: Mrs Tara Hulonce abn Direct Deposit: Bundarra Primary ... · Over time, increase this to 5, 8...

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Transcript of : Mrs Tara Hulonce abn Direct Deposit: Bundarra Primary ... · Over time, increase this to 5, 8...

TERM 4 2019

Monday 14th Oct – 16th Dec Junior Swimming Program

Monday 11th November Sporting Schools – participating students to be picked up at 4:30

Next School Banking Day

Wednesday 13th November Zooper Dooper Day – 50c

Friday 15th November SRC PJ & Milkshake Day

Monday 18th November First Foundation 2020 Transition session 2pm.

Friday 22nd November Report writing Day – No students to attend school

Monday 25th November Second Foundation 2020 Transition session 2pm.

Tuesday 26th November School Council – 7pm

Thursday 28th November Colour Run

Monday 2nd December Third Foundation 2020 Transition session 2pm

Tuesday 10th December Statewide Transition event, Foundation and Year 7 2020.

Wednesday 18th December Grade 6 Graduation – 1:15pm

Friday December 20th Last Day Term Four – 2:15pm dismissal

Principal: Mrs Tara Hulonce abn: 21 860 290 195

m: Po Box 736 Portland 3305 e: bundarra.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au

w: www.bundarraps.vic.edu.au p: 03 5523 4122 f: 03 5521 7355

Direct Deposit: Bundarra Primary School BSB: 063536 Acc: 00901409

Children are not actively supervised at school until 8:30am.

Week 5 Term 4 Thursday 7th November 2019

Ms Belinda

Mrs Pratt Chase DeBono

Konnar Johnstone & Curtis Rowbottom

Laura Husson Xavier Oborne

& Jack Lipscombe Jayla Ryan

Spencer Middleton Zahra Nancarrow

Respect Teamwork Support


Flynn is a deserving Super

Student because he has

continued to challenge himself

academically throughout the

year. Flynn works exceptionally

hard in class and he

consistently seeks feedback on

his learning. Flynn will ask

relevant questions if he is

unsure and loves to learn new

things, particularly during our

maths program. As a leader of

our school, Flynn has put his

hand up for numerous sporting

events and tackles each task

with a positive attitude. You

have an extremely bright

future, Flynn.

What an amazing year Seb

has had. Seb always displays

our schools key values and it

has been an absolute joy

seeing him grow in both

confidence and resilience in

and out of the classroom.

Seb displays a real give it a

go attitude towards his

learning and he should be

extremely proud of all the

achievements he has made

this year. You are a fantastic

role model for 5/6G and I

know you will continue

working hard going into

grade 6.

A new student to our school

at the start of 2019, but it is as

though Daniel has always

been here. Daniel

consistently upholds our

schools key values and he is

a friendly and supportive

friend. Daniel seeks

feedback on his learning

and he wants to know where

he can improve and what he

can do next. Daniel

completes his work to an

exceptionally high standard

and regularly shares his ideas

and opinions. You have

achieved so much this year,

keep up the great work!


Indiana is a diligent student who

always strives to do her best. She

embraces new learning

experiences and relishes a

challenge. She completes each

and every task to a high standard.

She is not deterred by setbacks and

learns from her mistakes.

Indiana it is a privilege to have you

in 3/4M! You are one very deserving

super student!

Xavier is a highly motivated

student who always strives to do

his best. He tackles every task

with an unrivalled enthusiasm

and is incredibly eager to accept

additional work. Xavier is a

friendly and courteous student

who is always ready and willing to

assist others who ask for his help.

He consistently makes good

choices and is an example to

other students.

Well done Xavier! Keep up the

good work!

Notes from Mrs Hulonce…

Portland Bay School Buildings-

The process for removing these facilities has

begun in earnest this week. On Monday, 11th

November we will have cranes in operation in

the front car park, removing some of the first

structures. The trucks and cranes will be using

the front entry gate for both entry and exits

throughout the day.


This will mean that parking and student drop offs

will be disrupted. Quick drop off in the morning

will be necessary, using the main entry and exit

gates as normal.

