Insurance Office,01 M A IN AVENUE,

Asbury Park añil. Ocean G rovo Bank Building, •• :v • .'.'OCEAN GBOVK. V; > . . . ;

; in charge of ROB BUT. E. MAYO.. , .T \ i \ Mmisoif : :


N. H. KILMER,Contractor, Onrpenter

AND BU ILD ER.Plattk atid spccillcfltions furnished, an d esti­

mates m ade an all kinds o f carpenter work.

Jobbing of nil kiiuls nttondeil to.v O. Box 2005 • OCEAN GROVE.5 P itm an Ave. r' a "“ÏS R

BROWN’S BAZAR,210 Cookman Avenue, ASBURY PAKK.

; Tia>-oId estnhlished hml a lw ay siio n u lar em po­rium fo r a ll th e ; la te s t novelt icy in Hrie-n-brae, a n d th e r.id»et«t.display cu Orie'iital a m tC o n ti­n en ta l goods ever.openeil hi thiri viciuity . - ',


pm taW e'for prt7.i‘s an d prèfi'UtP.- C all an d do'* lig itt your eyes w ith th e exhib it Ion*'

OLIN ST R E E T , Opposite. Post; OfBce.. CHU JOR, Proprietor. ,

, BqSt arraiigem etds for rapid and 'thorough work' a t reanofiablo prices: A rticles called for and de.* tivercd in any p art ofG rove or Park when desired.


! may he I tinq- •

obtained a t tho ticker ofllcea o r sta

.{ K.'WOOtl. (Uv* Ayr M. "P IÙ VOST. (b ‘ .If.uiuntr. •



REAL ESTATEaud INSURANCEX 1 lim ljiiry Av. Ocean Giovo.

.Cottagi^ ftjid Donrding Hetues 10 l ien t a u d ’fo Sale jil Bradley Beuch and Oceot» Giovo. Also o ts for sale. • ' .

. T im e Tabliviii-i'iTeer, Oct^.l.T, ISO"»,.

B lutions in-N ew Y ork-^('en trai IL lì. of New •IiTrey. fo«»t o f Libci ty.Stri'et ; i ’. J î.j{ „ fo u t of

’ C o rtlan d t.au d Ue^l>ro?M*s S tre e ts ; New .Jersey Southern, Kailway, foot «»f Hector S tree t.

. • 1.1:av i: XKw voiiit.Fott Asnouv r.vttK.C entral K. Jt. of X. .I.~-l.:»o, :S.15, l l . a o a. ni.,

I.'.to, » 1. 10, -Lot», *4.20 , 0.15 p. un Pennsylvania—0.10 n, m „ 12 ,10,' *3.*10, 5.10, . 11.50 p.tU. ; • . • • ,

L1ÌAVK ASIlUKY PARK 1*0H SF.W VOliK0.10, Ü.-I8 , »s.oii, »S.2U.« 10 . 11.05 a .m ., l ilO ,

2 .10 ,4 .00 . 5.27, Ü.BO p ..ni. ! V . ' . •Foi- P liilaih 'lph ia rindTreiiton. via. Hottud Brook

U n n te -t l .lo . S.UO a.m ., 2. 10 , 1.00 p.m.- For Heimar, Spring Lake..Sea t i l r t —1.48, 7 . 10 ,

7 .50.10 .12 . 11.08 a .m .. 12 .2U, 1.18,2.1«; » .IS , y.28, -I.1ÍI. 5.15, tï.ori, 7.1M. s . l 0 |).m.

F o r .M anasiuum atid Point P leasan t—1.48,7.10,10.12, 1 I,OK a; II1„ 1.18, 2 .1U ,0.28, 5 .15, U.OM,

. 7.U). s . 10 p.m.F o r Freehold. T renton and P h ilade lph ia , via.

Sea (iirt'>-7.f>0 a . in,, 12.20. (il.18 Freehold only), 4 .10 p.m . : y

F o r 'Ioiuk R iver; M t. Hoily and (. ttniden, (Shon* Route)—2. l!l p.m.

- ♦ E x p i e r . HUFCS HLODGETT. Supt.JL P . JlALDWl.Y, O.P.A., C.UM . o f .\..f. .

.1. lì. WOOD, GiP.A.f Penna. H.H.


Trimmed Hatsand Bonnets



99 M ain A venue, Oceun (Jiove,



1321 MARKET STREET. Thiee'doors eost o f City Hall, opposite

Wann m aker'« (.¡rand Depot.

' I* !! I L AJDE L P H I Ä ¿ •

M eals to Oidor from 0 a. m. to 8 p. m,

Uofitl U o a it U itin e fs , w ith t h r e e vege- tu b lo s , 25 c e n ts . ..

T.or.key or Chickeu Ointief, 3u cents.■ I-adlch' Ut*om'upstair.*, wllli homeUko »iceom-

m odatioijs. Puie spring watery

A. ALLISON W HITE,Successor to Jamofi A. Grilling A Co.


PHARMACYPitman &vb., opp. “ Tha Arlington,”


Drug», Chcmicalß, Fancy Goods, Sponge?, Patent iMcdicIues. P ham iaccutlcal. P réparations, etc,

Store closed ou Sundays d uring ch u rch services.

GEO. K. HOUGH, Practical Tailor and Cutter,

(Late o f Ph iladelph ia .)N o . 3 P i l g r i m P a t h w a y , n e a r l y o t i i i .

I*o»t O IU co , O c t n . i O r o y p . 1

Persons iam lsh ln g th e ir ow u m aterial can have it m ade up in th o la te s t style, an d m ost' satisfac­tory m anner; ; : . ..C0TTING»CLEANING, REPAIRING, PRH38ING


actor & BuilderColtnytfi Âiu] I.0IB fur ?nlo nud to Rem. .

K e s ld fn c e , 'J 'p W É I Í H O U S E ,P. 0 . Box soil . 'OCKAN OiiOVH, S. J


Ice Cream. Ices, Frozen Fruits and JclUe». v

Weddlups. and Evening E ntertainm ents a spe­cialty. Everyt h in t'to furnish the .table and set free ol charge. 1

. Nothing sold o r delivered on Sunday;


Sixteen room«, central location, a ll furnished. F or sale verv low. Only ?i.000cash reonircd.

D. C. COVKHT,27 Pllffrim J'athw oy.

FOR SALE.Ten-room Cottage, No. 11 Ocenn Putli-

why, Ocean Grove, N . J. Ijot.niiisthrough to H h til-it venue. Terms, easy.- .

r: AiitlJressV; ' • i It A W, ^ ’OGD,• • Trenton, N; J.

. P A R I S Human Hair, Store,

611 Cookman &612 M attison A vs., A SB U R Y I’AKK.

l.arK0 usfiorlmt-nt of Human Hair Works. ' Nat ural W aler Curls guaranteed.

Ladies’ Hair Cutting, Sham pooing, H air Drew;* Jag and Curling by professional French artists.

My Circassia« Tonique for the growtii o f the ha ir and lor rem oving dandruff and a ll com* p la iu tso f the scalp an d hair, haa bceu h igh ly re­comm ended by the best residents of Astairy Park Park ami Ocean Grove.

No humbug. Success lu a ll cascR.Ladies and geutleincu consultation freo.My Veloutlne for tho face n eedsou ly a trial to

bo preferred to a ll o thers Ir* tho m araot. Free tria l toaJl. .



Ocean Grove ExpressLeave orders ?0 Heck avenue, and fron t of

i - i - .y .L a d le s V S to re ,-M a in aveuue. .

NO CONNECTION W ith a n y OTHER EXPRESSA ttention to baggage and freight delivery a t de­

pot, and throughout tho Grove. Prom pt and wu- hfuctory a is usual.' Ordc'nrpi’ormptly a ttended to.

E . S E A B A R ,

.IQIHIINfl IN G E siill 'A I.—

Kalsom ining-^ Painting: - NO. (10 HECK AVENUE,'


V .\K T <IIITAlI*f A P A T I! N T ? F o r aprnnii't «ns'wpr and aa linnc.-t opinion, wrlto to :>l C.N N iV- C O ., whn have limi nnarly llfty year.i’ e.vjiorlence In Ilio imtent buj*lni‘s?. Coimmmtca- t li in» ftrletly confhlwm lai. A II mi dii noli e f In» formntlon concc-mlng P n ten tH ami how to.oli- talti tuoni Hent.trec.- Also a cninloyuc o i m ediali-. ical and sdentino hooks t»ent free ... •• ‘l ’atenf» lakun, tiirnngh ' Marni A* Co. receivc-

r RjK'olid notino tn tho S c fen lttle 'A in e r lé n ii, n in i. tlnis Itro lironuMit wlilely beforo tho pnhllewith-

..oiifc eost. to tho Invoiitor. 'J’hfa j'oletsdid napei*,' Sstìiied wèekly. elegantly lllust rat ed. has by far tho

* .......* “ * * tfe in tha.

; Utul-plntCB. ln color«,'and photogrupliìi o í new houses, with plans, cimblinehiilitierfl to show, tho latest deslííimanti sei?«re enMracts, A<?<!roí«s

MUÍÍN & C0.,;NuW YOltKj 3 « t BitOADWÁr-

DANIEL C. COVERT,No. 27 P ilgrim P a th w ay , A ssociation

B o o k Store, Ocean G ro v e ,. !, ; 1 . ■ T~ASti“—' V '' ' .■■■■■/ • ■

r 715 M attison A vo., Asbury P ark; x ■

G E N E R A lT A G E N T:F o r the Piirchase, Sale anil .Reñtiiig'.of -

-7 Real estate. Also,v " ■ • Property Insured lh 41 rst-olass'companies,■..• im provem ents m ade for n o n - r e s i d e n t s ‘ ■■

. Property cared for, : v.Loans negotiated a n d collections m ade.

Commissioner o f Deeds and Notary Public.P. 0 . Box21R6. Correspondence ¿solicited.


Sanitary Plumbers,; and Dealers In ,

S T O V E S n m l I t A N O E S ,Opposlte-Post Ofllce,


WILLIAM H. BEEGLE(Successor to H. B. Beeglc.)

Real EstateInsurance,

48 MAIN AVE., O O E A . J S T O - R O Y B .


T H E P O L IC Y— OK THK-----

M A N H A T T A N ;Life Insiirafice Compiiny


PAYABLE AT SIGHTST Contains' no Suicide or Intern pel’- i ,]1 ance Clause.

•'A n d is f u e f u n i a llT t d .n ic a lit ie s

• Grants A bsoluteFreedom of Travelançl Residence.

JO H N M. D E Y ,(Porm anentJy resiiH iig.at Occau Grove,)

ARCHITECr AND BUILDER,Is a lw ays ready to furnish p lans aud estim ates of cottages iu overy size and stylo.

For good workm anship and satisfactory term s, ho rofersio all for w hom he lias crectcd cottages, both iu Ocean Grove and A sbury P ark ,during the past M e e u y ea rs ,.

JO H N M. D E Y ,>Cor. Benson aud Main Aye. Ocean Grove

JAS. H. SEXTON,Funeral Director



K lo w e rs o f any d e s ltrn at e h o r t n u tjeo .

Parlors; and Offlco—N o . 17 M ain S t.',

. ' a s b u r y p a r k , N. r.

Also S uperin tenden t o f Mt. Prospect Cemetery

Cavisats-and Trade-^r.trks obtained, and all Pat- 5 c a t business conducted for Moder ate Fees. • 5 b u n o m c E t s o ppo sit e u . S ; patent o m c E j andw e'can secure patent in less time than those 5 rem ote from Washington. ■ *■ S; Send model, d tawing or photo., w tlh descrip- \ tloh. .\Vc advise, if patentable o r no t,free o f? charge. O ur fee not clue till patent is secured. S

A PAMPHLET, “ How to Obtain Patents,” With i cost of same In the U. S. and foreign countries S sent free. Address,

: ' . Privileges and GunrniiteeB nre part of ibo Contriiot' , T ' antVoppear written in tbe body of tbe Polioy. .

Oiu; Sxirvivoi’sliip Dividend iPlan gives Investment and Protection. Send for statement, stating age.

A«Iilr«‘KN .U 9 I K N I I . € A K l t A- N O K S , M n a n g r r f « ,N o w B d i i t l in l l i tn I t u i f «1 i N . \ K . C o r . F o u r t h a m i W n lu t i l l 'l i i lR < lc l |i l i la »

-T -C T S T -----

$ ’ $ 0' 2 'T H E H E W B O O K B Y

John R. Svvenev, ’»V. J, Kikpatriek, H. L Gilmour.

The snnie lavish supply of new b'eautlef», the srnne careful selection of uelJ known favorites will lie found in this as in tmr former books,

.. nuiking iii nil 224 pnpeft. Intending visitors to Ocem Ornve, Piinmn Grove, Chester llelglus, and the other largo gathetinu?, s-hould buy an eut ly copy of the new music book. “ • .

Pxice by m ail, 35 cen ts per copy; a t store, $3 .60 per dozen. -

JOHN J. flOODi 1024 Arcli Street, PH ILA D ELPH IA , PA.

0BNRV 0, W insoB .Prefiidoni." ■ GKÓ. W, - Evau s v ic c • f 'r es id c m KtiiicKP K. Dattom. C* h in


OnOANlZKI* .lANUA J:Y, IS iP , • .

C A P I T A L , S S B O . O O O . S U R i - L l i s » , 1 9 2 8 . 0 0 0Transact» a ccn era lB auk lng BuKluetb. lEsueR Foreign and Domestit Drains

Prom pt a tten tio n givcu to a ll matteiE cn tru n ed to us.« « L L E t T I U K S W A M A ? jD P K O M P T L T I F j H J f D


i. a w . w e t r io k . T. FRANK APPLEBY.

D I R E C T O R S - .J. 8. FERGUSON.


: -i I.EW1S RAINEAR;: .. ■ ' ^vrVn.H: PATBONAnir>40L.I/.UTv.j;:v..

•- ‘tKP. W. EVAÍ'b.I A. WA1NRIGK> ttUKjiY e ;w i \h O K . ' AMOS TILTON. .

FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ASBURY PARK.Capital. $100,000 | Located in Monmouth Building ! Surplus, $70,000.

Ocean Grovo Ofllce—Ao3i>ciattou Building.- ;P rom pt and careful a tten tio n glvoh to 'a l l business en tru sted to our.care.' .Noft- Yoik, Brooklyn

and Philadelphia d irectories fo r tho uso of tho public on tilo a t tho office.

. . - , ' . O TFICBRS:Goo. F. K roehl, Proa. 0 . II. B row n, l a t Vice Pres. A lbert C. T w in ing , Cashier

M. L. B am m aa, 2d Vice Proa. M. V. D aaer, AsB’t Cashier.. . DIRECTORS:

Bruco S. K ea to rt M. D., : . Chits. A. A tkins,M. L. Bam m an, . ’ Geo. P . K roehl,; .

. O liverH . B row n, . .' -.A lbert C. T w in in g ,-.'. . ;D. C, Covert, ■ ' Dr. Sam ’l Johnson. . .• •


Isaaò C. Kennedy, W .TI. B.òegle, M ilan Rosa,

• Chas. A. Yohhg, Jo h n s : Ripley S herm ah 11. ü v lá tt .


St. Joint's' Hirer Service bchccen Jacksonville and Sunfordy Fln.y and all in ter mediate • hindi "(/non St. John Hirer'.

* Tri-Weekly «lepartureri betw een New York an d ChnrJe^toji, S. ( \ , the .South Vinil .Southwest, Jacki-onville, F lu ., a n d a ll F lo rida Point*.’ '

" , T he Fleet compiii-rd u f the following Kh'eant S team ers; .COMANCHE, (new l. YE.MASS EE. . -


o n o o f w hich ¡.* app 'date i! to sa il from l*i«?r!2l», JKiint l<iv«*r4 (foot o f R oosevelt S tre e t), N . Y ,» .U o in lu y s W f d iK s i la y i« m n l I t i i l a j s u l !l p. iii.

' . Tin's is ttic only line lictf/ccii Noiv M and J a c t a T i l l e , F la,, w i t a t c l i a i i ^hm kitig ehiso, connection '.iat’-.fiieksoiivilie 'w ith tho F. C. &..P.' U. R;; J . T. i t K, W. Ity.v.utid E u e t.C o a s t K. It, v-‘ ,.!• ’ 1 •• \ -.j

V ' . ' ^ 'C J L Y D E ’S ' E T ; J O H N 9B . R I V f i R ? S T J E ' J V '• ' '- ' . V - i ‘v’- '* i (OIJ UAliV LINK)- .' \ j-

(vomih'isiiig the..elegant':: am i W I » . » » ; leaving.• J 11,.nnrr*iuforniediato Jnmlingt), .............,... .....................

and M v n lin n U for nil po in ts in F lorida .Passenger nccoiuimxlatiiiiih niiMirpi^^eiL Meiuiierr being supplied w ith all.m odern imiirove*

m e n ts Steum Hteering gear, eh*i:Uie li«ht>, ehiCtvie hells, h a th , etc.Tim C uisine o f the tO'.iimTH ou tiie-«.‘lvu#- l.iu*- is nuexridletl by anyV dher line, titblo hcinu

supn lled w ith th e best .Hint N orthern nud S onthorn m arkets'ulVrntl. r'oi' fu rth e r in form ation , apply to ?

