¸ÉÒ MÉhɶÉÉªÉ xɨÉ: Y - assets.clickastro.com · Star Lord : Chandra Ganam, Yoni,...

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Transcript of ¸ÉÒ MÉhɶÉÉªÉ xɨÉ: Y - assets.clickastro.com · Star Lord : Chandra Ganam, Yoni,...

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�¸ÉÒ MÉhÉä¶ÉÉªÉ xɨÉ:

YYYYHoroscope of Rajinikanth

Prepared using Astro-Vision LifeSign Software.Licensee: Astro-Vision Futuretech Pvt.Ltd.




~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~For the welfare of the mother and the child

For the growth of the family happinessTo follow the ancient virtuous practices

The horoscope is written

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Astro-Vision LifeSign Horoscope Panchanga Predictions

Name : Rajinikanth [Male]

Om Sri

During Dakshinayana period; with Jupiter in Kumbha rasi and Saturn in Kanya rasi; on 1950 December 12 Tuesday at 14 Ghati (Nazhika) 48 Vinazhika After sunset; in Second Pada of Star Shravana; Suklapaksha Chathurthy Thidhi, Bhadra(Vishti) Karana and Vyagha ta Nithya Yoga; with Moon in Makara rasi and

Vrishabha Navamsa; in Simha Lagna and Ending Drekkana; the Boy is born.

Weekday : Tuesday

Birth on a Tuesday indicates that you show your anger without hesitation. You may enjoy adventurous sports. Youdo not mind changing your words or decisions. You have the energy to go after your goals and achieve results.

Birth Star : Shravana

You have a distinctive and commanding personality. Your words and actions demonstrate your innate nobility. Butoften others do not treat you in the manner in which you feel you should be treated. You are not willing to wanderthrough life aimlessly. You are adamant about your needs and you try to achieve them by whatever means possible.However, you will maintain your principles. You appear tough and uncaring, but the seriousness is only external.Those who are close to you recognize the difference between your social and private persona. There will be markedfluctuations in your periods of good and bad luck. If you are displeased by any situation, you voice your concerns,sometimes ignoring the feelings of those around you. Despite your seeming lack of concern for others, you arewilling to sacrifice yourself for the betterment of your family. You have a deep desire to help others. You are proneto secretive worries; however, you will lead a good life. Although there may be disappointments, you will ultimatelyfind peace with the person you love.

Thidhi (Lunar Day) : Chathurthy

Since you are born in CHATHURTHY THIDHI, your contradictory nature is evident. You have a talent for argumentand discussion. This talent may be used to your advantagge.

Karanam : Bhadra(Vishti)

Since you are born in Bhadra (Vishti) Karana, you tend to be quick tempered. Your strict approach to some lifesituations may make you look heartless in the eyes of your friends and relatives. You are always ready to shoulderresponsibilities.

Nithya Yoga : Vyaghata

A quick temper is one of the negative effects of VYAGHATHA NITHYAYOGA. You may seem intimidating tothose around you. People are wary of your changing moods. Your plans change according to your whims. There issomething distinctive about your eyes. You are generally well liked.

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Astro-Vision LifeSign Horoscope [LifeSign]

Name : RajinikanthSex : MaleDate of Birth : 12 December, 1950 TuesdayTime of Birth (Hr.Min.Sec) : 11:49:00 PM Standard TimeTime Zone (Hrs.Mins) : 05:30 East of GreenwichPlace of Birth : BangaloreLongitude & Latitude (Deg.Mins) : 77.34 East , 12.58 NorthAyanamsa : Chitra Paksha = 23 Deg. 10 Min. 20 Sec.Birth Star - Star Pada (Quarter) : Shravana - 2 Birth Rasi - Rasi Lord : Makara - SaniLagna (Ascendant) - Lagna Lord : Simha - SuryaThidhi (Lunar Day) : Chathurthy, Suklapaksha Sunrise (Hrs.Mins) : 06:32 AM Standard TimeSunset (Hrs.Mins) : 05:54 PM '' '' Dinamana (Hrs. Mins) : 11.22Dinamana (Nazhika.Vinazhika) : 28.25Local Mean Time (LMT) : Standard Time - 20 Min.Astrological Day of Birth : TuesdayKalidina Sankhya : 1845162Dasa System : Vimshottari, Years = 365.25 Days Star Lord : ChandraGanam, Yoni, Animal : Deva, Male, MonkeyBird, Tree : Cock, Maddar PlantChandra Avastha : 4 / 12Chandra Vela : 11 / 36Chandra Kriya : 18 / 60Dagda Rasi : Vrishabha,KumbhaKaranam : Bhadra(Vishti)Nithya Yoga : VyaghataRasi of Sun - Star Position : Vrischika - JyeshtaPosition of Angadityan : FaceZodiac sign (Western System) : Sagittarius Yogi Point - Yogi Star : 254:11:27 - PurvashadaYogi Planet : ShukraDuplicate Yogi : GuruAvayogi Star - Planet : Purvabhadra - GuruAtma Karaka (Soul) - Karakamsa : Surya - MeenaAmatya Karaka (Intellect/Mind) : BudhaLagna Aruda (Pada) / Thanu : KumbhaDhana Aruda (Pada) : Meena Sayana Longitude of PlanetsThe longitude of planets including that of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are given as per western method of calculation.

Your ZODIAC sign as per WESTERN system is Sagittarius

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Planet Longitude Planet LongitudeDeg:Min:Sec Deg:Min:Sec

Lagnam 163:23:57 Jupiter 331:27:55 Moon 307:2:9 Saturn 181:32:26 Sun 260:9:58 Uranus 98:9:55 RetroMercury 280:16:22 Neptune 199:5:55 Venus 267:11:37 Pluto 139:45:23 RetroMars 297:57:46 Node 353:48:15

NIRAYANA longitudes of planets, which is the basis of calculations in the Indian system are derived from theSAYANA values shown above. All the charts, calculations and analysis following this are based on Indian PredictiveAstrology.

Nirayana Longitude of Planets

The Indian system of astrology is based on the nirayana longitude planets, which is obtained by subtracting theayanamsa value from the sayana longitudes, calculated as per western system.

There are different basis for calculating ayanamsa. The method selected here is :Chitra Paksha = 23Deg.10 Min.20 Sec.

Planet Longitude Rasi Long. in Rasi Star PadaDeg:Min:Sec Deg:Min:Sec

Lagnam 140:13:36 Simha 20:13:36 Purvaphalguni 3Chandra 283:51:49 Makara 13:51:49 Shravana 2 Surya 236:59:37 Vrischika 26:59:37 Jyeshta 4 Budha 257:6:1 Dhanu 17:6:1 Purvashada 2 Shukra 244:1:16 Dhanu 4:1:16 Moola 2 Kuja 274:47:26 Makara 4:47:26 Uttarashada 3 Guru 308:17:35 Kumbha 8:17:35 Satabhisha 1 Sani 158:22:6 Kanya 8:22:6 Utaraphalguni 4 Rahu 330:37:54 Meena 0:37:54 Purvabhadra 4 Ketu 150:37:54 Kanya 0:37:54 Utaraphalguni 2 Maandi 69:13:14 Mithuna 9:13:14 Ardra 1

Star Lord / Sub-Lord / Sub-Sub-Lord Charts

Planet Star Star Lord Sub Sub-Sub Lord Lord

Lagnam Purvaphalguni Shukra Guru GuruChandra Shravana Chandra Rahu KujaSurya Jyeshta Budha Guru ShukraBudha Purvashada Shukra Chandra ShukraShukra Moola Ketu Chandra GuruKuja Uttarashada Surya Sani RahuGuru Satabhisha Rahu Rahu SuryaSani Utaraphalguni Surya Shukra ChandraRahu Purvabhadra Guru Kuja RahuKetu Utaraphalguni Surya Rahu ShukraMaandi Ardra Rahu Guru Budha

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Nirayana Longitudes (Summary) ( Deg. Min. Sec. )

Planet Rasi Longitude Star/Pada Planet Rasi Longitude Star/Pada

Lagnam Simha 20:13:36 Purvaphalguni / 3 Guru Kumbha 8:17:35 Satabhisha / 1 Chandra Makara 13:51:49 Shravana / 2 Sani Kanya 8:22:6 Utaraphalguni / 4 Surya Vrischika 26:59:37 Jyeshta / 4 Rahu Meena 0:37:54 Purvabhadra / 4 Budha Dhanu 17:6:1 Purvashada / 2 Ketu Kanya 0:37:54 Utaraphalguni / 2 Shukra Dhanu 4:1:16 Moola / 2 Maandi Mithuna 9:13:14 Ardra / 1 Kuja Makara 4:47:26 Uttarashada / 3



Sat KetSunMer Ven

Moo Mar




11:49:00 PM Rasi

Longitude -77.34Latitude +12.58

Moo Ven


MerLagJup Maa



Sun Sat


Dasa balance at birth = Chandra 7 Years, 1 Months, 6 DaysSpecial Rasi Chakra




Moo13:51:49 Mar4:47:26)




11:49:00 PM Rasi

Longitude -77.34Latitude +12.58

? Retrograde ) Exalted ( Debilitated ; CombustNavamsa: Moo::Vrishabha Sun::Meena Mer::Kanya Ven::Vrishabha Mar::KumbhaJup::Dhanu Sat::Meena Rah::Karkata Ket::Makara Lag::Tula Maa::DhanuDasa balance at birth = Chandra 7 Years, 1 Months, 6 Days

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Ket Lag

SatSun VenMer Mar


Jup Rah

Bhava Chart

Bhava Table

Bhava Arambha Madhya Anthya PlanetsBeginning Middle EndingDeg:Min:Sec Deg:Min:Sec Deg:Min:Sec Located in Bhava

1 125:24:43 140:13:36 155:24:43 Ket 2 155:24:43 170:35:51 185:46:58 Sat 3 185:46:58 200:58:5 216:9:13 4 216:9:13 231:20:20 246:9:13 Sun,Ven 5 246:9:13 260:58:5 275:46:58 Mer,Mar 6 275:46:58 290:35:51 305:24:43 Moo 7 305:24:43 320:13:36 335:24:43 Jup,Rah 8 335:24:43 350:35:51 5:46:58 9 5:46:58 20:58:5 36:9:13 10 36:9:13 51:20:20 66:9:13 11 66:9:13 80:58:5 95:46:58 Maa12 95:46:58 110:35:51 125:24:43

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Sudarshana Chakra

12 3










10Moo Mar11





2 3Maa




Sat Ket




9Mer Ven

10Moo Mar









6Sat Ket





Mer Ven

10Moo Mar




Moo = Chandra Sun = Surya Mer = BudhaVen = Shukra Mar = Kuja Jup = GuruSat = Sani Rah = Rahu Ket = Ketu


Corresponding to each planet, a sub-planet (Upagraha) is calculated. The sub planets of Moon, Venus, Mars, Rahuand Ketu are based on the longitude of the Sun as follows.

Dhumadi Group of Sub-Planets

Planet Upagraha Method of Calculation

Mars Dhuma Longitude of Sun + 133 Deg. 20 Min.Rahu Vyatipata (Pata) 360 - DhumaMoon Parivesh (Paridhi) 180 + Vyatipata (Pata)Venus Indrachapa (Kodanda) 360 - Parivesh (Paridhi)Ketu Upaketu Indrachapa (Kodanda) + 16 Deg. 40 Min.

The sub-planets of Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and an additional sub-planet of Mars are calculated based on thedivision of day or night into eight equal parts.

The first part belongs to the lord of the day, followed by the remaining lords of the week in cyclic order. The eightpart is lordless.In the case of birth at night, out of the eight equal parts, the first seven are allotted to the lords of theplanets starting from the 5th. weekday.

Two different methods are popularly adopted for finding the longitude.In the first method an ascendant is calculatedfor the beginning of the period ruled by the planet. In the second method, the end of the period is taken.