For student collection, we recommend parents

use the rear carpark (entry at the bottom of the

Fawthrop Street hill). If this is not possible, quick

collections in the afternoon will be necessary,

using the main entry and exit gates as normal.

Staff will be on duty as normal to assist and

ensure safety of all.

2020 Planning-

We are now creating class groupings for 2020.

Our Consultative Committee have determined

grade structures- 9 classes with an aim for

numbers less than 21 in each grade. We believe

in making the best use of our human resources

(and fabulous staff) to maximize student

learning opportunities. Staffing process results

will be announced when confirmed.

All students are being asked once again to

name four friends they would like to be in a

class with and we will use the usual computer

software process to form class lists. We have a

School Council approved class formation policy

which guides this process. This is a last call for

any parents with requests to come to the office

by 8th November. Thank you.

Remembrance Day-

A small ceremony will be held at Bundarra at

10.50am on Monday. We will have students

representing us at the Portland event also. Lest

we forget.

Grade 6 Netbooks-

These will be collected in the final weeks of term

4, so we can prepare them for use in secondary

school in 2020. We encourage families to start

thinking about saving data to external storage,

such as flash/ USB drives, as all will be wiped

during this process.

Have fun!


1. Slow down

2. Say thank you

3. Smile

4. Take a deep breath

5. Compliment someone

6. Appreciate small things

7. Focus on awesomeness

8. Notice three things you are grateful for

right now – in this moment

Gratitude is a practice which

reminds us to be grateful for all

the things we have in our lives.

It helps us focus on the positive

parts of our lives and can

change our outlook when we

realise how many things we

have to be thankful for. We all

have something to be thankful

for if we look hard enough!

Gratitude is not always

automatic - it takes practice!

But if we show persistence we

can develop an attitude of


Go Online -



Begin a gratitude diary; write 3

things each day you are grateful

for. Over time, increase this to 5, 8

then 10 things each day. This can

be as simple as appreciating the

clothes on your back or for the

sunshine. Notice how you feel

after writing in your diary – do you

feel calm? Content? Happy?

Well done Haylie

Disher on

completing the


program last


It’s that time of year

again when we start

asking for donations for

our Christmas Raffle! Any

donations will be happily

accepted at the office!

Toys, Food, Christmas

Goodies, Games, Books,

anything you would love

to win!


Available every

Wednesday lunchtime

for 50cents each!

Bundarra Primary School Lunch Order Menu

Hot Food

Roast Chicken, Lamb or Beef Gravy

Roll- $5.50

Vegie Burger (Lettuce, Tomato,

Cheese and Mayo)- $5.50

Lasagne- $3.20

Spag Bol- $3.20

Hawaiian Pizza- $3.00

Steamed Dim Sim- $1.20

Baked Bean Jaffle- $3.00

Homemade Soup (Pumpkin, Veg or

Chicken and Corn) - $2.50

Salad Rolls

Roast beef, chicken, ham, corn beef.

(Lettuce, tomato, beetroot, cheese,

carrot)- $6.50


Vegemite Sandwich- $2.00

Lunch Pack

Vegemite or cheese roll, Cheese stick,

Sultanas, apple or banana- $5.50

Meat & Salad Bowl

(Your choice of meat, boiled egg,

carrot sticks, mini tomatoes and

cheese- $5.50


Apple or Blueberry muffin- $2.50

Biscuits and cheese- $2.50

Popcorn- $1.00

Yoghurt- $2.50

Fresh fruit- $1.50


Nippy’s Milk (choc, strawberry or

honeycomb)- $2.80

Golden circle fruit drink Orange,

Orange mango, sunshine punch,

apple)- $2.00

Please make sure you write your

order clearly on a paper bag with

your child’s name and class along

with the correct money. Orders are

to go in the lunch order tub in your

child’s class room.

Lunch orders are available every Thursday and Friday.

Short Street Takeaway and Cakes. 80 Short Street Portland. 5521 1021

In three easy steps you can order your child’s

Subway lunch online:

1. Sign Up at www.subsforyou.com

2. Register your Student (Select

Bundarra as Teachers Last Name)

3. Cut off time for orders is

7:30am on the day of the

lunch day. (If you could order the

day before, that would be great.)