•gant :steiinn'ï?î - O ¡i V-' of J nrHwiu v11Ics ,l-’red’U Oviti»ry, Kverg:» »lt-in g >Ii|(“k io iiv i 1 ie ' d ú ily a ( , 9 .;J0 ij,. in.. eVcoi»t S u l i i r i l a M -for 'N ; u if o r d , > 'I O i, ' iniling.*),' m a k in g ciu m e ctio u w ith a i l ra il lin e s a t e a l n i j o i , A ^ n i r , l i t u o

M. II. CLYDE, A. T. M. A. J . CO LE, Gou’l P as’r Ag’t.5 C o w lin g G v e e u , N o w Y o r k .

;T. o . É n i í i t . z Mi

C n Ä .S ^ iO W & C O ■ í r*1 °i' llK cl1’WM. P, CLYDE & CO., General Agents,

I t i S O u t I I W h a r v c N , p l i l l iL d c lp I i I n ,P i i »

DANIEL D. PEAK,•V; SueceHH Or 1« « E « . W . E V A N S , v '


F irst office east of th e Assóclatlon Bulidiug. •òeneral agen t for the Sale a n d Renting o f Ocean

-GrOvc Propcrtice. ‘ ; v • ' ; : 0 ~ 'r :Insurance p laced ' n rei iabld com panies a t tow-

est rates. •_•' y - •; : ; - . ■ ■ ■ -Estim ates furnished for all k inds oL improve­

m ents. . : 'Collections miidc and loans negotiated.

C o rreH |» o m Io n c © N o t lc i t e d ,

M ILA N RO SS,: Agent for Asbury Park, Ocean Grove arid Vicinity

Main Avenue Drug Store,• .. OCEAN GROVE, N ,.J . C ; . /

Oiieii for th e w in ter m onths opposite Occah ... •• ; Grove E ntrance Gates.;' .


UATES IN PHARMACY. /P rices g u aran teed as low as tho -best goods

and honest dealing will, penu lt.

.S T E P H E N D . W O O L L E Y .


B u clian on ,&v Sinock,^Cor. Main St; -and A sb u ry A v e ^ r

A S B U R Y P A R K , N . J .Lu m ber,. > Bui lding . Hard ware,; Read y.

:-prices)il White V;:.;Lead, ’Oil, VarhiBh/ Brushesj etc, •;

\Vo make a specialty ot OEDAR SHINGLES a t : wholmle as .well as retail, : whlcli we mauufac- tureat Mauahawklu, N. J,' v , • • : ' /■-i. AIho ADAMANT, a patont Plaster, which is su­perior to anvtbing in the market, and is Just tho tiling for cold weather, ii8 freezing docs notaffoct It. Satisfaction guaranteed to all customers.


DO YOU READ IT? ¡ . . .

ï ■

A DVERTISERS .■ : ! ■'ÁPPHECIATB A- MKDl'ua. .,;- . T lie T lJ ll íh j ¿ ¿ iVaWI *«W ,,Ä..**■?



íkorge Taylor Wins lite Time Prize—Linwnod -Shepherd First .Over the Tape—

Excellent Time Atade.When (ho Asbury Park Wheelmen pruiitme

.nuylhiiif' in tlio lino of riiccH, whether if bo 11 rrmtl nice, u century run, n track event or irNiifioimí Meet, it Ih ii foregone conclusion Mint the* allair is‘ going .ito.be 11 Hueeegs, 14Pnllu.ro** Ih otic of the words which httft heeil dropped from the club vocabulary, and when the people are .advised*that the A. P. W. proposes. to hold- an event of any char­acter their appreciation of Ihe-occasion'is

’ attested by the celerity with which bupi.ness is laid aside for a time while they enjoy the entertainment that has been provided.

Tho foiid race hold last Tuesday afternoon was .one of the most successful and interest- in« events of the kind ever, held in this part of the country, and when the condition of

• the/roads- is taken into consideration, tho fact that tho ten-milo course was covered in 28 minutes nnd 30 seconds may be consid­ered a phenomenal performance,

George Taylor, of Bradley Beach, and «Joe Harrison, of Asbury Park, were the only scratch men, tho - former cornine in fifth and winding the timo prize, a handsome Envoy bicyclo donated by Messrs. Burtis &

. Zimmerman,' in tho time stated, 2 &.»0 . . Ho \vns .closely, followed by Joe. Harrison, who crossed the tape otio second later, : •

Lin Shepherd Was tlie first man to cross the tape, followed by Charles Sehcnek aiid A. C. Hoagland. The following is a list of those who finished within the timo limit of 45/. minutes in the order they crossed the tape, with their time of start and finish;

Start. Finish. Time. Lin Shepherd, ».»5«»O'4.00.-10 »1.10Charles Sehcnek, » .»5 .»0 4,00.41 »1.11.A. O. H ollan d , » .»« .45 4.07 .08 »0.2»Ed. Flitcroft, » .»« .»0 4 .08 .17 »1.47George Taylor, » .40 .00 4.08.»(> 28.»0

’»Toe-Harrison, » .40 .00 4.08.»1 28. »1.Thud Vnndèrvòer, » .«8 .»0 *1.08.42 »0.12Elvin Burtis, ».»«>.»0 4.08.40 »».1«Beverly Crowell, » .»4 .00 4 .08.48 »4.48H. A. Borden. » .»* .00 4 .0«.»5 »4.»5G. W. Edge, » .»5 .00 4 .0«.»8 »4 .» 8Joel Boyce. !Í.!)il.»0 4..10.15 »0.45.1. D. Nowlin, » .»7.00 4 .10 .51 »».51C. Pinches. ». »7 .15 4 .11.05 »». 50Elbert O. Fielder, » .»« ,»0 4 .11.0« »4.»«Rov James. » .»0 .00 4.11.25 r»5.25James F. Edge, *».»0.«0 4 .11.2« 41.2«Howard Heath, » .»« .45 4 .11.27 »4.42J. Sutphen. » .»« .15 4 .11.»« »5.24Ed. Uced. • » .»7 .»0 4 .11 .48 »4.18C. II. Tratford. » .»« .»« 4 .1» 00 »(>.»0

. W. W. Bowen, ».»«;«0 4.1».0» »7.0»Ci E. King. » .» 5 .0 0 4.14.44 »0.44Jos. R. Weir, ».»U.00 4.14 .15 14.15

- The three-limit men having a ten-minutes’ ’.handicap were Jim Edge, Jack. Kneirinv.• and Joe Weir. They started otf in great

shape. Edge in the lead cutting the windw ith Kneiritn taking the benefit of his pace.

Poor Jack got.lost on tho road somewhere, however, and.it re<iuired a full hour for him to cover the distance. Edge came in seven­teenth man In 41.267 while Weir barely got within ilio time [limit, having but 15 sec­onds to spare.

One of the umpires reported that A. C. Hoag I anti,-who came iii third, had. been paced by John.Dey, and while Mr. Hoagland

, denied liny intention of making use of a pace maker he was disqualified and Ed. Flitcroft given third place. Hoagland had a heavy fall near Dea! Lako bridgi)-which interfered with his timo so iliat in liny event his record

. was a good one.-The contest between Hatrison and Taylor

„Was ono in which everybody was interested and a great many had predicted that Harri­son would make the best time. It seems, however; that his tiro went flat after cross­ing Deal Lake, bridgo on the homo run, and this is supposed to have lost him the race.

At ».»0 a tremendous crowd of peoplo had assembled on Main street to witness tho start and it was all tho police force could do to keep the people back súflíeiently to leave a path wide enough for the riders to get through. Tho «ame crowd, but apparently doubled in size, gathered about tho Ocean Hotel to witness the finish, and each rider as ho citine ; in received an encouraging round of ohcers.

The whole atíair was well conducted, passed btf without any friction or mishaps, and gavo the residents and the visitors who still linger by the seashore a little excite­ment and entertainment evidently very much appreciated after the calm and <jriiet of tho

* past few weeks. : • • • / . * '• ' •• • •


W heelm en’s M eeting.: An adjourned-meeting of tlie Asbury Park’

• Wheelmen was held’ in-the elub-houso Inst Monday evening, President- Atkina .in tho chair. As was expected, tlie chairmen of the various « committees of the Jia’tional.Moot, tiled their reports, but at so lute an hour that they could not lie examined and a com-

. ploto report mndo up that would slioW the actual financial results o f ‘the event. An auditing eommitteo consjsting of George A. Smock, Harry Shroves and 0. A. Atkins was thorcfofcappointed to examine the accounts

; and filo a full statement of tho receipts and expenditures. This auditing .eommitteo

, will report at an adjouined meeting of tho elub to-bo hold next Monday night, i In bohalf of somo person whoso namo was withheld by request, C. H, Trntford pre­sented tlie club witlra sniall but handsome? buglo, which was recoived and a vote of thanks tendered to tho donor.

The president stated that his llst of.com.• mittees was not yet complete, so but two~ tho IIouso Committee and tho Membership

i Committee--were announced* Tlio others will bo presented to tho club next Monday night, and th e entiro list will bo. published

• in theso'columns noxt week.- .A resolution was adopted that at tho meet­

ing next Monday night tlio constitution nnd by-laws propared by. a eommitteo appointed

• for tho purpose should bo taken up for fur­ther consideration.- This constitution, and by-laws was submitted to tho club in tho early spring, but owing to tho vast amount of work incurred in preparing for tho Na­tional. Meet it was deemed best to defer,• their, consideration until fall.

•W.- JI. Stauilcr and 0. K. Zaeharlas wero ; appointed representatives to tho New Jersey

Division of the. L. A. W. . • . .

PJeasunt PencHings About: tlie People, Pince -!*. and Property.

: j;Dr.; Stokes, returned Monday ffoni (i short ; vaeat ionvat Stroudsburg, I 'a. i- i ; .,!. Mrè. Covington. / has" taken a : cottrigi' <it IITia Clark avenue for.the.winter,. .Dr. ' Thomas'Hanlon', of Pennington, paid fi fly itig. visit: to the Grove ohMonday - last

Jley» Gilbert H. -Wlnans* of. High Bridge,' N .iJ ,, vvns in town for a . Hiiort tiirip this wee tei, ; •• •

There-will lie a Iiepubjiciin inass ineet ing i n : tho;; Park Opera-House j.; TI lured ay : n ig lit, ;

-October 24. ^ •Vy-'v/-:; William B.; Dougins, ;of-Spa View avenue,

conten'ipIa<és an exieudQd visit to friends iti ‘Norwalk, Connii: ' ' " v > ^ -J- ■- v.-v.r.' /Mrs..S. ■ Barthel returned last / Thursday• from a yisit of some; weeks1 duration to her old.home in Troy, N. Y. ,. ‘ . :v.v Senator. Janies L. Hays '; and Thonias J. I’reston, both of Newark,vwere- in to\yn fot a short fiine last Friday,.; v < ; Mr. and Mrs. ■ M. S.; Edo.*;:’ proprietors' of tho Wnverly, on Ocean Pathway,- have gone ; to Mt. Holly for tho AVintcr. ’ , • '; Ei I t.. Fuller was in town for ti'.few diiys ■

this week. The family will spend tho com­ing winter at Nagaiituck, Conn.,

Mr. C. I* Baumgartner, of Trenton, was in! town for a short time.Tuesday, looking after ids Abbott avenue property.

After an extended visit to ft lends in Trc*n- ton and Hopewell, N. Mies Pearl John­son returned to tho Grove Monday.

Mr. George Hoey, of Hollywood, will ap­pear in. a play of his own at tho Opera House. Asbury I’ark,- Friday evening, Oct; 25. ' ... ' ' ' •

Mrs. J. H. Neill, who ‘ has been Spending somo . weeks . with Mrs. Rowland, returned to her home In Washington, D. C., this

: week. ■■ •' / -, \-.v. - -V.f- •. On Wednesday;last .Mr, A.i A. Brow'er re- lnoved his family from••’ the St. Elmo to Greenville^ Ni J./j: where tliey;wili spend the. winter! * .* • *. :

Mr. and Mrs. II. À. Walton 'reUirned"last Thursday Xronra deliglitful trip, to Wasliiiig- ton, D. C., and : points • of interest .in.that vicinity. .

., ' A. H.; Stockton. antV •;wife> 'of the Seaside,• House, laive.jusf returned from tin extended visit to Mr. Stpekton*s ; old libine at Now Hope, Pa. . ; ' V - . Rov. T. Snowden Thounis, of Philadel ■

•phia, sjienti Sunday iii the Grove as a'guest at tiio Carro d tòtì. i-; He .returned, to Philadel-: pliia Monday. ' .. Dr. George L. D. . Toinpkins,. : accojopa-

n led by ih isj, wlfey ; is i spending Va week at Mad is on. N. J., as the.guests of Mrs; 'foni p* kins’ mot her,_ Mrs. A say. ;•' The 'Association .has a force, of ln'e.n at . wbrk clearing the dead. • lea vesi and grass froin the gutters,: and shaping up tho ave­nues . in various parts o f town. . ■. >; It ; is . rumored ‘ that C. A .. Clevcnger and

-Titian Summers, Jr.;,-i liavo;;purchased i the grocery stbie of John G. Eiiimons at the corner of Heck.and Whitefield avenues., - }• Tho ‘past’ week has been one of;dovòtionj and selt-denial with Salvation Army people,. Tho. )local corps' has been, assisted in;the work by the pastors of ; the severai churches;.. Thursday, àfternòóh ;i- whi le' play irig foot­ball, Master ;Eii; : Thompson, son • o f ; B . Thompson, tho hews dealer,, had the misfor­tune, t o d isiocatc the.thumb o fliis right handv ■; ; Mrs; i Maria Rowland ; is visiting her. mother ••n't' i Newport, R i, I. ; M rs;;. .iR owl and was i iformerly. ;:tV/'reViident.'::-of-'the ; Groyo but : recently reiiloved;• to CooTvinan 'avenue,; As-, bury Park. -/ ' '■* ,: :• -:;i. M isses : Oakley and ; Halo • imve/ leihoved- their •kindergarten, school. fioin Heòlr.and New Jersey avenues, and. aro; occupying more commodious quarters in the Clarendon building on Pilgrim Pathway.

Miss Evti L. Cbllings and Miss Mary E. • Collings Imve piirehnsed tho Kennedy House Ion Webb avenue. The ; Misses Collings this year managed tho; Wawarsing-House on Em­bury. avenue- with gratifying success. -i

M iss Graco Hoi!inan, after a-t liree Xveeks-■. vacati on : spent ; at - Del a warò Water Gap, te - sunied her duties iii tìvò ’post bilico Moiiday. Mrs. J. 0. • l ’atterson .arid M iss Ali da Patter­son also returned to the-Grbye the siimo day.,

Mrs, Maggie IL: Page, ithe, proprietor of thu Simpson Cottage lit- No. 45 Webb; nve-: jiue, will ; pass; tho - winter at Lower Xitke, Lake county, Caiifor’niii. Mrs. Page- started’; oil; her long ; overland V journey on Monday. of t li is; week, \ - y . :. ; ; / •■; = i ' V

J amps : Ross is uiakiiig add it ions arid ini-; provementH to his pleasant cottage at the corner of Tabor Way and Pennsylvania ave­nue. A handsome extension has bepn made to tho piazza and an attractive liood con­structed to protect it froni sun and storm.

Mrs. Robort Hays and Miss Fannie Hays, after a. pleasant . sojourn at the Atlantic House, left for their, home in Nosvarji tho latter part of last week, Mrs. Haya is tho mother of Hon. James L. Hays, a monibcr of tho Ocean Grove Association, .

William H. Hamilton, after a season, of hard work in the post and telegraph offices, haß concluded to tüku a short vacat ion. To­gether with Mrs. Hamilton he started for Philtidolphia Tuesday, whqro ho. will rotnain fori - ti: couple, of w’ceks ; y i a it in g ■. reiat i ves. During his absünco Miss Alico Kelloggi will preside at tho.telegraph key,-.and■ Miss .Tuliit Stont and Miss G’raco;Hoiliiiari wili dividehis postal iluties botweon them./ .. .The amount of badinage-ta which Onicer Tanturn; is obliged to submit, and tho num­ber of practical jokes’to which- he is.sub- jectod - is it matter to bo seriously deplored. ■ His latest mlsfortuno is the loss of the rear wheel of his bicyclo which was taken otT tho machino by persons unknown and carefully hidden away, lie hus bcoirdoprived of tho mo of his bicyelo for more than a-weck-as a restili.

Mrs. Miiry L. Day i visiting WnshiiJg- ton,- D. CJ.

Counselor fiuerln is contin;plating a trip to Europe. . • • ; • • ;

; Postmaster Evans retlirivjcl. from hi- two. weeks’ vacation Tuesday. -

Miss- Alida I’atjersfiti ha.--gone to Tom* kins, Cove. .Is. V.j for a brief vi^ii. .

Mrs. Kato llaphhcl is in-aliendimee at the National.-:-Assembly of the W. Ci T. LV.iti Hatimore, as ono of the dele«ates fn/m New jersey. .*

C. St{i(iley JIalsaJJ. a ftov n pfeaMi’nt season spoutvat tlio Gr.ove. r.eturned to Philadelphia last' week. . ..

Mrs. Hulltj'iof Freehold, was tlie guest of Mrs. Garrabrant, rit 108 Cookiiian avenue,'" this.week.