In the case of Gulika, the sub-planet of Saturn, a third method is also available to calculate the longitude of thedhumadi group of subplanets based on fixed values of rise time as given below.The value calculated thus is termedMAANDI in Astro-Vision Horoscope and presented along with the principal planets in the Rasi Chart.

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Days Birth during day Birth during night

Sunday 26 Ghati (Nazhika) 10 Ghati (Nazhika) Monday 22 6Tuesday 18 2Wednesday 14 26Thursday 10 22Friday 6 18Saturday 2 14

Gulikadi group

Method selected : Ascendant at period start

Planet Upagraha Period start Period End

Sun Kala 19:28:48 21:3:33Mercury Ardhaprahara 0:13:3 1:47:48Mars Mrityu 22:38:18 0:13:3Jupiter Yamakantaka 1:47:48 3:22:33Saturn Gulika 17:54:3 19:28:48

Upagraha Longitudes

Upagraha Longitude Rasi Long. in Rasi Star Pada Deg:Min:Sec Deg:Min:Sec

Kala 79:17:5 Mithuna 19:17:5 Ardra 4Ardhaprahara 146:9:49 Simha 26:9:49 Purvaphalguni 4 Mrityu 123:3:5 Simha 3:3:5 Makha 1Yamakantaka 169:39:45 Kanya 19:39:45 Hasta 3Gulika 57:30:21 Vrishabha 27:30:21 Mrigasira 2Parivesh 169:40:22 Kanya 19:40:22 Hasta 3Indrachapa 190:19:37 Tula 10:19:37 Swati 2Vyatipata 349:40:22 Meena 19:40:22 Revati 1Upaketu 206:59:37 Tula 26:59:37 Vishakha 3Dhuma 10:19:37 Mesha 10:19:37 Aswini 4

Star Lord / Sub-Lord / Sub-Sub-Lord Charts of Upagrahas

Upagraha Star Star Lord Sub Sub-Sub Lord Lord

Kala Ardra Rahu Kuja RahuArdhaprahara Purvaphalguni Shukra Ketu ChandraMrityu Makha Ketu Surya ChandraYamakantaka Hasta Chandra Budha SaniGulika Mrigasira Kuja Guru ChandraParivesh Hasta Chandra Ketu KetuIndrachapa Swati Rahu Guru RahuVyatipata Revati Budha Shukra ShukraUpaketu Vishakha Guru Shukra SuryaDhuma Aswini Ketu Sani Shukra

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Dhu Gul Kal




Yam ParInd Upk



Kal = Kala Ard = ArdhapraharaMrt = Mrityu Yam = YamakantakaGul = Gulika Par = PariveshInd = Indrachapa Vya = VyatipataUpk = Upaketu Dhu = Dhuma

Karakas (Jaimini System)

Karaka Planet

1 Atma Karaka (Soul) Surya Karakamsa: Meena 2 Amatya Karaka (Intellect/Mind) Budha 3 Bhratri (Siblings) Chandra 4 Matri (Mother) Sani 5 Putra (Children) Guru 6 Gnati (Collateral relatives) Kuja 7 Dara (Spouse) Shukra

Aruda / Padas (Jaimini System)

Code Aruda / Pada Rasi

P 1 Lagna Aruda (Pada) / Thanu Kumbha P 2 Dhana Aruda (Pada) Meena P 3 Vikrama/Bhatru Pada Kumbha P 4 Matru/Sukha Pada Meena P 5 Mantra/Putra Pada Mesha P 6 Roga/Satru Pada Vrishabha P 7 Dara/Kalatra/Sthree Pada Mesha P 8 Mrutyu/Marana/Ayu Pada Makara P 9 Pitru/Bhagya/Dharma Pada Tula P 10 Karma/Rajya Pada Karkata P 11 Labha/Aya Pada Mithuna P 12 Vyaya/Upa Pada Karkata

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P5 P7 P6 P11

P10 P12




P1 P3

P2 P4

Aruda Chakra

Shodasavarga Table

Lag Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Rah Ket Maa

Rasi 5 10: 8: 9 9 10: 11 6: 12: 6: 3Hora 4: 4: 5 4: 5 4: 5 4: 4: 4: 5Drekkana 1 2: 4: 1 9 10: 11 6: 12: 6: 3Chathurthamsa 11 1 5 3 9 10: 2: 9 12: 6: 6:Saptamsa 9 7 8: 12: 9 5 12: 1 6: 12: 5Navamsa 7 2: 12: 6: 2: 11 9 12: 4: 10: 9Dasamsa 11 10: 12: 2: 10: 7 1 4: 8: 2: 6:Dwadasamsa 1 3 6: 3 10: 11 2: 9 12: 6: 6:Shodasamsa 3 8: 7 6: 11 3 9 1 9 9 1Vimsamsa 10: 10: 2: 4: 7 4: 2: 10: 5 5 11Chathurvimsamsa 9 3 1 6: 8: 7 11 10: 4: 4: 12:Bhamsa 7 4: 10: 4: 4: 8: 2: 11 10: 4: 3Trimsamsa 3 12: 8: 9 1 2: 11 6: 2: 2: 11Khavedamsa 3 1 6: 11 6: 1 12: 6: 7 7 1Akshavedamsa 11 9 9 10: 3 8: 5 9 9 9 10:Shashtiamsa 9 1 1 7 5 7 3 10: 1 7 9

Ojarasi Count 14 7 6 7 10 8 10 6 5 5 11

1-Mesha 2-Vrishabha 3-Mithuna 4-Karkata 5-Simha 6-Kanya 7-Tula 8-Vrischika 9-Dhanu 10-Makara 11-Kumbha 12-Meena

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Lords of Shodasavarga

Lag Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Rah Ket Maa

Rasi Sun =Sat +Mar =Jup =Jup =Sat =Sat +Mer ~Jup ~Mer MerHora Moo ^Moo ^Sun ~Moo ~Sun +Moo +Sun ~Moo =Moo =Moo SunDrekkana Mar =Ven +Moo =Mar =Jup =Sat =Sat +Mer ~Jup ~Mer MerChathurthamsa Sat =Mar ^Sun ^Mer =Jup =Sat ~Ven =Jup ~Jup ~Mer MerSaptamsa Jup =Ven +Mar =Jup =Jup +Sun ^Jup ~Mar +Mer +Jup SunNavamsa Ven =Ven +Jup ^Mer ^Ven =Sat ^Jup =Jup =Moo ~Sat JupDasamsa Sat =Sat +Jup +Ven +Sat =Ven +Mar ~Moo =Mar =Ven MerDwadasamsa Mar +Mer =Mer ^Mer +Sat =Sat ~Ven =Jup ~Jup ~Mer MerShodasamsa Mer =Mar ~Ven ^Mer +Sat ~Mer ^Jup ~Mar ~Jup +Jup MarVimsamsa Sat =Sat ~Ven ~Moo ^Ven +Moo ~Ven ^Sat ~Sun +Sun SatChathurvimsamsaJup +Mer +Mar ^Mer =Mar =Ven =Sat ^Sat =Moo =Moo JupBhamsa Ven ^Moo ~Sat ~Moo ~Moo ^Mar ~Ven ^Sat +Sat =Moo MerTrimsamsa Mer =Jup +Mar =Jup =Mar =Ven =Sat +Mer +Ven =Ven SatKhavedamsa Mer =Mar =Mer =Sat +Mer ^Mar ^Jup +Mer +Ven =Ven MarAkshavedamsa Sat =Jup +Jup =Sat +Mer ^Mar +Sun =Jup ~Jup +Jup SatShashtiamsa Jup =Mar +Mar +Ven ~Sun =Ven ~Mer ^Sat =Mar =Ven Jup

^ Own Varga + Friendly = Neutral ~ Enemy

Varga Bheda

Points are given for Swavarga (own house) and Uchavarga (exaltation)

Planets Shadvarga Saptavarga Dasavarga Shodasavarga

Chandra 3-Vyanjanamsa 3-Vyanjanamsa 3-Uttamamsa 4-NagapushpamsaSurya 1-... 1-... 2-Parijatamsa 4-NagapushpamsaBudha 2-Kimsukamsa 2-Kimsukamsa 3-Uttamamsa 5-KandukamsaShukra 1-... 1-... 1-... 2-BhedakamsaKuja 2-Kimsukamsa 2-Kimsukamsa 2-Parijatamsa 6-KeralamsaGuru 1-... 2-Kimsukamsa 3-Uttamamsa 4-NagapushpamsaSani 0- 0- 1-... 4-Nagapushpamsa

Shodasavarga Charts



Sat KetSunMer Ven

Moo Mar




Moo Mer Mar

Sat Rah Ket


Sun Ven

Jup Maa


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Mer Lag Moo Maa


Sat KetVen





Moo Jup Mer


Ket MaaVen Sat






Mar Maa

RahMooSunVen Lag





Moo Ven


MerLagJup Maa



Sun Sat


Jup Mer Ket



Moo Ven




Lag Jup Moo Mer









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Sat Maa Mar Lag







Sun Jup

Mer Mar

Rah Ket







Sun Moo

Rah Ket






Jup Maa

Moo Mer

Ven Ket


Sun Rah









Jup Maa










Rah Ket




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MarMoo Sun Sat

Rah Ket

Mer Maa











Lag Maa



Prasthara Ashtakavarga - Chandra

Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Lag TotalMesha 1 1 1 3 Vrishabha 1 1 1 1 4 Mithuna 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 Karkata 1 1 1 3 Simha 1 1 1 3 Kanya 1 1 1 1 1 5 Tula 1 1 1 1 1 5 Vrischika 1 1 1 1 4 Dhanu 1 1 2 Makara 1 1 1 1 1 5 Kumbha 1 1 1 1 1 5 Meena 1 1 1 1 4 Total 6 6 8 7 7 7 4 4 49 Prasthara Ashtakavarga - Surya

Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Lag TotalMesha 1 1 1 3 Vrishabha 1 1 1 1 1 5 Mithuna 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 Karkata 1 1 1 1 1 5 Simha 1 1 1 3 Kanya 1 1 1 1 4 Tula 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 Vrischika 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 Dhanu 1 1 1 3 Makara 1 1 2 Kumbha 1 1 1 3 Meena 1 1 2 Total 4 8 7 3 8 4 8 6 48

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Prasthara Ashtakavarga - BudhaMoo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Lag Total

Mesha 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 Vrishabha 1 1 1 3 Mithuna 1 1 1 3 Karkata 1 1 1 1 1 5 Simha 1 1 1 1 1 5 Kanya 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 Tula 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 Vrischika 1 1 1 1 4 Dhanu 1 1 1 1 4 Makara 1 1 1 1 4 Kumbha 1 1 1 1 4 Meena 1 1 1 1 4 Total 6 5 8 8 8 4 8 7 54 Prasthara Ashtakavarga - Shukra

Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Lag TotalMesha 1 1 1 1 1 5 Vrishabha 1 1 1 1 4 Mithuna 1 1 1 1 1 5 Karkata 1 1 2 Simha 1 1 1 1 4 Kanya 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 Tula 1 1 1 1 1 5 Vrischika 1 1 1 1 1 5 Dhanu 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 Makara 1 1 1 3 Kumbha 1 1 1 3 Meena 1 1 1 1 4 Total 9 3 5 9 6 5 7 8 52 Prasthara Ashtakavarga - Kuja

Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Lag TotalMesha 1 1 1 1 4 Vrishabha 1 1 1 1 4 Mithuna 1 1 1 3 Karkata 1 1 1 1 4 Simha 1 1 1 3 Kanya 1 1 2 Tula 1 1 1 1 4 Vrischika 1 1 1 1 4 Dhanu 1 1 2 Makara 1 1 1 1 4 Kumbha 1 1 2 Meena 1 1 1 3 Total 3 5 4 4 7 4 7 5 39

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Prasthara Ashtakavarga - GuruMoo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Lag Total

Mesha 1 1 1 1 1 5 Vrishabha 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 Mithuna 1 1 2 Karkata 1 1 1 3 Simha 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 Kanya 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 Tula 1 1 1 3 Vrischika 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 Dhanu 1 1 1 1 4 Makara 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 Kumbha 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 Meena 1 1 2 Total 5 9 8 6 7 8 4 9 56 Prasthara Ashtakavarga - Sani

Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Lag TotalMesha 0 Vrishabha 1 1 1 1 1 5 Mithuna 1 1 1 1 1 5 Karkata 1 1 1 3 Simha 1 1 1 3 Kanya 1 1 2 Tula 1 1 1 1 4 Vrischika 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 Dhanu 1 1 1 3 Makara 1 1 1 3 Kumbha 1 1 2 Meena 1 1 2 Total 3 7 6 3 6 4 4 6 39


Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Total

Mesha 3 3 6 5 4 5 0 26 Vrishabha 4 5 3 4 4 6 5 31 Mithuna 6 6 3 5 3 2 5 30 Karkata 3 5 5 2 4 3 3 25 Simha 3 3 5 4 3 7 3 28 Kanya 5 4 6 6 2 6 2 31 Tula 5 6 6 5 4 3 4 33 Vrischika 4 6 4 5 4 6 7 36 Dhanu 2 3 4 6 2 4 3 24 Makara 5 2 4 3 4 6 3 27 Kumbha 5 3 4 3 2 6 2 25 Meena 4 2 4 4 3 2 2 21

49 48 54 52 39 56 39 337

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Ashtakavarga Charts

3 4 6









3 5 6









6 3 3









5 4 5









4 4 3









5 6 2









0 5 5









26 31 30









Ashtakavarga - Trikona Reduction

1 0 1









0 3 3









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2 0 0









1 1 2









2 2 1









1 0 0









0 3 3









7 9 10









Ashtakavarga - Ekadipathya Reduction

0 0 1









0 0 3









2 0 0









0 1 2









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1 0 1









0 0 0









0 2 3









3 3 10









Summary Information on Vimshottari Dasa PeriodsDasa starting age (Year:Month:day) (YY:MM:DD) Kuja > 07:01:07 Rahu > 14:01:06 Guru > 32:01:07 Sani > 48:01:07 Budha > 67:01:07 Ketu > 84:01:07Shukra > 91:01:07

Details of Dasa and Bhukti (Apahara) Periods( Years = 365.25 Days )Dasa balance at birth = Chandra 7 Years, 1 Months, 6 Days

Dasa Bhukti Arambha Anthya

Moon Rahu 12-12-1950 19-12-1950Moon Jupiter 19-12-1950 19-04-1952Moon Saturn 19-04-1952 19-11-1953Moon Mercury 19-11-1953 20-04-1955Moon Ketu 20-04-1955 19-11-1955Moon Venus 19-11-1955 20-07-1957Moon Sun 20-07-1957 19-01-1958 Mars Mars 19-01-1958 17-06-1958Mars Rahu 17-06-1958 05-07-1959Mars Jupiter 05-07-1959 10-06-1960Mars Saturn 10-06-1960 20-07-1961Mars Mercury 20-07-1961 17-07-1962Mars Ketu 17-07-1962 13-12-1962Mars Venus 13-12-1962 12-02-1964Mars Sun 12-02-1964 19-06-1964Mars Moon 19-06-1964 18-01-1965 Rahu Rahu 18-01-1965 02-10-1967Rahu Jupiter 02-10-1967 24-02-1970Rahu Saturn 24-02-1970 31-12-1972Rahu Mercury 31-12-1972 20-07-1975Rahu Ketu 20-07-1975 07-08-1976Rahu Venus 07-08-1976 08-08-1979Rahu Sun 08-08-1979 01-07-1980Rahu Moon 01-07-1980 31-12-1981Rahu Mars 31-12-1981 19-01-1983

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Jupiter Jupiter 19-01-1983 08-03-1985Jupiter Saturn 08-03-1985 19-09-1987Jupiter Mercury 19-09-1987 25-12-1989Jupiter Ketu 25-12-1989 01-12-1990Jupiter Venus 01-12-1990 01-08-1993Jupiter Sun 01-08-1993 20-05-1994Jupiter Moon 20-05-1994 19-09-1995Jupiter Mars 19-09-1995 25-08-1996Jupiter Rahu 25-08-1996 19-01-1999 Saturn Saturn 19-01-1999 22-01-2002Saturn Mercury 22-01-2002 01-10-2004Saturn Ketu 01-10-2004 10-11-2005Saturn Venus 10-11-2005 09-01-2009Saturn Sun 09-01-2009 22-12-2009Saturn Moon 22-12-2009 23-07-2011Saturn Mars 23-07-2011 31-08-2012Saturn Rahu 31-08-2012 08-07-2015Saturn Jupiter 08-07-2015 19-01-2018 Mercury Mercury 19-01-2018 16-06-2020Mercury Ketu 16-06-2020 13-06-2021Mercury Venus 13-06-2021 13-04-2024Mercury Sun 13-04-2024 18-02-2025Mercury Moon 18-02-2025 20-07-2026Mercury Mars 20-07-2026 17-07-2027Mercury Rahu 17-07-2027 03-02-2030Mercury Jupiter 03-02-2030 11-05-2032Mercury Saturn 11-05-2032 19-01-2035 Ketu Ketu 19-01-2035 17-06-2035Ketu Venus 17-06-2035 16-08-2036Ketu Sun 16-08-2036 22-12-2036Ketu Moon 22-12-2036 23-07-2037Ketu Mars 23-07-2037 19-12-2037Ketu Rahu 19-12-2037 07-01-2039Ketu Jupiter 07-01-2039 14-12-2039Ketu Saturn 14-12-2039 21-01-2041Ketu Mercury 21-01-2041 19-01-2042 Venus Venus 19-01-2042 20-05-2045Venus Sun 20-05-2045 20-05-2046

The bottom line in the chart does not indicate your longivity.PARYANTHARDASA

Dasa : Budha Apahara : Ketu

1.Ket 16-06-2020 >> 07-07-2020 2.Ven 07-07-2020 >> 06-09-20203.Sun 06-09-2020 >> 24-09-2020 4.Moo 24-09-2020 >> 24-10-20205.Mar 24-10-2020 >> 14-11-2020 6.Rah 14-11-2020 >> 07-01-20217.Jup 07-01-2021 >> 25-02-2021 8.Sat 25-02-2021 >> 23-04-20219.Mer 23-04-2021 >> 13-06-2021

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Dasa : Budha Apahara : Shukra

1.Ven 13-06-2021 >> 03-12-2021 2.Sun 03-12-2021 >> 24-01-20223.Moo 24-01-2022 >> 20-04-2022 4.Mar 20-04-2022 >> 19-06-20225.Rah 19-06-2022 >> 21-11-2022 6.Jup 21-11-2022 >> 08-04-20237.Sat 08-04-2023 >> 19-09-2023 8.Mer 19-09-2023 >> 13-02-20249.Ket 13-02-2024 >> 13-04-2024

Dasa : Budha Apahara : Surya

1.Sun 13-04-2024 >> 29-04-2024 2.Moo 29-04-2024 >> 25-05-20243.Mar 25-05-2024 >> 12-06-2024 4.Rah 12-06-2024 >> 28-07-20245.Jup 28-07-2024 >> 08-09-2024 6.Sat 08-09-2024 >> 27-10-20247.Mer 27-10-2024 >> 10-12-2024 8.Ket 10-12-2024 >> 28-12-20249.Ven 28-12-2024 >> 18-02-2025

Dasa : Budha Apahara : Chandra

1.Moo 18-02-2025 >> 02-04-2025 2.Mar 02-04-2025 >> 02-05-20253.Rah 02-05-2025 >> 19-07-2025 4.Jup 19-07-2025 >> 26-09-20255.Sat 26-09-2025 >> 17-12-2025 6.Mer 17-12-2025 >> 28-02-20267.Ket 28-02-2026 >> 30-03-2026 8.Ven 30-03-2026 >> 24-06-20269.Sun 24-06-2026 >> 20-07-2026

Dasa : Budha Apahara : Kuja

1.Mar 20-07-2026 >> 10-08-2026 2.Rah 10-08-2026 >> 04-10-20263.Jup 04-10-2026 >> 21-11-2026 4.Sat 21-11-2026 >> 17-01-20275.Mer 17-01-2027 >> 10-03-2027 6.Ket 10-03-2027 >> 31-03-20277.Ven 31-03-2027 >> 30-05-2027 8.Sun 30-05-2027 >> 17-06-20279.Moo 17-06-2027 >> 17-07-2027

Dasa : Budha Apahara : Rahu

1.Rah 17-07-2027 >> 04-12-2027 2.Jup 04-12-2027 >> 06-04-20283.Sat 06-04-2028 >> 01-09-2028 4.Mer 01-09-2028 >> 11-01-20295.Ket 11-01-2029 >> 06-03-2029 6.Ven 06-03-2029 >> 08-08-20297.Sun 08-08-2029 >> 24-09-2029 8.Moo 24-09-2029 >> 10-12-20299.Mar 10-12-2029 >> 03-02-2030

Dasa : Budha Apahara : Guru

1.Jup 03-02-2030 >> 24-05-2030 2.Sat 24-05-2030 >> 02-10-20303.Mer 02-10-2030 >> 28-01-2031 4.Ket 28-01-2031 >> 17-03-20315.Ven 17-03-2031 >> 02-08-2031 6.Sun 02-08-2031 >> 12-09-20317.Moo 12-09-2031 >> 20-11-2031 8.Mar 20-11-2031 >> 08-01-20329.Rah 08-01-2032 >> 11-05-2032

Dasa : Budha Apahara : Sani

1.Sat 11-05-2032 >> 13-10-2032 2.Mer 13-10-2032 >> 02-03-20333.Ket 02-03-2033 >> 28-04-2033 4.Ven 28-04-2033 >> 09-10-20335.Sun 09-10-2033 >> 27-11-2033 6.Moo 27-11-2033 >> 17-02-20347.Mar 17-02-2034 >> 15-04-2034 8.Rah 15-04-2034 >> 10-09-20349.Jup 10-09-2034 >> 19-01-2035

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Dasa : Ketu Apahara : Ketu

1.Ket 19-01-2035 >> 28-01-2035 2.Ven 28-01-2035 >> 21-02-20353.Sun 21-02-2035 >> 01-03-2035 4.Moo 01-03-2035 >> 13-03-20355.Mar 13-03-2035 >> 22-03-2035 6.Rah 22-03-2035 >> 13-04-20357.Jup 13-04-2035 >> 03-05-2035 8.Sat 03-05-2035 >> 27-05-20359.Mer 27-05-2035 >> 17-06-2035

Dasa : Ketu Apahara : Shukra

1.Ven 17-06-2035 >> 27-08-2035 2.Sun 27-08-2035 >> 17-09-20353.Moo 17-09-2035 >> 23-10-2035 4.Mar 23-10-2035 >> 17-11-20355.Rah 17-11-2035 >> 20-01-2036 6.Jup 20-01-2036 >> 16-03-20367.Sat 16-03-2036 >> 23-05-2036 8.Mer 23-05-2036 >> 22-07-20369.Ket 22-07-2036 >> 16-08-2036

Dasa : Ketu Apahara : Surya

1.Sun 16-08-2036 >> 22-08-2036 2.Moo 22-08-2036 >> 02-09-20363.Mar 02-09-2036 >> 10-09-2036 4.Rah 10-09-2036 >> 29-09-20365.Jup 29-09-2036 >> 16-10-2036 6.Sat 16-10-2036 >> 05-11-20367.Mer 05-11-2036 >> 23-11-2036 8.Ket 23-11-2036 >> 01-12-20369.Ven 01-12-2036 >> 22-12-2036

Dasa : Ketu Apahara : Chandra

1.Moo 22-12-2036 >> 09-01-2037 2.Mar 09-01-2037 >> 21-01-20373.Rah 21-01-2037 >> 22-02-2037 4.Jup 22-02-2037 >> 22-03-20375.Sat 22-03-2037 >> 25-04-2037 6.Mer 25-04-2037 >> 25-05-20377.Ket 25-05-2037 >> 07-06-2037 8.Ven 07-06-2037 >> 12-07-20379.Sun 12-07-2037 >> 23-07-2037

