Matter – anything that has mass and takes up space Mass – the amount of matter the object...

Post on 28-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Matter – anything that has mass and takes up space Mass – the amount of matter the object...

Matter – anything that has mass and takes up space

Mass – the amount of matter the object contains

Everything is made up of matter Substance contain only one type of

matter; it is uniform and definite in composition.

Example: table sugar vs. lemonade


Can it be physically separated?

Homogeneous Mixture


Heterogeneous Mixture Compound Element


yes no

Can it be chemically decomposed?

noyesIs the composition uniform?


Colloids Suspensions


› graphite

› pepper

› sugar (sucrose)

› paint

› soda


hetero. mixture


hetero. mixture


Matter that has a uniform and definite composition

Element› composed of identical atoms› EX: copper wire, aluminum foil


› composed of 2 or more elements in a fixed ratio

› properties differ from those of individual elements

› EX: table salt (NaCl)

For example…

Two different compounds, each has a definite composition.

Variable combination of 2 or more pure substances.

Heterogeneous Homogeneous

Disperses Light


A physical blend of two or more substances.

Types of Mixtures:1. Homogeneous ( Solution)2. Heterogeneous


One that has a completely uniform composition

→ components are evenly distributed throughout the sample ex. Salt solution

→ it has a single phase


One that is not uniform in composition

→ has two or more phases

Ex. Oil and water, salad, milk


Filtration: process of removing suspended solids from water by passing it through a permeable fabric (filter paper


Distillation: a liquid is boiled to produce a vapor that is then condensed again to a liquid


Magnetism: used to separate metals from non-metals.

Ex. A mixture of iron filings and sulfur. - The iron filings will be attracted to the magnet.


Chromatography: technique used in separating mixtures that are or can be colored (pigments).


Solubility: property used to distinguish one substance from another. This is a very useful technique.

Evaporation: a useful method of separation a solid mixed into a liquid. The liquid if boiled will turn into its gaseous phase.

Solution› homogeneous› very small particles› No Tyndall effect

Tyndall Effect

particles don’t settle EX: rubbing alcohol

Colloid› heterogeneous› medium-sized particles› Tyndall effect› particles don’t settle› EX: milk

Suspension› heterogeneous› large particles› particles settle› EX: fresh-squeezed



› mayonnaise

› muddy water

› fog

› saltwater

› Italian salad dressing






Solid – definite shape & definite volume; particles are packed closely together

Liquid – definite volume, but takes the shape of the container; particles close, but able to move around. Liquids flow, almost incompressible and expand when heated.

Gas – indefinite shape & volume; particles are spread far apart. Gases expand to completely fill the container


Property Solid Liquid Gas

Shape Definite Indefinite Indefinite

Volume Definite Definite Indefinite

Expansion on heating

Very slight

Moderate Great

Compressibility Nil Almost nil Large



Closely packed

Moderate -


Far apart

(move freely)

Physical Property – a quality or condition of a substance that can be observed or measured without changing the substances composition- color solubility, odor, hardness, density, melting point, boiling point, physical state- physical properties are used to identify unknown substances

A change that does not alter the chemical composition

- Cutting, grinding, bending, temperature change


Freezing: liquid→ solid

Melting: solid → liquid

Evaporation: liquid → gas

Condensation: gas → liquid

Sublimation: solid → gas

Ability of a substance to undergo a chemical reaction and to form new substances.

Example: Rusting is a chemical property of iron.

odor, production of a gas or solid from a liquid

Something NEW is created!!


Extensive properties: physical properties that depend on the amount of substance present ex. mass, length

Intensive properties: physical properties that are not dependent on the amount of substance present ex. Density, melting point


Density depends ONLY on the composition of a substance and NOT the size of the sample

A substance floats because its less dense than its counterparts

A substance sinks because its more dense than its counterparts

Pg 69 Table 3.7 Densities of Common Metals


The ratio of the mass of an object to its volume.

Density = MassVolume

Units of Density

Solids (g/cm3) liquids (g/mL)

Chemical Symbol – one or two letter’s that represent an element- First letter is always capitalized; the second is always lower case

Chemical Formula – shows the # and type of atoms present

Chemical Reactions – one or more substances change into new substances.

1. Reactants – the starting substances (left side)

2. Products – the substances formed (right side)

Example: Iron + Sulfur → Iron Sulfide

Metals tend to lose electrons and become positive.

Nonmetals tend to gain electrons and become negative.

An ionic compound is formed when a metal combines with a nonmetal. The total charge on any compound is zero.

Ionic bond: held together by opposing electrical charges

Covalent bond: compound is held together by the sharing of the electrons.

In any physical or chemical reaction, mass is neither created nor destroyed; it is conserved.

The mass of the products equals the mass of the reactants.