Carpets and oil cloths are leaders at d. A. - Wainright Co. *8 Mattison. avenue store 'for the next two weeks. •'• : : .-.v

. The .exempt *'firenien . iieid' ihejr : regular; inpnthliy. meeting. in ...Washington Engine House.. Thursday evening.:. • * ,■ i-Misa ;Eminn R’elyea, accoinpanied by .her brother.' Milton, went; to Cainden lo.diiy fFrjday) ori.a .visit to friends. > K--1.-

Key.' it.; J. Andrews, D.'D. j pastor ;of . the; M, E; Churcli at Jftmcsburg, is having ;a wond e r fu I: series, o f, rev ivul services. ,■, Dr. Percy L. Tantutn, who recently moved his family to New York city for the winter, was in town for a few hours last Saturday, i

Dr. Eugene R. Smith, of New Vork city, paid a brief visit to 'the Grove cm Thur«day to look after his projierty on Ocean I’ath- way, ' i .

W. H. Stokes; D. D. Peak and John S. Flitcroft drove to Forked River where they will remain for ii week or ten days-gunning and fishing.

W. II. Dean and family,.of Sing Sing, N.‘ Y., have been spending somo weeks in their plensant cottngo at the corner of Abbotf and Beach avenues. •'.; :•; ,i;:>..-..*

; Mrs. Lou is; Liming, died at her liorije in Virginiil:;on..*tho ,2»d of September,? :Mrs; Liming!.was. a resident off Ocean- Grove many years'ago. .--N-- Mr. Franlr iD. Hatfield: returned to the Grover Thursday froin.-.an extended visit tc Cobperstown, N. y. , and other - points; ', of

' interest in: the. Eastern States; V-'•:'•;••VHon,:- Hplines W. Murphyi .w.itli iiis.; fani-.

ily. lingered in his- seashore cottage enjoy- . ing the beautifuj • fall weather until Thurs­day, when they returned*to their winter honic in Freehold. •J A special meeting of the Epworth League will be hold Saturday evening, October li). in tho churclv parlor loeleet delegaten t«* the District Convention .'which meets at Free­hold, October»«. •'. •

Miss Eniily Price, of Brooklyn, came to* the Grove Thursday lis . the guest of her friend, Mi,<s Alico Kellogg, of the Manches­ter. House, nnd will probably remain for two or tlireo weeks. •

At this season of the year heating appnr atus is an item’claiming particular atten­tion. Mes&rs. J. A. Wainright Jfc Co. arc olfering a novel and. elegant style of oil stoycB very effective and entirely free ffoiri’ odor. ' '.V'- '.v:i v '.;v

Tuesday night the new drag-net of Letts,' IHIJ & Co. was again brouglit into service.It was dragged .from. Shark river inlet to. Lillagore’s,' . resulting. ini; a catch’ of four weak fish, a bushel of sea spiders, one siiifdl, flounder, several skates- arid. a large hutnber of crabs.V , ■ '■ fMr, and ; Mrs. W.,;.S.; Conner closed up

; their pleasant. cottage at the southwest cor-; nor. of Oceiin Pathway iandiCentral ‘avenue. Tuesday, arid returned .. to their ; home in Trenton, N.: J . ; The pleasant weather hiid tempted them to remain until this week and. even now they were reluctant to depart; .

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Potter, of Alpena, Mich., paid a brief visit to the Grove on Thursday as guests of Mrs. B. S. Kellogg, of tho Manchester House. Mr. Pol ter is a prominent jpinber merchant, and [both he and Mrs. Potter arc very. favorably im­pressed up’on.Jheir first visit to Ocean Grove.

Mr. .ueorge Tomlinson, who has been .In charge of Stiles! express oftlce during.the season, closed his lubors on Saturday hist. The oftleo wijl remain opeii but the.attend­ant will |be “ slate and pencil.” All-orders filed by this medium, however, will receive the proiiipt and careful' attention accdrded: to all business confided to Mr. Stiles’,’earn • Ernest N, Wooiston and George VV. Pitten-

gor, wlio went to Delaware Water Gap last week with the intention ; of remaining for some :days, returnod on Monday owing to tho ; unpleasant. w eiitlier.T liey,; however;;: took ; side trips-to Easton, Stroudsburg and ono or two.other places, enjoying their <iut- ing U8 long as tlio weather contliiued pleas­ant.

Wednesday morning at 11 o ’clock Miss AI Ida .Woolley, daughter of Sheritf Matthias Woolley, wiib married to John II. Davis. JrM of Long Branch, in tho parlor of the American Hotel i:’.Freehold, by Roy. l’eter Provost, o( the Freehold M. E. Church. Mr. and Mrs. ,Davis will sj'ond their honey- moon at Liberty, N. Y., and upon their rc- turn will mako their home nt Long Branch.

Charles T. Ellis, tho famous aiiiging coincdian, was the attraction at the Park Opera Houso Tuesdny evening. Mr. Ellis, in his particular role, is excellent, nnd pleases alike both old and young.. lie is supported by a company of talented urtisfs. Mr. Ellis him brought'.sovoral .interesting productions before the footlights, but liono areV rcceiyed . with, iiioro enthusiasm tijiiri ‘.‘The Aisatiain” ' i:- Mr.; As’aph B.: Wills and Elizabeth ;.-M.

Tiiylor, proprietor of tlio Kingsley IIouso 6ri Embury avenue, woro married on; We.dries- .day afternoon at Borden I own. Tliey icaiiie to tho Grovo the same [afternoon, awl in tho evening a pleasant parly consisting ofG. A. Wills and family,, and Mrs.-M. A. Hollmuii with.hor two daughters took supper at tho. lvipgslcy House. It is Mrs. Wills’ iiitention fo keep the House open all winter.:

R EM A R K A B LE SU C C ESSOf un Knterprlslng nnd P ro g re s s iv e P en n e y I.

v iin lu N ew spa per.

* The best' daily paper pubii.shed in Penn­sylvania' is ih«. : Philadelphia Inquirer. Their farillfies for obtiilning all the itiew*; .Natiojml. State imil local, are the very to be fohnd anywhere. 'l'heliCW bui Id I til* into, wide!» they moved sonic bight;month* ago is not:only unstirpaflfcd for beauty, but.: the spacious 'juarters give them an Pppor*. (unify fo .hamlie news hi a moi‘o complete and siitisfaciory inanner than any of tlniir contemp'.nitics. i Private telegraph wires, special icing idisfiinco telcp.honeM and the regular soryico' of tlie Associated Press 'are only a:-few of the most improved methods for gathering news ito bó found In the ne.w building. The ; Imiuircr baa long been the

; recognized-, authority , • òri ■ sport ing-. matters. ) and- i s : in every w ay Avortliy o f i ts .tri>n$n.»: doiiH Vjiopuliirity,- wliich^ h as ; gairtcid’ ;it the

; la rg e s t ci rèi da i io n -o f a n y .R e p u b lic an -;rióivi£ : p a p e r in the U n ited S ta te s . .T he sovértil de-, p a rtin erits lire each u n d e r i th o p e rso n a l d irec- .f io n o f a c o m p e te n t' a u th o r i ty on the 'sub-; jec ta ; .discussed. -, R ep o rts , ; d e c is io n s a n d liil th o detiiils of the S ta te Su p rem e C o u rt pro^ cèedirigs. it r o . g iv en , sped i til a t te n tio n .; > T he

I n q u i r e r 1 ca rr ie s th è la rg e s t a m o u n t o f nd- ; v e r t is in g of any. P e n n s y lv a n ia new spaper a n d ifj' everyw here a c k n o w led g ed th e best in e ttiu m ol a n y o n e c c n t d a ily .

Fire on A ib u ry A venue.About- half-past 5 Friday evening of lust

week, fire was discovered in the third( flocjr of tho cottage at No. 71 Asbury avenue, occupied hy. Mr. George Prldhiun, the painter. Tho alarm wus sounded, and the entire apparatus of the Ocean Grove Depart­ment was quickly on the scene. The fire having gained considerable headway, was burning between the ceiling and the roof, •making it diftlcuJt for the men to work suc­cessfully, but; after:, an hour’s . fight it waa under-control.. It'sorigin;is not known,.but is supposed’. 1 o - liavo sturted in n; foom on

•tho.;- third .floor Vused.:for istorage ^ 'purpoiies. Mr. Pridhmn nnd his [fami 1 y were’seated at the. supper table when -neighbors .rushed-, iii and. w-arried t heiiiitlint tiie liOusO: was on fire. All tlie furniture iliat 'eould be handled was' cjui.ckly takeri - frdni tho libiisei but a large portion' of it Was ruined by fire aiid water.. Tlje property ; isV owned;, by;. Mrs. May R. Thornlcy, widow, of: the late ioseph H. Thornley, a member of the Ocean Grove Association,-. Tho total loss will approxi­mate $1,000, of which Mr. Pridliam bears from $ 2 0 0 to $?»«0 by damage and destruc­tion o f furniture. The building is insured in the Liverpool, London atul GlobeInsur­ance Company. The E. H. Stokes Chemical. Engine. Company was first on the ground, promptly followed- by the Washington steamer; the West Grove Chemical a act fhq Eagle Hook*and Ladder Company.

Su it for $ 2 ,0 0 0 Dam ages.A peculiar suit was instituted at Freehold

icceiitly involving the question* of responsi­bility of Owners who provide uccommotla- Uoris'foi- free public-.uee,' It appears fhnt iii 1894 a -Mrs. McKinnon, o f Newark, came hero on an excursion, and in going to the. toilet room nt Lillagore-a bathing pavilion»* felt down a short, flight'of steps, sustaining a broken hip.: Daniel- McKinnon,Her hus- band, now; institutes this ^suit against;J^rV T.i; W. Lillagore, claiming .damages to the exterit of $2,00.0,'. The case .wi 11,be tried. at tlie January teriri.\ . i :V ''

v An Im portant1 W ill Case.V-*.\i.Clirtncetlbri. AlcCJillon; Tuesday filed his

decision on the matter of the contested will of tho Into ex-Congressman Hezeklah B. Smith, of SmjtJjviJJe, X J. The will pro­vides that S0iiiei?2 0 0 ,0 0 0 bf his estate should be used to establish an industrial school for young mechanics. The widow and her two sons who wero deserted thirty years ago in. Vermont.have been contesting the will ever since the death of Mr. Smith in 1SS7/ It is. probable that tho case will, now be ap­pealed to the Court of Errors mui Appeals.

Injured His Leg.Little Harry Summers, while riding a

bicycle Wednesday afternoon, euine sudden­ly around the Corner at Emmons’ store on Heck avenue and crashed Into a -wagon. This startled the horse which sprang forward as far as the; halter would peri ii it,. and t hen backed down,-running the wagon wheel over die, boy’s leg. - Dr. Beoglb was"called and uppri oxamination found i the; main' bbne of tho left- leg sp 1 interedi. Theilittlo fellow ;is.. ;resi ing tisco l nfor tab I yas.cou Id: be expected..

o ^ T h e *‘ F east o f H olidays.’ *■': -‘•'I'he members of the Young Women’s

Christian Temperance Union are hard at work arranging for the fair .to be held at Educational Hall, Asbury Park, ihe first week iii. Deeeniber. It will be called the “ Feast of Holiday,” and like all entertain­ments gotten up by this enterprising and progressive organization will be a very at­tractive affair. . .

Forcing th e Safe,Monday morning when the cashier in tho

Association oftlce attempted, to. open the big safe tho combination failed to work'and after, repented triuls tliq Herring-liall-Mar- vin Company was telegraphed to for assist­ance. An expert came down in the after­noon, drilled through, tho dial .arid soun had tlie . doors open;T lie lock ;wus; found to bo broken and' tijis caused the trouble. ; . - ’ .-.’

5 e rv e Your I n te r e s t .,' The:; offer ; made by Henry Stcinbiicli, of tho Ocetiri Palace,;Asbury Park, to give free to overy cash purchaser of .$10, $15, $20, $25 .or, $40 worth.'of niorcharidiso, an ele­gant si Ivor i proiniu in, besides get f i ng: excel­lent vnluo in anything they buy in this house should be taken advantage of by every one..—-Adv.- ■ •* ; V

Don’t (?aato your tiuie in sitihing . .‘Cause people are not buying,lint spend your time in trying.What ads. will do for you. .

The O pposite Shore.l*x*Sheritf Smock is|a frequent visitor to

•the emmtytscat. . " • -. ;;iDr.- I. G. Burton, aecoiiipimied by • Dr.

Pratt, left’ NVéducsday for .the Atlanta Expp- iltion; . , *. • • * - - •'. ■

.—The Anbury Park Wheelmen will.give a j smoker at the , club-house next Tuesday | night.. . i i '• .- i ’. • '| Dr. J. B. Rue has purchased the.exte.nsivo j livery business of William H. Conklin lit

Red Bank. *. ,Thc Asbury Park -High School.Football Team will pliiy the Victors of Long Branch, .Saturday,; Oct. 10.

Willimn Naftnl, of Asbury Park, arid Miss Ida SiJbcrstein, of . NewM'ork, will be mar-

. ried cm Noveml)er 17 •’ ,v - ; -;Miss ' Florence. Goodman' has. returned to

her home in the Park Jafter an extended. vis.it to ïriends at .BulTalô; . J • ;•• ; :;•

•The Asbury Park Evening News came out on Wednesday in a new dress of iy.pç,. very

,iiiucli 1 mproved in; nppearanee. ■ i .:• •’.• ''i 0’ ;i..Company A,- Third Régiment. N. G. of

N, .T.. will go to Elizabetli Wednesday, October »0, to participate in the Field day exercises. . • • i ' • :

It is expected that.Mr. B. Frank Wain- right will return to the Grove at an early date. His health is said to bo somewhat improved, . • . ‘

•. The Department at Washington has been, advised that seventeen criminals implicated, in the inassacre of the missionaries in China will be executed at an early date.

Tuesday evening some malicious person or persons partially destroyed the regishy list of .the. first election district, wihch was hanging in the post- oftice nt Asbury Pnrk.

Rev, Howard T. Widdemer fins instituted suit against thé Rev; William ilicliie.in the sum’ of $5 ,000 for alleged slander. The case will come - up for trial at the coming term of court.

Rev, E. C, Seudder, D. D., has formally severed his pastoral relations, with the Re­formed Church of Asbury Park. The Clnssis o f. Mon mouth ■ h lis a pprove d of a ciiilto thé Rev; O. J. H oga n,' o f . Itoe.ky. :H i i 1, to. su c.-i csed him. ’ ■: : ; Tuesday i morn ing ‘a boy named Charles Brown, ten years of age, ran in front of a carriage',driven by,W.-jsJijngton White, arid before - the hor.-e could l>e stopped he was thrown, down and received a bad tjealp wound.* .The injury is not serious.

Joe Harrison has challenged .George Tay­lor. the winner of the time prize in Tues­day’s road race, to ride over the same course in one race or thrPe. Harrison finished Tuesday on n punctured tire and he conse­quently .woiild like to try again When the conditions are equal.

Church Services.■ St . . P a u l ' s , o t e a n o u ó v e .

The pastor, Rev, Milton Relyca, will preach in St. Paul's Church next Sunday, Oct. 20, both- morning and evening. Sun­day-school will be held at the*usual hour, 2 P. M., nnd the Epworth League nieeting' at half-past six. ; •

*'■'• W EST «HOVE.Preaching to-morrow at Í0.»Ó A. M. by

the pastor, Rév. J. HoifmaniBatten,.subject. 6f ser iii on, ‘ * Our Duty iis Christians to: Eacli Other.?' Epworth League, devotionalVser--; vice at;tí. »0 P. ÍM, i At 7;»0P¿; M. a CHau- tauciua yesiper.service, corisistirig of respon - sive Scripture readings, with appropriate i nu si ca 1 select i oil s, will be rendered.; It w;i) 1. include .a short address by thc: pastor on ."What and Hcn\ to Read.” All will receive a cord ia) welcome.'

. The W iddem er Case. . ' . .. The case of Rev. Howard T. Widdemer in his controversy with the Monmouth Presby­tery was brought before.the Synod at New Brunswick Wednesday. It appears that the Newark Presbytery, which had jurisdiction of the caso originally, had (decided to in­vestigate the charges against Mr. Widdemer, and the Synod therefore took no action. The Newark Piesbytery ;will probably recall Mr. Widdemer. within, its Jurisdiction in order to investigate and dispose of the charges; . .

Harrison at Alt. Holly."Joe” Harrison. Asbury Park's!crack

cyclist, is acquiring fame as a speedy and plucky rider throughout, the State.' Wed.- nesday at the Biu lingtori county/ fair tie ’got first place.• in the half-mile opeii; ,'The.prize- for ;■ this* eyent .wds a . harulspinc .8iIver’ ieo, pitcher.. Tliursciiiy . Harrison cap!iired tlie one ' iniie bperi iiud received n gold watch. In both events fast ritiers fr.oin New, York rind: Philadelphia started,- .b u t. they Were, badly dist.ur.eecl iby t.iieispeedy, Asbiiry Piirk'. boy. . ’

P atterson Apprehended.B, Frank Patterson, at one time a resident:

of Asbury Park, was arrested at New Haven, Conn.. last, week iiinder i.the /nauie.-of.Cbl.. Meiyille ^S.vBrowii,:aiid' -'is now' Iodged-.in

iii at Richmond, Staten Island,:.; He was ar rested i ou t he . compliiirit ;of ii number/of people who in lie ha d s windled by mea tie: o f forgefl chbcks. , H is daughter^ who was' tir-; rested a: fow, dnysiago bri n similar charge, iias been released on $500; bait.; ;-.It was the universal impression that aho w;as innoeent of aiiy Wrorigrdoiiig. iri tbe matter* i :■

C leaning th e S treets; . .. The ; Asspeiaf ion force hos' been. at work.

during , the ;week clean ing out tho. looso Sand' and soil from tho gutters along Central ave­nue .and other streets, - Tho serapings arc being useil to give: a top; dressing to: the vacant • ground bet ween Ocean avenue ;arid, tlieiboardwalk;. *.; ;, ’... • •:

' FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET.'-Pleas­ant rooms suitable for housekeeping pur­poses, centrally located. Inquito of Airs. Shuman, over Bank, cor. Pilgrim 'and Militi a venue, Ocean Grove.; »t*


Dcnl.se, Pronely and Snyder Renomlnuted for the Assembly—nr.OrlgjiS Mokes a Rous- .