Dasa : Ketu Apahara : Kuja

1.Mar 23-07-2037 >> 01-08-2037 2.Rah 01-08-2037 >> 23-08-20373.Jup 23-08-2037 >> 12-09-2037 4.Sat 12-09-2037 >> 06-10-20375.Mer 06-10-2037 >> 27-10-2037 6.Ket 27-10-2037 >> 04-11-20377.Ven 04-11-2037 >> 29-11-2037 8.Sun 29-11-2037 >> 07-12-20379.Moo 07-12-2037 >> 19-12-2037

Dasa : Ketu Apahara : Rahu

1.Rah 19-12-2037 >> 15-02-2038 2.Jup 15-02-2038 >> 07-04-20383.Sat 07-04-2038 >> 07-06-2038 4.Mer 07-06-2038 >> 31-07-20385.Ket 31-07-2038 >> 22-08-2038 6.Ven 22-08-2038 >> 25-10-20387.Sun 25-10-2038 >> 13-11-2038 8.Moo 13-11-2038 >> 15-12-20389.Mar 15-12-2038 >> 07-01-2039

Dasa : Ketu Apahara : Guru

1.Jup 07-01-2039 >> 21-02-2039 2.Sat 21-02-2039 >> 16-04-20393.Mer 16-04-2039 >> 03-06-2039 4.Ket 03-06-2039 >> 23-06-20395.Ven 23-06-2039 >> 19-08-2039 6.Sun 19-08-2039 >> 05-09-20397.Moo 05-09-2039 >> 04-10-2039 8.Mar 04-10-2039 >> 23-10-20399.Rah 23-10-2039 >> 14-12-2039

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Dasa : Ketu Apahara : Sani

1.Sat 14-12-2039 >> 16-02-2040 2.Mer 16-02-2040 >> 13-04-20403.Ket 13-04-2040 >> 07-05-2040 4.Ven 07-05-2040 >> 13-07-20405.Sun 13-07-2040 >> 02-08-2040 6.Moo 02-08-2040 >> 05-09-20407.Mar 05-09-2040 >> 29-09-2040 8.Rah 29-09-2040 >> 28-11-20409.Jup 28-11-2040 >> 21-01-2041

Dasa : Ketu Apahara : Budha

1.Mer 21-01-2041 >> 14-03-2041 2.Ket 14-03-2041 >> 04-04-20413.Ven 04-04-2041 >> 03-06-2041 4.Sun 03-06-2041 >> 21-06-20415.Moo 21-06-2041 >> 21-07-2041 6.Mar 21-07-2041 >> 12-08-20417.Rah 12-08-2041 >> 05-10-2041 8.Jup 05-10-2041 >> 22-11-20419.Sat 22-11-2041 >> 19-01-2042

Dasa : Shukra Apahara : Shukra

1.Ven 19-01-2042 >> 09-08-2042 2.Sun 09-08-2042 >> 09-10-20423.Moo 09-10-2042 >> 19-01-2043 4.Mar 19-01-2043 >> 31-03-20435.Rah 31-03-2043 >> 29-09-2043 6.Jup 29-09-2043 >> 10-03-20447.Sat 10-03-2044 >> 19-09-2044 8.Mer 19-09-2044 >> 10-03-20459.Ket 10-03-2045 >> 20-05-2045

Dasa : Shukra Apahara : Surya

1.Sun 20-05-2045 >> 07-06-2045 2.Moo 07-06-2045 >> 08-07-20453.Mar 08-07-2045 >> 29-07-2045 4.Rah 29-07-2045 >> 22-09-20455.Jup 22-09-2045 >> 10-11-2045 6.Sat 10-11-2045 >> 06-01-20467.Mer 06-01-2046 >> 27-02-2046 8.Ket 27-02-2046 >> 20-03-20469.Ven 20-03-2046 >> 20-05-2046

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Analysis of Planetary Disposition

Lords of Houses

First Bhava Lord (Kendra) : SuryaSecond ,, (Panaparam) : BudhaThird ,, (Apoklima) : ShukraFourth ,, (Kendra) : KujaFifth ,, (Trikonam) : GuruSixth ,, (Apoklima) : SaniSeventh ,, (Kendra) : SaniEighth ,, (Panaparam) : GuruNinth ,, (Trikonam) : KujaTenth ,, (Kendra) : ShukraEleventh ,, (Panaparam) : BudhaTwelfth ,, (Apoklima) : Chandra

Planetary conjunction (yoga)

Chandra conjuncts Kuja Budha conjuncts Shukra Shukra conjuncts Budha Kuja conjuncts Chandra Sani conjuncts Ketu

Planet to planet aspects

Kuja aspects LagnamGuru aspects LagnamSani aspects Surya,Rahu

Planet to house aspects

Chandra aspects Twelfth Surya aspects TenthBudha aspects EleventhShukra aspects EleventhKuja aspects First,Ninth,TwelfthGuru aspects First,Third,EleventhSani aspects Fourth,Eighth,Eleventh

Benefic and Malefic planets

Jupiter, Venus and Moon with Paksha Bala are natural benefics..From Shashti Thidhi in the Suklapaksha to ShashtiThidhi in the KrishnaPaksha, MOON has Paksha Bala.

In your horoscope Moon is without Paksha Bala and is malefic.

Mercury turns malefic if it is associated with malefics.

But, there is no bad association for Mercury in your chart.

Chandra - MaleficSurya - MaleficBudha - BeneficShukra - BeneficKuja - Malefic

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Guru - BeneficSani - MaleficRahu - MaleficKetu - Malefic

Benefic / malefic analysis based on lordship of houses

Although planets are classified as natural benefics and malefics their effect in a horoscope is to be judged by thelordships of different houses.Lords of first, fifth and ninth houses are always benefic.

If natural malefics become lords of fourth, seventh and tenth, they turn benefic.

Lords of third, sixth and eleventh houses are malefic.

If natural benefics become lords of fourth, seventh and tenth, they turn malefic due to kendradhipathya dosham.

Lords of second, eighth and twelfth houses are to be considered as neutrals.

Except Moon and Sun, other planets take lordships of two houses and the net effect is to be judged.

While some astrologers assume that the lord of eighth house is always malefic, authentic texts indicate that thenature of eighth lord is to be judged by the lordship of the other house it owns.

Planet Lordships Nature

Chandra 12 NeutralSurya 1 BeneficBudha 2 11 MaleficShukra 3 10 MaleficKuja 4 9 BeneficGuru 5 8 NeutralSani 6 7 Neutral

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Permanent (Naisargika) Friendship Chart

Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat

Moo ... Friend Friend Neutral Neutral Neutral NeutralSun Friend ... Neutral Enemy Friend Friend EnemyMer Enemy Friend ... Friend Neutral Neutral NeutralVen Enemy Enemy Friend ... Neutral Neutral FriendMar Friend Friend Enemy Neutral ... Friend NeutralJup Friend Friend Enemy Enemy Friend ... NeutralSat Enemy Enemy Friend Friend Enemy Neutral ...

Temporary (Tatkalika) Friendship Chart

Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat

Moo ... Friend Friend Friend Enemy Friend EnemySun Friend ... Friend Friend Friend Friend FriendMer Friend Friend ... Enemy Friend Friend FriendVen Friend Friend Enemy ... Friend Friend FriendMar Enemy Friend Friend Friend ... Friend EnemyJup Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend ... EnemySat Enemy Friend Friend Friend Enemy Enemy ...

Five-Fold (Panchda) Friendship Chart

Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat

Moo ... Intimate Intimate Friend Enemy Friend EnemySun Intimate ... Friend Neutral Intimate Intimate NeutralMer Neutral Intimate ... Neutral Friend Friend FriendVen Neutral Neutral Neutral ... Friend Friend IntimateMar Neutral Intimate Neutral Friend ... Intimate EnemyJup Intimate Intimate Neutral Neutral Intimate ... EnemySat Bitter Neutral Intimate Intimate Bitter Enemy ...

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Aspect Strength Chart ( Drikbala ) in Shashtiamsas

Aspecting Planet Aspected Planet (Drishya Graha)

Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat

Benefic Aspects ( Subhadrishti )

Budha . . . . . 10.60 19.37

Shukra 4.92 . . . 0.38 19.27 12.83

Guru . 5.65 . 2.14 . . 44.96

Subha bala 4.92 5.65 . 2.14 0.38 29.87 77.16

Malefic Aspects ( Asubhadrishti )

Chandra . . . . . . -32.75

Surya -8.43 . . . -3.90 -26.30 -9.31

Kuja . . . . . -1.75 -28.21

Sani -24.50 -33.63 -40.63 -40.65 -31.79 -0.08 . -45.00 -45.00

Asubha bala -32.93 -78.63 -40.63 -85.65 -35.69 -28.13 -70.27

Drishti Pinda -28.01 -72.98 -40.63 -83.51 -35.31 1.74 6.89

Drik Bala -7.00 -18.24 -10.16 -20.88 -8.83 0.44 1.72

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Shadbala Table

Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat

Ucha Bala 23.62 15.66 29.30 22.34 52.26 11.10 46.12

Saptavargaja Bala 116.25 157.50 127.50 120.00 60.00 101.25 78.76

Ojayugmarasymasa Bala 30.00 0 15.00 15.00 15.00 30.00 0

Kendra Bala 15.00 60.00 30.00 30.00 15.00 60.00 30.00

Drekkana Bala 0 0 15.00 0 15.00 15.00 0

Total Sthana Bala 184.87 233.16 216.80 187.34 157.26 217.35 154.88

Total Dig Bala 42.49 1.88 21.04 55.77 14.48 3.98 6.05

Nathonnatha Bala 58.00 2.00 60.00 2.00 58.00 2.00 58.00

Paksha Bala 88.76 44.38 15.62 15.62 44.38 15.62 44.38

Thribhaga Bala 0 0 0 60.00 0 60.00 0

Abda Bala 0 15.00 0 0 0 0 0

Masa Bala 30.00 0 0 0 0 0 0

Vara Bala 0 0 0 0 45.00 0 0

Hora Bala 0 0 60.00 0 0 0 0

Ayana Bala 53.49 1.42 59.26 0.20 3.78 16.05 30.77

Yuddha Bala 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Kala Bala 230.25 62.80 194.88 77.82 151.16 93.67 133.15

Total Cheshta Bala 0 0 37.68 5.13 16.82 25.98 28.78

Total Naisargika Bala 51.43 60.00 25.70 42.85 17.14 34.28 8.57

Total Drik Bala -7.00 -18.24 -10.16 -20.88 -8.83 0.44 1.72

Total Shadbala 502.04 339.60 485.94 348.03 348.03 375.70 333.15

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Shadbala Summary Table

Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat

Total Shadbala 502.04 339.60 485.94 348.03 348.03 375.70 333.15

Total Shadbala in Rupas 8.37 5.66 8.10 5.80 5.80 6.26 5.55

Minimum Requirement 6.00 5.00 7.00 5.50 5.00 6.50 5.00

Shadbala Ratio 1.39 1.13 1.16 1.05 1.16 0.96 1.11

Relative Rank 1 4 2 6 3 7 5

Ishta Phala / Kashta Phala Table

Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat

Ishta Phala 19.21 7.16 33.23 10.71 29.65 16.98 36.43Kashta Phala 40.18 50.15 26.18 45.46 18.28 40.79 20.82

Bhava Aspect Strength Chart ( Bhava Drikbala ) in Shashtiamsas

Nature of Mercury is determined by association.