In/4 Speech to the Convention.Tho Kepuhlieiin c.Hjnvenfiou met in tho

conrt-hoiiso iit l*'r«.c*hold on Friday of lafct •week for the purpo>e i*t nominating candi­dates for tho Assembly. It was the geiierai impression beforo tlie cc»nventlc>u asseinblod that tlie repreaehtatlvea in last winter's Leg- iHlature would be renominated. Tbi*‘cori- verifion w«« called to order at 12 ‘o'clock*.by L.' E. Watson,; who stated that the executive: Committee had selected Senntor Hen’ry M. Nevius to net ns tcmpornry :chairmah.'

Following the. nppointiiient of tljc:;n' ces-; fcary committees und other preliminary work of the meeting,, considerable .excitement.was. aroused . by the statement'.of the chairman that. the repent artieka which appeared ln ; the*-Red Rank Register were sirnply the .in­dividual Ideas of the editor of that journal, and.did not'represent the thought or feeling, of the voters c>f Shrewsbury. The article to which be .referred was a publication oppos­ing the •nomination of Charles-A; Francis arid David D.-Denise, and containing.;nn’ intimation that i f .those men were nomina­ted .by the convent ion the Register would use itij .influence to ciefent them at the. polls. The introduction of this subject caused u. great deal of excitement and some lively, discussion, but before any action was taken on-the resolutions introduced.iii connection therewith a motion to adjourn until two: o'clock was curried,- ..- .. ." •>'" •

TJie members of the. convent ion leasscm- bled promptly at two o'clock,.ancl the meet­ing was called to order by temporary chalri; man, Mr. Nevius, who wus nominated and unfiriimously elected to be the permanent, chairman of the convention. After the re­ports ot the various committees had been, received the call for nominations was made, and David Demarest Denise, of Freehold ; Charles Asa Francis, of Long Brnncli, and George B. Snyder, of Fair Haven.' were nominated without opposition. Mr.. Denise arid Mr. Snyder were present and cncli made a brief but’ stirring address, stilting that: they proposed to do all in their power for i the success of the Republican ticket-in tlie county, a n d asking for the earnest arid hearty support of the members of tlie. eon-;' ventibn in their clforts. ' ' • .’ . . • ’• .•

.The Honorable John-W. Gfriggs, Republi­can nominee for Governor, was-then intro* dueed, and made a very interesting, etTecr ; th e and telling speech on the general issues of tho campaign. ... . ;

The convent Ipn was one of.the largest .and most harmonious ever held in the county. Every scat in the court room was occupied arid the standing room in tlie aisles was also largely utilized. [The feeling man Ifesled iu the campaign indicated that this year every Republican would. do Ins. duty toward rolling up an unprecedentedl majority for : honest John Griggs and the Asseinlily can- •• didates, from‘Monmouth county.

- j ‘‘ Obituary. •Mrs. Letitia T. Jaquett .died at her •resi­

dence No. 8 « Asbury avenue. Ocean Grove. Saturday evening. October .12, at the age o f; .81 years. Mrs. Jaquett hiid been in d feeble condition of henlth for. soine time owing prineipnlly to advanced years. She was the widow of Rev. Samuel Jaquett, who for 52 years was .ii member of the New .Ter-. ; sey Conference. Her birthplace was at Long Branch, but in 1874 the'family re­moved to Ocean Grove aml her home had been here ever since. One daughter. Miss Snllie Jiiquett, who has for soine years pas : devoted her time and attention to the care of her niother. survives her. The funeral services were ' held Wednesday aftynuion lit 2 o’clock in St. Paul's Church. .

Wlllhim Wilkins died suddenly at his res-: idence in Bradley Beach. Friday last.* of heart failure. Deceased was. in the 7«th year of his age. ‘Funeral services were held; nt Fairfield Sunday.

An Unexpected Show er Bath.One afternoon last week a lady.and her

duiightcr . rcsidiug oii one of Ocean Grove's, popular- thoroughfuies were seated in tlie : parlor of their, home rending, the warm, pleasant, weather having teliipted them to leave the. French windows wide open.. They .. wero loo intent on their books fo . not lee. a quiet .confab between i three, young 'urchins, who in passing liad seen a garden hoso lying tempt ingly'nenr to the open window., While one of the boys crept up and secured the. ; nozzle another ran quickly to the faucet arid turned on the water, and the full forco of the stream was.turned' into tlie-parlor.’ Be­fore the ladies could recover from their as- touishuient und. ulnriii, the youngsters had dropped the hose, scurried tip the street and', disappeared. ' -i - .. .

W orking on the Je ttie s .Mr. D., R. Kelly, the contractor in.charge _

of the construction of tlie new jetties for’ the protection of theoeeiin front, is pushing . tho work along in ti vigorous fashion. Al­ready tho line of piling for the first of the series located ‘opposite the Spray View Hotel, is out three-quarters of the dietuneo and a good, part of the planking placed in position. The piling used- are extremely heavy chestnut from 2 0 to »5 feet In length and the planking four inches thick, making a solid piece of workmanship capable of re­sisting the forco of tho heaviest seas. Work on the second jetty, which is situated oppo­site tho southerly line of Sea View avenue, has also been commenced.

You etui earn $5 each day ."giving”- our absolutely in d isp e D s ib le household arti­cle away. New plan of work, making ex ­p e r ie n c e Unnecessary, and success c e r ta in for e i t h e r sex in any section. Sample d o z e n free, Credit given. Freight p a id . Address Mki.uosl: M V o. Co., OS-Melrose.' Park, .111.

; Detit ist ry—all branches—at half prico—• while you wait—cash on tho nail—seo tho sign—Burton’s—014 Cookinan avenue, .Ab- tiury*Z>«rk--tliut’s.tho,placc.—Adv. .


L icense P ayers Protest.Asbury Purk is fanied for its con vent luna,

assemblages nnd '.meetings of various kinds ami ohnracter, but probably tin» one adver­tised* to be liciti fu tèdutvil lonill Hal) n t ’J. •ò-olòck on. Saturday. Ocf.'; i .Pi will be;oric òt the most peculiar gathel'inus .ever, hold in

■jtliiSi !'VJfciti Uyj !Aiieord ing ; t o t he ' plaenrds Whieli have licoii '.' posted;'-aiiiioifuclug the., event, it will be, an'“ Indignation .Meetini**' and the . farmers, truek^r? and citizen*.' male and female, Of this «.vt Ion. are in-

hi.be present. Its purpose Is .to listen to speeches In behalf of the farmer and trucker against the arbitrary arrests and heavy fines imposed by the Borough of As-

. bury Park, upon said fanners and truckers while engaged- in their lawful business of selling., their own produce within the bor­ough liniIts. The poster further states that .there will-.;be.: good gpeakerrf • nnd a brnéa baiid in attendance/ , ?; ;VV-, >\s the;notice is s ignedM any Citizens,.* V- ; it cannot .be determined who the promoters '•pf this a* indignation; liieeting.^ inay be, and , it- Is. still. 111 ore difllcuIt ,to jiredict .the out­come.vof the. gathering or* what 'benefits are likely to result from’such a meeting. It.is possible that in the enforcing of borougli ordinance's regarding ; license fees' some farmer 'may have .suffered by being com­pelled to pay a license from, which by law he was properly exempti This, how­ever, coiild have been avoided had he-fol­lowed out the provisions of the present sta- tule on; this subject, which provide that a farmer desiring to sell his own'products within tlie corporate limits of any borough In this State upon filing anjiftldavit with thè. clerk, of such borough. stating that he designs selling only the produce of his own fatui, 'will,.be provided with a certificate which will exempt him from the payment of the stipulated license fee. The meeting in question is not likely to. create a great deal

• of excitement, although it may be u source of .vjilue; to the farmers and others who.nl tend- by presenting to theh;attention the provisions of the law governing the subject' of borough licenses.

Quality Excellent M . * Variety Complete

ïpT 7?i*r Prices Moderate Service Prompt

iZK N G IL L U W E ,'

OCEAN GROVE TINES NJO TIC E OF SETTLEMENT—Kstate * * of Lillie Jiny Borden, n minor. (First Aecount.)—NoUce is hereby given

that the accounts *>f tbo sub.serlber, guardian, of satd minor, will be audited and staled by tbo .Surrogate, and reported for settlement- to the Orphans'.Court of the Countv of Mon-- mouth.oir TlfPKJSDAY, THK -'1st DAY; OF. NOVEMBKH. next.

1»AVIUS; CUATK.K. liatedSppt. mh.,isy.). issept.iot.

THE STEW ART BusinessColIegeAlVonls the v e ry best facilities for acquit** ¿jig. tlioronuh instruction in tlie

E N G L IS H B R A N C H ES , B O O K K E E P IN G , BA N K IN G ,M A T H EM A T IC S , PEN M A N S H IP , S T E N O G R A P H Y and

: T Y P E W R IT IN G .

Guaranteed - Advantages-:;T npnot'(5 ii I x s T ttu m o x , ■ ;

/ . Conscientious Service>.; V- :.'CO NSinEHATEATrENTtpN, \ : f : •

PEKSOXA I. E n*COU«A(jEMEST,,F e u . K in v .i 'tK N T fo r M o s e y P a id .

T h e - e n ro l lm e n t . ' o f o y e r .4 5 0 - i n d iv id u a l . 's tu d e n ts ’ d u r in g , t l i e . p a s t / y e a r s p e a k s to ' t lie . p o in t as' to t h e t h o ro u g h n e s s ' o f o u r c o u rs e o f t r a in in g . . .

Strongly Endorsed by theLeading Citizens of the State.


School T erm b eg ins M onday, Sept. 2,1895.

For Catalogue Adilre.^,THOS. d. STEW ART, Principal,

llox 527. Trento», N..I.



: No. 48 M ain Avenue, \yai.iA 5f,H . Bkeoi.k.J&fyiram)V.’nW/Wiir.

Subscrlpt|on¡ $i.OO Pe r Year,fè'&rìfte? ' - • (In AJynnctt.) ;

^ '. : : 4 » R J ¿ T E S 'Ó B K d W É R T I S l N G ^ V

S Í í S v"?’ ; ';>•'*. M o N T íw r T ^ r *8PACK. , j 2 ! 3 . | ' | 2 I 3 l e l 1 2• K InV • á» • 7.iSÍ DO ?l 'Jó Ì ì 7ó"?2ao'$Í«V5 óÓÓí » 1 {¿* i.fiO' J 7.-» :$ s , a imi fj») siuu1 yn" '. / Km» 150 2D0-2W . 1110. o ¿ i 750 1H 01)i* .’** J Ui' líOU. 1? 50 ;ia5 4 50 0 50 0 00, 10 00R . * . 1 75; 2 75 « ¿ y 4 00 ll 00. 8 00'. 1S 00 '*> 0»4" ‘•V* 2 00; 3 25, 4 00 5 25; 71)0 11 00.17 00. «0IKÌII' 00 4 50 5 50- 7 25’11 50 10 00.20 00 41 0012 » • • 5(X) 800,IU00 1H00 21 00 25U0 4500 SO(M

"1 CPU 0 00.15 00 10 00 25 ()0 ÜH 00 45 00 75 00 125 00To counESi'ONnENTs—\V e Rlmll be «bul to re­

ce ive Item « of. n ew s a n d co m m u tiléa tlo n s on subJectH o f In te re s t to tb ls co jpm unlt.v . ,W rIie o n ly o n o n e s ld e o t tb o Hheet.

T h e f n í í n a m Q a n d a d d re ss o f th e w rite r s h o u ld ftcco inpany all co m m u n ica tio n s , not n ecessa rily .fo r p u b lica tio n , b u t as a iruarante,e

.o fgood fa i th . ; A n o n y m o u s le tte rs w ill n o t be (n o ticed ;:; Vv. •••!« • .vVv/v -T l- í v'-V*

A d d ress all,'c’oh im u lìIéa t lóiis, ei 11 le r fo r■ th e i f id tio ria l o r n ew s d e p a rtin e n ts , to th ej-j . 1 K illtor o f THE TIMES,; .O c e a n - Oro ve,'N¿ J ;.

Local íiotices; 10 cen ts p e r IInej e n c h in s e r - ; t lo h ; for th ree weel^s o r n iore, 25 p e r c e n l. ' dls*'count;; -.They n iu st in aH cases' h av e ,'^city. nt-;■ . ' t a c l i e d ^ ; 'K ; r ;■ . . V ’

BOARDS of REGISTRYN o tic e lì* h ereb y ¿ » v e n t hat a n e le ctio n w il l ’ lie .'.h e ld u n d t 'r the la w s o f t ills S ta te . fo r («òv-. .

> o rn ó r a n il 111r<>e A s .s iu n b ly m e ii. b ii .

Polls will op'1» "t lía. ni., and dose at 1 p.m. The plue«*!* of hold lug the «‘lection In the vari*, ous;districi" h* Neptune Township are the , same as*, tliíi'-c riveli below for the incelimi* !*f the Hoar<U «»!’ Ib’alstry and Flection.

<»f SviMuuc Township will canvass . their icspe'eilve districts on

Orinoko Coffee, Blended Teas, Darlington Print Butter, Golden Star Flour.


“ThoHtntutes reguiattng tue onoratiotis of National Ranks are of such wInc conception that conscientiously conformed to by Otllcers and Directors, no Institution of Bauklug ap­proaches the National, for deserved confidence of and security to patrons." -,SATURDAY, OCTOBER i9 , 1 8 9 5


GEORGE F. KROKHL, Presificnt, O i l . BROWN, Vice President.ALBERT C. TW INING, Cashier. MARTIN V. DAGER, Ass’t Cashier.

M attison A venue a n d B o n d Street, A sb u ry Park, N . f I?or Convenience o f Ocean Grove patrons:

Office Ocean Grove Camp M eeting Association B u ild in g , Ocean Grove, N . /.' C apilnl, St00,000. S iirplii«, $ 7 0 ,0 0 0 .

. Trausucts a general’banking business, issues letters o f credit available in the principal cities of the world. Voreign and dom estic exchanges bought and sold. Collections carefully made and promptly accounted for

. • ; ' ; . ; , - . BOARD OF DIRECTORS: . . . , -;v :: ^O. F. Kroehl. Albert C. Twhdng, Isaac C. Kennedy. S. W; Kli kbiide Oliver IT Hrowu

.Samuel Johnson. Milan Ross, M. I,. Hanunan, Charles A. Atkins, John S. Ulpley, aherman (t.Oviatt, (.’has. A. Vountf, D. C.Covert,.' Wiu. H. Ucegie, .Win.Ituthnwuy.

yonaoVtcnsou: IICIN.; JOHN W. G II IG OS,. . . •; of Passaic.' - ;


: F R A N C IA•• of Long llraneh.

^ ;DAVID J). DEXISK, .Of Frcehold. .. .

^GEORGE B. SNVI)1‘U!. il; 1 of Shrewsbury.-

' ■ \V|iiIe Red •B.anUer«; generally, aud the yoxinger' generation in particular, are slip-, po^eu to. bc a pretty shrewd lot of people,; ¿everal. of the local sports.were neatly swin­dled out-.of. sums ranging from § 2 to recently, bythg clever manipulators of two

! little shells and a piece of cork. Experience teaches,' but.; in some instances the know­ledge thus; acijuired is expensive.

H.C.WiSson, Prest. G.W.Kva.vs, Vjee-I’resl. K.E.Pavtox, Cashier. WAV*. Davis', Ass’t Cash’r

B angs Ave.& E m ory S t

Office, Kattison Avonuo and Bond Street, A s b i i r j - P a r k . .2vo.i33. ii-vonuo a.15.3. ZPcxfii-zvcL-y, Ccoaa Grovo.

Onjanlzed Jantiary, iSSii.C A I ' l T A I i * 5 0 , 0 0 0 S H i I * I A S , S 3 0 ,0 0 0

Transacts » Oeneml. Hanking Business, Isspes Foreign nnd Domestic Drafts. " Prompt attention given to all matters entrusted to us.

COXjX-SC^rXOSiTS 0.2^5. P E O M P T L T A C K 1T O W L E 1D 3-E X ).

N. K. Huchaiion, .1. S. Ferguson; <»eo. W. Kvans, C. C. Clayton, Geo. Wi Treat, J. A. Waluright Dr. J. A. W. Hotriek, John Hubbard,‘ Henry C. Wlhsor,

T..Fmilk Applcby, Lewis ItahU'iiI*. Amos Tilton. . Your Patmnrge Solicited

II. C. DENNIS, Lessee & Manager.


B X T E A !

Friday Evening, October 25th

A Terrible Dlsgradè.Thè report that comes from Tennessee of

the’ terrible mutilution' of Jelt Ellis by a m ob of frenzied and bloodthirsty meii indi­cates a necessity for the appointment of .a Commission, to imjuirc into the ..outrage •ItiIto as great as that whieh exists in Arme­nia. When a mob of three hundred people •will - permit, and by their permission be- conie accessories to the performance of such'

.frightfulexhibitions of Hendish depravity it indicates a state of society'more debased than could be found in the most benighted iientiien country. The great Powers; have forced 'the* Sultnh lo accept ii new scheme of government, fòr'Ai menili .with Christians at the head ; has the .State of Tennessee or the, Government. ' of: these United States . the power 'and the inclination to’bring the e violators of law and decency to justice,.and by meting out merited punishment, prevent i f pòfi.-'lble the repetition of an atrocity which inust remain a disgrace ilnd a stigma upon the history of any civilized country within whose jurisdiction it was committedV

; : The efticiency of the Ocean Grove tire de­part meut was proven last Friday at the As- bnry avenue lire. By timely and active ser­vice the liâmes were confined to the build­ing in which they originated, and' liually

- subdued beforf any serious damage resulted. ..Had it not .been for the prompt action of the Hreuien mueli valuable property would undoubtedly have hcen destroyed, that por­tion pf the town being i|ultc"clo?oly biiill up.

•' Wt> «re.in 'receipt of a copy .of. the Just an­imal report of the Board Qf Education and

sSuperictendent of. Public . Instruction of ; New Jersey. It is a imlky yolunie and con­

tains a vast amount of valuable inforinatIon i l'egardins school properly and educational matters ■ throughout 'the State. The report, of Miy J. M.' Ralston,, supervising principal

. of. this district, is of particular interest as it coûtains.a detailed statement of tlie. new

; iiigli'tfchibor building' In Asbury Park, ac­companied by illustrations of the exterior of 0the;building and a plan of arrangement

. of-tlie class rooms ou tlie first tloof. ,

CHAS. LEWISof H ollyw ood ,

In W alter Sanford’s Great Scenic Production

Lumber, ;

Doors, Sash, .Blinds,

Frames, Mouldings Hardware, • ‘

Faints, oils, etcj'i

T H E P O W E R o f G O LD I I I A S . L E W I * A: C O

A .carload of Scvuery brought here and all of It actually used.

.Scats on sale at Kin month’s Drugstore..'

'Improvement tlie order of the ¿go.

T h eNew Smith Premier Typewriters

Factory D u n k i r k , N.JBranch Yard , Spring Lake,

H issin g Num bers.Should any of. the Times subscribers have

on file copies of the Issues of .May ÍS, May 2 5 .*june-.i!0, July. 1JJ, or. July 20, 1S05, wiiieh they are willing to dispose of, (lie editor Would be glad to.receive them, as the reserve supply of. those dales has been.ex­hausted.■■ • v - *. •

• We are reiiuestcd to announce that the ; newspaper notices regarding « Mrs. Platt,; ,who.was recently taken to the insane iisylum •

at Trenton, has no reference*to Dr. SusunF. Phitt. As both ladies ale or have been

: résidents of Ocean G1 oye. the tenor of the articles ;iii question;, had been tiic cause-uf;

; some nVisapprehenaion. Mrs.! ¿usah F.Platt, is-.now residing at her cottage corner ;

.’ ,'oPXCW York and Cookuian aveulies, but e.v- peets. sorm to leave fur Florida where siic

. ; wilj\-pend the whiter; ". ' " ’ •

i } [■' From'the aetivity and delermination mmi* ifestcd by Governor Clark, of Arkansas, iiud

/ hia olllcial udvisers, to prevent the proposed : ; Corbett-Fitzsimmons tight taking place in ¿¿thaUsStatc,- it ."«is. evitlent that the atfnir, i f ; . • finally* liccompii^hed there,'will . be iind.er

supreme^ difficult les, with the .promoters atid ; principals’ liable to punishment for viola-

■ lion; of. State laws; Owing to the growing . • sentiment and strong feeling against these './ brutal exhibitions through the country, it

: is.beconiing more and liiore difllcult.to find • a spot where they can be conducted with :

safety, and it is to be hoped that' the time l^wlll 'soon, coine when an attempt to hold y'.-südi an exihbition in any one of the United '

estâtes will .lie foljowed by the prompt, nr •rest and punishment of I he promoter.-. -1

Good, Well-Made Shoes, Strong, Sightly, Stylish, Sensible Shoes, Up to Date in Every Way,

But. W IT H PRICES CRUSHED,■ - g o t o ■■

N o‘ 1 Mn,n S tree t next to T reat’s (Jroccry

D M F e K S sto c4 6 3 4 Cookman A venue, ASBURY PARK.

T rolley Troubles;■ The Atlantic Coast Elcetric Ruijway Com­pany. Iuk had from Its inception serious trouble in securing a right of way through Tong Branch, and at* the last meeting of the. Board of Commissioners of that (own a resolution.' was adopted which promises to further impede the construction of their line, it-appears that one'of the conditions of the! franchise issued to this company was that Second, avenue should be paved with

;‘v it rilled’ brick at the expense of the railroad people. Owing, to the heavy cost of this character of \>ork the improvement has not yet been- made,'and a moditioation of this condition has been requested; Tho Com­missioners have now paesc.d a. resolution permitting the use of asphalt in the pluee of .vitrified brick, but required ' that the rail­road company execute a contract on or be­fore. October 15. providing for the.laying of the asphalt, or in default of such con­tract the street committee would be in­structed to remove ail tics and rails from the avenue. j

are rev e la tio n s o l the p o ssib ilit ies

01 typ ew riter m ed ia n ic i» .

A jr kn ow n d e fe c ts in w ritin g

T H E T SLT SS IC A ,3 a-xxd. 5 Z =>i t m . a , r x A v e n u e ,

O C E A 1 T G - E O V E . OPEN ALL TH E Y E A R - ^ ^ ~

W n rm Hooms an J Comfortable accbtmnodations for W in te r Guests— per uianont or Transient. •

N. H. KILM ER, P r o p r ie t o r .

m a ch in es h ave been overcom e.

& &&!&*« Ät?! 'ti •«««&&&&&&&•?•.


SmithPremier Typewriter Co.,2 9 3 & 2 9 5 Hroail.way, N ew Y ork.

i ; i ) i : i ! t o s n o w C A i- s i-SHADY GLEN HOUSE

Catskill Mountains.. P residing E lder’s A ppointm ents.Itey, W. P.’ C. Strickland, presiding elder

of New Brunswick District, will hold quar­terly conferences ns follows: Oct. 18, Little Silver, ti.¡10 P.M., and Long Brunch, First Churcii. T.iUJ P .M .; Oct..ID, Morganville, •J.IJO P. M., and Long Branch!, Simpson, 7.W P.M. j Oct. 21, Seabrlght-, P.M., and Long Branch, Anbury, ?..‘J0P. .M.: Oct. Oceanic, P. M. •

Preaching on Sunday, Oct. liOj Long Branch, Simpson, lO.ttO A. M., and Asbury, 7.IJU P.M.

A n o u r ish in g Fraternal Order.The. '27th annual session of the Graiid

Council ■ Junior • AmericanMeclumies,.con­vened ut Trenton Thursduy. The order.in: this State now numbers *20,181. There was an increase of 8 ,ii-ltJ during tho year. Thirty-seven • new councils have been insti­tuted during the past twelve months.

Lovely location at head o f Glen 7'r> to 100 feet deep; fresh eggs, milk and veg-' etablcH from farm; various ainnsementH; board $5 per week. Address K. I). ELL­IOTT, l)urliani, Greene Co., N. V. Kef- e relices: W. il . Stokes, Auditorium, Ocean Grove; J. K. Burt, Spray Oflice; S. I fern men way, 017 Cookman-Avenue, and .many others. :¿8s*ep*2 m.

• Ocean Grove,O P E N A L L T H E Y E A R .

Siiii - P a i'lo i’*, - S lea m - H eated , - CiiiMiiic-Uiisiii'passc«l

Special Low Bates for Pall and Winter,CHARLES J. HUNT,

B etter Railroad Service.A uiass; uieetjng of the residents of the

shore .•'district r from Bed Bank'to point Pleasant, has been called to meet at Park i Hall tb-ulorrow (Saturday j at 4 o’clock, to take some' action looking to the'improve- nibiit ’pf ndlrbad seryiee during the winter months ’

After tho iiM of.October the'railioud’ com­panies take otf' the fant trains, aiid about one-third more time than is aejually ueees- sary; is taken to :;make the trip.from hoie to Mew; York, Philadelphia-, or Trenton. This js discouraging to commuters 'and they take their families to points where their business may be reached • wMb . less serious' deluy.

•This Is anr fmportant- matter to the com­munity, a nd permunent residents us'Well as commuters should attend tills .meeting and leiid their uiQucnee toward securing, a faster und worv sath i 11 cJory ruDrond servjce. .

5 ^ tcn iso n ß o i Catskill riountains.

AccoinuioilaU*M fo rty gu ests . Lur^o a n d .Shady I jiw n . H ot a n d Cohl W ate r on each lloor. H ates SI .00 p e r d a y for S v p ie io lje r a n d O ctober

W . D. A T C H ISO N , Prop 'r Stam ford , N. Y .


BRICK BUILDING,Corner Cookman A venue and Bond St

! ! A sb u ry P a rk .


An Indication of P r o sp e r ity ..The last roports. of the twclvo' bunks, in

Monmouth county show that, there Is on de­posit tho sum of 321^730,70‘1.50. The totul amount of notes discounted is $3 ,102,197.-

First-Ctass M aterials only. L ea d and O it used. N o pa ten t p a in ts to fa d e .

E stim ates. Cheerfully Given.W A N T ED -A N I D E A X ^ i l& oth in g to p a to n t? P ro te c t your h lu as : they may b rin g you w ea lth . W rito JO H N W E D D E t£ HU1UT& CO., P a to n t A ttornoya, W ash in g to n ,D. 0.» io r th e i r 81,800 p rize o iler.

tho latest designs and novelties

in W atches and Jewolry. •H T H IR T Y - V D R R S e X P Q R I B N C B . #



U t i le Item s W ith a Local.C oloring , Robed In- A utum n A ttire . .

Watoh Iho Hbt of advertised lottern TlioBoard of Registration will sit ut Fees Bro«.’ Hotel, TucHtiny, Oct. 29 , from 10 A. M.<to

•0 1*. M., to correct llio ÜHt‘of voter«. See that your numo is registered.,... Tho “TiinoH” limy be purchased at the new« atmuh of J. JJ. Thompson «ml 0 , II«. Tomp­kins,, Oceiiii Orovc, nnd.Ilnrry Portion or H. 0 . -'Johnston, Anbury Park.....If you

‘don’t ' get your tax bill write to John Hub- b|lrd, collector, Asbury Park, N.J.#.¿.Winter

•time-fi»I)Ie8 to IJi>i!»defpliiu and New Vork' ; went. into elFeet last Monday.....The can- . vnsH of voters has been completed and a

copy of tho.registry list in posted in the post office..;..Now. schedule of malls this week .....Roads are good, weather pleasant, and wheeling enjoyable.....If you have an inter­esting- item of news, send it in Enter-;tainment at tho Alaska and Atlantic Houses still available for transient or permanont guests, Both hotels. will remain open all winter...,,That part of tho .boardwalk whero tho new jetties are ibeing .constructed is a

■ point of interest to many people..¿.-.Main avenue is in firm condition after lost week’s scraping.....Echo from the road race—“ My .handicap was wrong” .... Adjourned meeting of tho A. P. W. noxt Monday night to act on constitution nnd by-laws.....Banks are

' open from ii to iJ.....Ofnyton continues fifs " Grand Ocean Grove Sale” Saturday and

■ Monday. 1. . .Pioneer Fire Co.. No, 1, of Bradley. Bcnch, gives its, third annual ball' at Educational Hall,Thanksgiving night..

T H E L IF E SA V IN G S E R V IC E .Effective W ork Done D uring th e Y ear on th e

, J e rse y C oast. .-Now Jersey comprises tho Fourth District

of 1 he United Slates Life-saving Service.. The district consists of forty-ono stations, distributed from Sandy Hook to Cape May on tho ocean front, arid at Bay Shore on the Delaware ! Bay... Thin is the largest number of stations hi any.State... The last annual report of tho'Life-saving

. servico shows that there were in tho year a total of JIS2 disasters to documented vessels,

'which had aboard -1 ,0 2 1 persons, of whom : 01 perished. Tho .value of. the vessels was

$(5,872,705, and of their cargoes $2,972,- S'fifi.. The amount of $7,054, -liJO was saved. The nrimber of vessels lost was 91. During the year also thero were 214 casualties to email crafts reported und seven persons were lost. The property loss was $34,7(15.

On the New Jersey coast (ho disasters num-- bered 51; The value of the . vessels was $:M ,870, and of cargoes $198.825, of which $1:10,955 was saved. Six vessels were 11' total loss and 1 1 persons lost their lives, J : m ■■ '

A Great Attraction.Manager Dennis, of the Opera House, As­

bury Pntk, has secured a notable attraction for the evening of October 25, in the ap­pearance of Mr. George TIocy, of Holly-

-. wood, in - his 'melodrama, “ The. Power of Ciold. ’ 1 which has been touring tl»9 larger

k ¿ities for the last three years under I he man­agement of Walter Sanford. It was quite-a stroke* ot business on the part of Mr. Den-

, nis to book so large and oxtichsive a com­pany as this one, but he'outdid himself when ho secured the.services of Mr, Hoey himself, whose presence.in the cast will un­doubtedly udd a greater intercut to what would, in any case be a most auspicious, ovent. 1

Mr. Hoey has not acted much o f . late though ho Jms been on the stage for tho last twenty years, but he has consented to come out of his retirement ut the solicitation o f: many friends living in the vicinity and has selected Asbury Park as the place. Tho play will have tho benotitof having tho author in the cast mid ho guarantees that every detail will be carefully looked to, every stitch of the carJoad of scenery used and not left in tho car as often happens with visiting com­panies, .and ho assures hi6 friends that the .company will b en metropolitan.one in all respects.

Advertised L etters.Following is a list of unclaimed letters re­

m ain ing in the Ocean Grovy post ofliee for t lie week ending Oct obi- r i l l , 1 .*95:

Mrs. J. Allen, Mrs. II. L. Armstron«, Miss Nellie Bailey, J. I). Ueedaley, Mrs. Ezekiel- Bran In, Geo.-Condon, Jere. Cleve­land,.Miss liao Cluipin, Mrs. A. H. Clark,. Mrs. I. Radelitf Camming, Mrs. Ella Cum* rnliig. T. V. Dudley, J. I). Fraser, Win. Farrell, Mr. Allen E. Ferris, Miss Maude Gleason, Miss A. Grant, Magdaline. Grating, Mrs. Ilenry Holt, Lewis .11. Holt, John A. Irwin,. Mr. Jones, F. A. Jones I- 1 Miss E. M. Kinney. Mrs. Bessie Starr Koifer, Rev. Dr. W. W. Kelly, Nancy H.. Loekwoodi Miss Mary Mulhern, W. C. Mott,; Mrs.' John McCarrick, Mrs. Mar«aret' Oliver, Olark Osson, Win. 0 ‘Brien, K. E. Prewitt, R. Richardson, Frank Smith. C. Simmons, Mis. Marion Stillwell, Miss Kane SitterlJn, Ed, Stout, Mrs. A. White.

, G. W. EVANS, P. M.

New M ethods of A dvertising .Last Saturday morning a-crowd of small

boys was noticed loitering about tho big . plato glass window of FIitcroft Brothers, evidently very much interested in something displayed therein. ' Since! the juveniles are

, nut munlly taken w ith stoves or bath-tubs, 1I10. causo of the congregation was thought Worthy of investigation, when it was found that a live opossum had been placed in the window.. This Is u little, out of the line of advertising usually employed by. plumbers, but nevertheless, the facts may contain a

•hint that'might bo used to advantage by that enterprising firm in drawiuti attention to.the atlrnefivo goods they have for sale. .

ASBURY PARK AND OCEAN GROVE D e n t a l P a r l o r s .

BURTON BROSIJeiitid S u rg eo n , p ro p rie to r , jiite o f t h e l l r m o f

B urton B ro th ers . •: • •B u sin ess p rin c ip le s ; a p p lie d '.to d e n tis try ;

T lia follow ing I s ,a lis t o f p rices which-.we suTh m l t to th e p u b lic to .show t h a t ' th e . best d en ­t is tr y win be d o n e n r reasonab le ra te s for cash.

T ee th fro m ’....................... to 810.00S olid Gold C row ns :........ 5.00, B ridge w ork o rT c c th w ith o u t PlattfH, p e r

T ooth ...! .....................;.......................... r>.00f in id F i t t i n g ............................. . t.iO nps ilv e r FUJIn>is.;. .................. .'»ac uj>W h ite C em ent I'UUuks .....; fjOe u pClean 111« T ee th :.................... ...... ................ */)c u pE x t m et Ini;.; ......................................... Si‘>e

•• w ith H us........:........................... .7)0• “ w ith A lg in e........:.............................. fiOe

A ll w o rk g u a ra n te ed .. W ith A lg lne, th e fa­m o u s local n n lost hello , w e e x tra c t tee th posi­tiv e ly w ith o u t pain. T h e p a tie n t is n o t ma<le u nconscious a n d th ere n ro no badafter-eireetsV W o h a v e successfu lly tak e n o u t th o u sa n d s o t te e th JDy th is m eth o d .

Com e In th e m o rn in g m u l h a v e y o u r tooth ex tra c te d a n d g o h o m e In (h e a fte rn o o n w ith a new se t.

A sbury Parle & Ocean Grove DENTAL PARLO RS.