Aspecting Planet Aspected Bhava Madhya Planet (Drishya Bhava)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Benefic Aspects ( Subhadrishti ) Chandra10.46 6.66 2.86 . . . 0.80 5.43 10.36 5.63 3.55 14.16 Budha28.44 13.25 . . . 1.75 18.13 43.25 26.13 8.48 58.07 43.25 Shukra5.48 1.68 . . . 2.07 7.80 9.18 3.26 8.66 12.88 9.18 Guru54.03 38.85 23.66 8.48 . . . 6.15 27.68 38.48 17.32 24.61 30.00 30.00

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Subha bala

98.41 60.44 56.52 8.48 . 3.82 26.73 64.01 67.43 61.25 121.82 91.20

Malefic Aspects ( Asubhadrishti ) Surya-4.60 -0.80 . . . -2.95 -9.56 -8.30 -1.51 -12.17 -12.00 -8.30 Kuja-9.32 -5.53 -1.73 . . . -1.93 -7.70 -9.23 -3.36 -8.09 -13.03-3.75 -3.75 Sani. . -1.58 -6.99 -9.68 -4.44 -5.93 -13.47 -9.68 -5.88 -2.17 . -11.25 -11.25

Asubha bala

-17.67 -6.33 -3.31 -18.24 -9.68 -7.39 -17.42 -29.47 -24.17 -21.41 -33.51 -21.33

Drishti Pinda / Drik Bala

80.74 54.11 53.21 -9.76 -9.68 -3.57 9.31 34.54 43.26 39.84 88.31 69.87

Bhava Bala Table

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Bhavadhipati Bala339.60 485.94 348.03 348.03 375.70 333.15 333.15 375.70 348.03 348.03 485.94 502.04Bhava Digbala30.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 10.00 40.00 0 20.00 50.00 60.00 40.00 20.00Bhavadrishti Bala80.74 54.11 53.21 -9.76 -9.68 -3.57 9.31 34.54 43.26 39.84 88.31 69.87Total Bhava Bala450.34 590.05 441.24 368.27 376.02 369.58 342.46 430.24 441.29 447.87 614.25 591.91Bhava Bala in Rupas7.51 9.83 7.35 6.14 6.27 6.16 5.71 7.17 7.35 7.46 10.24 9.87Relative Rank4 3 6 11 9 10 12 8 7 5 1 2

Check for Moudhyam (combustion)

When planets come very near to Sun they get 'Moudhyam' (combust). Planets in 'Moudhyam' produce very badeffects. Moon within 12, Mars 17, Mercury 13, Jupiter 11, Venus 9 and Saturn 15 degrees of the Sun are consideredto be in Moudhyam.

Shukra is in Moudhyam (combust)

Graha Yuddha (Planetary war)

Planets except the Sun and the Moon enter into war when they are closer than one degree from each other. Althoughthere are differences of opinion regarding which planets win in graha yuddha, the concept followed here is that :Among others, the planet on the northern side wins.

There are no planets in graha yuddha in this horoscope.

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Summary of Grahavastha

Planet Exaltation/ Combustion Graha Yuddha Retrograde Baladi Avastha Debilitation

Moo YuvavasthaSun BalavasthaMer YuvavasthaVen Combust BalavasthaMar Exalted MritavasthaJup KumaravasthaSat Vridhavastha

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Special Combination of Planets in the Horoscope (YOGA)

Yogas are special combination of planets in the horoscope which influence the life and future of a person. Some areformed by simple conjunction of planets,whereas others are based on complex astrological logic or peculiarplacement of planets in the chart. Hundreds of combinations and their effects have been described in the ancientastrological texts. While some combinations are good, others may have undesirable effects.

The important combinations identified in your horoscope are listed below with a brief mention of the effect it canhave on you.

Akhanda Samrajya Yoga

Logic:Lagna in a fixed sign, 9th. lord strongly placed in Chandra kendra and Jupiter is fifth lord.

This yoga gives you the power to rule over men and matters.

Sunabha Yoga

Logic:Planet (excepting Sun) situated in the second house from Moon.

Sunabha Yoga is formed when the second house from the Moon is occupied by Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus orSaturn either alone or together. Men born with Sunabha Yoga will naturally become wealthy, intelligent and famous.They delight in the pleasures of sound and sight. They are generally self-made men.

Anabha Yoga

Logic:Planet (excepting Sun) situated in the 12th. from Moon.

Anabha Yoga is formed when the 12th house from the Moon is occupied by Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus or Saturneither alone or together. Anabha Yoga makes a man wealthy and happy, and gives him uncompromising ethics andstandards. You will be physically appealing. You are polite, generous and kind. You will be interested in appearingwell-groomed. You will pay attention to your wife's clothing and appearance.

Dhurudhura Yoga

Logic:Both Anabha and Sunabha yoga are present.

Dhurudhura Yoga results when both Sunabha and Anabha Yogas are present in a horoscope. Since you have thisyoga, you will be a wealthy man. You will never experience shortage of money. You will have vehicles. Your naturalqualities are those of kindness and nobility. You will probably be famous. This will not spoil your natural qualities ofbeing kind and noble.

Sasi Mangala Yoga

Logic:Moon and Mars in the same house.

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As you are born with Sashimangala Yoga, it is predicted that you will never experience any financial difficulties.Money will always appear when you really need it.

Dwigraha Yoga

Logic:Two planets are situated in the same houseBudha,Shukra are in Fifth house

You will show special interest in the matter of Dharma and religious rituals. You will try to remain pleasing as far aspossible. You will find time to enjoy music and other arts. You will also take care to talk smoothly. You will acquireproperties on your own.

Dwigraha Yoga

Logic:Two planets are situated in the same houseChandra,Kuja are in Sixth house

You might show a tendency to defy the opinions of elders. Don't neglect to provide timely treatment forblood-related diseases. Wealth and courage will serve you at the required time. You will command the appreciationand affection of colleagues and relatives with your considerate and understanding nature.

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Bhava Predictions

This report describes the influence of planets on your character and life. You may find repetitions or contradictionsin the report which only show the interactive nature of various planets on your life.

Personality, physical structure, status

The first house of the horoscope represents the personality characteristics, physical structure, status and fame of theperson.

Based on the position of Lagna the following characteristics may be present in your personality. You are: ambitious;warm-hearted; cheerful; steady; proud; determined; courageous; quick to anger; sincere; forgiving; adaptable. Youare interested in: art; literature, music; the wilderness and forests; good food. Physically you are: broad shouldered,magnetic. You love music. You will do well in governmental or institutional jobs. You are extremely concernedabout the welfare of your mother. You lead and encourage family discussions. You uphold traditional values, but youare tolerant. You may suffer from nervous troubles. Your ambitions may remain unfulfilled if misunderstandingsarise with your superiors.

Since your Lagna lies in the third Drekkana of its house, you will do well in managing your finances. You earnmoney in unexpected or unusual ways. You are good at contract-work, and do well in the export business and inintellectual pursuits. The most important years in your life are 20, 25, 30, 33, 38, 43 and 48.

Since the ascendant lord is in the 4th house, you are from a good family and decent home. You are ambitious andgood-looking. You will achieve and maintain prosperity by hard work. Your aims and objectives are clear. Otherswill enjoy your company. You will do well on account of your parents, and both your parents will be responsible foryour happiness. You are well-built, attractive, and well-behaved.

Since Lagna lord is positioned in Lagna Kendra and a benefic is deposited in the seventh house, you can expectbeneficial results.

Since Mars aspects Lagna, you will have a charitable mind.

Jupiter aspects Lagna. You give importance to wearing good, clean dress and choosing good words in conversations.

Wealth, land and properties

Land and properties, wealth, family, speech, food and skills are some of the important topics highlighted by thesecond house in a horoscope.

As the second lord is in the 5th, you will have an abiding interest in making money, and this interest will be passedon to your children as well. You will determine innovative methods of earning profits. Your family life will beenjoyable, but you may sometimes feel it restrictive. One of your children may become the controversial or problemtopic at home. If you experience unkindness, lack of sympathy, or abandonment, you appear shocked or frightened.You may even yell at others for attention. You are capable of reacting viciously to perceived insults. Your childrenmay imagine that you are not willing to spend money on them. You may suddenly acquire wealth through lotteries,games of chance, or the favour of the ruling party.

Since Saturn is positioned in your 2nd house, you may be accused of being thoughtless or deceitful. You mayexperience monetary problems now and then.

Since Ketu is positioned in 2nd house, your speech will be unique in some way. You may wish you were bettereducated. You will enjoy spicy food.

It is seen that Venus conjuncts the second lord. You will develop interest in literature, visual arts and graphics.People will see a romantic touch and passion in whatever you do.

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Third house in the horoscope mainly refers to siblings, courage and cleverness .

Since the 3rd lord is in the 5th, you will be respected in your community. You will have a purpose in life. Yourmarried life will be happy as you and your spouse will usually forgive and forget everything, even the most cruelconfrontations. Anyone who deals with you will sense and respond to your desperate need to be appreciated andhelped. You will be highly benefited by your brothers. You will do well in agriculture, and will be welcomed by arich family.

Property, Education etc.

The fourth house of your horoscope refers to property, education, mother, vehicles, and general happiness.

In your horoscope, the 4th lord is occupying the 6th, so you will probably be quick-tempered. In addition, you maydevelop unusual habits which may not win you approval in society. You are a wanderer and find it hard to stay athome, even as a boy.

As Mars is the lord of the 4th house, you will have a martial spirit and take this mentality into any activity withwhich you become involved. However, you will also possess a lot of practical wisdom. Your warrior like sense ofcommitment will be highly appreciated. Your orientation is practical rather than theoretical.

Since the Sun is seen occupying the fourth, you are likely to be unnecessarily anxious. This tendency is worrisome,and irritating to those around you. You will change locations often. This position of the planets promises someinheritance. You will be interested in philosophical discussions. You are advised to avoid politics.

You have inborn talent and taste for studies connected with humanities such as political science, language studies,psychology and metaphysics. You will do well when employed in areas where human interaction is important.

It is to be particularly noted that Mars is in the exalted position. This will generally minimize any bad effectsotherwise described regarding acquisition of houses and land.

The lord of the fourth is in the exalted position and this indicates luck in education, and in domestic life.

Children, mind, intelligence.

The fifth house of the horoscope mainly gives indications regarding children, mind and intelligence.

Mercury is placed in the 5th house. You enjoy surprises, entertainment, and magic. You will have a small family.You enjoy excitement, but you are always ethical in your activities.

Venus is placed in the 5th house. As it is easy to please and displease you. People think you are capricious andindiscriminate. You enjoy speculation.

Since the 5th lord is in the 7th, you will be honourable, spiritually inclined, and helpful to others. You are anaffectionate parent and will provide everything for your children--often more than you can afford. You over analyzeyour actions and indulge in too much soul searching. Explain yourself rather than worrying about whether you'vehurt your family or children. A son will live abroad and attain distinction, wealth and fame.

Positioning of benefic planets in the fifth house from Lagna, Moon or Jupiter or benefic planets aspecting thesehouses is considered to favour well for having children. Such positive indications are seen in this horoscope.

Diseases, enemies, obstacles

The sixth house gives indications regarding diseases, enemies, obstacles and other generally negative topics.

The Moon occupies the 6th house. You may have abdominal trouble. Your sense of accommodation and tolerance iscomparatively low.

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Mars occupies the 6th house. You are wealthy, famous and lucky, but tend to seek excessive pleasure. Your healthmay be adversely affected.

Since the 6th lord is in the 2nd, you will be adventurous, and will move to places where life is difficult. You arehardworking. You have a way of communicating effectively and convincingly. You feel shaky about finance, andtightness of resources. Your caution stems from your uncontrollable need to ensure the security of your future andthat of your family. There is no reason to worry about health. Silent disapproval of loved ones and friends disturbsyou much more than the direct attack of open enemies. You are very emotionally attached to your friends. If you arenot careful right from the beginning you may lose money through enemies. You may have problems with your vision,or with your teeth. You may stammer.

Ninth lord is in the sixth house. You may develop a tendency to worry about theft and robbers.

Sixth lord is positioned together with Mars. You will end to fear about robberies and financial losses.

Marriage etc.

The various aspects of your married life are influenced by the 7th. house.

Your 7th lord is in the 2nd house. You will gain wealth after marriage, as your wife will be lucky for you. Thereafter,your progress in life and much of your good fortune can be attributed to her blessings and stars. But, you may nothave many sincere friends. You enjoy travel. You will be tempted to get involved in questionable activities. Manyproblems arise on account of your acquaintances since you are not particular about the people with whom youassociate. You may be falsely accused and have to answer for something you didn't do. Remain self-assured and youshould be fine.

Since the 7th lord is afflicted, you will be hard working even as a child. You will gain wealth through swift, butunusual, methods. Your enemies may question your sudden gains and may insinuate that you acquire wealthunethically. You may have to face questions or inquiries regarding your finances. You will eventually becomeinterested in social reform and in the upliftment of the poor. You may be called upon to attend funerals or memorials.

Since your second house is a dual sign and afflicted, there is a possibility of more than one marriage.

A person from the south could make an ideal partner for you.

Jupiter is in your 7th house. You will be smart, intelligent, and effusive, even in childhood. You will appreciateeducation. You will, after some searching, find the woman you wish to marry. Your marriage will bring luck to yourlife. You have good luck in speculative or productive enterprises. You will be a good father and devoted husband.

It is seen that the seventh house is hemmed in between malefic planets. Therefore the good effects given by otherplanetary combinations or positions will not be fully experienced. Delays and difficulties in marriage are to beexpected.

Apart from the above, you should be happy to note that there is a beneficial influence of Jupiter on the seventh houseand this reduces any bad effects predicted otherwise.

Longevity, difficulties

The eighth house gives indications regarding longevity, medical treatment and other difficulties.

Since the 8th lord is in the 7th, you should be prepared to face disappointments, difficulties, and delays inrelationships and marriage. Although it is clear from the beginning that you and your spouse are different inmotivation, health, character and personality, the differences can be intriguing. You need to be concerned about yourspouse's needs and try to accommodate those needs in the best manner possible. You love to win arguments, butoccasionally you should realize that losing may be more prudent. Accept the trials of family life with good humor.You may suffer on account of your health. Your foreign assignments will be beneficial to your relationship only ifyou consider its effects on both of you. If your partner's health is weak, your keen help and support is called for to

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save him/her from undue anxiety and worry.

Your 8th house is occupied by Rahu. You will probably travel a lot in a life. Choose your food carefully when youtravel, so as to avoid food poisoning. You should also insist on cleanliness when you travel. Seek medical advice asyou may be prone to skin problems or rheumatism.

Fortune, Prosperity, Inheritance etc.

In your horoscope, the lord of the 9th is occupying the 6th. This is not a beneficial position. As a child, you may bealienated from other children your age. You may have a limited number of friends even as an adult. The health ofyour father may be unsteady. Chronic ailments are a possibility.

It is seen that the lord of 9th is in an exalted position which gives you added benefits.


Verse from Phaladeepika says that the tenth house indicates Vyapara (commerce), Aspada (rank or position), Karma(acts, occupation, profession), Jaya (success), Kirti (fame), Kratu (sacrifice), Jeevana (livelihood, profession),Vyoma (sky), Achara (conduct), Guna (good qualities), Pravritti (inclination), Gamana (going), Ajna (command)

According to Sarvartha Chintamani, from the tenth house, the astrologer should judge occupation, command,authority, fame, rain, life in foreign lands, performance of sacrifice, esteem, respect, means of livelihood, profession,the knees and the servants. An analysis of the tenth house, lord of tenth house, planets in tenth house, position of Sunand Moon are analysed below to get an insight into the professions astrologically indicated for you.

In your horoscope, the lord of the tenth house is placed in the fifth house.Verse from Brihat Parasara Hora indicates that you will be proficient in many branches of learning. You will happyand wealthy. You will have sons.

Tenth house is Taurus. It is a earthy sign. It denotes agricultural pursuits. As it is the second sign of the zodiac, itdenotes finance also.

Taurus is said to represent house agents, brokers, bankers and company managers. Venus ruling this sign is helpful tomusicians, actors and dress makers.

Farming, gardening, horticulture, flowers, ornaments, glass, milk, rice, cotton, silk, plastic, music, sugar and vehiclesales are the areas where you can be successful.

It is important to note that there are no planets positioned in the tenth house from Lagna, Moon as well as the Sun.Hence we shall study the effect of the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the tenth lord. This will give additional cluesas to the type of occupation ideally suited for you.

Venus is the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the tenth lord. Venus is related to luxuries. You can earn as a dealer ingold, precious stones, jewellery, perfumes, luxury cars, expensive electronic gadgets, fashion clothing, leisure wearand race horses. You will also succeed in cattle rearing, hoteliering and show business. Rice, salts, minerals and milkare lucky for you. You dress well and appreciate beauty and culture in others. You can even succeed in running abeauty parlour or health club or work as a beautician.

Apart from the above analysis based on the planetary positions in the horoscope, some general guidance can bederived from the birth star itself. Occupations suggested for your birth star are related to the following.

Mine, mine products, petroleum, oils, liquids, kerosene, wet lands, wells, excavation, tunnels, fisheries, agriculture,plumbing, ice-cream, fridge, air conditioning, pearls, submarine.


The eleventh house mainly gives indications regarding income and sources of income.

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As the 11th lord is in the 5th, your children will do well in life. You tend to be financially speculative. You will beself- disciplined, religious and loyal. You believe in keeping promises whether made to God or to man.

A benefic planet is positioned in the eleventh house. This is a positive indication.

Eleventh lord is in a Trikona position. Therefore, you will be able to enjoy wealth.

Expenditure, losses

The twelfth house gives indications regarding expenditure and losses.

Since the 12th lord is in the 6th, you will be happy, prosperous and long-lived. It is easy for you to defeat those whowork against you. Expense in lawsuits will be settled to your advantage. But you tend to get angry at the mostunexpected moments and cause bitterness among the people you love. You do, however, repent and spend much timemaking up for your conduct.

Effect of Dasa/Apahara

In Indian Astrology, the Dasa system divides your life into periods and sub-periods which are influenced by variousplanets. The general trend of fortunes and misfortunes that may be expected are given below. The intensity ofexperiences may vary depending on the natal and transit position of the planets. This needs further in-depth analysis.The effects which are not applicable to a child should be considered as applicable to the parents. Predictions aregiven starting from current dasa onwards. Details of apahara (bhukti) are given for a maximum of twenty five yearsonly. The starting and ending of each apahara is also shown. (The initial five years are skipped for infants.) Strengthof planets is judged by their positions in Saptavarga.

Budha Dasa (Mercury)

During this Budha dasa there will be no shortage of help from those older than you. You will more acutely appreciateand enjoy the environment, animals, and birds. You will also have the companionship of both men and women. Yourattention may be diverted to religion or philanthropy. However, this period may uncover some health problems. Youwill develop and appreciate intellectual and literary activities.

∇∇∇∇ ( 16-06-2020 >> 13-06-2021 )

The sub-period of Ketu in the Mercury dasa is for 11 months 27 days. During the sub-period of Ketu in the Mercury,dasa can give you concerns about the current situation. You may be emotional about family and others. This doesn’tmean that entire period is going to be negative. Beneficial situations can occur at any time. You must take due careof your health. Ketu signifies moksha and spirituality. This apahara may bring some events which can divert yourattention towards spirituality. You may learn spiritual texts.

∇∇∇∇ ( 13-06-2021 >> 13-04-2024 )

The sub-period of Venus in the Mercury is for 2 years 10 months. During the sub-period of Venus in the Mercurydasa you will find yourself stable and happy. Venus signifies luck, comfort and happiness. This time, you willbecome a respectable person in your society. Physical and mental health will be good. You will find happinesshumanitarian deeds. You may renovate your home or office. There can be auspicious events like marriage canhappen in the family. Great chances of learning ancient texts are also seen during this apahara. Minor health issueslike headaches and fever are also indicated.

∇∇∇∇ ( 13-04-2024 >> 18-02-2025 )

The sub-period of Sun in the Mercury dasa is for 10 months 6 days. The sub-period of Sun in the Mercury dasa youwill see that your accomplishments are bringing you happiness. Sun signifies power and authority. Your friends andrelatives may be in distress and they will come to you for encouragement. You will be taking part in important familyand social events. More social recognition is indicated. Chances to travel and acquiring a new property also are seen.

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You will invest time in hobbies. You will spend time in learning sacred and philosophical texts. You will have acordial relationship with your dear and near ones. You will be busy in charity-related projects.

∇∇∇∇ ( 18-02-2025 >> 20-07-2026 )

The sub-period of Moon in the Mercury dasa is for 1 year 5 months. The sub-period of Moon in the Mercury dasacan give you skin problems and you have to be extra cautious about this. You will spend time with your pets. At thesame time, you should take protection of infection from the pets as well as stray animals. Moon is peace, comfort,emotions and mother in astrology. You may have to take care of your mental peace during this apahara. You mayhave to be very careful about your speech. Your attitude may upset your enemies. There can be some auspiciousfunctions too at home.

∇∇∇∇ ( 20-07-2026 >> 17-07-2027 )

The sub-period of Mars in the Mercury dasa is for 11 months 27 days. The sub-period of Mars in the Mercury dasacan give you headaches, or minor injury to the head. Mars is aggression in astrology. During this apahara, you haveto be careful with fire, electricity and sharp objects. You may be very impatient. You have to adjust with familymembers. Otherwise, there can be the unwanted argument. There can be relocation related to residence. Take care ofthieves during this time period. There can be some dissatisfaction in the financial growth, but situations willimprove by the end of this apahara.

∇∇∇∇ ( 17-07-2027 >> 03-02-2030 )

The sub-period of Rahu in the Mercury dasa is for 2 years 6 months 18 days. During the sub-period of Rahu in theMercury dasa, your opponents can give you unexpected troubles. You should be careful not to spend time withaggressive people. There are chances of unwanted arguments. You must avoid such situations. You should becareful with electrical equipment and fire. You should avoid traveling through the darkness. You will be interested inlearning. You will be wise in handling money. Your financial status will be satisfactory.

∇∇∇∇ ( 03-02-2030 >> 11-05-2032 )

The sub-period of Jupiter in the Mercury dasa is for 2 years 3 months 6 days. You will be happy in the sub-period ofJupiter in the Mercury dasa. Your physical health will be good and you will be always happy. You will not hesitateto honor others. Other will be ready to help you. You will be part of auspicious events like marriage. More socialrecognition is also indicated. Jupiter is great benefic in astrology. You will be more interested in spiritual andphilosophy related studies. You may even teach others. More social recognition is also indicated.

∇∇∇∇ ( 11-05-2032 >> 19-01-2035 )

The sub-period of Saturn in the Mercury dasa is for 2 years 8 months 9 days. During the sub-period of Saturn in theMercury dasa, you will see changes in your perspectives. You can even become greedier and be looking formaterialistic pleasures. You may even feel like being lazy. Saturn is obstacles and delay in astrology. You may feelthat life is moving very slow. You may have to put a lot of energy to get things done. Events may bring more interestin spirituality. You may study spiritual texts. You must guard your wealth. Graha dosham and Remedies

Kuja Dosha Check

Great importance is attached to the effect of KUJA in a horoscope. Kuja plays an important role in determiningmarriage compatibility. Often people say that there is Kuja dosham in a horoscope simply because Kuja is in the 7th.or 8th. house. However, authentic books on astrology gives several rules of exception by which Kuja dosha can beconsidered as nullified. A proper analysis on this basis is given below to see if there is Kuja dosham in yourhoroscope or not.

In this horoscope, Kuja (Mars) is in the Sixth house.

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With respect to lagna there is no Kuja dosha in this horoscope.

Result of Kuja Dosha check with respect to Lagna

No Kuja Dosha in this horoscope


Since there is no Kuja dosha in your horoscope, you do not need to take any remedies

Rahu Dosha & Ketu Dosha

Rahu and Ketu are shadowy planets. Their movement is interrelated and as parts of one body they are at all times justopposite to each other but keeping in view of aspect (drishti), they can be regarded together.