614 Cookman A ve., A sb u ry P a rk .Tw o blocks from ra ilro a d s ta t io n . E lectric

■ c a rs p ass th e door.


¡o itra c to rs i f l B a i l lo r sPark Pince anil Central iVvenue,

B r a i l o y E o c x c l i , 3iT. ? . •

P la n s , w ith K ^tlm ates .p ro m p tly fu rn ished , u p o n n il c lasses o f W o rk .. S pecial A (ten* ?

tlo n G tv en to jo b b in g a n d B epalrlng . i' O rders h y m a ll m ay be a d d re« so d jo B rad ley |

B each, o r Box 15*1, Ocean G rove, N..T. a n d w ill j receive p ro m p t a tten tio n .- • ;

p r o f c s s l o n n l ( C n t ö s .

f ) R . . B R U C E S . K E A T O R ,, d esires to a n ' nonnce t h a t h e h a s sold h is good-w!U,prue*'

t lc e n n d p ro p erty to . !J O S E P H H. B R Y A N , A* M-, M .-D .

fo rm erly o f N ew Y o rk C ity , uu d com m end- h is successor a s co m p eten t a n d th o ro u g h ly rella-: blc; . A sbury P a rk , J u u e 1,1891.

. Of f ic e —221 A sbury u v e ,A sb u ry P iirk .H o u n s —8 to .10 a , in ., 7 to D p. m . /:

T e lephone , «7.


.ATTORNEYS AT LAW.A sb u ry P a rk a n d Oceaii G rove B atik Build ing ,

A sb u ty P a r k , . N...I.


A R C H IT E C T .Oilice a t Itogurs M ills, A slm ry P a r k , N . ,I

I*. O, Box^TSj.


A R C H IT E C T .P ost Òttico B u ild in g • • A sb u ry P a rk , N . J .

iiox 100-.

Q U . li EMULI-;,

N o. 7.S M ain A venue. O cean (J rove, N . J . O f f i c e H oun .s—7 to y a . m .,12 to 2, 0 to y 1*. m.

DIt. G E O R G E H. H E U B E IIT ,

D E N T A L S U R G E O N .Odiee o p p o site th e D epot, o v e r th e A sb u ry

P a rk a n d Ocean Grovu B an k , c o rn e r ol M am S treet a n d M attlso n A ve., A sb u ry P a rk , N . J . H ours; b a . >t. to o iv M,. G uh a d m in is te re d , A ppfiln tm en ts m ad e by .m sit o r in p erson .

O L A U D E .V .O E U IU N , . . .


P o st O nice B u ild ing , A sb u ry P a rk , N . J .

DA V ID U A ItV E Y , JR ., .

C O U N S E L L O R A T L A W .M on m o u th B u ii .o in o , A a n im v P/»u k . N . J . C om m issioner of D eeds o f New Y ork a n d

P e n n sy lv a n ia . A ckn o w led g em en ts tak e n o f a 11 S tates.

J . E .L A N N IN O .

CO U N S E L L O R - A T - cA W ,R oom N o. 10,.M o n m o u t h Buri.n iN O ,

• A sb u ry P a rk , N .J .

Q A . S A L L A D E ,A P O T H E C A R Y .

(W 5Cookman A venue, A h h u uy 1’a u k , N . J . E v e ry th in g o n h a n d p e rtn ln ln » to a ' F irs t

C lass D r i« « to re , . , •

A n E n t f iu s la s t ic M e e t in g .An/ enthusiastic meeting of the colored

Republican Olub, recently organized at West. Park, was held Monday evening in t ho club’s headi|uarteis. The meeting was largely attended and a great «leal of interest manifested; Colonel Morrell, leader of tho olub, was thu principal speaker of the occa­sion, • - ' •

A rriva l and D eparture of M ails.: M alls fo r New Y ork a n d In te rm e d ia te s ta -

. , tlo n s close, 7,15,lO.UO a .m ., 12, in.,;W 0 0.15 p .m . M ails from Now Y ork , e tc.; arrlve7.:l0, lo.^O a 'm .

:t.;W, o.^o p .m . •- M ails for P h ila d e lp h ia , e tc ., c lose 7.15.12, a . 111

il.UO, <1.15 a .m ,M alts from l 'h llad o lp h la , etc., a r r iv e 7,30, 10.30

a.m „3.:W , U..’W) p.m .M ails fo r A sb u ry P a rk eloso 7.15 a .m .. 12.00 m .

0.15 p.m .•M ulls. from A sbury P ark , a r r iv e 8,00 a .m . 3.30,

0.00 p.m .

p i t . G E O . L. D. TO M P K IN S,U D E N T IS T ,Posl Olllee B u ild in g . C orner M attlso n Avenue

a n d E m o ry S tree t, A sb u ry P a rk , N . J . E iitla n c e Post. O tllce:

G as A d m in is te re d . O ttieehours, 1»a .m . to o p.m .

7TTILL1AM W. B E E G I.E , #-^ C O M M IS S IO N E R O F D E E D S . -

For New Je rs e y , and N otary Public.■18 M ain Avenue. •' Oc k a n G uovk , N . J .

^ ¡ r t i s t i c P r e s s - m a k i n g ,

And illillh ivry .. IMtlCES.-MODERATK. '

W h ttcrd n le A H yatt,[df AVnshlnglofti B. C.] .

0 3 F r a n k l i n A v e n u e , O c e a n G ro v e , N . J .

S y stem M ost A ceurute, -(Quickest A cquired . . .. n n d a P leasu re to S how . ‘

B . .K R C K I N . .M ost desi rub le p ro p e r ty o v er o d e red , to close

e s ta te . ' T h ir ty m in u te s from New' Y ork oil. L ong B ru n ch Road,. • G e n tle m a n 's a ll-y ea r c o u n try h o m e, 10o r iSaeres, o n c o rn e r;e le g a n t law ii, sh a d e , co m m o d io u s house; .first place o u t o f c t i y llmitH. Also, 10 acres a d jo in In«, w ith b e a u tifu l » ro u n d s a n d sm a ll co ttage. A d d ress , O W N E R . 21 A bbo tt a v en u e . Ocean G rove, o r Mo id & F re em a n . E x ch an g e B uild­ing , R ah w ay , N. J . . , 7-20 :lm

16. E . K . Uotliti'itx,»Practical - Stonecutter,-

; AN I) DKAI.Elt ING ra n ite u n d M arble M o n u m en ts a n d H ead­

s to n es , C u rb in g am i F lag g in g , a n d a ll ’ k in d s o f B u ild in g S to n e .

Y 'n rd an d Otllce, F i r s t A v en u e n e a r R ailroad ,ABbury Park, N J.

H .T R U A X I S O N ,

PURE G0CNTEY MILKOne Cows' Milk for In fan ts and Invalids

Box 393, Aslmry Purl;, or box 393 Ooeftn Grovo. Milk Depot, Jjiwroiico ftvo.i between Main and Broadway Gate, Occan Grove. Telephone Connection,

REAL ESTATE.Shies, Exchanges, Loans.

• * ;v , . POR SA L G f V; ; v.So . (bit). Koi'.Sitle—On Clark avenue

iiuar New Mersey, aeomfort utile and com- mtïdious Plaat^ml cottage,' ci)ii taining four

.rooms,- iimaterod tfirouglioiit; lot o2x60, for thé Tou* price o f $1250. ;

No. 505. Well located and comfortable H room house on IJctrk avenue near New Jersey, Price $1500. .

No 01 ii. Very ham idoine ami ueair- ably located modern cottage on Franklin avenue, near the occan; corner lot. Price $400.0.

No., f):!'), Niçe corner property, suit­able for permanent residence ot email boartling house, two lots, corner location, witbin three Mocks o f the occan'. Price $•1200. "■ . ••

No. 5!î0. • Desirable property on Main avenue, witli two lots (one a corner,) 12- room house; mortgage for.partof purchase money at.C> per cent. Price $5000..

No. 542. Well located, desirable double house, with six rooms on a sid^, Heck avenue near Delaware. Price ^2<500.

No. 547, Desirable 8 -roonv cottage on Embury avenue, corner lot, desirable lo­cation, for. permanent residence. Price $1.800. . • ... .

No. 051. Ilundsome house, on Main avenue near thc.gat.es, |i rooms furnished. Price $:H)00. ‘

No, 55:5; Handsome corner house on Main a venue,-live blocks from the ocean, i) rooms, furtiislied. ! .Price $;]000.

No*. 504. One of. the handsomest pri­vate residences in Ocean Grove; 12 rooms nicely fui'riished, two lots o f land, desir­able location near the ocean, co?t $8000, AVill be sold for $5000.

No. 500; Desirable cottage on Abbott avenue.near New York avenue, suitable, for permanent or summer residence, nicely furnished.' Price $2100.

•No*. 574. • On lîroadwây near Pilgrim Pathway, very desirable 12-room cottage, furnished; four lots o f ground. Price $0000. • -. Nol 582. Oh Broadway at the corner o f Penusyivania avenue, bèmrtiful summer house;- four lot« o f land (two o f these cor­ners. ) • Price $0500.

No. 5S5. Jlundsome corner property on Broadway near , the ocean, two lots 00x00 feet; cottage contains .S rooms, with a handsome tent on the extra lot. Price $4500.

No. 001.. A v ery ‘desirable permanent residence, il rooms* and tmth, located on Webb avenue near the church, handsome shade'trees tind ground«. Price $4500.

No. 005. Very desirable 11 -room house at the corner o'f Broadway and pilgrim Pathway.. • Price$;»000. *

No, 04Î*. On Ciurk avenue-near Pil­grim Pathway; a very desirable 11 room house nicely furnishctl, ‘Price $2800.

No. 040, Nice 7*room cottaue desir­able for iienmihent residence, on Heck avenue near Delaware. Price $1450,

No, 001, Nice S-room cottage on Pil­grim Path wav corner Abbott avenue! Price $2200. . * . . . . . "

No. 002, Good 10-room house on Pif- grim Pathway' near • Abb»dt avenue. .Price $2000, . • ;

FO R HALE— 15-roiiin b o a rd in g <hou>«e, one a n d a h a lf b locks from th e o cean , a t a b a rg a in Ç2S0U. . .

N o. fV»'*. A good ten-room pi .istered house, fu rn ish ed , sew er a n d w a te r con nee l Ions, b locks from' th e ocean , for 515l>0 ‘

N o. 577—T w o. n ice lots, o n e on Broadw ay, one o n C ookm an a v en u e , w ith co ttag e on one, lo t. Offered fo ra s h o r t t im e v e ry low, hi*). .

N o. /iK W ell e q u ip p ed a n d h a n d so m ely m r- n ished b o a rd in g h o u se «ni A tlan iiu «venue, n e a r tin* ocean . T iv n -e leg an t lots. P ro p e rty cost $!i,0cW b u t f o r a b rie f perioit w ill be otlbrcd forSti.OOo. T h is Is a s-plendhl' opjioi iu n ity to seen re a v a lu ab le p lace a t 'tw o -th ird s I ts v alue.

N o. II. A sp len d id B ak ery a m i lee ,Cream busin ess , well located , firm ly e s tab lish ed a n d th o ro u g h ly t-qulnped. P rice low a s o w n e r d e ­sire s to d ev o te id s tim e 'to o th e r en terp rises.

N o. 10. A sp le n d id hotel o f 15 ro o m s 'n e a r th e Oe^nn, fully, e q u ip p ed a n d fu rn ished , e v e ry th in g In th-st-dnss o rd er. 10,<XX>.

N o. 11. W ell b u ilt , 10- room b o a rd in g house n e a r Ross’ B a th in g G rounds, fu rn ish ed , f<»r SIOOO.

N o. 17. W ith in one-a:id-u-hidf b locks of th e océan, a s ix teen room b o a rd in g house, In good c o n d itio n , p a r i ty fu rn ish ed , ¡JOOO.

N o. 2i. A good J2-rooni,. p las te red house ,; w ith in tw o b locks o f th e o cean , y u ltn b le for d u e ll in g o r sm a ll b o a rd in g house, fu rn ish ed th ro u g h o u t. S2000.

N o. 28. A sp le n d id p lo t o fg ro u n d 50xl"5 feet W ith tw o su b s ta n tia l ly b u ilt co ttag es, fu r­n ish ed , n e a r Ross’ B a th ln g G ro n n d s , S p lend id c h an ce to en la rg e for . ho tel. L o ca tio n u n su r­passed . $70o0.

N o.88. W ith in fo u r d o o rs o f th e ocean , w ith so u th e rn ex p o su re , a oom for tab le if room , tur- n ish ed co ttage, for 817U0.

N o. 81), <Jood c h a n ce for a n ice c o rn e r p ro p ­e rty , o n e b lock from th e o cean , 7 ro o m s, fur* nJshed, price, o n ly $2100.

N o. 07. W eil h u ilt , 12-room h o u se .w ith in tw o b locks o f th e Occan, c o m e r lo t, 10 foot fron tage, ÇJÔ00.

N o, 10Ü. On Ocean P a th w a y n e a r th e ocean , 10-room,, fu rn ish ed co ttag e , w ith tw o lots, 87:iOO,- -

N o. 110. On Ocean P a th w a y n e a r th e ocean, h an d so m e p r iv a te co ttage. 2 lo ts w ith sm a ll co ttag e tu rear, bo th tm ulshed.

N o. 121. On .Surf uv en u e , well-built,'11-room co ttage, fu rn ish ed . - $:i')0a.

N o. 128.. V ery d e s lm b le . p r iv a te res id en ce ' on A b bo tt a v e n u e , w ith in tw o b locks o f th e ocean , lO ro o m sam l h a th , h o i u n d c o ld w ater, h a n d so m ely fu rn ish ed . S:12.'»0.

N o. 112. D esirable k r o o n i b o a rd in g hon>e. n e a r th e ocean , fu rn is ticd th ro u g h o u t w ith 2 lo ts a n d o u e .e x tn i co tta g e o f 7 rooms5<j<K)0. O nly 5lOiX)cash p a y m e n t req u ired . .»

Nt>. 1 t:i. Deslm ble c o rn e r pri»nertv,l2 roon is fu rn tsh ed , good fo r s m a ll b o a rd in g house,‘-t wo b lo ck s from o c e a n ,e x tra la ig e lo t. O nly ÿlloo $000 cash p ay m en t r e t p i I red .

N o . 1 11. O ne o f th e m ost d es irab le b o ard in g . h ouses o n M ain avvnue, a n d close to th e ocean th re e lots, th o ro u g h ly e q u ip p ed a n d fu rn ish ed e a sy te rm s. SIO.uuO.

N o. 110, D eslm ble b o a rd in g ho u se o n th e ocean f ro n t , -12 room s, h a n d so m ely fu rn ish ed , «10,000, .

N o. 118. .h a n d s o m e tn*»v b o a rd in g house w ith in a b lock o f th e Ocean; 2S. room s, p a y s to p e rc e n t . .

N o. 30. Ou M ain a v e n u e close to th e ocean . A h a n d so m e p r iv a te co ttag e w ith h u g e g ro u n d s for SOU. . . .

N o. 38. V ery n ice .-private co tta g e w ith 8 room s .fu rn isticd , o n B a th .a v e n u e near- th e Ocean, ?2ihk).' .

N o . 13, D esirable n - it 'o m b o a rd in g house, fu rn ish ed , o n e -an d -h a tf b locks from th e ocean , E asy te rm s. tM5W).

N o, 151. One o f th e 11 n es t p r iv a te residences in Ocean G rove, \;\ room s, e x tra la rg e g rounds. e»»ntml lo c a t io n .a n d n e a r th e ocean . P rice, sm w . . ' - \

N tn OUI. f h ind .d o u b le hou se , tl room s o n à side , n e a r N ew J e rse y .av en u e b rid g e o n W es­ley L ake. P rlec Sloan. O nly sm a ll pay incu t reqnlretl In c ash . A h a n d so m e in v es tm e n t a s I t p ay s 11 p e rc e n t .

No.-il2:<. A b arg a in In a sp le n d id ¿dl-tlic- vcu r-ro u n d res id en ce t>n B roadw ay . iO-room h o u se ja rg e p lo t o f g ro u n d , -ev ery th in g h i jtrs t c la ss o rd er. P rice o n ly $W00.'

FO R HALJ5—T e n t, tloor, p o rta b le k itc h e n , fu rn itu re , e tc . O n ly Si». . ’

• W . H. B k ku i.k, -18 M ain a v e A dv.; FOR EXCHANQE,

No, IHV.t. T o ex eh au g o for P h ila d e lp h ia p ro p ­e rty , a v e ry d e s ira b le a n d ivelM ncatetl house, one-and-a-ha lf b lo ck s from th e ocean am i neat Ross* P a v ilio n ,c o n ta in in g 13 room .i, fu rn ish ed th ro u g h o u t;

N o. 008. h a n d so m e p r iv a te ' residence ill-, ree tly o n th e O cean fron t, for good N ew Y ork c ity p ro p e rly . * *

N o. 001. A h an d so m e p r iv a te co ttag e n e a r tins’ ocean , la rg e p lo t o f u im l, e v e ry th in g in llrst-eluss o rder, f o ra c o u n try p lace n e a r New ­a rk , V . . . . -

N o. 005. h a n d so m e p ro p erty o n E a s t 125th. s tre e t. Now Y ork c ity , re iits for §700 p e r year, fp r a B o ard in g i ib u s e ln Ocean G rove o r A sbu- r y p a r k . • .

John E. inskipW holesa le an d L-tetail

The quaJitj- and w eig h t ot all goods .guaranteed ' to be satisfactory ox-

m o n ey rofanded.