In general, Rahu carries the positive and beneficial tone of Jupiter and hence stands for growth and development andself help while Ketu expresses the restrictions and obstacles of Saturn and hence thought to restrict growth. In thisway Rahu represents positive objectives and Ketu denotes the easy way out with little opportunity for growth.

Thus Rahu signifies materialism and desires, whereas Ketu signifies spiritual tendencies and process of therefinement of materialization to spirit but obstacles in the material realm. Rahu is considered to be wile, deceitfuland dishonest.

Rahu Dosha

You and your partner can be lucky to get some fortunes. Desisting yourself from easiness and luxuries would keepthe family financially stable. Always believe in hard work and avoid easy ways of making money. You may have tobe stronger at certain situations where you fail to get the support of relatives. More concern on personal desires willnot be good for you. You could make your life happier by being positive towards your partner’s attitude. Believing intruth and integrity would help you win over allegations. Caring your age and hormonal matters helps to maintain ahealthy life. You should pay more attention towards your children’s health.

Weak Rahu may make you susceptible to financial losses and ailments.

Remedies To Rahu Dosha

To alleviate the bad effects of Rahu, you can follow the below mentioned remedies.

Get a Sarpayanthra and wear it with devotion

Offer black gram, as naivedya, to Rahu (positioned at south-west, facing east) where Navagraha deities are arrangedas per Vaidika Prathishta system. Do this offering for 9 days.

Take a few grams of black gram with its outer peel and keep it under your pillow before you sleep. You should feedcrows with these black grams in the morning after swinging it around your head. Follow this for 9 consecutive days,and on the 10th day visit Siva or Devi temple in the morning and give possible offerings.

In some temples banyan tree and neem tree are grown nearby, and Naga deities are placed close to their base. DoPrathakshina (Parikarma) around such deities and offer abhisheka of turmeric powder.

Offer Kuvala (Bael leaf) archanas to Lord Subrahmania.

Chant the following sloka daily to considerably reduce the ill effects of Rahu in your life.

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Asmik Mandale Adhidevatha +Éʺ¨ÉEò ¨ÉÆb÷±Éä +ÊvÉnäù´ÉiÉÉ Prathyadhidevatha Sahitham Rahugraham |ÉiªÉÉÊvÉnäù´ÉiÉÉ ºÉʽølÉ¨É ®ôɽÖøOɽø¨ÉDhyaayaami Aavahayaami. vªÉɪÉɨÉÒ +´É½øɪÉÉʨÉ.

Shreem Om Namo Bhagavathi Shree Shoolini ¸ÉÓø $ xɨÉÉä ¦ÉMÉ´ÉiÉÒ ¸ÉÒ ¶ÉÚʱÉÊxÉ Sarva Bhootheswari Jwala Jwalamayi Suprada ºÉ´ÉÇ ¦ÉÖiÉä·É®ôÒ V´ÉɱÉÉ V´ÉɱÉÉ ¨ÉÉ滃 ºÉÖ|ÉnùÉSarva Bhoothaadi Doshaya Doshaya ºÉ´ÉÇ ¦ÉÖiÉÉÊnù nùÉä¹ÉɪÉÉ nùÉä¹ÉɪÉÉ Rahur Graha Nipeedithaath Nakshathre ®ôɽÖø®ô Oɽø ÊxÉ{ÉÒÊnùlÉÉiÉ xÉIÉjÉäRashou Jaatham Sarvaanaam Mam ®ôɶÉÉä= VÉÉlÉ¨É ºÉ´ÉÇxÉÉ¨É ¨ÉɨÉMokshaya Mokshaya Swaha. ¨ÉÉäIɪÉÉ ¨ÉÉäIɪÉÉ º´ÉÉ&

Ketu Dosha

Your family and dear ones would be supportive. Being more responsible and working hard will help you earn theirrespect. Through confident and continuous efforts you can overcome the obstacles and enjoy the fruits of yourlabour. You may strive against the authorities to enjoy the privileges. Power and affluence may befall if you endurethe adversities. Sharing experiences with partner will keep you motivated. Do not let your words to displease othersand be sensible in finding friends. Avoid tensions to maintain a healthy life.

Remedies To Ketu Dosha

To alleviate the bad effects of Ketu, you can follow the below mentioned remedies.

Take a few grams of horse gram in a white cloth bag and keep it under your pillow before you sleep. You shouldfeed crows with these horse grams in the next morning. Follow this for 9 consecutive days, and visit Lord Ganeshatemple on the final day evening. Perform Pradakshina (Parikarma) at the temple and give possible offerings.

Get a Ketukavachayanthra and keep it with devotion.

Worship the deities of Ketu - Lord Ganesh and Lord Hanuman. Visit those temples daily and give possible offerings.

Keeping a Sudarsana chakra at home with daily chanting of the following sloka considerably reduces the ill effectsof Ketu

Asmik Mandale Adhidevatha +ʺ¨ÉEò ¨ÉÆb÷±Éä +ÊvÉnäù´ÉiÉÉPrathyadhidevatha Sahitham |ÉlªÉÉÊvÉnäù´ÉiÉÉ ºÉÉʽølɨÉKekeegraham Dhyaayaami Aavahayaami. EäòEòÒOÉ¨É vɪÉɪÉÉ欃 +É´ÉɽøɪÉɨÉÒ

Shreem Om Namo Bhagavathi Shree Shoolini ¸ÉÓò $ xɨÉÉä ¦ÉMÉ´ÉiÉÒ ¸ÉÒ ¶ÉÚʱÉxÉÒSarva Bhootheswari Jwala Jwalamayi Suprada ºÉ´ÉÇ ¦ÉÖiÉä·É®ôÒ V´ÉɱÉÉ V´ÉɱÉÉ ¨ÉɪÉÒ ºÉÖ|ÉnùÉ Sarva Bhoothaadi Doshaya Doshaya ºÉ´ÉÇ ¦ÉÚiÉÉÊnù nùÉä¹ÉɪÉÉ nùÉä¹ÉɪÉÉ Kethur Graha Nipeedithaath Nakshathre EäòiÉÖ®ôOɽø ÊxÉ{ÉÒb÷ÒiÉÉlÉ xÉIÉjÉä Rashou Jaatham Sarvaanaam Mam ®ôɶÉÉäVÉÉlÉÉ¨É ºÉ´ÉÇxÉÉ¨É ¨É¨ÉMokshaya Mokshaya Swaha. ¨ÉÉäIÉ ¨ÉÉäIÉ º´ÉÉ&


Star Remedies

As you are born in Thiruvonam star, your star lord is Moon. You prefer to keep a safe distance from benevolent

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thoughts and acts in the money matters. This is mostly due to your miserly nature.

On the basis of the birth star, the Dasa periods of some planets may be generally unfavorable to you. The birth starbeing Thiruvonam suggests that you may have bitter experiences during the dasa periods of Saturn, Rahu and Kethu.

There will be a number of visible changes in your feelings, thoughts and lifestyle during this period. You may haveto stay away from your native place for better prospects. You will need to be economical. Be careful that others don'tconsider you a miser because of this. You will be very inflexible in your eating habits during this period.

The lord of the birth sign Makaram is Saturn. Always be clear about your belief in others and the enthusiasm in thedischarge of duties. Taking into account how your ideas and actions have an influence on others will be beneficial. Itwill be difficult to get the rightful consideration for the ethical attitude of leaders.

Avoid transactions and auspicious functions in the unfavourable stars of Chathayam, Uthrattathi, Aswathi, Makam,Pooram and Uthram (Chingam sign).

You must practice restraining your words and behaviour during the unfavourable Dasa periods, especially on thehostile stars. Try to stay away from unnecessary tussles. It is best not to interfere in others' matters during this period.

Practicing customary remedial measures will help to mitigate the negative effects.

Praying regularly to Lord Ayyappa and Mother Goddess, particularly during the hostile Dasa period, is considered tobe beneficial. For better prospects, visit temples of Goddess on stars of Thiruvonam, Rohini and Atham. Performingthe required Poojas on Amavasi days or on the Mondays in the Thiruvonam star will give excellent results.

Pray daily to the lord of the star, Moon, to get good results. Donating free meals daily according to your ability isalso auspicious.

Moreover, for better results observe the rites to please the lord of the sign, Saturn. Skip rice meal once on Saturdays.Selecting and wearing white, black and dark blue dresses is considered auspicious.

Lord Vishnu is the lord of Thiruvonam star. Chant faithfully any of the following Mantras to appease the Lord andreceive good prospects:

1 Om vishno raraadamasi vishnoha Shnach throstho vishnoha syoorasi Vishnordhuvo si vaishnavamasi vishnavethwam

2 Om vishnave namaha

Besides, nurturing plants, animals and birds is considered highly auspicious. Especially, avoid harming femalemonkey, the animal of Thiruvonam star and its habitat. It is also good to offer fruits and other eatables to monkeys.Try to plant and grow Erukku, the official tree of Thiruvonam and do not cut its branches. Do not harm hen, theofficial bird of Thiruvonam and stop including chicken in your meals. The element of Thiruvonam is Wind. Worshipthe lord of wind and prevent air pollution for advancement in life.

Transit forecast

Name : Rajinikanth (Male)Birth Rasi : MakaraBirth Star : Shravana

Position of planets on : 24-June- 2020Ayanamsa : Chitra Paksha

Transit forecast is based on the comparison of the present position of planets with those in the birth-chart. Themovements of the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn have a great influence on your life. Sometimes the effects may be

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opposing, nullifying or reinforcing. The net effect is not indicated, but you should be able to get an idea of thedynamics at work by studying the impact of each particular transit aspect. Your immediate future, therefore, is ablend of the following predictions.

Transit of Sun

The Sun takes about a month to transit through one sign.

∇∇∇∇ ( 15-June-2020 >> 15-July-2020 )

During this period Sun transits the Sixth house.

This is definitely a favorable period for you. You will feel ready to take on any adversary. You will feel happy andenjoy improved living conditions. You will succeed in all you set your mind to do. If you are married, you will try tobe an ideal husband.

∇∇∇∇ ( 15-July-2020 >> 14-August-2020 )

During this period Sun transits the Seventh house.

As a busy man you have to take sudden trips and experience sudden problems. Financial problems may exist, but youwill be able to cope with them. You should take care of your health, since you may be prone to stress at this time. Avacation might be a good idea, and you may plan for one; however, you may find yourself unable to follow throughon your plans.

∇∇∇∇ ( 14-August-2020 >> 13-September-2020 )

During this period Sun transits the Eighth house.

Somehow an element of anxiety invades your character at this time. You feel more insecure about your abilities.Additionally, your erratic food habits will upset your stomach. You may have misunderstandings with your wife, orlover. Irritation may be caused by weakness, and therefore you should get a complete physical. The fear of beinginefficient will adversely affect your performance.

Transit of Jupiter

Jupiter stays in one sign for about a year. It is a powerful planet and a lot of importance is attached to the effect ofthis planet.

∇∇∇∇ ( 31-March-2020 >> 30-June-2020 )

During this period Jupiter transits the Birth house.

Differences of opinion may lead to strong disagreements, or arguments with the woman in your life. You will bemore quick-tempered at this time, and you might be unable to control yourself. This anger may be the cause forregret later. This is not the time for speculation of any kind. You have to be prudent and minimize your financial andemotional losses. Prepare yourself for change or transition. You may have to move for some reason. Goodrelationships with people in authority will stand you in good stead.

∇∇∇∇ ( 1-July-2020 >> 20-November-2020 )

During this period Jupiter transits the Twelfth house.

Much against your desire, you will be separated from your wife, or lover, for a while. You will have to travel, andthe expenses from travel may negatively impact on your finances. You may change jobs. Changes or decisions withirrevocable consequences may have to be reached at this time. Your interest or flirtation with other women may

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cause trouble within your relationship, and you may be forced to decide on the stability of your relationship.

Transit of Saturn

Saturn is generally a sorrowful planet and its influence can be depressing. However, in certain positions it givespowerful and beneficial results. Saturn takes about two and a half years to move through a sign.

∇∇∇∇ ( 25-January-2020 >> 29-April -2022 )

During this period Saturn transits the Birth house.