Stop and Looka l our stock of

Fashionable »JewelryW e show nothing but the Latest Novel­

ties o f the season in Sterling Silver, and the largest assortment of

Diamonds along the coast,


Optician, - - Jew elor.

Cookman Avenue, Asbury Park.


j Our Aim is to Supply the Very Best Goods at a Close Figure

V|)cci:il P r ic e s lo lio ic l* and B oa riling; H ouses.

A Fu ll L ine of

China, Glassware, Hardware, Lamps,

A lw ays on hand at Pr ices to su it all com ers.


Like Clothes,

Should beJweil]sponged

A nice Sponge

Is a desideratum .

Such a t

W hite’s Drug Store,

Opposite the


5c. to $2.50.


M.O. GRIFFIiST.Plans aiid Specifications furnished at

short notice. Best of reference given.

Orders for changes, alterations or re­

pairs w ill receive prompt nnd

careful attention.

Residence, No. 66 Heck Avenue, Oct‘an ftro ve ,iV . J .

H onjE • Made Bread - Ba epiJ.•17 Pilgrim Pathway, Opp. P. Ó.

^3-Ocean Grove, N./J.-sfs-Home Made Bread, (.iluten or Health'

1'read, Rye-Bread, Pie?, Cakes.

Biscuits, T!tc., rnade to order .


K eiiicjiO tci-m e P la ceB R IC K S T O R E .

O linSt., and Pitm an Ave.,t.f. A . W a ln r /g h i’s Otd S tan d .)

O ceaii ¡V .F.JO E T A Y L O R and ED. L E T T S

will continue to serve their patrons.

W . H .B E E G L E ,

Real Estate,Insurance,

Mortgage LoansNotary Public and

Commissioner o f Deeds.48 m a m a v e n u e .

J. H. MATTHEWS,Fine • Groceries

New Goods New Prices,

: formerly. Now.S u its , M aple, $12.50 $10,50

• ” ’ *( Antique .Ash, 14 #50 _ 12 21■ :. Antique Oak, lo 00 12 50-

' " Antique Oak, 18 00 lo 00.“ • . “ --Antique Oak, 22 00 IS 00

A 5 p ie c e B f o c a t e l f e p a r lo i* ^ u i tC h e r ry F r a m e , $ 2 5

An Extra Stock of Ingrain and - B russels Carpets at the

P resent Free- Wool : Prices.

INGRAINS.I'ornierlv Now

- .35.0, 25c .■)0c. 33cG0 c. . ' r,3i:

- ■ Goo., Boa :70cr. «Oc

- í i . - ' i . . 00c

Part Wool, ' - Part Wool,A!! Wool, 2 Ply, All Wool-, 2 Ply, All Wool, 2 Ply, All Wool, 3 Ply,

. BRUSSELS.Tapestry, 50, 00, 70, SO, and 00 cents.

•.Body $ 1.0 0 , $ 1. 10, $1.15. and f.1.20.10 Varieties Moquett Carpets at $1.00 A Complete Line of Wall Paper and W in­

dow Shades. A htrKe impotlation of Japanese and Chinese Mattings,

■ at a much reduced figure.

T h a t New L ine o f Agate W are is Here.. It will pay von to call and inspect.

: these’goods.

J. A.WAIMIGHT,Occan,Oi-ovCjJV. J;


BtTCHAHOH & SMOCK,• AVhñk'saÍe a n ü R eta il D ealers In -

W lio le ia le au d R etail: South Main St reet, opp. Bròmi way Oates,

ot; Oil*;in i»irovi», 2V;. .1.

Prkvs* t lm t’ w ilt co m p are w ith a n y ó f th e '■ lead t n « ijroccrs h i th e city .

I R S S . F E R R I S . .■

P ractica l Paper Hanger¡03 W ebb Avenue,

O C EA N G R O V E , N, J .Post Ofilce Bo* 28.

K stlm ntes o n a ll k ln tls o f P a n e r I lunging; a n d lX v o ratln s» p ro m p tly fu rn ish e d u p o iia p p lica tio n .

5Builder's Hardware, Paints

and Oils,Coruer Main S t. and Asbury . A venue, 1

A S B U R Y P A R K , N. J .

... OUR SPE C IA L T IE S.Adamant Wall Plaster, Our own M Tg'r,

of Cedar Shingles, Kintr’d Windsor ' “ Cement Plaster,” Cedar.Stable


J o h n A rn o ld O shorn, >2 H eck Avi'Uiie.

Tneoilore O.shorn si Kinhury Ave:

J. Arnold Osborn & Son BLUEST

O C EA N G R O V E , N . J ,

E stim a te s Turn I shed for a l l k in d s o t Ulue s i orni w ork a t a n y P o in t In t h e S ta te o f

N ew Je rse y . F la m in i; a n d cu rb in g a sp ecia lity . 1

T ó r n i M ï e t a l W orkKiSTAIlI.IHIIKl) ISTI).

Fire, Life, Accident, and P la te Glassj >Ioiu*y loaned on H eal Instate, a l l k in d s o f

F o r Sali*, K en t o r Kxehiim ie.

j W A S H IÎVUT O "V W H IT E , ;[ ■ ' C 2 2 S t r o o ç .

J. S. Flltcroft & Bro's.,l ’i lg rlm Pa tliw ay , o pp . P.O. ,

. O C EA N G R O V E , N. J .All* Iv liiils. o f .Sheet M étal W o rk , T in Rooting,. .

( Ju tte rs m u l L eaders.. -Special a tte n tio n ' g iv en to Hot-All* Furnuccs; S tove a n il

R an g e U epatrs, Rst I m ates u p o n a lt - c lassés .o f w o rk p ro m p tly fur­

n ish e d u p o n a p p lica tio n ,

J . H e n r y R y n o , Manager Tin; SmithDepartment/

i Oppi »-Ito Depot, A nbury P a rk , N . J .

E m p lo y m e n t O ffice,47 Pilgrim Pathw ay.

D I S B R O k ’S

TOOTH WASHF or C leaning and P rese rv in g th e T eeth and

G um s, and Im parting a Refreshing T as te and Feeling to the M outh; Compounded and for sale by ■ .. •

S. D. W O O LLEY , Druggist,4 7 M a in A v e . , 9 S o u t h M a in . S t . ,

. O pposite Occa.it Cm*Ve O ates

: JOSEPH T. STEWARD, j C on trac to r, C arpen ter an d B u ild er,-* ■ Estimates Cheerfully Given.| Small Jobs Promptly Attended to. Best ! o f Iveferentes Furnished.

| S h o p a n d R esilience,

F ifth Avenue noar ifa in Street Post omco Box ISO B rad ley Be&cb. K. J .


R eal E s t a t e a n d I n su r a n c e ,

F . I t . S lc C ìò i ì I i j - ,

Harnoss M aker and Ropairor,N o, L M ain St., N ex t to S ex to n ’s P u d ertak in ji

E s ta b lish m e n t. -A «bury P a rk , N. J ,.

J . H. P A R K E R ’S j ß o t e l a n d R e s t a u r a n t ,

709 M A T T I S O N A V E N U E ,A S B U R Y P A R K , N . J . .

‘ C om fortab ly F u rn ish e d R oom s b y th e Day or

! • . . W eek . V]./\tXu/{ir D inner / t v m ' / / to j , j o Cents.

M. M. CR0SBIE, | - :S la ,te I3 co fe xW lvST A 8R U R Y P A R K , Opp. P A itlv H A L L .

T h e o ld , ceh 'tm iied W illia m C h a p m a n «late a lw a y s o n h a d . A t th is sh o p th e pu b llu can g e t w h a t- th e y d esire . Jo b b in g o r o m p t ly u t ten d e d to.

m .F o r a llB iu o y s a n d N hbvous D isbasss. T h ey p u rify the B lood and g iv e H u a l t u yaction to the e n lire system . _ ------------

C a r s D Y S P E P S IA , H E A BA C H E, O O H ST1P A T IO K o n d P IM P L E S .


¡V I3 J,SO .\ a . K I L M E R ,A R C H IT E C T A N D B U IL D E R

F lan s a n d specltleul Ioiih d ra w n fo r a ll k ltu la o f n to ile rn w ood, M one o r b rlek b u ild in g s. F o r w o rk m a n sh ip an il p rices w ill re fe r to a ll for w hom I h a v e d o n e w o rk lo th e G rove a n d P a rk . E s tim a te s c h eerfu lly g iv en .llo.v L'W;. P itm an A venue, Ocean Grove

A. G R A V A T T , 'CRG + ™ n n & * BSKeRv

B re ad , P ie and F a n c y C a k e,S o u th M alli S tre e t , OpposIte B ro ad w ay .G ates



Meats & Poultry125 Ileek A venue, coruer Whitofield,

OCKA.V « R O V E , W. J . Fresh Stock. Prompt Service.

. Free Delivery. .

. ■- J A S . U . I . E X T O X , .

Filmili DIRECTOR- IXD BM8ÄLMBR.•i Utrye twortnicnt of Otxkels, etc. cpnxUtntly òn

hu tut. Ftou'ersofuny ilesiyn ut shurt, notice.

Parlors and Ortity—Xo. 17 Mam Street, ASBURY r \ Ì U i , N ..J ,

Also S uperin tenden t of M t. P rospect C e m e te r j,

J O H N L E O N A R D ,

Sanitary P lum berOpposite Oeedn Grove Main. A z v . Gates,

Estimates on Sewer and Water Connect ions Promptly Furnished. Low

Prices and Good Work.

■M D S« h ,

IMPORTED AND KEY W EST ClGftRS,Tobacco, and Smoker*s Articles.

Handsomely Furnished Shaving Parlors, ai6 M ain S tre e t, ASBURY PA RK , N .J . ’

Cbvontrr's . Office for Second .‘Assembly District:


State.1 and County.

:. ’■ The Long Branch Time« hegtin its .-ievenih . vbluihc, Wednesday.• ;!A dozen patients are at pre.-oni under treatment at the Monmouth Me»»>ihil Ho.*-

‘ i»ita1. ■ -. : '■ »" A Rnhwny. novelty i* li.nniHcid bicycle.

which . when, ridden plnjv thy lidest popular : airs. . • • • • ' . • 1 * ■ ■ .

T110 stennierN on tlie Samly Hook route of tlio .Central Ihiilroad were discontinued

■Spiitiny. ■. ■' Freehold. n*Mdents arc eireulutitin a puli--

’/tiotr for ’.a tw\v. shit ion on the Pennslyvmihi ■'KnilroiuL ; ' . • •;; •■.The corner-stone of the *110 \v Knights (if I'yth las hall of At hint ic ¡Highland» wns laid on Saturday fast.. • ' : (V.Tho second annual, parade of the Keyport Piro Depurtlncnt tot»k place .on.Thurwlay

i afternoon of last week.. .'seventeenth annual .reunion. of the

‘Fourteenth New Jersey »Volunteers will be, Iiold ni Trentori Saturday.. ■ r '

>; In the past three,: jrtiHitli*; ike »mrder«■ have-dceurrcd. in Union county, three ¡of ;■which hfivo been by Italians?.• } A fire at South .Amboy Tuesday niiiht de­stroyed the engine. house belonging to the X,

, >\ .fc’L. 13. Jt.;Ii; Company.James; Konnan has been appointed street

. superintendent of Red . Bunk. There wero Mlvc other applications for the ofllce.

At.the .Trenton. Fair Lemuel Blnck w hs

• awarded 1-10 premiums for the'finest exhi* bitions of fruits and vegetables.

On Monday lust: Mr. Nesbit Snedeker, of Atlantic Highlands, *wae 'thrown. from a* wngon, sustaining a fracture of the hip bone.

• Mi s s Margaret Shibla, assistant post»jis* tress at Spring Lake, was married on Octo* her 0* to William E. Pearce, of South Am* boy. ‘

Loster Stonoy, n son of Capt. A. B. .Htoney,, of Key port, was accidentally shot in the leg while cleaning a revolver Thursday of huit \vcek.,1 ' ' •

The bicycle road record between Red Bank and Freehold was reduced from forty-three to thirty-si.v minutes on Wednesday of last week. ; '

Albert Johnson, a prosperous citizen of■ Bridgeton, is EUtlering from blood, poison­ing, the result 6f ; a razor cut while being shaved. . .

At a.meeting of the Zimmerman Athletic' Club of .Freehold, Wednesday evening, it was decided to equip the club quarters with

, 'a gymnasium. '■v Thero arc flvo tickets in the field for the

November election as follows: Republican, iDemocrnt, Prohibition, Socialist-Labor and People's.-

, Considerable, damage resulfed in Essex .' county from the heavy rains on Sunday last,■ causing streams to overflow and flood ad•

./ joining property..•. John F. Keen,, who wus n member of the

>LegisIature from l& ooto 1 Hot», died at his ; home in Bridgeton, Monday.. .Deceased .was-70, years of age.

The Republicans of ;\Vcbt Ued Bunk have placed a banner over Shrewsbury -avenue bearing the mimes of Griggs and the three Assembly Candidatos. ., ■

A branch ol the State Mutual Building and Loan Association has been organized at. Eatontown. Eight hundred «Imres .of stock

. have.been*subscribed for. .Xiio, Washington Fire Company Mata-

Syan^hnebecn provided with a'Silsby, &o. steam tiro engine, the machine being form­erly owned by the town of llion; N. Y ..

Elizabeth hut* a plug hat Association with a membership limited to thirty-five. . In the sixteen years .of ¿the association's exist­ence only two of its mombers have died.

A.large and enthusiastic audience gieeied John W. Griggs, the Republican nominee for Governor on h)s ap/xwr/jnee in the Bed

' Bank Opera House Friday night of last week.. \

-7 Fifteen hundred people paid an’ admission fee, of fifteen eenfs /or.the.privilege of wit­nessing. a. Salvation Army wedding in the Academy of Music, Atlantic City, Monday night.

It is estimated that; ten thousand people .witnessed the annual lantern parade of the

. Union County Roadsters at Rnhwny, Mon­day night. Three hundred wheelmen were in line.

The Hightsto^vn Baptist Church will cele­brate its one hundredth anniversary on the first day of November next. Ah all-day ser­vice will be held in commemoration of_tho

. .cccasion. . ., ; •MisH Abbie Leonora Lnngimne, of “New

York »city* was married to Mr. Fred-Alvin White, of Atlantic Highlands Methodist Church, Wednesday ufternoon last,"at half- past three o'clock.

John Smith, an, old war veteran .who for many-.years was a resident of North Long Branch» has been taken to the Soldiers’

: Homo at Kearny. Smith was unable to work and had no home.

One of the diamond pins supposed to have . been stolon frojji the Newcombe cottage at Elberon in September, when' $10,000 worth of jewelry was alleged to have been taken, fms been found in the cottage.

While returning from [a cakb wall«: early .Saturday morning, SamuelMcGuire, a Long Branch colored [man, slashed his wife across the face with n razor, inflicting a very painful wound. Jealousy is «aid to ha ye been tho cause of the attack.

Lust week, at M t Holly in the half mile open bicycle race Joe Harrison, of Asbury Parki came in ¿first; Linford I^fferson, of Occan Grove, second,, (ind George Taylor, of Bardley Beach, third. Harrison also won the one mile open. . :

Tuesday of this week two hiindsome mon* uinents .were erectcd on the banks of the

. Delaware. river, ono 'on either side, at Tay- lorsvilJe, N. J., and Ynrdley, Pa., to mark tlio apot where W’aehington crossed that his*

• to r ic s tre a m C h ris tm a s n ig h t, l ? 7 l i .. Charles‘ Clark and Aaron BaHey were ar­

rested last weok and lodged in Freehold jail on u ehurge of burglarizing -the. store of James B. Fanning at Koyport. They are

; also supposed to be the persons who broke .into several places at Atlantic.Highlands. Tlio goods obtained from Mr. Funning'n «toro were pawned in New. York city and Brooklyn.

- A parse of $o0 0 hns been presented to Captniii Jmnes; MulUgnn, of Lifo-siiving elation No. 4, at Monmouth Bench. • If.was made up among the cottagers at that point,' and presented to Mr. Mulligan as a testi­monial of tho esteem in which he is held by the people of the community.

William A. Conover, of Red Bank, who hns attained quite a reputation as ii riprlnter, sailed from New York Monday of this week on tin athletic tour of tlie world. He with three others will be under I ho management of J, Victor Kimble, and their.present dos- tinntibn is I->jhlur Hoppla. Africa.

On Thursday of last week Mrs. Charles D. Bniley. ot Btooklyn, while riding-her wheel- on (he .Middletown turnpikenear Red Bank, .■¡truck.a bed of sand and wns thrown under the wheels ' of, ii pnssing wiigon. .She was fliken- to the hospital tit. Koyport for treat­

ment whero it ‘ was-found*that one rib was broken nmi ihnt she had sustained internul injuries. . .

A connnittco of the Board of Chonen Free­holders. consisting of Messrs. Wliite, Snyder and. Guirc, met nt Eatonttiwn Jlast Friday and. gavo out tlie ebnfracl for a ne.w iron bridge . across ■ the brook Jut Lewis street in that town.. The Wrought iron.Bridge Coin• pany of Canton, Ohio, received the eon- trach The cost will bo $1. "»00.'

Oysters ' in Barncgut Bay. oil Cedar Creek lire, evidently very highly appreciated, (or at one time during the pnst week three thou­sand oystermen and one thousand bouts ere said to have been nt work gathering the succulent bivalve. The oysters, however, were not as good as had been expected, and tho majority- of the men soon abandoned the work. From twenty-live to thirty cents a bushel was the highest price offered by the dealers.. . .