You are going through the period of Sade Sathi (7 1/2 Sani). This is generally a bad period. Even your closest friendsand relatives may seem to be working counter to your interest. You feel directionless and unmotivated. You mayexperience the loss or failure of expensive equipment or vehicles. You may feel financially insecure. You do,however, tend to worry too much. You have to develop self-control and a clear plan of action to combat the effects ofSade Sathi.

∇∇∇∇ ( 30-April -2022 >> 12-July-2022 )

During this period Saturn transits the Second house.

You have completed the worst part of Sade Sathi (7 1/2 Sani). But lingering effects may still prevail such as illness,or sorrow. You should have a thorough medical. However, this time will also prove surprisingly pleasant. You mayentertain more and feel more comfortable with others. You have to guard against arguments at home. However, youshould be careful about your money and possessions, as the likelihood of fraud or theft is high.

However, considering certain beneficial placements of planets in your horoscope, the bad effects caused by 7 1/2Sani, mentioned above get reduced to a large measure.

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Favourable Periods

Favourable Periods for Career

Considering the lagna lord, tenth lord, benefic planets in lagna and tenth house, aspect of Jupiter on lagna and tenthhouse and other factors the following dasa/apahara periods are found favourable for career.Analysis for age 15 to age 60.

Dasa Apahara Period start Period End Analysis

Rahu Guru 02-10-1967 24-02-1970 FavourableRahu Shukra 07-08-1976 08-08-1979 FavourableRahu Surya 08-08-1979 01-07-1980 FavourableGuru Sani 08-03-1985 19-09-1987 FavourableGuru Budha 19-09-1987 25-12-1989 FavourableGuru Ketu 25-12-1989 01-12-1990 FavourableGuru Shukra 01-12-1990 01-08-1993 ExcellentGuru Surya 01-08-1993 20-05-1994 ExcellentGuru Chandra 20-05-1994 19-09-1995 FavourableGuru Kuja 19-09-1995 25-08-1996 FavourableGuru Rahu 25-08-1996 19-01-1999 FavourableSani Shukra 10-11-2005 09-01-2009 FavourableSani Surya 09-01-2009 22-12-2009 Favourable

Considering the transit of Jupiter on various houses, the following periods are found to be favourable for Career.

Period start Period End Analysis

11-10-1968 11-11-1969 Favourable11-12-1970 05-01-1972 Favourable08-02-1974 19-02-1975 Favourable08-07-1976 08-12-1976 Favourable22-02-1977 17-07-1977 Favourable04-08-1978 29-08-1979 Excellent26-09-1980 27-10-1981 Favourable25-11-1982 21-12-1983 Favourable24-01-1986 02-02-1987 Favourable19-06-1988 01-07-1989 Favourable20-07-1990 14-08-1991 Excellent11-09-1992 12-10-1993 Favourable10-11-1994 06-12-1995 Favourable08-01-1998 25-05-1998 Favourable09-09-1998 12-01-1999 Favourable03-06-2000 16-06-2001 Favourable06-07-2002 30-07-2003 Excellent29-08-2004 28-09-2005 Favourable29-10-2006 22-11-2007 Favourable

Favourable Periods for Business

Considering the second, ninth, tenth and eleventh lords, aspect of Jupiter on lagna and eleventh house and otherfactors, the following dasa/apahara periods are found favourable for business activities.Analysis for age 15 to age 60.

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Dasa Apahara Period start Period End Analysis

Rahu Guru 02-10-1967 24-02-1970 FavourableRahu Budha 31-12-1972 20-07-1975 FavourableRahu Shukra 07-08-1976 08-08-1979 FavourableRahu Surya 08-08-1979 01-07-1980 FavourableRahu Kuja 31-12-1981 19-01-1983 FavourableGuru Sani 08-03-1985 19-09-1987 FavourableGuru Budha 19-09-1987 25-12-1989 ExcellentGuru Ketu 25-12-1989 01-12-1990 FavourableGuru Shukra 01-12-1990 01-08-1993 ExcellentGuru Surya 01-08-1993 20-05-1994 ExcellentGuru Chandra 20-05-1994 19-09-1995 FavourableGuru Kuja 19-09-1995 25-08-1996 ExcellentGuru Rahu 25-08-1996 19-01-1999 FavourableSani Budha 22-01-2002 01-10-2004 FavourableSani Shukra 10-11-2005 09-01-2009 FavourableSani Surya 09-01-2009 22-12-2009 Favourable

Considering the transit of Jupiter on various houses, the following periods are found to be favourable for Business.

Period start Period End Analysis

11-10-1968 11-11-1969 Favourable11-12-1970 05-01-1972 Favourable08-02-1974 19-02-1975 Favourable08-07-1976 08-12-1976 Favourable22-02-1977 17-07-1977 Favourable04-08-1978 29-08-1979 Excellent26-09-1980 27-10-1981 Favourable25-11-1982 21-12-1983 Favourable24-01-1986 02-02-1987 Favourable19-06-1988 01-07-1989 Favourable20-07-1990 14-08-1991 Excellent11-09-1992 12-10-1993 Favourable10-11-1994 06-12-1995 Favourable08-01-1998 25-05-1998 Favourable09-09-1998 12-01-1999 Favourable03-06-2000 16-06-2001 Favourable06-07-2002 30-07-2003 Excellent29-08-2004 28-09-2005 Favourable29-10-2006 22-11-2007 Favourable

Favourable Periods for House Construction

Considering the fourth lord, benefic planets with aspect on fourth house or fourth lord and other factors, thefollowing dasa/apahara periods are found favourable for construction of house.Analysis for age 15 to age 80.

Dasa Apahara Period start Period End Analysis

Rahu Kuja 31-12-1981 19-01-1983 FavourableGuru Kuja 19-09-1995 25-08-1996 FavourableSani Kuja 23-07-2011 31-08-2012 FavourableBudha Kuja 20-07-2026 17-07-2027 Favourable

Considering the transit of Jupiter on various houses, the following periods are found to be favourable for House

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Period start Period End Analysis

25-11-1982 21-12-1983 Favourable24-01-1986 02-02-1987 Favourable19-06-1988 01-07-1989 Favourable20-07-1990 14-08-1991 Excellent11-09-1992 12-10-1993 Favourable10-11-1994 06-12-1995 Favourable08-01-1998 25-05-1998 Favourable09-09-1998 12-01-1999 Favourable03-06-2000 16-06-2001 Favourable06-07-2002 30-07-2003 Excellent29-08-2004 28-09-2005 Favourable29-10-2006 22-11-2007 Favourable02-05-2009 30-07-2009 Favourable21-12-2009 02-05-2010 Favourable02-11-2010 06-12-2010 Favourable18-05-2012 31-05-2013 Favourable20-06-2014 14-07-2015 Excellent12-08-2016 12-09-2017 Favourable12-10-2018 29-03-2019 Favourable24-04-2019 05-11-2019 Favourable07-04-2021 14-09-2021 Favourable22-11-2021 13-04-2022 Favourable02-05-2024 15-05-2025 Favourable19-10-2025 05-12-2025 Excellent

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AshtakaVarga Predictions

Ashtakavarga Ashtakavarga system is a predictive method of Indian Astrology that uses a system of points based upon planetarypositions. Ashtakavarga means eightfold categorization. It depicts eightfold strength of planets excluding the nodesof the Moon but including the ascendant. It is worked out according to certain well-established rules for measuringthe planetary strength. The strength of each planet and the power and intensity of their influence depends upon thelocation of other planets and the ascendant in relation to it. Eight full points are assigned to each planet. They canobtain strength varying from zero to 8 points which, plotted on different signs in a chart, determine the possibility ofa transiting planet in inducing auspicious or other effects during its sojourn in a particular sign. Events and theirtimings are to a large extent determined by the positioning of particular points. Depending on their negative orpositive influences the native can take remedial measures or pre-empt unpleasant possibilities, just by being aware ofthe likely consequences. To be forewarned is to be forearmed --- the planets are one of the best guides to helpcondition mans mind to the possibilities of his future.

Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Total

Mesha 3 3 6 5 4 5 0 26Vrishabha 4 5 3 4 4 6 5 31Mithuna 6 6 3 5 3 2 5 30Karkata 3 5 5 2 4 3 3 25Simha 3 3 5 4 3 7 3 28Kanya 5 4 6 6 2 6 2* 31Tula 5 6 6 5 4 3 4 33Vrischika 4 6* 4 5 4 6 7 36Dhanu 2 3 4* 6* 2 4 3 24Makara 5* 2 4 3 4* 6 3 27Kumbha 5 3 4 3 2 6* 2 25Meena 4 2 4 4 3 2 2 21

49 48 54 52 39 56 39 337

* - Planetary Position. Lagna in Simha. Moon's Ashtakavarga Rare is one who is showered with the courage that radiates from moral uprightness. The moon's ashtakavarga havingfive Bindus in your chart will charge you with the guts to always take the moral high ground. This will give you aclear conscience and you will be at peace with yourself. Sun's Ashtakavarga Fortunate to have the influence of the six Bindus present in the suns ashtakavarga, you will be bestowed with goodlooks and a charming demeanor. Your winning manner will give you plenty of friends and well wishers. Your wealthand fortune will be of decent proportions and you will earn good fame for your deeds. Mercury's Ashtakavarga The presence of four Bindus in Mercury's ashtakavarga does not bode well for employment or career success. Thisbeing just an indicator, you would do well to work on your chances and make the most of available opportunities aswell as consolidate existing positions if any so as to mitigate the unfavourable effects of your planetary positions. Ifloss of occupation becomes inevitable, cultivate the mental strength to overcome the situation.

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Venus' Ashtakavarga

There is something about you that attracts the association of a variety of wonderful persons. That something is thepresence of six Bindus that occur in Venus' ashtakavarga on your chart. Your magnetic personality will draw theminto your fold. This could serve you well if you handle your charms in the right way. Mars' Ashtakavarga You are fortunate to have the presence of four Bindus in the ashtakavarga of Mars on your chart. This positioninghelps to mitigate the detrimental effects of the planets endowing you with equal proportions of good and badfortune.You may not have the chance for excessive jubilation but neither will you sink into the abyss of deepsorrow. Jupiter's Ashtakavarga The godess of wealth does not cease to smile on your fortunes. You are so blessed with the unusual presence of sixBindus in Jupiter's ashtakavarga that you are unlikely to ever experience lack of money or vehicles. The best of bothwill always be at your service. Saturn's Ashtakavarga At some point in your life there may come a time when the chances of imprisonment will loom large. You should becareful while brushing with the authorities as the presence of two Bindus in Saturn's ashtakavarga indicates thelikelihood of incarceration. You are also prone to ill-health. It would be prudent to look after your health and keepofficial documentation up- to-date to avoid punishment.

Sarvashtakavarga Predictions The proliferation of maximum bindus in your chart appears in Karkata to Tula signifying the years of youth. Yourcareer path appears to take off to unexpected heights. Academic and personal aspirations will get a head start duringthis stage of life and happiness and prosperity seem to be at the peak. Destiny may never allow you to experience theworries of unemplyment and academic tensions. Domestic bliss will also come seeking you. At the age corresponding to the figures in the signs occupied by Jupiter, Venus and Mercury..your fortune turns forthe better . Your educational ambitions will materialise and you could acquire that coveted seat for highereducation if you have been aspiring towards that. Your future looks set to take off on the path to wealth, recognitionand fame for your professional accomplishments . Personal life will also match up giving you the ideal mate andmarital togetherness will bring much joy . Your life with progeny also appears blessed. This is the stage of life thatwill be one of the most rewarding for you. In your case this special periods comes in your 25 and 24 years of age.

With best wishes : Astro-Vision Futuretech Pvt.Ltd.First Floor, White Tower, Kuthappadi Road, Thammanam P.O - 682032



This report is based on the data provided by you and the best possible research support we have received so far. Wedo not assume any responsibility for the accuracy or the effect of any decision that may be taken on the basis of thisreport.