A Horrible Butchery.:Wednesday night of.this week; at Braden,

Tenu., a mob composed of three hundred persons seized a negro named Jeff Ellis,, who had been arrested for criminal ussault, and lifter mutilating him in a horrible man-; ner hung him to a. telegraph pole.j. The in- tentiou was simply to lynch the man a« a penally for his misdeeds, but the fiercer element in the crowd got control and the negro's ears and fingers were cut off, his body .otherwise mutilated, after . which a rope w»s placed about his neck and he was hung up to the cross-arm of a telegraph pole. Not content with this the mob after­ward lowered the body, hacked otT the head with pen knives, after which it wns again, strung up feet lirst and allowed to remain there in full;.view of tho passengers on the Louisville & Nashville Railroad for several hours. A placard was. attached to tlie body threatening death to any person who should take it down before G.UO in the evening.

How’s This 1We otter One Hundred J>o)lars Iteward for

any case of Catarrh, that cannot Ue cured t»y IlallV Catarrh L’are.

1-Y .1. Cl IKN KY, A t ’o., Props., Toledo. O.We the uiulersliiiied have know« !•'. J. Che­

ney Jor'thelHM 15years, and believe him per­fectly honorable in ail hasiness* iraws-ieilon.s' and tlnancluHy aWlc to.'carry out any obliga­tion made l»y tik’lr llrm.

.W kst& Thvax, Wholesale Druggists, To­ledo, 0 .

Wamuso. Kin s an A Mahvin, Wliolesale Druggist«,'I oledo. O..

Hull’s Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, act- ing directly upon the t»l<K)d and' mucous *ur- faees of the system. • Price 7*ic. per bottle. Hold by n If Druggists. Test Imoala Is tree.

Among the manv bargains this week. M c­Manus Bros., at 702 and 70<> Cookman ave­nue, are oilering a t»-.foot Solid Oak Exten­sion Table, highly polished, for $5 .75 ; n: Hundsome Banquet Lamp aud Silk Shade for §4; a large variety of Stove« and Ranges, at rock-bottom prices. They invite inspec­tion aud guarantee satisfaction. Goods de­livered promptly free of chnrge. Credit if desired.—Adv. •

FOR SALE.—Very desirable property northwest corner of Mt. Hermon Way nod New Jersey avenue. Two lots and 0 room; cottage, handsomely and completely fur­nished. Sewer, water, etc. Location direct­ly opposite park. Price S4,000. Inquire W. H. Becgle, 48 Main, avenue, Ocean Grove, N. J. •

“ Pvd too much work to dd.?’ he said.His advertisement small

He straightway from the paper took, l ie has.no work at all.”

—Washington Star.FOR SALE.—A pretty cottage on Broad­

way;, furnished. \ \ ill be sold at a very low figure. Owner un invalid. Part payment may remain on bond and'mortgage.

'Apply to Win. H. Beeglc.M ONEY TO LO AN— 1000 815001O Koim on Bond ami Mortgage. W. Jf. Beeoi^e. July27-tf

ÄNDREW TIYTvOR,Successor to TAYLOH & I^ N u,.


S t o v e s a n d R a n g e sTin .-Hoofing,. Guttering and Repairing,.Hot

■AirFurnaces, Estimates given on Steam and Hot Wafer ;Jieaters, and Jiot Air and Hot Water Combination Heaters..

-¡-South Main Street,r:- Opposite Ocean Grove Gates

A S It U K V P A R K

J . S . F U T C R O F T & B R O , ,

SANITARY •" PLUMBERS—and dkai.khs jn—

Stoves ' and Ranges.

. . O pposite FontOtncc,


a . :k s h r e v e s , B ü T O H E M ç

Opposite Occnn Grove >School Ilonae.

gcót Quality of gfcati §nJy.

FO RSA LEOn a Cash Profit

, Not a Credit Profit.



B. Frank Wainright&Co

No. 611 Mattson Avenue.

A S B U R Y P A R K .We are now making a special run on .

C A B P B T S ,jyul displaying a splendid line of

O i l H e a t s x s .

Our Leaders for this Week,

4 Five Piece, Brocatelle Parlor Suit,. Cherry Frame, $19.76.

GOT Usual Value $30.00.“^A FuiUSize BlCnROOM.SUIT/ All iin n l

Wood, Nicely Polished, with a Bevel Plnte Mirror, Woven Wire Spring,

Soft Top Mat trass and two large Goose Feather Pillows,

FO R $19.50.

I ^ a n g ^ s g j f o v c s

in great variety, nt Lowest Prices.. Come and con vi nee yon reel f. 5?a t isfac* lion Citta ran feed. G o o d s D e l iv e r e d P r o m p t ly .

McManus Bros.,702-706 Cookman. Avenue,

Asbury Park, = N. J.

Pi .S.—Credit given if desired. .

G E T T H E B E S TW h e n y o u a re ab o u t to b u y n S e w in g M a ch in e

do n o t be d e c e iv e d by a l lu r in g a d v e rtis e m e n ts an d be led to t h in k y o u c a n g e t tho b e st m ade, fin est fin ish e d an d

Most Popular{o r a m e re song. S e c to it th a t v.ou b u y ' fro m re lia b le m a n u ­

f a c t u r e r s th a t h a v o g a in e d a re p u ta tio n b y honest an d sq u a re d e a lin g , y o u w il l th e n g e t a S e w in g M a c h in e th a t is pote d th e w o rld o v e r fo r, it s d u r a - ’ b ilit v . Y o u w a n t the ono th a t is e a sie s t to m a n a g e an d is

Light RunningT h e re Is no n e in tho w o rld that c a n e q u a l In m e c h a n ica l con­stru ctio n , d u r a b ilit y o f w o rk in g

fiarts, fin en ess of finish, beau ty n a p p e a ra n ce , o r h a s a s m a n y '

im p ro v e m e n ts as the


N e w H o m e

I t h a s A u to m a tic T e n s io n , D o u ble Feed, a lik e vn both s id e s of n e e d le IpatentecO ^o other h as i t ; N ow S tan d {patented ) ,d r iv in g w h eel hinge d on a d ju s ta b le c p n te is, th u s re d u c in g fr ic t io n to th e m in im um .


OttASQB, MABB. Boston, Mabb. 28 Utnox Square, X. Y C iu c a o o .Ill. 8T. Locib, Mo. IUixap. Texas.

Ban FttASCistO, C'At. AIXA.vrA, Ua.FOH SALE BY

Hew Livery & Boarding StableMain Avenue Gates,


All kinds of fashionable turnouts to nlre special accommodationsforStniw Hidlngnur- tics; closed carriages for fuucmlsund weddingB llranch Ofllees—w . II. lieegle, and Captain Italnear’s Tent House.T elephone 2 lb M . E. SEX TO N


159 Main Street, A S R U ItY P A R K , IV. J .

(S. 1j. Deefle &; Co’s. Old Stand.)

Largest Diij and Fanci] l|ood?

Hou$8: in flew Js^eiJ, •

Bee Hive,;Newark ^ ¿ B E g H i V E :

Ltniosf Prices.

.Physician^ presenjjtiona carefully com­pounded. The Coldest Soda, drawn

from tlie largest fountain in the eity . .“ Only the Finest .Syrups used.,)

Flannel Wear.Canton l-'htiiurl Drawi-rs, of >iO<»l tjiiallty—

bh’nehed,- hand madr InitimihoU-s, sl/.os ■ from Jto lOyivns old. vnhie 2-V.,nl 15c-Children’s Nljiiit hmweiy, ‘ made of a good

nimlliy blt-uiOH-if uiiilou Kinnriel, worked buttonhiiles. m/<-s from to 1- years old;

. value otk* , at 3 0 cOniJng Flannel Night tiowns for ladles, Moth­

er Hubbard style, full length and width, high balloon sleeves, viiltie^l.i) ut 8 9 c

Canton Flannel llniwers for ladies, goodqiial* Itv, trlmnu-d.:w.Mh emnbrle ruJlJe, value,

. oUe., at 3 9 cF.mbrtddercd Flunnels for skirts, wiilte and

eoloted. from il.T.’i a yard down.to 7 5 c Can loti Flannel Dmwvrs for children,' good .'qualify, blenched. worUed.imt ton holes, trim­

med with neat entbtoldered edge, sl/.es from J to 10years old, raJtii*.r«!., at 2 5 c

Children’s Night Drawers, made of good dual­ity eoiored ouftng flannel,, worked bun on. holes Sl/.vs .ftoni i! to 11) years »»id, value ttje., nt *. • 4 9 c

JjtditV Knit Underskirts, fancy striped and . and plain eo:i»r, yulue «Vie., at - 3 9 c

Woolen Waists.Oating Flannel Waists, for. ladles, in tan

brown and gray mixture, made-with big sleeves, yoke back, full iron I, splendid value nt , 4 8 c

All-Wool Waists for ladles.tlaunel aud tricots* ureut big sleeve*, yoke. back, ptill' trontK' turn down .collar, edmrs, imvy, black and cardinal, value jl.i&iut 9 5 c

Flannel Waists-f«»r ladles, ilnrsl, til navy, bliiek and cardinal, made w ith extra full sleeve, plait hack, pulf fr<»nc, elreuhryokc, ejreet.of wmtaeln* J*mld, a real pretty waist, v a l u e f J , a t - $1 . 69

All NVool Flannel Waists f«»r ladles, deep sal* lor collar, box pbilte-.l from, large sleeves, collar, eittls-.aud plea! irlmme«l with tine brabl, colors, bluett« . navy and cardinal,.

• value S’JJjO. at $ 1 .9 5

M ail »»rders earefill ly filled on d a y o f receip t. N o A gen is o r lim ite li s to re s .

L . S . P l a u t & C o . ,707 to 721 Broad Street,

Newark, N. J.


Xe«- York anti liisr liraiidi

^ceam boai; Compaq;},One Boat Daily, Except Sunday,

• On and after Oelober 10th.Leaving Branchport, - - 7 .00. a. m.Leaving Rockwell Avenue, - 7.20 a. m. Leaving New York, Jan¿ St., . 2.00 p.'m*Leaving New Vork, Battery, -. 3.15 p. in.Connections made vJa N. Y. i L; II. K. It. at KockweU avenue IJiiullng. Tmnsfer Coach

meets tmius leaving Asbury .Park at tUSn. in., at Long Brunch Station for

■ Morning Boat. . ■ ' <Tickets including Tmnsfer Coupon, .for sale

nt O. H. Tompkins Stationery Sidre, No. 2i Pilgrim • Pathway, Ocean • Grove; Theodore Beringer, Asbury Avenue Pavilion, Asbury Park. Baggage and Freight called fornt low­est nites by Keith’s Express Company.

C. W . K EL SO , Agent.

M iiiii a Clear CONSCIENCE.The Work of. the

8 16 Cookman A ve., Asbury Park«

Need anv m ote be ?aid ? Yes ; the pro- et'ss is Anti-Button Bursting, Anti-.

Kipping and Anti-Aiigravfttmir. Yours, for cleanlinci*’.«, .


■ R-I-P-A-N-S

The modern stand­ard Family Medi- tine: Cures the common every-day ills of humanity.• T M D l^ ^ k

' 0MARtt

George All. Bennett, i P K I N T I N C i

IN A L L IT S B R A N C H E SLook aox 2132-, j)cean ¿rove; N. j.


® P e o p l e ’s o S t o r e , }&-

6 3 0 -6 2 2 C o o k m a n A v e n u e ;« R S B U R Y P H R K , N - J.K-

D on’t I’a il to ¡Vole I’ rices in om- W im lo w s H vcryU iiitg for vvcrylio ily at liarit tiiuc p riw s,

O C E A N G R O V E S A L E— - A T -------


O C T O B E R 1 9 A N D 2 1 . 1 8 9 5 .

J u s t r e c e i v e d a l a r g e a n d b e a u t i f u l l i n e o f

Fall a£d W inter D ress Goods.DO NOT FAIL TO SEE THEM.

DRY GOODS and DOMESTICS. ■“oflOO Yards Fine English Outing Flannel at .....................iCents worth 8 CentsoOOO Yards Fine English Oulinir Flannel at . . . - . • . . . ( » “ .* “ 12

10000 Yards New Fall Style o f Calicos at' ........................ . . 4 • «- . *< • 0 , “ •5000 Yards Fine Dress Oiiniiimius a t ..................... . . '. . . .5 ** 10 “TtOOO Yards Fine Apron Ginghams a t .. . . . . . . , ' . . 4A “ *' K “5000 Yards 4*4 Muslin a t . . . . . . . . . 4A “• .S.;, “ .oOOO Yards 4-4 Muslin, saniecountae Fruit o f the Ixiotn . . u '* 10 “ ,

G reat Specialties in Ladies’ and. Children’s Underwear.:10 dozen Ijtdies’ Heavy Hibbcd and Plain TTnder Vests, .15 Cents worth 25'Cents HO dozen Ladies’H e a v y Hibbcd ami Plain UndOr Vests, ‘21 Cents worth 50 Cents 50 tlozOn Childs and blisses, half "Wool Vests, No. J0, 7 ots j iio , 38.1) ets.; No. 20,

11 eis.j No. 122, 12.\cts.; No. 24, 14 ets.’; No. 20,-10 ets. Qreat Bargains.50 .dozen Mens’ i Ieavj* Undershirts ntul Drawers, a t - 20 Cents Worth 50. Cents

Special in Ladies’ and Misses

F i LL A p D W I I T E I ( d A p E 0 U O A T p .

A l l N e w a n d L a t e s t S t y l e s .

GREAT SPEC IAL SHOE SALE.2o0 pairs Ladies’ Don gola, Patent Tip, a t . . . . . . . . . . SSe , worth $1.00250 pairs Ladies’ DongoJa, Patent Tips, a t . . . . . . . . . . . . llllc., worth $1.25 U100 pairs Ijii’.ies’ Dongola, Patent'lips, a t . . . . . . . . . . ; $1.49, worth $2.00 1000 pairs I Julies* Donfiola, Patent Tins, at . . . . . . . ; . . . $2.00,'.'worth $2.50 • 500 pair.? Children’s Dongoht, Patent lip s, 1» to 11, a t . . . . . . <>5e., worth $1.00 500 pairs Mieses Dontroia, .Patent Tips, 11 to 2, at * * . . . ; . . SOe., worth $1.25

A HANDSOHE P R E S E N T W IT H E V E R Y PA IR . l i v e r y l ’a i r 1 V (irra n ted .

Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloths, Rugs, Etc.1000 Yards o f Ingrain Carpet a t . ........................ . . . . 10 Cents worth 35 Cents1000 Yards o f Ingrain Carpets a t . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 “ “ 45. “ •1000 Yards o f all Wool, Kxtra Super Inm-aiti Carpet. . .50. “ “ 09 “Alexander Smith & Son’s best quality Mociuette Carpet at .00 u 44 $1.25

" 7 : B L Z i T C T T S . ‘ " "

500 pa}»-» Blankets a t . . . . . . . . , . . . . .- . . . . 50 Cents, worth 75 Cents 500 pairs Blankets a t . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 5 “ • . “ $1.00500 pairs Bln nkets a t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 “ $1.50

25 Men’s Suits at $4.49, worth $8.00 . I 50 Boy’s Suits at $2.40 worth $4.00a 25 Men’s ' Suits at $5 .49, worth $10 .00. |.50 Boy’s, Fine Suits at $2.90 worth $5.0

• 50 Boy’s Suits at $2.1G, worth $0.00.

G C. Clayton’s Emporium,M a i n A v e n u e , O c e a n G r o v e , N . J .

1LAOTKIL TMIILI, (BEMKTE]1¥T w o and a h a lf m iles W es t o f A sb u ry P a rk , N . J .

M > = m SAILUSa ' FISIKDIESg § 3(0 T ® ® g©0 fjiiif.es, 1(1x12 and 16x10 fcut.

Full in form ation upon application to • CLAUDE V. GUERIN, President,

Appleby Building, * Asbury Park, N. J.

■’ROBERT M. WORTHINGTON, Manager,Aslmvy Avenue, West Astmry I’nrk, N. J.

or W. 11. BEEGbB, -IS Main Avenue, Occan Grove. :

A n d .-s t a g s m i w E . .Is th e o ldest established lin e in Ocean Grove and A s­

bury Park, Special facilities lor th e prom pt and careful han d lin g of all k in d s o f Furniture, Pianos, Boilers and Safes. Sn ipping tags furnished free, Storage for all kinds o i /roods . Separate Com partm ents. Each individual fur­nished 'with k ey .;

• 4JACOB STILES-^-O f i ic es:— N o! 702 MattiBCii Avcnuo, Railroad Depot, Asbury Park; Corlies

Avoiiuo, WeBt Grove; No. 4.6 Main Avenuo, opposite AsEooiatioo Office, Oeean Grove. P ost Office B o z 669 , Asbury Park, N. J.

‘ ‘ X J p r B U I< k h i c h C o a l a S p e c i a l t y . "

COAL, WOOD and CHARCOAL.X n y in you r w in te r co a l n ow a n il save m oney, P os­

it iv e liie t! C all a t o u r yard an il in vestiga te . € o a l kept iin«lcr cover a n il w e ll screen ed Iieioi-c d elivery . A ll sizes o f P in e an il Oak W ood . M ail orders receive prom pt a tten tio n Look r.s up. at 7 » South M ain Street.